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Saprolite Leaching and Iron Control in Concentrated Magnesium Chloride BrinesDuffy, Douglass 11 July 2013 (has links)
MgCl2 brines present a number of potential advantages for the processing of saprolite ores for nickel production. Concentrated MgCl2 solutions enhance the activity of acid used, allow atmospheric leaching at elevated temperature and inhibit magnesium dissolution, which reduces acid consumption and increases metal selectivity. However, with a chloride system it is economically requisite to recover hydrochloric acid, conventionally accomplished by pyrohydrolysis. This work was performed in conjunction with a novel flowsheet for the processing on saprolite ores, which recovers HCl by the precipitation and subsequent decomposition of magnesium hydroxychlorides, alleviating some of the issues with pyrohydrolysis. Leaching and iron control experiments have been conducted in concentrated MgCl2 brines, up to 4.5 m, to determine the most amenable process conditions. It was determined that > 95% extraction of metals was possible using both aqueous and gaseous HCl. In addition, the feasibility of iron control by precipitation with MgO addition was proven.
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Saprolite Leaching and Iron Control in Concentrated Magnesium Chloride BrinesDuffy, Douglass 11 July 2013 (has links)
MgCl2 brines present a number of potential advantages for the processing of saprolite ores for nickel production. Concentrated MgCl2 solutions enhance the activity of acid used, allow atmospheric leaching at elevated temperature and inhibit magnesium dissolution, which reduces acid consumption and increases metal selectivity. However, with a chloride system it is economically requisite to recover hydrochloric acid, conventionally accomplished by pyrohydrolysis. This work was performed in conjunction with a novel flowsheet for the processing on saprolite ores, which recovers HCl by the precipitation and subsequent decomposition of magnesium hydroxychlorides, alleviating some of the issues with pyrohydrolysis. Leaching and iron control experiments have been conducted in concentrated MgCl2 brines, up to 4.5 m, to determine the most amenable process conditions. It was determined that > 95% extraction of metals was possible using both aqueous and gaseous HCl. In addition, the feasibility of iron control by precipitation with MgO addition was proven.
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Chronologie des sédiments kaoliniques à faciès wealdien (barrémien moyen et albien supérieur ; Bassin de Mons) et de la saprolite polyphasée (crétacé inférieur et miocène inférieur) de la Haute-Lesse (Belgique). Implications géodynamiques et paléoclimatiquesYans, Johan 18 December 2003 (has links)
ENGLISH This work deals with the timing in the processes of weathering, mobilisation, transport and deposition of the kaolinitic sediments, as deduced from several case studies located in Belgium.
We focus on the mechanisms of the saprolitisation on the sedimentary host-rocks of the Haute-Lesse (Ardenne) area. The neoformed kaolinite is the result of a polyphased saprolitisation, which was effective at least twice, namely during the Early Cretaceous, and the Early Miocene. The various dating methods we used, such as K-Ar, Ar-Ar, Pb-Pb geochronology, paleomagnetism and isotopic geochemistry give consistent though variable results. When dating saprolites, careful must therefore be paid to the detailed mineralogical and geochemical context of the dated samples, as well to their precise nature and position in the studied profile. Our results allow us to integrate the Haute-Lesse saprolite within the global context of paleoweatherings in Northwestern Europe. Four major saprolitisation periods are identified: Late Permian/Triassic, Early Cretaceous, Paleocene/Eocene interval and Early Miocene. The saprolitisation was probably episodic and restricted to relative short time periods or events. In our opinion, it was mostly controlled by eustatic sea level changes that was favoured in some periods by large-scale lithospheric deformations. In this context, the climate does not seem to have played a major role.
The kaolinitic wealden facies of the Mons Basin are precisely dated by the study of the pollen of angiospermian affinity, and of the dinoflagellate kysts. The wealden facies are diachronic: they date from the Middle Barremian to Earliest Aptian in the Western part of the basin and Late Albian sensu stricto in the Eastern part. Moreover, these facies, usually considered as continental sediments, do contain marine palynomorphs. We therefore recommend to use the term "wealden facies" to define a facies, regardless of any temporal or paleoenvironmental implications. The precise dating allows us to propose a sequential interpretation suggesting that the wealden facies were deposited and preserved during 3rd order Transgressive or Highstand Systems Tracts.
Although they are coeval to the wealden facies, and also located in the Mons Basin, the glauconitic sediments of the Haine Green Sandstone Group do not contain kaolinite. In this case the lack of kaolinite is related to mineralogical transformations that took place during an unsuspected diagenesis.
In the Parautochtone Brabançon, the karstic infillings are rich in kaolinite inherited partly from the mobilisation of the wealden facies of the Mons Basin. The kaolinite of the wealden facies of the Mons Basin is itself inherited from a saprolite developed on the surrounding Namurian shales. This demonstrates that kaolinite can be reworked several times in the same sedimentary basin.
The deposition of the kaolinite-bearing clays of La-Roche-en-Ardenne is Early Pleistocene and Middle Weichselian in age, as deduced from stratigraphic palynology. The kaolinite within these sediments is undoubtedly inherited from the above-mentioned saprolites formed in the neighbourhood Ardenne area, during the Early Cretaceous, and the Early Miocene. Hence, we confirm that kaolinite can be preserved on the continent for a very long period, before undergoing mobilisation, transport, and deposition in the neighbouring basins.
The mobilisation and the preservation of kaolinite result from four concurrent geological conditions: (1) vertical upward lithospheric deformation in the source area, (2) local or regional subsidence in the deposition area, (3) 3rd order Transgressive or Highstand Systems Tract, and (4) lack of significant later diagenesis in the sediment. The climate is not a major parameter in this matter: as a consequence, the presence of kaolinite in sediments must not be systematically associated with a contemporaneous hot climate on the land.
In conclusion, the dating of kaolinite-bearing sediments gives essential constraints for the comprehension of the weathering, erosion, transport, and deposition of kaolinite. This demanding approach requires a thorought characterisation of the studied samples and a sufficient knowledge of their geological framework. Pluridisciplinary research programs, and active collaborations between universities and research units are therefore strongly encouraged.
FRENCH Ce travail s'intéresse à l'âge et à la durée des processus d'altération, d'érosion, de transport et de dépôt des sédiments kaoliniques, à partir de l'étude de plusieurs exemples localisés en Belgique.
Les mécanismes de saprolitisation sur le substrat sédimentaire de la région de la Haute-Lesse (Ardenne) sont détaillés pour la première fois. La kaolinite néoformée résulte d'une saprolitisation polyphasée agissant au moins durant le Crétacé inférieur et le Miocène inférieur. Les diverses méthodes de datation, telles que la radiométrie K/Ar, Ar/Ar, Pb/Pb, le paléomagnétisme et la géochimie isotopique, appliquées à divers objets géologiques issus d'endroits différents dans la saprolite, fournissent des âges cohérents mais variables. En conséquence, lors de toute tentative de datation d'une saprolite, une attention particulière doit être portée au contexte minéralogique et géochimique ainsi qu'à la nature et à la position de l'objet étudié. Forts de ces datations, nous intégrons la saprolite de la Haute-Lesse dans le canevas des paléoaltérations de Belgique et du Nord-Ouest européen. Nous en déduisons que quatre périodes y sont propices à l'altération kaolinique : Permien supérieur/Trias, Crétacé inférieur, intervalle Paleocène/Eocène et Miocène inférieur. L'activité saprolitique semble épisodique, assez brève et principalement contrôlée par les variations eustatiques durant des périodes favorables d'un point de vue géodynamique. Le rôle du climat est secondaire.
Les sédiments kaoliniques à faciès wealdien du Bassin de Mons, datés par l'examen du pollen d'affinité angiospermienne et les kystes de dinoflagellés, sont diachrones : Barrémien moyen à Aptien basal à l'Ouest du bassin et Albien supérieur sensu stricto à l'Est. De plus, les faciès wealdiens, réputés continentaux, renferment des témoins d'incursions marines. Nous en concluons que l'utilisation du terme "faciès wealdien" ne doit sous-entendre aucune implication temporelle ou paléoenvironnementale. Datés pour la première fois de façon précise, les sédiments à faciès wealdien du Bassin de Mons sont situés dans leur cadre géologique. En particulier, une interprétation séquentielle suggère que les faciès wealdiens sont déposés et conservés lors de cortèges transgressifs ou de haut niveau marin de troisième ordre.
Bien qu'en partie contemporains des faciès wealdiens kaoliniques et également situés dans le Bassin de Mons, les sédiments du Groupe des Grès Verts de la Haine sont dépourvus de kaolinite. Cette absence s'explique par des transformations minéralogiques au cours d'une diagenèse jusqu'alors insoupçonnée.
Les remplissages kaoliniques des karsts qui criblent le Parautochtone Brabançon proviennent en partie de la mobilisation de sédiments à faciès wealdien du Bassin de Mons. La kaolinite des faciès wealdiens du Bassin de Mons est elle-même héritée d'une saprolite probablement développée dans le substrat namurien tout proche. La kaolinite d'un sédiment peut résulter de plusieurs cycles d'érosion, transport et dépôt dans un même bassin sédimentaire.
Le dépôt des argiles kaoliniques de La-Roche-en-Ardenne est daté du Pléistocène inférieur et du Weichsélien moyen par la palynologie stratigraphique. La kaolinite provient du bassin versant de rivières qui entaillent les saprolites ardennaises formées au Crétacé inférieur et au Miocène inférieur. Nous confirmons de la sorte que la kaolinite peut être stabilisée pendant de longues durées sur le continent avant d'être mobilisée, transportée et déposée dans les bassins avoisinants.
La mobilisation et la conservation de la kaolinite dépendent de l'action cumulée et contemporaine de plusieurs conditions géologiques : (1) une déformation lithosphérique à composante verticale dans les régions sources, (2) une subsidence locale ou régionale dans les aires de dépôt, (3) un cortège transgressif ou de haut niveau marin au troisième ordre et (4) l'absence de diagenèse ultérieure dans le sédiment kaolinique. Le rôle du climat est mineur : il est dangereux d'associer systématiquement la présence de kaolinite dans une sédiment à un climat contemporain chaud sur le continent.
En conclusion, la datation des sédiments kaoliniques fournit des contraintes essentielles dans la compréhension des processus d'altération, érosion, transport et dépôt de la kaolinite. L'utilisation des différentes méthodes de datation requiert une caractérisation fine préalable des objets concernés et une connaissance détaillée du cadre géologique : la pluridisciplinarité et les échanges interuniversitaires trouvent dans cette démarche toute leur justification.
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Saprolitos na região Sudeste do Brasil: morfologia, classificação e evolução física-geoquímica-mineralógica / Saprolites in the southeast region of Brazil: morphology, classification and evolution physical-geochemistry-mineralogicalGuerra, Adriano Ribeiro 20 January 2015 (has links)
O saprolito é um corpo geológico constituído pela mistura de minerais primários e secundários resultantes do intemperismo físico e químico, o qual mantém vestígios da estrutura original da rocha. Difere do solo pela evidente filiação litogenética e insignificante atividade biológica. Apesar das definições, no entanto, o limite e a distinção entre solo e saprolito nem sempre são claros, devido a continuidade entre estes corpos em termos de processos hidrológicos e geoquímicos, bem como de suas composições físicas e mineralógicas, o que gera grande confusão nas descrições morfológicas e na organização de informações. Devido ao caráter multidisciplinar das ciências envolvidas no estudo do saprolito e a dedicação parcial de todas elas, há uma grande carência de padronização de termos e procedimentos para sua caracterização e análise. O objetivo geral desta tese é a caracterização de saprolitos desenvolvidos a partir de variadas litologias, no intuito da elaboração de procedimentos para a descrição, classificação e análise de saprolitos. Especificamente objetivou-se avaliar detalhadamente os padrões de alteração física, mineralógica e geoquímica em materiais, influenciados por atributos litológicos relativos a composição mineralo-química e estrutural do material parental. Para tanto foram descritos e amostrados 15 perfis de alteração; compostos por solo, saprolito e rocha, derivados de rochas sedimentares e metamórficas na região Sudeste do Brasil, nos estados de São Paulo e Minas Gerais. As descrições demonstraram que os corpos saprolíticos avaliados podem ser agrupados em quatro tipos morfológicos principais, sendo propostas as seguintes categorias estruturais: contínua, fraturada, fragmentada e terrosa. Dentre todos saprolitos avaliados, aqueles derivados de rochas metamórficas apresentaram maior complexidade morfológica. Deste modo, 9 perfis filiados a xistos e gnaisses foram submetidos a análises físicas, geoquímicas e mineralógicas para avaliação dos processos de alteração e desenvolvimento de sistema de classificação. A composição mineralógica de solos e saprolitos se mostrou semelhante, entretanto, ocorreram dissimilaridades geoquímicas entre estes corpos. Atributos físicos como densidade e porosidade total não demonstraram diferenças significativas entre solo e saprolito, entretanto, ao se considerar isoladamente amostras de saprolito, houve correlação positiva entre a perda de massa e a porosidade total, tornando este último atributo útil `a proposta de classificação de saprolitos. / The saprolite is a geological body constituted by the mixture of primary and secondary minerals resulting of physical and chemical weathering, which retains traces of the original rock structure. It differs from the soil by the evident litogenetic affiliation and insignificant biological activity. Although the definitions, however, the limit and the distinction between soil and saprolite are not always clear, because the continuity between these bodies in terms of hydrological and geochemical processes, as well as their physical and mineralogical compositions, which creates great confusion in morphological descriptions and information network. Due to the multidisciplinary nature of the sciences involved and the partial dedication of all of them in the saprolite investigations, there is a great lack of standardization of terms and procedures for characterization and analysis. The overall objective of this thesis is the characterization of saprolite developed from various lithologies in order to draw up procedures for the description, classification and saprolite analysis. Specifically aimed to evaluate in detail the patterns of physical, mineralogical and geochemical changes in some materials influenced by lithological attributes how the mineralogical and chemical composition, as well as the structure of parental material. For this were described and sampled 15 weathering profiles, composed of soil, saprolite and rock derived from sedimentary and metamorphic rocks in southeastern Brazil, in the states of São Paulo and Minas Gerais. The descriptions shown that saprolite evaluated can be grouped into four main morphological types, proposed the following structural categories: continuous, fractured, fragmented and earthy. Among all evaluated saprolite, those derived from metamorphic rocks showed higher morphological complexity. Thus, 9 affiliated profiles schists and gneisses to have been subjected to physical, geochemical and mineralogical analyzes to evaluate the change processes and to developing the classification system of saprolites. The mineralogical composition of soils and saprolite was similar, however, there were dissimilarities regard geochemical attributes between this bodies. Physical properties such as density and porosity showed no significant differences between soil and saprolite, however, when considered in isolation saprolite samples, there was a positive correlation between weight loss and total porosity, making this last attribute able to integrate the proposed saprolite classification.
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Saprolitos na região Sudeste do Brasil: morfologia, classificação e evolução física-geoquímica-mineralógica / Saprolites in the southeast region of Brazil: morphology, classification and evolution physical-geochemistry-mineralogicalAdriano Ribeiro Guerra 20 January 2015 (has links)
O saprolito é um corpo geológico constituído pela mistura de minerais primários e secundários resultantes do intemperismo físico e químico, o qual mantém vestígios da estrutura original da rocha. Difere do solo pela evidente filiação litogenética e insignificante atividade biológica. Apesar das definições, no entanto, o limite e a distinção entre solo e saprolito nem sempre são claros, devido a continuidade entre estes corpos em termos de processos hidrológicos e geoquímicos, bem como de suas composições físicas e mineralógicas, o que gera grande confusão nas descrições morfológicas e na organização de informações. Devido ao caráter multidisciplinar das ciências envolvidas no estudo do saprolito e a dedicação parcial de todas elas, há uma grande carência de padronização de termos e procedimentos para sua caracterização e análise. O objetivo geral desta tese é a caracterização de saprolitos desenvolvidos a partir de variadas litologias, no intuito da elaboração de procedimentos para a descrição, classificação e análise de saprolitos. Especificamente objetivou-se avaliar detalhadamente os padrões de alteração física, mineralógica e geoquímica em materiais, influenciados por atributos litológicos relativos a composição mineralo-química e estrutural do material parental. Para tanto foram descritos e amostrados 15 perfis de alteração; compostos por solo, saprolito e rocha, derivados de rochas sedimentares e metamórficas na região Sudeste do Brasil, nos estados de São Paulo e Minas Gerais. As descrições demonstraram que os corpos saprolíticos avaliados podem ser agrupados em quatro tipos morfológicos principais, sendo propostas as seguintes categorias estruturais: contínua, fraturada, fragmentada e terrosa. Dentre todos saprolitos avaliados, aqueles derivados de rochas metamórficas apresentaram maior complexidade morfológica. Deste modo, 9 perfis filiados a xistos e gnaisses foram submetidos a análises físicas, geoquímicas e mineralógicas para avaliação dos processos de alteração e desenvolvimento de sistema de classificação. A composição mineralógica de solos e saprolitos se mostrou semelhante, entretanto, ocorreram dissimilaridades geoquímicas entre estes corpos. Atributos físicos como densidade e porosidade total não demonstraram diferenças significativas entre solo e saprolito, entretanto, ao se considerar isoladamente amostras de saprolito, houve correlação positiva entre a perda de massa e a porosidade total, tornando este último atributo útil `a proposta de classificação de saprolitos. / The saprolite is a geological body constituted by the mixture of primary and secondary minerals resulting of physical and chemical weathering, which retains traces of the original rock structure. It differs from the soil by the evident litogenetic affiliation and insignificant biological activity. Although the definitions, however, the limit and the distinction between soil and saprolite are not always clear, because the continuity between these bodies in terms of hydrological and geochemical processes, as well as their physical and mineralogical compositions, which creates great confusion in morphological descriptions and information network. Due to the multidisciplinary nature of the sciences involved and the partial dedication of all of them in the saprolite investigations, there is a great lack of standardization of terms and procedures for characterization and analysis. The overall objective of this thesis is the characterization of saprolite developed from various lithologies in order to draw up procedures for the description, classification and saprolite analysis. Specifically aimed to evaluate in detail the patterns of physical, mineralogical and geochemical changes in some materials influenced by lithological attributes how the mineralogical and chemical composition, as well as the structure of parental material. For this were described and sampled 15 weathering profiles, composed of soil, saprolite and rock derived from sedimentary and metamorphic rocks in southeastern Brazil, in the states of São Paulo and Minas Gerais. The descriptions shown that saprolite evaluated can be grouped into four main morphological types, proposed the following structural categories: continuous, fractured, fragmented and earthy. Among all evaluated saprolite, those derived from metamorphic rocks showed higher morphological complexity. Thus, 9 affiliated profiles schists and gneisses to have been subjected to physical, geochemical and mineralogical analyzes to evaluate the change processes and to developing the classification system of saprolites. The mineralogical composition of soils and saprolite was similar, however, there were dissimilarities regard geochemical attributes between this bodies. Physical properties such as density and porosity showed no significant differences between soil and saprolite, however, when considered in isolation saprolite samples, there was a positive correlation between weight loss and total porosity, making this last attribute able to integrate the proposed saprolite classification.
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Identificação do limite entre solo e saprolito em argissolos bruno-acinzentados derivados de rochas sedimentares / Identification of the boundary between soil and saprolite in argissolos bruno-acinzentados derivatived from sedimentary rocksOliveira, Rodrigo Bomicieli de 12 February 2012 (has links)
The Argissolos (Ultisols and Alfisols) derived from sedimentary rocks occur in the region of Central Depression of the Rio Grande do Sul state, over siltstones and sandstones in the soft wavy reliefs. These soils are predominantly shallow, which gives greater importance to its deep layers. These layers have often been inadequately described in the fields due to the difficulty in interpreting the contact between the soil and saprolite. Moreover, the horizon/layer C has been the subject of disagreement among researchers as yet be considered either saprolite and soil. In this sense, the objective of this study was to analyze different profiles of Argissolos derived from sedimentary material of the the Sanga do Cabral and Santa Maria - Member Alemoa formations, located between the Santa Maria and Sao Pedro do Sul town. This research focused on a morphological, a physical and chemical characteristics of the soils profiles. The results showed two situations: the C is a horizon that has a development showing strong evidence of pedogenesis, with morphology, physical and chemical behavior similar to the Bt horizon, and C is a transition layer between the saprolite (Cr) and soil (Bt), independent of both, but with the possibility of interconnections with them. / Os Argissolos Bruno-Acinzentados derivados de material sedimentar ocorrem, na região da Depressão Central Gaúcha sobre siltitos e arenitos em relevos ondulados a suave ondulados. Esses solos são predominantemente pouco profundos, o que confere maior importância as suas camadas subsuperficiais. Estas camadas tem sido, frequentemente, descritas de forma inadequada no campo, devido à dificuldade em se interpretar os contatos entre o solo e o saprolito. Além disso, o horizonte/camada C tem sido motivo de divergência entre vários pesquisadores por ora ser considerado solo ora saprolito. Nesse sentido, o objetivo desse trabalho foi analisar diferentes perfis de Argissolos Bruno-Acinzentados derivados de material sedimentar das Formações Sanga do Cabral e Santa Maria Membro Alemoa, dispostos entre os municípios de Santa Maria e São Pedro do Sul. O trabalho seguiu três linhas de investigação, uma morfológica, uma física e uma química. Os resultados apontaram duas situações: o C é um horizonte que apresenta desenvolvimento com fortes indícios de pedogênese, mostrando morfologia e comportamento físico-químico semelhante ao horizonte Bt; e o C é uma camada de transição entre o saprolito (Cr) e o solo (Bt), independente de ambos, mas com possibilidades de miscigenação com os mesmos.
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O auxílio de técnicas de sensoriamento remoto na análise de condicionantes estruturais nas instabilidades de taludes em material saprolítico / Approach of slope instabilities in saprolite, supported by remote sensing techniquesMergulhão, Lívia Fernanda Rossatti 25 January 2002 (has links)
Os escorregamentos de taludes de corte rodoviários verificados na região entre as cidades de Jarinu e Campo Limpo Paulista, ambas no estado de São Paulo, são derivados da atuação conjunta do intemperismo, da presença de estruturas reliquiares, e sua geometria, e das técnicas construtivas. Dentre estes fatores, as estruturas reliquiares (foliação e fraturas) desempenham o papel mais importante, pois os escorregamentos ocorrem quando há incompatibilidade entre as atitudes das estruturas e a geometria dos taludes de corte facilitando os escorregamentos, principalmente quando a face de taludes é paralela ou subparalela à foliação e esta mergulha na direção da estrada. O levantamento destas estruturas, utilizando-se em conjunto produtos de sensoriamento remoto, que possibilita a elaboração de uma análise geométrica regional, que também se aplica em escala de afloramento, pois as estruturas geológicas, em qualquer escala, apresentam feições em comum. Os produtos gerados são mapas de forma estrutural, de traços de fraturas e o estabelecimento de setores homogêneos baseados nas diferentes direções da foliação. Nos vários taludes estudados, são elaborados estereogramas que permitem a visualização espacial das descontinuidades. Com base nestes produtos, são feitas previsões de instabilidades, através de uma simulação de três direções de traçados rodoviários, onde são avaliadas as possibilidades de ocorrência de instabilidades. Os resultados obtidos em dados regionais são confrontados com os dados extraídos em campo nos vários taludes estudados, para a obtenção da aplicabilidade da metodologia utilizada. / The sliding of highways cut slopes verified between Jarinu and Campo Limpo Paulista, both in São Paulo state, region are originated of action ensemble of weathering, relicts structures presence, geometric and the constructive characteristics. Among them, the relict structures (foliation and fractures) perform the very important hole, because the sliding is effective when there is incompatibility between spacial attitudes of structures and the geometry of cut slopes. In the great number, the geometry of cut slopes facility the sliding, mainly when the slopes surface is parallel or sub parallel to foliation, diverging to the highway bed. The investigation of structures together with remote sensing images enables the elaboration of a geometrical analysis, applicable in outcrop scale, as geological structures in any scale, ranging from microscopical up to regional, have common features. The mapping of joints and foliation were made and well-defined sectors were separated, on the basis of different foliation attitudes. Stereographic nets were made for all slopes studied and the efficiency of graphical stability analysis in saprolitos was estimated, where there is a significant action of erosion processes. Lastly, the possibility of slides and erosional processes within the several sectors is evaluated, along three possible different highway directions. The predicted results, based on regional data, are compared to field data, obtained in the slopes, in order to confirm the applicability of the method under investigation.
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O auxílio de técnicas de sensoriamento remoto na análise de condicionantes estruturais nas instabilidades de taludes em material saprolítico / Approach of slope instabilities in saprolite, supported by remote sensing techniquesLívia Fernanda Rossatti Mergulhão 25 January 2002 (has links)
Os escorregamentos de taludes de corte rodoviários verificados na região entre as cidades de Jarinu e Campo Limpo Paulista, ambas no estado de São Paulo, são derivados da atuação conjunta do intemperismo, da presença de estruturas reliquiares, e sua geometria, e das técnicas construtivas. Dentre estes fatores, as estruturas reliquiares (foliação e fraturas) desempenham o papel mais importante, pois os escorregamentos ocorrem quando há incompatibilidade entre as atitudes das estruturas e a geometria dos taludes de corte facilitando os escorregamentos, principalmente quando a face de taludes é paralela ou subparalela à foliação e esta mergulha na direção da estrada. O levantamento destas estruturas, utilizando-se em conjunto produtos de sensoriamento remoto, que possibilita a elaboração de uma análise geométrica regional, que também se aplica em escala de afloramento, pois as estruturas geológicas, em qualquer escala, apresentam feições em comum. Os produtos gerados são mapas de forma estrutural, de traços de fraturas e o estabelecimento de setores homogêneos baseados nas diferentes direções da foliação. Nos vários taludes estudados, são elaborados estereogramas que permitem a visualização espacial das descontinuidades. Com base nestes produtos, são feitas previsões de instabilidades, através de uma simulação de três direções de traçados rodoviários, onde são avaliadas as possibilidades de ocorrência de instabilidades. Os resultados obtidos em dados regionais são confrontados com os dados extraídos em campo nos vários taludes estudados, para a obtenção da aplicabilidade da metodologia utilizada. / The sliding of highways cut slopes verified between Jarinu and Campo Limpo Paulista, both in São Paulo state, region are originated of action ensemble of weathering, relicts structures presence, geometric and the constructive characteristics. Among them, the relict structures (foliation and fractures) perform the very important hole, because the sliding is effective when there is incompatibility between spacial attitudes of structures and the geometry of cut slopes. In the great number, the geometry of cut slopes facility the sliding, mainly when the slopes surface is parallel or sub parallel to foliation, diverging to the highway bed. The investigation of structures together with remote sensing images enables the elaboration of a geometrical analysis, applicable in outcrop scale, as geological structures in any scale, ranging from microscopical up to regional, have common features. The mapping of joints and foliation were made and well-defined sectors were separated, on the basis of different foliation attitudes. Stereographic nets were made for all slopes studied and the efficiency of graphical stability analysis in saprolitos was estimated, where there is a significant action of erosion processes. Lastly, the possibility of slides and erosional processes within the several sectors is evaluated, along three possible different highway directions. The predicted results, based on regional data, are compared to field data, obtained in the slopes, in order to confirm the applicability of the method under investigation.
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The role of geology, geomorphology, climate and vegetation, in controlling spatial and temporal changes in groundwater discharge from weathered crystalline basement aquifers in southwestern AustraliaRutherford, Jasmine Lee January 2006 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] The Collie River drainage basin is an important water resource catchment in southwestern Australia. Salinisation of a major water supply within the catchment, the Wellington Reservoir, has arisen due to changes in the water and salt balance in response to land clearing over saprolite aquifers. Paired catchment studies, the Collie Experimental Catchments (CECs), established in the early 1970’s in high and low rainfall areas increased our understanding of water and salt (predominantly chloride) movement in these aquifers through the collection and analysis of high resolution spatio-temporal data. However, the conceptual models developed from this work take little account of landscape heterogeneity, and this has caused problems in subsequent modelling studies, where success in calibrating stream flow has been countered by difficulties in predicting salt loads. The challenge remains to better describe variability in the Collie landscape and understand the influence of climate, vegetation, geology and geomorphology on observed water and salt fluxes. The release of salt from the lower saprolite aquifer and the role of the surficial aquifer in buffering groundwater discharge were investigated. The acquisition, analysis and interpretation of new regolith and geophysical data in 2001-2003 from the CECs, together with data from a high resolution digital elevation model, and existing drilling information, were used to construct a geologicalgeomorphological compartment framework, to observe changes in aquifer behaviour ... Significant differences in the salt flux from compartments have been noted at a range of scales, with implications for both water resource and land management. The approach developed to identify compartments and assess their efficiency could be simplified, using catchment critical parameters determined from geological and geomorphological characteristics. As a consequence, the implementation of a compartment framework in catchments with saprolite aquifers should allow for more informed decisions to be made in the selection of sites for revegetation strategies or the development of engineering works. This is particularly important in the Collie Catchment where reclamation scenarios are currently being discussed. Consideration of the catchment as a compartmentalised system would help manage salt loads in the Collie River and return the Wellington Reservoir to a functional water resource.
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