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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effect of biomass acclimation on the co-digestion of toxic organic effluents in anaerobic digesters

Chamane, Ziphathele January 2008 (has links)
Dissertation submitted in fulfillment of academic requirements for the Degree of Master of Technology: Chemical Engineering, Durban University of Technology, 2008. / Currently KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) province is populated with textile industry, which produces wastewater, some of which is not biodegradable. Due to the stringent environmental regulations the wastewater cannot be discharged into the rivers or public owned treatment systems. The alternative solution is to co-dispose this wastewater with easily biodegradable waste (labile effluent). The aim of this investigation was to develop a process protocol for the codigestion of high strength and toxic organic effluents under mesophilic conditions (35°C ± 2°C), with emphasis on the effect of biomass acclimation. A total of four effluents were chosen for this study, two labile (distillery and size) and two recalcitrant (scour dye and reactive dye). Two anaerobic batch experiments and two pilot scale trials were performed. The first batch anaerobic experiment investigated the influence of biomass source in anaerobic treatability. The second batch test investigated, whether biomass acclimation enhanced the biodegradability of pollutants. The pilot scale trials were the scale up version of the biomass acclimation test. The results showed sludge from Umbilo Wastewater Treatment Works was a superior biomass source, producing more gas and methane compared to Mpumalanga waste. For the high strength organic waste, the acclimated size and distillery samples produced 50% more biogas and methane compared to non-acclimated samples. This confirms that the biomass acclimation enhances the biodegradability. The biomass acclimation did not enhance the biodegradability of the recalcitrant effluent (scour dye). The pilot scale trials did not yield meaningful data; therefore it could not be proven if acclimation works on a larger scale. / Water Research Commission

Process optimization for partial oxidation of bacterial sludge in a sonochemical reactor

Beyers, Analene 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: It was found that bacterial sludge from anaerobic water treatment systems is produced internationally at a rate of 60 grams per person per day and the accumulation of the potentially hazardous by-product has become of increasing concern. The produced bacterial sludge is frequently pumped into dams, dried out and used as agricultural fertilizer. This bacterial sludge is expected to have a relatively high heating value and as such, has the potential to produce energy from the biomass. It is, therefore, advisable to utilize this energy potential as an alternative to conventional sludge disposal. This project aimed to improve the yield of syngas by optimizing the reactor design to partially oxidize bacterial sludge using a sonochemical reactor that is operated at bulk atmospheric conditions. The effect of different conditions was investigated and the optimum settings for syngas production were found by investigating temperature, pressure and the effect of the amplitude of operation that regulates the energy input by the ultrasonic equipment. The optimum conditions were used to investigate the kinetics involved in this process as well as to determine the energy consumption by the process. It was also required to study the feasibility of partially oxidizing bacterial sludge using a sonochemical reactor instead of conventional steam gasification and also as an alternative means of sludge disposal. By eliminating this pollutant source, the future environmental threat posed by an increasing population size will be minimized and energy will be utilized from a thus-far wasted energy source. The syngas that is produced is used as a green alternative to fossil fuels in the Gas-to-Liquids (GTL) process to produce liquids fuels. A thus-far wasted energy source will be consumed and fossil fuels can be saved in the process. It was found that the maximum hydrogen mole percentage produced is 0.141 mole % of the vapour phase with the maximum carbon monoxide mole percentage in the vapour phase at 1.896 mole %. This shows an improvement on work conducted by Beyers (2011) of 59 % for hydrogen, 92% for carbon monoxide and a reduction of 49 % for carbon dioxide. A kinetic study of the process indicated that the rate equations that describe the hydrogen and carbon monoxide production are zero order and, therefore, independent of initial concentration of the sludge. The rate constants were 0.0146 (mol % hydrogen/s) and 0.0183 (mol % hydrogen/s) for hydrogen and carbon monoxide, respectively. It was found that the most severe change to the higher heating value of the feed was a mere 0.27 mJ/kg from an original value of 9.81 mJ/kg. This therefore confirms that the reaction has not proceeded to completion. The statistical model predicted a maximum value for hydrogen production at 0.151 mole % in the product gas, 0.01 mole % from the measured maximum. It was also found that hydrogen is produced during the sonolysis of distilled water and that this confirms that the hydrogen production during partial oxidation of the sludge sample comes mainly from the water present in the sludge. The hydrogen produced when only using water, was found to be 0.127 mole % and when using the active sludge, the value was 0.116 mole % hydrogen in the vapour phase. The thermal decomposition of calcium carbonate in the lime that is used to treat the pH of the unit where the sludge originates from, followed by the formation of carbon monoxide during the Boudouard reaction, led to an increased amount of carbon monoxide present in the product gas. Ultrasonic intensity is defined as the amount of energy that is transferred to the sample per cubic meter of the internal surface area of the reactor vessel. It was found that the intensity that was delivered to the reactant was lower than expected as the reactor was operating at an efficiency of only 36%. The design intensity was 1.44 W/m2 and the actual delivered intensity was 0.52 W/m2. Based on a maximum yield of 0.00012 Nm3/kg, the cost of syngas production under the conditions described by this study, would amount to R 19.98/Nm3. This cost only implicates the operational expenses and does not take further downstream processing and initial capital investment repayments into account. Conventional steam gasification at a yield of 0.67 Nm3/kg has an operational syngas production cost of R 1.48/Nm3. This process was therefore found to not be economically feasible as the cost of utilizing ultrasound as opposed to normal steam gasification is more than ten times more expensive. It was concluded that the process was successfully optimized by the redesigning of the reactor and that carbon dioxide production was limited by excluding oxygen from the feed gas. It was also concluded that the sonolysis of water and the thermal decomposition of calcium carbonate, followed by the conversion of carbon dioxide to carbon monoxide, supplements the syngas production under the current operational conditions. Based on the production of no methane during the course of this study, the sonochemical process can be tied into the GTL process after the steam reforming unit. Due to the relatively high carbon dioxide content, the process will need to join the main feed gas stream that is fed into the carbon dioxide removal unit before it enters the GTL process to correct the desired feed gas ratio. Based on the very low syngas yields, the low hydrogen to carbon monoxide ratio in comparison to the required ratio of 2 as well as the high energy intensity required for this process, it can be concluded that the partial oxidation of biomass sludge in a sonochemical reactor is not feasible as an alternative technology to conventional steam gasification. The operating costs of the sonochemical unit would be nearly ten times that of steam gasification and is therefore concluded to not be a competitive technology to conventional steam gasification. It is recommended that the reactor design is reinvestigated to improve the delivered ultrasound intensity as well as the surface area where the ultrasonic waves are intensified. This would eliminate dead-zones. It was also recommended that the argon gas is continuously bubbled through the reactant mixture during experiments to eliminate the degassing effect caused when the ultrasound is initially emitted. The gas outlet of the process can then be connected to an online gas chromatograph (GC) with a thermal conductivity detector (TCD) and flame ionization detector (FID) methanizer in series as the TCD does not destroy the sample and this setup would improve the analytical process. The production of carbon monoxide from lime as well as the production of hydrogen from water during sonolysis needs to be investigated. The effect of radicals can also be studied by the addition of a radical scavenger to the process. It is recommended that the experimental design is reinvestigated and a design that will deliver similar information utilizing fewer data points should be chosen. Based on this model as well as further kinetic testing, it is recommended that a complete ASPEN model is developed to simulate the energy requirements to tie the ultrasonic process into the commercial plant. Based on this model, a complete feasibility study can then be conducted to determine the capital costs involved, the operating costs, the repayment period as well as taking the current costs of sludge disposal into account. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar is gevind dat bakteriele slik internasionaal geproduseer word deur anaerobiese waterbehandelingseenhede teen ‘n tempo van 60 gram per person per dag en dat die opberging van hierdie gevaarlike byproduk ‘n groeiende probleem word. Die geproduseerde bakteriele slik word in damme gestoor, uitgedroog of gebruik as kunsmis in die landbou bedryf. Daar word vermoed dat hierdie baketriele slik oor ‘n hoe verwarmings waarde beskik en het daarom die potensiaal om energie te produseer uit die biomassa. Daarom is dit voorgestel om alternatiewe prosesse te ondersoek om van hierdie slik ontslae te raak en moontlik die energie wat beskikbaar is te gebruik. Die projek is daarop gefokus om die produksie van syngas te verbeter deur die reaktorontwerp te optimeer deur gebruik te maak van parsiele oksidasie van slik onder atmosferiese kondisies deur klankgolwe te gebruik. Die effek van verskillende operasionele kondisies is ondersoek en die optimale vlakke van syngas produksie is gevind deur temperatuur, druk en amplitude wat die hoeveelheid energie wat oorgedra word aan die reaktor reguleer, te ondersoek. Die optimale kondisies is ook gebruik om die kinetiese aspekte van die proses te ondersoek en ook om te kyk wat die sisteem se energie benodighede behels. Die haalbaarheid om baketriele slik parsieel te oksideer in ‘n sonochemiese reaktor is vergelyk met dit van konvensionele stoom vergassing van die biomassa en is ook ondersoek as ‘n alternatief om van die slik ontslae te raak. Deur die slik te verwyder as ‘n potensiele bron van besoedeling, kan die toekomstige omgewing’s risiko wat deur die toename in die bevolkkingsgroote tot gevolg is, verwyder word deur ‘n energie bron te gebruik wat tot dusver geignoreer is. Die syngas wat geproduseer word kan dan gebruik word in die “Gas-to-Liquids” (GTL) process om vloeistof brandstowwe te produseer. Dus sal ‘n omgewingsrisiko verminder word, ‘n energiebron word benuttig wat nooit van tevore benuttig is nie en fosiel brandstowwe kan gespaar word. Die maksimum waterstof wat geproduseer is, was 0.141 mol % in die gas fase met ‘n maksimum waarde vir koosltof monoksied van 1.896 mol % in die gas fase. Dit toon ‘n verbetering van 59 % vir waterstof, 92 % vir koolstof monoksied en ‘n vermindering van 49% in die koolstof dioksied wat deur Beyers (2011) geproduseer is. Die kinetiese studie het ondervind dat die “rate equation” van waterstof en koolstofmonoksied beskryf word deur nul-orde kinetika. Hierdie konstantes was 0.0146 (mol % waterstof/s) en 0.0183 (mol % waterstof/s) vir waterstof en koolstofmonoksied. Daar is ook gevind dat die grootste moontlik verandering in die hoe verwarmings waarde van die biomassa is ‘n skamele 0.27 mJ/kg van die oorspronklike waarde van 9.81 mJ/kg. Hierdie waarneming staaf dus die uitkoms dat die reaksie dus nie tot die einde verloop het nie. Die statistiese model het ‘n maksimum van 0.151 mol % voorspel wat 0.01 mol % meer was as die waarde wat gemeet is. Dit is ook gevind dat waterstof geproduseer word deur die sonoliese van water en dat hierdie bykomende waterstof deel uitmaak van die produkgas aangesien die slik grootliks uit water bestaan.Die hoveelheid waterstof in die gas fase wat geproduseer is tydens sonoliese van ‘n suiwer water monster, was 0.127 mol %. Die hoeveelheid waterstof in die gas fase wanneer die slik behandel is ten optimal kondisies, was 0.116 mol % gemiddeld. Die hitte degradering van kalsium karbonaat wat teenwoordig is in die kalk wat gebruik word om die pH van die produksie eenheid te reguleer, gevolg deur die Boudouard reaksie, het tot gevolg dat addisionele koolstof monoksied ook gevorm word. Ultrasoniese intensiteit kan gedefineer word as die hoeveelheid energy wat oorgedra word aan ‘n reaktant gebasseer op die oppervlak area aan die binnekant van die reaktor. Die intensiteit waarteen die voermateriaal blootgestel word aan die klankgolwe was laer as verwag met ‘n 36 % effektiwiteit. Die ontwerp spesifiseer ‘n intensiteit van 1.44 W/m2 en die intensiteit wat fisies gelewer is, was 0.521 W/m2. Die maksimum produksie van syngas was 0.00012 Nm3/kg, wat lei tot ‘n operasionele koste van R 19.98/Nm3 onder die kondisies van hierdie studie. Hierdie koste neem nie die oorsponkilke kapitaal vir die konstruksie, of die koste van verdere behandelik van die gas, in ag nie. Konvensionele stoom vergassing teen ‘n opbrengs van 0.67 Nm3/kg het ‘n operasionele koste van R 1.48/Nm3 tot gevolg. Die proses is dus ekonomies nie ‘n aantreklike opsie nie aangesien die kostes van syngas produksie met ultraklank meer as tien keer meer is as konvensionele stoom vergassing. Daar is tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die reaktor optimering suksesvol was en deur geen stuurstof te voer nie, die koolstofdioksied persentasie verminder is. Daar is ook tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die sonoliese van water, en die hitte degradering van kalsium karbonaat, gevolg deur die Boudouard reaksie, die syngas produksie supplementeer. Aangesien geen metaan gedurende hierdie studie geproduseer is nie, kan die sonochemiese proses inskakel by die GTL aanleg na die stoom hervormingseenhed. As gevolg van die hoe koolstofdioksied konsentrasie, sal die prosesstroom gemeng moet word met die produk stroom uit die stoom hervormings proses, wat gevoer word na die koolstofdioksied verwyderings eenheid. Hierdie eenheid is daarvoor verantwoordelik om die korrekte verhouding van gasse vir die GTL voer stroom te reguleer. Gebasseer op die baie lae syngas opbrengs, die lae waterstof tot koolstofmonoksied verhouding en die hoe energie behoeftes, is daar tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die parsiele oksidasdie van die biomassa in ‘n sonochemiese reaktor nie ‘n haalbare alternatief is vir konvensionele stoom vergassing nie. Die operasionele koste van die sonochemiese eenheid is ongeveer tien keer meer as die van stoom vergassing en daarom is die proses nie kompeterend nie. Daar word voorgestel dat die reaktor ontwerp hersien word om die gelewerde intensiteit te verbeter, sowel as om die kontak area waar die klankgolwe gekonsentreer is, te vergroot. Dit sal dooie sones uitskakel. Daar word ook voorgestel dat argon gas gedurende die eksperiment aanhoudende geborrel word deur die reaktant vloeistof in die reaktor om die ontgassingseffek uit te skakel sodra die klankgolwe aangeskakel word. Die gas uitlaat kan dan inlyn gekoppel word aan ‘n gas chromatograaf met ‘n termiese geleidings detektor (TCD) en ‘n vlam ionisasie detektor (FID) met metaan omskakeling, aangesien die TCD nie die monster vernietig nie. Hierdie opstelling behoort analitiese methodes te verbeter. Die produksie van koolstofmonoksied uit kalk sowel as die produksie van waterstof uit water gedurende sonoliese, moet verder ondersoek word. Die effek van radikale kan ook verder bestudeer word deur die gebruik van ‘n radikaal rower gedurende die proses. Daar word ook voorgestel dat die statistiese ontwerp herondersoek word sodat minder eksperimente gebruik kan word om soortgelyke resultate te bekom met minder data punte. Gebasseer op hierdie nuwe model en ‘n kinetiese studie, word dit aangeraai dat ‘n volledige ASPEN model gebou word om te simuleer hoe hierdie sonochemiese eenheid sal inskakel met die kommersiele eenheid. Dit sal dan moontlik wees om die energie benodighede van die proses te verstaan en gebasseer daarop, kan ‘n volledige haalbaarheid studie gedoen word wat kyk na oorspronklike installasie kostes, onderhouskostes, operasionele kostes sowel as die terugbetaling van die konstruksie kostes. Dan kan ‘n vergelyking getref word met die huidige kostes om van hierdie slik ontslae te raak en om die slik as ‘n brandstof te benut.

Process development and commissioning of a bioreactor for mass culturing of USAB granules by process induction and microbial stimulation

Van Zyl, Pierrie Jacobus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Process Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / The Up-flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactor (UASB) provides a state-of–the-art solution to effluent treatment by anaerobic digestion: sludge production is dramatically lower than in other digestion processes, and energy is gained from the system if the produced biogas is converted to electricity and/or heat. The UASB is a modified fluidised bed reactor, with the solid state ‘catalyst’ being granulated anaerobic sludge, and the liquid phase the effluent that needs to be treated. A gas cap is installed to serve as a carbon dioxide and methane collector. This biogas (carbon dioxide and methane) is produced by the stepwise decomposition of complex carbohydrates and proteins via a consortium of micro-organisms living in a symbiotic environment known as a granule. A typical UASB reactor has an organic removal rate of 89-93% Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and operates optimally at loadings of 9.8-11 kg COD/ m3 reactor volume/day. Unfortunately, one major problem hampers the efficiency of this reactor to such an extent that the unit is only economically viable in exceptional cases; if the reactor is inoculated with un-granulated anaerobic sludge, start-up times of up to 12 months can be expected. The lengthy start-up times motivated the search for an artificial way to cultivate USAB granules. Early research (done on lab-scale, 400ml vessel volumes) proved that, under a specified set of environmental conditions, granule growth can occur in an artificial environment. Yet these laboratory-scale vessels did not facilitate scale-up or the study thereof. This led to the main problem statement of this research project: namely to design, commission, and optimise benchscale bioreactors that will generate granulated anaerobic sludge in an incubation period of 20 days. These units should also facilitate in the determining of parameters that will assist in the design of a scale-up to a UASB granule producing reactor of economically viable size. Two bench-scale reactors were initially designed specifically to “mimic” the motion found in the laboratory-scale vessels. The results from these initial reactors proved that granulation cannot only be enhanced, but granules can actually be cultivated from dispersed anaerobic sludge in a larger artificial environment over an incubation period of only 20 days. The results were still far from satisfactory, as the granules produced were irregular in shape and the yield of usable granules (2.2 kg/m3 reactor volume) insufficient. A third test reactor was designed to “mimic” roller table movement and baffles were included. These results were much better and the yield was 4.4 kg/m3 reactor volume at a baffle tipspeed of 0.0055 m/s. The optimisation was extended further to include the inoculation sludge and the feed medium. A C:N:P ratio of 10:1:4 proved to yield the best results. Monovalent anions, hydrogen concentration and a pH-level outside the 6.5 to 7.2 range evidently had an inhibitory effect on the granulation rate. After the optimisation study the third test unit produced a usable granule yield of 15.2 kg/m3 reactor volume over the 20-day incubation period. The incubation period can be separated into 3 distinct phases, namely the acidification, stabilisation and growth phases. From the mass balance it was found that most of the COD and nutrients were used for ECP production in the acidification phase. During the stabilisation phase, the COD and nutrients were mostly used for nucleus formation, and finally in the growth phase the COD was used for granule growth. To study the effect the internal surface area of the reactor has on the granulation process, 3 scale-down versions of the third test unit were constructed. Within the studied range, a yield of usable granules of 40 kg/m2 reactor internal surface area was obtained.

Treatment of typical South African milking parlour wastewater by means of anaerobic sequencing batch reactor technology.

Du Preez, Jeanne 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Process Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Due to the growing demands for fresh and clean water, the investigation into the treatment, reuse and recycling of wastewater from all industries are becoming more of a priority, both globally and in South Africa where as much as 62 % of the total water used per year is used by the agricultural sector. The investigation into the recycling and reuse of wastewater in the agricultural sector (especially the dairy farming industry) is therefore no exception. The water usage in five typical South African milking parlours was estimated in this study and ranged from 15 to 51 L.cow-1.day-1. However, the water used for the cleaning in place (CIP) washing of the milking equipment were rather similar in all five milking parlours and ranged between 4.9 and 6.4 L.cow-1.day-1. The possibility of handling and treating the CIP wastewater separately from the rest of the milking parlour wastewater has been considered in the past by other researchers. Anaerobic digestion, as a means of treating wastewater from the dairy industry, has been employed successfully in both full scale and laboratory scale projects. The wastewater from equipment washing of milking parlours is assumed to have similar characteristic to that generated from dairy factories. The anaerobic sequencing batch reactor (ASBR) system is gaining popularity as a wastewater treatment technology lately due to its simplicity, ease of operation and compact design and is therefore expected to be a suitable and practical solution for dairy farmers in treating milking parlour wastewater from equipment washing. Investigation into anaerobic treatment at lower temperatures than the conventional mesophilic range is also becoming of interest due to lower energy requirements. The aim of this study was to determine whether the ASBR technology could be considered as a suitable technology for treating wastewater from the CIP washing of milking parlour equipment. To support this study, the water usage and CIP effluent generated at typical South African milking parlours were firstly verified. Subsequently, laboratory work entailed: • Assessing the sensitivity of the ASBR process (at mesophilic temperature of 35 °C) to fluctuations in the concentration of the detergents in synthetic CIP milking parlour wastewater; and • Evaluating the performance of the ASBR process at 22.5 and 35 °C when treating real wastewater from the CIP washing of milking equipment. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiencies between 89 and 98 % were achieved when the synthetic wastewater (similar to wastewater from the CIP washing of milking equipment with COD concentrations ranging between 12 600 and 13 400 mg.L-1) was treated in an ASBR. The results showed that an increase in the CIP detergent concentration up to four times the concentration normally used in milking parlours did not significantly affect the ASBR performance in terms of methane productivity, methane yield and COD removal efficiencies when OLRs between 0.6 and 5.2 g COD.L-1.day-1 were applied. The results also showed that COD removal efficiencies between 92 and 98 % could be achieved in the ASBR process operated at 35 °C when treating real CIP milking parlour effluent (with COD concentrations ranging between 14 900 and 28 800 mg.L-1) when applying OLRs up to 6.6 g COD.L-1.day-1, without nutrient control. Therefore, the ASBR process is suitable to treat real milking parlour wastewater with OLRs above 6 g COD.L-1.day-1 at mesophilic temperatures. At an operating temperature of 22.5 °C, the ASBR achieved TCOD removal efficiencies between 86 and 98 % when treating real CIP effluent. Despite these high COD removal efficiencies, the reactor failed at an OLR of 2.9 g COD.L-1.day-1. As such, the ASBR process appears to be susceptible to failure (due to overloading) when the OLR is increased too rapidly at this low operating temperature. This is most probably due to the fact that methanogenic bacteria do not acclimatise and operate as well at temperatures below the mesophilic range. However, during a second attempt at 22.5 oC, the ASBR achieved COD removal efficiencies between 89 and 97 % when the OLR was increased less rapidly, up to 3.3 g COD.L-1.day-1. These results show that the ASBR process can indeed treat real milking parlour wastewater at 22.5 °C without nutrient control at OLRs above 3 g COD.L-1.day-1. The COD concentration in the effluent from the ASBRs when the maximum OLRs were applied were always below 1 000 mg.L-1. This is notably lower than the South African legal limit for irrigation of up to 50 m3 of wastewater per day. However, this is significantly higher than the South African legal limit of 75 mg.L-1 for safe disposal into a fresh water body. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die wêreldwye toename in die aanvraag na vars, skoon water het tot gevolg dat die ondersoek in die behandeling, hergebruik en herwinning van afvalwater tans groot aandag geniet. Nie net wêreldwyd nie, maar ook in Suid-Afrika waar tans 62 % van die water wat gebruik word per jaar, aangewend word vir die lanbou sektor. Daarom is die ondersoek na besparing van water in lanbou aktiwiteite (veral melkboerderye) geen uitsondering nie. Die watergebruik tydens melktyd in 5 verskillende melkerye is ondersoek en dit blyk dat die watergebruik in die 5 melkery drasties van mekaar verskil. Dit strek van ‘n minimum van 15 litres per koei per dag tot ‘n maksimum van 51 liters per koei per dag. Die volume water wat gebruik word vir die outomatiese was van die melktoerusting het nie so baie gevarieer nie en het gestrek tussen 4.9 en 6.4 liter per koei per dag. Die moontlikheid om die afvalwater wat gegenereer word tydens die outomatiese was van die melktoerusting apart te hou van die res van die afvalwater, is in die verlede deur ander navorsers oorweeg. Afvalwater van suiwelfabrieke is in die verlede al deur middel van anaerobiese vertering in ‘n groot aantal laboratorium- en volskaalse anaerobiese aanlegte behandel. Daar word aangeneem dat die afvalwater wat gegenereer word tydens die was van melktoerusting min of meer dieselfde samestelling sal hê as die afvalwater van suiwelfabrieke. Die anaerobiese opvolgende lot reaktor (AOLR) word al hoe meer gewild in anaerobiesewaterbehandeling as gevolg van die eenvoudige en maklike werking en kompakte ontwerp. Dit word verwag dat hierdie tegnologie ‘n gepaste en praktiese oplossing sal wees om die afvalwater van die was van melktoerusting te behandel. Die anaerobiese behandeling van afvalwater by temperature laer as die normale mesofiliese temperature word ook al hoe meer gewild as gevolg van minder hitte wat benodig word. Die doel van hierdie studie was om te bepaal of die AOLR tegnologie ‘n gepaste tegnologie is om afvalwater wat gegeneer word tydens die outomatiese was proses van melkery toerusting te behandel. Ter ondersteuning van die doel, is die watergebruik in ‘n paar tipiese, Suid- Afrikaanse melkerye eers bevestig. Daaropvolgend, het die laboratoriumwerk die volgende behels: • The bepaal of die AOLR proses (wat by mesofiliese temperatuur van 35 °C bedryf was) sensitief is vir veranderinge in die konsentrasie van sepe in sintetiese waswater wat na ‘n AOLR gevoer word; en • Om die werking van die AOLR proses te ondersoek wanneer regte afvalwater van melkery by onderskeidelik 22.5 en 35 °C behandel word. Chemiese suurstof behoefte (CSB) verwydering van 89 to 98 % is bereik toe sintetiese afvalwater wat gelykstaande aan afvalwater gegenereer tydens die was van melk toerusting is (met CSB konsentrasies tussen 12 600 en 13 400 mg.L-1) in ‘n AOLR behandel is. Die resultate het getoon dat daar geen aanmerklike verskil in die werking van die AOLR in terme van metaanproduksie, metaanopbrengs en CSB verwyderingseffektiwiteit was met a toename tot en met so hoog as vier maal die normale seepkonsentrasie in die afvalwater was toe organiese ladingstempo’s (OLTs) tussen 0.6 en 5.2 g CSB.L-1.dag-1 aangewend was nie. Die resultate het ook getoon dat die CSB van regte afvalwater van melkerye (met CSB konsentrasies tussen 14 900 en 28 800 mg.L-1) met 92 tot 98 % verminder kan word wanneer dit in ‘n AOLR (wat by 35 °C bestuur word) en OLTs tot so hoog as 6.6 g CSB.L-1.dag-1 aangewend word, sonder dat die nutrientinhoud in die afvalwater beheer was. Hierdie AOLR proses wat is dus gepas om afvalwater van melkery te behandel met OLTs bo 6 CSB.L-1.dag-1 by mesofiliese temperature. Die AOLR wat by ‘n temperatuur van 22.5 °C bedryf was, het CSB verwydering tussen 86 en 98 % behaal. Ondanks die hoë CSB verwydering het die reaktor misluk by ‘n maksimum OLT van 2.9 g CSB.L-1.dag-1. Dit het getoon dat die AOLR proses meer geneig is om vatbaar te wees vir mislukking (as gevolg van ‘n oorlading) wanneer die OLT te vinnig verhoog word by laer temperature. Dit is moontlik as gevolg daarvan dat die metanogeniese bakterieë nie so goed aanpas en werk by temperature laer as mesofiliese temperature nie. Nietemin, tydens ‘n tweede probeerslag by 22.5 °C, het die AOLR CSB verwydering tussen 89 en 97 % behaal tydens ‘n stadiger toename in die OLT tot en met 3.3 g CSB.L-1.dag-1. Hierdie resultate dui aan dat die AOLR proses wat by ‘n temperatuur van 22.5 °C bedryf word ook gepas is om afvalwater van melkerye te behandel, sonder nutrient beheer by OLTs hoër as 3 g CSB.L-1.dag-1. Die CSB konsentrasies in die afvloeisel van die AOLR’e in die studie tydens die aanwending van die hoogste OLTs, was altyd laer as 1 000 mg.L-1. Dit is merkbaar laer as die limiet vir besproeiing van tot en met 50 m3 per dag in Suid-Afrika. Maar, dit was nogtans regdeur hoër as die limiet van 75 mg.L-1 vir veilige storting in ‘n varswaterbron.

UASB granulation enhancement by microbial inoculum selection and process induction

Lamprecht, Corne 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Food Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / In the absence of anaerobic granules, anaerobically digested sewage sludge is frequently used to seed industrial upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactors. Because of its flocculent nature, start-up with digested sludge instead of granular sludge proceeds much slower and presents various operational problems. Any manner in which the granulation of digested sludge can be enhanced would benefit UASB reactor start-up and application in developing countries such as South Africa. The main objective of this dissertation was to improve granulation and reduce UASB reactor start-up by using pre-treated digested sludge as seed. The sludge was pre-treated based on the batch granulation-enhancement model of Britz et al. (2002). The main aim of the model was to improve extracellular polymer (ECP) production of lactate-utilising populations by applying short-term controlled organic overloading in a mechanically agitated environment. The batch granulation-enhancement (pre-treatment) process was applied to an ECP-producing digester strain, Propionibacterium jensenii S1. Non-methanogenic aggregates were formed when batch units were incubated on a roller-table instead of a linear-shake platform. Larger, more stable aggregates were obtained in the presence of apricot effluent medium. Preliminary batch granulation-enhancement studies confirmed that using the roller-table as mixing system had a positive influence on batch granulation-enhancement. The roller-table showed the most potential for handling larger volumes in comparison to a linear-shake waterbath and linear-shake platform. The addition of 450 mg.L-1 Fe2+ at the start of the study also influenced aggregate numbers positively. These studies revealed that pre-treatment results varied depending on the seed sludge source. A denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) method was applied for the detection of Archaea in digested sludges and UASB granules. In addition, a methanogenic marker containing methanogens important to the granulation process was constructed to aid identification. The positive influence of DMSO and “touchdown” PCR on the elimination of artifactual double bands in DGGE fingerprints were also demonstrated. Results revealed that only one of the four digested sludges tested contained Methanosaeta concilii (critical to granular nuclei formation) while it was present in all the UASB granules regardless of substrate type. Four digested sludges were obtained from stable secondary digesters. DGGE indicated the presence of M. concilii in all sludges. The Athlone 4Sb-sludge was the only sludge which exhibited measurable methanogenic activity during substrate dependent activity testing. The ST-sludge showed the highest increase in volatile suspended solids (VSS) particles ≥0.25 mm2. Laboratory-scale UASB reactor start-up was done with both sludges and start-up proceeded better in the Athlone 4Sb-reactor. Athlone 4Sb-sludge batches were pre-treated in a rolling-batch reactor in the presence of either lactate or sucrose and used to seed lab-scale UASB reactors B (sucrose seed) and C (lactate seed). Start-up efficiencies were compared to a control (Reactor A). Overall Reactor B was more efficient that the control. At the end of the study the Reactor B sludge had a higher methanogenic activity than the control reactor. It also had the highest increase in VSS ≥1.0 mm2. Pre-treatment of digested sludge in the presence of sucrose, therefore, aided granulation and reduced UASB reactor start-up time.

Enquiry into sewage pump station problems with specific focus on removing solids

Tulleken, Joubert 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: There is a general lack of published research on sewage pump station problems and the removal of solids in South African sanitary sewers. Research was undertaken to investigate the problems at sewage pump stations by means of site visits, interviews, literature reviews and laboratory experiments. An in-depth literature study is presented on sewage pump stations, pump station problems and solids in sewers. The problems at sewage pump stations were categorised into identifiable groups with possible generalised solutions. The site visits and literature review indicated a specific lack of knowledge regarding screening baskets used to remove solids at sewage pumping stations. This led to the experimental testing of a screening basket on full scale in a controlled environment to develop an efficiency index for screening baskets. The efficiency index was determined using fuzzy logic methodology with predetermined solids load, basket height above the sump level and solids retention time. The fuzzy logic proved that the basket is best operated halfway submerged, after one hour retention time and with degradable solids in the system. The literature compiled and problems identified in this study were used as the backbone for the development of a conceptual Decision Support Tool (DST) for sewage pump stations. The DST is aimed at requiring limited inputs and providing maximum knowledge output and is presented as a software tool in MS Excel format. The functionality was added by applying visual basic applications in MS Excel user forms. The idea of developing a DST is to assist designers, sewage service providers and operators with understanding the various components and for problem identification pertaining to sewage pump stations in the future. The DST is relatively self-explanatory with a user friendly visual interface that is easy to operate. This study sets the scene for further research into efficiency indices pertaining to different components of sewage pump stations and their application in comprehensive sewage pump decision support tools. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar is 'n algemene gebrek aan gepubliseerde navorsing oor probleme met rioolpompstasies en die verwydering van ongewenste voorwerpe in Suid-Afrikaanse sanitêre rioolsisteme. Navorsing is gedoen om die probleme by rioolpompstasies te ondersoek deur middel van terreinbesoeke, onderhoude, literatuurstudie en eksperimente in „n laboratorium. 'n Omvattende literatuurstudie is op rioolpompstasies, probleme by pompstasies en ongewenste voorwerpe in rioolnetwerke gedoen. Die probleme by rioolpompstasies is verdeel in identifiseerbare groepe met moontlike oplossings. Die terreinbesoeke en literatuuroorsig het 'n spesifieke gebrek aan kennis met betrekking tot skermmandjies, wat gebruik word om ongewenste voorwerpe by rioolpompstasies te verwyder, aangedui. Dit het gelei tot die eksperimentele toetsing van 'n skermmandjie deur die volskaalse opstelling in 'n beheerde omgewing om 'n doeltreffendheidsindeks vir skermmandjies in die praktyk te ontwikkel. Die doeltreffendheidsindeks is bepaal deur gebruik te maak van “fuzzy logic” metodologie met voorafbepaalde insette naamlik, die mandjie se hoogte bo die watervlak, soort ongewenste voorwerpe en die tyd wat die voorwerpe aan water blootgestel is. Die “fuzzy logic” bewys dat die mandjie die beste werking toon, halfpad onder die water, na „n een uur van blootstelling aan water en met degradeerbare voorwerpe in die stelsel. Die literatuur wat saamgestel is en probleme wat in hierdie studie geïdentifiseer is, is gebruik as die inhoud vir die konseptuele “Decision Support Program” (DST) vir rioolpompstasies. Die DST het ten doel om met beperkte insette die maksimum kennis te verskaf en word aangebied as 'n sagteware instrument in MS Excel formaat. Die funksionaliteit is bygevoeg deur die toepassing van die “visual basic applications” in MS Excel gebruikersvorms. Die doel van die ontwikkeling van 'n DST is om ontwerpers, riooldiensverskaffers en operateurs te help om die verskillende funksies en probleem-identifikasie met betrekking tot rioolpompstasies te begryp. Die DST is relatief selfverduidelikend met 'n gebruikers vriendelike visuele koppelvlak wat maklik is om te bedryf. Hierdie studie bied die basis vir verdere ondersoek na die doeltreffendheidsindekse met betrekking tot die verskillende komponente van rioolpompstasies en die toepassing daarvan in omvattende rioolpomp “DSTs”.

Anaerobic co-digestion of abattoir and textile industry wastewater in a UASB reactor

Ondari, James Maati 04 1900 (has links)
M. Tech. (Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology), Vaal University of Technolog / Textile industry effluents are carcinogenic and highly recalcitrant hence difficult to degrade especially through biological methods. Abattoir effluents are classified under high-strength wastewaters because of their characteristic high organic load hence highly biodegradable. Anaerobic co-digestion is the concept of degrading two effluent streams with complementary characteristics in order to improve the substrate removal rate. The feasibility of co-digesting abattoir and textile wastewater in a UASB reactor was evaluated at mesophilic and ambient temperature conditions. Preliminary experiments were conducted in 500 ml batch reactors to evaluate the optimum abattoir to textile synthetic wastewater ratio. The effect of COD, TVFA, alkalinity and pH on biogas yield was examined at both ambient and mesophilic temperatures. Anaerobic co-digestion of abattoir to textile wastewater in the ratio determined in the batch process was carried out in a 3 L UASB reactor by a continuous process. The continuous biodegradation process was executed at three different HRTs (22, 18 and 14 hrs) over a 60 day operation period. UASB reactor efficiency was achieved at organic loads ranging from 3.0 – 10.8 gCOD L-1 day-1. Continuous mode experiments were carried out at influent flow rates which corresponded to HRTs ranging between 1 to 8 days in order to evaluate the steady state operating parameters for the co-digestion process. The abattoir to textile effluent ratio was found to be 60:40 respectively. The COD, TVFA, alkalinity and pH and biogas yield followed a similar pattern over time at both mesophilic and ambient temperature conditions. Experimental data adequately fit the Grau first order kinetic model and average COD removal efficiencies of 85% and BOD5 of around 96% were achieved. The average biogas yield remained essentially constant, around 0.19 L/g CODremoved. The co-digested mixture was found to be biodegradable judging from the BOD:COD ratio of 0.53. TCOD removal efficiency decreased from 93% to 16% as HRT decreased from 8 days to 1 day. The kinetics of a UASB reactor co-digesting the mixture of synthetic abattoir and textile wastewater was evaluated in this study using Grau second order multicomponent substrate removal kinetic model. The Grau second order kinetic model, whose kinetic coefficient (ks) was 0.389, was found to be suitable for predicting the performance of a lab-scale UASB reactor.

The Determination of Organic-Bound Chlorine Levels in Municipal Wastewaters After Treatment with Heavy Chlorine Doses

Smith, Garmon B. 05 1900 (has links)
The development of an analytical method for the determination of total organic-bound chlorine (TOCl) produced during the chlorination of municipal wastewater effluents is presented. Sewage effluent from the Denton, Texas municipal treatment plant was chlorinated at high chlorine doses (1000 - 4000 ppm), as well as typical treatment levels. Chlororganics present in the wastewater, before and after chlorination, were concentrated by adsorption on Amberlite XAD-2 macroreticular resin, followed by elution with diethyl ether. After concentration, the extracts were analyzed for TOC1 by microcoulometry. Analysis of wastewater extracts revealed the production of substantial amounts of new chlorinated organics when effluents were treated with chlorine. The method shows good precision and estimated accuracy is favorable.

Microbial Structure and Function of Engineered Biological Nitrogen Transformation Processes: Impacts of Aeration and Organic Carbon on Process Performance and Emissions of Nitrogenous Greenhouse Gas

Brotto, Ariane Coelho January 2016 (has links)
This doctoral research provides an advanced molecular approach for the investigation of microbial structure and function in response to operational conditions of biological nitrogen removal (BNR) processes, including those leading to direct production of a major greenhouse gas, nitrous oxide (N₂O). The wastewater treatment sector is estimated to account with 3% of total anthropogenic N₂O emissions. Nevertheless, the contribution from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) is considered underestimated due to several limitations on the estimation methodology approach suggested by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Although for the past years efforts have been made to characterize the production of N₂O from these systems, there are still several limitations on fundamental knowledge and operational applications. Those include lack of information of N₂O production pathways associated with control of aeration, supplemental organic carbon sources and adaptation of the microbial community to the repeated operational conditions, among others. The components of this thesis, lab-scale investigations and full-scale monitoring of N₂O production pathways and emissions in conjunction with meta-omics approach, have a combined role in addressing such limitations. Lab-scale experiments imposing short-term anoxic-aerobic cycling on partial- and full-nitrification based processes were conducted to investigate the microbial response to N₂O production. Interestingly, it was determined that full-nitrification systems could be a higher contributor to N₂O production and emissions than partial-nitrification. While it has been reported in the literature a higher contribution from the latter when the microbial community is not subjected to oxygen cycling conditions. Following the knowledge obtained with a single anoxic-aerobic cycle imposed to nitrifying communities, long-term adaptation of the microbial community to continued anoxic-aerobic cycling and its impact on N₂O production were investigated through a meta-omics approach. Long-term studies are particularly significant regarding engineered systems, where the microorganisms are continually subjected to cycling conditions again and again. A microbial adaptation at the RNA level was identified on both autotroph and heterotroph organisms. The transcripts of the metabolic pathways related to NO and N₂O production (nir, nor) and consumption (nor, nos) were initially induced followed by a gradual decline, leading to a parallel reduction in gaseous emissions over time. Other pathways not typically interrogated in conjunction with the nitrogen metabolism, such as electron transport chain and carbon fixation were also investigated and revealed a mechanism to overcome the imbalance in electron flow and generation of proton motive force (increased transcription of terminal oxidase genes, cco and cox) to uphold carbon fixation during continued cycling. The second part of this thesis focuses on full-scale WWTPs, where it is crucial to determine specific nuances of the systems’ dynamics and of the different types of treatment that may contribute to increased production and emissions of N₂O. For that purpose, two distinct BNR systems not usually considered and studied in terms of N₂O production and emissions were chosen. First, a separate centrate treatment (SCT) process employing glycerol as the supplemental carbon source was monitored. Significantly, this system was found to have one of the highest levels of N₂O production and emission report thus far. Glycerol revealed to foster a microbial community (i.e. Burkholderiales, Rhodobacterales and Sphingomonadales) that stores internal carbon and promote partial denitrification, leading to accumulation of nitrite and N₂O [7-11]. Second, both fixed- and moving-bed biofilm BNR systems were investigated. The overall N₂O emission fractions for the Integrated Fixed-Film Activated Sludge (IFAS)(0.09 – 1.1% infl-TKN) and denitrification filters (0.11 – 1.4% infl-TN) were similar to the reported emissions from suspended growth activated sludge systems [4-6]. For the IFAS system, aqueous and gaseous N₂O profiles paralleled the diurnal variability on influent nitrogen load. The production of N₂O was significantly correlated with ammonia concentration (p<0.05, r=0.91), suggesting the production through hydroxylamine oxidation pathway. Denitrification filters displayed a very peculiar pattern on N₂O emissions associated with intermittent operational cycles (i.e. nitrogen release cycle and backwash). These intrinsic operations of the denitrification filters contributed to transient oxygen conditions and nearly the entire N₂O emissions through gaseous stripping and production by inhibition of denitrification. Similarly to suspended growth systems, process design and operations demonstrated to also play an important role in N₂O emissions from attached growth processes. Finally, aeration strategies for energy efficient conventional nitrification based on the microbial community development and its associated performance was investigated in lab-scale. It was demonstrated that using the same air supply rate, continuous and intermittent aeration resulted in completely different microbial structure. Consequently, distinct kinetics and nitrification performance were observed. The aeration rate could be minimized (resulting in reduction in energy consumption) for high ammonia removal efficiency and lower N₂O emissions, as long as the process is designed accordingly to the microbial ecology developed in such conditions. In sum, the microbial structure, function and connection of metabolic pathways of complex engineered microbial communities as applicable to BNR systems and its operations were investigated in detail. From an engineering perspective, this dissertation provides an advancement on the molecular approach to characterize structure and function of microbial responses to engineered operations beyond the business-as-usual target genes, which can eventually result in better design and control of engineered BNR processes. This study offers more than an improved scientific understanding of the complex microbial environment and direct engineering applications. It connects sanitation with water quality and the greenhouse gas effect by prioritizing concurrent enhanced biological nitrogen removal and mitigation of N₂O production and emission. Ultimately the implications of the result presented herein can provide economical, environmental, health benefits for the society.

Removal of chromium from industrial wastewater using Polypyrrole-based granular nanostructured materials in fixed bed column.

Dyosiba, Xoliswa Lindokuhle, author. January 2014 (has links)
M. Tech. Engineering: Chemical / Researches the usability and efficiency of the synthesized PPy/Al2O3 nanocomposite as adsorbent in Cr(VI) remediation from contaminated wastewaters.The specific objectives of the study are:to synthesise and characterize the PPy/Al2O3 nanocomposite ; to characterize the prepared nanocomposite using several sophisticated instruments such as, SEM, BET, XRD, et cetera ; to carryout batch adsorption equilibrium and kinetics studies for evaluating the performance of the nanosorbent and to gain insight into the underlying adsorption mechanisms.; to apply adsorption equilibrium and kinetic models.; to assess the breakthrough performance of the PPy/Al2O3 nanocomposite for Cr(VI) adsorption by varying operating parameters, in fixed bed column mode and to apply existing mathematical models to predict the performance of fixed bed adsorption systems and to obtain column design parameters.

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