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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The ICT development needs of South African Science and Mathematics Teachers

Vilakati, Bongani January 2014 (has links)
Teachers need to develop 21st Century skills and be competent users of ICT to integrate it successfully in their everyday instruction and learning activities. The goal of this Secondary Data Analysis (SDA) study is to determine the proportion of South African Science and Mathematics teachers who experience a lack of ICT-related skills and pedagogical skills related to the integration of ICT in instruction and learning as an obstacle. Furthermore it has been investigated whether these teachers are willing to be trained. This study is a response to the distressing outcome of the The Second International Technology in Education Study (SITES 2006), an international survey that was conducted by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA), indicating that South Africa has the lowest ICT integration among the SITES 2006 participating countries (16% for Science and 18% for Mathematics). The current study followed a basic SDA of the SITES 2006 dataset relating to South African Science and Mathematics teachers and adopted an integrated qualitative-quantitative approach. The results indicate that there is a great need for South African Science and Mathematics teachers to attend professional development activities since there are many teachers who lack ICT-related skills (55%) and pedagogical skills related to the integration of ICT in instruction and learning (62%). The teachers who experience a lack of ICT-related skills and pedagogical skills are willing to be trained (88% and 93% respectively). These results imply that the challenge now rests with the government of South Africa to make sure that professional development activities that are both relevant and subject-specific are offered on a regular basis. The Government needs to devise strategies to promote professional development for the improvement of ICT integration into South African classrooms. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / lk2014 / Science, Mathematics and Technology Education / MEd / Unrestricted

The Influence of Gender on Perceived Treatment Need among a Community Sample of Substance Users

Vakharia, Sheila P. 05 July 2013 (has links)
Purpose: Most individuals do not perceive a need for substance use treatment despite meeting diagnostic criteria for substance use disorders and they are least likely to pursue treatment voluntarily. There are also those who perceive a need for treatment and yet do not pursue it. This study aimed to understand which factors increase the likelihood of perceiving a need for treatment for individuals who meet diagnostic criteria for substance use disorders in the hopes to better assist with more targeted efforts for gender-specific treatment recruitment and retention. Using Andersen and Newman’s (1973/2005) model of individual determinants of healthcare utilization, the central hypothesis of the study was that gender moderates the relationship between substance use problem severity and perceived treatment need, so that women with increasing problems due to their use of substances are more likely than men to perceive a need for treatment. Additional predisposing and enabling factors from Andersen and Newman’s (1973/2005) model were included in the study to understand their impact on perceived need. Method: The study was a secondary data analysis of the 2010 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) using logistic regression. The weighted sample consisted of a total 20,077,235 American household residents (The unweighted sample was 5,484 participants). Results of the logistic regression were verified using Relogit software for rare events logistic regression due to the rare event of perceived treatment need (King & Zeng, 2001a; 2001b). Results: The moderating effect of female gender was not found. Conversely, men were significantly more likely than women to perceive a need for treatment as substance use problem severity increased. The study also found that a number of factors such as race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, age, marital status, education, co-occurring mental health disorders, and prior treatment history differently impacted the likelihood of perceiving a need for treatment among men and women. Conclusion: Perceived treatment need among individuals who meet criteria for substance use disorders is rare, but identifying factors associated with an increased likelihood of perceiving need for treatment can help the development of gender-appropriate outreach and recruitment for social work treatment, and public health messages.

The counselling needs of adolescents expressed through text messaging

Wagner, Le-Vérne January 2014 (has links)
The advent of text messaging as a popular and cheaper form of communication has offered a new research perspective on adolescent development. Erikson’s identity formation theory, the core tenets of existentialism, and the developmental factors of adolescence provided a conceptual framework for the present investigation, which was guided by two research questions: What are the needs of adolescents seeking assistance through text-based messaging? How do the needs expressed align with the stage of development that adolescents are in? Since the data set had already been established from text messaging between learners and tutors in the Dr Math online tutoring programme, secondary data analysis was employed. A qualitative approach, rooted in an interpretivist paradigm, was used. In total 143, of the 5284, messages were included based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Thematic network analysis served to enable coding and grouping of the data into thematic networks for analysis. A bottom-to-top hierarchy of codes, basic themes, and organising themes led to the formulation of the global themes of romantic curiosity, emotional expression, academic and career concerns, personal counselling, and social interactions as central to arriving at a better understanding of adolescents’ psychosocial needs in an increasingly technological communication environment. Further research is recommended into ways in which training and development in technology can be used for aiding adolescents in South Africa, as well as into the role of technology in advancing practice and research for professionals. / Mini-dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / tm2015 / Educational Psychology / MEd / Unrestricted

The relationship between bullying and Grade 4 boy learners' reading literacy achievement

Odendaal, Danica January 2017 (has links)
Reading can improve the quality of life for individuals and is widely considered the cornerstone of learning. However, many boys who enjoy reading are bullied. The direct, negative effects of bullying on academic achievement have been exposed in previous research. The purpose of this empirical study was to examine whether any statistical relationship existed between the low overall reading literacy achievement scores of Grade 4 boy learners and whether they experienced being the victims of peer bullying. Three research questions underpinned this quantitative, non-experimental, secondary data analysis. The primary data were collected from 8 196 Grade 4 boy learners in South Africa as part of the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study 2011. The three research questions were: What is the relationship of bullying with Grade 4 boy learners overall reading literacy achievement scores when categorised for each of the individual prePIRLS 2011 benchmarks? What is the correlation between overall reading literacy achievement scores and being a victim of bullying as measured by the Learners Bullied at School Index? What is the potential statistical relationship between the overall reading literacy achievement scores of Grade 4 boy learners and the degree to which they have experienced bullying as measured by prePIRLS 2011, looking at the Learners Bullied at School Index as well as the six independent bullying variables individually? Bronfenbrenner s Ecological Model of Human Development served as a theoretical framework for the study, and a post-positivistic epistemological paradigm was adopted. Overall reading literacy achievement scores from the reading assessments were positioned on a common reading achievement scale using item response theory methods that offered an overall image of the assessment outcomes. The prePIRLS 2011 Learner Questionnaire itself was based on the Likert scale, while the variable Learners Bullied at School Index is a contextual scale based on Rasch modelling. The descriptive statistical analysis revealed that the more frequently the Grade 4 boy learners experienced bullying, the lower their overall reading literacy achievement scores were and vice versa. The Pearson correlation revealed that, as bullying increased, overall reading literacy achievement scores decreased proportionately. The multiple regression revealed that a school that had higher levels of bullying could expect overall reading literacy achievement scores to be lower. Finally, the model statistics revealed that bullying accounted for only 5% of the variation in the target population s overall reading literacy achievement scores. Therefore, other associated variables can be investigated in future research, including, but not limited to, cyberbullying. If the statistical relationship between bullying (including cyberbullying) and reading literacy receives immediate attention, it could lead to stronger design, improved development, and implementation of preventative measures. / Die sleutel tot leer is geletterdheid. Geletterdheid word bereik deur te lees. Lees beskik oor die vermoë om die lewensgehalte van individue te verbeter. Vir dié rede is die leesgedrag van Graad 4-skoolseuns, wat die teikenpopulasie van die huidige studie is, die fokuspunt. Vorige navorsing het reeds die negatiewe en regstreekse gevolge van afknouery (boeliegedrag) op akademiese prestasie onthul. Dus, as lees die hoeksteen van leer is, moet afknouery as 'n moontlike struikelblok tot leer ondersoek word. Die doel van die studie was om te ondersoek of daar enige statistiese verhouding bestaan tussen die lae algehele leesgeletterdheidsprestasie van Graad 4-skoolseuns en of hul die slagoffers is van afknouery. Die studie het gebruik gemaak van Bronfenbrenner se Ekologiese Model van Menslike Ontwikkeling as teoretiese raamwerk. Verder het die studie ? post-positivistiese epistemologiese paradigma aangewend. Die studie is gegrond op 'n kwantitatiewe, nie-eksperimentele, sekondêre data-ontleding van data versamel van 8 196 Graad 4-skoolseuns in Suid-Afrika. Die data is versamel as deel van die Progress in International Reading Literacy Study 2011. Algehele leesgeletterdheidsprestasie is geplaas op 'n algemene leesprestasieskaal met behulp van itemresponsteoriemetodes. Die prePIRLS 2011-leerdervraelys is gebaseer op die Likert skaal. Die Leerders Afgeknou by die Skool Indeks is ? kontekstuele skaal wat gebaseer is op Rasch-modellering. Die drie navorsingvrae wat ondersoek is, was die volgende: • Wat is die verhouding tussen afknouery van skoolseuns en die algehele leesgeletterdheidsprestasie gemeet teen elk van die prePIRLS 2011 individuele maatstawwe? • Wat is die korrelasie tussen algehele leesgeletterdheidsprestasie en om ‘n slagoffer te wees van afknouery soos gemeet deur die Leerders Afgeknou by die Skool Indeks? • Wat is die potensiële statistiese verhouding tussen die algehele leesgeletterdheidsprestasie van Graad 4-skoolseuns en die mate waarin hulle afknouery ervaar het soos gemeet deur prePIRLS 2011, met inagneming van die Leerders Afgeknou by die Skool Indeks asook die ses onafhanklike afknouveranderlikes individueel beskou? Die beskrywende statistiese analise het getoon dat meer gereelde ervarings van afknouery ? verhouding het met laer algehele leesgeletterdheidsprestasies van Graad 4-skoolseuns. Die Pearson-korrelasie het getoon dat, indien afknouery vermeerder, algehele leesgeletterdheidsprestasies proporsioneel afneem. Die veelvoudige regressie-analise het getoon dat by skole waar hoër vlakke van afknouery gevind is, die algehele leesgeletterdheidsprestasie laer is. Ten slotte, het die modelstatistieke aan die lig gebring dat afknouery verantwoordelik is vir slegs 5% van die variasie in Graad 4-skoolseuns se algehele leesgeletterdheidsprestasie. Daarom moet ander veranderlikes, met inbegrip van kuberafknouery, met 'n moontlike verhouding met leesgeletterdheid deur toekomstige navorsing ondersoek word. Indien afknouery dringende aandag ontvang, kan dit lei tot verbeterde ontwerp, ontwikkeling en implementering van voorkomende maatreels. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2017. / Humanities Education / MEd / Unrestricted

Methadone Dosage and Opioid Overdose: a Secondary Analysis of Supervised Consumption Site Data

Cahill, Taliesin Magboo 19 January 2022 (has links)
Background: Opioid overdoses have killed almost 20,000 Canadians since 2016. To address this, Canada has established supervised consumption sites where people can use drugs in the presence of trained staff and get access to pharmacological treatments such as methadone. However, there is very little research on whether supervised consumption clients use methadone, or whether their use of methadone prevents opioid overdose. Methods: A secondary data analysis of information collected from one supervised consumption site was undertaken in order to explore relationships between client self-reported methadone dosage and subsequent observed same-day opioid overdose. Results: Statistical analysis showed no correlation between methadone usage and reduced chance of opioid overdose. However, the most common dosage of methadone reported (30mg/day) was far below the minimum therapeutic dose of methadone. Conclusion: Clients of supervised consumption sites often report being prescribed methadone, but not at a dose high enough to reduce opioid overdose.

Locating Pessimism About the American Dream: How Does Place Matter?

Wildfeuer, Rachel, 0000-0002-8798-3147 January 2022 (has links)
This dissertation examines whether place matters for Americans’ pessimism about the American Dream and if so, how place matters. First, I establish that place (conceptualized in terms of region and size of place) influences individual-level pessimism about the American Dream. Pessimism about the American Dream is measured with a General Social Survey (GSS) question on chances of improving one’s standard of living. I then use GSS data to analyze whether individual-level characteristics (race, sex, age, income, unemployment, educational attainment, marital status, and homeownership) help explain the influence of place on pessimism about the American Dream when respondents are nested in their county of residence; in other words, whether place matters because different places have different compositions of people. Next, I use GSS data merged with IPUMS USA (IPUMS) data to analyze whether county-level characteristics (race, sex, age, income, unemployment, educational attainment, marital status, and homeownership) help explain the influence of place on pessimism about the American Dream when respondents are nested in their county of residence; in other words, whether place matters because different places have different contexts. Finally, using the merged data, I analyze the interactions of the individual-level and county-level characteristics when respondents are nested in their county of residence; in other words, whether place matters differently for different people. While I am not able to quantify how much composition and/or context explain the influence of place on pessimism about the American Dream, I find that that different compositions of people in different places contributes to the influence of living in the Midwest compared to the Northeast. I also find that different age contexts in different places contribute to the influence of living in the Midwest compared to the Northeast, the influence of living in the West compared to the Northeast, and the influence of size of place (living in a suburban, exurban, micropolitan, and/or rural area compared to an urban area). County-level age is the only statistically significant county-level characteristic. My findings suggest that living in a county with a higher mean age is associated with increased odds of pessimism about the American Dream compared to living in a county with a lower mean age. I do not find any statistically significant interactions between the individual-level variables and the county-level variables. Throughout my dissertation, the influence of living in the South compared to the Northeast consistently remains statistically significant. I find that living in the South is associated with decreased odds of pessimism about the American Dream compared to living in the Northeast and that composition and context do not explain the influence of living in the South on pessimism about the America Dream. My findings suggest that the influence of living in the South on pessimism about the American Dream may be due to collective explanations, such as shared norms and values in the region. / Sociology

Preventing Childhood Obesity in School-Aged Children: Relationships between Reading Nutrition Labels and Healthy Dietary Behaviors

Bogers, Kimberly S 01 January 2018 (has links)
Childhood obesity is a prevalent problem in the United States. Obesity increases the risk for many diseases. Obese children are likely to become obese adults with additional comorbidities. Studies have reported mixed findings regarding associations between reading nutrition labels and improved dietary behaviors/healthy weight status. The purpose of this study is to determine whether the frequency of children reading nutrition labels is related to frequency of performing 12 dietary behaviors. De-identified baseline data from a previous quasiexperimental pilot study were analyzed. Data were collected from 4th and 5th graders (n = 42) at an after-school program. An adapted paper survey was administered to the children to measure the number of days (0–7) they read nutrition labels and performed 12 dietary behaviors over the preceding week. Due to non-normal distribution of data, non-parametric Spearman rho correlations were conducted to determine relationships between frequency of reading nutrition labels and dietary behaviors. Positive correlations were found between frequency of reading nutrition labels and eating fruit for breakfast; eating vegetables at lunch/dinner; eating whole grain/multigrain bread (p < .05); eating fruit for a snack; eating vegetables for a snack (p < .01). Frequency of reading nutrition labels was inversely related to drinking soda/sugar-sweetened beverages (p < .05). Significant relationships were found between frequency of reading nutrition labels and several dietary behaviors associated with childhood obesity prevention. Findings are promising and support the need for further intervention research to determine potential direct influences of children reading nutrition labels on dietary behaviors.

The relationship between gender or sex and mobility in middle and older aged community-dwelling adults with chronic conditions

Xu, Ying January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to determine the relationships between gender or sex with mobility in middle aged and older community-dwelling adults with chronic conditions. Study one was a systematic review of published literature on whether gender or sex predict mobility in middle aged and older adults with chronic conditions in community-dwelling setting. Study two was a secondary analysis study (data from a randomized controlled trial where there were no statistically significant differences between rehabilitation intervention group and control group) to determine whether age and sex predict self-reported and performance-based mobility-related outcomes in community-dwelling middle and older aged adults with chronic conditions. This relationship was also examined in the context of sociodemographic and comorbidity variables. The information gained from these studies could be used to inform and guide future research and prevention intervention programs for people with risk of mobility limitation. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)

Measuring the impact of using health-related websites : the eHealth impact questionnaire

Kelly, Laura January 2015 (has links)
<b>Introduction:</b> Health-related websites have developed to be much more than information sites: they are used to exchange experiences and find support as well as information and advice. It is important that health professionals and website developers understand how content may impact users. This thesis documents the development and application of a tool to measure the impact of using health-related websites which contain experiential and/or factual information. <b>Methods:</b> A multi-method study with five stages. Stage 1: Questionnaire items based upon themes relating to the impact of using health-related websites were constructed following qualitative secondary analysis of 93 interviews relating to patient and carer experiences of health and a recent literature review. Items were assessed by an expert panel. Stage 2: Cognitive interviews were carried out to confirm acceptability of items. Stage 3: Item reduction steps were used to reduce the number of items. Stage 4: The validity and reliability of the remaining items were tested using traditional and modern psychometric methods. Stage 5: The new questionnaire was piloted in a randomised controlled trial. <b>Results:</b> Eighty-two items were constructed according to the key themes identified in Stage 1. Following expert and patient refinement, two independent item pools entered psychometric testing. The first item pool related to general views of using the internet in relation to health and the second item pool related to the impact of using a specific health-related website. Sub-scales and summary scores were found to have high construct validity, internal consistency and test-retest reliability. The questionnaire showed high completion rates and low counts of missing data in a trial setting. <b>Conclusion:</b> Analysis confirmed good psychometric properties in the eHIQ-Part 1 (11 items) and the eHIQ-Part 2 (26 items). Preliminary findings of trial data demonstrate the acceptability and feasibility of including the eHIQ in randomised controlled trials. This tool will enable the measurement of the impact of health-related websites containing various styles of information and support across a range conditions and facilitate their accurate evaluation in clinical trials.

Evaluating the Construct Validity of the KIDSCREEN-52 Quality of Life questionnaire within a South African context utilizing Exploratory Factor Analysis: Initial validation

Taliep, Naiema January 2010 (has links)
<p>This study is located within the theoretical framework of construct validation theory. Data for this Secondary Data Analysis study was drawn from the &ldquo / Impact of Hope and Exposure to Community Violence on children&rsquo / s perception of Well-being&rdquo / study. The primary study employed stratified interval criterion sampling to select 565 grade 9 learners, aged 14-18 from six public schools. The dataset for the current study comprised all participants (N=565) of the broader study. As the initial step in validation of the KIDSCREEN-52 within South Africa, the current study examined the factor structure of the KIDSCREEN-52 within this context by means of exploratory factor analysis using principal component analysis with oblimin rotations. It also assessed the internal consistency reliability of each of the scales using Cronbach&rsquo / s alpha. Exploratory factor analysis revealed the same 10 factors as identified by previous European studies with some deviation in the last two factors, which warrants further examination. Internal consistency of the measure was shown to be acceptable, with Cronbach&rsquo / s alpha values ranging from 0.76 to 0.81 for the 10 scales.</p>

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