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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Competencies needed by teachers of developmental English in two-year colleges

Smith, Margaret Little 29 November 2012 (has links)
The two-year college system operates primarily under an open-door admission policy which admits many students who are academically deficient in their writing skills. To meet the needs of these students, many colleges have designed and implemented developmental English courses which, unfortunately, have not always shown a high degree of success. Many studies have been made to identify characteristics of the developmental student, but research is limited in the area of competencies needed by those who instruct students taking developmental writing courses. It was the purpose of this study to identify these competencies, and the method chosen to do this was the Delphi Technique. A panel of fifty-three experts listed what they perceived to be needed competencies for teaching developmental composition. They listed forty-two competencies which were itemized into three categories: rhetorical, pedagogical, and human interaction. The panel members then rated these according to their perceived importance. The investigator ranked them in order of importance by using a weighted score. / Ed. D.

An Analysis of LifeKnowledge® Skills and Abilities Development within North Carolina Agriscience Education Programs as Viewed by Veteran Secondary Agriscience Educators, Agriscience Education Students, and Students' Employers

English, Chastity Katrina Warren 06 September 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this descriptive study was to analyze the LifeKnowledge® skills development within North Carolina agriscience education programs as viewed by veteran agriscience teachers, agriscience education students, and students' employers. The survey population consisted of 54 veteran agriscience education teachers, of whom 49 (91%) responded. One hundred sixty-two agriscience education students, of whom 115 (71%) responded and 162 employers, of whom 95 (59%) responded. Seventy-four LifeKnowledge® skills items and the 16 LifeKnowledge® precepts were evaluated by teachers to determine how often they provided instruction and experiences related to the development of employability skills development for students. The same 74 items and 16 precepts were evaluated by students to determine the extent to which they thought participating in their agriscience education programs and FFA increased their employability and personal skills development. Employers were asked to evaluate how often they witnessed agriscience education students exhibit the LifeKnowledge® 74 items and 16 precepts within the workplace. The major findings for this study included that teachers, students, and employers were generally consistent, with a few exceptions, in their perceptions of the development and demonstration of the LifeKnowledge® skills and abilities. Statistically significant differences were found among the three groups on select LifeKnowledge® skills items and precepts. A majority of teachers reported that they regularly or often provided students instruction and experiences related to the LifeKnowledge® skills. Students reported that regularly or often their participation in their local agriscience education programs and FFA had increased their employability and personal skills development. The employers reported that often, with a few regular observations, they witnessed students exhibiting the LifeKnowledge® skills within the workplace. One of the major recommendations for this study is that LifeKnowledge® lessons be implemented for pre-service and in-service teachers and findings shared with the National FFA Organization. Another suggestion is that an employability skills curriculum should be developed for use across all career and technical education programs and core courses to develop students' employability skills in response to business and industry demands. Finally, research should be conducted to determine how 4-H, career and technical student organizations, and other youth groups develop LifeKnowledge® skills. / Ph. D.

The Hourly Rate Of Learning: Skills Students Learn While Working In College

Espinoza, Jaime M. 18 June 1999 (has links)
One purpose of higher education is to graduate students who will become productive citizens. An integral aspect of being a productive citizen is employment. Finding a job requires the acquisition of skills that employers report they seek in college graduates. There are various ways that students can learn these skills. They can be learned in the classroom, and through extracurricular activities. They can also be learned from students' part time employment. Part-time employment is a significant part of the college experience for many undergraduate students. Students are employed in a variety of different jobs while in college. These jobs can be grouped into three categories: cooperative education experiences, leadership positions, and wage positions. Scholars have explored the impact of cooperative and leadership positions on students. However, an extensive search of the literature revealed no studies which investigated the kinds of skills students in wage positions learn. Yet, the number of students employed in wage positions may exceed the number of students employed in the other two types of student jobs. The purpose of this study was to examine the skills learned by undergraduate students who were employed in on-campus wage positions. The study was designed to measure whether the skills student employees learn are skills that employers seek in college graduates. To seek answers to these research questions a list of skills was developed from the literature available on job skills employers seek in college graduates. After determining the eight most common skills employers seek in college graduates they hire, the researcher operationalized the skills by assigning typical job-related activities to each of the eight skills identified in the literature as being sought by employers of college graduates. Then, the researcher recruited 32 undergraduate students (16 male and 16 female) in wage positions to report data about what they learned while working. These data were collected through logs that detailed activities in which student employees engaged while on the job. The study found that students in on-campus wage positions engaged in certain activities more than others. The activities in which they engaged indicated that they were learning some skills which employers seek in college graduates. Results showed that participants reported a high number of activities which related to Analytical Skills, Adaptability/Flexibility, and Communication Skills. Participants reported activities which related to Interpersonal Skills and Teamwork Skills to a moderate degree. Activities related to Initiative, Self Confidence, and Leadership Skills were reported least often. Differences were found in the reporting patterns of men and women. Some of these differences were found to be significant. / Master of Arts

A Comparison between Reading and Listening in Comprehension and Retention of Certain Language Concepts in the Third Grade

Gay, Marcella 08 1900 (has links)
This thesis compares reading verses listening comprehension in third grade students. The problem under consideration is to determine whether it is easier for a third-grade child to understand a given meaning when that meaning is presented to him in spoken words than it is when the meaning is presented in printed words.

Detecting, Defining and Developing Soft Skills in Business and ICT Contexts

Schleutker, Kai Eugen Johannes 10 January 2022 (has links)
[ES] La motivación de este proyecto de investigación surgió de fuentes tanto personales como profesionales. En el campo de los negocios, así como en muchos otros campos, la definición de competencia profesional ha experimentado una importante evolución en los últimos 20 años. A medida que los entornos de trabajo se vuelven cada vez más digitales, pero también basados en equipos y redes, el papel de las habilidades individuales crece. Los empleadores de las empresas y las organizaciones de TIC buscan "habilidades técnicas", pero cada vez más buscan graduados capaces de administrarse por sí mismos, trabajar en equipos y redes y resolver problemas. La necesidad de estas "habilidades blandas" ha sido expresada por parte de organizaciones y empleadores, y se cree que su función crecerá adicionalmente en el futuro. Sin embargo, hay muchas razones por las que las instituciones educativas han tenido dificultades para captar este desafío. Como resultado, se informa que el mercado laboral sufre de "brechas de habilidades", lo que causa problemas tanto a los empleadores como a los graduados, e indirectamente también a los educadores. Una de las principales razones de esto es que los educadores carecen de la conciencia de las habilidades necesarias en las organizaciones. Además, no están seguros de si se pueden promover las habilidades blandas y cómo se debe llevar a cabo. En esta investigación, aclaro la "brecha de habilidades" y las posibles soluciones para reducirla. Empiezo por definir el carácter y el rol de Soft Skills. Posteriormente, inspecciono el proceso de adquisición de habilidades desde el aspecto de las partes mencionadas, llamadas "partes interesadas". Mi objetivo es crear un método que pueda considerar las Soft Skills de forma sistemática, con respecto a su rol para los diferentes stakeholders. Para lograrlo, se compone un marco de las Soft Skills esenciales, viable para Universidades y Organizaciones. A continuación, se presenta un modelo tridimensional del proceso de adquisición de Soft Skills. Luego se sugiere el indicador Method Soft Skills Status (3Si), operacionalizando los elementos del modelo en tres dimensiones estadísticas, "Significación", "Capacidad de aprendizaje" y "Nivel". Posteriormente se experimenta el Método propuesto mediante el lanzamiento de una encuesta a 381 profesionales de las TIC y empresas en cuatro países europeos. En la sección Resultados, se presentan y discuten los resultados de la encuesta. A continuación, se aplican los resultados para probar el Método, lo que permite una clasificación en ocho clases de Soft Skills. Estas clases proporcionan descripciones específicas para cada una de las Soft Skills, aplicables a los educadores y formadores que trabajan en Soft Skills. Los resultados afirman la hipótesis planteada a la investigación. / [CA] La motivació d'aquest projecte d'investigació va sorgir de fonts tant personals com professionals. En el camp dels negocis, així com en molts altres camps, la definició de competència professional ha experimentat una important evolució en els últims 20 anys. A mesura que els entorns de treball es tornen cada vegada més digitals, però també basats en equips i xarxes, el paper de les habilitats individuals creix. Els ocupadors de les empreses i les organitzacions de TIC busquen "habilitats tècniques", però cada vegada més busquen graduats capaços d'administrar-se per si mateixos, treballar en equips i xarxes i resoldre problemes. La necessitat d'aquestes habilitats transversals ha sigut expressada per part d'organitzacions i ocupadors, i es creu que la seua funció creixerà addicionalment en el futur. No obstant això, hi ha moltes raons per les quals les institucions educatives han tingut dificultats per a captar aquest desafiament. Com a resultat, s'informa que el mercat laboral pateix de "bretxes d'habilitats", la qual cosa causa problemes tant als ocupadors com als graduats, i indirectament també als educadors. Una de les principals raons d'això és que els educadors manquen de la consciència de les habilitats necessàries en les organitzacions. A més, no estan segurs de si es poden promoure les habilitats blanes i com s'ha de dur a terme. En aquesta investigació, aclarisc la "bretxa d'habilitats" i les possibles solucions per a reduir-la. Comence per definir el caràcter i el rol de Soft Skills. Posteriorment, inspeccione el procés d'adquisició d'habilitats des de l'aspecte de les parts esmentades, anomenades "parts interessades". El meu objectiu és crear un mètode que puga considerar les Soft Skills de manera sistemàtica, respecte al seu rol per als diferents stakeholders. Per a aconseguir-ho, es compon un marc de les Soft Skills essencials, viable per a Universitats i Organitzacions. A continuació, es presenta un model tridimensional del procés d'adquisició de Soft Skills. Després se suggereix l'indicador "Method Soft Skills Status (3Si), transformant en operacions els elements del model en tres dimensions estadístiques, "Significació", "Capacitat d'aprenentatge" i "Nivell". Posteriorment s'experimenta el Mètode proposat mitjançant el llançament d'una enquesta a 381 professionals de les TIC i empreses en quatre països europeus. En la secció Resultats, es presenten i discuteixen els resultats de l'enquesta. A continuació, s'apliquen els resultats per a provar el Mètode, la qual cosa permet una classificació en huit classes de Soft Skills. Aquestes classes proporcionen descripcions específiques per a cadascuna de les Soft Skills, aplicables als educadors i formadors que treballen en Soft Skills. Els resultats afirmen la hipòtesi plantejada a la investigació. / [EN] The motivation to this research project emerged from both personal and professional sources. In the field of business, as well as many other fields, the definition of professional competence has undergone a major evolution over the past 20 years. As working environments become increasingly digital, but also based on teams and networks, the role of individual skills grow. Employers in business and ICT organizations seek for technical 'hard skills', yet they increasingly look for graduates able to manage themselves, work in teams and networks and solve problems. The need for these 'Soft Skills' has been expressed from the part of Organizations and employers, and their role is believed to grow additionally in the future. However, there are many reasons why educational institutions have found it difficult to capture this challenge. As a result, the labour market is reported to suffer from 'skills gaps', which cause problems for the employers as well as the graduates, and indirectly also to the educators. A main reason for this is that educators lack the awareness of the skills needed in Organizations. In addition, they feel unsure about whether Soft Skills can be promoted, and how this should be conducted. In this research, I elucidate the 'skills gap' and possible solutions to reduce it. I start by defining the character and role of Soft Skills. Subsequently, I inspect the skills acquisition process from the aspect of the mentioned parts, called 'stakeholders'. My objective is to create a method that can consider Soft Skills in a systematic way, in respect to their role for the different stakeholders. To achieve this, a framework of the essential Soft Skills, viable for HEIs and Organizations is composed. Next, a three-dimensional model of the Soft Skills acquisition process is presented. The Method Soft Skills Status indicator (3Si) is then suggested, by operationalizing the elements of the model into three statistical dimensions, 'Significance', 'Learnability' and 'Level'. The proposed Method is subsequently experimented, by launching a survey to 381 business and ICT professionals in four European countries. In the Results section, the outcomes of the survey are presented and discussed. Next, the results are applied to test the Method, which allows a classification in eight classes of Soft Skills. These classes provide specific descriptions for each of the Soft Skills, applicable for educators and trainers working on Soft Skills. The results affirm the hypothesis set to the research. / Schleutker, KEJ. (2021). Detecting, Defining and Developing Soft Skills in Business and ICT Contexts [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/179407

Opinions of registered dietitians on the withholding and withdrawing of food and fluid in the terminally ill

Dietrich, Karen 22 August 2008 (has links)
This study was conducted to investigate the opinions of dietitians regarding the withholding and withdrawing of nutritional support in terminally ill patients. In addition, the role of the dietitian in feeding the terminally ill individual was researched. A mailed questionnaire was sent to 414 registered dietitians employed by the Marriott Corporation with at least one year of clinical experience. Of the 414 deliverable questionnaires, 284 [69%] were returned, and the results were tabulated. Data analysis included frequency distribution. Results indicated that the majority of the dietitians were female younger than 40 years of age with at least a Bachelor of Science degree and were married. Dietitians with experience with advance directives and living wills were more likely to agree that the terminally ill individual and not the physician nor family member had the right to make the decisions regarding his or her medical treatment. There were no statistical differences when broken down according to the different variables. Because most dietitians have not had any formal training in ethics, education for dietitians needs to focus on ethics skills to help dietitians to effectively deal with the challenges facing dietitians pertaining to feeding the terminally ill individual. / Master of Science

The Mediating/Moderating Role of Social Problem Solving Skills in Childhood Aggression

Fikretoglu, Deniz 18 January 2001 (has links)
The purpose of the current study was to examine the mediating role of social problem solving skills in explaining the relationship between early aggression and later behavior problems. Additionally, the moderational role of social problem solving skills was also examined. The criteria proposed by Baron and Kenny (1986) and Holmbeck (1997) were followed to test the mediational and the moderational models. Regression analyses were conducted to examine the relationship between early aggression and social problem solving skills, social problem solving skills and later behavior problems, and early aggression and later behavior problems. Results indicated that social problem solving skills do not mediate the relationship between early aggression and later behavior problems. However, social problem solving skills do moderate this relationship. Further, it was the number of categories generated as opposed to the number of solutions that was the better predictor. The clinical and theoretical implications of these findings are discussed. / Master of Science

Emotion Regulation and Emotionality: An examination of correlates of social skills in young children with High Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders and Typical Development

Reyes, Nuri M. 01 October 2013 (has links)
Background and Aims: Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are characterized by deficits in social interactions and communication, and the presence of stereotypic behaviors and restricted interests. Children with ASD also demonstrate difficulties in emotional competence, including poor emotion regulatory capacity. The goal of this study was to investigate the link of social skills to emotion regulation and emotionality in 3 through 7 year-old children with and without ASD. Methods: Both parental report and behavioral laboratory observations were used to examine emotion regulation and emotionality in 21 typically developing (TD) children and 12 high functioning children with ASD. Results: This study had three major findings. First, an association between enhanced reported emotion regulation and increased social skills was found in children with ASD, but not in TD children. Second, children with ASD demonstrated lower reported emotion regulation, higher reported general negative emotionality, and lower reported general positive emotionality compared to their TD peers. Third, reported emotion regulation was linked to reported specific emotionality in children with ASD and to reported general emotionality in the TD group, though not in the predicted direction. Few significant findings occurred for observed emotion regulation or observed emotionality. Conclusions: Although current results should be interpreted with caution due to small sample size, a link between social skills and parent-reported emotion regulation was found in children with ASD. Children with ASD were also viewed by their parents as having poor emotion regulation and increased negative emotionality compared to their TD peers. Limitations and future research are discussed. / Ph. D.

Examining Relationships of Collegiate Experiences, Gender, and Academic Area with Undergraduate Students' Collaborative Learning Skills

Sahbaz, Sumeyra 15 January 2015 (has links)
Collaborative learning skills are one of the essential learning outcomes for a college education in 21st century. College students are expected to possess the ability to collaborate with others in order to succeed in their career after graduating from college. However, the effects of collegiate experiences on collaborative learning for different gender and academic areas are almost unexplored. In addition, researchers highlight the need for more research on interaction effects to explore whether different types of students respond differently to various collegiate experiences. The researcher examined the relationship of student-student interactions and student-faculty interactions with graduating seniors' perceived collaborative learning skills. Furthermore, the researcher explored whether this relationship was moderated by students' gender, academic area, and retrospective perception of their collaborative learning skills. Social-cognitive learning theory and Astin's involvement theory were used as conceptual frameworks to guide this study. Astin's input-environment-output college impact model served as a theoretical guide. Using an institutional cross-sectional data set, multiple regression analysis was utilized to examine these relationships. According to the results, the relationship between student-student interactions and graduating seniors' perceived collaborative learning skills was positive after controlling for the other independent variables in the study. Further results revealed that the relationship of student-student interactions and student-faculty interactions with the outcome variable was moderated by students' gender, academic area, and retrospective perception of their collaborative learning skill. The relationship between student-faculty interactions and the outcome variable was significantly weaker for male students, whereas the relationship between student-student interactions and the outcome variable was weaker for female student. The relationship between student-faculty interactions and the outcome variable was weaker for students in hard pure academic areas when compared to students in soft applied academic areas, while the opposite was observed for the relationship between student-student interactions and the outcome variable. The findings of the present study can be used to shape students' interactions with faculty and their peers with the awareness that these impact different types of students in different ways. / Ph. D.

Occupational Skills and Gender Wage Gap

Zhou, Yu 18 June 2018 (has links)
This dissertation consists of three essays studying the occupational wages, skills, and gender wage gap in U.S. and other OECD countries. The analysis especially focuses on how the gender differences in skill levels and skill returns could explain the gender wage gaps and changes. The first chapter outlines the dissertation by briefly discussing the motivations, methods, and main findings in each of the following chapters. Chapter 2 focuses on the well-documented wage and employment polarizations in the U.S.. The occupations moving into the lower tail ("in" occupations) have more immigrant workers, more part-time workers, and less female workers. In addition, the wage gaps between domestic/immigrant, full-time/part-time, and male/female workers are also larger in "in" occupations. The opposite facts hold true in the occupations moving out of the lower tail ("out" occupations). Utilizing the regional differences, we also find stronger spillover effect from high-wage occupations to the "out" occupations than the effect to the "in" occupations. Chapter 3 investigates how gender differences in skills beyond education and experience can account for the observed gender wage gap and its changes between 1980 and 2015 by using data from the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) and the Occupational Information Network (O*NET). The main empirical finding is that female workers possess much higher level of caring skills, and the returns to caring skills are significantly negative but have increased over time, accounting for a major part of the persistent gender wage gap and the narrowing gender wage gap from 1980 to 2015. Another significant portion of the narrowed gender wage gap can be attributed to the faster growth in female workers' average directness skills and the fact that the returns to directness skills are significantly positive and stable over time. In the last chapter, we document significant cross-country variation in gender wage gaps among OECD countries by using the data from Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC). We find significant cross-country variation in the gender differences in returns. The gender differences in returns to basic labor and experience are the most important factors in explaining the gender wage gap. In addition, gender differences in returns to cognitive and directness skills are playing milder but substantial roles in explaining the wage gap. We also find the social institutions and attitudes indicators are related to the cross-country variation in gender differences. / Ph. D. / This dissertation makes effort to understand the changes in wages in the U.S. and other OECD countries. I focus on two important features of the changes, namely, wage polarization and change in gender wage gap. Wage polarization describes the uneven changes in wages in different occupations; there is fast wage growth in the high-wage occupations, mild wage growth in the low-wage occupations, and slow even negative wage growth in middle-wage occupations. The analysis shows that technology advancement has increased the productivity of the high-wage occupations. Therefore, the wages in these occupations also increase. Meanwhile, there is strong spillover effect from the high-wage occupations to the low-wage occupations because low-wage occupations mostly provide services to the high-wage occupations. The spillover effect is the most likely cause on the wage growth in the low-wage occupations. In contrast, jobs in the middle-wage occupations are crowded out by the technology advancement. This harms the wage growth in these occupations. Gender wage gap is defined as the gender difference in the social average wages. In the U.S., female workers only earned 55% of what male workers earned in 1980. This number has increased to 70%. In our analysis, we argue that genders have different skills in the daily interaction with people. Female workers have much stronger skills in caring for others. However, this caring skills are negatively rewarded. Fortunately, the rewards to the caring skills are increasing. The negative reward to caring skills and changes in the rewards could account for the remaining gender wage gap and its change. Gender wage gap also presents a significant cross-country variation. Slovenia has gender wage gap at a level of 4% but Japan has a level of 40%. The analysis shows that potential explanation to the variation is social institutions and social attitudes. In a society emphasizing on competition or providing better benefits to maternity leaves, low-skill female workers are more likely to receive lower average wages.

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