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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

České a slovenské kontaktové lexikálne javy v ich metajazykovej reflexii ( na báze textových korpusov) / Czech and Slovak Contact Lexical Phenomena in Their Metalanguage Reflection (text corpus-based)

Gajdošová, Katarína January 2017 (has links)
The present work focuses on metalanguage comments in Slovak and Czech texts. The comments occur together with contact-induced phenomena employed by both languages and can be identified in text fragments, such as Áno, taký som aj ostanem, lebo vraj starého psa novým kouskúm nenaučíš - ako hovoria bratia Česi / Nebyl jsem schopen jídla, ale lemtal jsem vodu "ani ťava", jak říkají bratia Slováci. The given issue is presented in the context of research focusing on the non-theoretic (folk, naive) metalinguistic reflection. The usage of metalanguage comments, accompanying deliberately contact-induced phenomena, is a testament to the existence of the Czech-Slovak and Slovak-Czech language contact and it clearly shows how Slovak and Czech language users intentionally employ words, multi-word units, idioms and other linguistic devices from the other language to fulfill their communicative intention. By using the contact-induced phenomena from the closely related language the speaker can achieve various communicativ e goals and effects including actualization and refreshing of his or her utterance, being more expressive and filling in subjectively perceived intro-linguistic lacuna. The starting point of the analysis of the metalanguage comments were the data from the Slovak and Czech corpus. A range of...

Porovnávání středoevropských jazyků: za horizont strukturních rysů a lexikálních přejímek / Comparing Central European languages: beyond structual features and loanwords

Januška, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
Disertační práce Porovnávání středoevropských jazyků: za horizont strukturních rysů a lexikálních přejímek se soustředí na zhodnocení a přehodnocení přístupu k výzkumu jazyků střední Evropy. Hlavním cílem předkládané práce je (1) podat přehled dosavadních poznatků o porovnávání středoevropských jazyků, (2) na jeho základě naznačit možné nové směřování němu přispět. Druhá kapitola práce se věnuje areálové lingvistice, jakožto disciplíně zaměřené na výzkum podobnosti a konvergence geograficky blízkých jazyků, a zejména jejímu ústřednímu pojmu . Představuje okolnosti jeho vzniku, jeho různé definice a jeho kritické (pře)hodnocení pracích současných areálových lingvistů. Třetí kapitola sumarizuje výzkum středoevropských jazyků: různé koncepce středoevropského (popř. dunajského) jazykového svazu vzájemné vlivy lexika a frazeologie těchto jazyků a popisy situací jazykového kontaktu v areálu. Tento přehled ukázal, že hlavními doménami porovnávání jazyků areálu dosud byly strukturní rysy a lexikální přejímky a kalky. Novější vývoj lingvistiky, jak je naznačeno ve čtvrté kapitole, však operuje rovněž s jazykovými jednotkami, které překlenují a relativizují -lexikon. Nabízí se tedy, aby se rovněž komparativní výzkum středoevropských jazyků soustředil na tyto jevy zahrnutelné pod pojem idiomatičnosti. Pátá kapitola...

Vysoké Tatry jako pole konfrontace české a slovenské moderní architektury / High Tatras as a field of confrontation of Czech and Slovak modern architecture

Rusňáková, Lucia January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis author will conduct a study about architecture in the territory of the High Tatras in the period from the beginning of the recreational and spa architecture to the preparation of the World Championships in the classic ski disciplines in 1970. The topic will be developed firstly in the wider context of the discovery of the mountains by the European culture, gradual settlement and the economic use of the mountains and the emergence and development of climate baths and mountain sports centres. The heart of the study will show the High Tatras as an area of contacts of the Slovak, Czech, Hungarian and Polish architecture, with an emphasis on the mutual influences of Czech and Slovak architecture in the years 1918- 1970. Selected buildings in the area of High Tatras will be subject to comparative analysis and some of them will be compared with similar works of their authors in other parts of Slovakia and the Czech Republic. The aim of the comparative part is to determine the specifics of Slovak and Czech modern architecture and to determine the specific features of the High Tatras architecture. Keywords High Tatras, Slovak Architecture, Czech Architecture, Spa Architecture, Sports Architecture, Historism, Art Nouveau, Modernism, Functionalism

Státní podpora rodin v systému sociální ochrany - komparace současného stavu v České a Slovenské republice / The State Support for Families in the Social Protection System - the Comparison of the Current Situation in the Czech and Slovak Republics

Pfeferová, Dita January 2011 (has links)
English Summary: The thesis "The State Support for Families in the Social Protection System - the Comparison of the Current Situation in the Czech and Slovak Republics" focuses on the comparison of the current direct financial aid to families with young children. The attention was paid to the social situations associated with pregnancy, motherhood and parenting, as the birth of a child means economic and social consequences for most families, especially the increased financial costs connected with education and child care and parenting and the negative impact of motherhood on employment of the women with young children. The theoretical part defines the principles, objectives and models of family policies and their ability to deal with social events of the families with children. In the following part the quick analysis of the participants was carried out in order to assess their attitudes and interests as for the family policy. The basic objectives and principles of the family policy in both reference countries are articulated explicitly in the national family policy concepts and are focused on the socio-economic situation of the families and on the reconciliation of family and working obligations. As well as the attention of political parties devoted to the family policy focuses in particular on the...

Školní projekty ve výuce přírodovědných předmětů na 2. stupni základních škol v České republice a Slovenské republice / Project-based Teaching in Science Subjects in the Second Stage of Czech and Slovak Basic Schools

Pouchová, Milena January 2011 (has links)
The new curriculum reforms of Czech and Slovak educational systems provide schools enough room for new effective methods developing pupil's key competence. The dissertation deals with one of them - the project-based teaching, especially in science subjects in the second stage of basic school. It presents results of a comparative study which was conducted 2008/2009 school year. The most important aim was to establish and compare common characteristics of realized projects. The sample consisted of 180 Czech and 71 Slovak basic schools. The projects data and views of teachers were collected via a questionnaire. The results of the survey indicated that project-based teachings in science subjects was used in more than 80 % of Czech schools and more than 60 % of Slovak schools. Schools in both countries preferred projects realized only in one class, by one teacher and within the frame of one science subject. Czech schools preferred short projects that lasted no more than one week, Slovak schools organized mostly long projects lasting more than one week. Most projects in Czech schools were short-term, lasting on average no more than one week. Projects in Slovak schools on the other hand lasted on average more than one week. The majority of projects were planned and prepared by a teacher. Teachers were...

Srovnání vybraných českých a slovenských vysokoškolských knihoven : na příkladu Univerzity Karlovy v Praze a Univerzity Komenského v Bratislavě / Comparison of selected Czech and Slovak academic libraries : on the example of Charles University in Prague and Comenius University in Bratislava

Juračková, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
(in English) The goal of the thesis is to describe, evaluate and compare the present state of university libraries at the Charles University in Prague and Comenius University in Bratislava. The first chapter briefly describes the present state of Czech and Slovakian university libraries, their anchorage in the laws of the given state and also deals with societies associating the university libraries. The second chapter describes history, present and prospects of three selected faculties of Charles University and Comenius University (Faculty of Art, Faculty of Law and Faculty of Physical Education and Sport) and also the buildings where the faculties are located are described. The third chapter already follows up the libraries of the selected faculties, their history, services, personnel, space descriptions, and their promotion among the general public etc.. The fourth and fifth chapter presents the main body of the work. These chapters include assessment of the questionnaire survey, between to the directors of the selected libraries, and comparison of these libraries on the basis of the survey and other obtained data. [author abstract]

Česká a slovenská veřejná diplomacie po roce 1993: transformace Českých center a Slovenských institutů / Czech and Slovak Public Diplomacy after 1993: The Transformation of Czech Centres and Slovak Institutes

Bazalová, Vendula January 2013 (has links)
The dissertation "Czech and Slovak Public Diplomacy after 1993: The Transformation of Czech Centres and Slovak Institutes" seeks to compare Czech and Slovak model of public and cultural diplomacy after the peaceful separation of Czechoslovakia in 1993. It seeks to investigate whether the two countries embarked on similar journeys in their foreign affairs and whether the public and cultural diplomacy is at the forefront of their international policies. The dissertation aims to establish whether to accept or reject the hypothesis that the same historical circumstances and transformational similarities inevitably lead to similarities of Czech and Slovak public and cultural diplomacy. The first chapter of the dissertation focuses on a theoretical interpretation of public and cultural diplomacy. The second chapter of the dissertation deals with both countries' historical experience and describes the model of public and cultural diplomacy in each country from year 1993 to now. This part of the dissertation delineates conceptual documentation and describes the institutional dimension of this issue. The third and fourth chapter of the dissertation then separately deal with Czech Centres and Slovak Institutes as the primary players in the cultural diplomacy abroad. The final and core chapter of the...

Estetika okraja a hranice (K vybraným aspektom fenoménov okraja a hranice v slovenskej literatúre 20. storočia v stredoeurópskom kontexte) / Aesthetics of Periphery and Border (To Selected Aspects of Periphery and Border Phenomenon in Slovak Literature of the 20th Century in Central European Context).

Passia, Radoslav January 2012 (has links)
Radoslav P a s s i a Aesthetics of Periphery and Border (To Selected Aspects of Periphery and Border Phenomenon in Slovak Literature of the 20th Century in Central European Context) Abstract The dissertation deals with selected aspects of periphery and border phenomenon in Slovak literature of the 20th century in Central European context. In the preliminary chapter Border the author focuses particularly on selected texts by Central European writers which are thematically set in the Eastern Carpathians. This radically multiethnic region is considered to be one of the relatively independent cultural areas of Central Europe by the author. Narrative perspectives of a stranger, outcast, migrant in combination with the themes of border and conflict between vernacular and alien are characteristic for the literary image of the Eastern Carpathian border area in the 20th century. The author looks at the way the literary appearance of this area is ideologically deformed in the works of individual authors. The writers (mainly Czech and Polish) who do not come from the Eastern Carpathian border area use characters of strangers to reflect on the relationship between the modern and the traditional. Autochthonous authors often make use of the stranger characters to depict the area's self-colonial efforts in relation to the...

Edvard Beneš a slovenská otázka v druhém československém zahraničním odboji / Edvard Beneš and the Slovak issue at the Second Czechoslovak resistance

Kadlecová, Zita January 2013 (has links)
This work Edvard Beneš and the Slovak issue at the Second Czechoslovak resistance focuses on the explanation of selected issues in the history of Czechoslovakian politics during the Second Czechoslovak resistance in Paris, London and Moscow between 1938-1945. This interpretation will concentrate on changes in the resistance, especially with regard to the issues affecting Slovaks and Slovakia in the period from the autumn of 1938 to the spring of 1945. It attempts as much as possible to describe and analyze the transformations in the perception of the Slovak issue while Czechoslovakian government was in exile, paying particular attention to this in relation to President E. Beneš, his followers and Slovakian members of the resistance movement. This topic will be studied highlighting significant aspects of wartime events, staging of foreign action and the situation back home - in the Protectorate and in the Slovak State. Also the actions of opposition and its key leaders will be mentioned. The aim of this research is to show the development and progression of conceptions of the Slovak issue in chronological stages of foreign resistance. Another aim is to illustrate the influence of the international political circumstances, the foreign policy orientation of the Czechoslovak exile, and events in the...

Kontrola evropských záležitostí v Národné radě Slovenské republiky / Scrutiny of European Affairs in the National Council of the Slovak Republic

Čavojec, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the topic of individual parliamentary scrutiny of European affairs in Slovakia. The aim of this thesis is to determine which factors influenced the formally strong system of parliamentary scrutiny in the Slovak National Assembly. 6 factors will be analyzed - Late accession to the EU, parliamentary strength, bargaining strength in the Council of EU, public euroscepticism, euroscepticism of political parties and the frequency of coalition and minority governments. The strength of parliamentary scrutiny can also be influenced by informal aspects. The informal aspects in this thesis will be mainly concerned with the efforts of the members of the European Affairs Committee to acquire additional information about legislative proposals of the EU in an informal way and also their efforts for a better cooperation in parliamentary scrutiny among various political parties. The empirical analysis found, that the factor of late accession to the EU and euroscepticism of political parties had the biggest effect on the formally strong system of parliamentary scrutiny in Slovakia. A partial effect can be also attributed to the factors of public euroscepticism and the frequency of coalition and minority governments. Even though a formally strong system of parliamentary scrutiny does exist in...

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