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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sekuritizace migrace ve střední Evropě / Securitization of migration in Central Europe

Tůmová, Dominika January 2013 (has links)
The Thesis "Securitization of Migration in Central Europe" deals with the issue of international migration in Central European countries from the perspective of Security Studies. The aim of this thesis is to point out to the prevailing security concept of this issue in selected countries of Central Europe (Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary), to find out the reasons for this approach to the migration and asylum issues and also to determine whether the security approach to the issue of migration does reflect the real situation of migration phenomenon in selected Central European countries. Through comparative analysis of the issue of migration in selected countries, this thesis verifies validity of the subsequent hypothesis: The security approach to the issue of international migration does not reflect the real situation of migration phenomenon in selected Central European countries. The variables are migration issues most often connected with the security of state and its society: illegal migration, criminality of foreigners, integration, employment of foreigners, access to the welfare benefits and demographical factors.

Kyberterorismus - mediální hrozba / Cyber terrorism - medial threat

Latoň, Pavel January 2013 (has links)
The subject of my diploma thesis, Cyber terrorism - medial threat, is a phenomenon of terrorist attacks in cyberspace, media discourse, within the reality is constructed cyber terrorism in the media and its impact on the securitization of cyber terrorism process. It also deals with the comparison of traditional forms of terrorism with those that have evolved with new communication technologies. The thesis outlines the development of the concept of terrorism from its beginning to the present. The aim of the thesis is to show Cyber terrorism as a latent threat to the information society. For the interdisciplinary approach is used the method of discourse analysis. Creating a social and media reality is analyzed based on the theory of Niklas Luhmann and points to the autopoiesis self-reference systems and reference each other, as a key concept in the construction of reality by the media. Another section is devoted to the reaction of the European Union and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) on the "threat" of cyber terrorism. Keywords Terrorism, cyber terrorism, self-reference, autopoiesis, securitization

Proliferace zbraní hromadného ničení v sekuritizačním diskurzu USA a Ruska : role v procesu formování bezpečnostních politik jaderných velmocí / Proliferation of weapons of mass destruction in securitizing discourse of the USA and Russia : role in the process of security policy formation of nuclear-armed states

Klůz, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
Proliferation of weapons of mass destruction in securitizing discourse of the USA and Russia: Role in the process of security policy formation of nuclear-armed states Abstract This master thesis deals with a political usage of securitization of weapons of mass destruction by presidents of the two most important nuclear powers - USA and Russian Federation. For this purpose, discursive analysis of speeches of both presidents during their first terms is performed, with a goal to identify and interpret the securitizational discourse. Result is the analysis of most common type of usage of WMD securitization for legitimization of foreign-political steps and goals of these states, and their comparison. Results of the analysis shows that in the case of the US, WMD securitization was being used mainly for legitimization of politics of active formation of international situation so it would fit the US interests. In the case of Russia on the other hand, analysed discourse was being used mainly for preservation of international status quo in as stable form as possible, due to priority of domestic situation. In both cases however, predominantly economical motivations for the use of analysed discourse can be argued.

Investiční politiky států EU a čínské investice / EU member states FDI policies and Chinese investments

Neumanová, Petra January 2021 (has links)
The topic of this master thesis are the EU FDI policies and their development specifically in the period 1999 - 2019. The aim of this master thesis is to answer the research question: "Why the European FDI policies have changed during 1999-2019?" In April 2019, a new regulation regarding a framework for screening of foreign direct investment in the European Union has passed. The process of screening should be applied in case a foreign direct investment would pose a threat to security or public order. The EU has been traditionally a promoter of the liberal trade and free movement of capital. Yet, the proposal presents a new tool in the FDI policy that can be seen as restrictive. In this thesis author analyzes what processes led to the introduction of this new framework. Following the theoretical framework regarding security concepts and evolution of new threats, the author elaborates on the first hypothesis that "It is possible to identify strengthening of the concept of security and more restrictive approach in the FDI policies of EU member states during 1999-2019" by analyzing the evolution of EU FDI policy and policies of Germany and France as ones of the biggest recipients of FDI in the EU. Furthermore, the author uses the theoretical framework of realism and international political economy to...

Kdo se bojí číhajícího medvěda: Resekuritizace Ruska v postkrymském diskurzu národní bezpečnosti USA / Who's Afraid of the Lurking Bear: The Resecuritization of Russia in the Post-Crimean United States National Security Discourse

Prushankin, Keith January 2017 (has links)
This thesis presents a discourse analysis of American perceptions of Russia in their historical and contemporary context. Through the linguistic construction of security offered by the Copenhagen School of Securitization, we can trace the socio-political development of Russia as the threatening other in the American discourse. This thesis has demonstrated the consistency of linguistic devices in the American Russia discourse from the 18th century to the Crimean Crisis, and has identified specific linguistic packages which securitizing actors unpack according to their preferences and goals in a given situation. This thesis also demonstrates that the resecuritization of a previously desecuritized object may occur through the use of preexisting discursive devices that play on existing elements of the national consciousness. Keywords Resecuritization, Securitization, United States, Russia, Socio-Political Discourse, Crimean Crisis, Copenhagen School, Obama Administration, Vladimir Putin Range of thesis: 121 pages, 34,048 words, 240,229 keystrokes.

Sekuritizace biologie: Biologické hrozby a připravenost státu v kontextu pandemie / Securitising biology: Biological threats and state preparedness in the wake of a pandemic

Artico, Chiara January 2021 (has links)
64053643 SECURITISING BIOLOGY: BIOLOGICAL THREATS AND STATE PREPAREDNESS IN THE WAKE OF A PANDEMIC ABSTRACT The management of infectious diseases in the realm of public health has shown increasingly overlapping areas with biological warfare preparedness. While the acknowledgement of these common elements is not only frequent but also codified in an international treaty and subject to distinct regulations, research into how these two fields connect is scarce. Potential deliberate use of biological weapons typically leads to intense political mobilisation and ensuing dedication of financial resources. Contrarily, the management of health crises over the last decades has been severely flawed, and no country in the world is considered fully prepared to a pandemic, according to the Global Health Security Index. The current COVID-19 pandemic has recently been further proof of the inadequacy of state-level prevention and preparedness capabilities. This dissertation aims at bridging the existing conceptual gap and policy divide between biological warfare and infectious disease preparedness, and to analyse elements that can be mutually applicable and potentially beneficial. It will do so by establishing analytical equivalence between the securitisation of an artificial biothreat and a nature-borne infectious disease...

Trh kreditních derivátů / Credit derivatives market

Prokop, Martin January 2010 (has links)
The main objective of this thesis is to acquaint the reader with the main types of credit derivatives, with the methods of functioning and with main valuation principles. The theoretical part focus on description of credit derivatives market developement with more detailed description of subjcts, who are operating on credit derivatives market. The analysis fosus on how the financial crises influenced these subjects and their credit derivatives portfolios. I have also described the new suggested regulation changes. As a conclusion is the estimation of the regulation changes on the credit derivatives market size.

Globální terorismus z pohledu konstruktivismu / Global terrorism from the constructivist perspective: Human mind as a security factor

Fajmonová, Veronika January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to examine the process of securitization of terrorism, to develop the role of the audience (public) at the individual level and subsequently to provide recommendations on an alternative way of fighting terrorism. In order to achieve this goal, the author uses socially constructivist securitization theory, critical terrorism studies and political psychology, namely cognitive and social psychology. Throughout the chapters, the securitization process of terrorism is explored; terrorism as a (to a certain extent) objective problem, further, from the point of view of critical terrorism studies, the security measures are assessed and public opinion is examined through public opinion polls. The author comes to the conclusion that public opinion is one of the key factors in implementing extensive security measures. Therefore, she further examines the factors that affect public opinion; the narrative, the role of the media, and ultimately the psychological processes influencing the perception of reality. It turns out that the narrative about terrorism and the media have their share in the public reaction to terrorism, but the role of the audience in the securitization process of terrorism is not fully explained and there are the psychological processes that illuminate it. Therefore, by running an experiment, the author examines the effect of three narratives about terrorism, based on psychological theories. It concludes that there is a potential for reducing the public's fears and thus the alternative fight against terrorism.

Vznik a vývoj současné globální finanční krize (se zaměřením na její psychologické aspekty) / The causes and evolution of the global financial crisis (with an additional focus on psychological aspects)

Hvazdzitskaya, Sviatlana January 2010 (has links)
This thesis aims to explain the underlying causes and evolution of the global financial crisis, starting from U.S. mortgage crisis to the European debt crisis. Because the causes mentioned above had both fundamental and psychological character - sufficient attention is placed on analyzing of psychological aspects, which contributed to the development of the financial crisis. The psychological component of the work is based on several selected economics theories conclusions (T.Veblen and The theory of Leisure Class, A.Marshall and The principles of Economics, V.Pareto and The circulation of elite, J.M.Keynes and The market psychology), also on some economic psychology and behavioral economics theories (information asymmetry and decision-making process) and psychogenetics.

Sekuritizace a její role v soudobé finanční a hospodářské krizi / Securitization and her role in current financial crisis

Bísková, Hana January 2014 (has links)
Securitization has been one of the most important causes of recent financial crisis. Diploma thesis characterizes subprime mortgage securitization with the emphasis on entities in the process involved and their motivations for securitization use. The thesis describes the most used securitized assets with the emphasis on risks arising from their characteristics. The thesis also clarifies negatives associated with securitization especially moral hazard, asymmetric information on the market and decline in lending standards and that securitization lead to failure of rating agencies evaluation. Thesis connects cheap money policy with increase demand for mortgages that have been securitized afterword and with losses of investors into securitized assets.

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