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The Occurrence of Classical Cepheids in Binary SystemsNeilson, Hilding R., Schneider, Fabian R.N., Izzard, Robert G., Evans, Nancy R., Langer, Norbert 01 February 2015 (has links)
Classical Cepheids, like binary stars, are laboratories for stellar evolution and Cepheids in binary systems are especially powerful ones. About one-third of Galactic Cepheids are known to have companions and Cepheids in eclipsing binary systems have recently been discovered in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). However, there are no known Galactic binary Cepheids with orbital periods less than one year. We compute population synthesis models of binary Cepheids to compare to the observed period and eccentricity distributions of Galactic Cepheids as well as to the number of observed eclipsing binary Cepheids in the LMC. We find that our population synthesis models are consistent with observed binary properties of Cepheids. Furthermore, we show that binary interaction on the red giant branch prevents some red giant stars from becoming classical Cepheids. Such interactions suggest that the binary fraction of Cepheids should be significantly less than that of their main-sequence progenitors, and that almost all binary Cepheids have orbital periods longer than one year. If the Galactic Cepheid spectroscopic binary fraction is about 35%, then the spectroscopic binary fraction of their intermediate mass main sequence progenitors is about 40- 45%.
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The Catalina Surveys Southern periodic variable star catalogueDrake, A. J., Djorgovski, S. G., Catelan, M., Graham, M. J., Mahabal, A. A., Larson, S., Christensen, E., Torrealba, G., Beshore, E., McNaught, R. H., Garradd, G., Belokurov, V., Koposov, S. E. 08 1900 (has links)
Here, we present the results from our analysis of 6 yr of optical photometry taken by the Siding Spring Survey (SSS). This completes a search for periodic variable stars within the 30 000 deg(2) of the sky covered by the Catalina Surveys. The current analysis covers 81 million sources with declinations between -20 degrees. and -75 degrees. with median magnitudes in the range 11 < V < 19.5. We find approximately 34 000 new periodic variable stars in addition to the similar to 9000 RR Lyrae that we previously discovered in SSS data. This brings the total number of periodic variables identified in Catalina data to similar to 110 000. The new SSS periodic variable stars mainly consist of eclipsing binaries, RR Lyrae, LPVs, RS CVn stars, delta Scutis, and Anomalous Cepheids. By cross-matching these variable stars with those from prior surveys, we find that similar to 90 per cent of the sources are new discoveries and recover similar to 95 per cent of the known periodic variables in the survey region. For the known sources, we find excellent agreement between our catalogue and prior values of luminosity, period, and amplitude. However, we find many variable stars that had previously been misclassified. Examining the distribution of RR Lyrae, we find a population associated with the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) that extends more than 20 degrees from its centre confirming recent evidence for the existence of a very extended stellar halo in the LMC. By combining SSS photometry with Dark Energy Survey data, we identify additional LMC halo RR Lyrae, thus confirming the significance of the population.
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Non-Radially Pulsating Stars as Microlensing SourcesSajadian, Sedighe, Ignace, Richard 01 October 2020 (has links)
We study the microlensing of non-radially pulsating (NRP) stars. Pulsations are formulated for stellar radius and temperature using spherical harmonic functions with different values of l, m. The characteristics of the microlensing light curves from NRP stars are investigated in relation to different pulsation modes. For the microlensing of NRP stars, the light curve is not a simple multiplication of the magnification curve and the intrinsic luminosity curve of the source star, unless the effect of finite source size can be ignored. Three main conclusions can be drawn from the simulated light curves. First, for modes with m a 0 and when the viewing inclination is more nearly pole-on, the stellar luminosity towards the observer changes little with pulsation phase. In this case, high-magnification microlensing events are chromatic and can reveal the variability of these source stars. Secondly, some combinations of pulsation modes produce nearly degenerate luminosity curves (e.g. (l, m) = (3, 0), (5, 0)). The resulting microlensing light curves are also degenerate, unless the lens crosses the projected source. Finally, for modes involving m = 1, the stellar brightness centre does not coincide with the coordinate centre, and the projected source brightness centre moves in the sky with pulsation phase. As a result of this time-dependent displacement in the brightness centroid, the time of the magnification peak coincides with the closest approach of the lens to the brightness centre as opposed to the source coordinate centre. Binary microlensing of NRP stars and in caustic-crossing features are chromatic.
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Long-Term Polarization Observations of Mira Variable Stars Suggest Asymmetric StructuresNeilson, Hilding R., Ignace, Richard, Henson, Gary D. 03 March 2014 (has links)
Mira and semi-regular variable stars have been studied for centuries but continue to be enigmatic. One unsolved mystery is the presence of polarization from these stars. In particular, we present 40 years of polarization measurements for the prototype o Ceti and V CVn and find very different phenomena for each star. The polarization fraction and position angle for Mira is found to be small and highly variable. On the other hand, the polarization fraction for V CVn is large and variable, from 2-7%, and its position angle is approximately constant, suggesting a long-term asymmetric structure. We suggest a number of potential scenarios to explain these observations.
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Classical Cepheids Require Enhanced Mass LossNeilson, Hilding R., Langer, Norbert, Engle, Scott G., Guinan, Ed, Izzard, Robert 20 November 2012 (has links)
Measurements of rates of period change of Classical Cepheids probe stellar physics and evolution. Additionally, better understanding of Cepheid structure and evolution provides greater insight into their use as standard candles and tools for measuring the Hubble constant. Our recent study of the period change of the nearest Cepheid, Polaris, suggested that it is undergoing enhanced mass loss when compared to canonical stellar evolution model predictions. In this work, we expand the analysis to rates of period change measured for about 200 Galactic Cepheids and compare them to population synthesis models of Cepheids including convective core overshooting and enhanced mass loss. Rates of period change predicted from stellar evolution models without mass loss do not agree with observed rates, whereas including enhanced mass loss yields predicted rates in better agreement with observations. This is the first evidence that enhanced mass loss as suggested previously for Polaris and δ Cephei must be a ubiquitous property of Classical Cepheids.
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GW Librae: a unique laboratory for pulsations in an accreting white dwarfToloza, O., Gänsicke, B. T., Hermes, J. J., Townsley, D. M., Schreiber, M. R., Szkody, P., Pala, A., Beuermann, K., Bildsten, L., Breedt, E., Cook, M., Godon, P., Henden, A. A., Hubeny, I., Knigge, C., Long, K. S., Marsh, T. R., de Martino, D., Mukadam, A. S., Myers, G., Nelson, P., Oksanen, A., Patterson, J., Sion, E. M., Zorotovic, M. 11 July 2016 (has links)
Non-radial pulsations have been identified in a number of accreting white dwarfs in cataclysmic variables. These stars offer insight into the excitation of pulsation modes in atmospheres with mixed compositions of hydrogen, helium, and metals, and the response of these modes to changes in the white dwarf temperature. Among all pulsating cataclysmic variable white dwarfs, GW Librae stands out by having a well-established observational record of three independent pulsation modes that disappeared when the white dwarf temperature rose dramatically following its 2007 accretion outburst. Our analysis of Hubble Space Telescope (HST) ultraviolet spectroscopy taken in 2002, 2010, and 2011, showed that pulsations produce variations in the white dwarf effective temperature as predicted by theory. Additionally in 2013 May, we obtained new HST/Cosmic Origin Spectrograph ultraviolet observations that displayed unexpected behaviour: besides showing variability at a parts per thousand integral 275 s, which is close to the post-outburst pulsations detected with HST in 2010 and 2011, the white dwarf exhibits high-amplitude variability on an a parts per thousand integral 4.4 h time-scale. We demonstrate that this variability is produced by an increase of the temperature of a region on white dwarf covering up to a parts per thousand integral 30 per cent of the visible white dwarf surface. We argue against a short-lived accretion episode as the explanation of such heating, and discuss this event in the context of non-radial pulsations on a rapidly rotating star.
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Weather on Other Worlds. IV. H alpha Emission and Photometric Variability Are Not Correlated in L0-T8 DwarfsMiles-Paez, Paulo A., Metchev, Stanimir A., Heinze, Aren, Apai, Daniel 10 May 2017 (has links)
Recent photometric studies have revealed that surface spots that produce flux variations are present on virtually all L and T dwarfs. Their likely magnetic or dusty nature has been a much-debated problem, the resolution to which has been hindered by paucity of diagnostic multi-wavelength observations. To test for a correlation between magnetic activity and photometric variability, we searched for Ha emission among eight L3-T2 ultra-cool dwarfs with extensive previous photometric monitoring, some of which are known to be variable at 3.6 mu m or 4.5 mu m. We detected Ha only in the non-variable T2 dwarf 2MASS J12545393-0122474. The remaining seven objects do not show Ha emission, even though six of them are known to vary photometrically. Combining our results with those for 86 other L and T dwarfs from the literature show that the detection rate of Ha emission is very high (94%) for spectral types between L0 and L3.5 and much smaller (20%) for spectral types. >= L4, while the detection rate of photometric variability is approximately constant (30%-55%) from L0 to T8 dwarfs. We conclude that chromospheric activity, as evidenced by H alpha emission, and large-amplitude photometric variability are not correlated. Consequently, dust clouds are the dominant driver of the observed variability of ultra-cool dwarfs at spectral types, at least as early as L0.
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The Shadow Knows: Using Shadows to Investigate the Structure of the Pretransitional Disk of HD 100453Long, Zachary C., Fernandes, Rachel B., Sitko, Michael, Wagner, Kevin, Muto, Takayuki, Hashimoto, Jun, Follette, Katherine, Grady, Carol A., Fukagawa, Misato, Hasegawa, Yasuhiro, Kluska, Jacques, Kraus, Stefan, Mayama, Satoshi, McElwain, Michael W., Oh, Daehyon, Tamura, Motohide, Uyama, Taichi, Wisniewski, John P., Yang, Yi 24 March 2017 (has links)
We present Gemini Planet Imager polarized intensity imagery of HD 100453 in Y, J, and K1 bands that reveals an inner gap (9-18 au), an outer disk (18-39 au) with two prominent spiral arms, and two azimuthally localized dark features that are also present in Spectro-Polarimetric High-contrast Exoplanet REsearch (SPHERE) total intensity images. Spectral energy distribution fitting further suggests that the radial gap extends to 1 au. The narrow, wedge-like shape of the dark features appears similar to predictions of shadows cast by an inner disk that is misaligned with respect to the outer disk. Using the Monte Carlo radiative transfer code HOCHUNCK3D, we construct a model of the disk that allows us to determine its physical properties in more detail. From the angular separation of the features, we measure the difference in inclination between the disks (45 degrees) and their major axes, PA = 140 degrees east of north for the outer disk, and 100 degrees for the inner disk. We find an outer-disk inclination of 25 degrees +/- 10 degrees from face-on, in broad agreement with the Wagner et al. measurement of 34 degrees. SPHERE data in J and H bands indicate a reddish disk, which indicates that HD 100453 is evolving into a young debris disk.
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Mottled Protoplanetary Disk Ionization by Magnetically Channeled T Tauri Star Energetic ParticlesFraschetti, F., Drake, J. J., Cohen, O., Garraffo, C. 30 January 2018 (has links)
The evolution of protoplanetary disks is believed to be driven largely by angular momentum transport resulting from magnetized disk winds and turbulent viscosity. The ionization of the disk that is essential for these processes has been thought to be due to host star coronal X-rays but could also arise from energetic particles produced by coronal flares, or traveling shock waves, and advected by the stellar wind. We have performed test-particle numerical simulations of energetic protons propagating into a realistic T. Tauri stellar wind, including a superposed small-scale magnetostatic turbulence. The isotropic (Kolmogorov power spectrum) turbulent component is synthesized along the individual particle trajectories. We have investigated the energy range [0.1-10] GeV, consistent with expectations from Chandra X-ray observations of large flares on T. Tauri stars and recent indications by the Herschel Space Observatory of a significant contribution of energetic particles to the disk ionization of young stars. In contrast with a previous theoretical study finding a dominance of energetic particles over X-rays in the ionization throughout the disk, we find that the disk ionization is likely dominated by X-rays over much of its area, except within narrow regions where particles are channeled onto the disk by the strongly tangled and turbulent magnetic field. The radial thickness of such regions is 5 stellar radii close to the star and broadens with increasing radial distance. This likely continues out to large distances from the star (10 au or greater), where particles can be copiously advected and diffused by the turbulent wind.
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Finding binaries from phase modulation of pulsating stars with Kepler: V. Orbital parameters, with eccentricity and mass-ratio distributions of 341 new binariesMurphy, Simon J, Moe, Maxwell, Kurtz, Donald W, Bedding, Timothy R, Shibahashi, Hiromoto, Boffin, Henri M J 03 1900 (has links)
The orbital parameters of binaries at intermediate periods (10(2)-10(3) d) are difficult to measure with conventional methods and are very incomplete. We have undertaken a new survey, applying our pulsation timing method to Kepler light curves of 2224 main-sequence A/F stars and found 341 non-eclipsing binaries. We calculate the orbital parameters for 317 PB1 systems (single-pulsator binaries) and 24 PB2s (double-pulsators), tripling the number of intermediate-mass binaries with full orbital solutions. The method reaches down to small mass ratios q approximate to 0.02 and yields a highly homogeneous sample. We parametrize the mass-ratio distribution using both inversion and Markov-Chain Monte Carlo forward-modelling techniques, and find it to be skewed towards low-mass companions, peaking at q approximate to 0.2. While solar-type primaries exhibit a brown dwarf desert across short and intermediate periods, we find a small but statistically significant (2.6 sigma) population of extreme-mass-ratio companions (q < 0.1) to our intermediate-mass primaries. Across periods of 100-1500 d and at q > 0.1, we measure the binary fraction of current A/F primaries to be 15.4 per cent +/- 1.4 per cent, though we find that a large fraction of the companions (21 per cent +/- 6 per cent) are white dwarfs in post-mass-transfer systems with primaries that are now blue stragglers, some of which are the progenitors of Type Ia supernovae, barium stars, symbiotics, and related phenomena. Excluding these white dwarfs, we determine the binary fraction of original A/F primaries to be 13.9 per cent +/- 2.1 per cent over the same parameter space. Combining our measurements with those in the literature, we find the binary fraction across these periods is a constant 5 per cent for primaries M-1 < 0.8 M-circle dot, but then increases linearly with log M-1, demonstrating that natal discs around more massive protostars M-1 greater than or similar to M-1(circle dot) become increasingly more prone to fragmentation. Finally, we find the eccentricity distribution of the main-sequence pairs to be much less eccentric than the thermal distribution.
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