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Univerzální linuxový server pro malé a střední firmy umožňující jednoduchý dohled nad sítí / Universal linux server for small and medium companies enabling simple network controlJuřena, Stanislav January 2008 (has links)
The main object of this thesis was to design a computer network for small and medium companies which will be made among others from network server providing simple network control. The next task was to provide internet connection to subscribers of local area network, their security and access to common services. There had been discussed the choice of distribution of Linux operation system with regarding to demanded services, stability and long lasting operation in theoretical part. One part of the work is a theoretic preliminary to separate services, to the purpose of their using and to their weaknesses. The practical part deals with an installation and configuration of Debian operating system, launching the base services and the setting of selected monitoring programs.
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Web server s mikroprocesorem ARM / Web server with ARM microprocessorTesař, Jan January 2013 (has links)
Diploma thesis is dealing with design and implementation of the web server and manage- ment website in the developing kit FriendlyARM Mini6410 with installed OS GNU/Linux. The embedded packaging system PTXdist is described in terms of Kernel configuration and selection of suitable applications. The device should be later used for the remote management of atmospheric optical link.
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Meteostanice s rozhraním Ethernet / Meteo station with EthernetMišík, Štefan January 2014 (has links)
In this thesis is proposed implementation of weather station with web server built on hardware platform with microcontroller STM32f417 and ethernet interface.
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Optimalizace IT infrastruktury za pomocí virtualizace serverů / IT Infrastructure Enhancement through a Server VirtualizationStančík, Michal January 2014 (has links)
The thesis aims on a proposal of server infrastructure utilization within a particular organization based on a virtual environment. Analysis of current company’s IT infrastructure was chosen as a starting point for subsequent draft of suitable server consolidation solution that includes all necessary aspects from server configuration up to virtual environment conversion itself. Price calculation and benefits of proposed solution are listed at the end of the thesis.
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Návrh a realizace síťové aplikace pro audit a monitorování počítačů / Design and Implementation of Network Application for Audit and Monitoring of ComputersKrym, David January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with design and implementation of a network application for monitoring of computers for a chosen company. The application allows administrators to automate the gathering of hardware and software information. The purpose of the application is also to monitor hardware values, such as processor temperature or harddisk free space. The design uses client-server architecture. Three applications were created: server, client and graphical management console.
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Vyhledávání a aktualizace fragmentů anotací / Annotation Fragments Searching and UpdatesKubík, Lukáš January 2014 (has links)
This master's thesis analyzes annotation server algorithms for searching and updating annotation fragments. The annotation server is a part of the project Decipher. Analyzed algorithms are improved and replaced by newly designed algorithms in this project. A part of this project also designs a new algorithm for measuring how much is an annotation affected after updating the document.
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Server pro automatickou konfiguraci IPv6 tunelu / Server for Automatic IPv6 Tunnel ConnectivityDrahoš, Vojtěch January 2011 (has links)
One of the major problems of modern Internet is the upcoming depletion of addressing space in IPv4 protocol. This master thesis focuses on the study of network protocol IPv6, the possibilities of expanding this protocol in the Internet using the appropriate tunelling method and ways of tunnel management, especially the TIC protocol. Major goal of this work is using knowledge of protocols in a design and implementation of the server part of tunnel broker system, which uses mentioned tunneling method and is compatible with the open source client AICCU. Second part of this work deals with testing and pilot deployment of this system. Main benefit consists in creation an open source tunel broker system. Real deployment of this system is particularly advantage for Czech users as a low latency tunnel IPv6 Internet.
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Vestavěný webový server založený na platformě Freescale / Embedded Web Server Based on Freescale PlatformŠilon, Peter January 2010 (has links)
Embedded web server (EWS) is a web server that runs on a device with limited computing power and memory. By implementing a web server into embedded device with network connectivity we achieve new way of long distance management and control. Web technologies offer user-friendly GUI, simplicity and low prices. The aim of this project is a design of the EWS using Freescale resources. EWS have to have a slot for memory card, on-board peripheries or interfaces signals attached to connecter to allow connection of external devices. Firmware will be built on one of the freeware TCP/IP implementation for embedded systems.
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Windows im URZ - TechnologievorschlagZiegler, Christoph 02 September 2002 (has links)
Gemeinsamer Workshop von Universitaetsrechenzentrum und Professur Rechnernetze und verteilte Systeme der Fakultaet fuer Informatik der TU Chemnitz.
Die Zielstellung dieses Vortrags besteht darin, die küftige Position des URZ zum Betriebssystem Windows zur Diskussion zu stellen.
Ausgangspunkt ist eine Bestandsaufnahme der bisherigen windows-basierten Technologie des URZ. Darauf aufbauend werden die Dienste und deren Realisierungsaufwand bewertet. Es folgt eine Charakterisierung der aktuellen Windows-Plattformen aus technologischer Sicht. Der Vortrag endet mit einem Technologievorschlag und soll die Grundlage fuer eine anschliessende Diskussion sowie daraus abzuleitende Konsequenzen sein.
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Možnosti analytických nástrojů v prostředí MS SQL ServeruMazáčová, Markéta January 2017 (has links)
The thesis compares the development time and performance of two types of Microsoft analytical models created in Visual Studio that are deployed on the local analytics servers and the Azure cloud server. Theoretical research will be summarizing business intelligence and data warehouses components, Microsoft tools for business intelligence realization and features using in-memory database technologies. The practical part introduces the AdventureWorks demonstration database,describes the implementation of both analytical models and compares both models with respect to the time-consuming development, performance and suitability of deployment.
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