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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A hierarchical approach for solving the large-scale traveling salesman problem

Figueras, Anthony L. 06 April 1994 (has links)
An algorithm for solving the large-scale Traveling Salesman Problem is presented. Research into past work in the area of Hopfield neural network use in solving the Traveling Salesman Problem has yielded design ideas that have been incorporated into this work. The algorithm consists of an unsupervised learning algorithm and a recursive Hopfield neural network. The unsupervised learning algorithm was used to decompose the problem into clusters. The recursive Hopfield neural network was applied to the centroids of the clusters, then to the cities in each cluster, in order to find an optimal path. An improvement in both computation speed and solution accuracy is shown by the proposed algorithm over the straight use of the Hopfield neural network.

Multiobjective Traveling Salesman Problems and Redundancy of Complete Sets / Mehrkriterielle Traveling Salesman Probleme und Redundanz vollständiger Mengen

Witek, Maximilian January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
The first part of this thesis deals with the approximability of the traveling salesman problem. This problem is defined on a complete graph with edge weights, and the task is to find a Hamiltonian cycle of minimum weight that visits each vertex exactly once. We study the most important multiobjective variants of this problem. In the multiobjective case, the edge weights are vectors of natural numbers with one component for each objective, and since weight vectors are typically incomparable, the optimal Hamiltonian cycle does not exist. Instead we consider the Pareto set, which consists of those Hamiltonian cycles that are not dominated by some other, strictly better Hamiltonian cycles. The central goal in multiobjective optimization and in the first part of this thesis in particular is the approximation of such Pareto sets. We first develop improved approximation algorithms for the two-objective metric traveling salesman problem on multigraphs and for related Hamiltonian path problems that are inspired by the single-objective Christofides' heuristic. We further show arguments indicating that our algorithms are difficult to improve. Furthermore we consider multiobjective maximization versions of the traveling salesman problem, where the task is to find Hamiltonian cycles with high weight in each objective. We generalize single-objective techniques to the multiobjective case, where we first compute a cycle cover with high weight and then remove an edge with low weight in each cycle. Since weight vectors are often incomparable, the choice of the edges of low weight is non-trivial. We develop a general lemma that solves this problem and enables us to generalize the single-objective maximization algorithms to the multiobjective case. We obtain improved, randomized approximation algorithms for the multiobjective maximization variants of the traveling salesman problem. We conclude the first part by developing deterministic algorithms for these problems. The second part of this thesis deals with redundancy properties of complete sets. We call a set autoreducible if for every input instance x we can efficiently compute some y that is different from x but that has the same membership to the set. If the set can be split into two equivalent parts, then it is called weakly mitotic, and if the splitting is obtained by an efficiently decidable separator set, then it is called mitotic. For different reducibility notions and complexity classes, we analyze how redundant its complete sets are. Previous research in this field concentrates on polynomial-time computable reducibility notions. The main contribution of this part of the thesis is a systematic study of the redundancy properties of complete sets for typical complexity classes and reducibility notions that are computable in logarithmic space. We use different techniques to show autoreducibility and mitoticity that depend on the size of the complexity class and the strength of the reducibility notion considered. For small complexity classes such as NL and P we use self-reducible, complete sets to show that all complete sets are autoreducible. For large complexity classes such as PSPACE and EXP we apply diagonalization methods to show that all complete sets are even mitotic. For intermediate complexity classes such as NP and the remaining levels of the polynomial-time hierarchy we establish autoreducibility of complete sets by locally checking computational transcripts. In many cases we can show autoreducibility of complete sets, while mitoticity is not known to hold. We conclude the second part by showing that in some cases, autoreducibility of complete sets at least implies weak mitoticity. / Der erste Teil dieser Arbeit widmet sich der Approximierbarkeit des Traveling Salesman Problems, bei welchem man in vollständigen Graphen mit Kantengewichten eine Rundreise mit minimalem Gewicht sucht. Es werden die wichtigsten mehrkriteriellen Varianten dieses Problems betrachtet, bei denen die Kantengewichte aus Vektoren natürlicher Zahlen mit einer Komponente pro Kriterium bestehen. Verschiedene Rundreisen sind bei mehrkriteriellen Kantengewichten häufig unvergleichbar, und dementsprechend existiert oft keine eindeutige optimale Rundreise. Stattdessen fasst man jene Rundreisen, zu denen jeweils keine eindeutig bessere Rundreise existiert, zu der sogenannten Pareto-Menge zusammen. Die Approximation solcher Pareto-Mengen ist die zentrale Aufgabe in der mehrkriteriellen Optimierung und in diesem Teil der Arbeit. Durch Techniken, die sich an Christofides' Heuristik aus der einkriteriellen Approximation orientieren, werden zunächst verbesserte Approximationsalgorithmen für das zweikriterielle metrische Traveling Salesman Problem auf Multigraphen und für analog definierte Hamiltonpfadprobleme entwickelt. Außerdem werden Argumente gegen eine signifikante Verbesserung dieser Algorithmen aufgezeigt. Weiterhin werden mehrkriterielle Maximierungsvarianten des Traveling Salesman Problems betrachtet, bei denen man Rundreisen mit möglichst großem Gewicht in jedem Kriterium sucht. Es werden einkriterielle Techniken auf den mehrkriteriellen Fall übertragen, bei denen man zunächst eine Kreisüberdeckung mit hohem Gewicht berechnet und anschließend pro Kreis die Kante mit dem niedrigsten Gewicht löscht. Die Auswahl einer solchen Kante pro Kreis ist im mehrkriteriellen Fall nicht trivial, weil mehrkriterielle Gewichtsvektoren häufig unvergleichbar sind. Es wird ein allgemeines Lemma entwickelt, welches dieses Problem löst und damit eine Übertragung der einkriteriellen Maximierungsalgorithmen auf den mehrkriteriellen Fall ermöglicht. Dadurch ergeben sich verbesserte, randomisierte Approximationsalgorithmen für die mehrkriteriellen Maximierungsvarianten des Traveling Salesman Problems. Abschließend werden zu diesen Problemvarianten deterministische Algorithmen entwickelt. Der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit widmet sich Redundanzeigenschaften vollständiger Mengen. Eine Menge heißt autoreduzierbar, wenn zu jeder Instanz x eine von x verschiedene Instanz y mit der gleichen Zugehörigkeit zu der Menge effizient berechnet werden kann. Ist die Menge in zwei äquivalente Teile aufspaltbar, so heißt sie schwach mitotisch, und ist diese Aufspaltung durch einen effizient entscheidbaren Separator erreichbar, so heißt sie mitotisch. Zu verschiedenen Reduktionen und Komplexitätsklassen wird die Frage betrachtet, wie redundant ihre vollständigen Mengen sind. Während sich vorherige Forschung in diesem Gebiet hauptsächlich auf Polynomialzeitreduktionen konzentriert, liefert diese Arbeit eine systematische Analyse der Redundanzeigenschaften vollständiger Mengen für typische Komplexitätsklassen und solche Reduktionen, die sich in logarithmischem Raum berechnen lassen. Je nach Größe der Komplexitätsklasse und Stärke der Reduktion werden dabei verschiedene Techniken eingesetzt. Für kleine Komplexitätsklassen wie beispielsweise NL und P werden selbstreduzierbare, vollständige Mengen benutzt, um Autoreduzierbarkeit aller vollständigen Mengen nachzuweisen, während für große Komplexitätsklassen wie beispielsweise PSPACE und EXP Diagonalisierungsmethoden sogar die Mitotizität vollständiger Mengen zeigen. Für dazwischen liegende Komplexitätsklassen wie beispielsweise NP und die übrigen Level der Polynomialzeithierarchie wird Autoreduzierbarkeit vollständiger Mengen über lokales Testen von Berechnungstranskripten gezeigt. Während in vielen Fällen Autoreduzierbarkeit vollständiger Mengen gezeigt werden kann, bleibt häufig die Frage offen, ob diese Mengen auch mitotisch sind. Abschließend wird gezeigt, dass in einigen Fällen Autoreduzierbarkeit vollständiger Mengen zumindest schwache Mitotizität impliziert.

An Effective Hybrid Genetic Algorithm with Priority Selection for the Traveling Salesman Problem

Hu, Je-wei 07 September 2007 (has links)
Traveling salesman problem (TSP) is a well-known NP-hard problem which can not be solved within a polynomial bounded computation time. However, genetic algorithm (GA) is a familiar heuristic algorithm to obtain near-optimal solutions within reasonable time for TSPs. In TSPs, the geometric properties are problem specific knowledge can be used to enhance GAs. Some tour segments (edges) of TSPs are fine while some maybe too long to appear in a short tour. Therefore, this information can help GAs to pay more attention to fine tour segments and without considering long tour segments as often. Consequently, we propose a new algorithm, called intelligent-OPT hybrid genetic algorithm (IOHGA), to exploit local optimal tour segments and enhance the searching process in order to reduce the execution time and improve the quality of the offspring. The local optimal tour segments are assigned higher priorities for the selection of tour segments to be appeared in a short tour. By this way, tour segments of a TSP are divided into two separate sets. One is a candidate set which contains the candidate fine tour segments and the other is a non-candidate set which contains non-candidate fine tour segments. According to the priorities of tour segments, we devise two genetic operators, the skewed production (SP) and the fine subtour crossover (FSC). Besides, we combine the traditional GA with 2-OPT local search algorithm but with some modifications. The modified 2-OPT is named the intelligent OPT (IOPT). Simulation study was conducted to evaluate the performance of the IOHGA. The experimental results indicate that generally the IOHGA could obtain near-optimal solutions with less time and higher accuracy than the hybrid genetic algorithm with simulated annealing algorithm and the genetic algorithm using the gene expression algorithm. Thus, the IOHGA is an effective algorithm for solving TSPs. If the case is not focused on the optimal solution, the IOHGA can provide good near-optimal solutions rapidly. Therefore, the IOHGA could be incorporated with some clustering algorithm and applied to mobile agent planning problems (MAP) in a real-time environment.

Dynamic Programming: Salesman to Surgeon

Qian, David January 2013 (has links)
Dynamic Programming is an optimization technique used in computer science and mathematics. Introduced in the 1950s, it has been applied to many classic combinatorial optimization problems, such as the Shortest Path Problem, the Knapsack Problem, and the Traveling Salesman Problem, with varying degrees of practical success. In this thesis, we present two applications of dynamic programming to optimization problems. The first application is as a method to compute the Branch-Cut-and-Price (BCP) family of lower bounds for the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP), and several vehicle routing problems that generalize it. We then prove that the BCP family provides a set of lower bounds that is at least as strong as the Approximate Linear Program (ALP) family of lower bounds for the TSP. The second application is a novel dynamic programming model used to determine the placement of cuts for a particular form of skull surgery called Cranial Vault Remodeling.

Apply algorithm of changes to solve traveling salesman problem

Chio, Chou Hei January 2011 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Science and Technology / Department of Mathematics

Solving Traveling Salesman Problem With a non-complete Graph

Emami Taba, Mahsa Sadat January 2009 (has links)
One of the simplest, but still NP-hard, routing problems is the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). In the TSP, one is given a set of cities and a way of measuring the distance between cities. One has to find the shortest tour that visits all cities exactly once and returns back to the starting city. In state-of-the-art algorithms, they all assume that a complete graph is given as an input. However, for very large graphs, generating all edges in a complete graph, which corresponds to finding shortest paths for all city pairs, could be time-consuming. This is definitely a major obstacle for some real-life applications, especially when the tour needs to be generated in real-time. The objective, in this thesis, is to find a near-optimal TSP tour with a reduced set of edges in the complete graph. In particular, the following problems are investigated: which subset of edges can be produced in a shorter time comparing to the time for generating the complete graph? Is there a subset of edges in the complete graph that results in a better near-optimal tour than other sets? With a non-complete graph, which improvement algorithms work better? In this thesis, we study six algorithms to generate subsets of edges in a complete graph. To evaluate the proposed algorithms, extensive experiments are conducted with the well-known TSP data in a TSP library. In these experiments, we evaluate these algorithms in terms of tour quality, time and scalability.

The Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem

Mattsson, Per January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is a survey on the approximability of the asymmetric traveling salesmanproblem with triangle inequality (ATSP).In the ATSP we are given a set of cities and a function that gives the cost of travelingbetween any pair of cities. The cost function must satisfy the triangle inequality, i.e.the cost of traveling from city A to city B cannot be larger than the cost of travelingfrom A to some other city C and then to B. However, we allow the cost function tobe asymmetric, i.e. the cost of traveling from city A to city B may not equal the costof traveling from B to A. The problem is then to find the cheapest tour that visit eachcity exactly once. This problem is NP-hard, and thus we are mainly interested in approximationalgorithms. We study the repeated cycle cover heuristic by Frieze et al. We alsostudy the Held-Karp heuristic, including the recent result by Asadpour et al. that givesa new upper bound on the integrality gap. Finally we present the result ofPapadimitriou and Vempala which shows that it is NP-hard to approximate the ATSP with a ratio better than 117/116.

Parallelization strategies for the ant system

Bullnheimer, Bernd, Kotsis, Gabriele, Strauß, Christine January 1997 (has links) (PDF)
The Ant System is a new meta-heuristic method particularly appropriate to solve hard combinatorial optimization problems. It is a population-based, nature-inspired approach exploiting positive feedback as well as local information and has been applied successfully to a variety of combinatorial optimization problem classes. The Ant System consists of a set of cooperating agents (artificial ants) and a set of rules that determine the generation, update and usage of local and global information in order to find good solutions. As the structure of the Ant System highly suggests a parallel implementation of the algorithm, in this paper two parallelization strategies for an Ant System implementation are developed and evaluated: the synchronous parallel algorithm and the partially asynchronous parallel algorithm. Using the Traveling Salesman Problem a discrete event simulation is performed, and both strategies are evaluated on the criteria "speedup", "efficiency" and "efficacy". Finally further improvements for an advanced parallel implementation are discussed. (author's abstract) / Series: Report Series SFB "Adaptive Information Systems and Modelling in Economics and Management Science"

Solving Traveling Salesman Problem With a non-complete Graph

Emami Taba, Mahsa Sadat January 2009 (has links)
One of the simplest, but still NP-hard, routing problems is the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). In the TSP, one is given a set of cities and a way of measuring the distance between cities. One has to find the shortest tour that visits all cities exactly once and returns back to the starting city. In state-of-the-art algorithms, they all assume that a complete graph is given as an input. However, for very large graphs, generating all edges in a complete graph, which corresponds to finding shortest paths for all city pairs, could be time-consuming. This is definitely a major obstacle for some real-life applications, especially when the tour needs to be generated in real-time. The objective, in this thesis, is to find a near-optimal TSP tour with a reduced set of edges in the complete graph. In particular, the following problems are investigated: which subset of edges can be produced in a shorter time comparing to the time for generating the complete graph? Is there a subset of edges in the complete graph that results in a better near-optimal tour than other sets? With a non-complete graph, which improvement algorithms work better? In this thesis, we study six algorithms to generate subsets of edges in a complete graph. To evaluate the proposed algorithms, extensive experiments are conducted with the well-known TSP data in a TSP library. In these experiments, we evaluate these algorithms in terms of tour quality, time and scalability.

Solving the Traveling Salesman Problem by Ant Colony Optimization Algorithms with DNA Computing

Huang, Hung-Wei 29 July 2004 (has links)
Previous research on DNA computing has shown that DNA algorithms are useful to solve some combinatorial problems, such as the Hamiltonian path problem and the traveling salesman problem. The basic concept implicit in previous DNA algorithms is the brute force method. That is, all possible solutions are created initially, then inappropriate solutions are eliminated, and finally the remaining solutions are correct or the best ones. However, correct solutions may be destroyed while the procedure is executed. In order to avoid such an error, we recommend combining the conventional concepts of DNA computing with a heuristic optimization method and apply the new approach to design strategies. In this thesis, we present a DNA algorithm based on ant colony optimization (ACO) for solving the traveling salesman problem (TSP). Our method manipulates DNA strands of candidate solutions initially. Even if the correct solutions are destroyed during the process of filtering out, the remaining solutions can be reconstructed and correct solutions can be reformed. After filtering out inappropriate solutions, we employ control of melting temperature to amplify the surviving DNA strings proportionally. The product is used as the input and the iteration is performed repeatedly. Accordingly, the concentration of correct solutions will be increased. Our results agree with that obtained by conventional ant colony optimization algorithms and are better than that obtained by genetic algorithms. The same idea can be applied to design methods for solving other combinatorial problems with DNA computing.

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