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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Improving Constraints on Aerosols in the United States Using Ground Based Observations, Satellite Retrievals, and a Chemical Transport Model

Raman, Aishwarya, Raman, Aishwarya January 2017 (has links)
Knowledge of distributions of aerosols is critical to human health, Earth's radiative budget, and air quality. However, the lack of sufficient direct measurements of aerosol type, number, mass concentrations and current limitations of satellite retrievals make it challenging to accurately model the aerosol variability. Such measurement gaps also hinder evaluation of aerosol source budget from emission inventories, modeling of aerosol chemistry, and sinks. In this context, the first study characterizes the potential of multivariate relationships between Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD), a quantity that represents light extinction by aerosols in the atmospheric column and a suite of surface and atmospheric parameters (e.g., vegetation, precipitation, fire characteristics) in order to assess trends in AOD anomalies for the U.S Southwest. This study covers the area that experiences North American Monsoon (NAM) and examines trends in AOD across different aerosol sources in this region such as dust storms, biomass burning, and anthropogenic emissions. We find that aerosols from anthropogenic processes and biomass burning exhibited a strong declining trend in AOD whereas trends along the NAM alley were obfuscated by the monsoon precipitation (sink) and convective dust storms (sources). In the second study, we develop constraints to improve characterization of anthropogenic apparent Elemental Carbon (ECa) using coemitted combustion products such as Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Nitrogen Oxides (NOx). We compare observational ratios of ECa vs CO and ECa vs NOx against those from emission inventories. We find that the observational ratios have increased at sites in the Urban-West due to increase in ECa from 2000-2007 to 2008-2015. Further, emission ratios do not match with observational ratios. We recommend that rigorous efforts are needed to better quantify and monitor the changes in these species in the Urban-West particularly for non-road and residential combustion sectors. The final study of this dissertation discusses a technique to produce forecasts of AOD by combining satellite retrievals and a chemical transport model in an analog based framework. We use model forecasts of AOD, particulate matter (PM) concentrations, and meteorological parameters from Weather Research and Forecasting model with Chemistry (WRF-Chem) to train the framework for choosing analogs (past forecasts similar to current simulations). MODIS Terra and Aqua satellite retrievals of AOD for analog days are then used in a Kalman Filter (KF) framework to determine the forecast error and referred to as KFAN. The analog based estimates better forecasts of AOD for the Western US compared to the East and the mean bias in AOD forecasts are reduced to the range of 0.001-0.1. The reduction in positive bias in AOD is drastic and the method captures the decrease in AOD from morning to afternoon. We find that higher root mean square error (RMSE) values in the East are due to the inability of KFAN to capture the AOD peaks during biomass burning episodes and AOD lows during days of high precipitation rates. A systematic statistical analysis using step-wise linear regression models also show that in the East, there is a stronger dependence of aerosol loading on meteorological factors such as air temperature, precipitation, and relative humidity. As a consequence, overall quality of the analogs in the East is impacted when uncertainties in the simulated meteorological fields are higher. Overall, this study shows that the correlative information from multi-satellite remote sensing retrievals and models provide additional constraints on aerosols using composition/source identification (e.g., aerosol type, landcover, emission sources, fuel consumption), coemitted gas phase species (e.g., CO and NOx), and meteorological parameters (e.g., wind speed, TPW). The synergy of information from these datasets can be beneficial for design of future remote sensing missions, deployment of ground networks, and studies related to feedbacks between meteorology and aerosols.

Investigation of the Cloud Microphysics and Albedo Susceptibility of the Southeast Pacific Stratocumulus Cloud Deck

Painemal, David 26 May 2011 (has links)
Marine stratocumulus cloud regimes exert a strong climatic influence through their high solar reflectivity. Human-induced changes in stratocumulus clouds, attributed to an increase of the aerosol burden (indirect effects), can be significant given the cloud decks proximity to the continents; nevertheless, the magnitude and the final climatic consequences of these changes are uncertain. This thesis investigates further the interactions between aerosols, cloud microphysics, regional circulation, and radiative response in the Southeast Pacific stratocumulus cloud deck, one of the largest and most persistent cloud regimes in the planet. Specifically, three different aspects are addressed by this thesis: The importance of the synoptic atmospheric variability in controlling cloud microphysical and radiative changes, a validation analysis of satellite retrievals of cloud microphysics from MOderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), and the quantitative assessments of cloud aerosol interactions along with their associated radiative forcing using primarily aircraft remote sensing data. Synoptic and satellite-derived cloud property variations for the Southeast Pacific region associated with changes in coastal satellite-derived cloud droplet number concentration (Nd) are analyzed through a composite technique. MAX and MIN Nd composites are defined by the top and bottom terciles of daily area-mean Nd values over the Arica Bight, the region with the largest mean oceanic Nd, for the five October months of 2001, 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2008. The MAX-Nd composite is characterized by a weaker subtropical anticyclone and weaker winds than the MIN-Nd composite. Additionally, the MAX-Nd composite clouds over the Arica Bight are thinner than the MIN-Nd composite clouds, have lower cloud tops, lower near-coastal cloud albedos, and occur below warmer and drier free tropospheres. At 85˚W, the top-of-atmosphere shortwave fluxes are significantly higher (50%) for the MAX-Nd, with thicker, lower clouds and higher cloud fractions than for the MIN-Nd. The change in Nd at this location is small, suggesting that the MAX-MIN Nd composite differences in radiative properties primarily reflects synoptic changes. The ability of MODIS level 2 retrievals to represent the cloud microphysics is assessed with in-situ measurements of droplet size distributions, collected during the VAMOS Ocean-Cloud-Atmosphere-Land Study Regional Experiment (VOCALS-REx). The MODIS cloud optical thickness (t) correlates well with the in-situ values with a positive bias (1.42). In contrast, the standard 2.1 micron-derived MODIS cloud effective radius (r_e) is found to systematically exceed the in-situ cloud-top r_e, with a mean bias of 2.08 um. Three sources of errors that could contribute to the MODIS r_e positive bias are investigated further: the spread of the cloud droplet size distribution, the presence of a separate drizzle mode, and the sensor viewing angles. The sensor zenith viewing angles were found to have little impact, while the algorithm assumption about the cloud droplet spectra and presence of a precipitation mode could affect the retrievals but not by enough to fully explain the positive MODIS r_e bias. The droplet spectra effects account for r_e offsets smaller than 0.6 um, 0.9 um, and 1.6 um for non-drizzling, light-drizzling, and heavy-drizzling clouds respectively. An explanation for the observed MODIS bias is lacking although three-dimensional radiative effects were not considered. This investigation supports earlier studies documenting a similar bias, this time using data from newer probes. MODIS r_e and t were also combined to estimate a liquid water path (LWP) and Nd. A positive bias was also apparent in LWP, and attributed to r_e. However, when selected appropriate parameters a priori, the MODIS Nd estimate was found to agree the best with the insitu aircraft observations of the four MODIS variables. Lastly, the first aerosol indirect effect (Twomey effect) is explicitly investigated with VOCALS-REx observations, collected during three daytime research flights (Nov 9, 11, and 13), utilizing an aerosol-cloud interactions metric, and defined as ACI=dln(t)/dln(Na), with Na corresponding to the accumulation mode aerosol concentration, t derived from a broadband pyranometer, and ACI binned by cloud LWP derived from a millimeter-wavelength radiometer. Aircraft remote sensing estimates of the ACI, during sub-cloud transects, show that the cloud aerosol-interactions are strong and close to the maximum theoretical value for thin clouds, with a decrease of ACI with LWP. Although an explanation for the dependence of ACI on LWP is lacking, we found that a decrease in ACI with LWP is associated with decreases in both surface meridional winds and Nd. Similar to ACI, albedo fractional changes due to Nd fractional changes also tended to be smaller for higher LWPs, but with an overall radiative forcing larger than conservative global estimates obtained in global circulation models. The findings of this thesis emphasize the strong stratocumulus albedo response to an aerosol perturbation and its dependence on the regional scale atmospheric configuration. The results presented here can be used as a benchmark for testing regional and climate models, as well as helping to improve the current parameterizations of the first aerosol indirect effect.

In comparing radiative transfer and chemical transport models on OMI NO2 retrievals

Smeltzer, Charles David 17 November 2009 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to evaluate the sources of the differences between the NO2 satellite retrieval products provided by the Royal Dutch Meteorological Institute (KNMI) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Ground studies have shown that although both products use the same satellite, these products yield different observations for NO2 tropospheric columns concentrations. This study does not validate either retrieval product, but rather indentifies the main sources for the discrepancy. There are several parameters which allow successful retrieval of NO2 vertical columns. For this study, only the difference between the radiative models and the a priori NO2 chemical transport models were considered relevant. All other parameters, such as cloud properties, slant columns, stratospheric serration and their assumptions, were held constant. Here, the models are referred to by their proprietor's acronym: "TOMRAD" refers to the radiative model used by NASA, "DAK" refers to the radiative model used by KNMI, "TM4" refers to the a priori chemical transport model used by KNMI, and "REAM" refers to the a priori chemical transport model maintained by the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Mixing these parameters creates four retrievals for comparison. Many significant differences were identified after comparing these four retrievals. First, there are viewing geometry biases between the port side and the starboard side of the satellite retrieval for each swath. These viewing geometry biases lead to artificial periodicities in the retrievals of NO2 tropospheric vertical columns over a specific coordinate or site, such as a city. Furthermore, there were significant differences found after using different a priori NO2 chemical transport models. The low horizontal resolution of TM4 and the satellite retrieval/TM4 coupling effect compared to REAM leads to considerable questioning of the near real time application of the KNMI NO2 retrieval product. Though the TM4 model performs poorly, TM4 retrievals do perform nearly as well as REAM retrievals at capturing day-to-day variability and the spatial variability of the cities used as examples here. The retrievals using TOMRAD outperformed the retrievals using DAK when compared to the high resolution, hourly REAM a priori chemical transport model. In sum, these findings should lead to better optimizations of both the KNMI and NASA retrievals, and thus make their publicly available data products more reliable and accurate for general use.

Spatio-temporal variability of aerosols in the tropics relationship with atmospheric and oceanic environments

Zuluaga-Arias, Manuel D. 07 July 2011 (has links)
Earth's radiation budget is directly influenced by aerosols through the absorption of solar radiation and subsequent heating of the atmosphere. Aerosols modulate the hydrological cycle indirectly by modifying cloud properties, precipitation and ocean heat storage. In addition, polluting aerosols impose health risks in local, regional and global scales. In spite of recent advances in the study of aerosols variability, uncertainty in their spatial and temporal distributions still presents a challenge in the understanding of climate variability. For example, aerosol loading varies not only from year to year but also on higher frequency intraseasonal time scales producing strong variability on local and regional scales. An assessment of the impact of aerosol variability requires long period measurements of aerosols at both regional and global scales. The present dissertation compiles a large database of remotely sensed aerosol loading in order to analyze its spatio-temporal variability, and how this load interacts with different variables that characterize the dynamic and thermodynamic states of the environment. Aerosol Index (AI) and Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) were used as measures of the atmospheric aerosol load. In addition, atmospheric and oceanic satellite observations, and reanalysis datasets is used in the analysis to investigate aerosol-environment interactions. A diagnostic study is conducted to produce global and regional aerosol satellite climatologies, and to analyze and compare the validity of aerosol retrievals. We find similarities and differences between the aerosol distributions over various regions of the globe when comparing the different satellite retrievals. A nonparametric approach is also used to examine the spatial distribution of the recent trends in aerosol concentration. A significant positive trend was found over the Middle East, Arabian Sea and South Asian regions strongly influenced by increases in dust events. Spectral and composite analyses of surface temperature, atmospheric wind, geopotential height, outgoing longwave radiation, water vapor and precipitation together with the climatology of aerosols provide insight on how the variables interact. Different modes of variability, especially in intraseasonal time scales appear as strong modulators of the aerosol distribution. In particular, we investigate how two modes of variability related to the westward propagating synoptic African Easterly Waves of the Tropical Atlantic Ocean affect the horizontal and vertical structure of the environment. The statistical significance of these two modes is tested with the use of two different spectral techniques. The pattern of propagation of aerosol load shows good correspondence with the progression of the atmospheric and oceanic synoptic conditions suitable for dust mobilization over the Atlantic Ocean. We present extensions to previous studies related with dust variability over the Atlantic region by evaluating the performance of the long period satellite aerosol retrievals in determining modes of aerosol variability. Results of the covariability between aerosols-environment motivate the use of statistical regression models to test the significance of the forecasting skill of daily AOD time series. The regression models are calibrated using atmospheric variables as predictors from the reanalysis variables. The results show poor forecasting skill with significant error growing after the 3rd day of the prediction. It is hypothesized that the simplicity of linear models results in an inability to provide a useful forecast.

Air quality in the Johannesburg-Pretoria megacity: its regional influence and identification of parameters that could mitigate pollution / A.S.M. Lourens

Lourens, Alexandra Susanna Maritz January 2012 (has links)
A megacity is generally defined as a city that, together with its suburbs or recognised metropolitan area, has a total population of more than 10 million people. Air pollution in megacities is a major concern due to large increases of populations over the past decades. Increases of air pollution result from more anthropogenic emission sources in megacities, which include energy production, transportation, industrial activities and domestic fuel burning. In the developing parts of Africa, urbanisation is increasing rapidly, with growth rates of populations in cities of up to 5% per annum. The major driving forces for these population increases in African countries can be attributed to population growth, natural disasters and armed ethnic conflicts. In South Africa, 62% of the total population lived in cities in 2010. The rate of urbanisation growth is predicted to be 1.2% per annum. The largest urbanised city in South Africa is the Johannesburg-Pretoria conurbation (referred to as Jhb-Pta megacity) that has more than 10 million inhabitants. Johannesburg is considered to be the central hub of economic activities and -growth in South Africa. The larger conurbation includes all the suburbs of Johannesburg and Pretoria. In South Africa, household combustion and traffic emissions are major sources of pollutants in urbanised areas. The major pollutants emitted from these activities include nitrogen oxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ), sulphur dioxide (SO2 ), carbon monoxide (CO), particular matter (PM) and various organic compounds. The Jhb-Pta megacity is also located relatively close to large industrialised regions in South Africa, i.e. the Mpumalanga Highveld and the Vaal Triangle. Very few air quality modelling studies have been conducted for the Jhb-Pta megacity. According to the knowledge of the author, no literature existed in peer-reviewed publications at the time of the study. An in-depth modelling study was therefore conducted to assess the current state of air quality within the Jhb-Pta megacity. The main objectives were to optimise an existing photochemical box model for the Jhb-Pta megacity and to utilise the model to investigate the photochemical processes in the Jhb-Pta megacity and surrounding areas. In this investigation, ground-based measurements of criteria atmospheric pollutant species representative of the Jhb- Pta megacity were obtained to utilise as input data in the model, as well as to compare to results determined with the model. From the ground-based measurements, the possible contribution of the Jhb-Pta megacity to the NO2 hotspot observed over the South African Highveld from satellite retrievals was also contextualised. Five ground-based monitoring sites were situated strategically within the boundaries of the Jhb- Pta megacity to measure the direct influences of urban air pollution, e.g. traffic emissions, biomass burning and residential pollution. One measurement site was situated outside the modelling domain in order to collect rural background data in close proximity to the Jhb-Pta megacity. All the air quality stations continuously measured the criteria pollutants NOx, SO2 and O3. In addition, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene (BTEX) were measured at four sites. Passive sampling of NOx, SO2 , O3 and BTEX was also conducted in March and April 2010. Active data was obtained for March to May 2009, since no active measurements were available for the same year that passive sampling was performed due to logistical reasons. Meteorological parameters that included temperature, pressure and relative humidity were also measured at the monitoring stations Ground-based measurements provided a good indication of the state of the air quality in the Jhb-Pta megacity. The air quality levels of NO2 , SO2 , O3 and BTEX could be compared to other cities in the world. A distinct diurnal cycle was observed for NO2 at most of the stations. An early morning peak between 6:00 and 9:00 coincided with the time that commuters travel to work, whereas an evening peak between 18:00 and 21:00 could be attributed to traffic emissions and household combustion. Levels of O3, which is a secondary pollutant, peaked between 13:00 and 15:00. This diurnal pattern could be attributed to the photochemical formation of O3 from precursor species NO and VOCs. Toluene was predominantly higher than the other BTEX species. Benzene and xylene concentrations were in the same order, while the lowest levels were measured for ethyl benzene Ground-based measurements also indicated that the NO2 Highveld hotspot, which is well known in the international science community due to its prominence in satellite images, is accompanied by a second hotspot over the Jhb-Pta megacity. Peak NO2 pollution levels in the Jhb-Pta megacity exceeded the maximum daily Highveld values during the morning and evening rush hours. This result is significant for the more than 10 million people living in the Jhb-Pta megacity. Although satellite instruments have been extremely valuable in pointing out global hotspots, a limitation of satellite retrievals due to their specific overpass times has been presented. Chemical processes in the Jhb-Pta megacity were investigated by utilising an existing photochemical box model, i.e. MECCA-MCM. This model was further developed in this study and was termed the MECCA-MCM-UPWIND model. This model included horizontal and vertical mixing processes in the atmosphere. These processes were included to simulate the advection of upwind air masses into the modelling domain, as well as the entrainment from the troposphere resulting from the diurnal mixing layer (ML) height variation. Three processes, i.e. horizontal mixing, vertical mixing and ML height variation, were built into the MECCA-MCM- UPWIND model. The model was tested and evaluated to determine the efficiency of the model to represent atmospheric mixing processes. MECCA-MCM-UPWIND simulated horizontal mixing, vertical entrainment and ML height variations as expected. The input data for the model runs for the Jhb-Pta megacity modelling runs were either obtained from ground-based measurements or literature. Input data included meteorology, emission inventory, ML height and mixing ratios of the atmospheric chemical species. The chemical composition of the air mass entering the Jhb-Pta megacity was determined with MECCA-MCM- UPWIND. The concentrations and diurnal variability of criteria pollutant species were well predicted with the MECCA-MCM-UPWIND model. The day-time chemistry, especially, compared well, while slight under-predictions were observed for the night-time chemistry for most of the species. The differences observed between modelled and measured data could partially be ascribed to uncertainties associated with some of the input data obtained from literature used. The MECCA-MCM-UPWIND model was used to perform sensitivity studies on the influence of different parameters on O3 levels in the Jhb-Pta megacity. Possible scenarios to alter or mitigate pollution were also investigated. The results from the sensitivity analyses showed that O3 mixing ratios decreased within the Jhb-Pta megacity with increasing wind speeds. The contribution of local emissions to the change in the concentration of pollutants is reduced at higher wind speeds. It also indicated that the Mpumalanga Highveld can potentially be a source of NOx in the Jhb-Pta megacity that can lead to the titration of O3 . This also implies that if the air quality of the surrounding area improves, the concentration of the secondary pollutant O 3 will increase in the Jhb-Pta megacity due to the decrease in the titration of O3 . Sensitivity analyses also indicated that the Jhb-Pta megacity is a VOC-limited (or NOx-saturated) regime. Therefore, O3 reduction in the Jhb-Pta megacity will mostly be effective if VOC emissions are reduced. The same effect was observed in various cities world-wide where O3 increased when NOx emissions the Jhb-Pta megacity on the instantaneous production of O 3 was also investigated. A significant increase of approximately 23ppb O3 production was observed when changing from Euro-0 to Euro-3 vehicles with lower emissions of VOCs, NOx and CO. This compares with other modelled sensitivity studies of traffic emissions that also predict that future urban O 3 concentrations will increase in many cities by 2050 due to the reduction in the NOx titration of O3 despite the implementation of O3 control regulations / Thesis (PhD (Environmental Sciences))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

Air quality in the Johannesburg-Pretoria megacity: its regional influence and identification of parameters that could mitigate pollution / A.S.M. Lourens

Lourens, Alexandra Susanna Maritz January 2012 (has links)
A megacity is generally defined as a city that, together with its suburbs or recognised metropolitan area, has a total population of more than 10 million people. Air pollution in megacities is a major concern due to large increases of populations over the past decades. Increases of air pollution result from more anthropogenic emission sources in megacities, which include energy production, transportation, industrial activities and domestic fuel burning. In the developing parts of Africa, urbanisation is increasing rapidly, with growth rates of populations in cities of up to 5% per annum. The major driving forces for these population increases in African countries can be attributed to population growth, natural disasters and armed ethnic conflicts. In South Africa, 62% of the total population lived in cities in 2010. The rate of urbanisation growth is predicted to be 1.2% per annum. The largest urbanised city in South Africa is the Johannesburg-Pretoria conurbation (referred to as Jhb-Pta megacity) that has more than 10 million inhabitants. Johannesburg is considered to be the central hub of economic activities and -growth in South Africa. The larger conurbation includes all the suburbs of Johannesburg and Pretoria. In South Africa, household combustion and traffic emissions are major sources of pollutants in urbanised areas. The major pollutants emitted from these activities include nitrogen oxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ), sulphur dioxide (SO2 ), carbon monoxide (CO), particular matter (PM) and various organic compounds. The Jhb-Pta megacity is also located relatively close to large industrialised regions in South Africa, i.e. the Mpumalanga Highveld and the Vaal Triangle. Very few air quality modelling studies have been conducted for the Jhb-Pta megacity. According to the knowledge of the author, no literature existed in peer-reviewed publications at the time of the study. An in-depth modelling study was therefore conducted to assess the current state of air quality within the Jhb-Pta megacity. The main objectives were to optimise an existing photochemical box model for the Jhb-Pta megacity and to utilise the model to investigate the photochemical processes in the Jhb-Pta megacity and surrounding areas. In this investigation, ground-based measurements of criteria atmospheric pollutant species representative of the Jhb- Pta megacity were obtained to utilise as input data in the model, as well as to compare to results determined with the model. From the ground-based measurements, the possible contribution of the Jhb-Pta megacity to the NO2 hotspot observed over the South African Highveld from satellite retrievals was also contextualised. Five ground-based monitoring sites were situated strategically within the boundaries of the Jhb- Pta megacity to measure the direct influences of urban air pollution, e.g. traffic emissions, biomass burning and residential pollution. One measurement site was situated outside the modelling domain in order to collect rural background data in close proximity to the Jhb-Pta megacity. All the air quality stations continuously measured the criteria pollutants NOx, SO2 and O3. In addition, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene (BTEX) were measured at four sites. Passive sampling of NOx, SO2 , O3 and BTEX was also conducted in March and April 2010. Active data was obtained for March to May 2009, since no active measurements were available for the same year that passive sampling was performed due to logistical reasons. Meteorological parameters that included temperature, pressure and relative humidity were also measured at the monitoring stations Ground-based measurements provided a good indication of the state of the air quality in the Jhb-Pta megacity. The air quality levels of NO2 , SO2 , O3 and BTEX could be compared to other cities in the world. A distinct diurnal cycle was observed for NO2 at most of the stations. An early morning peak between 6:00 and 9:00 coincided with the time that commuters travel to work, whereas an evening peak between 18:00 and 21:00 could be attributed to traffic emissions and household combustion. Levels of O3, which is a secondary pollutant, peaked between 13:00 and 15:00. This diurnal pattern could be attributed to the photochemical formation of O3 from precursor species NO and VOCs. Toluene was predominantly higher than the other BTEX species. Benzene and xylene concentrations were in the same order, while the lowest levels were measured for ethyl benzene Ground-based measurements also indicated that the NO2 Highveld hotspot, which is well known in the international science community due to its prominence in satellite images, is accompanied by a second hotspot over the Jhb-Pta megacity. Peak NO2 pollution levels in the Jhb-Pta megacity exceeded the maximum daily Highveld values during the morning and evening rush hours. This result is significant for the more than 10 million people living in the Jhb-Pta megacity. Although satellite instruments have been extremely valuable in pointing out global hotspots, a limitation of satellite retrievals due to their specific overpass times has been presented. Chemical processes in the Jhb-Pta megacity were investigated by utilising an existing photochemical box model, i.e. MECCA-MCM. This model was further developed in this study and was termed the MECCA-MCM-UPWIND model. This model included horizontal and vertical mixing processes in the atmosphere. These processes were included to simulate the advection of upwind air masses into the modelling domain, as well as the entrainment from the troposphere resulting from the diurnal mixing layer (ML) height variation. Three processes, i.e. horizontal mixing, vertical mixing and ML height variation, were built into the MECCA-MCM- UPWIND model. The model was tested and evaluated to determine the efficiency of the model to represent atmospheric mixing processes. MECCA-MCM-UPWIND simulated horizontal mixing, vertical entrainment and ML height variations as expected. The input data for the model runs for the Jhb-Pta megacity modelling runs were either obtained from ground-based measurements or literature. Input data included meteorology, emission inventory, ML height and mixing ratios of the atmospheric chemical species. The chemical composition of the air mass entering the Jhb-Pta megacity was determined with MECCA-MCM- UPWIND. The concentrations and diurnal variability of criteria pollutant species were well predicted with the MECCA-MCM-UPWIND model. The day-time chemistry, especially, compared well, while slight under-predictions were observed for the night-time chemistry for most of the species. The differences observed between modelled and measured data could partially be ascribed to uncertainties associated with some of the input data obtained from literature used. The MECCA-MCM-UPWIND model was used to perform sensitivity studies on the influence of different parameters on O3 levels in the Jhb-Pta megacity. Possible scenarios to alter or mitigate pollution were also investigated. The results from the sensitivity analyses showed that O3 mixing ratios decreased within the Jhb-Pta megacity with increasing wind speeds. The contribution of local emissions to the change in the concentration of pollutants is reduced at higher wind speeds. It also indicated that the Mpumalanga Highveld can potentially be a source of NOx in the Jhb-Pta megacity that can lead to the titration of O3 . This also implies that if the air quality of the surrounding area improves, the concentration of the secondary pollutant O 3 will increase in the Jhb-Pta megacity due to the decrease in the titration of O3 . Sensitivity analyses also indicated that the Jhb-Pta megacity is a VOC-limited (or NOx-saturated) regime. Therefore, O3 reduction in the Jhb-Pta megacity will mostly be effective if VOC emissions are reduced. The same effect was observed in various cities world-wide where O3 increased when NOx emissions the Jhb-Pta megacity on the instantaneous production of O 3 was also investigated. A significant increase of approximately 23ppb O3 production was observed when changing from Euro-0 to Euro-3 vehicles with lower emissions of VOCs, NOx and CO. This compares with other modelled sensitivity studies of traffic emissions that also predict that future urban O 3 concentrations will increase in many cities by 2050 due to the reduction in the NOx titration of O3 despite the implementation of O3 control regulations / Thesis (PhD (Environmental Sciences))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

The climate impacts of atmospheric aerosols using in-situ measurements, satellite retrievals and global climate model simulations

Davies, Nicholas William January 2018 (has links)
Aerosols contribute the largest uncertainty to estimates of radiative forcing of the Earth’s atmosphere, which are thought to exert a net negative radiative forcing, offsetting a potentially significant but poorly constrained fraction of the positive radiative forcing associated with greenhouse gases. Aerosols perturb the Earth’s radiative balance directly by absorbing and scattering radiation and indirectly by acting as cloud condensation nuclei, altering cloud albedo and potentially cloud lifetime. One of the major factors governing the uncertainty in estimates of aerosol direct radiative forcing is the poorly constrained aerosol single scattering albedo, which is the ratio of the aerosol scattering to extinction. In this thesis, I describe a new instrument for the measurement of aerosol optical properties using photoacoustic and cavity ring-down spectroscopy. Characterisation is performed by assessing the instrument minimum sensitivity and accuracy as well as verifying the accuracy of its calibration procedure. The instrument and calibration accuracies are assessed by comparing modelled to measured optical properties of well-characterised laboratory-generated aerosol. I then examine biases in traditional, filter-based absorption measurements by comparing to photoacoustic spectrometer absorption measurements for a range of aerosol sources at multiple wavelengths. Filter-based measurements consistently overestimate absorption although the bias magnitude is strongly source-dependent. Biases are consistently lowest when an advanced correction scheme is applied, irrespective of wavelength or aerosol source. Lastly, I assess the sensitivity of the direct radiative effect of biomass burning aerosols to aerosol and cloud optical properties over the Southeast Atlantic Ocean using a combination of offline radiative transfer modelling, satellite observations and global climate model simulations. Although the direct radiative effect depends on aerosol and cloud optical properties in a non-linear way, it appears to be only weakly dependent on sub-grid variability.

Human Influence on Marine Low-Level Clouds / Mänsklig inverkan på låga marina moln

Sporre, Moa January 2009 (has links)
<p>A study of air mass origin’s effect on marine stratus and stratocumulus clouds has been performed on clouds north of Scandinavia between 2000 and 2004. The aerosol number size distribution of the air masses has been obtained from measurements in northern Finland. A trajectory model has been used to calculate trajectories to and from the measurement stations. The back trajectories were calculated using the measurement site as receptor to make sure the air masses had the right origin, and forward trajectories were calculated from receptor stations to assure adequate flow conditions. Satellite data of microphysical parameters of clouds from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) has been downloaded where the trajectories indicated that clouds could be studied, and where the satellite images displayed low-level clouds. The 25 % days with the highest number of aerosol with a diameter over 80 nm (N<sub>80</sub>) and the 35% with the lowest N<sub>80</sub> have been used to represent polluted and clean conditions respectively. After screening trajectories and satellite imagery, 22 cases of clouds with northerly trajectories that had low N<sub>80</sub> values (i.e. clean) and 25 southerly cases with high N<sub>80</sub> values (i.e. polluted) where identified for further analysis.</p><p>   The average cloud optical thickness (τ) for all polluted pixels was more than twice that of the clean pixels. This can most likely be related to the differences in aerosol concentrations in accordance with the indirect effect, yet some difference in τ caused by different meteorological situations cannot be ruled out. The mean cloud droplet effective radius (a<sub>ef</sub>) was for the polluted pixels 11.2 µm and for the clean pixels 15.5 µm, which results in a difference of 4.3 µm and clearly demonstrates the effect that increased aerosol numbers has on clouds. A non-linear relationship between a<sub>ef</sub> and N<sub>80</sub> has been obtained which indicates that changes in lower values of aerosol numbers affect a<sub>ef</sub> more than changes in larger aerosol loads. The results from this study also indicate that there is a larger difference in the microphysical cloud parameters between the polluted and clean cases in spring and autumn than in summer.</p>

Human Influence on Marine Low-Level Clouds / Mänsklig inverkan på låga marina moln

Sporre, Moa January 2009 (has links)
A study of air mass origin’s effect on marine stratus and stratocumulus clouds has been performed on clouds north of Scandinavia between 2000 and 2004. The aerosol number size distribution of the air masses has been obtained from measurements in northern Finland. A trajectory model has been used to calculate trajectories to and from the measurement stations. The back trajectories were calculated using the measurement site as receptor to make sure the air masses had the right origin, and forward trajectories were calculated from receptor stations to assure adequate flow conditions. Satellite data of microphysical parameters of clouds from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) has been downloaded where the trajectories indicated that clouds could be studied, and where the satellite images displayed low-level clouds. The 25 % days with the highest number of aerosol with a diameter over 80 nm (N80) and the 35% with the lowest N80 have been used to represent polluted and clean conditions respectively. After screening trajectories and satellite imagery, 22 cases of clouds with northerly trajectories that had low N80 values (i.e. clean) and 25 southerly cases with high N80 values (i.e. polluted) where identified for further analysis.    The average cloud optical thickness (τ) for all polluted pixels was more than twice that of the clean pixels. This can most likely be related to the differences in aerosol concentrations in accordance with the indirect effect, yet some difference in τ caused by different meteorological situations cannot be ruled out. The mean cloud droplet effective radius (aef) was for the polluted pixels 11.2 µm and for the clean pixels 15.5 µm, which results in a difference of 4.3 µm and clearly demonstrates the effect that increased aerosol numbers has on clouds. A non-linear relationship between aef and N80 has been obtained which indicates that changes in lower values of aerosol numbers affect aef more than changes in larger aerosol loads. The results from this study also indicate that there is a larger difference in the microphysical cloud parameters between the polluted and clean cases in spring and autumn than in summer.

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