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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Abscisic acid affects flowering in Phalaenopsis hybrida and effect of daylength on protein pattern and flowering in Doritis pulcherrima

Wang, Wen-Yu 29 June 2001 (has links)
Influence of absicisic acid on flowering in Phalaenopsis hybrida Abscisic acid (ABA) in the buds (or flowering shoots) , leaves and roots of Phalaenopsis hybrida (cv. TS 340) was identified and quantified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry- selected ion monitoring using hexadeuterated ABA as an internal standard. Leaves contained much lower levels of both free and bound ABA than did roots. Dormant buds contained a relatively higher level of free ABA, whereas no detectable free or bound ABA was found in flowering shoots either at a length of 2 to 3 cm or 7 to 10 cm. Dormant stage P. hybrida ( grown at 28¢J ), levels of free ABA in the roots were higher than those in plants with flowering shoots, the levels of bound ABA in roots exhibited opposite tendency. Free and bound ABA in leaves was slightly increased in plants with flowering shoots as compared to those in the dormant stage. In addition, exogenous ABA application at 0.1 or 1 µg per plant inhibited initiation of flowering shoots, especially at 1µg per plant. These results suggest the decrease in the free ABA contents in the roots and buds, but not in the leaves, is correlated with bud activation and development of flowering shoots. Protein synthesis and flowering in Doritis pulcherrima in relation to daylength Mature doritis plants (Doritis pulcherrima Lindley cv. S84 -3345) were cultured in plastic pots with 9-h (short-day, SD) and 16-h (long-day, LD) photoperiods, respectively. The main 9-h light period was under field conditions (30 ¢J day/20 ¢J night on average). The supplemental 7-h light conditions for the LD was in chambers with 14 £gmol. m-2 s-1 photosynthetic photon flux. When transferred to SD for 30 or 40 days the plants initiated flower spikes (90 % of the total plants) between 2.0 to 3.0 cm and 7.0 to 10.0 cm in length, respectively. In contrast, only 10 % of the plants producing flowering shoots were observed under LD conditions. Unique 21 and 103 kDa proteins were evident in one-dimensional electrophoresis of proteins from mature leaves under SD conditions. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis confirmed that clear polypeptide spots with a molecular mass of 21 kDa at isoelectric point of 5.2 and 103 kDa at isoelectric point of 5.6 accumulated in leaves when flowering shoot reached 7.0 to 10.0 cm (4 to 5 flowe4 primordia apparent). Possibly, the 21 and 103 kDa proteins play the important role during initiation of flowering shoot in doritis. Polypeptide sequencing of P21 suggested a possible relationship to the product of cell division-like protein in Arabidopsis thaliana. It is clear that doritis is a facultative SD plant, and photoperiodic induction of its flowering is closely associated with changes of protein synthesis in its leaves.

Organizaciono-ekonomska obeležja zasnivanja i proizvodnje jagode (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.)

Galić Dragan 16 April 2015 (has links)
<p>Ba&scaron;tenska jagoda (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.), poznata po svom delikatnom mirisu, ukusu i bogastvu u vitaminima i mineralima, gaji se u svim regionima sveta. Jagode, kao voće sa visokom proizvodnom i upotrebnom vredno&scaron;ću, zahtevaju visoka ulaganja rada i metrijala po jedinici povr&scaron;ine. Imajući ovo u vidu, jagoda zahteva posebnu pažnju u svim etapama proizvodnje (gajenja) tj. od zasnivanja jagodnjaka do berbe i prodaje. Cilj ovog istraživanja je, utvrđivanje investicione vrednosti zasnivanja i ostvarenih ekonomskih efekata koji se postižu u proizvodnji jagode karatkog i neutralnog dana u uslovima jugo-zapadnog Ontarija u Kanadi. Najveća proizvodnja u svetu se ostvaruje u severnoj hemisferi (90,5%). Vodeće zemlje po proizvodnji jagode su: SAD, &Scaron;panija, Japan i Republika Koreja. Ove četiri zemlje čine 47,2% od ukupne svetske proizvodnje. Najveće povećanje kapaciteta jagode postignuto je u južnoj hemisferi. Za prikupljanje podataka o tehnologiji gajenja i investicionoj vrednosti ulaganja u proizvodnji jagode, kori&scaron;ćena je metoda anketiranja. U anketi je učestvovalo 19. proizvođača jagoda kratkog i 9. neutralnog dana u toku 2011. i 2012. godine. Upitnikom su prikupljeni podaci o tehnologije gajenja jagode po radnim operacijama, upotrebi materijala, ma&scaron;ina i radne snageTakođe, evidentirane su i strane usluge, ostvareni prosečni prinosi, prodajni kanali i procenat uče&scaron;ća u ukupnoj prodaji i postignuta prosečna cena.</p><p>Na osnovu prikupljenih podataka izračunati su tro&scaron;kovi zasnivanja jagodnjaka, redovne nege i brbe u prvoj i drugoj godini i ostvareni profit za obe grupe jagode. Jagode kratkog dana se isključivo gaje u redovima na otvorenom, a jagode neutralnog dana na bankovima obloženim belom polietilenskom folijom i instaliranim kap-po-kap sistemom za navodnjavanje. Najveći procenat (70%) jagode kratkog dana se prodaje direktno kupcima na gazdinstvu ili lokalnim pijacama, a 55% jagode neutralnog dana se prodaje kanalima veleprodaje. U proseku, proizvođači jagode kratkog dana su postigli profit $CAD 22.300/ha (29,10% od ukupnog prihoda), a proizvođači jagode neutralnog dana $CAD 37.962/ha (29,50% od ukupnog prihoda). Znači, proizvodnja obe grupe jagoda je veoma profitabilna, i postoji realna osnova za dalje povećanje profita.</p> / <p>The cultivated strawberries (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.), known for its delicate fragrance, flavour, and rich vitamin and mineral content, can be grown in most arable regions of the globe. Strawberry production, like many high-value crops, is resource and labour-intensive. Therefore, attention to detail is required at all stages of strawberry production, from establishment to harvest and marketing. The objective of this study was to determn the cost of strawberry establishment and achived economic effects of short-day and day-neutral strawberry production in south-western Ontario, Canada. The most of the production is located in the northern hemisphere (90.5%). The leading strawberry producing nations are USA, Spain, Japan and Republic of Korea. These four countries counted for 47.2% of all world&rsquo;s strawberry production. The largest increase in strawberry production capacity was recorded in the southern hemisphere. For data collection on procedure for growing a crop of strawberries and investment in strawberry production a survey technique was used. In survey participated 19 short-day and 9 day-neutral strawberry growers and was conducted in 2011 and 2012. The survey recorded strawberry production procedures, materials, equipment and labour use. Also, growers reported external<br />Mr Dragan M. Galić - Doktorska disertacija<br />vii<br />services used, achieved yields, marketing channels of sale, percent of each channel and achieved average sale prices. Based on collected information the cost of establishment, regular care, harvest in first and second year and total income were calculated for both groups of strawberries. Short-day strawberries are grown on matted-rows, while day-neutral on raised beds on white plastic with trickle irrigation installed. Most (70%) of the short-day crop was sold via direct sale (&ldquo;U-pick&rdquo;, ready-picked and farmers&rsquo; market), while 55% of day-neutral strawberries were sold in wholesale. On average, growers of short-day strawberries generated a profit of 22,300 $CAD/ha (29.10% of total income), and growers of day-neutral strawberries 37,962 $CAD/ha (29.50% of total income). Based on this study, both groups of strawberries in Ontario are highly profitable and with great potential for frofit increase.</p>

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