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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sadržaj uree u mleku, parametri plodnosti i mlečnosti holštajn frizijskih krava u organskoj i konvencionalnoj proizvodnji / The milk urea content, parameters of fertility and milk yield of Holstein Friesian cows in the organic and conventional dairy farming

Čobanović Ksenija 30 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Urea kao deo neproteinske frakcije azota mleka, predstavlja krajnji produkt metabolizma proteina u predželucima preživara. Portalnim krvotokom toksični amonijak, nastao mikrobiolo&scaron;kom razgradnjom proteina u rumenu dolazi do jetre gde se transformi&scaron;e u ureu, koja kasnije krvotokom dospeva u mleko. Ishrana, odnosno sadržaj sirovih proteina u obroku ima najveći uticaj na sadržaj uree u mleku. Sadržaj uree sve vi&scaron;e se koristi kao parametar pomoću kojeg je moguće pratiti unos sirovih proteina i energije obrokom kod mlečnih krava. Pored ishrane na sadržaj uree u mleku utiču i drugi faktori, kao &scaron;to su sezona, prinos mleka, stadijum laktacije, paritet i dr.<br />Plodnost krava je veoma važna osobina mlečnih goveda na koju utiče veliki broj faktora. Dosada&scaron;nja istraživanja u ovoj oblasti ukazuju na moguću vezu između plodnosti krava i sadržaja uree u mleku.<br />Određivanje sadržaja uree u mleku primenom infracrvene spektrofotometrije u analizi mleka prilikom redovne mesečne kontrole mlečnosti krava pružilo je nove mogućnosti u praćenju kvaliteta mleka.<br />Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi:<br />1. variranje sadržaja uree u mleku unutar stada,<br />2. uticaj paragenetskih faktora (farma, sistem proizvodnje, sistem držanja, sezona, redni broj laktacije i stadijum laktacije) na sadržaj uree u mleku,<br />3. korelacija sadržaja uree sa parametrima mlečnosti krava i brojem somatskih ćelija i<br />4. korelacija između sadržaja uree u mleku i dužine servis perioda.</p><p>U okviru ovog istraživanja analizirano je 46.315 uzoraka mleka, u okviru redovne kontrole mlečnosti, sa 11 farmi sa područija Vojvodine. Od kojih je jedna sa organskom, a 10 farmi sa konvencionalnom proizvodnjom. Određivanje sadržaja uree u mleku vr&scaron;eno je na aparatu MilcoScan.<br />Prosečan sadržaj uree u mleku (25,18 mg/dl) bio je u okviru optimalnih vrednosti sadržaja uree u mleku. Koeficijent varijacije za sadržaj uree (34,15%) bio je znatno veći od koeficijenta varijacije za ostale sastojke mleka.<br />Dobijeni rezultati u okviru ove doktorske disertacije ukazuju da najveći uticaj na sadržaj uree u mleku ima menadžment farme. Utvrđen je i statitički značajan uticaj ostalih ispitivanih paragenetskih faktora.<br />Sistem držanja statistički značajno utiče na sadržaj uree u mleku. Niži sadržaj uree u mleku bio je kod krava u slobodnom sistemu držanja.<br />Kao posledica specifičnosti organske proizvodnje konstatovane su statistički značajne razlike između organske i konvencionalne proizvodnje mleka. Razlike se ogledaju u smanjenom sadržaju uree u mleku i prinosu mleka, a povećanom sadržaju mlečne masti i proteina. Broj somatskih ćelija u mleku iz organske proizvodnje je znatno manji u odnosu na broj istih u mleku iz konvencionalne proizvodnje mleka, dok je servis period u posmatranom periodu bio duži kod krava u organskoj proizvodnji u odnosu na krave u konvencionalnoj proizvodnji mleka.<br />Posmatrano po sezonama kontrole najniži sadržaj uree u mleku bio je u jesenjem periodu (22,19 mg/dl), a najveći u letnjem period (27,11 mg/dl). Razlike u sadržaju uree po laktacijama su male, ali statistčki značajne.<br />Konstatovan je statistički značajan uticaj stadijuma laktacije na sadržaj uree u mleku. Najniži sadržaj bio je na početku laktacije (23,05 mg/dl), a maksimalan sadržaj uree u mleku od 26,40 mg/dl, bio je od 121 do 180 dana laktacije.<br />Utvrđene su pozitivne, statistički visoko značajne, korelacije između sadržaja uree i pojedinih sastojaka mleka, kao i između sadržaja uree i prinosa mleka. Korelacija između sadržaja uree i broja somatskih ćelija u mleku je negativna i visoko statistički značajna.<br />U okviru ovog istraživanja utvrđena je pozitivna i statistički visoko značajna korelacija između sadržaja uree u mleku i dužine servis perioda.<br />Dobijeni rezultati, tumačeni u kontekstu drugih istraživanja na ovu temu ukazuju na veliki značaj praćenja sadržaja uree u mleku, koji može doprineti pobolj&scaron;anju menadžmenta ishrane i reprodukcije na farmama mlečnih krava, a sve u cilju smanjenja tro&scaron;kova na farmama, kroz smanjenje tro&scaron;kova ishrane i tro&scaron;kova veterinarskih usluga.</p> / <p>Urea as a part of non-protein fraction of nitrogen in milk represents the final product of protein metabolism in the rumen of ruminants. By portal bloodstream toxic ammonia comes into liver where it is transformed into urea, which comes later into milk by bloodstream. Nutrition and contents of crude proteins in the diet have the greatest influence on the milk urea content. The content of milk urea has been increasingly used as a parameter by which it is possible to monitor balance of energy and crude proteins in the feed of dairy cows.<br />Apart from feeding, milk urea content can be influenced by some other factors as season, milk yield, stage of lactation, parity etc.<br />A great number of factors influence cow&rsquo;s fertility. Previous research in this field has indicated a possible relationship between the fertility of cows and urea content in milk.<br />Determination of urea content in milk, by infrared spectrophotometric, on monthly bases, for milk recording porpoises, offers new opportunities for milk quality monitor.<br />The aim of this study was to determine:<br />1. Variations of milk urea content within the herd,<br />2. The influence of paragenetic factors (a farm, production and housing system, season, parity and stage of lactation) on the milk urea content,<br />3. The correlation with milk urea content and parameters of milk yield as well as the somatic cells count,<br />4. The correlation between the milk urea content and the length of open days.<br />This research includes 46,315 samples of milk which were analysed as regular milk recording samples from 11 farms in Vojvodina. There are 10 farms with</p><p>conventional and only one farm with organic production.<br />Determination of the milk urea contents was carried out by MilkoScan FT+.<br />In the analyzed milk samples the average milk urea content (25.18 mg / dl) was within the optimum values. The coefficient of variation for the milk urea content (34.15%) was significantly higher than the coefficient of variation for the other ingredients in milk.<br />The obtained results in this PhD thesis indicate that the management of a farm has the greatest influence on the content of milk urea. Statistically some significant influence of other examined paragenetic factors was found.<br />According to statistics the housing system significantly influences the milk urea content. Lower milk urea content was found in cow&#39;s milk in free-stall system.<br />As the result of specific organic production some statistically significant differences between organic and conventional milk production were found. The differences shows lower milk urea content and milk yield, as well as higher milk fat and protein content. The somatic cells count in organic milk production is significantly lower than their number in milk from conventional milk production. The open days during observation period were longer in cows from an organic dairy farm then the cows from conventional dairy farms.<br />According to season and stage of lactation an important influence on milk urea was found. The seasonal observation shows the lowest milk urea content in autumn period (22.19 mg / dl) and the highest in summer period (27.11 mg / dl). The lowest content was at the beginning of lactation (23.05 mg / dl) and the maximum milk urea content (26.40 mg /dl) was from 121 to 180 days of lactation. Differences in the milk urea content between lactation were small, but statistically significant.<br />There are positive and statistically significant, correlations between the milk urea content and some ingredients of milk, as well as between milk urea content and milk yield. The correlation between the milk urea content and somatic cells count in milk is negative and high statistically significant.<br />It is shown in this research that high milk urea content has negative impact on the length of open days.<br />Obtained results, interpreted in the context of other studies on the same subject indicate the great importance of the observation of the milk urea content. It can contribute to improving the feeding and reproduction on dairy farms, and lead to reduction of both feeding and veterinary costs.</p>

Vyhodnocení reprodukčních ukazatelů ve vybraném chovu dojnic v ZOD "Podhradí" Choustník

NEZBEDOVÁ, Marie January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate chosen influences on the extent of reproduction of randomly chosen milk cows that are bred in the same conditions. The chosen influences such as breed, age of the first calving, time of year of calving and level of yield were observed within breeds of Czech Fleckvieh and Holstein cattle. Evaluation was carried out in ZOD "Podhradí" Choustník company, specifically in Budislav farm. 191 cows were chosen for the basic sample. 95 of them were Holstein cattle and 96 were Czech mottled cattle. Chosen influences were evaluated according to data gained from the set of milk yield inspections. A statistically significant difference was observed between Czech ticks and Holstein cows in the length of service period per second and first lactation where Holstein cows have a second lactation period longer than 44 days (P <0.001). Evaluation of first calving age did not show any influence on the level of reproduction neither within Czech Fleckvieh nor within Holstein cattle. During the annual evaluation, it emerged that Holstein cows calved in spring and winter have significantly bigger insemination interval compared to cows that were calved during summer or autumn. This fact was also proven by correlation analysis. This analysis also confirmed the relation between annual period and insemination interval Rxy=0,21(P<0,05). The correlation analysis also proved the relation between annual period and service period as well as interim of Czech Fleckvieh cattle Rxy= 0,327 (P<0,01). Statistically significant influence was not proven within Holstein cattle. Correlation analysis only pointed out the relation between yield and service period Rxy=0,213 (P<0,05). Unlike Holstein cattle, gradual increase of service period figures and interim depending on yield was noticed. Breeding cows milking more that 7,5 thousand kg of milk per lactation had service period of 132 days (P<0,01) and interim 407 days (P<0,01). Economical losses caused by prolonged interim during monitored herd of cattle reached 400.490 CZK in year of 2016.

Systém řízení jakosti ve společnosti Jihočeské tiskárny, a.s. / Quality system in company Jihočeské tiskárny, a. s.

SUCHÁ, Veronika January 2009 (has links)
The goal of the thesis is to assess the quality policy in connection to customer satisfaction in a selected organization through the ISO 9001 standard. The Jihočeské tiskárny (South Bohemian Printing Works) was established in the Fifties after the nationalization and grouping of local Czech and German printing works. During the privatization in the Nineties, Jihočeské tiskárny a.s. were established as a part of the Passauer Neuer Presse Verlag Group. In 2004, Obchodní tiskárny became the majoritary shareholder of JČT, and since 2006 JČT has been part of the printing OTK Group. The process and the system of assessment of customer satisfaction in Jihočeská tiskárny, a.s. is integral part of the company system of quality management. It is a part of the process of Creation and examination of contract in accordance with the company directive Q {--} S 7/1 Creation and examination of contract. The questionnaire that constitutes one of the annexes to the above stated directive (under the name of F 07 {--} Q 009 Questionnaire, as annex No. 9 to the directive) has several parts: assessment of order quality, assessment of satisfaction with order prices, assessment of satisfaction with service conditions provided to the customers, assessment of satisfaction with deliveries and logistic services. The evaluation of customer satisfaction from the point of view of product quality showed where there are problems that must be solved. The causes of most frequently reclaimed or criticized products and defects consist in mixture of products (particularly labels). The causes of displays of dissatisfaction with product prices and with price and payment conditions can be seen in insufficient work with clients and customers. That means particularly approximation of needs, technologies, input materials, principles and rules needed for production to all customers during mutual negotiations. The assessment of satisfaction with service needs and satisfaction with deliveries and logistic services brought not only identification of remarks and critique but also characteristic of causes. The whole process of assessment of customer satisfaction and the very evaluation of customer satisfaction in Jihočeské tiskárny, a.s. depends on the approach to solution of a whole complex of all operations performed and to actions to ascertain specific client satisfaction in the relevant period.

Analýza možností rozvoje zákaznického servisu společnosti E.ON Česká republika, s.r.o. / Analysis of the Development Potential of Customer Service E.ON Czech Republic, Ltd

Svoboda, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is focused on E.ON Group, one of the biggest provider of electricity and natural gas in the Czech republic. The E.ON Group will be compared with other competitive suppliers in customer service area. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the suitability of services in mentioned area. This comparison should result in creating new solutions and possibly new services provided by E.ON Group. The theoretical part will contain basis applicable in real world, such as situational analysis, segmentation, and other elements necessary for a deeper insight into the E.ON Group. Finally these elements will be applied to the actual market situation in the practical part of this thesis.

Řízení průběhu zakázky firmou se zaměřením na obchodní činnost / Order Processing Management in the Company Focusing on Business Activity

Vašek, Vojtěch January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with order processing management in selected company focusing on business activity and development. The first part introduces the company and its product portfolio. The second part contains the theoretical background necessary to understand the issue. The third part focuses on analyzing the current state of the company and identifying ineffective processes within the sales department. The fourth part contains specific proposals to remove the current shortcomings and the last part summarizes the conditions and benefits of their implementation.

Podnikatelský plán založení restauračního zařízení s opravnou v Brně / The Business Plan for Setting Up a Restaurant with a Repair Services in Brno

Vykydal, Filip January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with creation of economically feasible business plan for establishment of pub facility with repair service in Brno. The created business plan proposal is based on the strategic analysis of the company surroundings, including making own marketing research to identify key factors influencing the entry and business of the new company on the market. Based on the analyzes, a suitable business strategy was chosen, which is further elaborated into partial parts in the form of marketing, operational, organizational and financial plans, including assessment of project risks and time schedule.

Návrh logistické koncepce se zaměřením na služby ke spokojenosti zákazníka / Design of a Logistics Concept Focusing on Customer Satisfaction Services

Habrovcová, Iva January 2020 (has links)
Thesis deals with concept of logistics in company LESAK. This company’s business area is production and sale of weighing equipment. In the thesis, there is analysed current order processing in company LESAK and then there are suggested remedies focusing on customer satisfaction services.

Aplikace fuzzy logiky pi hodnocen­ dodavatel firmy / The Application of Fuzzy Logic for Rating of Suppliers for the Firm

Olov, Renata January 2014 (has links)
C­lem t©to diplomov© prce je nvrh vhodn© metody, jak vyhodnotit dodavatele model letadel a leteck©ho p­sluenstv­ holandsk© spoleÄnosti Aviation Megastore. Tato poleÄnost existuje na trhu ji v­ce ne 25 let a m v­ce ne 170 dodavatel po cel©m svÄtÄ. Proto vznikla poteba jednotliv© vrobce a distributory ohodnotit a zvit jejich vvoj bÄhem jednotlivch let, p­padnÄ u nÄkterch vybranch dodavatel zvit vzhledem k neuspokojivm vsledkm monost ukonÄen­ spoluprce. Pro vyhodnocen­ bude pouit program MS Excel a MATLAB.

Studie průběhu zakázky organizací / The Studies During the Engagement Organizations

Děchtěrenková, Šárka January 2015 (has links)
The main goal of this thesis is to analyze a specific business process in CeWe Color Company. The thesis consists of theoretical, analytical and practical parts. In theoretical part are explained the basic concepts and approaches in the field of logistics. The following describes some of the specific elements of the logistics chain – customer service, information system of logistics and the distribution channels. The analytical part focuses on analysis the internal and external environment of the company and describes and analyses the company’s current situation. Current situation is reviewed and shortcomings are identified. At the end of work are proposed the concrete suggestions for improvement, including their benefits and conditions of realization.

Návrh marketingové komunikace pro společnost TKTD S.R.O. / The Proposal of Marketing Communication for the Company TKTD S.R.O.

Šimko, Dávid January 2016 (has links)
The master thesis deals with the proposal of marketing communication for selected business activities of the company TKTD s.r.o., which are car wash, tire and car services. The thesis is divided into three main parts. The first part includes theoretical knowledge relevant to marketing and marketing communication. The second one focuses on the company situation analysis, company´s general and sector environment analysis. The last part includes concrete final proposals and procedures based on results of analyses, which should contribute and improve the company´s current situation on the local market.

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