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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tvorba moderních webových aplikací pomocí SAPUI5 a oDATA služeb

Filipek, Lubomír January 2015 (has links)
The thesis contains comparison JavaScript MVC frameworks. The following is a description of the current system FAIN for the inventory of fixed assets at VUT Brno, describes its shortcomings. It is further explored what is happening in the background on SAP ERP system, where the system FAIN is integrated. Based on these findings, it is designed and implemented OData service at SAP NetWeawer Gateway using ABAP language. And the SAPUI5 application for the inventory of fixed assets, which uses this service. The second designed and implemented SAPUI5 application uses the Northwind OData service. There are described the advantages and disadvantages of SAPUI5 application and previous solution of inventory of fixed assets. In conclusion, there are proposed possible solutions disadvantages of created application.

Využití systému SAP v oblasti business itelligence / Business Intelligence with SAP Systems

Hrnko, Petr January 2008 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá využitím aplikační a integrační platformy SAP NetWeaver 7.0 v oblasti business intelligence a data warehousingu. Hlavním cílem a obsahem této práce je(1) Posoudit, zda je společnost SAP schopna díky akvizici firmy Business Objects splnit své cíle (viz kapitola 5.2.1) a vzájemnou integrací business intelligence (BI) nástrojů posílit svou pozici na tomto trhu a odstranit hlavní nedostatky řešení SAP NetWeaver BI (viz kapitola 4.2). (2) Vzájemně, na základě předem zvolených parametrů, porovnat business intelligence nástroje společnosti SAP a Business Objects s konkurenčními produkty firmy Cognos. Na základě porovnání pak vytvořit hodnocení. (3) Zmapovat pozici SAPu na trhu business intelligence řešení a vytvořit vodítko pro konzultanta, který se zajímá o možnosti uplatnění v této oblasti.

Vliv SOA na podnikové informační systémy společnosti SAP / Influence of SOA on SAP Enterprise Information Systems

Michalička, Jan January 2007 (has links)
This work deals with Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and its impact on SAP products. In the first part of the work we are outlining the development of information systems architectures, after that describing SOA architecture, its basic concept, benefits and risks, ways of implementing and other connections. In the next part we are introducing the SAP company and its big historic moments from the beginning till present. We are analyzing the impact of SOA on SAP product and introducing new solutions -- architectural concept Enterprise SOA and application and integration, service-oriented platform SAP NetWeaver. We are discussing its development and its future. In the last part we are demonstrating practically these new solutions.

Implementace ERP řešení v podnikovém prostředí / Implementation of ERP solutions in the enterprise environment

Souček, Luboš January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on implementation of ERP solution produced by SAP, especially on implementation methodology and project definition, in a company environment. The main aim of this thesis is to devise methodology based on ASAP methodology using experience from previous projects of the company I work for. This company specializes in software implementation. This text reveals phases of a project in great details, defines it and describes implementation methodology including outputs and aims. The text also includes a brief description of not only ERP system, but also SAP HANA system. SAP HANA (at the time of writing this text) is an innovative product. Finally, SAP HANA installation is briefly described along with ERP, considering the previously created methodology.

SAP-NetWeaver jako integrační platforma pro podnikové informační systémy / SAP-NetWeaver as Integration Platform for Enterprise Information Systems

Žáček, Radomír January 2009 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with a company information system called Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) which is supplied by the SAP. First, the thesis surveys historical development in the area of ERP. Next, it studies a current SAP ERP product which is based on a new SAP NetWeaver technological platform. The thesis focuses on the possibilities of company-processes integration into SAP NetWeaver Portal environment and it introduces certain examples for exploiting its potential in practise.

Aplikace pro reportování správy rizik v systému SAP / Application for Risk Management Reporting in SAP

Uhlíř, Michal January 2016 (has links)
Hlavním cílem této práce je vyvinout aplikaci sloužící pro reportování správy rizik za použití nejnovějších technologií, které nabízí firma SAP. V první části je nastíněn koncept problematiky správy rizik, jsou vysvětleny klíčové pojmy a zmíněny některé problémy z této oblasti, se kterými se společnosti v dnešní době potýkají. Dále jsou vyjmenována a srovnána některá z komplexních softwarových řešení, které jsou momentálně dostupné na trhu. Práce pokračuje popisem technologií, které jsou využity při tvorbě výsledné aplikace. Proces vývoje zahrnoval analýzu stávajícího datového modelu, tvorbu nové datové struktury a její validaci a návrh samotného uživatelského prostředí pro zobrazování těchto dat. Výsledná aplikace umožňuje získávat správná data z databáze a zobrazovat je odpovídajícím způsobem.

Návrh databáze pro připojení systému SAP jako zdroje dat pro webovou aplikaci / Database design for connecting SAP as a data source for a Web application

MARHOUN, Lukáš January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with connecting SAP ERP system via local database system MS SQL Server using the tools SAP BI, data synchronization between systems and advanced usage of T-SQL language for preparing data for web applications and reports written in PHP. The thesis contains a brief overview of the SAP system and the possibility of connecting to the SAP system. The general principles of described solution can be used in conjunction with other systems and programming languages.

Návrh a implementace SAP CAR s automatickým zotavením z havárie / Design and Implementation of SAP CAR with Automatic Disaster Recovery Function

Svitálek, Petr January 2017 (has links)
The main purpose of this master's thesis is to propose and implement a SAP CAR (customer activity repository) solution as an application into the current enterprise information system. Following the analysis of the existing system, there will be a solution created, which is fulfilling the customer demands and at the same time it is feasible under given conditions and in the current environment. This project is closely related with addressing the disaster recovery issue for making the system highly available. The final design is implemented, tested and then handed over to the customer.

Formuláře Adobe v systému SAP / Adobe Forms in SAP

Hás, Martin January 2009 (has links)
This master thesis was oriented to study of the development application possibilities in programming language ABAP in the information system mySAP. There were studied integration possibilities of SAP system with Adobe PDF forms and application MS Excel. Advantages and disadvantages of these two technologies were compared. The theoretical part of diploma thesis describes also the technology of SAP systems based on NetWeaver platform and the main product mySAP. The practical part describes a concrete business scenario of purchase order process where is also invoice verification list included. The result of the work is analysis, design and implementation of concrete solution for "invoice verification list" generating in SAP system. A development SAP VUT application was used for implementation and testing.

Estimating site occupancy for four threatened mammals in southeastern Laos

Tilker, Andrew 18 September 2014 (has links)
The tropical forests of Indochina harbor a suite of globally threatened tropical mammal species. These species are difficult to detect, and subsequently understudied. Noninvasive camera trapping was used to survey terrestrial mammals from a protected area in southeastern Lao PDR (Xe Sap National Protected Area). The presence-absence of four mammals (mainland serow Capricornis milneedwardsii, muntjac Muntiacus spp., macaque Macaca spp., and wild pig Sus scrofa) was modeled in an occupancy framework thereby accounting for detection probabilities. Our goals were to establish baseline occupancy data to assist with biological monitoring and to better understand the factors influencing the distribution of the target species. Naïve occupancy, or the proportion of sites at which the target species was detected, was 0.58 for muntjac, 0.55 for macaque, 0.38 for wild pig, and 0.30 for serow. True occupancy estimates (Ψ ± SE) from top-ranked models was 0.79 ± 0.21 for macaque, 0.74 ± 0.13 for muntjac, 0.51 ± 0.13 for wild pig, and 0.48 ± 0.18 for serow. The results underscore the importance of accounting for imperfect detection rates when studying rare or elusive species. I included two site covariates (forest type and distance to nearest village) in the occupancy models. Estimating occupancy as a function of site covariates improved model performance and provided insight into landscape-level factors that affect species occurrence. In the top-ranked models, serow occupancy was higher in hill evergreen forest (HEGF) than semi-evergreen forest (SEGF). Muntjac occupancy was higher in areas further from villages. Macaque occupancy was higher in areas closer to villages. Wild pig occupancy was higher in areas further from villages and in HEGF. I recommend using an occupancy framework to analyze occurrence data for difficult-to-study tropical mammal species. The results highlight the importance of Xe Sap NPA for large mammal conservation in the region. / text

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