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The transition of adult Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) from saltwater to freshwaterBarbour, Andrew J. S. January 1985 (has links)
Aspects of the behaviour of adult Atlantic salmon in estuaries, while on their spawning migration has been investigated using a salinity telemetric system. Eighteen fish were tracked in total in different Scottish estuaries. Studies involving the displacement of salmon from freshwater back into higher salinities on the River North Esk, Montrose showed fast movement through the estuary back into freshwater (5h), movement being initiated by the sensing of low salinities or the start of the flood tide. Tracking in the Dornoch Firth at Bonar Bridge (a channel type estuary) showed fish maintaining one position against both flood and ebb tides, experiencing salinities fluctuating widely about the isosmotic point. The qualitative assessment of salmon on passage through the estuary of the freshwater discharge of a non-natal river was also demonstrated, repeated entries of a very brief nature (21s) being recorded. The position held by salmon whilst on suspended migration in an estuary was recorded, no sampling of the freshwater discharge being undertaken on a tidal basis. The resting metabolic rate of farmed salmon of different stages of sexual development was recorded in saltwater, and on transfer to freshwater. Maturing fish exhibited a raised metabolic rate in saltwater, suggesting increased osmoregulatory costs. This was in contrast to non-maturing fish. The cannulation of wild salmon subjected to fluctuating salinities was undertaken. Plasma electrolyte levels and osmolalities of fish subjected to cyclic salinities were intermediate between salt-adapted and freshwater-adapted values, showing only small fluctuations. An inability to osmoregulate successfully in high salinities following 'stress' events was recorded in maturing farmed and coastally caught wild salmon, suggesting a maladaption to that environment. By contrast, non-maturing farmed salmon exhibited a greater degree of euryhalinity. Examination by electron scanning microscopy of apical pit structure of gill chloride cells supports the idea that increasing maturity or freshwater exposure reduces tolerance to saltwater. It is concluded that Atlantic salmon are euryhaline during at least part of their oceanic feeding phase, and on arrival in coastal waters on the spawning migration require no period of acclimitisation to freshwater. A reduction in tolerance to high salinities linked to advancing maturation/ freshwater exposure would thus serve to ensure river entry.
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Spawning chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) two years in a row : reconditioning for repeated gamete collectionMayer, Kent Corey 16 April 2002 (has links)
Spring chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, in the Snake River Basin
are listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act. The typical life history of spring
chinook salmon is semelparous. An experiment was performed to see if mature male spring
chinook salmon parr could be reconditioned after hand-spawning and spawned in successive
years. The mature male parr were part of a 1997 and 1998 cohort of captive broodstock from
the Grande Ronde River Basin in Oregon. Force-feeding was combined with volitional
feeding in an attempt to inhibit senescence and increase survival time after spawning. The
viscerosomatic index, fat and protein contents increased with survival time after spawning
for both cohorts. There was a significant relationship between percent weight change and
survival time for the 1997 cohort (p<0.001). Force-feeding had no effect on survival time
after spawning for the 1997 cohort (p=0.074) or the 1998 cohort (p=0.178). Fat content,
weight gain and survival time indicated that the reconditioning process was observable in the
1997 cohort at 77 days after spawning and was cyclical, resulting in a physiological response
which allowed male chinook salmon to spawn in successive years. Fertilization trials with
three reconditioned males yielded a fertilization success rate of 96.9% compared to 95.7% for
4-year old, anadromous male spring chinook salmon (p=0.152), measured as production of
eyed-embryos. This experiment provides new knowledge of plasticity in the reproductive
biology of male, stream-type, spring chinook salmon. Reconditioning and spawning male
chinook salmon parr in successive years could be used to help maximize genetic diversity and
aid in the recovery of endangered Oncorhynchus populations. / Graduation date: 2002
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Nutrient linkages between freshwater and marine ecosystems : uptake of salmon-derived nutrients in estuariesChow, Jennifer Kristine 29 October 2008 (has links)
Anadromous Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) return annually from marine ecosystems to their natal freshwater habitat to spawn and die. Runs of spawning salmon provide an important source of nutrients and energy to watersheds. However, in coastal systems, substantial amounts of salmon-derived nutrients can be exported back to estuaries. Human land use, including agriculture and urban development, also contribute substantial nutrients to coastal ecosystems, and have the potential to confound results from salmon-derived nutrient studies.
This thesis examines the influences of spawning salmon and human land use on stream nutrient and particulate dynamics, including export to estuaries. It also investigates the use of the stable isotope composition (δ13C and δ15N) of estuarine clams, the varnish clam (Nuttalia obscurata: Reeve, 1857) and the manila clam (Tapes philippinarum), and their food sources, as indices of the freshwater export of salmon-derived nutrients to estuaries. Samples were collected from three nearby river-estuary systems along Southeast Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Study systems had either a large number of returning salmon and little human land use (Goldstream), few returning
salmon and extensive human land use (Shawnigan), or few returning salmon and little human land use (Holland).
In Goldstream River, high abundance of salmon carcasses increased concentrations of total nitrogen and total phosphorus stream water below a barrier to upstream salmon migration. Carcasses also contributed substantial amounts of organic matter to the stream, as indicated by high δ13C and δ15N, and corresponding low C:N ratios in suspended particulate organic matter. My calculations indicate that between 51-77% of the phosphorus transported upstream by migrating salmon, was exported back to the estuary. Human land use also increased downstream nutrient concentrations and raised baseline δ15N in stream ecosystems, which is cause for concern and caution for salmon-derived nutrient studies in land use-affected watersheds, or in the reverse situation, for anthropogenic nutrient studies in watersheds that support runs of anadromous salmon.
The high δ15N of anthropogenic nitrogen was not evident in the Shawnigan Estuary. In the Goldstream Estuary salmon-derived nutrients appeared to increase the δ15N of clams, and both the δ13C and δ15N of sedimentary organic matter (SOM), with more enrichment in the high intertidal zone near the river mouth, than in the mid-intertidal zone. The stable isotope composition of clams and SOM was relatively constant across the period of salmon spawning and carcass decay, indicating that they may reflect a legacy salmon-derived nutrient input into estuaries.
This study demonstrates that substantial amounts of salmon-derived nutrients are exported back downstream to the Goldstream Estuary where they appear to become integrated into the estuarine food web. Data from a series of estuaries receiving a range of nutrients inputs from salmon is needed to confirm indices of salmon-derived nutrients in estuaries. There is also need for more extensive examination regarding the downstream effects of salmon-derived nutrients in areas such as estuarine productivity, community composition, and positive feedback mechanisms that influence salmon populations. This last area of research is of particular importance considering the high number of salmon stocks at risk in B.C.
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Linking salmon and birds : how salmon-derived nutrients influence the diet and density of birds on streams of the Pacific NorthwestChristie, Katie. 10 April 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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The influence of fall-spawning salmon on growth and production of juvenile coho salmon rearing in beaver ponds on the Copper River Delta, AlaskaLang, Dirk W. 13 June 2003 (has links)
This thesis examined the influence of fall-spawning coho salmon on the
density, growth rate, body condition, and survival to outmigration of juvenile coho
salmon rearing in beaver ponds on the Copper River Delta, Alaska. During the fall of
1999 and 2000 fish rearing in ponds that received spawning salmon were compared to
ponds that did not receive spawners, and to ponds that were artificially enriched with
salmon carcasses and eggs. Juvenile coho salmon responded variably to fall-spawning
salmon. There were no consistent patterns associated with the two naturally occurring
pond types (spawning vs no spawning). In some ponds, fall-spawning salmon
increased growth rates and improved the body condition of juvenile coho salmon.
Enrichment with salmon carcasses and eggs significantly increased growth rates of
fish in non-spawning ponds. For some ponds, the relative influence of spawning and
enrichment on body condition depended on fish size. There was no evidence that the
influence of fall-spawning resulted in greater smolt production. Fall-spawning salmon
provide important food resources that can benefit juvenile coho salmon rearing in
beaver ponds on the Copper River Delta. However, other factors such as nutrients
from riparian vegetation and catchment characteristics that control hydrology and
thermal regimes are important to coho salmon smolt production. / Graduation date: 2004
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Modeling Spawning Habitat Potential for Chum (Onchorhynchus keta) and Pink Salmon (O. gorbuscha) in Relation to Landscape Characteristics in Coastal Southeast AlaskaRomey, Bernard Timothy 30 March 2018 (has links)
In response to the increasing need for ecosystem services throughout the Southeast Alaska region, decision makers are tasked with balancing the need for natural resources with salmon conservation. However, accurate historical and current information on salmonid population abundance, freshwater distribution, and habitat quality are sparse with limited resolution for large portions of this remote and rugged landscape. Here, I created Intrinsic Potential (IP) models for chum and pink salmon to predict the potential for portions of coastal rivers to provide high-quality spawning habitat. I developed IP models for both species from field redd surveys and synthetic habitat variables derived from 1-m resolution digital elevation models. The surveys were performed at 49 study reaches in five coastal drainage basins on the north end of Chichagof Island, Southeast Alaska. I used a spatially balanced random sampling design that included field surveys for redds during two field seasons with contrasting precipitation patterns and disparate adult salmon escapements. The IP models predict probable spawning habitat for both species based on persistent landform characteristics and hydrologic processes that control the formation and distribution of spawning habitat across the landscape. Selection of persistent reach variables for both species IP models was informed by principal component analysis (PCA), resource selection ratios, random forest modeling, and regression models of field and synthetic variable comparisons. I observed primarily one spawning strategy by chum salmon associated with mainstem channels, and two distinct spawning strategies for pink salmon related to small moderate-gradient channels and tributaries, and lower drainage basin mainstem channels. The relationships suggest that chum and pink salmon primarily selected for unconstrained channel types in large-and small-size channels, with chum salmon being more selective toward the larger mainstem channels, and pink salmon selecting for smaller channels and tributaries. The prediction of chum salmon redd presence within a specific reach for both high and low streamflow regimes was explained by channel gradient, floodplain width, and mean annual flow in order of importance. In general, chum salmon redds were observed in larger unconstrained low-gradient floodplain reaches where accumulation of deposited gravels and adequate flow produce habitat heterogeneity suitable for spawning. Pink salmon redd presence for both survey years was explained by channel gradient, reach elevation, and mean annual flow, in order of importance. Specifically, when flows allowed upstream access, spawning pink salmon utilized smaller moderate-gradient channels where substrate size and flows were better suited to their smaller body size. Remotely sensed persistent fish habitat data is valuable information for helping understand fish population distributions across the landscape. These synthetic metrics enabled the identification and evaluation of persistent landscape features as probable predictors of IP. Validation of LiDAR-derived channel characteristics indicated channel lengths measured from the DEM were 12% longer than field measured channel length, primarily for channels wider than 10 meters. Thus, understanding the limitations of the data is important so that decision makers do not unintentionally set unrealistic objectives. This research highlights the utility of using IP models with high resolution remote sensing to expand known distributions and quality of spawning habitat for these two species in Southeast Alaska coastal streams.
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Breeding site selection by coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in relation to large wood additions and factors that drive reproductive successClark, Steven (Steven Michael) 22 March 2013 (has links)
The fitness of female Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) with respect to breeding behavior can be partitioned into at least four components: survival to reproduction, competition for breeding sites, success of egg incubation, and suitability of the local environment near breeding sites for early rearing of juveniles. Accordingly, breeding sites should exhibit predictable habitat features linked to these components. In this study, I evaluated the relative influences of habitat features linked to fitness components on selection of breeding sites by coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). I also evaluated associations between breeding site selection and additions of large wood, as the latter were introduced into the study system as a means of restoring habitat conditions to benefit coho salmon. I used a model selection approach to organize specific habitat features into groupings reflecting fitness components and influences of large wood. The relative likelihood of each of these models was then evaluated based on how coho salmon were observed to select breeding sites. Specific variables examined within these models included depth at the redd, width to depth ratio, stream network location, proximity to other redds, maximum depth, proximity to a pool tail, and the count of naturally occurring and artificially placed large wood. Results of this work suggest that female coho salmon most likely select breeding sites based on habitat features linked to all four hypothesized fitness components. Linkages between large wood and breeding site selection were less clear, likely due to mismatches between the scale at which availability was quantified relative to the geomorphic influences of wood, insufficient time for wood to have geomorphic influences on habitat, or the directionality in which geomorphic effects are currently manifested (i.e., upstream, downstream, or bi-directional influences). Future work focused on geomorphic processes in this system could reveal stronger linkages between instream wood and the habitat features that coho salmon select for breeding. / Graduation date: 2013
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