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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sustainable phosphorus removal in onsite wastewater treatment

Eveborn, David January 2013 (has links)
Aquatic eutrophication is a serious environmental problem that occurs all over the world. To protect surface waters (in particular the Baltic Sea), the regulatory pressure on onsite wastewater treatment (OWT) systems have increased in Sweden. Stringent requirements have led to uncertainties regarding the capability of conventional treatment techniques (soil treatment systems (STS)) to remove phosphorus (P), but they have also stimulated the development and introduction of enhanced P treatment techniques. In this thesis the accumulation and mobility of P as well as the chemical P removal mechanisms were studied in soils and reactive filter media. This knowledge was then used in environmental systems analysis. A model based on life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology was developed to evaluate the overall environmental performance of conventional and enhanced P treatment systems under various local conditions. The P accumulation in the studied STS varied (320-870 g m-3) and the accumulated P was rather mobile in some soils. Phosphorus compounds were identified in alkaline reactive filter media (calcium phosphates predominated) by means of X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES). In sandy soils from STS aluminium was found to be a key element for P removal, as evidenced by a strong relationship between oxalate-extractable P and Al. The LCA studies indicated that enhanced P treatment systems may be beneficial from an eutrophication and P recycling perspective but causes increased impacts in terms of global warming and acidification. Despite the drawbacks, enhanced P treatment techniques should be considered suitable substitutes to surface water discharge STS under most conditions. This is because the latter systems have such a strong eutrophication impact. On the other hand, under appropriate conditions, STS with groundwater discharge may be advantageous. These systems generally caused low environmental impacts except for the dispersion of P resources. / <p>QC 20130419</p>

”Rätt avlopp på rätt plats” : – Livscykelanalys av tre enskildaavloppsanläggningar / "Right sewage system in the right place" : - Life cycle assessment of three on-site wastewater treatment options

Sörelius Kiessling, Helene January 2013 (has links)
”Rätt avlopp på rätt plats” – Livscykelanalys av tre enskilda avloppsanläggningar Problemen med övergödning i Östersjön och i Sveriges insjöar är stort och enskildaavlopp pekas ut som en central aktör, framförallt beträffande fosforutsläppen. I Sverigefinns det ungefär en miljon enskilda avloppssystem och nästan hälften av dessa har enså pass bristande vattenrening att de inte uppfyller gällande lagstiftning. Utvecklingenav nya tekniker för rening av avloppsvatten har länge strävat efter att minska utsläppenav övergödande ämnen, detta ibland på bekostnad av andra utsläpp, så somväxthusgaser och försurande ämnen.Det här examensarbetet har därför med hjälp av metodik från livscykelanalys (LCA)utvärderat tre enskilda avloppssystem med tanke på deras utsläpp av växthusgaser,försurande gaser samt övergödande ämnen. Då misstanke också fanns att de lokalaplatsegenskaperna påverkar de enskilda avloppssystemens totala miljöpåverkan,utfördes även en intervjustudie med ett antal av landets kommuner. I intervjustudiengjordes ett försök att identifiera de platsegenskaper som påverkar valet ochutformningen av de enskilda avloppssystemen. De tre avloppssystemen som ingick istudien är markbädd samt kompaktfilter i kombination med antingen ett reaktivt filtermed Polonite®, eller i kombination med kemfällning.Resultatet av studien visade att markbädden hade lägst utsläpp av både växthusgaseroch försurande gaser, men högst utsläpp av övergödande ämnen. De tvåfosforreducerande systemen uppvisade betydlig bättre potential för att reduceraövergödande ämnen, men detta på bekostnad av större utsläpp av växthusgaser ochförsurande gaser, speciellt i fallet med det reaktiva filtersystemet. Lokalaplatsegenskaper, så som näringsretention, visade sig spela en central roll för deundersökta avloppssystemens totala miljöpåverkan. I områden med hög fosforretentionunder vattnets väg till havet skulle avloppssystem med höga utsläpp av fosfor (så somdet markbaserade systemet) kunna vara försvarbara. På de platser i landet därövergödningen är problematisk finns det dock motiv för att använda fosforreducerandesystem. / "Right sewage system in the right place" - Life cycle assessment of three on-sitewastewater treatment options The problem with eutrophication in the Baltic Sea and in Swedish lakes is serious andon-site wastewater treatment systems are considered important, especially forphosphorus emissions. There exist about one million on-site wastewater treatmentsystems in Sweden and almost half of them do not meet current legislation.Development of new technologies for on-site wastewater treatment systems has for along time been focused on reducing emissions of eutrophying substances. However,there is a risk that this reduction could be achieved at the expense of other emissions,such as greenhouse gases and acidifying substances.This master thesis has therefore by use of life cycle assessment (LCA) evaluated threeon-site wastewater treatment systems considering their total emission of greenhousegases, acidifying gases and eutrophying substances. Because local site characteristicswere thought to affect the sewage systems overall environmental impact, an interviewstudy were also carried out with a number of municipal officials. The interview studywas designed to identify the local site characteristics that influence the selection anddesign of the on-site wastewater treatment systems. The three sewage systems includedin the study were a soil treatment system with surface water discharge and a compactbiological filter in combination with either a reactive filter module with Polonite®, or incombination with chemical precipitation.The results of the study reveal that the soil treatment system had the lowest emissions ofboth greenhouse gases and acidifying gases, but the largest emissions of eutrophyingsubstances. The two phosphorus reducing systems showed significantly greaterpotential to reduce the emissions of eutrophying substances, but at the expense of largeremissions of greenhouse gases and acidifying gases, especially in the case of thereactive filter system. Local site characteristics such as the retention of nutrients, provedto play a vital role in the investigated sewage systems overall environmental impact. Inareas with high retention of phosphorus sewage systems with high emissions ofphosphorus (such as the soil treatment system) where favored. However, in areas whereeutrophication is problematic, it is justified to use phosphorus reducing systems.

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