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Proteinkinase C (PKC) vermittelte Oberflächenexpression von Glutamattransportern in kultivierten zerebellären Körnerzellen der Maus / Protein kinase C-dependent trafficking of glutamate transporters GLT1v (EAAT2b) and EAAC1 in cultured cerebellar granule cells depends on their electrophysiologic stateKaratas-Wulf, Emine Ufuk January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Der Glutamattransporter GLT1v, eine Spleißvariante von GLT1, kommt hauptsächlich im Zytoplasma von Neuronen vor. Es wurde gezeigt, dass GLT1v ein putatives PDZDomänen- Bindungsmotiv am C-Terminus enthält und mit PICK1, ein mit PKC interagierendes Protein, interagiert. Es ist daher denkbar, dass durch Interaktion zwischen GLT1v und PICK1 die GLT1v-Translokation über eine PKC-abhängigen Phosphorylierung reguliert wird. In der vorliegenden Untersuchung wurden kultivierte zerebelläre Körnerzellen aus der Maus benutzt, um mittels Immunzytochemie und Biotinilierung/Westernblot zu zeigen, ob eine GLT1v-Translokation über einen PKC-abhängigen Signalweg reguliert wird und sollte dies der Fall sein, ob diese Regulation vom elektrophysiologischen Status der zerebellären Körnerzellen abhängt. Vergleichstudien wurden mit EAAC1 durchgeführt. Die Körnerzellen wurden in einem Medium mit 27 mM KCl (chronisch depolarisierte Körnerzellen) und mit 5 mM KCl (ruhende Körnerzellen) kultiviert. Eine 30 minütige PKC-Aktivierung durch Phorbol-Myristat-Acetat (PMA) ergab in ruhenden Körnerzellen eine 41 % bzw. 31 % (signifikante) Zunahme in der Zelloberflächenexposition von GLT1v bzw. EAAC1 im Vergleich zur Kontrolle. Vergleicht man Körnerzellen nach PMA- mit solchen nach 30 minütiger Staurosporinbehandlung (PKC-Inhibitor), so beträgt die Oberflächenzunahme nach der PMA-Behandlung bei GLT1v bzw. EAAC1 115% bzw. 69%. Zerebelläre Körnerzellen, die mit 27 mM KCl kultiviert wurden (chronische Depolarisation), ergaben demgegenüber keine signifikanten Änderungen in der Oberflächenexpression von GLT1v und EAAC1, beim Vergleich der verschiedenen experimentellen Bedingungen (PMA, Staurosporin). Die immunzytochemischen Untersuchungen ergaben, dass bei ruhenden Körnerzellen (5mM KCl) nach PKC-Aktivierung mittels PMA zahlreiche, große Varikositäten (präsynaptische Elemente der Neuriten) auftreten, die eine intensive Immunreaktivität für GLT1v und EAAC1 zeigen. Wir konnten auch nachweisen, dass beide Transporter in getrennten Vesikelpopulationen vorkommen. Die Immunelektronenmikroskopie am Kleinhirn der adulten Maus hat ergeben, dass GLT1v und EAAC1 in Varikositäten der Parallelfasern von Körnerzellen lokalisiert sind. Dieses in situ Ergebnis stimmt somit mit den kultivierten Körnerzellen überein. Insgesamt lassen die Untersuchungen den Schluss zu, dass die Oberflächenexpression von GLT1v und EAAC1 (1) ähnlich reguliert zu werden scheint, (2) in Varikositäten von glutamatergen Körnerzellen stattfindet, aus denen Glutamat freigesetzt wird, und (3) vom elektrophysiologischen Status der zerebellären Körnerzellen abhängt. / The glutamate transporter GLT1v, a splice variant of GLT1, is present mainly in the cytoplasm of neurons. It is shown that GLT1v contains a putative PDZ domain binding motif and interacts with PICK1, a protein kinase C (PKC) interacting protein. The interaction between GLT1v and PICK1 could regulate trafficking of GLT1v via PKC dependent phosphorylation. In the present study we used cultured cerebellar granule cells (CGCs) from mice to demonstrate, applying immunocytochemistry and biotinylation/ Western blotting, whether GLT1v trafficking is regulated by PKC and if so, whether this depends on the electrophysiologic state of CGCs. Comparative studies were performed with EAAC1. The CGCs were cultured in high-potassium medium (chronic depolarization of CGCs) and in low-potassium medium (resting CGCs). Stimulation of PKC by phorbolester resulted in resting CGCs in a 41% and 31% (significant) increase of cell surface localization of GLT1v and EAAC1, respectively, compared to controls, and a 115% and 69% increase, respectively, compared to staurosporine inhibition. No significant changes were observed in chronically depolarizing CGCs. In resting CGCs stimulation of PKC enhanced the formation of large varicosities in neurites showing intense immunoreactivity for GLT1v and EAAC1. We showed also that both transporters were contained in different vesicle populations, and were localized in situ in varicosities of CGC parallel fibres. These findings provide evidence that the surface exposition of GLT1v and EAAC1 (1) seems to be similarly regulated, (2) takes place in varicosities of glutamatergic CGCs, where glutamate is thought to be released, and (3) depends on the electrophysiologic state of CGCs.
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Efeito do chá de ayahuasca sobre o comportamento de ratos Wistar no campo aberto e labirinto em cruz elevado e sobre a expressão de EAAC1 no hipocampo e córtex pré-frontal / Effect of ayahuasca beverage on the behavior of Wistar rats in the open field and elevated plus maze and on the expression of EAAC1 in the hippocampus and in the prefrontal cortex.Zamarrenho, Luana Gonçalves 19 September 2014 (has links)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar se ratos tratados com chá de ayahuasca apresentam i) alterações comportamentais no campo aberto e labirinto em cruz elevado (LCE); ii) alterações na expressão do transportador de glutamato (EAAC1) no córtex pré-frontal (CPF) e no hilus do giro denteado do hipocampo (HDG). Doze grupos de ratos Wistar machos (250g, n=10/cada) foram usados. Eles receberam 2 or 4ml/Kg de chá de ayahuasca ou água: dose única (agudo), 3 vezes/dia por 3 dias alternados (subcrônico) e 1 vez/dia por 15 dias (crônico). Trinta minutos após a última ingestão os animais foram submetidos aos testes comportamentais. Vinte e quatro horas após eles foram anestesiados, perfundidos e seus encéfalos seccionados (40-m) no hipocampo e CPF para os experimentos de imunoistoquimica para EAAC1. Comparações estatísticas entre cada grupo tratado com ayahuasca e seu respectivo controle foram feitas utilizando o teste t de Student e consideradas significantes quando p0,05. Apenas a ingestão subcrônica de ayahuasca induziu redução significante na atividade locomotora (27%) no campo aberto. No LCE nenhum dos tratamentos com ayahuasca induziu alterações significantes em ambos numero de entradas e tempo de permanência nos braços abertos. A ingestão subcrônica ou crônica de chá de ayahuasca induziu aumento significante na expressão de EAAC1 no HGD (20-67%). Em contraste, no CPF a expressão de EAAC1 foi significantemente reduzida em ratos tratados com 2 ou 4ml/Kg subcronicamente ou 4ml/Kg cronicamente (17-25%). A ingestão aguda de 2ml/Kg induziu discreto aumento na expressão de EAAC1 (16%). Estes resultados sugerem que i) Ayahuasca induz alterações nas atividades locomotora e exploratória de forma dependente da dose e frequência de ingestão; ii) Ayahuasca não tem efeito no nível de ansiedade; iii) A ingestão aguda, subcrônica e subcrônica de ayahuasca disparam distintos mecanismos no hipocampo e CPF envolvendo a modulação da neurotransmissão glutamatérgica. / This work aimed at investigating whether rats treated with Ayahuasca beverage show i) behavioral alterations in the open field and elevated plus maze (EPM); ii) alterations in the expression of glutamate transporter (EAAC1) in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and in the hilus of dentate gyrus of the hippocampus (HDG). Twelve groups of male Wistar rats (250g, n=10/each) were used. They received 2ml/Kg or 4ml/Kg of ayauhasca beverage or water: only once (acute), 3 times/day for 3 days (sub-chronic) or once/day for 15 days (chronic). Thirty minutes after the last ingestion the animals were submitted to behavioural tests. After 24 hours they were anaesthetized, perfused and their brains sectioned (40-m) in the hippocampus and PFC for immunohistochemistry (IH) detection of EAAC1. Comparisons between ayahuasca and control groups used Student t test. Significance was set at p0.05. Only sub-chronic ingestion of Ayahuasca induced a decrease in locomotor (27%) activit in the open field. On the EPM all treatments with Ayahuasca induced no significant increase in both number of entries and time spent in the open arms. The sub-chronic and chronic treatments with Ayahuasca induced a significant increase in EAAC1 expression in the HDG (20-67%). In contrast, in the PFC the expression of EAAC1 was significantly decreased in rats treated with 2 or 4ml/Kg sub-chronically or 4ml/Kg chronically (17-25%). Acute ingestion of 2ml/Kg induced a smaller increase in EAAC1-IC (16%). These results suggest that i) Ayahuasca changes the locomotor and exploratory activities in a way depending the dose and frequency of ingestion; ii) Ayahuasca does not have effect on the level of anxiety; iii) Acute, sub-chronic or chronic ingestion of Ayahuasca beverage trigger distinct mechanisms in the PFC and hippocampus involving the modulation of glutamate neurotransmission.
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Efeito do chá de ayahuasca sobre o comportamento de ratos Wistar no campo aberto e labirinto em cruz elevado e sobre a expressão de EAAC1 no hipocampo e córtex pré-frontal / Effect of ayahuasca beverage on the behavior of Wistar rats in the open field and elevated plus maze and on the expression of EAAC1 in the hippocampus and in the prefrontal cortex.Luana Gonçalves Zamarrenho 19 September 2014 (has links)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar se ratos tratados com chá de ayahuasca apresentam i) alterações comportamentais no campo aberto e labirinto em cruz elevado (LCE); ii) alterações na expressão do transportador de glutamato (EAAC1) no córtex pré-frontal (CPF) e no hilus do giro denteado do hipocampo (HDG). Doze grupos de ratos Wistar machos (250g, n=10/cada) foram usados. Eles receberam 2 or 4ml/Kg de chá de ayahuasca ou água: dose única (agudo), 3 vezes/dia por 3 dias alternados (subcrônico) e 1 vez/dia por 15 dias (crônico). Trinta minutos após a última ingestão os animais foram submetidos aos testes comportamentais. Vinte e quatro horas após eles foram anestesiados, perfundidos e seus encéfalos seccionados (40-m) no hipocampo e CPF para os experimentos de imunoistoquimica para EAAC1. Comparações estatísticas entre cada grupo tratado com ayahuasca e seu respectivo controle foram feitas utilizando o teste t de Student e consideradas significantes quando p0,05. Apenas a ingestão subcrônica de ayahuasca induziu redução significante na atividade locomotora (27%) no campo aberto. No LCE nenhum dos tratamentos com ayahuasca induziu alterações significantes em ambos numero de entradas e tempo de permanência nos braços abertos. A ingestão subcrônica ou crônica de chá de ayahuasca induziu aumento significante na expressão de EAAC1 no HGD (20-67%). Em contraste, no CPF a expressão de EAAC1 foi significantemente reduzida em ratos tratados com 2 ou 4ml/Kg subcronicamente ou 4ml/Kg cronicamente (17-25%). A ingestão aguda de 2ml/Kg induziu discreto aumento na expressão de EAAC1 (16%). Estes resultados sugerem que i) Ayahuasca induz alterações nas atividades locomotora e exploratória de forma dependente da dose e frequência de ingestão; ii) Ayahuasca não tem efeito no nível de ansiedade; iii) A ingestão aguda, subcrônica e subcrônica de ayahuasca disparam distintos mecanismos no hipocampo e CPF envolvendo a modulação da neurotransmissão glutamatérgica. / This work aimed at investigating whether rats treated with Ayahuasca beverage show i) behavioral alterations in the open field and elevated plus maze (EPM); ii) alterations in the expression of glutamate transporter (EAAC1) in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and in the hilus of dentate gyrus of the hippocampus (HDG). Twelve groups of male Wistar rats (250g, n=10/each) were used. They received 2ml/Kg or 4ml/Kg of ayauhasca beverage or water: only once (acute), 3 times/day for 3 days (sub-chronic) or once/day for 15 days (chronic). Thirty minutes after the last ingestion the animals were submitted to behavioural tests. After 24 hours they were anaesthetized, perfused and their brains sectioned (40-m) in the hippocampus and PFC for immunohistochemistry (IH) detection of EAAC1. Comparisons between ayahuasca and control groups used Student t test. Significance was set at p0.05. Only sub-chronic ingestion of Ayahuasca induced a decrease in locomotor (27%) activit in the open field. On the EPM all treatments with Ayahuasca induced no significant increase in both number of entries and time spent in the open arms. The sub-chronic and chronic treatments with Ayahuasca induced a significant increase in EAAC1 expression in the HDG (20-67%). In contrast, in the PFC the expression of EAAC1 was significantly decreased in rats treated with 2 or 4ml/Kg sub-chronically or 4ml/Kg chronically (17-25%). Acute ingestion of 2ml/Kg induced a smaller increase in EAAC1-IC (16%). These results suggest that i) Ayahuasca changes the locomotor and exploratory activities in a way depending the dose and frequency of ingestion; ii) Ayahuasca does not have effect on the level of anxiety; iii) Acute, sub-chronic or chronic ingestion of Ayahuasca beverage trigger distinct mechanisms in the PFC and hippocampus involving the modulation of glutamate neurotransmission.
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This research was conducted to investigate the expression of porcine intestinal nutrient transporters along the neonatal crypt-villus axis and during the postnatal development. First, we examined the transport kinetics of Na+-glucose co-tranporter 1 (SGLT1) and Na+-dependent neutral amino acid (AA) transporter B0AT1 and then the protein and mRNA abundances of SGLT1, B0AT1 and Na+-dependent neutral AA exchanger ASCT2 along the jejunal crypt-villus axis in the neonatal pig and the potential mechanisms associated with their regulations. Our results suggested that: 1) high levels of apical maximal SGLT1 and B0AT1 uptake activities were shown to exist along the entire jejunal crypt-villus axis in the neonatal pig; 2) there were no significant differences in the SGLT1, B0AT1 and ASCT2 protein abundances in spite of their different mRNA abundances among the crypt-villus axis, suggesting unique posttranscriptional regulatory mechanisms; and 3) global protein translational efficiency, as assessed by examining some of the key protein translational initiation and elongation factors, was higher in the crypt cells than in the upper villus cells, likely playing a regulatory role for maintaining apical nutrient transporter abundances in crypt cells of the neonate. Second, we further examined the protein and mRNA abundances of jejunal neutral AA transporters B0AT1 and ASCT2 and acidic AA transporter EAAC1 during the postnatal development in pigs at the ages of d 1, 4, 6, 12, 20, 28 (1-wk post-weaning), and 70 (mature gut at grower phase), respectively. Our results showed that the jejunal apical B0AT1, ASCT2 and EAAC1 protein abundances were dramatically decreased during the postnatal development and were likely regulated at both the transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels. These substantial decreases in the small intestinal apical Na+-dependent AA transporter abundances may contribute to increased intestinal microbial catabolism of AA, which may be partially responsible for the reduced whole body efficiency of nitrogen utilization during the postnatal growth in pigs. Collectively, our results suggest that apical nutrient transporters SGLT1, B0AT1 and ASCT2 are abundantly expressed along the entire jejunal crypt-villus axis in the neonatal pig, whereas abundances of jejunal apical AA transporters EAAC1, B0AT1 and ASCT2 declined substantially during the postnatal growth in pigs.
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Padrão da atividade locomotora e expressão de EAAC1 e GLT1 no córtex pré-frontal e entorrinal de ratos criados em isolamento a partir do desmame / Pattern of locomotor activity and expression of EAAC1 and GLT1 in prefrontal and entorhinal cortex of rats reared in isolation from weaningBosaipo, Nayanne Beckmann 20 July 2012 (has links)
O estresse por isolamento social aplicado em ratos a partir do desmame e mantido durante o desenvolvimento encefálico tem sido utilizado como um modelo experimental de desordens psiquiátricas como a esquizofrenia. Tem sido demonstrado que o isolamento induz alterações morfológicas, comportamentais (como hiperatividade em um novo ambiente) e neuroquímicas semelhantes àquelas que ocorrem em humanos esquizofrênicos. Evidências sugerem que as sinapses glutamatérgicas sejam o sitio primário das anormalidades que ocorrem na esquizofrenia, sendo as alterações dopaminérgicas secundárias às glutamatérgicas. Nesse sentido, alterações nos mecanismos de regulação desta neurotransmissão pelos transportadores de glutamato podem contribuir para o desenvolvimento e/ou manutenção da esquizofrenia. Neste estudo analisamos o padrão de atividade locomotora e a expressão de transportadores de glutamato (EAAC1 e GLT1) no córtex pré-frontal e córtex entorrinal de ratos criados em isolamento a partir do desmame. Ratos Wistar machos (PND21) foram aleatoriamente alocados em 2 grupos (n=11-12): controle (agrupados, 3 animais/caixa) ou isolados (1 animal/caixa) por 10 semanas. Os animais foram testados no campo aberto (arena) durante 20 min. e registrados: números de cruzamentos (exploração horizontal), número de levantamentos (exploração vertical) e tempo despendido, tanto no centro como na periferia da arena. Os grupos foram comparados utilizando ANOVA ou teste t de Student (significante quando p 0.05). Os animais foram anestesiados (uretana-Sigma, 25%, 5ml/kg), perfundidos e os encéfalos retirados, congelados e posteriormente utilizados nos experimentos de imunoistoquímica. Secções (40m) do córtex pré-frontal (CPF) e córtex entorrinal (CE) foram utilizadas para o estudo da expressão de EAAC1 e GLT1. A criação em isolamento induziu hiperatividade, com um aumento no número total de cruzamentos em relação aos animais agrupados (F1,22=0,38; p<0,05), sendo mais consistente na periferia da arena e após 5 minutos de teste (73%, (F1,22=14,08; p<0,001). Em contraste, o isolamento induziu redução no número total de levantamentos (F1,22=0,27; p=0,05), principalmente no centro da arena (58%, F1,22=12,48; p<0,01), nos primeiros 15 minutos de teste e significante no 1° e 3° blocos de tempo (BT1 e BT3). Na periferia o isolamento induziu aumento significante no número de levantamentos em BT2 e BT3. O tempo despendido no centro e na periferia da arena pelos animais criados em isolamento foi, respectivamente, reduzido (54%; F1,22=11,11; p<0,001) e aumentado (65%; F1,22=11,20; p<0,01) quando comparados aos animais agrupados. A expressão de EAAC1 foi significantemente aumentada pelo isolamento no CPF (38%, t= 2,730, p=0,017). Em contraste, nenhuma diferença foi encontrada no CE (t= 1,892; p= 0,081). O isolamento não induziu alteração no número de células imunopositivas para GLT1 no CPF (t=-1,28; p=0,21). Entretanto, marcação fluorescente de GLT1 foi observada associada a células gliais e neuroniais do CPF e CE. Os resultados comportamentais sugerem: i) ratos Wistar criados em isolamento social apresentam hiperatividade em novo ambiente; ii) a hiperatividade locomotora somente é detectável após períodos maiores que cinco minutos de exposição a um novo ambiente; iii) o padrão de exploração apresentado pelos animais demonstra clara preferência pela periferia da arena. Os resultados moleculares fornecem evidências para a participação dos transportadores de glutamato na redução da neurotransmissão glutamatérgica no CPF de ratos criados em isolamento a partir do desmame. / Isolation rearing of rats from weaning has been used as an experimental model of psychiatric disorders like schizophrenia. It has been demonstrated that isolation induces morphological, behavioral (like hyperactivity in a novel environment) and neurochemical changes similar to those reported for humans with schizophrenia. Evidence suggest that glutamatergic synapses might be the site of primary abnormalities in this disorder with the dopaminergic changes being secundary to the glutamatergic ones. In this context, changes on the mechanisms of regulation of the glutamatergic neurotransmission through glutamate transporters may contribute to the development and/or maintenance of schizophrenia. In this study we analyzed the pattern of locomotor activity and the expression of glutamate transporters (EAAC1 and GLT1) in prefrontal cortex and entorhinal cortex of rats reared in social isolation from weaning. Male Wistar rats (PND 21) were randomly allocated in 2 groups (n=11-12): control (grouped, 3 animals/cage) or isolated (1 animal/cage) for 10 weeks. The animals were tested in the open field (arena) for 20min. and recorded: number of crossings (horizontal exploration), number of rearings (vertical exploration) and time spent either at the center or at the periphery of the arena. The groups were compared using ANOVA or Sudents \"t\" test (significance level was set at p 0.05). The animals were anesthetized (urethane-Sigma, 25%, 5ml/kg), perfused and the brains removed, frozen and further used on the experiments of immunohistochemistry. Sections (40m) of the prefrontal córtex (PFC) and entorhinal córtex (EC) were used for studying the expression of EAAC1 and GLT1. Isolation rearing induced hyperactivity, with an increase in the number of crossings related to grouped animals (F1,22=0,38; p<0,05), being more consistent at the periphery of the arena and after 5 minutes of test (F1,22=14,08; p<0,001). In contrast, isolation induced a decrease in the total number of rearings (F1,22=0,27; p=0,05), mainly in the center of the arena (58%, F1,22=12,48; p<0,01), in the first 15 minutes of test and significant on the 1st and 3rd blocks of time (BT1 e BT3). In the periphery isolation induced a significant increase in the number of rearings in BT2 and BT3. The time spent in both center and periphery of the arena by the rats reared in isolation was, respectively, decreased (54%; F1,22=11,11; p<0,01) and increased (65%; F1,22=11,20; p<0,01) when compared to grouped rats. The expression of EAAC1 was significantly increased by isolation in PFC (38%, t = 2,730, p = 0,017). In contrast, no change was found in EC (t = 1,892, p = 0,081). Isolation rearing did not induce alterations in the number of immunopositive cells for GLT1 in PFC (t= -1,28; p = 0,21). However, fluorescent labeling of GLT1 was seen associated to both glial cells and neuronal cells. The behavioral results suggest: i) Wistar rats reared in social isolation present hyperactivity in a novel environment; ii) the hyperactivity is only detectable after periods longer than 5 minutes; iii) the pattern of exploration showed by the animals demonstrate clear preference for the periphery of the arena. The molecular results provide evidence for the involvement of glutamate transporters on the reduction of glutamatergic neurotranmission in PFC of rats reared in isolation from weaning.
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Padrão da atividade locomotora e expressão de EAAC1 e GLT1 no córtex pré-frontal e entorrinal de ratos criados em isolamento a partir do desmame / Pattern of locomotor activity and expression of EAAC1 and GLT1 in prefrontal and entorhinal cortex of rats reared in isolation from weaningNayanne Beckmann Bosaipo 20 July 2012 (has links)
O estresse por isolamento social aplicado em ratos a partir do desmame e mantido durante o desenvolvimento encefálico tem sido utilizado como um modelo experimental de desordens psiquiátricas como a esquizofrenia. Tem sido demonstrado que o isolamento induz alterações morfológicas, comportamentais (como hiperatividade em um novo ambiente) e neuroquímicas semelhantes àquelas que ocorrem em humanos esquizofrênicos. Evidências sugerem que as sinapses glutamatérgicas sejam o sitio primário das anormalidades que ocorrem na esquizofrenia, sendo as alterações dopaminérgicas secundárias às glutamatérgicas. Nesse sentido, alterações nos mecanismos de regulação desta neurotransmissão pelos transportadores de glutamato podem contribuir para o desenvolvimento e/ou manutenção da esquizofrenia. Neste estudo analisamos o padrão de atividade locomotora e a expressão de transportadores de glutamato (EAAC1 e GLT1) no córtex pré-frontal e córtex entorrinal de ratos criados em isolamento a partir do desmame. Ratos Wistar machos (PND21) foram aleatoriamente alocados em 2 grupos (n=11-12): controle (agrupados, 3 animais/caixa) ou isolados (1 animal/caixa) por 10 semanas. Os animais foram testados no campo aberto (arena) durante 20 min. e registrados: números de cruzamentos (exploração horizontal), número de levantamentos (exploração vertical) e tempo despendido, tanto no centro como na periferia da arena. Os grupos foram comparados utilizando ANOVA ou teste t de Student (significante quando p 0.05). Os animais foram anestesiados (uretana-Sigma, 25%, 5ml/kg), perfundidos e os encéfalos retirados, congelados e posteriormente utilizados nos experimentos de imunoistoquímica. Secções (40m) do córtex pré-frontal (CPF) e córtex entorrinal (CE) foram utilizadas para o estudo da expressão de EAAC1 e GLT1. A criação em isolamento induziu hiperatividade, com um aumento no número total de cruzamentos em relação aos animais agrupados (F1,22=0,38; p<0,05), sendo mais consistente na periferia da arena e após 5 minutos de teste (73%, (F1,22=14,08; p<0,001). Em contraste, o isolamento induziu redução no número total de levantamentos (F1,22=0,27; p=0,05), principalmente no centro da arena (58%, F1,22=12,48; p<0,01), nos primeiros 15 minutos de teste e significante no 1° e 3° blocos de tempo (BT1 e BT3). Na periferia o isolamento induziu aumento significante no número de levantamentos em BT2 e BT3. O tempo despendido no centro e na periferia da arena pelos animais criados em isolamento foi, respectivamente, reduzido (54%; F1,22=11,11; p<0,001) e aumentado (65%; F1,22=11,20; p<0,01) quando comparados aos animais agrupados. A expressão de EAAC1 foi significantemente aumentada pelo isolamento no CPF (38%, t= 2,730, p=0,017). Em contraste, nenhuma diferença foi encontrada no CE (t= 1,892; p= 0,081). O isolamento não induziu alteração no número de células imunopositivas para GLT1 no CPF (t=-1,28; p=0,21). Entretanto, marcação fluorescente de GLT1 foi observada associada a células gliais e neuroniais do CPF e CE. Os resultados comportamentais sugerem: i) ratos Wistar criados em isolamento social apresentam hiperatividade em novo ambiente; ii) a hiperatividade locomotora somente é detectável após períodos maiores que cinco minutos de exposição a um novo ambiente; iii) o padrão de exploração apresentado pelos animais demonstra clara preferência pela periferia da arena. Os resultados moleculares fornecem evidências para a participação dos transportadores de glutamato na redução da neurotransmissão glutamatérgica no CPF de ratos criados em isolamento a partir do desmame. / Isolation rearing of rats from weaning has been used as an experimental model of psychiatric disorders like schizophrenia. It has been demonstrated that isolation induces morphological, behavioral (like hyperactivity in a novel environment) and neurochemical changes similar to those reported for humans with schizophrenia. Evidence suggest that glutamatergic synapses might be the site of primary abnormalities in this disorder with the dopaminergic changes being secundary to the glutamatergic ones. In this context, changes on the mechanisms of regulation of the glutamatergic neurotransmission through glutamate transporters may contribute to the development and/or maintenance of schizophrenia. In this study we analyzed the pattern of locomotor activity and the expression of glutamate transporters (EAAC1 and GLT1) in prefrontal cortex and entorhinal cortex of rats reared in social isolation from weaning. Male Wistar rats (PND 21) were randomly allocated in 2 groups (n=11-12): control (grouped, 3 animals/cage) or isolated (1 animal/cage) for 10 weeks. The animals were tested in the open field (arena) for 20min. and recorded: number of crossings (horizontal exploration), number of rearings (vertical exploration) and time spent either at the center or at the periphery of the arena. The groups were compared using ANOVA or Sudents \"t\" test (significance level was set at p 0.05). The animals were anesthetized (urethane-Sigma, 25%, 5ml/kg), perfused and the brains removed, frozen and further used on the experiments of immunohistochemistry. Sections (40m) of the prefrontal córtex (PFC) and entorhinal córtex (EC) were used for studying the expression of EAAC1 and GLT1. Isolation rearing induced hyperactivity, with an increase in the number of crossings related to grouped animals (F1,22=0,38; p<0,05), being more consistent at the periphery of the arena and after 5 minutes of test (F1,22=14,08; p<0,001). In contrast, isolation induced a decrease in the total number of rearings (F1,22=0,27; p=0,05), mainly in the center of the arena (58%, F1,22=12,48; p<0,01), in the first 15 minutes of test and significant on the 1st and 3rd blocks of time (BT1 e BT3). In the periphery isolation induced a significant increase in the number of rearings in BT2 and BT3. The time spent in both center and periphery of the arena by the rats reared in isolation was, respectively, decreased (54%; F1,22=11,11; p<0,01) and increased (65%; F1,22=11,20; p<0,01) when compared to grouped rats. The expression of EAAC1 was significantly increased by isolation in PFC (38%, t = 2,730, p = 0,017). In contrast, no change was found in EC (t = 1,892, p = 0,081). Isolation rearing did not induce alterations in the number of immunopositive cells for GLT1 in PFC (t= -1,28; p = 0,21). However, fluorescent labeling of GLT1 was seen associated to both glial cells and neuronal cells. The behavioral results suggest: i) Wistar rats reared in social isolation present hyperactivity in a novel environment; ii) the hyperactivity is only detectable after periods longer than 5 minutes; iii) the pattern of exploration showed by the animals demonstrate clear preference for the periphery of the arena. The molecular results provide evidence for the involvement of glutamate transporters on the reduction of glutamatergic neurotranmission in PFC of rats reared in isolation from weaning.
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