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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Рачунар у настави аналитичке геометрије у гимназији / Računar u nastavi analitičke geometrije u gimnaziji / The computer in teaching analytic geometry in the gymnasium

Prentović Branko 27 April 2015 (has links)
<p>У Докторској дисертацији је извршена методичкa трансформација садржа-<br />ја&nbsp; аналитичке&nbsp; геометрије,&nbsp; у&nbsp; наставном&nbsp; систему&ndash; настава&nbsp; уз&nbsp; помоћ<br />рачунара,&nbsp; адекватним&nbsp; избором&nbsp; садржаја,&nbsp; израдом&nbsp; одговарајућих<br />генеричких органи-затора уз коришћење образовног софтвераGeoGebra и<br />Mathematica. Обрађен је дидактички систем настава уз помоћ рачунара,<br />анализом међусобне зависности фактора наставе, анализом дидактичких<br />принципа,&nbsp; класификацијом&nbsp; и&nbsp; приказом&nbsp; наставних&nbsp; метода,&nbsp; уз&nbsp; подесно<br />формиране&nbsp; генеричке&nbsp; организаторе.&nbsp; Експериментално&nbsp; истраживање&nbsp; је<br />потврдило могућност примене наставе уз помоћ рачунара, као и позитиван<br />утицај на реализацију циљева и задатака, на укупан образовни учинак и<br />подизање нивоа ефикасности савремене наставе.</p> / <p>U Doktorskoj disertaciji je izvršena metodička transformacija sadrža-<br />ja&nbsp; analitičke&nbsp; geometrije,&nbsp; u&nbsp; nastavnom&nbsp; sistemu&ndash; nastava&nbsp; uz&nbsp; pomoć<br />računara,&nbsp; adekvatnim&nbsp; izborom&nbsp; sadržaja,&nbsp; izradom&nbsp; odgovarajućih<br />generičkih organi-zatora uz korišćenje obrazovnog softveraGeoGebra i<br />Mathematica. Obrađen je didaktički sistem nastava uz pomoć računara,<br />analizom međusobne zavisnosti faktora nastave, analizom didaktičkih<br />principa,&nbsp; klasifikacijom&nbsp; i&nbsp; prikazom&nbsp; nastavnih&nbsp; metoda,&nbsp; uz&nbsp; podesno<br />formirane&nbsp; generičke&nbsp; organizatore.&nbsp; Eksperimentalno&nbsp; istraživanje&nbsp; je<br />potvrdilo mogućnost primene nastave uz pomoć računara, kao i pozitivan<br />uticaj na realizaciju ciljeva i zadataka, na ukupan obrazovni učinak i<br />podizanje nivoa efikasnosti savremene nastave.</p> / <p>In this doctoral dissertation, methodical transformation of content analytic<br />geometry, is carried out, in the educational system - a computer-assisted<br />teaching, by appropriate selection of content, making appropriate generic<br />organizers using educational software GeoGebra and Mathematica.<br />Didactic teaching system, computer-assisted teaching, was processed, by<br />analyzing the factors of teaching and didactic principles, classification and<br />presentation of teaching methods, with the adequately created generic<br />organizers. Experimental research has confirmed the apossibility of<br />computer-assisted teaching, as well as a positive impact on the realization<br />of goals and tasks, on the overall educational impact and raising the<br />efficiency of modern teaching.</p>

Interactive pattern mining of neuroscience data

Waranashiwar, Shruti Dilip 29 January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Text mining is a process of extraction of knowledge from unstructured text documents. We have huge volumes of text documents in digital form. It is impossible to manually extract knowledge from these vast texts. Hence, text mining is used to find useful information from text through the identification and exploration of interesting patterns. The objective of this thesis in text mining area is to find compact but high quality frequent patterns from text documents related to neuroscience field. We try to prove that interactive sampling algorithm is efficient in terms of time when compared with exhaustive methods like FP Growth using RapidMiner tool. Instead of mining all frequent patterns, all of which may not be interesting to user, interactive method to mine only desired and interesting patterns is far better approach in terms of utilization of resources. This is especially observed with large number of keywords. In interactive patterns mining, a user gives feedback on whether a pattern is interesting or not. Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling method, frequent patterns are generated in an interactive way. Thesis discusses extraction of patterns between the keywords related to some of the common disorders in neuroscience in an interactive way. PubMed database and keywords related to schizophrenia and alcoholism are used as inputs. This thesis reveals many associations between the different terms, which are otherwise difficult to understand by reading articles or journals manually. Graphviz tool is used to visualize associations.

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