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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identification and Characterisation of the Domains of RS1 (RSC1A1) Inhibiting the Monosaccharide Dependent Exocytotic Pathway of Na+-D-Glucose Cotransporter SGLT1 with High Affinity / Identifizierung und Charakterisierung der Domänen von RS1 (RSC1A1), die den Monosaccharid-abhängigen exozytotischen Pfad des Na+-D-Glukose Kotransporters SGLT1 mit hoher Affinität hemmen

Vernaleken, Alexandra January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Das RS1-Protein, das durch ein intronloses single-copy Gen kodiert wird, welches nur bei Säugetieren vorkommt, bewirkt eine posttranskriptionelle Herunterregulation des Natrium-D-Glukose-Cotransporters SGLT1. Es wurde gezeigt, dass eine kurzfristige posttranskriptionelle Hemmung von SGLT1 durch RS1 am trans-Golgi-Netzwerk (TGN) stattfindet. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden zwei Tripeptide des menschlichen RS1-Proteins (hRS1) identifiziert, GlnCysPro und GlnSerPro, welche die posttranskriptionelle Hemmung von SGLT1 am TGN induzieren. Das Applizieren der Tripeptide reduzierte die Menge des SGLT1-Proteins in der Plasmamembran um 40-50%, diese Reduktion korrelierte mit dem Rückgang des durch SGLT1 vermittelten Glukosetransports. Hinsichtlich der kurzfristigen Hemmung von SGLT1 durch die Tripeptide wurden für die effektiven intrazellulären Konzentration der Tripeptide IC50-Werte von 2.0 nM (GlnCysPro, QCP) und 0.16 nM (GlnSerPro, QSP) ermittelt. Die beobachtete Hemmung von SGLT1 durch die Tripeptide QCP und QSP wurde, ähnlich wie beim hRS1-Protein, durch verschiedene intrazelluläre Monosaccharide, einschließlich Methyl-α-D-Glucopyranosid und 2-Deoxyglukose, verringert. Im Gegensatz dazu konnte die kurzfristige Hemmung von hOCT2 durch QCP nur nach Anhebung der intrazellulären Konzentration von AMG beobachtet werden. QCP und QSP werden durch den H+-Peptid-Kotransporter PEPT1 transportiert, der zusammen mit SGLT1 in den Enterozyten des Dünndarms kolokalisiert ist. Nach Einwärtstransport des Peptids wird dann im Anschluss der durch hSGLT1 vermittelte Glukosetransport gehemmt. Die Daten legen nahe, dass eine orale Applikation der Tripeptide QCP oder QSP dazu genutzt werden kann, die Absorption von D-Glukose im Dünndarm zu hemmen und somit als Therapeutika für Adipositas oder Diabetes mellitus genutzt werden könnte. / The RS1 protein, a 67 kDa protein, encoded by an intronless single copy gene that was only detected in mammals, mediates transcriptional and post-transcriptional down-regulation of the sodium-D-glucose co-transporter SGLT1. The short-term post-transcriptional down-regulation of SGTL1 by RS1 has been shown to occur at the trans-Golgi network (TGN). In the present study, two tripeptides from the human RS1 protein (hRS1), GlnCysPro and GlnSerPro, that induce the post-transcriptional down-regulation of SGLT1 at the TGN, were identified. The application of the tripeptides led to 40-50% reduction of the amount of the SGLT1 protein in the plasma membrane, which correlated to the degree of decrease in SGLT1-mediated glucose transport. For the short-term down-regulation of SGLT1 by the tripeptides, the effective intracellular concentrations IC50 values of 2.0 nM (GlnCysPro, QCP) and 0.16 nM (GlnSerPro, QSP) were estimated. The observed down-regulation of SGLT1 by the tripeptides QCP and QSP, similar to hRS1 protein, was attenuated by different intracellular monosaccharides including nonmetabolized methyl-α-D-glucopyranoside and 2-deoxyglucose. On the contrary, the short-term inhibition of the hOCT2 by QCP could only be observed after rising of intracellular concentration of AMG. QCP and QSP are transported by H+-peptide cotransporter PEPT1 that is co-located with SGLT1 in the small intestinal enterocytes and thereafter effectively down-regulate hSGLT1-mediated transport of AMG. The data indicates that orally applied tripeptides QCP or QSP can be used to down-regulate D-glucose absorption in small intestine and used for treatment of obesity and diabetes mellitus.

Mechanism and Control of Nuclear-Cytoplasmic Translocation of the Transporter Regulator RS1 / Mechanismus und Kontrolle der Translokation der Transporterregulator RS1 zwischen Kern und Zytoplasma

Filatova, Alina January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Das RS1 Protein (Gen RSC1A1) beteiligt sich an der Regulation des Na+-D-Glukose-kotransporters SGLT1 und einiger anderer Transporter. In subkonfluenten LLC-PK1 Zellen hemmt RS1 die Freisetzung von SGLT1 aus dem trans-Golgi-Netzwerk und die Transkription von SGLT1. Während es sich in konfluenten Zellen hauptsächlich im Zytoplasma befindet, ist RS1 in subkonfluenten Zellen im Kern und im Zytoplasma lokalisiert. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Mechanismus und Regulation der konfluenzabhängigen Kernlokalisation von RS1 untersucht. Dabel konnte gezeigt werden, dass die von Konfluenz abhängige Kernlokalisation von RS1 durch den Zellzyklus reguliert wird. In RS1 aus Sus scrofa (pRS1) wurde eine Sequenz identifiziert („nuclear shuttling signal“, NS), die für die konfluenzabhängige Verteilung von RS1 verantwortlich ist und sowohl das Signal für die Kernlokalisation (NLS) als auch das Signal für den Export aus dem Kern (NES) beinhaltet. Die NLS und NES Signale von RS1 vermitteln die Translokation des Proteins in den Kern und aus dem Kern mit Hilfe von Importin β1 bzw. CRM1, wobei die Verteilung von RS1 zwischen Kern und Zytoplasma durch die Aktivität des Exportsystems bestimmt wird. Es wurde gezeigt, dass die benachbarte Proteinkinase C (PKC) Phosphorylierungsstelle an Serin 370 von pRS1 die NS-gesteuerte Kernlokalisierung kontrolliert und für die vom Zellzyklus abhängige Kernlokalisation notwendig ist. Aufgrund der Ergebnisse der ortsgerichteten Mutagenese, PKC-Aktivierungsexperimenten und Massenspektrometrie-Analyse des Phosphorylierungsmusters von RS1 wurde ein Modell vorgeschlagen, das die Regulation der Kernlokalisation des RS1 Proteins in LLC-PK1 Zellen beschreibt. Dem Modell zufolge wird RS1 in subkonfluenten Zellen stark in den Kern befördert, während der Export von RS1 aus dem Kern nicht stattfindet. Das führt zur Anreicherung von RS1 im Kern. Nach Konfluenz wird Serin 370 durch PKC phosphoryliert, was die Steigerung des RS1-Exports aus dem Kern begünstigt und die überwiegend zytoplasmatische Lokalisation des Proteins in konfluenten Zellen hervorruft. Die konfluenzabhängige Regulation der Lokalisation von RS1 kann die Expression von SGLT1 während der Regeneration von Enterozyten im Dünndarm und der Regeneration von Zellen der Nierentubuli nach hypoxämischem Stress kontrollieren. Außerdem deutet die Analyse der Genexpression in embryonalen Fibroblasten der RS-/- Mäuse deutet darauf hin, dass die transkriptionale Regulation durch RS1 im Zellzyklus und bei der Zellteilung eine wichtige Rolle spielen kann. Da die Lokalisation von RS1 zellzyklusabhängig ist, kann RS1 für die Regulation der Transporter in spezifischen Phasen des Zellzyklus wichtig sein. / The RS1 protein (gene RSC1A1) participates in regulation of Na+-D-glucose cotransporter SGLT1 and some other solute carriers. In subconfluent LLC-PK1 cells, RS1 inhibits release of SGLT1 from the trans-Golgi network and transcription of SGLT1. In subconfluent cells, RS1 is localized in the nucleus and the cytoplasm whereas confluent cells contain predominantly cytoplasmic RS1. In the present study, the mechanism and regulation of confluence-dependent nuclear location of RS1 was investigated. Confluence dependent nuclear location of RS1 was shown to be regulated by the cell cycle. A nuclear shuttling signal (NS) in pRS1 was identified that ensures confluence-dependent distribution of pRS1 and comprises nuclear localization signal (NLS) and nuclear export signal (NES). The NLS and NES of RS1 mediate translocation into and out of the nucleus via importin ß1 and CRM1, respectively, and the nuclear/cytoplasmic distribution of the RS1 protein is determined by the nuclear export activity. The adjacent protein kinase C (PKC) phosphorylation site at serine 370 of pRS1 was shown to control nuclear localization driven by NS and is necessary for the differential localization of RS1 in quiescent versus proliferating cells. Basing on the data of site-directed mutagenesis, PKC activation experiments and mass spectrometry analysis of RS1 phosphorylation, the following model of the regulation of RS1 nuclear location in LLC-PK1 cells was proposed. In subconfluent cells, RS1 is actively imported into the nucleus whereas nuclear export of RS1 is not active leading to accumulation of RS1 in the nucleus. After confluence, phosphorylation of serine 370 of pRS1 by PKC takes place leading to enhancement of RS1 nuclear export and predominantly cytoplasmic distribution of the protein in the confluent cells. The confluence-dependent regulation of RS1 localization may control SGLT1 expression during regeneration of enterocytes in small intestine and during regeneration of renal tubular cells after hypoxemic stress. Moreover, the gene expression profiling of mouse embryonic fibroblasts with RS1-/- genotype suggests that transcriptional regulation by RS1 might be important for the cell cycle and cell division. Since RS1 localization depends on the cell cycle, RS1 might play a role in the regulation of the solute carriers during specific phases of the cell cycle.

Influência da ingestão de erva mate (Ilex paraguariensis) sobre parâmetros relacionados ao diabetes mellitus e metabolismo de glicose em ratos Wistar / Influence of intake of grass mate (Ilex paraguariensis) on parameters related to diabetes mellitus and glucose metabolism in rats Wistar

Oliveira, Daniela Moura de 30 June 2008 (has links)
Introdução: A incidencia e prevalencia do Diabetes Mellitus aumentam a cada ano, alcancando proporcoes epidemicas. A infusao aquosa de erva mate apresenta consideraveis teores de acidos clorogenicos, que alem de atuarem como antioxidantes, podem diminuir a producao e absorcao de glicose, conforme indicado na literatura. Objetivos: Avaliar a influencia da ingestao de infusao de erva mate sobre parametros bioquimicos relacionados ao diabetes mellitus e o metabolismo de glicose. Metodologia: Ratos Wistar (n=41) foram divididos em: nao diabeticos controle (NDC, n=10); nao diabeticos erva mate (NDE, n=10); diabeticos controle (DC, n=11) e diabeticos erva mate (DE, n=10). O diabetes foi induzido por aloxana. Os animais receberam extrato de erva mate (1 g/kg) ou solucao fisiologica por gavagem durante 28 dias, com agua e racao comercial ad libitum. Seus tecidos foram submetidos as analises (glicemia, insulinemia, colesterol total, atividade da enzima glicose-6-fosfatase hepatica e expressao genica do cotransportador intestinal de Na+/glicose SGLT1, sendo este responsavel pela maior parte da absorcao de glicose no lumen). Os dados foram analisados por analise de variancia com dois fatores (ANOVA 2-way) com ou sem medidas repetidas, de acordo com a variavel. O nivel de significancia adotado foi 5%. Resultados: Nao houve diferenca significativa entre os grupos controle (NDC e DC) e os grupos que ingeriram erva mate (NDE e DE) para a glicemia, insulinemia, colesterol total e atividade da glicose-6-fosfatase hepatica. No entanto, a expressao genica 7 dos transportadores de glicose SGLT1 foi significantemente menor nos animais que receberam erva mate, tanto no duodeno (p=0,007) quanto no jejuno (p<0,001) Conclusão: A ingestao da erva mate nao modificou significativamente os parametros bioquimicos estudados dos animais sob intervencao relativamente ao controle. No entanto, foi observada diferenca significativa quanto a expressao do transportador de glicose SGLT1, sugerindo que compostos bioativos da erva mate sao capazes de reduzir a absorcao da glicose. / Introduction: The incidence and prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus are increasing, reaching epidemic proportions. Yerba mate infusions are rich in polyphenols, especially chlorogenic acids, that are known to have antioxidant properties. Evidences suggest that dietary polyphenols could also play a role in glucose metabolism and absorption. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate if yerba mate extract could have antidiabetic properties in alloxaninduced diabetic Wistar rats. Research design and methods: Wistar rats (n=41) were divided in four groups: non diabetic control (NDC, n=10); non diabetic yerba mate (NDM, n=10); diabetic control (DC, n=11) and diabetic yerba mate (DM, n=10). Diabetes was induced by alloxan (38 mg/kg bw). The mate group animals received yerba mate extract diluted in saline solution in a 1g extract/kg bw dose for 28 days, controls received saline solution only. The following biochemical parameters were measured: serum glucose, insulin and total cholesterol; hepatic glucose-6-fosfatase activity and gene expression of the intestinal Na+/glucose cotransporter SGLT1. Results: There were no significant differences in serum glucose, insulin, total cholesterol and hepatic glucose-6-phosphatase activity between the groups that ingested yerba mate extract (NDM and DM) and the controls (NDC and DC). However, the intestinal SGLT1 gene expression was significantly lower in animals that received yerba mate both in upper (p=0.007) and middle small intestine (p<0,001). Conclusion: These results indicate that bioactive 9 compounds present in yerba mate might be capable to decrease intestinal glucose absorption, by decreasing SGLT1 expression.

Influência da ingestão de erva mate (Ilex paraguariensis) sobre parâmetros relacionados ao diabetes mellitus e metabolismo de glicose em ratos Wistar / Influence of intake of grass mate (Ilex paraguariensis) on parameters related to diabetes mellitus and glucose metabolism in rats Wistar

Daniela Moura de Oliveira 30 June 2008 (has links)
Introdução: A incidencia e prevalencia do Diabetes Mellitus aumentam a cada ano, alcancando proporcoes epidemicas. A infusao aquosa de erva mate apresenta consideraveis teores de acidos clorogenicos, que alem de atuarem como antioxidantes, podem diminuir a producao e absorcao de glicose, conforme indicado na literatura. Objetivos: Avaliar a influencia da ingestao de infusao de erva mate sobre parametros bioquimicos relacionados ao diabetes mellitus e o metabolismo de glicose. Metodologia: Ratos Wistar (n=41) foram divididos em: nao diabeticos controle (NDC, n=10); nao diabeticos erva mate (NDE, n=10); diabeticos controle (DC, n=11) e diabeticos erva mate (DE, n=10). O diabetes foi induzido por aloxana. Os animais receberam extrato de erva mate (1 g/kg) ou solucao fisiologica por gavagem durante 28 dias, com agua e racao comercial ad libitum. Seus tecidos foram submetidos as analises (glicemia, insulinemia, colesterol total, atividade da enzima glicose-6-fosfatase hepatica e expressao genica do cotransportador intestinal de Na+/glicose SGLT1, sendo este responsavel pela maior parte da absorcao de glicose no lumen). Os dados foram analisados por analise de variancia com dois fatores (ANOVA 2-way) com ou sem medidas repetidas, de acordo com a variavel. O nivel de significancia adotado foi 5%. Resultados: Nao houve diferenca significativa entre os grupos controle (NDC e DC) e os grupos que ingeriram erva mate (NDE e DE) para a glicemia, insulinemia, colesterol total e atividade da glicose-6-fosfatase hepatica. No entanto, a expressao genica 7 dos transportadores de glicose SGLT1 foi significantemente menor nos animais que receberam erva mate, tanto no duodeno (p=0,007) quanto no jejuno (p<0,001) Conclusão: A ingestao da erva mate nao modificou significativamente os parametros bioquimicos estudados dos animais sob intervencao relativamente ao controle. No entanto, foi observada diferenca significativa quanto a expressao do transportador de glicose SGLT1, sugerindo que compostos bioativos da erva mate sao capazes de reduzir a absorcao da glicose. / Introduction: The incidence and prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus are increasing, reaching epidemic proportions. Yerba mate infusions are rich in polyphenols, especially chlorogenic acids, that are known to have antioxidant properties. Evidences suggest that dietary polyphenols could also play a role in glucose metabolism and absorption. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate if yerba mate extract could have antidiabetic properties in alloxaninduced diabetic Wistar rats. Research design and methods: Wistar rats (n=41) were divided in four groups: non diabetic control (NDC, n=10); non diabetic yerba mate (NDM, n=10); diabetic control (DC, n=11) and diabetic yerba mate (DM, n=10). Diabetes was induced by alloxan (38 mg/kg bw). The mate group animals received yerba mate extract diluted in saline solution in a 1g extract/kg bw dose for 28 days, controls received saline solution only. The following biochemical parameters were measured: serum glucose, insulin and total cholesterol; hepatic glucose-6-fosfatase activity and gene expression of the intestinal Na+/glucose cotransporter SGLT1. Results: There were no significant differences in serum glucose, insulin, total cholesterol and hepatic glucose-6-phosphatase activity between the groups that ingested yerba mate extract (NDM and DM) and the controls (NDC and DC). However, the intestinal SGLT1 gene expression was significantly lower in animals that received yerba mate both in upper (p=0.007) and middle small intestine (p<0,001). Conclusion: These results indicate that bioactive 9 compounds present in yerba mate might be capable to decrease intestinal glucose absorption, by decreasing SGLT1 expression.

A Study of Electrogenic Transient and Steady-state Cotransporter Kinetics: Investigations with the Na+/Glucose Transporter SGLT1

Krofchick, Daniel 31 August 2012 (has links)
Significant advancements in the field of membrane protein crystallography have provided in recent years invaluable images of transporter structures. These structures, however, are static and require complementary kinetic insight to understand how their mechanisms work. Electrophysiological studies of transporters permit the high quality kinetic measurements desired, but there are significant difficulties involved in analyzing and interpreting the data. Current methods allow a variety of kinetic parameters to be measured but there is a disconnect between these parameters and a fundamental understanding of the carrier. The intent of this research was to contribute new tools for studying the electrogenic kinetics of membrane transport proteins, to understand the link between these kinetics and the carrier, and to ultimately understand the mechanisms involved in transport. In this vein, two projects are explored covering two important kinetic time domains, transient and steady-state. The transient project studies the conformational changes of the unloaded carrier of SGLT1 through a multi-exponential analysis of the transient currents. Crystal structures have potentially identified a gated rocker-switch mechanism and the transient kinetics are used to support and study this kinetically. A protocol taking advantage of multiple holding potentials is used to measure the decay time constants and charge movements for voltage jumps from both hyperpolarizing and depolarizing directions. These directional measurements provide insight into the arrangement of the observed transitions through directional inequalities in charge movement, by considering the potential for a slow transition to hide a faster one. Ultimately, four carrier decays are observed that align with the gated rocker-switch mechanism and can be associated one-to-one with the movement of a gate and pore on each side of the membrane. The steady-state project considers a general theoretical model of transporter cycling. Recursive patterns are identified in the steady-state velocity equation that lead to a broad understanding of its geometric properties as a function of voltage and substrate concentration. This results in a simple phenomenological method for characterizing the I–V curves and for measuring the kinetics of rate limiting patterns in the loop, which we find are the basic structures revealed by the steady-state velocity.

A Study of Electrogenic Transient and Steady-state Cotransporter Kinetics: Investigations with the Na+/Glucose Transporter SGLT1

Krofchick, Daniel 31 August 2012 (has links)
Significant advancements in the field of membrane protein crystallography have provided in recent years invaluable images of transporter structures. These structures, however, are static and require complementary kinetic insight to understand how their mechanisms work. Electrophysiological studies of transporters permit the high quality kinetic measurements desired, but there are significant difficulties involved in analyzing and interpreting the data. Current methods allow a variety of kinetic parameters to be measured but there is a disconnect between these parameters and a fundamental understanding of the carrier. The intent of this research was to contribute new tools for studying the electrogenic kinetics of membrane transport proteins, to understand the link between these kinetics and the carrier, and to ultimately understand the mechanisms involved in transport. In this vein, two projects are explored covering two important kinetic time domains, transient and steady-state. The transient project studies the conformational changes of the unloaded carrier of SGLT1 through a multi-exponential analysis of the transient currents. Crystal structures have potentially identified a gated rocker-switch mechanism and the transient kinetics are used to support and study this kinetically. A protocol taking advantage of multiple holding potentials is used to measure the decay time constants and charge movements for voltage jumps from both hyperpolarizing and depolarizing directions. These directional measurements provide insight into the arrangement of the observed transitions through directional inequalities in charge movement, by considering the potential for a slow transition to hide a faster one. Ultimately, four carrier decays are observed that align with the gated rocker-switch mechanism and can be associated one-to-one with the movement of a gate and pore on each side of the membrane. The steady-state project considers a general theoretical model of transporter cycling. Recursive patterns are identified in the steady-state velocity equation that lead to a broad understanding of its geometric properties as a function of voltage and substrate concentration. This results in a simple phenomenological method for characterizing the I–V curves and for measuring the kinetics of rate limiting patterns in the loop, which we find are the basic structures revealed by the steady-state velocity.


Yang, Chengbo 08 January 2011 (has links)
This research was conducted to investigate the expression of porcine intestinal nutrient transporters along the neonatal crypt-villus axis and during the postnatal development. First, we examined the transport kinetics of Na+-glucose co-tranporter 1 (SGLT1) and Na+-dependent neutral amino acid (AA) transporter B0AT1 and then the protein and mRNA abundances of SGLT1, B0AT1 and Na+-dependent neutral AA exchanger ASCT2 along the jejunal crypt-villus axis in the neonatal pig and the potential mechanisms associated with their regulations. Our results suggested that: 1) high levels of apical maximal SGLT1 and B0AT1 uptake activities were shown to exist along the entire jejunal crypt-villus axis in the neonatal pig; 2) there were no significant differences in the SGLT1, B0AT1 and ASCT2 protein abundances in spite of their different mRNA abundances among the crypt-villus axis, suggesting unique posttranscriptional regulatory mechanisms; and 3) global protein translational efficiency, as assessed by examining some of the key protein translational initiation and elongation factors, was higher in the crypt cells than in the upper villus cells, likely playing a regulatory role for maintaining apical nutrient transporter abundances in crypt cells of the neonate. Second, we further examined the protein and mRNA abundances of jejunal neutral AA transporters B0AT1 and ASCT2 and acidic AA transporter EAAC1 during the postnatal development in pigs at the ages of d 1, 4, 6, 12, 20, 28 (1-wk post-weaning), and 70 (mature gut at grower phase), respectively. Our results showed that the jejunal apical B0AT1, ASCT2 and EAAC1 protein abundances were dramatically decreased during the postnatal development and were likely regulated at both the transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels. These substantial decreases in the small intestinal apical Na+-dependent AA transporter abundances may contribute to increased intestinal microbial catabolism of AA, which may be partially responsible for the reduced whole body efficiency of nitrogen utilization during the postnatal growth in pigs. Collectively, our results suggest that apical nutrient transporters SGLT1, B0AT1 and ASCT2 are abundantly expressed along the entire jejunal crypt-villus axis in the neonatal pig, whereas abundances of jejunal apical AA transporters EAAC1, B0AT1 and ASCT2 declined substantially during the postnatal growth in pigs.

Étude fonctionnelle du cotransporteur Na+/glucose (hSGLT1) : courant de fuite, vitesse de cotransport et modélisation cinétique

Longpré, Jean-Philippe 05 1900 (has links)
Les résultats présentés dans cette thèse précisent certains aspects de la fonction du cotransporteur Na+/glucose (SGLT1), une protéine transmembranaire qui utilise le gradient électrochimique favorable des ions Na+ afin d’accumuler le glucose à l’intérieur des cellules épithéliales de l’intestin grêle et du rein. Nous avons tout d’abord utilisé l’électrophysiologie à deux microélectrodes sur des ovocytes de xénope afin d’identifier les ions qui constituaient le courant de fuite de SGLT1, un courant mesuré en absence de glucose qui est découplé de la stoechiométrie stricte de 2 Na+/1 glucose caractérisant le cotransport. Nos résultats ont démontré que des cations comme le Li+, le K+ et le Cs+, qui n’interagissent que faiblement avec les sites de liaison de SGLT1 et ne permettent pas les conformations engendrées par la liaison du Na+, pouvaient néanmoins générer un courant de fuite d’amplitude comparable à celui mesuré en présence de Na+. Ceci suggère que le courant de fuite traverse SGLT1 en utilisant une voie de perméation différente de celle définie par les changements de conformation propres au cotransport Na+/glucose, possiblement similaire à celle empruntée par la perméabilité à l’eau passive. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons cherché à estimer la vitesse des cycles de cotransport de SGLT1 à l’aide de la technique de la trappe ionique, selon laquelle le large bout d’une électrode sélective (~100 μm) est pressé contre la membrane plasmique d’un ovocyte et circonscrit ainsi un petit volume de solution extracellulaire que l’on nomme la trappe. Les variations de concentration ionique se produisant dans la trappe en conséquence de l’activité de SGLT1 nous ont permis de déduire que le cotransport Na+/glucose s’effectuait à un rythme d’environ 13 s-1 lorsque le potentiel membranaire était fixé à -155 mV. Suite à cela, nous nous sommes intéressés au développement d’un modèle cinétique de SGLT1. En se servant de l’algorithme du recuit simulé, nous avons construit un schéma cinétique à 7 états reproduisant de façon précise les courants du cotransporteur en fonction du Na+ et du glucose extracellulaire. Notre modèle prédit qu’en présence d’une concentration saturante de glucose, la réorientation dans la membrane de SGLT1 suivant le relâchement intracellulaire de ses substrats est l’étape qui limite la vitesse de cotransport. / The results presented in this thesis clarify certain functional aspects of the Na+/glucose cotransporter (SGLT1), a membrane protein which uses the downhill electrochemical gradient of Na+ ions to drive the accumulation of glucose in epithelial cells of the small intestine and the kidney. We first used two microelectrodes electrophysiology on Xenopus oocytes to indentify the ionic species mediating the leak current of SGLT1, a current measured in the absence of glucose that is uncoupled from the strict 2 Na+/1 glucose stoichiometry characterising cotransport. Our results showed that cations such as Li+, K+ and Cs+, which interact weakly with SGLT1 binding sites and are unable to generate the conformational changes that are triggered by Na+ binding, were however able to generate leak currents similar in amplitude to the one measured in the presence of Na+. This suggests that the leak current permeating through SGLT1 does so using a pathway that differs from the conformational changes associated with Na+/glucose cotransport. Moreover, it was found that the cationic leak and the passive water permeability could share a common pathway. We then sought to estimate the turnover rate of SGLT1 using the ion-trap technique, where a large tip ion-selective electrode (~100 μm) is pushed against the oocyte plasma membrane, thus enclosing a small volume of extracellular solution referred to as the trap. The variations in ionic concentration occurring in the trap as a consequence of SGLT1 activity made it possible to assess that the turnover rate of Na+/glucose cotransport was 13 s-1 when the membrane potential was clamped to -155 mV. As a last project, we focused our interest on the development of a kinetic model for SGLT1. Taking advantage of the simulated annealing algorithm, we constructed a 7-state kinetic scheme whose predictions accurately reproduced the currents of the cotransporter as a function of extracellular Na+ and glucose. According to our model, the rate limiting step of cotransport under a saturating glucose concentration is the reorientation of the empty carrier that follows the intracellular release of substrates.

Étude fonctionnelle du cotransporteur Na+/glucose (hSGLT1) : courant de fuite, vitesse de cotransport et modélisation cinétique

Longpré, Jean-Philippe 05 1900 (has links)
Les résultats présentés dans cette thèse précisent certains aspects de la fonction du cotransporteur Na+/glucose (SGLT1), une protéine transmembranaire qui utilise le gradient électrochimique favorable des ions Na+ afin d’accumuler le glucose à l’intérieur des cellules épithéliales de l’intestin grêle et du rein. Nous avons tout d’abord utilisé l’électrophysiologie à deux microélectrodes sur des ovocytes de xénope afin d’identifier les ions qui constituaient le courant de fuite de SGLT1, un courant mesuré en absence de glucose qui est découplé de la stoechiométrie stricte de 2 Na+/1 glucose caractérisant le cotransport. Nos résultats ont démontré que des cations comme le Li+, le K+ et le Cs+, qui n’interagissent que faiblement avec les sites de liaison de SGLT1 et ne permettent pas les conformations engendrées par la liaison du Na+, pouvaient néanmoins générer un courant de fuite d’amplitude comparable à celui mesuré en présence de Na+. Ceci suggère que le courant de fuite traverse SGLT1 en utilisant une voie de perméation différente de celle définie par les changements de conformation propres au cotransport Na+/glucose, possiblement similaire à celle empruntée par la perméabilité à l’eau passive. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons cherché à estimer la vitesse des cycles de cotransport de SGLT1 à l’aide de la technique de la trappe ionique, selon laquelle le large bout d’une électrode sélective (~100 μm) est pressé contre la membrane plasmique d’un ovocyte et circonscrit ainsi un petit volume de solution extracellulaire que l’on nomme la trappe. Les variations de concentration ionique se produisant dans la trappe en conséquence de l’activité de SGLT1 nous ont permis de déduire que le cotransport Na+/glucose s’effectuait à un rythme d’environ 13 s-1 lorsque le potentiel membranaire était fixé à -155 mV. Suite à cela, nous nous sommes intéressés au développement d’un modèle cinétique de SGLT1. En se servant de l’algorithme du recuit simulé, nous avons construit un schéma cinétique à 7 états reproduisant de façon précise les courants du cotransporteur en fonction du Na+ et du glucose extracellulaire. Notre modèle prédit qu’en présence d’une concentration saturante de glucose, la réorientation dans la membrane de SGLT1 suivant le relâchement intracellulaire de ses substrats est l’étape qui limite la vitesse de cotransport. / The results presented in this thesis clarify certain functional aspects of the Na+/glucose cotransporter (SGLT1), a membrane protein which uses the downhill electrochemical gradient of Na+ ions to drive the accumulation of glucose in epithelial cells of the small intestine and the kidney. We first used two microelectrodes electrophysiology on Xenopus oocytes to indentify the ionic species mediating the leak current of SGLT1, a current measured in the absence of glucose that is uncoupled from the strict 2 Na+/1 glucose stoichiometry characterising cotransport. Our results showed that cations such as Li+, K+ and Cs+, which interact weakly with SGLT1 binding sites and are unable to generate the conformational changes that are triggered by Na+ binding, were however able to generate leak currents similar in amplitude to the one measured in the presence of Na+. This suggests that the leak current permeating through SGLT1 does so using a pathway that differs from the conformational changes associated with Na+/glucose cotransport. Moreover, it was found that the cationic leak and the passive water permeability could share a common pathway. We then sought to estimate the turnover rate of SGLT1 using the ion-trap technique, where a large tip ion-selective electrode (~100 μm) is pushed against the oocyte plasma membrane, thus enclosing a small volume of extracellular solution referred to as the trap. The variations in ionic concentration occurring in the trap as a consequence of SGLT1 activity made it possible to assess that the turnover rate of Na+/glucose cotransport was 13 s-1 when the membrane potential was clamped to -155 mV. As a last project, we focused our interest on the development of a kinetic model for SGLT1. Taking advantage of the simulated annealing algorithm, we constructed a 7-state kinetic scheme whose predictions accurately reproduced the currents of the cotransporter as a function of extracellular Na+ and glucose. According to our model, the rate limiting step of cotransport under a saturating glucose concentration is the reorientation of the empty carrier that follows the intracellular release of substrates.

Korrelation der p53-, EGFR- und SGLT1-Expression im histopathologischen Präparat mit den Nebenwirkungen und dem Outcome einer primären Radio(chemo)Therapie bei Patienten mit lokal fortgeschrittenem Kopf-Hals-Tumor / Correlation of p53-, EGFR and SGLT1-Expression in biopsies of locally advanced, inoperable head and neck cancer with the toxicity and the outcome of a primary radio(chemo)therapy)

Storf, Hannah Siu-Fa 13 March 2018 (has links)
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