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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Porovnání různých způsobů přípravy mléčné žlázy skotu k dojení / Comparison of different ways of cattle lacteal gland preparation before milking

HAJNÁ, Lenka January 2009 (has links)
The objective of diploma work was comparing of different ways of cattle lacteal gland preparation before milking with reference to a milk quality, duration of selected ways of gland preparation and economic costs. There were gradually alleged various ways of gland preparations in parlour of selected agriculture company with breeding of Czech spotted dairy cows breeds {--} the wet, foam and dry way of cleanup. Selected ways of cleanup were applied for a period of three months. The monitoring proceeded in period since April till December 2007.

Chov masných plemen skotu v marginálních oblastech jižních a západních Čech / Beef cattle breeding in the marginal regions of the Southern and the Western Bohemia

KYNKALOVÁ, Pavlína January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this diploma work was to evaluate the level of beef utility at particular breeds. The breeds were bred in different climatic conditions of foothills and mountain regions of the Southern and the Western Bohemia. It was observed the use of permanent green grass by beef cattle´s pasture in relation of reached utility. There were included in total 31 farms in monitoring. The farms keep 7 breeds (Aberdeen Angus, Galloway, Hereford, Highland, Charolais, Simentál and Salers). There were 16 farms situated in regions under 600 meters above sea-level and 15 farms in regions over 600 meters above sea-level. The data were collected during 5 years. At cows, month of calving and occurrance of complicated births, have been recorded. The weight of calves at birth, in the age of 120, 210 and in certain cases also 365 days, has been checked. There were counted the average daily gains to mentioned weights. The group has been sorted according to breeds, elevation above sea-level and sex of the calves.

Vliv využití pastvy při odchovu jalovic na jejich užitkovost / Effect of grazing heifers in the rearing of their performance

KUKLOVÁ, Jana January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this work is to evaluate the course of rearing Red Pied heifers reared with use of graze and stable and review effect of graze use on subsequence performance in 1st lactation. In selected breed was monitored process of heifer grow by periodical weighting in three months interval, furthermore was taken for these heifers these reproduction indices: 1st insemination age, insemination index, 1st calve age. Heifers are divided by rearing form (graze, stable) and compared differences in grow intesities and reproduction efficiency between particular groups. Subsequently, for cows on first lactation were monitored and compared these indices: level of milk performance, content of milk elements, degree of physical condition, indices of fertility. Dairy cows are divided into groups according to how they were reared as heifers (graze, stable). When comparing growth of heifers, grazed heifers reaches higher values than group of not grazed heifers. Grazed heifers grows more quickly: at age 3 months was their average weight 93,26 Kg against 88,30 Kg not grazed heifers. At age 6 months was weight of grazed heifers 169,51 kg against 161,80 kg not grazed heifers, At age 9 months was values 236,47 kg for grazed heifers, 228,07 kg for not grazed heifers, at age 12 months 326,62 kg and 299,87 kg, at age 15 months 366,11 kg and 359,98 kg. From reproduction indices have been found statistically significant differences in age at 1st insemination, when the grazed heifers were flushed in average age of 18,43 months against not grazed heifers in age of 17,12 months. In addition, was found statistically significant differences in age at first calving, when the values obtained for the group of grazed heifers was 28.63 months and for not grazed heifers 27,73 months. First calving heifers reared on graze produce in lactation average 7 782,4 Kg of milk, first calving heifers reared in stable produce in lactation average 7 064,40 Kg of milk. Differences was statistically significant. Average duration of lactation at first calving heifers reared on graze was 359,47 days, duration of lactation at first calving heifers reared in stable was 329,01 days. Differences was statistically highly significant. From the linear description is clear that graze has positive effect on heifers muscling and limbs. In overall assessment made grazed heifers higher rating points 81,43 for heifers reared on graze and 81,00 point for heifers reared in stable. These differences could not be statistically demonstrated.

Vyhodnocení užitkovosti a plodnosti krav ve stádě českého strakatého skotu / Evaluation milk yield and fertility cows in drove of Bohemian Spotted cattle

ZADÁKOVÁ, Martina January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this work was evaluation of milk yield and fertility of cows´ groups, which were formed on the basis of milk production quantity, age, a calving season, pedigree, body framework of cattle and a level of body condition. There were evaluated results at 690 cows in years from 2004 to 2007. The foundation dates about the yield and the fertility of animals were abtoined by check of the yield. The body framework of cattle and condition were investigated with regular month intervals during the year 2007. Body condition was considered in an interval from 1 to 5 points with accuracy of 0,25 point. During the watching years milk yield increased from 6 616 kg to 8 507 kg. Milk components reduced with increasing milk yield, when the contents of fat was gradually reduced from initial 4,2 % to 3,87 %. The contens of proteins was also reduced from 3,5 % to 3,37 %. It was investigated that the decline of body condition after calving was connected with extension of insemination interval and service period by six days and its increase with shortening of interval and SP by four days. The higher milk yield (8 281 kg) but at the same time longer service period was investigated with cows of bigger body framework (the hight in back from 145 to 150 cm). During the evaluation of effect breeding groups (C1, C2, C3) to fertility weren´t investigated more important differences among the groups. But the breeding groups influence the hight of milk yield, ehen the C3 group (share of dairy breed more than 50 %) has the highest milk yield (7 866 kg). The highest milk yield was investigated with cows at the second lactation period (7 900 kg), at the third lactation period was almost on the same level (7 886 kg)and in the following lactation periods the quantity of milk gradually fell down. The examination of lactation curve courses at cows´ group with a different level of yield indicated , thet the higher care in a herd is devoted to milk production than to cows´ fertility. The length of service period at the highyield cows was as 200 days.

Chovatelské a ekonomické vyhodnocení chovu masného skotu / Breeder and economic evaluation of beef cattle rearing

ZRŮBKOVÁ, Ludmila January 2011 (has links)
This dissertation deals with the issue of breeding and economic evaluation of beef cattle within the company 'Zemědělské družstvo Krásná Hora nad Vltavou a.s.' between 2009 and 2010. The goal of this work is to evaluate the breeding standard of Blonde d' Aquitaine livestock breed in the above-mentioned company's breeding barns in Vysoký Chlumec, Obděnice, Skrýšov, Hojšín and Narysov. The results show that the profitability of beef cattle breeding is possible only on condition of subsidies and significant wages and overhead costs lowering.

Etologické projevy býků v průběhu výkrmu / Ethological manifestation of bulls during fattening

ŽÁČEK, Pavel January 2008 (has links)
The object of graduation theses was catch up the basic category of bull´s behaviour (food taking, resting, standing, movement). The bulls are stabled in free full grating system and they are here from start until the end of fattening with regard to racial differences among them. Average time of taking feed during whole fattening was 4.68 hours (19.4 %). Average time of caregory´s movement durinng whole fattening was 1.30 hours (5.4 %). Average time of resting was 13.41 hours (56.0 %). Average time of standing was 4.62 hours (19.2 %).

Analýza vybraných vlivů ovlivňujících reprodukci plemenic skotu / Analysis of the chosen effects affecting dairy cow´s reproduction

PROKŮPEK, Petr January 2008 (has links)
Cow{\crq}s dairy reproduction and it{\crq}s level of efficiency are main topics of interest of our breeders. Constant downward trend of important reproduction indicators, often reaching critical values, is becoming main problem of many agricultural plants aligned to beef-raising. The higher attention to beef-raising is needed especially in the foothill areas and in regions with harder conditions (LFA areas). Beef-raising is not aimed to fulfil only a production, it also stands for unsubstituable reproduction functions. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate reproduction indicators in three different breedings in the five year range 2002-2006 (such as insemination interval, intersemination interval, servis cycle, insemination index, parturition interval and pregnancy percentage after first insemination) on the chosen dairycows. According the level the individual breedings were compared (Rychnov nad Malsi, Vlci Jamy, Tesov) testing the CESTR runt. In Rychnov nad Malsi, where the runt CESTR and HOLSTYN are breeded, the differences between these runt{\crq}s reproduction indicators were evaluated. The level of milk efficiency, the methods of beef-raising, month of calving and order of lactation were taken into account. The length of SP is unsatisfactory in all breedings. The average SP in the whole period under observation were in Rychnov nad Malsi 125,2 days (CESTR), in Vlci Jamy 123,5 days and in Tesov 125,7 days. Average length of parturition interval in the whole period of observation were in Rychnov nad Malsi 402 days, in Vlci Jamy 418 days and in Tesov 415 days. Also the very low percentage of in-calfing after first insemination was discovered in Rychnov nad Malsi and in Tesov (under 40%). It wasn{\crq}t proved the significant influence of the month of the cow{\crq}s calving and the influence of pasture to the length of period. The HOLSTYN breed proved that it is able to produce more milk under the same conditions, despite the fact that its achieved efficinecy of the milk production is average in Czech Republic, more over it shows worse results in reproduction (except insemination interval) compared to czech{\crq}s spotted cattle. Based on the count of calving per lifetime of cow it was proved the positive influence of grazing catlle on the longevity of cows compared to Czech republic{\crq}s average. Observed indicators of milk efficiency and cow{\crq}s reproduction system are in observed breedings significantly affected by breed, the level of sustenance and dairycow{\crq}s management.

Posouzení užitkovostia plodnosti u stád českého strakatého skotu chovaných v podhorských a horských oblastech. / The assessment the performance and fertility of Czech Spotted cattle herds bred in submountain and mountain regions.

BUDINOVÁ, Dagmar January 2008 (has links)
In mountain and submountain regions the cattle breeding participates in appearence of the landscape and its mainenance. The most common breed used in mountain and submountain regions is Czech Pied cattle. Czech Pied cattle shows very good pasture ability in these regions. I evaluated suitability of Czech Pied breed at the maximal bulk feed exploitation in the permanent grassland in Šumava region in my diploma work. Milk performance and fertility was evaluate in relation to rank of lactacion, the month of calve, the year of calve and genotype.

Vliv mikroklimatu stáje na welfare hospodářských zvířat ve vybraném podniku. / Effect of stable microclimate on the welfare of livestock in a selected company.

HÁNA, Bohumil January 2011 (has links)
The theme of my thesis is focused on assessing the impact of changes in the microclimate of the stable welfare of dairy cows. Measurement was done in selected company called VOD Hrádek in it´s stable VKK Tedražice by measuring the basic external features and microclimate and it all was resulting in assessment of their impact on welfare of dairy cows.

Ekologické aspekty vylučování zinku a mědi u skotu / The ecological aspect emanation of zinc and copper in the cattle

JURKOVÁ, Petra January 2009 (has links)
The objective of my diploma thesis was to determine the ecological impact of zinc and copper on the dairy and beef cattle breeding in the South-West Bohemia region at the farms located in the Šumava Protected Landscape Area, at the elevation from 750 m to 1070 m. The research included 4 cattle breeding farms, Posobice and Nemilkov {--} dairy cattle, and Hartmanice, Keple {--} beef cattle. In my thesis, I first evaluate the importance of zinc and copper as important mineral matters and their overall influence of the cattle organism. Furthermore, I evaluate their manifestations when these matters are lacking or in surplus in the organism. The final part of the thesis comprises two areas of findings. The first part focuses on the total intake in feed and mineral additives, the level of their content in blood plasma and their quantity excreted by cattle in the individual dairy and beef cattle breeding farms specified above. The second part researches the release of zinc and copper to the environment.

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