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Padrao experimental em espectrometria de neutrons rapidos utilizando neutrons da reacao DT e avaliacao de metodos de calculo de blindagemCOELHO, PAULO R.P. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:37:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:08:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
02030.pdf: 8691192 bytes, checksum: ad86831849e25d23427f44ea6beba5ed (MD5) / Tese (Doutoramento) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP
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Análise da viabilidade experimental da produção de moléculas fotônicas em uma armadilha de sódio / Analysis of the experimental viability to produce photonic molecules in a sodium MOTFranklin Adán Julca Vivanco 22 February 2013 (has links)
O progresso nas pesquisas no campo de átomos a baixíssimas temperaturas tem possibilitado o estudo de fenômenos de fotoassociação e blindagem óptica. Estes dois fenômenos são tipicamente produzidos quando um campo de luz externo é incidido em um MOT. Dependendo das dessintonias das frequências dos lasers em relação à ressonância atômica, se podem realizar seletivamente estes processos. Neste trabalho, os estudos são feitos em átomos de sódio e a exploração apresentada faz parte dos estudos que envolvem a formação e detecção de moléculas fotônicas. Uma exploração dos espetros de fotoionização associativa por dois fótons na região de 0 até -30 GHz foi realizada e a identificação dos estados de longo alcance foi feita. Os níveis vibracionais identificados pertencem majoritariamente aos estados 1g, 0g e 0+u, sendo o estado 0g um estado puramente de longo alcance. Um estudo da blindagem óptica em alguns picos do espectro de fotoionização associativa foi realizada com a adição de outro laser azul de frequência ωA2, e se comprovou saturação na blindagem das colisões inelásticas quando se aumenta a potência deste laser. Com estes estudos demonstramos que os potenciais moleculares intermediários são modificados na presença de campos de luz intensos. / The progress of research in the field of atoms in low temperatures has opened the possibility to study phenomena called fotoassociation and optical shielding. These two phenomena are typically produced when an external light field is focused on a MOT. Depending on the detuning of frequencies of the laser with respect to the atomic resonance can be selectively induced these processes. In this work, the studies are made for sodium atoms, and the presented exploration has been a part of the first studies involving the formation and detection of photonic molecules. An exploration of the fotoasociation spectrum of two colors fotoionizative association between 0 and -30 GHz was performed, and a labeling of the states of long range was carried out. These vibrational levels belong mostly to the states 1g, 0g and 0+u , being the state 0g , a purely long range state. A study of optical shielding of some peaks in the fotoasociation spectrum, as identified to be important in forming the photonic molecule. With respect to the blue laser detuning frequency ωA and its intensity was performed with the addition of another blue laser frequency ωA2, and can show a saturation in the shielding for inelastic collisions when increasing the laser intensity. The studies have showed modification in the intermediary potentials in the presence of an intense light field.
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Neutron measurements in a proton therapy facility and comparison with Monte Carlo shielding simulationsDe Smet, Valérie 09 September 2016 (has links)
Proton therapy uses proton beams with energies of 70 – 230 MeV to treat cancerous tumours very effectively, while preserving surrounding healthy tissues as much as possible. During nuclear interactions of these protons with matter, secondary neutrons can be produced. These neutrons can have energies ranging up to the maximum energy of the protons and can thus be particularly difficult to attenuate. In fact, the rooms of a proton therapy facility are generally surrounded by concrete walls of at least ~2 m in thickness, in order to protect the members of the staff and the public from the stray radiation. Today, the design of the shielding walls is generally based on Monte Carlo simulations. Amongst the numerous parameters on which these simulations depend, some are difficult to control and are therefore selected in a conservative manner. Despite these conservative choices, it remains important to carry out accurate neutron dose measurements inside proton therapy facilities, in order to assess the effectiveness of the shielding and the conservativeness of the simulations. There are, however, very few studies in literature which focus on the comparison of such simulations with neutron measurements performed outside the shielding in proton therapy facilities. Moreover, the published measurements were not necessarily acquired with detectors that possess a good sensitivity to neutrons with energies above 20 MeV, while these neutrons actually give an important contribution to the total dose outside the shielding. A first part of this work was dedicated to the study of the energy response function of the WENDI-2, a rem meter that possesses a good sensitivity to neutrons of more than 20 MeV. The WENDI-2 response function was simulated using the Monte Carlo code MCNPX and validation measurements were carried out with 252Cf and AmBe sources as well as high-energy quasi-monoenergetic neutron beams. Then, WENDI-2 measurements were acquired inside and outside four rooms of the proton therapy facility of Essen (Germany). MCNPX simulations, based on the same conservative choices as the original shielding design simulations, were carried out to calculate the neutron spectra and WENDI-2 responses in the measurement positions. A relatively good agreement between the simulations and the measurements was obtained in front of the shielding, whereas overestimates by at least a factor of 2 were obtained for the simulated responses outside the shielding. This confirmed the conservativeness of the simulations with respect to the neutron fluxes transmitted through the walls. Two studies were then carried out to assess the sensitivity of the MCNPX simulations to the defined concrete composition and the selected physics models for proton and neutron interactions above 150 MeV. Both aspects were found to have a significant impact on the simulated neutron doses outside the shielding. Finally, the WENDI-2 responses measured outside the fixed-beam treatment room were also compared to measurements acquired with an extended-range Bonner Sphere Spectrometer and a tissue-equivalent proportional counter. A satisfactory agreement was obtained between the results of the three measurement techniques. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Use of atomic and molecular probes in NMR studies of materials and construction of a xenon-129 hyperpolarizerSaunavaara, J. (Jani) 27 August 2009 (has links)
Xenon atoms and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) molecules can be dissolved in liquids and liquid crystals or adsorbed in porous materials. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra of 129Xe or 19F nuclei reveal information about their surroundings. This means that xenon atoms and SF6 molecules can be used as probes to indirectly study materials by NMR spectroscopy. The change in the spectra arises from a NMR interaction called shielding. Especially in the case of xenon, shielding reveals even the slightest changes, for example, in the density of a liquid it is dissolved in. Because a change in temperature leads to a change in the density of the liquid as well, temperature change is observed as a shift of the resonance line in the 129Xe NMR spectrum. This property can be utilized in the accurate determination of the sample temperature. Self-diffusion measurements of the gases provide additional information on a larger scale rather than just the immediate surroundings of atoms or molecules. Various liquid crystals were studied using xenon and SF6 as probes proving their applicability.
It is often considered that the signal observed in NMR experiments is very weak and limits the full potential of the method. This is true especially with the samples in gaseous form. The Spin-Exchange Optical Pumping (SEOP) hyperpolarization method solves this problem in the case of xenon. A 129Xe NMR signal can be enhanced by a factor of 104–105 by SEOP and this opens access to techniques that are not otherwise possible. The remote detection technique, which separates the encoding and detection steps of the typical NMR experiment both temporally and spatially, is one of these techniques. The potential of the combination of SEOP and remote detection techniques was shown in studies of thermally modified Pinus Sylvestris.
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Investigation of micromachining using a high repetition rate femtosecond fibre laserSchille, Joerge January 2013 (has links)
This thesis investigates laser micromachining using a high pulse repetition frequency (high-PRF) femtosecond fibre laser. Three different types of industrial-grade metals, Stainless steel, Copper, and Aluminium are investigated. The impact of the processing parameters on material removal is studied. Finally the feasibility of the technology in three dimensional micro structuring is explored. The thesis contributes to clarify the main interaction mechanisms occurring in high-PRF femtosecond laser processing. Heat accumulation and particle shielding are identified as main material removal influencing mechanisms. As a result of heat accumulation, lowered ablation thresholds are detected for Aluminium (0.16 J/cm² at 1.02 MHz versus 0.33 J/cm² at 20 kHz) and Stainless steel (0.088 J/cm² at 1.02 MHz versus 0.11 J/cm² at 20 kHz). For the high heat conductive Copper heat accumulation is largely ruled out. Particle shielding is investigated by ultra high speed camera imaging. It is shown that the ablation plumes enlarge at the higher pulse repetition rates. A parameter study investigates material ablation. From this study, appropriate machining parameters are derived with regard to both high ablation rate and removal efficiency, and small roughness: Aluminium: 5 μm pulse spacing / 5 μJ pulse energy, Copper: 7.5 μm pulse spacing / 7 μJ pulse energy, Stainless steel: 5 μm pulse spacing / 3 μJ pulse energy. In addition experimentally and theoretically determined volume ablation rates are compared. For this, a material removal calculation model is designed. Good agreements between theoretical and experimental values are obtained by taking into account effective penetration instead of optical penetration for energy transport. A surface temperature calculation model is designed, providing useful insights into heat accumulation. Heat accumulation observed for Aluminium and Stainless Steel is confirmed by surface temperature rise, calculated based on the remaining energy. Improvement of the model by enhanced energy coupling yields surface temperatures above the melting temperature. This is conclusive to experimental observations. Finally the feasibility of the high-PRF femtosecond laser technology in micromachining is demonstrated by micro mould fabrication. Utilising these moulds, micro-fluidic plastic demonstrators are fabricated by micro-injection moulding.
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Radiation shielding analysis and optimisation for the Mineral-PET Kimberlite sorting facility using the Monte Carlo calculation code MCNPXChinaka, Eric Mwanyisa 08 October 2014 (has links)
M.Phil. (Energy Studies) / This dissertation details the radiation shielding analysis and optimization performed to design a shield for the mineral-PET (Positron Emission Tomography) facility. PET is a nuclear imaging technique currently used in diagnostic medicine. The technique is based on the detection of 511 keV coincident and co-linear photons produced from the annihilation of a positron (produced by a positron emitter) and a nearby electron. The technique is now being considered for the detection of diamonds in Kimberlite rock, in which mineral-PET technology aims to improve diamond mining through the early detection of diamond bearing rocks. High energy photons are produced via Bremsstrahlung (which occurs when electrons from an accelerator, impinge on a high density target)...
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Měření vlastností stíněných komor EMC / Measurement of anechoic chambersŠvec, Marek January 2009 (has links)
This Master’s project deals with general aspects and possible solution of effective shielded cover and cell/chamber shielding measurement for needs of electromagnetic compatibility EMC on the basis of available norms and standards. Electromagnetic shielding is one of the most anticlutter means of EMC. Its main task is reduction of disturbing emission at the side of sources of disturbing signals as well as electromagnetic resistance increase at the side of disturbing signal receivers. Shielding is considered to be an important structural means to reduce electromagnetic field referring to a defined space part. Technical means for achieving the given goals are called shielded covers or shielded cells/chambers. Shielding is one of highly effective methods related to electromagnetic protection, for instance against power/output disturbance. To express the shielding quality so called shielding effectiveness SE is used. It represents logarithmic rate of shielding coefficient that is defined by the intensity ratios of electric and magnetic fields in a certain point of the shielded space to electric or magnetic field intensity incident/impinging on the shielded screen or wall.
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Simulace stínění ionizujícího záření programem MCNP / Ionizing radiation shielding simulation using MCNP codeKonček, Róbert January 2015 (has links)
Radiation is defined as ionizing if it has enough energy to remove electrons from atoms or molecules when it passes through or collides with matter. This ability implies potentially detrimental effects on living tissue. Ionizing radiation shielding is therefore a discipline of great practical importance. The thesis builds upon the author's previous work on the topic and widens the scope of discussion with theoretical and practical issues of advanced shielding calculations. The theoretical part of the thesis describes several approaches to calculating fluence or absorbed dose at an arbitrary point in space. Point-kernel methods provide sufficiently accurate results for simpler shielding problems. In many practical cases, however, calculations based on the transport theory are necessary. There are two basic types of transport calculations: deterministic transport calculations in which the linear Boltzmann equation is solved numerically, and Monte Carlo calculations in which a simulation is made of how particles migrate stochastically through the problem geometry. Advantages and disadvantages of both methods are discussed. In the practical part are the results of radiation shielding calculations performed with a major Monte Carlo code - MCNP6, compared with those obtained in the experiments, which were carried out at the Ionizing Radiation Laboratory at Department of Electrical Power Engeneering, FEEC BUT. The experiments consisted of placing a cobalt-60 radioisotope source at three different positions inside a lead collimator, and counting pulses with two different scintillation detectors positioned in front of the opening of the collimator, alternately with or without lead shield located between the source and the used detector. Agreement of the calculations and the data from the measurements is reasonable, given the inherent uncertainties of the experimental set-up. Performed sensitivity analysis shows relative importances of different parameters used as inputs in simulations, such as densities of materials, or dimensions of the scintillation crystals. Annotated MCNP input files used for simulation are also part of the thesis.
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Simulace vlivu zeměpisné orientace na letní klimatickou zátěž vysoce prosklených kancelářských prostor / Simulation of geographical orientation influence on summer solar gains in highly glazed office roomsSoudek, Ondřej January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with simulation of solar gains in highly glazed administration building of Microsoft company on Vyskocilova Street in Prague. Effects of the geographical orientation and types of shading are compared on the base of the current simulation. For a more precise description of the effect of geographical orientation is simulation of solar gains in fictive office room with constant dimension together with applying different types of shielding. All the simulations are performed in TRSNYS 16.1 software.
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Study on the impact of CNT or graphene reinforced interlaminar region in compositesKarlsson, Tobias January 2019 (has links)
The interlaminar region is a contributing factor to the limited electrical conductivity of carbon fiber/epoxy composites. Consisting of electrically insulating epoxy matrix between conductive layers of carbon fiber, the interlaminar region prevents electrical interaction between the carbon fiber layers and electrical conduction in the through thickness direction.The interlaminar region in thin [0,0] carbon fiber/epoxy composites has been reinforced by carbon nanotubes (CNT) by two methods. First by aligned CNT forests from N12 Technologies and secondly by self-produced Buckypapers, porous CNT films, of different areal densitites. Two batches of laminates modified by aligned CNTs, having different curing conditions, and laminates modified with Buckypapers were manufactured. The laminates were evaluated by their electrical conductivity and electromagnetic interference shielding efficiency (EMI SE). The addition of external pressure to the laminates during curing brought an increase in longitudinal conductivity, a consequence of higher fiber packing. Also, both reinforcement methods increased the longitudinal conductivity through improved electrical interaction between the carbon fiber layers. However, only the Buckypaper reinforcement augmented the transversal conductivity significantly, acting as a highly conductive route in the interlaminar region. Both batches of aligned CNT modified laminates exhibited equal EMI SE, questioning the influence of the conductivity of the laminate on its EMI SE. Also, the increase in EMI SE brought by the aligned CNT forests were negligible compared to the reference. However, the reinforcement by Buckypapers proved successful, reaching -45/-50 dB at 1000 MHz, improving from 30 dB of the unmodified reference at the same frequency.
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