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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Consumer and shear force evaluation of steaks from the M. Serratus ventralis

Bagley, Jason Lee 25 April 2007 (has links)
An in-home evaluation of steaks from the M. Serratus ventralis was conducted to determine consumer acceptance. Steaks were also evaluated by Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBS) evaluations. Steaks from the M. Serratus ventralis were either blade tenderized, injected with a salt, phosphate, and papain solution, or served as a control. Consumers (n = 136) were not given a specific method of cookery, but were asked to document cooking method and degree of doneness, overall-like, tenderness desirability, tenderness of cut, juiciness desirability, juiciness of cut, flavor desirability, and flavor intensity. When cooked on the grill, in the oven, or in a skillet, injected steaks received the highest (P < 0.05) ratings for tenderness. Furthermore, consumers rated injected and blade tenderized steaks higher (P<0.05) for overall like when they were cooked on the grill to a higher degree of doneness. Oven cooked steaks that were injected, rated higher (P<0.05) than blade tenderized steaks for juiciness. When cooked on the grill, juiciness ratings were also higher (P<0.05) for injected steaks compared to control steaks. Moreover, injected steaks had significantly lower (P<0.05) WBS values when compared to blade tenderized and control steaks. Overall, ratings for all steaks were adequate, confirming the M. Serratus ventralis as a potential high quality steak for use in the retail market.

Scapular Muscle Assessment in Patients with Lateral Epicondylalgia

Day, Joseph M 01 January 2013 (has links)
The role rehabilitation plays in the management of patients with lateral epicondylalgia (LE) remains elusive secondary to high recurrence rates. Addressing scapular muscle deficits may be important in the rehabilitation of patients with LE. However, it is unknown if scapular muscle impairments exist in a working population of patients with LE. The purpose of this dissertation was to assess scapular muscle strength and endurance in a working population of patients with LE. Clinical scapular muscle assessment tools are limited in their ability to isolate specific muscles. Rehabilitative ultrasound imaging (RUSI) is a potentially useful tool but few studies have investigated its utility. Absolute muscle thickness measurements were obtained on healthy individuals for the lower trapezius (LT) and serratus anterior (SA) under three conditions (arm at rest, arm elevated with a low load, arm elevated with a high load). For both the LT and SA, a significant distinction could be made in muscle thickness between rest and a loaded condition but not between the two load conditions. Furthermore, excellent reliability was demonstrated for both muscles. It is unknown whether arm dominance plays a role in scapular muscle assessments. Therefore, healthy individuals between the ages of 30 and 65 were recruited to compare the effect of arm dominance on scapular muscle strength, endurance, and change in thickness measured by RUSI. Results indicate that arm dominance does significantly affect some measures of scapular muscle strength and endurance. However, the differences between the dominant and non-dominant limbs were not beyond measurement error. Scapular muscle strength, endurance, and change in muscle thickness of the LT and SA were assessed in 28 patients presenting with signs and symptoms consistent with LE. LT strength, SA strength, middle trapezius strength, endurance, and change in SA thickness were significantly less in patients with LE compared to matched controls. SA and LT strength were significantly less in the involved limb compared to the uninvolved limb in patients with LE. The results suggest that assessing scapular muscle endurance as well as LT and SA strength is indicated when evaluating patients with LE, and the results should be compared to normative data.

Production primaire et fonctionnement de communautés intertidales à canopée de Fucus / Primary production and functioning of intertidal communities dominated by Fucus canopy

Bordeyne, François 13 December 2016 (has links)
En milieu intertidal rocheux, les communautés dominées par des canopées d'algues brunes (Phaeophyceae) sont particulièrement répandues. Malgré leur accessibilité, leur fonctionnement reste encore largement méconnu. En particulier, l'influence de la saisonnalité et du gradient d'émersion sur le métabolisme, le réseau trophique ou encore le processus de succession a été peu étudiée. Ce travail de thèse a donc eu pour objectif d'analyser le fonctionnement de deux communautés de Fucus établies à des niveaux marégraphiques différents, en portant une attention particulière aux conditions environnementales. Sur les côtes bretonnes (France), les communautés de Fucus vesiculosus Linnaeus et de Fucus serratus Linnaeus sont respectivement caractéristiques des étages médiolittoral moyen et inférieur. Des mesures de métabolisme (production primaire et respiration) réalisées in situ à différentes périodes de l'année ont mis en évidence une forte influence de la saisonnalité et le rôle primordial de la canopée dans les flux de carbone. Le métabolisme s'est avéré être plus élevé à l'émersion qu'à l'immersion, où l'intensité lumineuse constitue régulièrement un facteur limitant pour la production primaire. Par une approche de modélisation basée sur ces mesures et sur des données environnementales acquises à haute fréquence, un bilan annuel de production primaire a été calculé pour chaque communauté. Ces bilans confirment que ces systèmes sont fortement productifs et permettent de préciser leur régulation à l'échelle des cycles de marées. Le réseau trophique de ces communautés, analysé via les isotopes stables du carbone et de l'azote, apparait basé sur l'utilisation de nombreuses sources. / Along intertidal rocky shores, communities dominated by canopy-forming brown algae (Phaeophyceae) are particularly widespread. Their functioning is however largely understudied, especially concerning the influence of seasonality and shore height on primary production and respiration, on food webs or on successional process. The aim of this study was to investigate the functioning of two intertidal Fucus communities which are established at different tidal levels. During this study, a special consideration was given to the effects of environmental conditions. On the coasts of Brittany (France), communities dominated by Fucus vesiculosus Linnaeus and Fucus serratus Linnaeus are characteristic of mid-intertidal and low mid-intertidal levels, respectively. In situ measurements of metabolism (primary production and respiration) carried out at different periods of a year highlighted a strong seasonal influence on carbon fluxes and emphasized the importance of canopies in the metabolism of whole communities. Metabolism was higher during emersion than during immersion periods, for which light intensity regularly limits the primary production. Based on these measurements and on high-frequency measurements of environmental parameters, an annual primary production was calculated by modelling for both communities. These annual estimations confirmed that these communities are among the most productive systems of coastal region and specify their regulation at the tidal cycles scale. Food webs, which were analysed through carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes, are based on the use of almost all available sources of organic matter by consumers, and revealed a strong conservation of food webs across seasons. Thecolonisation survey of bare substrates shows that Fucus species improve the settlement success of numerous species and increase rapidly primary production of whole assemblages. Overall, despite some differences in metabolism and successional sequences according to the shore height at whichthey are located, these communities exhibited similar functioning due to the canopy which damns the environmental conditions.

Progress toward the synthesis of a family of antimalarial diterpenes: potential utilization of Co-salen-catalyzed hydrolytic kinetic resolution (HKR) to form chiral intermediates in the metabolites of Callophycus serratus

Key, Rebecca E. 21 September 2015 (has links)
Callophycolide A is a meroditerpene isolated from Callophycus serratus, a Fijian red macroalgae. Callophycolide A has been shown to inhibit bacterial growth, and it exhibits moderate cytotoxicity against multiple human cancer cell lines. Most importantly, it exhibits moderate activity against Plasmodium falciparum, the dead- liest malaria-causing parasite to humans. Due to its antimalarial action and the need for antimalarial drugs on the pharmaceutical market, efforts toward a modular approach to the total synthesis of callophycolide A are presented that incorporate inexpensive, commercially available starting materials, offer gram-level scalability, and utilize known chemistry, including copper-mediated aryl allylation, hydrolytic kinetic resolution, base-promoted epoxide ring-opening, and the Steglich esterification. Once completed, this synthetic pathway can be used as a template for the total synthesis of other related marine natural products, such as the callophycols, callophycoic acids, and the bromophycolides. Callophycoic acids, also isolated from C. serratus, are the first examples of diterpene- benzoic acids observed in macroalgae. In addition, these acids, particularly callophycoic acids G and H, exhibit modest antibacterial activity. Although they are not strongly potent against malaria, they share a trans-decalin core identical to callophycols A and B, which are halogenated diterpene-phenols isolated from C. serratus that do exhibit modest antimalarial activity. Due to their identical core and their simpler structure (i.e., trisubstituted olefin tail), if a divergent total synthesis of callophycoic acids G and H can be established, it can serve as a template for synthesizing natural products that have been identified to be more potent against malaria, such as the callophycols, which are more complex in structure. Herein, a total synthesis of callophycoic acids G and H is investigated, which consists of a Wittig reaction, nucleophilic addition, and a bromonium-induced cation-pi cascade cyclization, and the progress toward the target molecules in the current study will be disclosed. To access chiral intermediates for the aforementioned metabolites, catalytic methods were sought. Hydrolytic kinetic resolution (HKR) resolves racemic epoxides using water as the nucleophile and is most often catalyzed by chiral Co(III)-salens. Previous studies have shown that the counter-ion of the Co(III)-salen has a direct effect on the rate of the HKR; when catalyzed by a 50:50 mix of (R,R)-Co(III)-salen-OH and (R,R)-Co(III)-salen-SbF6, the fastest HKR rates occurred. It has further been shown that the enantioselectivity is primarily associated with the reaction of (R,R)-Co(III)-salen-OH on the activated epoxide. Based on the aforementioned origin of selectivity, a catalyst containing a 50:50 mix of (R,R)-Co(III)-salen-OH and (±)-trans-Co(III)-salen-SbF6 could, in principle, give high activities and enantioselectivities for HKR comparable to a mixed counter-ion system containing both (R,R)-Co(III)-salens. In this dissertation, a series of experiments are described that demonstrate that highly selective catalysis is only achieved using 100% enantiopure ligand and that mixtures of (R,R)-Co(III)-salen and (±)-trans-Co(III)-salen yield lower activity and selectivity. Control experiments demonstrate that this is due to rapid counter-ion scrambling under the reaction conditions, precluding the possibility of effectively co-utilizing enantiopure (expensive) and racemic (inexpensive) catalysts with differing counter-ions. The mechanistic investigations resolving the counter-ion scrambling are consistent with the currently accepted mechanism for catalysis, involving cooperative activity of the two Co(III)-salen species that activate the epoxide and water in the reaction. Moreover, the application of HKR in the progress toward the total synthesis of callo- phycolide A will be highlighted and discussed.

Examining the Effectiveness of Electromyography Biofeedback at Improving the Upper Trapezius to Serratus Anterior Muscle Activation Ratio

Holton, Julia Evelyn 01 August 2019 (has links) (PDF)
Purpose: The upper trapezius to serratus anterior muscle activation ratio is essential for optimal shoulder function. An alteration of this ratio, specifically a decrease in upper trapezius and increase in serratus anterior activation, is a main area of focus in shoulder rehabilitation (Kibler, 1998; Paine & Voight, 1993). Electromyography (EMG) biofeedback has been shown to be an effective rehabilitation technique to address many musculoskeletal disorders but there is limited research on the retention of improvements seen with EMG biofeedback (Ma et al., 2011; Lim et al., 2014; Weon, et al., 2011). The purpose of this study was to determine if EMG biofeedback can be used to improve scapular control by decreasing the upper trapezius to serratus anterior activation ratio. A secondary purpose was to determine if these predicted improvements in the ratio can be retained beyond the timeframe in which the treatment is provided. Methods: Twenty college aged (age=21.75±1.77) subjects (10 males, 10 females) volunteered to participate in this study. Subjects were randomized to the exercise only group or EMG biofeedback group. The exercise only group performed three exercises twice a week for four weeks with supervision. The EMG biofeedback group performed the same exercises twice a week for four weeks with the addition of watching EMG biofeedback on a computer monitor with the instructions to decrease the upper trapezius activation and increase the serratus anterior activation by adjusting the corresponding lines on the monitor. The percent maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) for each muscle during each exercise was measured on visit one, visit nine (after the four weeks of practice) and visit ten (after a two-week retention period). The ratio and the individual muscle changes were analyzed using multi-factor ANOVAs against group, exercise, and group by exercise interaction. Results: There was no significant effect of any of the variables on the ratios visit one to visit nine, nor when comparing visit nine to visit ten. The was a significant effect of group on the upper trapezius when comparing visit one to visit nine (p=0.007) with no effect seen comparing visit nine to visit ten. There was also a significant effect of group on the serratus anterior activation for both visit one to visit nine (p=0.000) and visit nine to visit ten (p=0.001). Conclusion: EMG biofeedback did not decrease the upper trapezius to serratus anterior activation ratio, but the individual muscle activation changes indicate that EMG biofeedback is effective at altering muscle activation rates in individual muscles and that those changes can be retained beyond the timeframe of the intervention. Additional research is needed with more subjects and in populations with shoulder pathologies to further investigate the effectiveness of this concept.

En undersökning av potentiellt odlingsbara makroalger i Hanöbukten, Östersjön

Persson, Beatrice January 2023 (has links)
In the future, the cultivation of algae for food may become increasingly important in Sweden. But this area is still new in Europe and most of the harvest today comes from wild stocks. In Sweden, cultivation is only available on the west coast, but research is underway to see if it is possible to start cultivating macroalgae in the Baltic Sea as well. The Baltic Sea has completely different biological conditions than the west coast, and one of the challenges is the low salinity, which limits the species that can live in the Baltic Sea. This is something that the Marine Center in Simrishamn is also researching in the project Tångkusten, of which this study is a part of. The purpose of this study is to use a literature study to compile available knowledge about which algae that has the potential to be cultivated in the future and what the life cycles of these algae look like. An inventory of the macroalgae found locally in Hanöbukten was also carried out. Based on this information, possible cultivation methods and the advantages of each species are discussed, but also the challenges that may arise.  The results showed that the most abundant species were filamentous brown algae, bladder wrack and saw wrack . The species deemed most cultivable are gut weed and sea lettuce. Clawed fork weed, bladder wrack and saw wrack are also considered to have some cultivation potential. Among the biggest challenges are the growth of epiphytic algae and finding a suitable site for cultivation. / Projektet Tångkusten på Marint centrum i Simrishamn

Développement d’un biomarqueur de qualité spermatique chez deux espèces de crevettes Palaemonidae : état des lieux le long du continuum estuaire / littoral de la Seine / Development of biomarker of sperm quality in two shrimp species of Palaemonidae : inventory along the estuary / littoral continuum of the Seine

Erraud, Alexandre 25 May 2018 (has links)
La fitness et a fortiori la survie d'une population dépendent de la stratégie et des performances de reproduction façonnées par son environnement. Par conséquent, les biomarqueurs traduisant une altération de la fonction de reproduction présentent un intérêt particulier. L'atteinte de la fertilité mâle au sein de la faune sauvage a notamment été adressée comme une problématique majeure susceptible de représenter une menace pour le maintien des populations. Toutefois, peu de méthodologies sont aujourd'hui disponibles chez des espèces pertinentes pour aborder cette problématique dans le cadre de programmes de biosurveillance environnementale, notamment chez les crustacés en dépit de leur représentativité au sein du règne animal et de leurs indispensables fonctions au sein des écosystèmes. Dans ce contexte, les présents travaux avaient pour objectif de proposer une ou plusieurs méthodologies basées sur la mesure de marqueurs de fonctionnalité et d'intégrité spermatique chez des crevettes Palaemonidae. Les investigations se sont portées sur deux espèces, une estuarienne, Palaemon longirostris, et une côtière, Palaemon serratus, pour leur complémentarité vis-à-vis du continuum estuaire - littoral. Compte tenu des nombreuses spécificités structurelles et fonctionnelles des spermatozoïdes de crustacés, I nombre de marqueurs transposables vers ces espèces s'est finalement avéré limité. Aussi, après une brève prospection, l'effort de recherche a rapidement été recentré sur la mesure de l'intégrité de l'ADN. Dès lors, la démarche scientifique a été construite de sorte à évaluer, point par point, la pertinence de la méthodologie développée dans une perspective d'application de l'outil dans le cadre de la surveillance environnementale. Une étape préliminaire d'optimisation et de validation méthodologique du test Cornet a démontré que, contrairement à une grande majorité de type spermatique, l'adaptation de ce test sur les spermatozoïdes de Palaemonidae ne nécessite aucune modification particulière du protocole. La dynamique de la réponse biologique en termes d'apparitions, de rémanence et d'effets possibles sur la fitness a été évaluée en conditions contrôlées au laboratoire. Ainsi, des expositions ex vivo et in vivo ont été conduites en utilisant une variété de génotoxiques modèles présentant différents modes d'actions. Les résultats ont attesté de la sensibilité, de la reproductibilité et du caractère intégrateur de la réponse. En revanche, aucun lien entre un ADN spermatique endommagé et une altération du succès de reproduction pré-éclosion n'a pu être établi. Parallèlement, une approche in situ a été conduite en vue de caractériser la valeur basale de la réponse mesurée. Différentes stratégies ont dû être adoptées en fonction des contraintes propres au milieu de vie de chacune des deux espèces. Un référentiel et une valeur seuil, communs aux deux espèces, ont pu être définis, soulignant le potentiel de transférabilité inter-espèces de l'outil. La méthodologie ainsi finalisée, a été éprouvée dans le cadre de plusieurs campagnes de suivi de différentes populations indigènes de l'estuaire et de la baie de Seine en 2015 et 2016. Les résultats se sont révélés très cohérents au regard de la pression de contamination et de la dynamique hydro-sédimentaire de la baie de Seine. En définitive, l'intégrité de l'ADN spermatique chez les Palaemonidae est opérationnelle en l'état pour un déploiement in situ en tant que biomarqueur d'exposition à un stress génotoxique. De futurs études devront néanmoins être conduites (1) pour mieux discerner les implications de ces dommages spermatiques en termes d'impact sur le recrutement des nouvelles cohortes et (2) éprouver la transférabilité de la méthodologie à d'autres espèces de crevettes et sur une plus large échelle géographique. / The environment shapes the reproduction's strategy and performance of a population, influencing its fitness and a fortiori its survival. Therefore, biomarkers that alter reproductive functions represent a great interest in ecotoxicology. The reduction of male fertility in wildlife can represent a threat to the population's survival. Moreover, fcw methodologies are available for species that are relevant to address this issue on envimnmental biomonitoring programs, especially for crustaceans, despite their representativeness in the wildlife and their essential functions within ecosysterns. The present work aimed to propose methodologies based on the measurement of functionality and integrity spermatic biomarkers on Palaemonidae shrimps. We studied two species, an estuarine, Palaemon longirostris, and a coastal species. Palaemon serratus. due to their complementaiity on the continuum estuary-littoral ecosystem. Howevcr, crustaceans' sperm has many structuraI and functional characteristics, the number of transposable markers is limited. Thereafter, the research effort was refocused on the measurement of the DNA integrity and this inethod was evaluated for its adequacy for a biomonitoring study. We optitrtized and validate the Cornet assay for the Palaemonidae species, and the dynamic of the biological response in ternis of appearances, persistence, and possible effects on fitness was evaluated under controlled conditions in the laboratoiy. Furthermore, ex-vivo and in-vivo exposures were conducted using genotoxic models with different modes of action. On the one hand, results attested to the sensibility, the reproducibility and the integrating character of the response, on the other hand, no correlation between damaged sperm DNA and an altération of the pre-hatch stage of development was established. In paralIel, an in-situ approach was conducted to characterize the baseline level of the measured response, taking into consideration the specific constraints of each species' habitat. We were able to define a common baseline level and a threshold value for both species, highlighting the potential of the tool for inter-species transferability. This method was tested with native populations from the estuary and from the Seine Bay in 2015 and 20] 6. And, the results proved to be consistent with the contamination pressure and the hydro-sedimentary dynamics of the Seine Bay. Ultimately, the DNA integrity of sperm in Palaemonidae seems to be functional for in-situ deploytnents as a biomarker of exposure to genotoxic stress. Nevertheless, future studies should be conducted (1) to botter discern the implications of this spermatic damage on the recruitment of new cohorts and, (2) to test the transferability of the methodology to other shrimp species and on a wider geographical scale.

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