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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Razvoj ontološki baziranog informacionog sistema državnih kreditno-garancijskih fondova / Development of the ontological based information system of the state credit-guarantee funds

Arsovski Saša 26 November 2015 (has links)
<p>Tri osnovna cilja su predmet istraživanja u doktorskoj disertaciji. Prvi cilj je da se prouče mogućnosti modelovanja poslovnih informacionih sistema kori&scaron;ćenjem ontolo&scaron;kog pristupa modelovanju informacionih sistema. Drugi cilj je da se razvije model informacionog sistema državnih garancijskih fondova baziran na primeni objektnog i ontolo&scaron;kog pristupa modelovanju. Treći cilj je da se implementira prototip informacionog sistema državnih kreditno-garancijskih fondova i da se verifikuje na slučaju Grancijskog fonda APV. Metodologija: Za modelovanje sistema je kori&scaron;ćen ontolo&scaron;ki pristup primenom metodologije METHONTOLOGY, kao i alati za modeliranje i analizu ontologija (Protege). Za implementaciju prototipa je kori&scaron;ćena Microsoft .NET platforma. Rezultati istraživanja su verifikovani i testirani sa podacima iz poslovnih aktivnosti Garancijskog fonda APV.<br />Rezultati. U ovoj disertaciji su ostvareni sledeći rezultati: Na osnovu istraţivanja iz oblasti modelovanja informacionih sistema primenom ontolo&scaron;kog pristupa i identifikovanih modela funkcionisanja državnih garancijskih fondova, kreiran je konceptualni model drţavnih garancijskih fondova koji je poslužio kao osnova za razvoj ontolo&scaron;kog modela Garancijskog fonda APV. Ontolo&scaron;ki model OMGFAPV je kreiran upotrebom Methontology metodologije. OMGFAPV semantički opisuje poziciju i hijerarhiju Garancijskog fonda APV u okvirupokrajinske administracije kao i sadržaje koji su iskori&scaron;ćeni dalji za razvoj dela informacionog sistema Garancijskog fonda APV. U okviru ovih istraţivanja ostvarena su dva naučna doprinosa. Prvi doprinos je predlog metodologije transformacije semantičkih sadrţaja koji su opisani u ontolo&scaron;kom modelu u korisnički interfejs (KI) koji je standardna komponenta informacionog sistema. Drugi doprinos odnosi se na upotrebu ontolo&scaron;kih modela za modelovanje i implementaciju poslovne logike. Ova istraţivanja su obuhvatila specifičnosti podr&scaron;ke odlučivanju u procesu izdavanja garancija u državnim garancijskim fondovima. Rezultat istraţivanja je SCORE ontologija koja predstavlja zasebnu komponentu informacionog sistema Garancijskog fonda APV. Ograničenja istraživanja / implikacije: Ograničenjapredloţenog modela OMGFAPV odnose se na potrebu njegovog pro&scaron;irivanja usled specifičnih potreba, odnosno kompleksnijih operativnih procedura u procesu izdavanja garancija.Predložena metodologija transformacije semantičkih sadržaja u ontolo&scaron;kom modelu u korisnički interfejs ograničena je na kreiranje komponenti korisničkog interfejsa za unos ulaznih podataka poslovnih procedura. Osnovno ograničenjepredložene SCORE ontologije je njena stroga specijalizovanost. Predložena ontologija implementira socijalne i ekonomske karakteristike koje su od značaja za razvoj konkretnog regiona i jedan konkretan model evaluacije izdavanja garancija baziran na indeksima prioriteta. Ontologija ne sadrži generalizacije koje bi omogućile njeno direktno kori&scaron;ćenje za druge regione ili druge modele evaluacije predloga odluke i izdavanju garancija. Praktične implikacije:<br />Kreirani model informacionog sistema obezbeđuje kreiranje i praćenje podataka i dokumenata u svim fazama procesa izdavanja garancije. Pri tome je poseban naglasak na proceni kreditne sposobnosti aplikanata i distribuciji i razmeni podataka sasvimučesnicima učesnici u procesu izdavanja garancija. Sistem obezbeđuje minimalno sintaktička i koliko je moguće semantičku interoperabilnost sa eksternim učesnicima u procesu (druge finansijske institucije, organi uprave) kao i jednostavno kori&scaron;ćenje onim korisnicima (pre svega aplikanti, ali i administrativni sluţbenici) koji ne poseduju specifična stručna znanja iz oblasti rada garancijskog fonda. Originalnost/vrednost: Ontolo&scaron;kim pristupom modeliranju sistema a posebno kreiranjem ontologija kojima je predstavljeno znanje o administrativnim procesima stvaraju se pretpostavke za tehničku i organizacionu interoperabilnost različitih drţavnih organa. Pri tome, izuzetno vaţan aspekt je fleksibilan i ekonomičan mehanizam za kreiranje korisničkog interfejsa koji obezbeđuje interakciju različitih tipova korisnika (zaposleni u administraciji, zaposleni u privrednim subjektima i građanstvo) sa sistemom eUprave. Predlog modela ontolo&scaron;ki baziranog generisanja korisničkog interfejsa koji je opisan u disertaciji predstavlja ideju da se standardizuje reprezentacija korisničkog interfejsa. Generisanje i dizajn korisničkog interfejsa su svedeni na razvoj formalizovane ontologije administrativnog procesa koja uključuje opis interakcije korisnika sa sistemom putem anotacija operativnih procedura. Ontologija u kojoj su semantički predstavljene socijalne i ekonomske karakteristike koje obuhvata oblast delovanja državnih razvojnih fondova i koje su od značaja za razvoj analiziranog regiona obezbeđuje proces odlučivanja koji omogućuje dono&scaron;enje odluka o plasmanu državnih sredstava u skladu sa državnim strategijama razvoja.</p> / <p>The research in this doctoral dissertation has three main objectives. The first objective is to study the possibilities of modelling information systems by using an ontological approach. The second objective is to develop a model of information system of state guarantee funds based on the object oriented and the ontological approach to the modelling. The third goal is to implement a prototype of an information system of the state credit-guarantee funds and to verify the case of the Guarantee fund of APV. Methodology: Ontological approach is used for building a model. Methodology METHONTOLOGY was used to build the ontology, as well as tools for modelling and analysis of ontology (Protege). Microsoft .NET platform was used for the implementation of the prototype. The research results are verified and tested with data from operating activities of the Guarantee Fund APV.<br />Results. In this dissertation, the following results were achieved: Based on the research in the field of modelling of information systems using the ontological approach and identified models of the state guarantee funds, the author created a conceptual model of state guarantee funds, which served as the basis for the development of the ontological model of the Guarantee Fund APV. The ontological model OMGFAPV was created using Methontology methodology. OMGFAPV semantically describes the position and hierarchy of the Guarantee Fund of APV within the provincial administration and the contents of which are used for the further development of part of an information system for the Guarantee Fund of APV. Two scientific contributions were realized within these studies. The first contribution is the proposed methodology of transformation of the semantic contents that are described in the ontological model in the user interface component of the information system. The second contribution is the use of ontological models for modelling and implementing business logic. These studies included the specifics of the decision support in the process<br />KEYWORD DOCUMENTATION<br />252<br />of issuing guarantees in the state guaranty funds. The result of this research is a SCORE ontology that represents a separate component of the information system of the Guarantee Fund APV. Research Limitations / Implications: The limitations of the proposed model OMGFAPV refer to the need of expanding due to its specific needs, or more complex operating procedures in the process of issuing the guarantees. The proposed methodology for transformation of semantic content of the ontological model in the user interface is limited to the creation of components of the user interface for entering input data of the business procedures. The key limitation of the proposed SCORE ontology is its strict specialization. The proposed ontology implements social and economic characteristics that are important for the development of a region. The ontology does not contain generalizations that would allow its direct use in other regions or other models of decision proposal in the process of issuing guarantees. Practical implications: The created model of information systems provides the design and monitoring of data and documents in all stages of the process of issuing the guarantee. It is a special emphasis on assessing creditworthiness of applicants and the distribution and exchange of information with all stakeholders, participants in the process of issuing the guarantee. The system provides minimal syntactic and semantic interoperability with external stakeholders (other financial institutions, administrative authorities) as well as ease of use to the users (primarily applicants, and administrative officials) who do not possess specific expertise in the field of labor guarantee fund . Originality / value:<br />The ontological approach to modelling systems, particularly by creating an ontology which is represented by knowledge of administrative processes creates the prerequisites for technical and organizational interoperability of the various government bodies. In addition, an extremely important aspect is a flexible and cost-effective mechanism for creating a user interface that provides interaction of different types of users (employees of the administration, employees of companies and citizens) with a system of eGovernment. The proposal of the ontological model-based generation of user interface that is described in this dissertation presents the idea to standardize the representation of the user interface. Generating and designing of the user interface is reduced to the development of formalized ontology of the administrative process, which includes a description of user interaction with the system via operating procedures annotations. The ontology in which social and economic characteristics are semantically represented, which covers the area of operation of state development funds and which is of importance for the development of the analyzed region provides the decision-making process for making decisions about the placement of state funds in accordance with national development strategies.</p>

Toward unifying on-board intelligent transportation systems architecture in public transports / Vers l'unification des architectures embarquées de systèmes de transport intelligents appliquée aux transports publics

Sciandra, Vincent 19 December 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse s'inscrit dans une démarche Européenne de recherche sous l'égide du projet European Bus System of the Futur (EBSF). Ce projet vise à définir le bus de demain et de préparer son architecture embarquée, aux systèmes de transport intelligents (STI) critiques ou de divertissement, de plus en plus présents dans les véhicules. Les systèmes autrefois hétérogènes et autonomes, devrons à l'avenir communiquer sur une architecture orientée service (SOA) unique. L'objectif est d'optimiser le fonctionnement de l'architecture dans son ensemble grâce à des protocoles de communication ouverts et standards. C'est à partir de cette base, à laquelle nous avons activement apportée notre contribution, que notre thèse s'appuie. Le dimensionnement et la validation de ces architectures sont restés des éléments sans réponse à la suite du projet EBSF. Cette thèse présente premièrement une méthode dimensionnement des architectures STI basée sur les méthodes de décision multi-critères. Nous nous basons sur une étude poussée des besoins opérationnels collectés tout au long de la thèse. Dans un deuxième temps, nous adaptons le modèle de Criticité Mixte, définit dans le domaine du temps réel, aux flux de communication entre le véhicule et l'infrastructure. Enfin nous présentons les travaux réalisés dans le cadre de la standardisation européenne afin de promouvoir ce type d'architecture et les travaux de cette thèse / Intelligent Transportation systems (ITS) are massively used in the Public Transport sector since the Two decades. This profusion of systems on-board and off-board vehicles generates inter-operability issues. The growth of urban zones and the increase of public transport attractiveness, brought multi-modal constraints that are today limited due to a lack of architecture vision embracing all ITS. This thesis proposes to unify the architecture vision of on-board ITS. We based our technical architecture on the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) proposed in the European Bus System of the Future (EBSF) project, in which this thesis actively contributed. We study first the global requirements of different transportation modes operated in Europe. Those requirements are a basis to the definition of technical constraints of a global architecture. Those constraints are ranked in terms of importance using a proposed method based on Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) techniques. The method that we propose permits to size the technical architecture. We then study the flow management of data, considering the context of operation of vehicles and the criticality of ITS applications. We propose to adapt the Real-time Mixed-Criticality model to communication systems on-board the vehicles. We apply this method on a communication gateway of a bus, through its journey. Finally we present the work done at the standardization level (CEN) in order promote the global architecture vision presented in the thesis

MISLP: Método de Identificação de Serviços baseado em Linguagem de Padrões. / PLMSI: Pattern Language-based Method for Services Identification.

Yanai, Luiz Paulo Rocha 26 August 2010 (has links)
Os principais trabalhos existentes de identificação de serviços na Arquitetura Orientada a Serviços (Service Oriented Architecture - SOA) deixam claro a importância de alinhar os serviços com os processos de negócios e também a necessidade de torná-los mais reusáveis possível. Contudo, na prática, foi observado que os métodos existentes são complexos ou detalham pouco os passos para se alcançar tais objetivos. Neste contexto, o Método de Identificação de Serviços baseado em Linguagem de Padrões (MISLP) buscou identificar os serviços através de atividades padrão de processos de negócio de um determinado domínio. Estas atividades padrão foram detalhadas seguindo-se os princípios de SOA e utilizando-se os Padrões de Projeto SOA, os quais estabelecem os critérios para obtenção de serviços reusáveis. Foram definidos critérios para avaliar os serviços resultantes da aplicação do método, com os serviços definidos de forma ad-hoc no desenvolvimento de três sistemas reais. / The main existing works about services identification make clear the importance of aligning services with business processes and also the need to make them more reusable as possible. However, in practice, the existing methods are either complex or they provide low details about the steps to achieve these goals. In this context, the Pattern Language-based Method for Service Identification (PLMSI) sought to identify services through standard activities from business processes of a given domain. These standard activities were detailed according to the principles of Service Oriented Architecture (Service Oriented Architecture - SOA) and using SOA Design Patterns, which establish the criteria for obtaining reusable services. Criteria were defined to evaluate output services from the method, comparing with services defined on an ad-hoc development of three real systems.

Identificação e tratamento dos problemas de desempenho de redes de sensores expostas por arquiteturas orientadas a serviço / Identification and treatment of performance problems in sensor network exposed by service oriented architectures

Tavares, Thiago Caproni 11 June 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho de doutorado tem como objetivo principal mostrar que a abstração de redes de sensores, por meio de arquiteturas orientadas a serviço, pode impor alguma degradação do desempenho, mas não inviabiliza a maioria das aplicações. A metodologia utilizada na condução deste trabalho consta de experimentos que realizam avaliações de desempenho que analisam o comportamento de diferentes mecanismos de exposição de redes de sensores, bem como avalia três dos principais serviços do modelo de interfaces do Sensor Web Enablement (SWE). Os resultados obtidos mostram diferenças de desempenho significativas entre os métodos de acesso considerados. Esses resultados ainda mostram que a sobrecarga gerada não é significativa se comparada com a frequência de obtenção de observações da maioria das redes de sensores. Visando minimizar os problemas de desempenho impostos pelo framework SWE é proposta e implementada uma arquitetura de provisão de qualidade de serviço (QoS), denominada Sensor Web Architecture (SWARCH). Um estudo de caso da SWARCH demonstra que é possível reduzir os tempos de resposta no acesso aos serviços do SWE por meio de um Broker que monitora constantemente diferentes provedores de serviços / This PhD work aims to show that the abstraction of sensor networks, by means of service-oriented architectures, may impose some performance degradation, but it does not invalidate most applications. The methodology used to conduct this research consists of experiments that realize performance evaluations that analyze the behavior of different mechanisms of exposure of sensor networks, and evaluates the three major services of the Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) model interfaces. The results show significant differences in performance between the methods of considered access. The results also show that the generated overhead is not significant when compared with the frequency of obtaining observations of most wireless sensor networks. Aiming to minimize the performance issues imposed by the SWE framework, an architecture providing quality of service (QoS) called Sensor Web Architecture (SWARCH) is proposed and implemented. A case study of SWARCH demonstrates that it is possible to reduce response times when accessing the SWE services through a Broker that constantly monitors various service providers

Distribuição de requisições em cluster de web services: uma abordagem flexível, dinâmica e transparente / Distibution of requests in cluster web services: an approach flexibel dynamic and transparent

Faiçal, Bruno Squizato 28 May 2012 (has links)
Esta dissertação de mestrado propõe uma nova política de distibuição de requisições em cluster de web services, denominada Política Performance. Essa política provê uma distribuição transparente, flexível e dinâmica das requisições na plataforma em que é executada. Um estudo sistemático também é realizado para analisar a qualidade dos índices de carga empregados no contexto de web services e propõe um novo índice capaz de representar fielmente o desempenho dos web services e encapsular a complexidade estrutural da plataforma. Também é proposto em Módulo Gerenciador de Energia capaz de prover sustentabilidade à plataforma, reduzindo o consumo de energia elétrica sem prejudicar a alta confiabilidade na distribuição das requisições e com baixo impacto no tempo médio de resposta. Os estudos experimentais realizados neste trabalho mostraram que a Política Performance permitiu um melhor desempenho no atendimento das requisições realizadas à plataforma. EStes resultados referem-se a um desempenho superior a 70% no tempo médio de resposta, quando comparado ao desempenho demosntrado pela política padrão do Mod_cluster. O Módulo Gerenciador de Energia proporcionou uma redução de aproximadamente 30% no consumo de energia da plataforma mantendo a alta confiabilidade na distribuição das requisições / The Master\'s dissertation proposes a new for distribution of requests in cluster of web services, named policy Performance. This policy provides a transparent flexible and dynamic distribution of requests on the plataform. A systematic study is also conducted to example the quality of load indices used in the context of web services., and proposes a new index that accurately represent the performance of web services and encapsulate the complexity structural of the plataform. Also proposed is an Energy Manager Module capable of providing sustainability to the plataform, reducing power consumption without sacrificing high reliability in the distribution of request and low impact on the average response time. Our main results show that policy Performance has a better performance in handling requests sent to the plataform. Our results show a gain of performance higher than 70% in average responswetime when compared to the perormance demonstrated by the defaut policy Mod_cluster. The Power Manager Module reduced byapproximately 30% the energy consumption of the plataform even keeping the high reliability in the distribution of requests

Implementação de mecanismos tolerantes a falhas em uma arquitetura SOA com Qos / Implementation of fault tolerant mechanisms in a SOA architecture with QoS

Oliveira, Edvard Martins de 28 August 2013 (has links)
Esta dissertação de mestrado tem como objetivo avaliar a integração de políticas de tolerância a falhas em uma arquitetura de Web Services com múltiplos módulos. A arquitetura utilizada é denominada WSARCH, e foi desenvolvida para o estudo das relações e interoperabilidade entre serviçcos. Os mecanismos de tolerência a falhas foram integrados aos módulos da arquitetura, testados, comparados e avaliados. A avaliação de desempenho mostrou que os mecanismos de tolerância a falhas introduzidos foram eficientes e apresentaram resultados adequados. As técnicas de reputação utilizadas na seleção de serviço atuaram satisfatoriamente e foram consideradas um importante avanço nos mecanismos da arquitetura / This master\'s thesis aims to evaluate the integration of fault tolerance mechanisms in a Web Services architecture with multiple modules. The architecture used is named WSARCH and was developed for the study of interactions and interoperability of services. WSARCH is an architecture conceived to receive tests and experiments involving concepts of Web Services. The fault tolerance tools were integrated in the architecture, tested, evaluated and comparated. The performance evaluation showed that the fault tolerance mechanisms introduced were ecient and presented appropriate results. The reputation techniques utilized in service selection operated successfully and were considered an important advance in the mechanisms of the architecture

Caracterização de cargas de trabalho para avaliação de desempenho em Web services / Workload Characterization for Performance Evaluation in Web Services

Tavares, Thiago Caproni 02 July 2009 (has links)
Esta dissertação de mestrado aborda um estudo sobre a caracterização de cargas de trabalho para Web services por meio da análise de Documentos WSDL (Web Service Description Language). Esses documentos, que representam a interface para os serviços, foram obtidos na Web e seus conteúdos analisados estatisticamente. A metodologia utilizada para alcançar a caracterização desejada, constitui-se da coleta e análise dos dados de 1346 arquivos WSDL válidos. O resultado do estudo proposto nesta dissertação contribui para a avaliação de desempenho no que diz respeito a caracterizar os diversos aspectos das cargas de trabalho de Web services. Dentre os dados obtidos ressaltam-se as porcentagens da ocorrência de algumas características tais como o número de operações, tipos de Binding, quantidade de parâmetros de entrada e saída e tipos de dados mais utilizados. Para auxiliar na busca e avaliação das características das WSDLs uma nova ferramenta denominada WSDLAnalyzer é proposta e implementada / This MSc dissertation approaches a study on workload characterization for web services by means of the analysis of WSDL (Web Service Description Language) documents. These documents, that represent the interface to the services, were all obtained in the web and their contents were statistically analyzed. The methodology used to reach the desired characterization comprises the collection and analysis of 1346 WSDL valid files. The result of the study proposed in this dissertation contributes to the performance evaluation of web services in terms of characterizing the several aspects of the workloads. Among the data obtained, the percentage of occurrences of some features, such as the number of operations, the types of binding, the amount of input and output parameters and the more used data types, are highlighted. To support the search and evaluation of the WSDL features a new tool, named WSDLAnalyzer, is proposed and implemented

A Service Mediation Framework for Virtual Communities / Conception d'un système de médiation de service pour les communautés virtuelles

Itani, Jihad 16 December 2015 (has links)
Les communautés virtuelles ont de plus en plus d’influence dans nos activités quotidiennes. Qu’elles soient sociales, d’affaires, professionnelles, d’apprentissage, ces communautés sont en concurrence pour la conquête de l'Internet, en ciblant une audience de plus en plus large et en proposant une offre de services de plus en plus variée. Par voie de conséquence, le succès ou l'échec de ces communautés dépend largement des services proposés dont la diversité, la qualité et l'adaptation sont les facteurs clés de satisfaction des clients. C’est pourquoi la démarche SOA (Service Oriented Architecture /Architecture Orientée Service) favorise la vision d'environnements ouverts où services, fournisseurs et clients sont indépendants les uns des autres, grâce au découplage et à l'allocation dynamique des services. Malheureusement, les environnements de communautés virtuelles ne prennent pas vraiment en compte les principes SOA et sont considérés fermés d’un point de vue des services offerts car ceux-ci sont limités aux fonctionnalités de la plateforme qui les hébergent. Cette dépendance des services vis-à-vis de la plateforme est considérée comme une limitation qui influence d'une manière négative le succès et la durabilité des communautés virtuelles. Du point de vue des membres d’une communauté, cette limitation entraine le départ de certains d’entre eux, et/ou impose à ses membres de joindre d'autres communautés afin de bénéficier des services offerts par ces dernières qui ne sont pas disponibles dans leur communauté d'origine. Du point de vue de l’environnement, l'introduction de nouveaux services nécessite de modifier la plateforme existante, et peut demander dans certains cas une migration vers une autre plateforme, ce qui peut perturber la communauté en question lorsque celle-ci est opérationnelle avec des membres en ligne. Dans ce contexte, ce travail a pour but de palier les limites de la gestion de services dans les communautés virtuelles afin de satisfaire les besoins de leurs membres, d'assurer une meilleure gestion des services d'un point de vue individuel et d'un point de vue de la communauté, et de garantir une évolution dynamique des services au sein de la communauté. L’objectif principal est donc de " Fournir le bon service, au bon utilisateur, au bon moment et avec la bonne qualité". L’hypothèse fondatrice de ce travail est que les communautés virtuelles peuvent être construites en commençant par un ensemble minimal de services de base, cet ensemble pouvant ensuite être étendu par l'ajout de nouveaux services selon les besoins des membres de la communauté. En adoptant cette approche, nous proposons un cadre de gestion de services qui aborde les difficultés rencontrées par les communautés virtuelles et leurs membres. En conséquence, le focus porte sur la satisfaction de ces membres plutôt que sur le service lui-même ou le fournisseur du service. Ainsi, nous définissons une nouvelle structuration des services au sein d’une communauté qui s’appuie sur une classification en différentes catégories fonctionnelles. Puis, nous étendons l'architecture SOA avec les concepts nécessaires pour modéliser ces catégories et leur associer un ensemble de propriétés non fonctionnelles de Qualité de Service (QdS ou QoS en anglais) utilisées par un système de médiation pour proposer les services adaptés aux besoins des usagers. Une description des unités fonctionnelles de ce système, ainsi que la façon dont elles opèrent, coopèrent et collaborent afin d'accomplir l’objectif défini ci-dessus constitue le cœur de notre contribution. / Virtual Communities are dominating our daily activities from different insights. Social, Business, Professional, Educational and many virtual communities are competing among each other to conquer the internet by targeting more audience through the services they provide. Consequently, the success or failure of virtual communities depends to a great extent on its services. In a world driven by services, diversity, quality and adaptation are key factors to achieve customer satisfaction. Accordingly the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) approach promotes the vision of open environments where services, providers and consumers are considered independently from one another thanks to decoupling and dynamic allocation of services. But virtual communities environment did not really care about SOA and are considered closed with respect to the services they provide since they are bounded to the capabilities of the platform that host them. This implies the delivery of services inside the virtual communities is dependent on the platform used which is considered a limitation that have negative influence on the success and sustainability of virtual communities. From a member perspective this limitation causes community members to leave the community, and/or imposes them to join other virtual communities to benefit from the services they host and that are not available in their home virtual communities. From an environment perspective, introducing new services into these communities require modifications on the existing platforms or might require a complete shift to another platform in some cases which might affect the target community in case it is operational with active users. In this context, our research work aims to overcome the limitation in managing services of virtual community to satisfy community members’ needs, to provide better service management from a member perspective as well as from a community perspective, and to guarantee dynamic evolution of services inside the community. Our main objective is “To provide the right service to the right user in the right time with the required quality of service”. Our assumption is that virtual communities can be built starting from a minimal set of basic services and then add more services based on the needs of the community members. This drives us to adopt this approach and propose a service management framework that address the challenges faced by virtual communities and their members. Accordingly, we approach the problem from a members’ perspective and choose to work on members’ satisfaction more than we care about the service itself or the provider of the service. Thus, we define a new structure of services within a community that is based on a classification into different functional categories. Then, we extend SOA with the concepts necessary to model these categories and associate a set of non-functional properties of Quality of Service (QoS ) used by a mediation system to offer services best suited to the needs of members. Finally, we provide a description of the functional units of the system and how they operate, cooperate and collaborate to achieve the aforementioned objective. This is the core of our contribution.

MISLP: Método de Identificação de Serviços baseado em Linguagem de Padrões. / PLMSI: Pattern Language-based Method for Services Identification.

Luiz Paulo Rocha Yanai 26 August 2010 (has links)
Os principais trabalhos existentes de identificação de serviços na Arquitetura Orientada a Serviços (Service Oriented Architecture - SOA) deixam claro a importância de alinhar os serviços com os processos de negócios e também a necessidade de torná-los mais reusáveis possível. Contudo, na prática, foi observado que os métodos existentes são complexos ou detalham pouco os passos para se alcançar tais objetivos. Neste contexto, o Método de Identificação de Serviços baseado em Linguagem de Padrões (MISLP) buscou identificar os serviços através de atividades padrão de processos de negócio de um determinado domínio. Estas atividades padrão foram detalhadas seguindo-se os princípios de SOA e utilizando-se os Padrões de Projeto SOA, os quais estabelecem os critérios para obtenção de serviços reusáveis. Foram definidos critérios para avaliar os serviços resultantes da aplicação do método, com os serviços definidos de forma ad-hoc no desenvolvimento de três sistemas reais. / The main existing works about services identification make clear the importance of aligning services with business processes and also the need to make them more reusable as possible. However, in practice, the existing methods are either complex or they provide low details about the steps to achieve these goals. In this context, the Pattern Language-based Method for Service Identification (PLMSI) sought to identify services through standard activities from business processes of a given domain. These standard activities were detailed according to the principles of Service Oriented Architecture (Service Oriented Architecture - SOA) and using SOA Design Patterns, which establish the criteria for obtaining reusable services. Criteria were defined to evaluate output services from the method, comparing with services defined on an ad-hoc development of three real systems.

Identificação e tratamento dos problemas de desempenho de redes de sensores expostas por arquiteturas orientadas a serviço / Identification and treatment of performance problems in sensor network exposed by service oriented architectures

Thiago Caproni Tavares 11 June 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho de doutorado tem como objetivo principal mostrar que a abstração de redes de sensores, por meio de arquiteturas orientadas a serviço, pode impor alguma degradação do desempenho, mas não inviabiliza a maioria das aplicações. A metodologia utilizada na condução deste trabalho consta de experimentos que realizam avaliações de desempenho que analisam o comportamento de diferentes mecanismos de exposição de redes de sensores, bem como avalia três dos principais serviços do modelo de interfaces do Sensor Web Enablement (SWE). Os resultados obtidos mostram diferenças de desempenho significativas entre os métodos de acesso considerados. Esses resultados ainda mostram que a sobrecarga gerada não é significativa se comparada com a frequência de obtenção de observações da maioria das redes de sensores. Visando minimizar os problemas de desempenho impostos pelo framework SWE é proposta e implementada uma arquitetura de provisão de qualidade de serviço (QoS), denominada Sensor Web Architecture (SWARCH). Um estudo de caso da SWARCH demonstra que é possível reduzir os tempos de resposta no acesso aos serviços do SWE por meio de um Broker que monitora constantemente diferentes provedores de serviços / This PhD work aims to show that the abstraction of sensor networks, by means of service-oriented architectures, may impose some performance degradation, but it does not invalidate most applications. The methodology used to conduct this research consists of experiments that realize performance evaluations that analyze the behavior of different mechanisms of exposure of sensor networks, and evaluates the three major services of the Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) model interfaces. The results show significant differences in performance between the methods of considered access. The results also show that the generated overhead is not significant when compared with the frequency of obtaining observations of most wireless sensor networks. Aiming to minimize the performance issues imposed by the SWE framework, an architecture providing quality of service (QoS) called Sensor Web Architecture (SWARCH) is proposed and implemented. A case study of SWARCH demonstrates that it is possible to reduce response times when accessing the SWE services through a Broker that constantly monitors various service providers

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