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Hodnocení materiálových a procesních faktorů na DPS metodou smáčecích vah / Wetting Balance Method - Evaluation of PCB Material and Process FactorsChloupek, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
This work deals with issues of the wetting forces during soldering and evaluates material and procedural effects on the soldering process. The aim is to set the technology operations to get best quality of soldered joints.
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Vliv kvality mechanických prací na optický přenos / Effects of mechanical doings on optical data transportTihlařík, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
This master´s thesis deals with of human factor impact on optical fibers manipulation. It describes types and methods used for splicing and placing optical fibers and optical cables. These methods are specified in the chapters; their application in different environments and conditions is accentuated. This paper presents splicing optical fibers. It emphasizes problems which can occur if proper procedures aren´t kept or if improper device is used. In the thesis there is the chapter dealing with problems which can arise during splicing optical fibers - these negative influences are evaluated with educational equipments EF-970-01 PLASTIC by the company MIKROKOM, s.r.o. Another aim of the work is to describe mechanical optical fiber splice 3MTM FibrlokTM. This kind of device was lent for testing optical fibers multiple splicing. It was tested under extreme conditions. Statistically processed values of insertion loss and splice reflectance, measured by OTDR are the results of the test. Comparing measured values, technical report ones, regarding for usage in practice, there is a possibility of 75 multiple reusing of the mechanical optical fiber splice. The prediction of magnitude insertion loss, calculated for thousands splice cycles follows. The next part of the work deals with fusion splices and contains comparison of splices made with two cleavers: CORNING LWL-TRENNGERAT S46999-M9-D12 and the later model - Fitel S325A cleaver. The result is that older S46999-M9-D12 model gained lower attenuation. The results of both previous measurements are influenced by human factor. It appears at mechanical optical fiber splices as growing fluctuate of insertion losses and as the unequal attenuation fusion splices at tested cleavers.
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Návrh a sestavení spínaného zdroje o výkonu 2,5 kW / SMPS design and assembly with an output of 2.5 kWPospíšilík, Vojtěch January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis describe the desing and assembly of switching power supply with an output of 2,5kW. At first is described the funcional principle of SPMS. The next is the proceed design of power part of the converter composed from calculation of transformer, inductors, capacitors and sizing of semiconductors. There is proceed the calculation of power looses. The next step is to make acquaintance with the possibilities of feedback control, creating a model system for simulating and executing the selection of an appropriate regulatorystructure.The following is the calculation of regulators suitable method and simulation at program MatlabSimulink. Is procced the computing and realization of regulators and finding the PWM modulator. At over is constution of contorl logic and desin of printed circuit desing, assembly and their recovery.
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Výzkum spolehlivosti pájených spojů v dusíkové atmosféře / Investigation of Reliability for Solder Joints in Nitrogen AtmosphereŠefara, Petr January 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines the inuence of nitrogen atmosphere on the quality of the solder joint lead-free solder paste. For the solder paste were measured and set temperature proles. Thesis includes the implementation and measurement of samples in a protective nitrogen atmosphere and without a protective atmosphere. These measurements are compared, and the conclusions were drawn for the inuence of nitrogen atmosphere. The reliability and the quality of the soldered joints were investigated.
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Studie řešení stability dřevěných konstrukcí / Study of stability solution of timber structuresHetver, Jan January 2015 (has links)
In this work is presented development of computational model of real timber truss in collapse state. The model was solved linearly and geometrically non-linearly and the results were evaluated. The aim was to depict the real behavior of the structure.
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Vlastnosti svarů při vysokovýkonných metodách svařování / Properties of weld at the high-powered welding methodsTresová, Vendula January 2008 (has links)
Properties of weld at the high-powered welding methods. Description of MIG/MAG welding, LaserHybrid, Time Twin Digital. Steel Characteristic IMEX 700/DILLIMAX 690. Evaluation of weld with methods Time Twin Digital. Results of drawing, bending examinations, examination of hardness test and structure of weld surface.
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Vady a jejich příčiny při barvení eloxovaných povrchů / Defects and their causes in dyeing of anodized surfacesŠulc, František January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the anodic oxidation of aluminum and its alloys. The work consists of two parts. The first one is focused on more detail description of anodic oxidation process itself and theoretical description of the technological process anodic oxidation. The second part is more practically oriented. It compares two different lines for anodizing, and examines factors that affect the final appearance of the surface layer during anodizing welded joints.
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Pevnostní analýza stojanu lisu LKDS800 / Stress-strain analysis of the LKDS800 frameTománek, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with frame of the two-point crank press LKDS800, which was designed by company ŽĎAS a.s. Frame is welded construction creating the base of the press which has mass approximately 90 tonnes. Aim of this study was to perform strain-stress analysis of the frame. From obtained results perform optimization of mass this frame leading to reduce material costs and machining. In the process is frame loaded by nominal forces from the shearing process, under its own weight and inertia forces caused by moving components. As a result of the dynamic loading in welded joints there are risks of fatigue fracture. The manufacturer of the press is required to find the most loaded welded joint and it to assess the fatigue life.
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Posouzení pevnosti a životnosti hydraulického klapkového uzávěru / Strength and lifetime analysis of the hydraulic key lockKlíč, Jan January 2015 (has links)
Theoretical part of this master thesis is focused on the theory of fatigue life. The second part deals with the assesment of static strength the closing flap in front of water turbine. Futher fatigue analysis of the closing flap is performed considering corrosive environment. The aim is to verify the required service lifetime of 50 years.
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Nosná ocelová konstrukce rozhledny / Steel Structure of Observation TowerVirág, Patrik January 2016 (has links)
The subject of the diploma thesis is design and structural analysis of loadbearing steel structure of observation tower, which is located southeast of Černá Hora, township Blansko. The design is processed in two options. Parts of the thesis are engineering report, structural design report for both of the options and graphical documentation in specified range. The structure’s height is 25.3 m and maximal ground plan dimension is 6 x 6 m. Steel grade S355 was chosen as main material. The sub-objectives of the structural analysis are load effects calculations (permanent load, imposed load and climatic load), entering of loads to the calculation model and calculation of internal forces and deformations. An assessment of the supporting elements and selected joints is also included. There are dynamic design features considered in the calculation. All calculations were performed in accordance with valid ČSN EN standards.
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