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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Volnočasové aktivity dospělých lidí s mentálním postižením v Praze - možnosti podpory při plánování a realizaci / Free time activities of adults with mental disability in Prague - the possibility of support in the planning and implementation

Kordíková, Hana January 2011 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Free Time Activities of Adults with Mental Disability in Prague - the Possibility of Support in the Planning and Implementation" was written with the general objective to point out this issue in the Czech Republic. The theoretical part is aimed at introduction into areas, which are closely related with this issue. It deals with free time in general, characteristics of mental retardation and the adulthood of a person with intellectual disability. The final chapter, which deals specifically with leisure of people with intellectual disabilities, is based primarily on foreign studies and experience. The practical part consists of two investigations. The first was focused on finding organizations providing support to people with intellectual disabilities in leisure time and on precise determination of their activities (through interviews). A directory has been created with a list of offered individual support and group activities. In the second 18 interviews were conducted with adults with intellectual disability living in the current environment to determine how they think of their free time. Common characteristic of free time most of the respondents were: the popularity of group activities designed for adults with mental disabilities, as well as an interest in common activities with...

Využití problémového vyučování při výuce účetnictví na středních školách / The Use of Problem-based Teaching in Accounting Education in Secondary Schools

Fišerová, Marie January 2008 (has links)
This dissertation deals with the possibilities of using the teaching methods offered by the concept of teaching through problem solving in accounting education in business academies and economic lyceums. The main aim of this type of teaching should be above all the introduction of accounting as an important part of the students' economic thinking. The use of problem-based teaching is especially useful when explaining topics fundamental for the understanding of the basic principles of accounting. Accrual Basis Accounting being one of these topics, the thesis presents didactic material suited for problem-based teaching of this subject matter. It falls into the area of didactics of accounting, i.e. a scientific discipline deriving from the didactics of economic subjects.

Writer´s Room v české seriálové tvorbě / WRITERS’ ROOM IN MAKING OF CZECH SERIES

Koubek, Petr January 2017 (has links)
The use of writers room in making of Czech television series, is the

Pojištění více životů a skupinové pojištění / Multiple life insurance and group insurance

Broukalová, Jana January 2014 (has links)
This thesis aims to familiarize the reader with the topic of life insurance, especially insurance taken out for more people. Its focus is empirical rather as combining the use of several actuarial and statistical methods through three statistical software and applications created in MS Excel using VBA. First, thesis is focused to multiple life insurance with intention to show reader the diversity of this interesting but rarely offered product in business world, especially through the application created for the purpose of this work. Sense of mentioned application lies in the fact it is able to calculate amount of the net premium for a user-selected type of insurance. Based on this outcome insurer can determine the net price corresponding to the chosen risk coverage (regardless of the amount of the costs associated with this type of insurance and required profitability). Age of insured person isn't usually part of calculation of premium for accident insurance. One of the aims of this study is to assess whether this parameter actually has or doesn't have any effect on the price of insurance. With help of SPSS and RStudio software relationship between age of insured person and amount of indemnification from daily compensation insurance has been researched. Based on the test of variable independence were detected dependencies of these variables where all of which used measure of association suggests a weak dependence amount of indemnification on the age of the insured. It surely worth insurer should consider different insurance rates for various ages of insured person. Following by examination whether the rate used to calculate premiums in case of hospitalization extra insurance corresponds to the actual risk coverage. It has been calculated the rate could be lower than currently used due to the loss experience of insurance for the past 9 years and the assumption of certain expenses and desired profit. It would be cheaper for insurance group contracts than it is today, when the insurer has done so. It could also attract new clientele. The last stated goal in this thesis is to create prognosis of the amount of indemnity paid for injuries covered by additional daily compensation insurance. Using the software EViews is analyzed this trend in the past 32 months first. Based on its outcome there is a future level forecast created for the next four years. These resulting values indicate the insurance indemnity for group contract will grow. Therefore, based on this analysis insurer should to conclude in the contract it would be appropriate to increase the premium of the insurance coverage. With these practical tasks the reader can get idea not only of problems solved in the scope of multiple life insurance and group insurance but also to become familiar with some statistical software used for analyzes carried out not only in the insurance industry. The conclusions of this thesis can also be beneficial for insurer who may adjust premium prices of analyzed insurances.

Komparace výuky ekonomických předmětů na odborných ekonomických středních školách v České republice a Německu / Comparison of teaching of economic subjects at secondary special schools of economics in the Czech republic nad Germany

Mohrová, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
This dissertation thesis deals with a comparison of teaching of economic subjects at secondary special schools of economics in the Czech republic nad Germany. The thesis focuses on a different usage of conceptions and organizational forms of teaching that undoubtedly have a great impact on a teaching process. I also investigate other parameters such as the contentual aspect of education, didactic principles or the usage of didactic technics during the teaching process. It is a teacher, above all, who impacts the instruction by making a choice between traditional and problem-based teaching, and therefore fundamentally affects the teaching process, the extent to which students are involved in their lessons, as well as students' activity and motivation. The goal of my thesis is to compare teaching of economic subjects in the Czech Republic and Germany. The comparison is focused on an affirmation of differentiated instruction, on its impact on different levels of activity and motivation of students and the extent to which students are involved in their lessons. I would also like to refer to the fact that using of the problem-based teaching method leads to an assurance of meeting requested results grounded in crucial and professional competences of general educational programmes. To compare the types of teaching processes I have chosen to use a direct observation method that I have realised by making inspections of classes at business colleges, economic lyceums in the Czech Republic and at business grammar schools in two Federal Republics.

Kryptografická ochrana digitální identity / Cryptographic Protection of Digital Identity

Dzurenda, Petr January 2019 (has links)
Dizertační práce se zabývá kryptografickými schématy zvyšující ochranu soukromí uživatelů v systémech řízení přístupu a sběru dat. V současnosti jsou systémy fyzického řízení přístupu na bázi čipových karet využívány téměř dennodenně většinou z nás, například v zaměstnání, ve veřejné dopravě a v hotelech. Tyto systémy však stále neposkytují dostatečnou kryptografickou ochranu a tedy bezpečnost. Uživatelské identifikátory a klíče lze snadno odposlechnout a padělat. Funkce, které by zajišťovaly ochranu soukromí uživatele, téměř vždy chybí. Proto je zde reálné riziko možného sledovaní lidí, jejich pohybu a chovaní. Poskytovatelé služeb nebo případní útočníci, kteří odposlouchávají komunikaci, mohou vytvářet profily uživatelů, ví, co dělají, kde se pohybují a o co se zajímají. Za účelem zlepšení tohoto stavu jsme navrhli čtyři nová kryptografická schémata založená na efektivních důkazech s nulovou znalostí a kryptografii eliptických křivek. Konkrétně dizertační práce prezentuje tři nová autentizační schémata pro využití v systémech řízení přístupu a jedno nové schéma pro využití v systémech sběru dat. První schéma využívá distribuovaný autentizační přístup vyžadující spolupráci více RFID prvků v autentizačním procesu. Tato vlastnost je výhodná zvláště v případech řízení přístupu do nebezpečných prostor, kdy pro povolení přístupu uživatele je nezbytné, aby byl uživatel vybaven ochrannými pomůckami (se zabudovanými RFID prvky). Další dvě schémata jsou založena na atributovém způsobu ověření, tj. schémata umožňují anonymně prokázat vlastnictví atributů uživatele, jako je věk, občanství a pohlaví. Zatím co jedno schéma implementuje efektivní revokační a identifikační mechanismy, druhé schéma poskytuje nejrychlejší verifikaci držení uživatelských atributů ze všech současných řešení. Poslední, čtvrté schéma reprezentuje schéma krátkého skupinového podpisu pro scénář sběru dat. Schémata sběru dat se používají pro bezpečný a spolehlivý přenos dat ze vzdálených uzlů do řídící jednotky. S rostoucím významem chytrých měřičů v energetice, inteligentních zařízení v domácnostech a rozličných senzorových sítí, se potřeba bezpečných systémů sběru dat stává velmi naléhavou. Tato schémata musí podporovat nejen standardní bezpečnostní funkce, jako je důvěrnost a autentičnost přenášených dat, ale také funkce nové, jako je silná ochrana soukromí a identity uživatele či identifikace škodlivých uživatelů. Navržená schémata jsou prokazatelně bezpečná a nabízí celou řadu funkcí rozšiřující ochranu soukromí a identity uživatele, jmenovitě se pak jedná o zajištění anonymity, nesledovatelnosti a nespojitelnosti jednotlivých relací uživatele. Kromě úplné kryptografické specifikace a bezpečnostní analýzy navržených schémat, obsahuje tato práce také výsledky měření implementací jednotlivých schémat na v současnosti nejpoužívanějších zařízeních v oblasti řízení přístupu a sběru dat.

Zkušenosti lektorů Feldenkraisovy metody s využitím skupinových lekcí Pohybem k sebeuvědomění u dětí / Experiences of the Feldenkrais Method Practitioners with group lessons Awareness Through Movement for Children

Nejdlová, Eliška January 2017 (has links)
Title of the Thesis: Experiences of the Feldenkrais Method Practitioners with group lessons Awareness Through Movement for Children The Aim of the Thesis: The Aim of the Thesis is finding out possible uses of Feldenkrais Method (FM) - Awareness Through Movement (ATM) in group lessons for children. We will use theoretical sources and information gained by internationally certified practitioners who use FM lessons for children groups. Method: We will use theoretical qualitative research Phenomenological conception, which has descriptive-analytical character. We chose this research because it was the most suitable one. Its main goal is description and analysis of the experience gained in the specific area. (phenomenon, action, situation or process). We cooperated with internationally certified practitioners who have used FM lessons for children groups. The research was provided by the written interview with open questions. Gained information were analyzed by topic analysis and then evaluated from the view of different topics. Results: The Thesis was dealing with the phenomenon of group lessons of Feldenkrais method (FM) - Awareness Through Movement (ATM). The results showed that this method and its principles can be used for children with or without specific needs from the age of two or three. We...

Selhání a úspěchy veřejných politik: Případová studie organizační reformy na úřadech práce / Policy Failure and Policy Success: Case Study of Labor Offices Organizational Reform

Hiekischová, Michaela January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with policy failure and policy success and aims at introducing this issue into the context of the Czech Republic. The main perspective of the thesis follows approaches to analysis of policy success and policy failure developed by Mark Bovens, Paul 't Hart, and Allan McConnell. Their theoretical assumption is complex, as they evaluate the policies upon the criteria of the more general dimensions (process, program, and politics). The goal of the thesis is not only to utilize their theoretical background but also to refine and reconceptualize current theory of policy success and policy failure, respectively. The thesis is based on case study research design. The chosen case - organizational reform of labor offices - is considered as a typical policy failure. I describe and analyze in detail the selected case with a wide range of qualitative and quantitative methods. This reform was extensive and was realized in two stages. The first stage focused on the organizational structure (from decentralized to centralized management). The second stage included changes in the content of the public employment services provided by the labor offices (the newly introduced services were all non-insurance social benefits). The analysis of labor offices reform seeks to answer the following questions,...

Skupinové vyučování v tématickém celku biologie člověka. / Teaching in groups used in topics of human biology.

Grzybková, Helena January 2010 (has links)
Teaching in groups is the organizational form of teaching. Students are divided into several groups and they cooperate to solve certain task. Mutual help and involvement of passive and diffident student is a big advantage. This form of teaching has disadvantages and several problems too. Teacher should arrange and prepare everything carefully. Teacher's role is different in this type of teaching. When teacher is planning, he should realize what he wants to achieve, how large groups will be appropriate, how to divide students into groups etc. Classical arrangement of class for frontal teaching is inappropriate for teaching in groups. In this form of teaching students should see each other. All groups can do the same work or each group can do a different work. Student assessment is a problem in this way of teaching too. Some teachers can not cope with this. Teaching in groups may not be always cooperative. Key words: activating form of teaching, teaching in groups, cooperative teaching, teaching in pair, heterogeneous group, homogeneous group, role in the group, cooperative skills

Návrh testů komunikace se skupinovým adresováním v IP / Design of IP Multicast Communication Tests

Stehura, Igor January 2008 (has links)
This masters thesis is about mutlicast. There are explained 2nd and 3th layers of the ISO/OSI model multicast addressing. Routers in a network use multicast routing protocols to optimally route multicast packet through the network, this is also in this project. These multicast protocols are DVMRP, protocol PIM in his two modes, PIM Sparse Mode and PIM Dense Mode. Protocol DVMRP uses protocol IGMP, which is described as well. At practical section of this masters thesis is presented connections, by which tests was executed.

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