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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Synthesis of Novel N-Heterocyclic Scaffolds and Diazirine-Based Molecular Tags

Ortiz, Gerardo X. January 2016 (has links)
<p>N-Heterocycles are ubiquitous in biologically active natural products and pharmaceuticals. Yet, new syntheses and modifications of N-heterocycles are continually of interest for the purposes of expanding chemical space, finding quicker synthetic routes, better pharmaceuticals, and even new handles for molecular labeling. There are several iterations of molecular labeling; the decision of where to place the label is as important as of which visualization technique to emphasize. </p><p>Piperidine and indole are two of the most widely distributed N-heterocycles and thus were targeted for synthesis, functionalization, and labeling. The major functionalization of these scaffolds should include a nitrogen atom, while the inclusion of other groups will expand the utility of the method. Towards this goal, ease of synthesis and elimination of step-wise transformations are of the utmost concern. Here, the concept of electrophilic amination can be utilized as a way of introducing complex secondary and tertiary amines with minimal operations.</p><p>Molecular tags should be on or adjacent to an N-heterocycle as they are normally the motifs implicated at the binding site of enzymes and receptors. The labeling techniques should be useful to a chemical biologist, but should also in theory be useful to the medical community. The two types of labeling that are of interest to a chemist and a physician would be positron emission tomography (PET) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). </p><p>Coincidentally, the 3-positions of both piperidine and indole are historically difficult to access and modify. However, using electrophilic amination techniques, 3-functionalized piperidines can be synthesized in good yields from unsaturated amines. In the same manner, 3-labeled piperidines can be obtained; the piperidines can either be labeled with an azide for biochemical research or an 18F for PET imaging research. The novel electrophiles, N-benzenesulfonyloxyamides, can be reacted with indole in one of two ways: 3-amidation or 1-amidomethylation, depending on the exact reaction conditions. Lastly, a novel, hyperpolarizable 15N2-labeled diazirine has been developed as an exogenous and versatile tag for use in magnetic resonance imaging.</p> / Dissertation

Desativação de estados singlete excitados de: (i) aldeídos alífáticos, por haletos de alquila (ii) antracenos, por sulfetos aromáticos / Deactivation of singlet excited states of: (I) aliphatic aldehydes, by alkyl halides (II) anthracene, by aromatic sulphides

Rezende, Daisy de Brito 23 December 1986 (has links)
Neste trabalho estudou-se a desativação de estados singlete 1&#960;,&#960;* e 1n, &#960;* através da supressão da fluorescência de antraceno e de uma série de aldeídos alifáticos. Existem alguns dados na literatura referentes à supressão da fluorescência de compostos carbonílicos alifáticos por aminas, olefinas e haletos de alquila . No caso específico da desativação de estados 1n, &#960;* de aldeídos alifáticos, alguns autores sugeriram a possibilidade de existir mais de um mecanismo envolvido no processo de supressão. Assim, delimitamos, como um dos objetivos deste trabalho, o estudo da natureza das interações envolvidas na supressão da fluorescência de aldeídos alifáticos por haletos de alquila. Foi possível determinar uma constante de supressão aparente apenas para o sistema pentanal-iodeto de etila. Verificamos que esta aparente supressão podia ser explicada por um efeito de absorção competitiva, dependente da concentração do supressor, no comprimento de onda de excitação (&#955; = 310 nm). Concluímos, também, que os dados de literatura referentes à supressão da fluorescência de cetonas por brometo de sec-butila podem ser explicados pelo tipo de purificação, inadequada, deste composto. Portanto, nossos resultados estão em das acordo com aqueles relatados para cetonas de estrutura análoga aos aldeídos estudados. De fato, concluímos que haletos de alquila não suprimem a fluorescência nem de alcanonas nem de aldeídos alifáticos. Estudou-se, também, a desativação de estados 1&#960;,&#960;* de compostos aromáticos. Embora este processo seja objeto de uma vasta gama de estudos, a natureza das interações envolvidas na estabilização do exciplex, proposto como intermediário na transferência de energia de vários processos endotérmicos, é objeto de alguma controvérsia. Neste trabalho, estudou-se a supressão de fluorescência de antraceno por sulfetos aromáticos derivados do tiofenol ou do tiocresol. As constantes experimentais de supressão foram calculadas através da equação de Stern-Volmer, utilizando-se as intensidades de fluorescência não-corrigidas. A ausência de correlação entre a cinética de supressão de fluorescência e os parâmetros de ressonância de excitação indica que este mecanismo não e o predominante na estabilização do exciplex. Por outro lado, estudando o efeito da temperatura, foi possível concluir que, a não ser para o derivado n-propílico do orto-tiocresol, não há ~ variação significativa do valor da constante de supressão, indicando que a magnitude da energia de ativação envolvida no processo de supressão é baixa. Ainda, verificamos que há correlação linear entre os parâmetros de Weller e as constantes de supressão, para todos os sulfetos, com exceção dos derivados n-propílicos que apresentam constantes de supressão maiores do que aquelas referentes a outros sulfetos de potencial de oxidação de mesma magnitude. o conjunto de dados pode ser explicado admitindo-se um processo de transferência de carga, onde o doador é o sulfeto e o aceptor é o antraceno e, no qual, a reversibilidade da formação do exciplex desempenhe um papel importante. / In this work fluorescence quenching of the 1&#960;,&#960;* states of anthracene and 1n, &#960;* states of aliphatic aldehydes was studied. There are some literature data regarding fluorescence quenching of carbonyl aliphatic compounds by amines, olefins and alkylhalides. Specifically, for aliphatic aldehydes there is the possibility that quenching occurs by more than one path. We chose as one of the objectives of this work, to understand the nature of interactions in-the deactivation of singlet excited states of aliphatic aldehydes by alkylhalides. It was possible only to determine an apparent quenching rate constant for the pentanal-ethyliodide system. This apparent quenching is due to a competitive absorption effect, at the wavelength of excitation (310 nrn) ,which is proportional to the quencher concentration. We also verified that the reported fluorescence quenching of ketones by sec-butylbromide can be due to impurities present in the halide. The results obtained in the present work totally disagree with those reported for ketones with structure analogous to the aldehydes utilized. In fact, we conclude that alkylhalide do not quench the fluorescence of either alkanones or aliphatic aldehydes. We also studied the deactivation of1&#960;,&#960;* states of aromatic compounds. Although the literature contains several studies about fluorescence quenching of aromatic compounds, the nature of the binding energy of the excited complex is the object of some controversy. In this work, we studied fluorescence quenching of anthracene by aromatic sulphides derived from thiophenol or thiocresol. Quenching constants were calculated by means of the Stern-Volmer equation, employing uncorrected fluorescence intensities. The absence of correlation between fluorescence quenching kinetics and excitation resonance parameters indicates that this mechanism does not provide the maincontribution to exciplex stabilization. On the other hand, we found that, except for the n-propyl derivative of ortho-thiocresol, there was no significant variation of quenching rate constants with temperature, which indicates a low activation energy value for this processo We verified a linear correlation between fluorescence rate constants and Weller parameters except for n-propyl derivatives, whose rate constants are greater than sulphides of the same oxidation potential. The data obtained in this study can be explained assuming formation of a charge transfer complex between anthracene and the sulphide, the first being the acceptor and the,other being the charge donnor, in which case the reversibility of the exciplex formation step must play an important role.

Reatividade de lipídeos e metabólitos da cafeína frente a estados excitados de flavinas / Reactivity of lipids and caffeine metabolites front of excited states of flavins

Scurachio, Regina Spricigo 18 September 2015 (has links)
A presente tese descreve o estudo cinético e mecanístico da desativação do estado singlete- e triplete-excitado de flavinas por esteróis (colesterol e ergosterol), vitamina D, coenzima Q10, vitamina K, ácidos graxos e metabólitos da cafeína. Através da análise de Stern-Volmer da supressão de fluorescência da riboflavina pelo colesterol, ergosterol, vitamina D, vitamina K, e pela coenzima Q10 observa-se que o estado singlete excitado da riboflavina é desativado com constante de velocidade superior ao limite da difusão. No entanto, a presença de colesterol, ergosterol, vitamina D, vitamina K e coenzima Q10 não afeta o tempo de vida do estado singlete excitado da riboflavina como demonstrado por experimentos de contagem de fótons resolvido no tempo sugerindo a formação de um complexo precursor [riboflavina...substrato]. O complexo 1:1 formado entre a riboflavina e a vitamina D apresenta Ka = 4 x 104 &plusmn; 3 mol&sdot;L-1 a 25 0C com &Delta;H0 = -36 &plusmn; 7 kJ&sdot;mol-1 e &Delta;S0 = -5 &plusmn; 3 J&sdot;mol-1 &sdot;K-1. O complexo 1:1 entre a riboflavina e a vitamina K (vit K) e a riboflavina com a coenzima Q10 (CoQ10) apresentam Ka = 1 x 103 &plusmn; 1 mol&sdot;L-1 com &Delta;H0 = -110 &plusmn; 22 kJ&sdot;mol-1 e &Delta;S0 = 51 &plusmn; 9 J &sdot;mol-1&sdot;K-1 para a vit K e Ka = 4 x 102 &plusmn; 1 mol&sdot;L-1, &Delta;H0 = -120 &plusmn; 27 kJ &sdot;mol-1 e &Delta;S0 = 41 &plusmn; 7 J &sdot;mol-1&sdot;K-1 para a CoQ10 a 25 0C. Para a desativação do estado triplete da riboflavina, foram obtidas constantes bimoleculares de velocidade variando de 1,4 x 108 L &sdot;mol-1&sdot;s-1 (vit D) a 1,4 x 109 L &sdot;mol-1&sdot;s-1 (CoQ10). Observa-se supressão da emissão de fluorescência da riboflavina na presença de metabolitos da cafeína, no entanto, sem alterar o tempo de vida do estado singlete excitado da riboflavina sugerindo a formação de um complexo precursor [riboflavina...substrato]. O complexo formado entre a riboflavina e os metabólitos da cafeína apresentam Ka = 295 &plusmn; 1 mol&sdot;L-1 com &Delta;H0 = -45 &plusmn; 8 kJ&sdot;mol-1 e &Delta;S0 = 12 &plusmn; 1 J&sdot;mol-1&sdot;K-1 para o ácido 1,7-dimetil úrico, Ka = 289 &plusmn; 1 mol&sdot;L-1 com &Delta;H0 = -38 &plusmn; 5 kJ &sdot;mol-1 e &Delta;S0 = 9 &plusmn; 2 J &sdot;mol-1&sdot;K-1 para o ácido 1-metil úrico e Ka = 275 &plusmn; 1 mol&sdot;L-1 com &Delta;H0 = 16 &plusmn; 3 kJ &sdot;mol-1 e &Delta;S0 = 6 &plusmn; 1J &sdot;mol-1&sdot;K-1 para a 1,7-dimetilxantina a 25 0C. Para a desativação do estado triplete da riboflavina, foram obtidas constantes de velocidade de 3kq = 4,2 x 108 L.mol-1.s-1 para a 1,7-dimetilxantina, 3kq = 1,0 x 108 L.mol-1.s-1 para o ácido 1,7-dimetil úrico e 3kq = 1,4 x 108 L.mol-1.s-1 para o ácido 1-metil úrico. Os ésteres metílicos (oleato de metila, ácido linoléico conjugado (CLA), linoleato de metila, linolenato de metila, araquidonato de metila, eicosapentanoato de metila, e docosahexanoato de metila) não desativam o estado singlete-excitado da riboflavina. Entretanto, os ésteres metílicos se mostraram reativos frente ao estado triplete da riboflavina com constantes de velocidades 3kq variando de 8,4 x 105 a 3,3 x 107 L&sdot;smol-1 &sdot;s-1 com uma dependência linear do número de hidrogênios bis-alílicos com excessão do CLA. / The present thesis describes the kinetic and mechanistic studies of flavin singlet- and triplet-excited states deactivation by sterols (ergosterol and cholesterol), vitamin D, coenzyme Q10, vitamin K, fatty acids, and caffeine metabolites. From the Stern-Volmer analysis of the riboflavin fluorescence quenching by cholesterol, ergosterol, vitamin D, vitamin K and coenzyme Q10, it is noted that the singlet-excited state of riboflavin is deactivated with a rate constant exceeding the diffusion limit. However, the presence of cholesterol, ergosterol, vitamin D, vitamin K, coenzyme Q10 did not affect the lifetime of singlet-excited riboflavin as probed by single photon counting experiments suggesting the formation of a ground-state precursor complex [riboflavin ...substrate]. The 1:1 complex formed between riboflavin and vitamin D showed Ka = 4 x 104 &plusmn; 3 mol&sdot;L-1 a 25 0C with &Delta;H0 = -36 &plusmn; 7 kJ&sdot;mol-1 and &Delta;S0 = -5 &plusmn; 3 J&sdot;mol-1 &sdot;K-1. The 1:1 complex formed between riboflavin and vitamin K (vit K) and riboflavin with coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) showed Ka = 1 x 103 &plusmn; 1 mol&sdot;L-1 with &Delta;H0 = -110 &plusmn; 22 kJ&sdot;mol-1 and &Delta;S0 = 51 &plusmn; 9 J &sdot;mol-1&sdot;K-1 for vit K e Ka =4 x 102 &plusmn; 1 mol&sdot;L-1, &Delta;H0 = -120 &plusmn; 27 kJ &sdot;mol-1 and &Delta;S0 = 41 &plusmn; 7 J &sdot;mol-1&sdot;K-1 for CoQ10 a 25 0C. For the deactivation of triplet riboflavin, bimolecular rate constants were found to vary from 1,4 x 108 L &sdot;mol-1&sdot;s-1 (vit D) a 1,4 x 109 L &sdot;mol-1&sdot;s-1 (CoQ10). The caffeine metabolites quench fluorescence emission of riboflavin however, without affecting the lifetime of the singlet-excited state, suggesting the formation of a ground state precursor complex [riboflavin ... substrate]. The complex formed between riboflavin and caffeine metabolites showed Ka = 295 &plusmn; 1 mol&sdot;L-1 with &Delta;H0 = -45 &plusmn; 8 kJ&sdot;mol-1 and &Delta;S0 = 12 &plusmn; 1 J&sdot;mol-1&sdot;K-1for 1,7-dimetyl uric acid, Ka = 289 &plusmn; 1 mol&sdot;L-1 with &Delta;H0 = -38 &plusmn; 5 kJ &sdot;mol-1 and &Delta;S0 = 9 &plusmn; 2 J &sdot;mol-1&sdot;K-1 for 1-methyl uric acid and Ka = 275 &plusmn; 1 mol&sdot;L-1 with &Delta;H0 = 16 &plusmn; 3 kJ &sdot;mol-1 and &Delta;S0 = 6 &plusmn; 1J &sdot;mol-1&sdot;K-1 for 1,7-dimethylxanthine at 25 0C. For the deactivation of triplet riboflavin, rate constant were obtained with 3kq = 4,2 x 108 L.mol-1.s-1 para a 1,7-dimethylxanthine, 3kq = 1,0 x 108 L.mol-1.s-1 for 1,7-dimethyl uric acid, and 3kq = 1,4 x 108 L.mol-1.s-1 for 1-methyl uric acid. The methyl esters (methyl oleate, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), methyl linoleate, methyl linoleate, methyl arachidonate, methyl eicosapentanoate, and methyl docosahexanoate) did not quench the singlet-excited riboflavin. However, the methyl esters were shown to be reactive towards triplet riboflavin with rate constants ranging from 8,4 x 105 a 3,3 x 107 L&sdot;mol-1 &sdot;s-1and depending linearly with the number of bis-allylic hydrogens with exception to CLA.

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance with Spin Singlet States and Nitrogen Vacancy Centers in Diamond

Devience, Stephen J 04 June 2015 (has links)
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are techniques widely utilized by many scientific fields, but their applications are often limited by short spin relaxation times and low sensitivity. This thesis explores two novel forms of NMR addressing these issues: nuclear spin singlet states for extending spin polarization lifetime and nitrogen-vacancy centers for sensing small samples. / Chemistry and Chemical Biology

Desativação de estados singlete excitados de: (i) aldeídos alífáticos, por haletos de alquila (ii) antracenos, por sulfetos aromáticos / Deactivation of singlet excited states of: (I) aliphatic aldehydes, by alkyl halides (II) anthracene, by aromatic sulphides

Daisy de Brito Rezende 23 December 1986 (has links)
Neste trabalho estudou-se a desativação de estados singlete 1&#960;,&#960;* e 1n, &#960;* através da supressão da fluorescência de antraceno e de uma série de aldeídos alifáticos. Existem alguns dados na literatura referentes à supressão da fluorescência de compostos carbonílicos alifáticos por aminas, olefinas e haletos de alquila . No caso específico da desativação de estados 1n, &#960;* de aldeídos alifáticos, alguns autores sugeriram a possibilidade de existir mais de um mecanismo envolvido no processo de supressão. Assim, delimitamos, como um dos objetivos deste trabalho, o estudo da natureza das interações envolvidas na supressão da fluorescência de aldeídos alifáticos por haletos de alquila. Foi possível determinar uma constante de supressão aparente apenas para o sistema pentanal-iodeto de etila. Verificamos que esta aparente supressão podia ser explicada por um efeito de absorção competitiva, dependente da concentração do supressor, no comprimento de onda de excitação (&#955; = 310 nm). Concluímos, também, que os dados de literatura referentes à supressão da fluorescência de cetonas por brometo de sec-butila podem ser explicados pelo tipo de purificação, inadequada, deste composto. Portanto, nossos resultados estão em das acordo com aqueles relatados para cetonas de estrutura análoga aos aldeídos estudados. De fato, concluímos que haletos de alquila não suprimem a fluorescência nem de alcanonas nem de aldeídos alifáticos. Estudou-se, também, a desativação de estados 1&#960;,&#960;* de compostos aromáticos. Embora este processo seja objeto de uma vasta gama de estudos, a natureza das interações envolvidas na estabilização do exciplex, proposto como intermediário na transferência de energia de vários processos endotérmicos, é objeto de alguma controvérsia. Neste trabalho, estudou-se a supressão de fluorescência de antraceno por sulfetos aromáticos derivados do tiofenol ou do tiocresol. As constantes experimentais de supressão foram calculadas através da equação de Stern-Volmer, utilizando-se as intensidades de fluorescência não-corrigidas. A ausência de correlação entre a cinética de supressão de fluorescência e os parâmetros de ressonância de excitação indica que este mecanismo não e o predominante na estabilização do exciplex. Por outro lado, estudando o efeito da temperatura, foi possível concluir que, a não ser para o derivado n-propílico do orto-tiocresol, não há ~ variação significativa do valor da constante de supressão, indicando que a magnitude da energia de ativação envolvida no processo de supressão é baixa. Ainda, verificamos que há correlação linear entre os parâmetros de Weller e as constantes de supressão, para todos os sulfetos, com exceção dos derivados n-propílicos que apresentam constantes de supressão maiores do que aquelas referentes a outros sulfetos de potencial de oxidação de mesma magnitude. o conjunto de dados pode ser explicado admitindo-se um processo de transferência de carga, onde o doador é o sulfeto e o aceptor é o antraceno e, no qual, a reversibilidade da formação do exciplex desempenhe um papel importante. / In this work fluorescence quenching of the 1&#960;,&#960;* states of anthracene and 1n, &#960;* states of aliphatic aldehydes was studied. There are some literature data regarding fluorescence quenching of carbonyl aliphatic compounds by amines, olefins and alkylhalides. Specifically, for aliphatic aldehydes there is the possibility that quenching occurs by more than one path. We chose as one of the objectives of this work, to understand the nature of interactions in-the deactivation of singlet excited states of aliphatic aldehydes by alkylhalides. It was possible only to determine an apparent quenching rate constant for the pentanal-ethyliodide system. This apparent quenching is due to a competitive absorption effect, at the wavelength of excitation (310 nrn) ,which is proportional to the quencher concentration. We also verified that the reported fluorescence quenching of ketones by sec-butylbromide can be due to impurities present in the halide. The results obtained in the present work totally disagree with those reported for ketones with structure analogous to the aldehydes utilized. In fact, we conclude that alkylhalide do not quench the fluorescence of either alkanones or aliphatic aldehydes. We also studied the deactivation of1&#960;,&#960;* states of aromatic compounds. Although the literature contains several studies about fluorescence quenching of aromatic compounds, the nature of the binding energy of the excited complex is the object of some controversy. In this work, we studied fluorescence quenching of anthracene by aromatic sulphides derived from thiophenol or thiocresol. Quenching constants were calculated by means of the Stern-Volmer equation, employing uncorrected fluorescence intensities. The absence of correlation between fluorescence quenching kinetics and excitation resonance parameters indicates that this mechanism does not provide the maincontribution to exciplex stabilization. On the other hand, we found that, except for the n-propyl derivative of ortho-thiocresol, there was no significant variation of quenching rate constants with temperature, which indicates a low activation energy value for this processo We verified a linear correlation between fluorescence rate constants and Weller parameters except for n-propyl derivatives, whose rate constants are greater than sulphides of the same oxidation potential. The data obtained in this study can be explained assuming formation of a charge transfer complex between anthracene and the sulphide, the first being the acceptor and the,other being the charge donnor, in which case the reversibility of the exciplex formation step must play an important role.

Reatividade de lipídeos e metabólitos da cafeína frente a estados excitados de flavinas / Reactivity of lipids and caffeine metabolites front of excited states of flavins

Regina Spricigo Scurachio 18 September 2015 (has links)
A presente tese descreve o estudo cinético e mecanístico da desativação do estado singlete- e triplete-excitado de flavinas por esteróis (colesterol e ergosterol), vitamina D, coenzima Q10, vitamina K, ácidos graxos e metabólitos da cafeína. Através da análise de Stern-Volmer da supressão de fluorescência da riboflavina pelo colesterol, ergosterol, vitamina D, vitamina K, e pela coenzima Q10 observa-se que o estado singlete excitado da riboflavina é desativado com constante de velocidade superior ao limite da difusão. No entanto, a presença de colesterol, ergosterol, vitamina D, vitamina K e coenzima Q10 não afeta o tempo de vida do estado singlete excitado da riboflavina como demonstrado por experimentos de contagem de fótons resolvido no tempo sugerindo a formação de um complexo precursor [riboflavina...substrato]. O complexo 1:1 formado entre a riboflavina e a vitamina D apresenta Ka = 4 x 104 &plusmn; 3 mol&sdot;L-1 a 25 0C com &Delta;H0 = -36 &plusmn; 7 kJ&sdot;mol-1 e &Delta;S0 = -5 &plusmn; 3 J&sdot;mol-1 &sdot;K-1. O complexo 1:1 entre a riboflavina e a vitamina K (vit K) e a riboflavina com a coenzima Q10 (CoQ10) apresentam Ka = 1 x 103 &plusmn; 1 mol&sdot;L-1 com &Delta;H0 = -110 &plusmn; 22 kJ&sdot;mol-1 e &Delta;S0 = 51 &plusmn; 9 J &sdot;mol-1&sdot;K-1 para a vit K e Ka = 4 x 102 &plusmn; 1 mol&sdot;L-1, &Delta;H0 = -120 &plusmn; 27 kJ &sdot;mol-1 e &Delta;S0 = 41 &plusmn; 7 J &sdot;mol-1&sdot;K-1 para a CoQ10 a 25 0C. Para a desativação do estado triplete da riboflavina, foram obtidas constantes bimoleculares de velocidade variando de 1,4 x 108 L &sdot;mol-1&sdot;s-1 (vit D) a 1,4 x 109 L &sdot;mol-1&sdot;s-1 (CoQ10). Observa-se supressão da emissão de fluorescência da riboflavina na presença de metabolitos da cafeína, no entanto, sem alterar o tempo de vida do estado singlete excitado da riboflavina sugerindo a formação de um complexo precursor [riboflavina...substrato]. O complexo formado entre a riboflavina e os metabólitos da cafeína apresentam Ka = 295 &plusmn; 1 mol&sdot;L-1 com &Delta;H0 = -45 &plusmn; 8 kJ&sdot;mol-1 e &Delta;S0 = 12 &plusmn; 1 J&sdot;mol-1&sdot;K-1 para o ácido 1,7-dimetil úrico, Ka = 289 &plusmn; 1 mol&sdot;L-1 com &Delta;H0 = -38 &plusmn; 5 kJ &sdot;mol-1 e &Delta;S0 = 9 &plusmn; 2 J &sdot;mol-1&sdot;K-1 para o ácido 1-metil úrico e Ka = 275 &plusmn; 1 mol&sdot;L-1 com &Delta;H0 = 16 &plusmn; 3 kJ &sdot;mol-1 e &Delta;S0 = 6 &plusmn; 1J &sdot;mol-1&sdot;K-1 para a 1,7-dimetilxantina a 25 0C. Para a desativação do estado triplete da riboflavina, foram obtidas constantes de velocidade de 3kq = 4,2 x 108 L.mol-1.s-1 para a 1,7-dimetilxantina, 3kq = 1,0 x 108 L.mol-1.s-1 para o ácido 1,7-dimetil úrico e 3kq = 1,4 x 108 L.mol-1.s-1 para o ácido 1-metil úrico. Os ésteres metílicos (oleato de metila, ácido linoléico conjugado (CLA), linoleato de metila, linolenato de metila, araquidonato de metila, eicosapentanoato de metila, e docosahexanoato de metila) não desativam o estado singlete-excitado da riboflavina. Entretanto, os ésteres metílicos se mostraram reativos frente ao estado triplete da riboflavina com constantes de velocidades 3kq variando de 8,4 x 105 a 3,3 x 107 L&sdot;smol-1 &sdot;s-1 com uma dependência linear do número de hidrogênios bis-alílicos com excessão do CLA. / The present thesis describes the kinetic and mechanistic studies of flavin singlet- and triplet-excited states deactivation by sterols (ergosterol and cholesterol), vitamin D, coenzyme Q10, vitamin K, fatty acids, and caffeine metabolites. From the Stern-Volmer analysis of the riboflavin fluorescence quenching by cholesterol, ergosterol, vitamin D, vitamin K and coenzyme Q10, it is noted that the singlet-excited state of riboflavin is deactivated with a rate constant exceeding the diffusion limit. However, the presence of cholesterol, ergosterol, vitamin D, vitamin K, coenzyme Q10 did not affect the lifetime of singlet-excited riboflavin as probed by single photon counting experiments suggesting the formation of a ground-state precursor complex [riboflavin ...substrate]. The 1:1 complex formed between riboflavin and vitamin D showed Ka = 4 x 104 &plusmn; 3 mol&sdot;L-1 a 25 0C with &Delta;H0 = -36 &plusmn; 7 kJ&sdot;mol-1 and &Delta;S0 = -5 &plusmn; 3 J&sdot;mol-1 &sdot;K-1. The 1:1 complex formed between riboflavin and vitamin K (vit K) and riboflavin with coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) showed Ka = 1 x 103 &plusmn; 1 mol&sdot;L-1 with &Delta;H0 = -110 &plusmn; 22 kJ&sdot;mol-1 and &Delta;S0 = 51 &plusmn; 9 J &sdot;mol-1&sdot;K-1 for vit K e Ka =4 x 102 &plusmn; 1 mol&sdot;L-1, &Delta;H0 = -120 &plusmn; 27 kJ &sdot;mol-1 and &Delta;S0 = 41 &plusmn; 7 J &sdot;mol-1&sdot;K-1 for CoQ10 a 25 0C. For the deactivation of triplet riboflavin, bimolecular rate constants were found to vary from 1,4 x 108 L &sdot;mol-1&sdot;s-1 (vit D) a 1,4 x 109 L &sdot;mol-1&sdot;s-1 (CoQ10). The caffeine metabolites quench fluorescence emission of riboflavin however, without affecting the lifetime of the singlet-excited state, suggesting the formation of a ground state precursor complex [riboflavin ... substrate]. The complex formed between riboflavin and caffeine metabolites showed Ka = 295 &plusmn; 1 mol&sdot;L-1 with &Delta;H0 = -45 &plusmn; 8 kJ&sdot;mol-1 and &Delta;S0 = 12 &plusmn; 1 J&sdot;mol-1&sdot;K-1for 1,7-dimetyl uric acid, Ka = 289 &plusmn; 1 mol&sdot;L-1 with &Delta;H0 = -38 &plusmn; 5 kJ &sdot;mol-1 and &Delta;S0 = 9 &plusmn; 2 J &sdot;mol-1&sdot;K-1 for 1-methyl uric acid and Ka = 275 &plusmn; 1 mol&sdot;L-1 with &Delta;H0 = 16 &plusmn; 3 kJ &sdot;mol-1 and &Delta;S0 = 6 &plusmn; 1J &sdot;mol-1&sdot;K-1 for 1,7-dimethylxanthine at 25 0C. For the deactivation of triplet riboflavin, rate constant were obtained with 3kq = 4,2 x 108 L.mol-1.s-1 para a 1,7-dimethylxanthine, 3kq = 1,0 x 108 L.mol-1.s-1 for 1,7-dimethyl uric acid, and 3kq = 1,4 x 108 L.mol-1.s-1 for 1-methyl uric acid. The methyl esters (methyl oleate, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), methyl linoleate, methyl linoleate, methyl arachidonate, methyl eicosapentanoate, and methyl docosahexanoate) did not quench the singlet-excited riboflavin. However, the methyl esters were shown to be reactive towards triplet riboflavin with rate constants ranging from 8,4 x 105 a 3,3 x 107 L&sdot;mol-1 &sdot;s-1and depending linearly with the number of bis-allylic hydrogens with exception to CLA.

Preserving hyperpolarised nuclear spin order to study cancer metabolism

Marco-Rius, Irene January 2014 (has links)
Monitoring the early responses of tumours to treatment is a crucial element in guiding therapy and increasing patient survival. To achieve this, we are using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which can provide detailed physiological information with relatively high temporal and spatial resolution. In combination with the dynamic nuclear polarisation (DNP) technique, high signal-to-noise is obtained, resulting in a powerful tool for in vivo 13C metabolic imaging. However, detection of hyperpolarised substrates is limited to a few seconds due to the exponential decay of the polarisation with the longitudinal relaxation time constant T1. This work aimed to improve the combination of hyperpolarisation and metabolic NMR/ MRI by extending the observation timescale of the technique. Working with quantum mechanical properties of the detected substrates, long lifetimes might be accessible by using the nuclear singlet configuration of two coupled nuclei. The singlet state is immune to intramolecular dipole-dipole relaxation processes, which is one of the main sources of signal decay in MRI. In favourable situations, the singlet relaxation time constant can be much longer than T1, so transfer of the polarisation into the singlet state may allow one to extend the usable time period of the nuclear hyperpolarisation. Here we studied the relaxation of hyperpolarised metabolites, including those found in the TCA cycle, and examined the possibility of extending their observation timescale by storing the polarisation in the long-lived singlet state. The polarisation remains in this state until it is eventually required for imaging. We also investigate how one may track polarised metabolites after injection into a subject due to the transfer of polarisation to the solvent by Overhauser cross-relaxation, so that the 13C polarisation remains untouched until imaging is required. In this way we should be able to interrogate slower metabolic processes than have been examined hitherto using hyperpolarised 13C MRS, and better understand metabolic changes induced in tumours by treatment.

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