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Pomoc osobám nacházejícím se v hmotné nouzi / Assistance to persons in material needJakešová, Stanislava January 2011 (has links)
ASSISTANCE TO PERSONS IN MATERIAL NEED At the present time in the Czech Republic the assistance to persons in material need is provided by nongovernmental organisations (Salvation Army, Naděje, Diakonie and others). However, the state has the bigger role to play in this area as according to Art. 30/2 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms it is obliged to provide anyone in material need the assistance in securing basic living conditions. The state does so through the Material Need Assistance Bodies. As the previous legal regulation of assistance to persons in social need had not been fully sufficient, a new Act on Assistance in Material Need was adopted, coming into force on 1 January 2007. This Act introduced several crucial changes. The Material Need Assistance Body is obliged to provide social consultation to anyone in material need. Timely and professional consultation very often leads to resolving the difficult situation of the client, and regularly there is no longer any need to grant and disburse the relevant benefits and allowances. In case the social consultation is insufficient to resolve the situation of the client the Act allows for disbursing material need assistance benefits and allowances. These are envisioned to resolve certain situation of the client. If the client lacks...
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ALS : Upplevelser av att leva med ALSHelmersson, Katarina, Järpfält-Svensson, Ingrid January 2009 (has links)
Amyotrofisk lateralskleros, ALS, är en obotlig sjukdom som klassas som en neurologisk sjukdom där de motoriska nervcellerna i hjärnan, hjärnstammen och ryggmärgen förtvinar. Sjukdomen kan ha ett hastigt förlopp vilket gör att patienterna är i behov av många hjälpinsatser. Syftet med studien är att öka kunskapen hos sjuksköterskor genom att belysa patienters upplevelser av att leva med ALS. För att beskriva dessa har en kvalitativ innehållsanalys använts. Med hjälp av denna modell fördjupas förståelsen av patienternas upplevelser, erfarenheter och förväntningar av sjukdomen. Följande huvudteman framkom: omgivningens betydelse, existentiella tankar och behov och strategier att hantera sin sjukdom. Faktorer som var betydelsefulla för patienterna var relationer med familj och vänner och att kunna få bibehålla sin integritet och värdighet. Det är viktigt att sjuksköterskor på bästa sätt ökar sin kunskap om patienternas upplevelser för att kunna ge en god omvårdnad under deras sista tid i livet. / Program: Fristående kurs
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Ordenación del territorio y sostenibilidad. Análisis del concepto en el ámbito cultural occidental interpelación legislativa para un nuevo modelo en el caso valencianoPérez Lores, Luis Domingo 11 April 2024 (has links)
[ES] Constituye el objeto de esta tesis establecer un proceso de reflexión sobre determinados conceptos naturalizados históricamente por la ciencia urbanística y ambiental, de tal manera que pueda llevarse a cabo una revisión de los mismos -y, consecuentemente, de la legislación que los adopta filosóficamente- en el sentido de, frente a la situación de cambio climático y depredación territorial, permitirnos proceder a cuestionar un sistema que establece el desarrollo como un elemento de progreso económico en términos de crecimiento ilimitado, y proponer la posibilidad real de establecer un desarrollo en equilibrio con el medio.
Para ello, se define el contexto evolutivo de la formación del concepto Ordenación Territorial, llegándose a la conclusión de que el significante tradicionalmente aceptado resulta más propio de un modelo basado en la generación de plusvalías, que en la determinación de su propia ordenación, derivada ésta de sus determinaciones intrínsecas, para poder, posteriormente, generar la planificación de los usos y actividades que sobre éste deben o pueden llevarse a cabo.
Se trata de reflexionar en cómo considerar el territorio como un recurso ya ordenado en sí mismo, constituido por lo que denominamos sus invariantes, el cual va a ser utilizado por la sociedad -desordenándolo necesariamente-, para poder extraer respetuosamente de él los beneficios que precisa para el propio desarrollo social, todo ello alternativamente al modelo de explotación económica -corregida en base a criterios de «sostenibilidad»- tratado como un mero tablero de actuación, sobre el que planificar usos y actividades.
Esta mencionada «sostenibilidad» viene instrumentalizada por el denominado Desarrollo Sostenible, término al que calificamos de oxímoron, por cuanto «desarrollo» -obviamente, en nuestro contexto, desarrollo económico- es un término que se contrapone a «límite», indicador que se debe considerar inherente al concepto de sostenibilidad.
Entenderemos, por tanto, que la Ordenación Territorial vinculada a criterios de Desarrollo Sostenible implica la incapacidad, en la evolución territorial, de considerar el equilibrio necesario para poder recuperar y mantener aquellos elementos territoriales, sus recursos, para considerar unos niveles de bienestar aceptables. Consecuentemente, cualquier evolución hacia el límite, que no implique recuperación de lo agostado, con mayor o menor celeridad -desarrollo en «sostenibilidad» -, implicará, indefectiblemente, aproximación a la depleción definitiva.
Revisar un sistema basado en el crecer por crecer, implementando un sistema de Estabilidad Continuada, que, en la situación de exaltación de políticas expansivas, sólo será alcanzable mediante un proceso de decrecimiento, senda de reversión hacia posiciones intralímite.
Es así, por tanto, como se proponen nuevas figuras territoriales previas a la planificación urbanística basadas en lo que denominamos Capacidades Funcionales de Acogida, figura que vinculamos a la naturaleza intrínseca del territorio y su capacidad para mantenerse en un cierto equilibrio. Capacidades que vienen vinculadas para su activación a la real y verificable Necesidad Social, sin la cual carece de sentido la transformación del patrimonio común.
Ello implica, por otro lado, instrumentos básicos limitativos a implementar en la legislación, de manera que el criterio vire hacia posiciones no expansionistas: desterrar la clase de suelo urbanizable; considerar el suelo rural, con sus diferentes aptitudes desarrollables, como alternativa; desclasificación, descalificación e, incluso, desurbanización, ante el expansionismo; determinaciones como ciudad cuidadora, ciudad mediterránea, compacta, mixta, cohesionada, localizabilidad de los recursos; el derecho al aprovechamiento, con recuperación social de plusvalías reales; renaturalización, revegetación y desmovilidad -movilidad no motorizada, proximidad- como ítem proyectual, serían incorporados como proceso cultural de decrecimiento. / [CA] Constitueix l'objecte d'aquesta tesi establir un procés de reflexió al voltant de determinats conceptes naturalitzats històricament per la ciència urbanística i ambiental, de tal manera que puga dur-se a terme una revisió dels mateixos -i, conseqüentment, de la legislació que els adopta filosòficament- en el sentit de, enfront de la situació de canvi climàtic i depredació territorial, permetre'ns procedir a qüestionar un sistema que estableix el desenvolupament com un element de progrés econòmic en termes de creixement il·limitat, i proposar la possibilitat real d'establir un desenvolupament en equilibri amb el medi. Per a això, es defineix el context evolutiu de la formació del concepte Ordenació Territorial, arribant-se a la conclusió que el significant tradicionalment acceptat resulta més propi d'un model basat en la generació de plusvàlues, que en la determinació de la seua pròpia ordenació, derivada esta de les seues determinacions intrínseques, per a poder, posteriorment, generar la planificació dels usos i activitats que sobre aquell deuen o poden dur-se a terme.
Es tracta de reflexionar en com considerar el territori com un recurs ja ordenat en si mateix, constituït pel que denominem les seues invariants, el qual serà utilitzat per la societat -desordenant-ho necessàriament-, per a poder extreure respectuosament d'ell els beneficis que precisa per al propi desenvolupament social, tot això alternativament al model d'explotació econòmica -corregida sobre la base de criteris de «sostenibilitat»- tractat com un simple tauler d'actuació, sobre el qual planificar usos i activitats.
Esta esmentada «sostenibilitat» ve instrumentalitzada pel denominat Desenvolupament Sostenible, terme al qual qualifiquem d'oxímoron, doncs que «desenvolupament» -òbviament, en el nostre context, desenvolupament econòmic- és un terme que es contraposa a «límit», indicador que s'ha de considerar inherent al concepte de sostenibilitat.
Entendrem, per tant, que l'Ordenació Territorial vinculada a criteris de Desenvolupament Sostenible implica la incapacitat, en l'evolució territorial, de considerar l'equilibri necessari per a poder recuperar i mantenir aquells elements territorials, els seus recursos, per a considerar uns nivells de benestar acceptables. Conseqüentment, qualsevol evolució cap al límit, que no implique recuperació d'allò ja agostat, amb major o menor celeritat -desenvolupament en «sostenibilitat» -, implicarà, indefectiblement, aproximació a la depleció definitiva.
Revisar un sistema basat en el créixer pel créixer, implementant un sistema d'Estabilitat Continuada, que, en la situació d'exaltació de polítiques expansives, només serà assolible mitjançant un procés de decreixement, senda de reversió cap a posicions intralímit.
És així, per tant, com es proposen noves figures territorials prèvies a la planificació urbanística basades en allò que denominem Capacitats Funcionals d'Acolliment, figura que vinculem a la naturalesa intrínseca del territori i la seua capacitat per a mantenir-se en un cert equilibri. Capacitats que venen vinculades per a la seua activació a la real i verificable Necessitat Social, sense la qual manca de sentit la transformació del patrimoni comú.
Això implica, d'altra banda, instruments bàsics limitatius a implementar en la legislació, de manera que el criteri vire cap a posicions no expansionistes: bandejar la classe de sòl urbanitzable; considerar el sòl rural, amb les seues diferents aptituds desenvolupables, com a alternativa; desclassificació, desqualificació i, fins i tot, desurbanización, davant l'expansionisme; determinacions com a ciutat cuidadora, ciutat mediterrània, compacta, mixta, cohesionada, localizabilitat dels recursos; el dret a l'aprofitament, amb recuperació social de plusvàlues reals; renaturalització, revegetació i desmovilidad -mobilitat no motoritzada, proximitat- com a ítem projectual, serien incorporats com a procés cultural de decreixement. / [EN] The object of this thesis is to establish a process of reflection on certain concepts historically naturalized by urban and environmental science, in such a way that a review of them can be carried out -and, consequently, of the legislation that adopts them philosophically- in the sense of, in the face of the situation of climate change and territorial predation, allowing us to proceed to question a system that establishes development as an element of economic progress in terms of unlimited growth, and to propose the real possibility of establishing development in balance with the territorial environment.
To get this, the evolutionary context of the formation of the Territorial Planning concept is defined, reaching the conclusion that the traditionally accepted signifier is more typical of a model based on the generation of capital gains, than on the determination of its own planning, derived from this of its intrinsic determinations, in order to subsequently generate the planning of the uses and activities that must or can be carried out on it.
It is about reflecting on how to consider the territory as a resource already ordered in itself, made up of what we call its invariants, which will be used by society -necessarily disordering it-, in order to respectfully extract from it the benefits it needs. for social development itself, all of this alternatively to the economic exploitation model -corrected based on "sustainability" criteria- treated as a mere action board, on which to plan uses and activities.
This aforementioned "sustainability" is instrumentalized by the so-called Sustainable Development, a term that we describe as oxymoron, since "development" -obviously, in our context, economic development- is a term that is opposed to "limit", an indicator that must be considered inherent to the concept of sustainability.
We will understand, therefore, that Territorial Planning linked to Sustainable Development criteria implies the inability, in territorial evolution, to consider the necessary balance to be able to recover and maintain those territorial elements, their resources, to consider acceptable levels of well-being. Consequently, any evolution towards the limit, which does not imply recovery of what has been exhausted, with greater or lesser speed -development in "sustainability"- will inevitably imply an approach to definitive depletion.
Review a system based on growth by growth, implementing a system of Permanent Stability, which, in the situation of exaltation of expansive policies, will only be achievable through a process of decrease, a path of reversion towards intra-limit positions.
This is, therefore, how new territorial figures are proposed prior to urban planning based on what we call Functional Acceptance Capabilities, a figure that we link to the intrinsic nature of the territory and its capacity to maintain a certain balance. Capacities that are linked for their activation to the real and verifiable Social Need, without which the transformation of the common heritage is meaningless.
This implies, on the other hand, basic limiting instruments to be implemented in the legislation, so that the criterion turns towards non-expansionist positions: banishing the type of developable land; consider rural land, with its different developable abilities, as an alternative; disclassification, disqualification and even disurbanization, in front of expansionism; determinations such as caring city, mediterranean city, compact, mixed, cohesive, localizability of resources; the right to get urban benefits, with social recovery of real capital gains; renaturalization, revegetation and demobility -non-motorized mobility, proximity- as a project item would be incorporated as a cultural process of degrowth. / Pérez Lores, LD. (2024). Ordenación del territorio y sostenibilidad. Análisis del concepto en el ámbito cultural occidental interpelación legislativa para un nuevo modelo en el caso valenciano [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/203401
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Patient Choice to Opt-In or Opt-Out of Telephonic Health-Related Social Need Navigation ProgramBailey, Sam, MPH, Hale, Nathan, PhD, MPH 12 April 2019 (has links)
Background: Ballad Health participates in the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS) Accountable Health Communities (AHC) model. The AHC model is evaluating if universal screening, referral, and navigation services for health-related social needs (HRSN) can improve outcomes and reduce unnecessary utilization and costs of health care services. To ensure the evaluation of the model has sufficient statistical power, navigation services are expected to be provided to a minimum number of individuals. The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics of Ballad Health’s AHC navigation services that could be modified to improve opt-in rates.
Methods: The primary outcome measure was identified as whether a beneficiary contacted via telephone opted-in or –out of the navigation program. Andersen’s Behavioral Model for Health Service Use was used as the conceptual framework for selecting covariates of interest. Enabling factors were of primary interest because alternate interventions may be designed around them. Data was pulled for the time period of November 17, 2018 through February 14, 2019. Where possible, covariates were associated with data from CMS’ AHC Data Template v3.1 to accommodate replication for all AHC bridge organizations, though additional internally-collected data, which may not be available for all bridge organizations, were needed for some variables. Chi-squared tests were performed for each covariate.
Results: No statistical differences were found for the primary covariates of interest. Opt-in rates by Navigator were lowest for Navigator 5 and highest for Navigator 4 (67.53% and 88.24%). Opt-in rates by weekday of decision were lowest on Thursdays and highest on Wednesdays (64.91% and 77.42%). Opt-in rates based on time of day were lowest between 8:00am and 9:59am, and highest between 12:00pm and 1:59pm (62.50% and 100%). Opt-in rates were lowest when the decision was made six days after the screening and highest when made the same day (53.57% and 83.33%). Opt-in rates were lowest when there were five weekdays between screening and navigation decision, and highest when there were three weekdays between the screening and decision (60% and 90%). Other non-process covariates of interest that were statistically significant for opt-in rates were the presence of either food, safety, or utility needs.
Conclusions: Several groups had higher opt-in rates that were not statistically significant; small sample sizes may have impacted the significance of these differences. For example, opt-in rates were higher when made the same day as the screening than when made one day after (83.33% and 74.79%). However, only 18 beneficiary decisions were made on the same day, while 119 were made one day after. Increasing the number of same-day phone call attempts may be a method to improve opt-in rates. Importantly, date and time data for contact attempts before a beneficiary decides to opt-in or opt-out were unavailable as of the time of the analysis. These data are captured and will be added to the analysis when available, which could provide more insight into whether a beneficiary is more likely to opt-in or opt-out.
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Patient Choice to Opt-In or Opt-Out of Telephonic Health-Related Social Need Navigation ProgramBailey, Sam, MPH, Hale, Nathan, PhD, MPH 12 April 2019 (has links)
Background: Ballad Health participates in the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS) Accountable Health Communities (AHC) model. The AHC model is evaluating if universal screening, referral, and navigation services for health-related social needs (HRSN) can improve outcomes and reduce unnecessary utilization and costs of health care services. To ensure the evaluation of the model has sufficient statistical power, navigation services are expected to be provided to a minimum number of individuals. The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics of Ballad Health’s AHC navigation services that could be modified to improve opt-in rates.
Methods: The primary outcome measure was identified as whether a beneficiary contacted via telephone opted-in or –out of the navigation program. Andersen’s Behavioral Model for Health Service Use was used as the conceptual framework for selecting covariates of interest. Enabling factors were of primary interest because alternate interventions may be designed around them. Data was pulled for the time period of November 17, 2018 through February 14, 2019. Where possible, covariates were associated with data from CMS’ AHC Data Template v3.1 to accommodate replication for all AHC bridge organizations, though additional internally-collected data, which may not be available for all bridge organizations, were needed for some variables. Chi-squared tests were performed for each covariate.
Results: No statistical differences were found for the primary covariates of interest. Opt-in rates by Navigator were lowest for Navigator 5 and highest for Navigator 4 (67.53% and 88.24%). Opt-in rates by weekday of decision were lowest on Thursdays and highest on Wednesdays (64.91% and 77.42%). Opt-in rates based on time of day were lowest between 8:00am and 9:59am, and highest between 12:00pm and 1:59pm (62.50% and 100%). Opt-in rates were lowest when the decision was made six days after the screening and highest when made the same day (53.57% and 83.33%). Opt-in rates were lowest when there were five weekdays between screening and navigation decision, and highest when there were three weekdays between the screening and decision (60% and 90%). Other non-process covariates of interest that were statistically significant for opt-in rates were the presence of either food, safety, or utility needs.
Conclusions: Several groups had higher opt-in rates that were not statistically significant; small sample sizes may have impacted the significance of these differences. For example, opt-in rates were higher when made the same day as the screening than when made one day after (83.33% and 74.79%). However, only 18 beneficiary decisions were made on the same day, while 119 were made one day after. Increasing the number of same-day phone call attempts may be a method to improve opt-in rates. Importantly, date and time data for contact attempts before a beneficiary decides to opt-in or opt-out were unavailable as of the time of the analysis. These data are captured and will be added to the analysis when available, which could provide more insight into whether a beneficiary is more likely to opt-in or opt-out.
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A efetividade do direito fundamental social ao Benefício de Prestação Continuada (BPC) devido às pessoas com deficiênciaFreitas, Luiz Gonzaga da Cunha 07 August 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-08-07 / Search in this dissertation the discussion on the effectiveness of the BPC award Continued provision Benefit established by law n. 8,742, December 7, 1993 and its subsequent amendments, which regulated the Article 203, V, of the Federal Constitution, against the requirements that the law established for its grant, especially in socio-economic and medical expert testimonyin order to handle the crucial point in that many requests are no longer awarded, through an analysis of the legal bases that are mainly after internalization the legal system of the homeland of the place of the ICF-International Classification of functionality, disability and health. The crux of the question is trying to demonstrate that the BPC, understood as a benefit of amparo to the existential minimum, with the wording of article 6, heading, of the Federal Constitution, qualifies as a fundamental right in guard the dignity of the human person and respect for the principle of social need, highlighted by the applicant disability. In this sense, seeks to demonstrate that the State has not yet been able to give the necessary effectiveness to the BPC and the questions of existential minimum to the poor, despite the long treatment given to the subject in the Federal Constitution. To achieve the desired objectives supporting the work on doctrine, the legal system and jurisprudence, opting for the theoretical and dogmatic methodology. Timely reference to some regulations and instruments used by the Special Federal Civil Court of Sao Paulo, with regard to requirements for the granting of the BPC, showing, the illustrative reports content title, expert medical and socioeconomic, as well as judicial decision to assess how this Court faces the question. Still, to Crown the work, if the justices of our courts, with the goal of demonstrating how walks the jurisprudence homeland in dealing with the question of the existential minimum and in particular the assistance benefit, especially for the trial involving the applications of disabled people / Busca-se, na presente dissertação discutir a efetividade da concessão do Benefício de Prestação Continuada (BPC), criado pela Lei nº 8.742, de 07 de dezembro de 1993 e suas alterações posteriores, que regulamentou o art.203, V, da Constituição Federal, frente aos requisitos legais para a sua concessão, especialmente a prova pericial médica e socioeconômica. Trata-se de ponto crucial em razão do qual muitos pedidos deixam de ser concedidos, mediante uma análise dos fundamentos jurídicos que o revestem, principalmente após a internalização no ordenamento jurídico pátrio da Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidades, Incapacidade e Saúde (CIF). O objetivo do estudo está em demonstrar que o BPC, um benefício de amparo ao mínimo existencial, com redação do art.6º, da Constituição Federal, se enquadra como um direito fundamental social, que resguarda a dignidade da pessoa humana e o respeito ao princípio da necessidade social, com destaque para o requerente portador de deficiência. Nesse sentido, procura-se demonstrar que o Estado ainda não foi capaz de dar efetividade ao BPC e às questões de mínimo existencial ao deficiente, apesar do longo tratamento concedido ao tema na Constituição Federal. Para alcançar os objetivos pretendidos o estudo está fundamentado na doutrina, no ordenamento jurídico e na jurisprudência. Optamos, também, pela metodologia teórico-dogmática. Oportuna a referência a alguns regulamentos e instrumentais utilizados pelo Juizado Especial Federal Cível de São Paulo, no que tange aos requisitos para conceder o BPC, apresentando, como exemplo, o conteúdo de laudos médico-pericial e socioeconômico, além de decisão judicial para verificar como essa instância judicial enfrenta a questão. Ao final, lança-se mão dos julgados dos tribunais brasileiros para demonstrar como caminha a jurisprudência pátria em relação ao mínimo existencial e, em específico, ao benefício assistencial, com destaque para os julgados que envolvem os pedidos dos deficientes
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