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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rezidenční strategie Adama Františka ze Schwarzenbergu na příkladu panství Hluboká nad Vltavou počátkem 18. století / Based on the Example of the Hluboká nad Vltavou Manor, Adam Franz of Schwarzenberg´s Residential Strategy at the Beginning of the 18th Century

IVANEGA, Jan January 2012 (has links)
The Thesis Based on the Example of the Hluboká nad Vltavou Manor, Adam Franz of Schwarzenberg´s Residential Strategy at the Beginning of the 18th Century deals with research of usage ways of the Hluboká nad Vltavou manor in the era of Adam Franz of Schwarzenberg. The core of the debate is the commentary on the three mansions demonstrably used by the aristocracy ? the Hluboká nad Vltavou castle, Ohrada hunting mansion, and Libníč spa complex. The study, built up on the analysis of correspodence, prime-source plan and accounting documents, has proved that the Hluboká nad Vltavou manor was the main Czech property of the family before inheriting Eggenberg´s property in 1719. Its importance, given among others by the geographical position, was emphasized by building of the Ohrada hunting mansion. This served, among others, as a storage of hunting tools that were demonstrably used in other South Bohemian manors as well. I consider extensive adjustments of the castle area as further evidence of the prominent status of the Hluboká nad Vltavou Castle; especially building of the votive chapel in the expanded Libníč spa that served to the inhabitants of all the concerned manors. After gaining Eggenber property, the centre of Schwarzenberg´s stays in South Bohemia moved to Český Krumlov; and the Hluboká mansion lost its priviliged status after Adam František of Schwarzenberg´s death.

Česká sakrální architektura v letech 1900 - 1950 v mezinárodním kontextu / Czech Sacral Architecture between 1900 - 1950 in International Context

Obrtlík, Jan January 2018 (has links)
The thesis deals with the history and the interpretation of the development of sacral architecture during the first half of the twentieth century. It interprets the topic in a broad framework, which mentions the historical preconditions of this development and in the most important cases also its international relations. The introductional chapters list all up-to-date publications to the topic and suggest certain means of interpretation of sacral architecture which reflects the natural division of this topic between the disciplines of architectural theory and religion science. The own thesis begins with characteristics of social and religious situation in the Austria-Hungary and its consequences of sacral architectural development. It mentions basic examples of sacral buildings and the measure of their relation to the contemporary architectural development in general. Subsequently it mentions transformational influence of World War I and of declaration of souverain Czechoslovakia, which led to the emergence of new churches with their own architectural ambitions and also to the focus shifting of discipline to new contemporary topics. It follows the parallels with contemporary architectural trends of 1920's and the level of their use in the specific field of religious buildings also in relation to individual churches with their different architectural developments. Further it mentions sacral building development in 1930's with the emphasis in relation to the contemporary social atmosphere and in accent transformation between conservative and progressive religious approach. Than it follows with a review of religious culture transformation during World War II in Protectorate Czech Moravia and shows particularity of unnumerous examples of church buildings and projects from this era. The final part than reflects the evolution of the social role of religion after the War as well as an influence of communist coup in 1948 at potential of sacral architecture. It states the negative influence of both totalitarian regimes on the quality of sacral buildings of following period and on a poor measure of disciplines theoretical knowledge, which among others results in unsufficient primary sources, from which this thesis would likely have taken. Even when this thesis have not and cannot have an ambition of full exploration of the topic, it presents the factography and collecion of interpretations, by means of which the significant gap in the historiography of 20th century Czech sacral architecture can be at least partially bridged.

Katedrála v současnosti / Cathedral today

Kovář, Martin January 2020 (has links)
The content of the work is ideas solution for the roof of the Notre-Dame in Paris, after the destroying fire in 2019. Main idea is to create garret space for spiritual people, which used to meet, study and pray without the contact with the tourists and fill in the gap after the old tower above the crossing. Concept based on the original garret, which was only for service. The idea is coming especially from the simplicity and effectivity of the old garret and pointing on some of his elements. Space under the roof should be simple according to the first floor of the cathedral. The function is reflecting simplicity of the spaces with the respect to historical cathedral. Garret is designed for spiritual people, who are working in Notre-Dame and makes a space for them, which will be calm place for meditation. For this purpose are there cells for individual studying, library, common space and chapel. Connecting and meeting point in the same time between the ground, garett and higher power is sanctuary. This part is getting light to the ground floor.

Architektonická studie sakrálního objektu a komunitního centra Salesiánského Brno - Líšeň / druhá etapa / Architectural study of the sacral object Brno - Líšeň

Hrubjaková, Petra January 2021 (has links)
By entering the diploma thesis is to create an architectural study of the sacral object and the Salesian community center in Brno - Líšeň. The first mention of the creating church appeared in 1987 and because of this reason Salesians came to this city, they focus on working with children and youth, according to Don Bosca. Their method od education was reflected in the overall project concept. The building will be linked to the existing object of the Salesian Youth Center, but it will also serve for a wider circle of believers. The consecration of the church will be a third divine person - the Holy Spirit. The object will be on the Horníková ulica, on the parcels no. 5037/30,32. On the plot with parc. No.5037/32 is currently a building, that is the property of the Nadácia pre radosť, and it will by removed during construction. The proposal is based on urban analyzes performed and responds to the surrounding buildings. It also affects the conditions of the building plot and uses terrain sloping. The proposal consists of one object that includes a church with a capacity for 400 seat and 100-standing persons with chorus, sacristy, adoration chapel and technical and hygienic backgrounds. Furthermore, there is a educational/multifunction room, workshop and store of religious products, farther the parish part with the apartments, office for priests and underground garage. In addition to the building, there was created paved areas for pedestrian which responding to existing communications. Due to the removal of the parking lot in the northern part of the solved territory, the existing parking lot was extended on the south side and there was also created a new communication for cars, which connects the Northern Street Horníková with Western. In this communication, it is necessary to create a suitable road signage to prevent the supply of vehicles and it must not be used as an abbreviation in the traffic jam at the 2nd grade road communication.

Architektonická studie sakrálního objektu a komunitního centra Salesiánského Brno - Líšeň / druhá etapa / Architectural study of the sacral object Brno - Líšeň / second stage

Prokopová, Kateřina January 2021 (has links)
The topic of the diploma thesis is the elaboration of the design of a new sacral building in Brno-Líšeň. The church building is complemented by a spiritual center with facilities. The church is to serve not only the contemporary Salesian community, but also to be open to a wider circle of believers. It is a slightly sloping plot in the middle of a panel building between the polyclinic building and the building of the Salesian Youth Center (= Salesko). Salesko is a non-profit organization whose mission is to accompany children and young people on their journey to adulthood and contribute to their physical, mental and spiritual development. The center builds on the preventive pedagogical system of Don Bosco, the founder of the Salesians. The idea is based on the main essence of the Salesians - home, family background, community. The design processes several interconnected operations into one complete unit with a common entrance atrium. The floor plan of the objects imitates the letter U, which means openness to the surrounding world, while also providing a certain background - safety. The buildings are single-storey, only the liturgical space itself, formed by a circular floor plan, forms a dominant dominant with a bell tower. Part of the design is the solution of parking spaces and free outdoor areas. From the urban point of view, emphasis is placed on walking accessibility, at the same time barrier-free access and use of the building is ensured.

Architektonická studie sakrálního objektu a komunitního centra Salesiánského Brno - Líšeň / druhá etapa / Architectural study of the sacral object Brno - Líšeň / second stage

Šebela, Vojtěch January 2021 (has links)
The topic of the diploma thesis is the design of the Roman Catholic Church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit in Brno Líšeň. The building will complement the needs of the Salesian community, which has been operating in the nearby Salesko youth house for almost 30 years and focuses on educating young people using methods from Don Bosco. The design of the church also envisages the construction of facilities for parishioners and accommodation for Salesians. It should also serve not only the current community, but also the general public. The design offers a solution how to modernize a building of these dimensions into an urban complex such as a housing estate in modern times. All this with an emphasis on minimizing the negative impacts on existing residents who use the surrounding areas for recreation. The building will consist of two functional units. The first will consist of a church building with a capacity of 300 seated and 100 standing parishioners. The second part will be a parish center with a community hall for 100 people. There will also be apartments for priests, a hobby workshop and parish offices.

Metodická studie k bilaterálnímu výzkumnému projektu Vzájemné vztahy sakrální architektury 13. století v českých a rakouských zemích. / Methodical study for a bilateral research project about the mutual relationship in the sacral architecture of the 13. century in the Bohemian and Austrian lands.

Scholz, Stefan January 2018 (has links)
Stefan SCHOLZ Methodical study to the bilateral research project about mutual relationship of sacral architecture of the 13. century in the bohemian and austrian lands Abstract: To begin with the basic conditions for the interdisciplinarity and internationality of the whole research, and the necessity of a parallel survey on the profane level, will be defined. Then the main subject of the project will be linked to a wider context of the Central European integration processes in the early and high middle ages - from there results the necessity of secondary studies on Central European long term basic structures and framework developments from the 10th to the mid 13th century, as well as of historiographic context-studies to the reign of King Otakar Přemysl II. (1252- 1278). In this way the core the project will be defined: the forms of expression of the Central European integration processes in sacral and profane architecture and the settlement, urban, social and legal patterns in the bohemian, moravian, silesian and austrian towns, above all in the 3rd quarter of the 13th century. The relative chronological system of the main stylistic streams and positions of the middle european sacral architecture in 13. century shows many contrasts between the impacts of french and burgundian gothic style, the...

Památková péče o drobnou barokní sakrální architekturu na příkladu regionu Českolipska / The cultural heritage, care and conservation of the small baroque sacral architecture explained by an example of the district Česká Lípa

Klapetková, Jana January 2012 (has links)
v anglickém jazyce The purpose of the thesis is a cultural heritage management of the small baroque sacral buildings, which has passed unnoticed for a longer period of time. As a model region is chosen the district Ceska Lipa. First, in this thesis is briefly summarized the history of district Ceska Lipa since the 18th century. Then the thesis describes various factors which have had an influence on the local monuments. Particularly the regional factors which are responsible for the heritage damage and also the conditions and institutions participating in the heritage preservation and documentation. Next, the overview of typology and terminology of a small sacral architecture is also covered. The major part of this thesis is a catalogue of explored monuments in different villages or small towns including the village/ town history and the art historic establishment of the monuments. This part is also focused on the documentation and comments of the current preservation of each building. The recommendation of preservation is proposed herein as a potential way of monument restoration. Finally, the research outcomes are discussed with regard to a possible management and future exploring.

Architektonická studie sakrálního objektu Brno - Líšeň / Architectural study of the sacral object Brno - Líšeň

Křenková, Anna January 2020 (has links)
The assignment of this diploma thesis is design proposal of a new roman catholic church and parsonage with parish centre inside stabilised existing development of slab block housing estate in Nová Líšeň, Brno. The need for church has emerged shortly after completion of the housing development and intensified alongside the growth of believer community created around Salesian centre that has been active in the area since 90’s and focuses on upbringing of youngsters through Don Bosco’s educating methods. Masses have been held so far in the gym of the Salesian centre with about 250 Sunday visitors. The church ought to be designed near the centre and dedicated to Holy spirit so that it serves both community and wider range of believers at the housing estate. The thesis deals with church, parsonage with parish centre and housing development relationship. It’s attempting to answer the question how the church connects to the housing estate and communicates its mission to its surroundings. The design proposal is based on urban context analysis, analysis of Salesian congregation and conditions of the building plot. The composition consists of two functional parts that are connected. First part consists of the church building design with 300 seated and 100 standing visitors capacity per mass and technical support areas. Second functional part is made of the parish centre with community hall for 100 people, educational room, parish offices and accommodation for members of congregation. The design content is supplemented with design of semi-public space, solution to traffic service and parking and design of parish orchard.

Architektonická studie sakrálního objektu Brno - Líšeň / Architectural study of the sacral object Brno - Live /Líšeň/

Malečková, Kateřina January 2020 (has links)
The topic of this diploma thesis is design processing of a new sacral building in Brno-Líšeň district. It is a plot in the middle of a panel building between the health centre building and the building of the Salesian Youth Center, so-called Salesko. The Salesian community, which will use the building the most, has been waiting for the realization of this building for many years. The key theme is the creation of spaces enabling people to meet for worship, celebrations and social events. The design is processed by two interconnected operations - the building of the Church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit and the building of clergy house. The basic composition consists of three cubic masses - the entrance, the main liturgical space and the clergy house. The bell tower is the height dominant feature which indicates the sacral function of the building. The project consists a set of buildings with two above-ground floors and a basement in the entrance part of the church. This project also mentions the solution of open spaces around the plot and their conversion into quality public areas, marginally. The sacral space is to become a place that welcomes and takes in its visitors and gives them the feeling of safety. Inside this building, people will find peace, support and undestarstanding, so they may leave with the feeling of being a better person.

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