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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effects of Metam Sodium on Soil Microbial Communities: Numbers, Activity, and Diversity

Sederholm, Maya, Sederholm, Maya January 2016 (has links)
Metam sodium is a fumigant often used as a crop pretreatment in agriculture to control a wide array of pests that may inhibit plant yields. Previously, there have only been limited studies conducted on the effects of metam sodium on native soil microbial communities and plant pathogens, and results have been inconsistent. This present study utilized control and metam sodium-treated field plots to examine the effects of metam sodium on soil microbes in terms of numbers, activity, and diversity. Metam sodium did not cause significant changes in culturable heterotrophic numbers, as shown by heterotrophic plate counts, but may have adversely affected non-culturable microbes since metam sodium did affect microbial activity. Specifically, the LuminUltra® and dehydrogenase activity assays both showed a significant decrease in total activity in treated plots one day after soil treatment, with a return to pre-application conditions within seven days. Illumina Next-Generation Sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene showed slight changes in richness and community composition throughout the 28-day study, but initial and final communities were similar in both control and treated soils. Overall, some soil microbes were adversely affected by metam sodium, but the resilience of the soil microbial community allowed for an apparent rapid recovery in terms of numbers, activity, and diversity.

Identifying Optimal Electron Donors to Promote Biosequestration of Uranium for an UMTRCA Title 1 Site

Abel, Erin Jessica, Abel, Erin Jessica January 2016 (has links)
Biostimulation is the use of in-situ microorganisms and added reagents in order to biosequester, precipitate, or absorb contaminants from contaminated groundwater and sediment. To test the effectiveness of this remediation approach at a particular site, small scale experiments, such as miscible-displacement, batch, or microcosm experiments, should be performed before a large-scale in-situ biosequestration electron donor injection. In this study, electron donor solutions containing contaminated groundwater and ethanol, acetate, benzoate, or glucose were injected into aquifer sediments collected from a UMTRCA Title 1 Site in Monument Valley, AZ. These experiments showed that ethanol, acetate, and glucose were effective electron donors for the stimulation of microbial activity in order to sequester uranium and reduce nitrate and sulfate concentrations. Conversely, benzoate was not effective at sequestering or reducing the contaminants. After electron-donor deficient groundwater was injected into the columns, a rebound of nitrate, sulfate, and uranium concentrations was observed. Due to this rebound, it was inferred that the mechanism of sequestration of uranium and hence reduction of nitrate and sulfate was due to the creation of reducing conditions via microbial activity. The insoluble reduced uranium was hypothesized to have precipitated or adsorbed to surrounding sediments. Incoming groundwater contained dissolved oxygen and therefore oxidized the reduced contaminants, consequently returning them into solution. It was hypothesized that a similar rebound would occur if ethanol, acetate, or glucose were to be injected in-situ due to sustained groundwater flow through the aquifer sediments on site.

Nitrogen and Phosphorus Response in Pecan

McCune, Justine Leigh, McCune, Justine Leigh January 2016 (has links)
This study evaluates the effects of nitrogen and phosphorus response in young (two- and three-year-old), non-bearing,'Western Schley' and 'Wichita' varieties of pecan (Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) C. Koch) grown in two orchards in San Simon, AZ. Using tree trunk diameter and rates of photosynthesis, transpiration, stomatal conductance, and transpiration as proxies for tree growth and positive response, and by analyzing foliar elemental concentrations of N and P, preliminary results suggest that 'Wichita' responds better than 'Western' to N and P fertilizer with respect to tree growth. Additions of nitrogen ranging from 5.6 kg N·ha⁻¹ to 35.9 kg N·ha⁻¹ increased foliar N concentration in 'Wichita', although there was no response to photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, intracellular CO₂, or transpiration. Additions of phosphorus fertilizer up to 112 kg·ha⁻¹ improved tree growth; and growth increased with increasing foliar P concentration.

The Use of Subsurface Temperature Fluctuations to Estimate Plant Water Use

Clutter, Melissa, Clutter, Melissa January 2016 (has links)
Irrigation agriculture is the largest use of water (~80%) in the United States ('Irrigation and Water Use', 2016) A combination of irrigation and precipitation infiltrates through the Earth's subsurface and represents the primary inputs to an agricultural field's groundwater system. This water propagates down from the surface, with some of it recharging the underlying groundwater storage as return flow. The difference between the amount of irrigation water applied and the return flow to the aquifer, represents the consumptive use of the system. The alterations in the quality and distribution of water from groundwater pumping and irrigation places greater emphasis on the need to understand the connection between agricultural consumption and subsurface groundwater flux. Temperature fluctuations in the Earth's shallow subsurface are mainly governed by spatial and temporal variations in temperature at the ground surface (Hatch et al., 2006). These temperature signals at depth are primarily controlled by advection, dispersion, and thermal conduction. It has been shown for streambeds that when temperature propagates through the subsurface, it is a nonlinear function of fluid velocity, the frequency of the surface temperature variations, and the sediment and fluid thermal properties (Stallman, 1965). This information has been useful for understanding fluxes for saturated conditions such as in stream systems, but has not yet been applied to understand consumptive use in unsaturated conditions such as in agricultural systems. Temperature propagation in unsaturated conditions is different than saturated conditions due to changes in soil and thermal properties. Previous models have had difficulty estimating groundwater fluxes for some unsaturated conditions. This study experiments with the possibility of using a combination of MATLAB and HYDRUS 1D to infer unsaturated groundwater fluxes, saturated hydraulic conductivity, and saturated water content. One application of this type of flux estimation could be the inference of root water uptake and the consumptive use of an agricultural system. The method is designed to calculate root water uptake under steady-state conditions; and therefore might have limitations for quantifying consumptive use in field applications.It is beneficial to research the consumptive use in agricultural systems in order to gain understanding of the effects of irrigation on the total flux in groundwater storage. Other applications of consumptive use include: site specific farm efficiency and crop use parameters, nonpoint source pollution to estimate nutrient fluxes, irrigation efficiency, soil salinization, waste isolation, and slope stability.

The Potential Impacts of the Nogales International Wastewater Treatment Plant on the Santa Cruz River

LaBrie, Holli, LaBrie, Holli January 2016 (has links)
The Nogales International Wastewater Treatment Plant releases treated wastewater from both Nogales, Arizona and Nogales, Sonora, Mexico into the Santa Cruz River. In recent years, the discharged effluent has contained high levels of cadmium and nickel, which exceed the plant's permit standards. Due to the industrial demographic of the region, outdated infrastructure, and differences in sampling schedules of multiple organizations, the treatment facility and the treated effluent is an important area of study. To understand how the treated effluent is affecting the river, data were compiled from existing water quality databases and flow reports from 2008 to 2015. To address how flow quantity has changed during drought periods, effluent flows were compared to historical flood data produced by the USGS. To evaluate water quality issues, water quality reports produced by the International Boundary and Water Commission were examined for past exceedances of constituents. According to flow volumes reported at the U.S.-Mexico border, the majority of the effluent was produced in Nogales, Sonora. Results showed that spikes in effluent flow corresponded with rainfall events. Results also show that rainfall influences the flow volumes from Nogales, Arizona, but there is little impact to flow volumes from Mexico. Although the quality of the effluent generally meets the permitted standards, exceedances did occur. The potential impact of such exceedances on stream water quality was evaluated using measured and simulated data. Although outreach to stakeholders across the border and updated infrastructure has improved the quality of water in the river, there are still many areas to improve upon, including sampling and monitoring schedules. To identify opportunities for improvement, further studies should examine the specific fate of each contaminant present in the effluent.

Classificação climática segundo Köppen e Thornthwaite e caracterização edafoclimática referente à região de Santa Maria, RS / Climatic classification by Köppen and Thornthwaite and edaphoclimatic characterization related to Santa Maria region, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Fabres, Tanira Marinho 15 May 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido com objetivo de analisar a classificação climática segundo Köppen e Thornthwaite (comparando os valores de armazenamento de água no solo, evapotranspiração real, deficiência hídrica e excedente hídrico para realização do balanço hídrico cíclico mensal), e de propor uma caracterização edafoclimática referente à região mesoclimática de Santa Maria, RS utilizando uma série histórica de 35 anos (de 1969 a 2003). De acordo com os resultados, as seguintes conclusões podem ser apresentadas: (a) a classificação climática segundo Thornthwaite ou Köppen pode ser feita com base na classe mais freqüente ou utilizando os valores médios de temperatura e de chuva e a capacidade de água disponível de 50 mm; (b) classificação climática segundo Thornthwaite: A r B\'3 a\' (classe mais freqüente) ou B4 r B\'3 a\' (utilizando os valores médios de temperatura e de chuva); (c) classificação climática segundo Köppen: Cfga (classe mais freqüente) ou Cwga (utilizando os valores médios de temperatura e de chuva); e (d) A29/42S,53/42W,95,35,11,7,27,2,20,3,5,5,471,1/5,1235,2672,1802,20,953,887,915,50: caracterização edafoclimática proposta. Isso significa que a evapotranspiração real é pelo menos 90% da evapotranspiração potencial de referência (classe A de disponibilidade hídrica), a localização geográfica é de 29o42\' (latitude sul), 53o42\' (longitude oeste) e altitude de 95 m, e que a série histórica apresenta 35 anos, sendo as temperaturas mínima e máxima mensal de 11oC (julho) e 27oC (fevereiro), a temperatura média anual de 20oC, respectivamente, com coeficiente de variação de 3%, e as chuvas mínima e máxima mensal de 5 mm (maio) e 471 mm (janeiro/maio), as chuvas mínima, máxima e média anual de 1235 mm, 2672 mm e 1802 mm, respectivamente, com coeficiente de variação de 20%, valores médios anuais de evapotranspiração potencial de referência, evapotranspiração real e excedente hídrico de 953 mm, 887 mm e 915 mm, respectivamente, adotando uma capacidade de água disponível de 50 mm. / The present work was developed with the purpose of analyzing the climatic classification by Köppen and Thornthwaite (comparing the values of soil water holding, actual evapotranspiration, water deficit and water excess for cyclic water balance using monthly data), and of proposing an edaphoclimatic characterization related to the mesoclimatic region of Santa Maria, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, using a historical series of 35 years (from 1969 to 2003). According to the results, the following conclusions can be presented: (a) the climatic classification by Thornthwaite or Köppen can be done based on the modal class or using the mean values of air temperature and rainfall and the soil water holding capacity of 50 mm; (b) the climatic classification by Thornthwaite is A r B\'3 a\' (modal class) or B4 r B\'3 a\' (using the mean values of temperature and rainfall); (c) the climatic classification by Köppen is Cfga (modal class) or Cwga (using the mean values of temperature and rainfall); and (d) A29/42S,53/42W,95,35,11,7,27,2,20,3,5,5,471,1/5,1235,2672,1802,20,953,887,915,50 is the proposed edaphoclimatic characterization. It means the actual evapotranspiration is at least 90% of the potential evapotranspiration (class A of soil water availability), the geographic localization is 29o42\' South (latitude), 53o42\' West (longitude) and altitude of 95 m, using a historic series of 35 years, being monthly minimum and maximum air temperatures of 11oC (July) and 27oC (February), the annual mean air temperature of 20oC, with coefficient of variation of 3%, and the monthly minimum and maximum rainfall of 5 mm (May) and 471 mm (January/May), the annual minimum, maximum and mean rainfall of 1235 mm, 2672 mm and 1802 mm, respectively, with coefficient of variation of 20%, and the annual mean values of potential evapotranspiration, actual evapotranspiration and water excess of 953 mm, 887 mm and 915 mm, respectively, using a soil water holding capacity of 50 mm.

Condutividade hidráulica do solo a partir da curva de retenção de laboratório e de campo / Soil hydraulic conductivity from laboratory and field soil-water retention curve

Rebouças, Cezar Augusto Medeiros 25 August 2016 (has links)
Os métodos indiretos de determinação da condutividade hidráulica do solo em função do conteúdo de água no solo apresentam relevante vantagem pela redução de tempo e custo. No entanto, quando são comparados aos métodos de determinação em campo, seus valores não satisfazem as reais condições. Assim, com este trabalho, objetivou-se comparar resultados da condutividade hidráulica pelo modelo de van Genuchten a partir da curva de retenção, CRA, determinada no laboratório e em campo, assim como indicar a melhor maneira de estimar o conteúdo de água no solo a partir de leituras tensiométricas quando se usa a CRA no método do perfil instantâneo, MPI. O experimento foi conduzido em quatro profundidades de um Latossolo e de um Nitossolo, que correspondiam aos seus respectivos horizontes pedológicos. Para confecção da CRA em campo, foi instalado, no centro de cada horizonte, um tensiômetro com manômetro de mercúrio, para determinação da tensão da água, e coletadas, de cada profundidade, amostras de solo com estrutura deformada às tensões de 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 20, 30, 40 e 50 kPa, para determinação do conteúdo gravimétrico de água; foram retiradas também, de cada profundidade, amostras com estrutura indeformada, por meio de um extrator do tipo Uhland, para determinação da densidade do solo, necessária para conversão dos dados para conteúdo volumétrico de água. Para a CRA em laboratório foram coletadas amostras de solo com estrutura indeformada também por meio de extrator do tipo Uhland. As amostras foram submetidas às tensões de 2, 4, 6, 8 e 10 kPa em funis de placa porosa, e para as tensões de 33, 50, 100, 300, 600, 900, 1.200 e 1.500 kPa em câmara de pressão com placa porosa. Todas as amostras foram coletadas em triplicata. Por fim, procedeu-se com os cálculos da condutividade hidráulica pelo modelo de van Genuchten. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que: (a) a metodologia de determinação da CRA no campo mostrou-se satisfatória, assim como o seu ajuste pela equação utilizada por van Genuchten no seu método de determinação da condutividade hidráulica relativa, Kr, com coeficientes de determinação sempre maiores que 0,9; (b) os valores da Kr obtidos pelo método de van Genuchten quando se utilizou a CRA de laboratório foram sempre maiores em relação aos valores obtidos com a CRA determinada no campo; e (c) no MPI há necessidade de se conhecer o conteúdo de água no solo ao longo do perfil durante o processo de redistribuição da água, e uma das maneiras de se obter esse conteúdo é por meio da CRA; com base nos resultados obtidos e em face à primeira conclusão, pode-se dizer que quando se utiliza a CRA para estimar o conteúdo de água pelo MPI, a utilização da CRA determinada no campo deve fornecer resultados mais realísticos da função K(θ). / The use of indirect methods to determine the soil hydraulic conductivity as a function of soil-water content is very advantageous because of the reduction of time and cost. However, when compared with field methods, values do not satisfy the actual conditions. So, the objective this work was to compare results of hydraulic conductivity by van Genuchten\'s model from the water retention curve, WRC, determined in the laboratory and in the field, well as indicate the better way to estimate the soil-water content from tensiometer readings using WRC, in the instantaneous profile method, IPM. The experiment was carried out in four depths of an Oxisol and a Nitosol, corresponding to their pedological horizons. To obtain the field WRC, a mercury manometer tensiometer was installed in the centre of each horizon, for the determination of the soil-water tension, and disturbed soil samples were collected at tensions of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 kPa, to determinate the gravimetric soil-water content; undisturbed soil samples were also taken by means of a soil extractor type Uhland to determine soil bulk density, required to convert data to volumetric soil-water content. For laboratory WRC soil samples were collected with undisturbed structure also by means of soil extractor type Uhland. The water tension used were 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 kPa in porous plate funnels, and tensions of 33, 50, 100, 300, 600, 900, 1200 and 1500 kPa porous plate pressure chamber. All samples were collected in triplicate. Finally, the calculations of hydraulic conductivity by van Genuchten\'s model were made. According to the results, it can be concluded that: (a) the methodology for determining field WRC was satisfactory, as well as its adjusting by the equation used by van Genuchten in his method of relative hydraulic conductivity, Kr, estimation with ever determination coefficients always greater than 0.9; (b) the Kr values obtained by the method of van Genuchten when using the laboratory WRC were always higher as compared to the values obtained with the field WRC; and (c) in the IPM, it is necessary to know the soil-water content along the soil profile, during the process of water redistribution, and one of the ways to estimate the water content is through the WRC. Based on the obtained results and given the first conclusion, it can be said that when using WRC to estimate the water content in the IPM, the use of the field WRC should provide more realistic results for K(θ).

Sensibilidade da cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum spp.) ao excesso de água no solo / Sugar cane sensitivity (Saccharum spp.) to soil water excess

Tavares, Antonio Clarette Santiago 19 October 2009 (has links)
Praticamente toda cana-de-açúcar produzida no Estado de São Paulo é cultivada em condições de sequeiro e o aproveitamento de novas áreas para a sua produção, nas quais haja necessidade de drenagem, torna-se importante. O dimensionamento de sistemas de drenagem agrícola baseado apenas na experiência prática do projetista tem levado a freqüentes insucessos. Para o dimensionamento racional, é necessário se conhecer a velocidade mínima de rebaixamento do lençol freático a ser proporcionado pelos drenos, o que depende da sensibilidade de cada cultura. Assim, este trabalho tem como objetivos determinar o efeito de diferentes velocidades de rebaixamento do NF, em diferentes estádios de desenvolvimento da cana-de-açúcar. O experimento foi conduzido em 64 lisímetros, em um delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados, arranjado em um fatorial de (3 x 5 + 1), sendo 3 estádios de desenvolvimento, 5 velocidades de rebaixamento do NF mais uma testemunha que não sofrerá estresse por excesso de umidade. Os resultados obtidos permitiram a obtenção de um critério de drenagem para o cálculo do espaçamento de drenos utilizando equações de movimento não permanente. A produtividade e seus componentes expressos em valores médios de massa verde de colmos, massa seca dos colmos, massa verde dos ponteiros, massa seca dos ponteiros, massa verde total e massa seca total não foram afetados pelas velocidades de rebaixamento de 0,30 m em 3, 6, 9, 12 e 15 dias. Entre os índices fisiológicos avaliados a condição de inundação das parcelas proporcionada pelas diferentes velocidades de rebaixamento do NF não interferiu nos valores médios da taxa de crescimento absoluto, taxa de assimilação liquida e na taxa de crescimento da cultura. Já a razão de área foliar, a taxa de crescimento relativo, e área foliar especifica apresentaram diferenças significativas para os períodos. O valor médio de Brix obtidos nas plantas que sofreram estresse pelo encharcamento no período de 305 DAP sob uma velocidade rebaixamento de 0,30 m em 12 dias apresentou valor médio de 16,03 % de brix, inferior e significativamente diferente dos demais períodos e velocidades. As parcelas inundadas aos 67 dias após o plantio apresentaram valores de pH no solo superiores aos demais períodos 210 e 305. Os valores médios de potenciais de oxiredução aumentam a medida que reduz o teor de umidade do solo. Os valores médios de oxigênio dissolvido aumentaram ao longo dos períodos de avaliação. Ocorreu uma redução e estabilização nos valores médios das leituras com o decorrer dos dias de avaliação. Em experimentos onde se tem uma limitação de material é possível utilizar uma mesma folha da canade- açúcar para determinar o potencial de água na folha. No entanto há a necessidade de proteger o local da fração foliar destacada com um papel alumínio. Os valores médios de potencial de água na folhas não se apresentaram diferentes estatisticamente entre as parcelas submetidas à inundação, assim como, quando comparados as parcelas sob irrigação. A severidade dos cincos velocidades de rebaixamentos não refletiu nos teores dos macronutrientes na folhas das plantas. / Almost all sugar cane produced in the State of Sao Paulo is grown under rainfed conditions and the exploration of new cultivated areas, were there is a need for drainage, becomes important. The design of agricultural drainage systems based only on practical experience of the designer has led to frequent failures. For the rational sizing, it is necessary to know the minimum speed of lowering the water table to be provided by the drains, which depends on the sensitivity of each crop. Thus, this study aims to determine the effect of different speeds of lowering the water table, at different development stages of sugar cane. The experiment was conducted in 64 lysimeters in a randomized blocks design, arranged in a factorial of (3 x 5 + 1), of three development stages, five speed of lowering the water table and a control that did not suffer stress by excess moisture. The results enabled to obtain a criteria of drainage for calculating the spacing of drains using no permanent motion equations. The yield and its components expressed in average values of green mass of stalks, dry weight of stalks, green mass of top, top of dry mass, total mass green and total dry mass were not affected by lowering speeds of 0,30 m 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 days, no differences between them and not the control. Among the avaliated physiological indexes the flood condition of the plots provided by the different speeds of lowering of the water table did not interfere in the average values of absolute growth rate, net assimilation rate and growth rate of the crop. Whereas the leaf area ratio, the relative growth rate and specific leaf area showed significant differences for the periods. The average value of Brix obtained in plants that have suffered stress by flooding in the period of 305 DAP under lowering a speed of 0,30 m in 12 days showed a mean value of 16,03% of Brix, and significantly different than the other periods and speeds. The plots flooded for 67 days after planting showed pH values in soil higher than other periods 210 and 305. The average values of potential oxiredution increase with the reduction of the moisture content of soil. The average values of dissolved oxygen increased over the evaluation periods. And a reduction and stabilization in the average of the readings over the course of days evaluation. In experiments where there is a limitation of material one can use a single leaf sheet of sugar cane to determine the potential of water on the sheet. However there is a need to protect the site of the fraction leaf with an aluminum sheet. The average values of water potential in leaves did not show statistically different between plots subjected to flooding as well as, when compared to plots under irrigation. The severity of the five speeds, did not reflected in lower levels of macronutrients in the plant leaves.

Extração de água do solo por plantas de soja: modelagem hidrofísica e empírica / Root water uptake by soybean plants: hydrophysical and empirical modeling

Santos, Marcos Alex dos 20 January 2012 (has links)
A extração de água do solo pelas plantas esta intimamente relacionada com a produtividade das culturas. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o desempenho das funções de redução de Jong Van Lier et al. (2008) e de Feddes, Kowalik e Zaradny (1978) na estimativa da extração de água por plantas de soja sob condições úmidas. A primeira e formalizada a partir de modelos microscópicos de extração de água e presume um potencial da água na superfície da raiz constante com a profundidade do sistema radicular, que e estimado pela transpiração da planta. A segunda e uma função de redução empírica, largamente utilizada em simulações de extração de água que não considera o mecanismo de compensação. O desempenho de ambas as funções de redução foi analisado através das variáveis (potencial e conteúdo da água no solo) simuladas pelo modelo agrohidrológico SWAP (Soil Water Plant Atmosphere). Um experimento foi conduzido em uma área do Campus da Escola Superior de Agricultura \\Luiz de Queiroz\". O conteúdo de água do solo e potencial matricial foram monitorados ao longo ciclo da cultura nas profundidades de 0,05, 0,15 e 0,30 m. Os dados diários das variáveis meteorológicas requeridas pelo SWAP foram obtidos do posto meteorológico da ESALQ, que dista, aproximadamente, 50 m do experimento. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, as funções de redução de transpiração apresentaram diferentes estimativas de distribuições temporais de extração de água ao longo da profundidade do solo. Essa diferença foi devido principalmente ao fato de a função de redução de Feddes, Kowalik e Zaradny (1978) não considerar o mecanismo de compensação de extração de água do solo. Em conseqüência, a função de redução diminuiu drasticamente o potencial matricial do solo nas camadas superficiais, em desacordo com as medições. A função de redução de Jong Van Lier et al. (2008) distribuiu a extração de água do solo regida pela distribuição do potencial de fluxo matricial. Mesmo nas condições úmidas ocorridas durante o período experimental, a distribuição radicular não influenciou na distribuição da extração de água do solo pelo modelo. Em alguns dias, o modelo extraiu toda a água demandada pela transpiração de apenas uma camada de solo (espessura de 1 cm). Esse comportamento simulado foi atribuído ao fato de a função de redução considerar um potencial de fluxo matricial constante com a profundidade, por desconsiderar a resistência radicular. Comparando tanto os valores do potencial matricial, quanto os do conteúdo de água do solo estimados pelo modelo SWAP para as três profundidades analisadas com os dados experimentais, a função de redução de Jong Van Lier (2008) apresentou desempenho superior ao da func~ao de Feddes, Kowalik e Zaradny (1978) . / Root water extraction is intrinsically associated to crop yield. In this work, we assessed the performance of Jong Van Lier et al. (2008) and Feddes, Kowalik e Zaradny (1978) reduction functions on estimating root water extraction by a soybean crop under nonlimiting soil hydraulic conditions. The rst reduction function is based on microscopic root water extraction models and assumes a depth-independent value of root surface pressure head, which is determined by plant transpiration. The latter is a classical and widely used empirical reduction function that does not take into consideration any compensation mechanism. The performance of both reduction functions was evaluated by means of simulated variables (soil water content and pressure head) by the agrohydrological model SWAP (Soil Water Plant Atmosphere). A eld experiment was carried out at the Escola Superior de Agricultura \\Luiz de Queiroz\" campus in Piracicaba, Brazil. Soil water content and pressure head was monitored during the entire crop cycle at 0.5, 0.15 and 0.30 m depths. Daily weather variables required by the SWAP model were obtained from the campus weather station, located at 50 m from the experiment. According to the results, the reduction functions presented dierent temporal root water extraction patterns along depth. This dierence occurred mainly because Feddes, Kowalik e Zaradny (1978) reduction function does not take into consideration a compensation mechanism. Thus, unlike in the eld measurements, pressure head in the top layers was substantially reduced. The Jong Van Lier (2008) reduction function distributed soil water extraction according to matric ux potential. Even under the wet (non-limiting) conditions during the experiment, root density did not in uence the root water extraction pattern predicted by the model. At some days, the reduction function extracted all the water for transpiration from only one soil layer (1 cm layer thickness). This simulated behavior was attributed to the depth-independent matric ux potential assumed by the reduction function as a consequence of disregarding internal root resistance. Comparing both pressure head and soil water content observations estimated by SWAP for the three analyzed depths to the experimental data, the De Jong van Lier (2008) reduction function showed a better performance than the Feddes, Kowalik e Zaradny (1978) reduction function.

Influência da distância de instalação de tensiômetros no campo para o cálculo do gradiente de potencial total no método do perfil instantâneo / Influence of the distance of installation of tensiometers to calculate total potential gradient in the field soil hydraulic conductivity determination

Martins, Mariana Ventura 24 August 2009 (has links)
Para determinar a condutividade hidráulica do solo em condições de não saturação, o método mais utilizado para estimativas no campo tem sido o do perfil instantâneo. Este método baseia-se na integração da equação de Richards em relação à profundidade do solo, durante o processo de redistribuição da água, após a saturação do perfil até a profundidade de interesse e prevenção do fluxo de água pela superfície do solo. A equação resultante para a aplicação do método exige o conhecimento do gradiente de potencial total na profundidade de interesse, durante o processo de redistribuição. A hipótese básica do trabalho é a de que há uma distância correta entre as cápsulas do tensiômetro, para o cálculo do gradiente de potencial total, na aplicação do método do perfil instantâneo, que confere menor erro à determinação da condutividade hidráulica. Em dois solos com texturas bem diferentes foi instalada uma estrutura metálica retangular de 4,50 m de comprimento, 3,00 m de largura e 0,60 m de altura (0,40 m no solo), no centro da qual foram instalados 26 tensiômetros com manômetro de mercúrio a cada 25 mm, desde 0,10 até 0,60 m de profundidade, para o cálculo do gradiente de potencial total na profundidade de 0,50 m. O gradiente de potencial total utilizado como referência foi calculado pela derivada de equação de ajuste do potencial total com a profundidade do solo; os demais gradientes foram calculados pelo método das diferenças finitas utilizando, para o comprimento do solo (distância entre as cápsulas), os valores 0,05, 0,10, 0,15 e 0,20 m. Destes valores somente a distância 0,05 m resultou em gradientes diferentes em relação à referência para os dois solos testados, com o que pode-se recomendar os demais comprimentos para o cálculo do gradiente de potencial total no método do perfil instantâneo. Também pode-se concluir que para o solo arenoso a hipótese do gradiente unitário não se adequou corretamente aos dados, subestimando em até 75% o valor da condutividade hidráulica. / The soil hydraulic conductivity determination method most used under unsaturated field conditions is the instantaneous profile method. This method is based on the integration of Richards equation in relation to soil depth, during the soil water redistribution process, after the profile has been saturated till the interest depth and the soil surface prevented to water flux. The equation that results from the method requires the knowledge of the total potential gradient at the interest depth during the redistribution depth. The basic hypothesis of this work is that there is an installation correct distance of the tensiometer porous cups to calculate the total potential gradient in the instantaneous profile method that provides less error to the hydraulic conductivity determination. In two very distinct texture soil. A metallical rectangular structure of 4.50 m length, 3.00 m width and 0.60 m depth was installed into the soil profile, leaving 0.20 m of its depth above the soil surface. In the center of the delimited area, 26 mercury tensiometers were installed at each 25 mm along the profile from soil depth of 0.10 m to 0.60 m, to calculate the total potential gradient at the 0.50 m soil depth. The gradient used as reference was that calculated by differentiation of the fitted curve of total potential as a function of the vertical position coordinate for the depth of 0.50 m; the other gradients were calculated by finite differences using the distances of 0.05, 0.10, 0.15 and 0.20 m between installed porous cups. Among these values, only the distance of 0.05 m resulted in gradients different of the reference for both soils. Therefore, the other distances (0.10, 0.15 and 0.20 m) away be recommended to calculated the soil water total potential by finite differences in the instantaneous profile method. Would be concluded that the assumption of unit gradient was not suitable for the data obtained for the sandy soil, underestimating the hydraulic conductivity by up to 75%.

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