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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Použití omezovacích prostředů u pacientů s násilným a agresivnímchováním / Use of restraints in patients with violent and aggressive behavior.

LÖFFELMANNOVÁ, Silvie January 2011 (has links)
This Diploma Work is focussed on application of restrictive agents with patients who are afflicted with violent and aggressive behaviour. The up-to-date civilization has brought, expect for further changes, also a very principal change that presents a substantial increase of psychic and psychiatric disorders. That is why it is necessary to think about the question how to prevent aggression and violence in medical facilities. It is evidenced that more cases of patients showing aggressive and violent behaviour occur nowadays. What are preventive news in occurrence of aggression while hospitalization? What are legal news and standards applied to limiting and restrictive means? It is not a rule any more that we meet a patient with aggressive or violent behaviour only in psychiatric departments. However, we can meet those patients in any departments and facilities of healthcare. The Diploma Work is split into a theoretical and a practical section. In the theoretic part we state the human psyche evolution, aggression and violence origination and evolution, kinds of aggression, violent behaviour and demographic occurrence thereof within existing population. Further on, we mention kinds of restrictive measures, their indications and the statutory framework dealing with this problem area. A status of nurse and a nurse competence in that area represent an important element of the theoretic work. Four objectives were set in the practical part of the Work. The first goal was aimed to find out work fastidiousness of nurse providing care to patients with aggressive and violent behaviour. The second goal had to recognise what was taken for the greatest problem area within nursing care at treatment of patients with aggressive and violent behaviour. The third goal was to find out any benefits and shortages in the application of restrictive agents at treatment of patients with aggressive and violent behaviour. Finally, the fourth goal was set to find out and compare nursing staff?s opinions on the application of restrictive agents and main problems in that field. The above objectives were met. Based on those objectives research questions were defined. What is the work fastidiousness of nurses who take care of patients with violent and aggressive behaviour? What is considered by the nurses as the most problem area within providing healthcare to aggressive patients? What is the positive application of restrictive agents with patients showing aggressive or violent behaviour? What special reform should be performed in the application of restrictive - limiting means? The asked questions were answered. A qualitative investigation was used to work out the Diploma Work. Collection of needed data was carried out by help of procedure of a non-standardized, structured dialogue. Our investigation took place in the psychiatric department of Klatovy Hospital a.s. , the psychiatric department of University Hospital in Plzeň , Psychiatric Medical Institution in Dobřany and other more departments. The nurses? answers were compiled in casuistries from which though maps were made up. The described investigation was running from January to July 2011. The results of my Diploma Work might serve as a feedback for the hospitals and medical institutions in which the above investigation was performed. An educative programme for nurses was created.

Kvalita života u pacientů s chronickým onemocněním pohybového systému / The quality of life at patients with chronic disease of the motoric system

BITTENGLOVÁ, Ilona January 2009 (has links)
The thesis ``Quality of life in patients with chronic disease of musculoskeletal system`` is divided into two parts. The theoretical part deals with quality of life in general, its assessment, with chronic diseases of musculoskeletal system and their impact on quality of life. The objective of the thesis is stated and hypotheses are set in the practical part by means of which the research itself was started. The following chapter ``Methodology{\crqq} describes the research technique and methods used to confirm or disprove given objective and hypotheses stated. The next chapter ``Results{\crqq} contains charts and graphs with final values and their verbal description. Information obtained from the research is confronted in the discussion.

Kateřina Hradecká z Montfortu (1556-1631) / Kateřina Hradecká of Montfort (1556-1631)

ŘÍHOVÁ, Jana January 2017 (has links)
The presented diploma thesis is dealing with the life of Katerina Hradecká of Montfort, noble foreigner, married to Adam II. of Hradec. The author is using older as well as more recent literature, written, tangible and iconographic sources to analyze, based on historical-anthropological methods, transformation of the inner world of the noblewoman. She is firstly introduced as a maid of honor in the hofstadt of archduchess Maria of Bavaria in Graz. Author also looks into her marriage to Adam II. of Hradec, investigating it within political and religious context of that period, as it was associated with the connections of the lords of Hradec to the House of Habsburg. Author also pays attention to the noblewoman as a wife, a mother, a Jesuit confidant, a widow and a strict catholic, that had a substantial influence on the social life of Hradec and its surroundings due to her religious views. Author does not omit the tangible cultural aspects connected with the activities of Katerina Hradecka of Montfort and her impact on the ecclesiastical and secular architecture in Jindřichův Hradec.

Zhodnocení současného stavu včelařství na Vimpersku / Evalution of the contemporary state of beekeeping in Vimperk area

HUBÁČEK, Jakub January 2013 (has links)
The thesis is aimed on the present state of beekeeping in Vimperk area. Main source of informations consists of questionnaire investigation among beekeepers in each beekeeper society in the area. There are five beekeeper societies in Čkyně, Stachy, Šumavské Hoštice, Vacov and Vimperk. The Vimperk beekeeper society, its history and each beekeepers stand are in particular documented. Literary review consists of apiculture history and its significance in the Czech Republic, and the history of beekeeping societies. Also information about support of apiculture and elementary beekeeper terms in relation with the questionnaire supplement the results of the research

Monitoring plůdkových společenstev ve vybraných tocích na Moravě / Monitoring of 0+ juvenile fish communities in selected Moravian rivers

GEBAUER, Radek January 2014 (has links)
Monitoring of 0+ juvenile fish communities was realized in years 2012 and 2013 in 39 localities in 25 selected Moravian rivers. It was realized in collaboration with Povodí Moravy SOE research workers. The aim of this diploma thesis was to conduct a survey of 0+ juvenile fish communities and evaluate basic attributes of these ichthyocenosis (species richness, biodiversity, equitability, abundance and domiance). Secondary aim was the evalutation od hydromorphological conditions and water quality based on data provided by Povodí Moravy SOE. This monitoring was realized using the mobile FEG 1500 electrofishing device. The electrofishing crew moved upstream using continuous fishing strategy. Each locality was selected by highly experienced research workers of Povodí Moravy SOE. Caught fish were determined immediately and carefully retruned to the stream. In total there was present 28 0+ juvenile fish species. The most frequent was chub (Leuciscus cephalus, 23 localities), gudgeon (Gobio gobio, 19 localities) and roach (Rutilus rutilus, 19 localities). In 13 localities occured the fish fry of barbel (Barbus barbus) wich is positive surprise due to its sensitivity to water pollution. In contrast the massive presence of round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) in some localities was an unpleasant finding. 4 localities were without fish fry. This survey has observed increasing trend of biodiversity depending on improving of hydromorphological status while the abundance showed almost no diference. Saprobic index of 0+ juvenilie fish community increased with deteriorating of water quality which could mean that the fish fry is relatively reliable indicator of water quality. The results of this diploma thesis could be used in documenting of Moravian streams and in comparisson with another monitorings in these localities.

Vyhodnocení plodnosti raka signálního včetně post-ovulačního stavu vaječníků

FOJT, Martin January 2018 (has links)
The theoretical part of diploma thesis is aimed at breeding, growth and molting events in crayfish. Thesis is also aimed at life cycle and reproduction of three indigenous crayfish species (Astacus astacus, Austropotamobius torrentium, Pontastacus leptodactylus) and two introduced crayfish species (Faxonius limosus, Pacifastacus leniusculus). The results show apparent linear dependence between female size (POCL), abdomen surface (1M: y = -1061,2 + 65,4*x; r2 = 0,9829; p10-5; 2M: y = -1160,4 + 68,7*x; r2 = 0,8732; p < 10-5) and fertility (1M: y = -194,4 + 12,8*x; r2 = 0,4104 p = 0,0042; y = -330.9 + 15,9*x; r2 = 0.4372; p < 10-4) in once (1M) and twice (2M) molted females. As the length of carapax increase, the area of the abdomen increase and fertility increase in both groups of females. Furthermore, the differences in fertility, carapax length, abdomen surface, and weights in once and twice molted females of signal crayfish. In group of once molted females fertility (t-test, t = -3.12, p = 0.003), carapax length (t-test, t = -3.17, p = 0.003) = -3.24; p = 0.002) and the weight (t-test, t = -3.35; p = 0.002) was higher than in twice molted group of female. Consequentially evaluation of egg size of females. The size of the eggs did not differ between groups of females (1M and 2M) (t-test, t = -0.975, p = 0.335). The mean egg size for both groups of females was 2.71 ? 0.18 mm. Evaluation of post-ovulation conditions of the ovary, including visible signs of females that resorbed unovulated oocytes. Evaluating how much unovulated oocytes were found in the ovaries. Only in 46.4% of the total number of females were ovaries completely empty. In once and twice molted females were found in average 2.2 ? 3.8 and 1.9 ? 2.6. unovulated oocytes, respectively. In once molted, three females didn't lay eggs, two females lost the clutch of eggs. In twice molted females, six females did not lay the eggs and four females lost the clutch.

Vyhodnocení růstových schopností českých červinek v podmínkách chovu bez tržní produkce mléka

KOVÁŘOVÁ, Tereza January 2018 (has links)
This work focuses on the evaluation of the growth capacity of czech red cattles in breeding conditions, without market production of cattle. A whole herd of czech red cattles was regularly weighed. The Czech Association of Cattle Breeders provided data from KUMP, which was added to the data. In statistical processing the data were compared with the growth capabilities of meat breeds (hereford, meat simmental, charolais and limousin) kept under similar conditions. A sample of blood was collected from selected individuals and processed by biochemical methods. Statistical analysis showed that in the weight at the age of 120 days there is a statistically significant difference between czech red cattle and meat simmental and charolais. Comparing the weights in 210 days and comparing the gains, there was no statistically significant difference between any breeds. Czech red cattle thus showed very good growth abilities. It was also found that calves from the ZF JU averaged better in terms of increments than the average of the whole population as early as 2010. Herd health status was evaluated as good in terms of hoof and limb excellent. The blood test showed a tendency to stress caused by animal manipulation and stabling in wintering grounds, as in a closed stable without enclosure. The Czech red cattle has been shown to have easy births without help, which is 99% and good level of reproduction. In conclusion, the czech red cattle is very suitable for extensive breeding with a year-round stay outdoors and is capable of achieving comparable increments such as extensive breeds of meat breeds and is ideal for the production of cattle for fattening.

Právní aspekty invalidity z mládí / Law aspects of disability from youth

HORYNOVÁ, Jana January 2007 (has links)
This study occupies itself with legal aspects of invalidity from youth. It represents an issue that is very significant from the social point of view although not regulated as single problem by law. However the whole theme infiltrates to another specific fields: social insurance, assessment medicine, psychology, juristic section, medicinal issue, ethics, upbringing and special pedagogy in a broad meaning. Current Czech law regulation of theme concerning benefits for persons with long-term unfavorable health state is based on concept of full and partial invalidity pension as benefits within pension insurance scheme and pension increase for incapacity (helplessness). Generally full and partial invalidity pension benefits originate from reduction of gainful activity and reaching of relevant time period of pension insurance. According to a survey it is evident that number of awarded full and partial invalidity pensions has increased in {\clqq}Jihočeský`` region. Respecting diagnostic flags structure the greatest occurrence of full invalidity pensions from youth has been recorded in group of intermediate cephalonia. Solving of social insurance of the elderly is planned under the pension reform at the present. The main goal of invalidity pension is permission to live as close as possible to normal state thus to face up to a handicap and to secure appropriate family, social and work life. In fine we could deduce that there should be confirmation of obligatory conversion of full invalidity pension to old-age pension when reaching retirement age within Czech pension reform. In my study I have focused on some factors decisive for occurrence of full or partial invalidity. It represents socially significant problems in broad range of relations that establish or could establish. Long-term loss or reduction of ability to work have negative impact not only on individuals but also affect social status of their families and thus negatively influence the whole society. Exclusion from work process traumatizes young people. Pension benefits provided to the disabled from youth are not deduced from tolled premiums. That is the reason I think this should be solved out of the pension insurance system as well as pension increase for incapacity (helplessness). Costs on these benefits would be compensated by state budget within pension insurance system in the near future with perspective of transmission of these benefits to other social scheme. In this connection it is necessary to emphasize that mankind should be made sure that there is basic perception and crucial aim of social welfare in focusing on level and quality of life of individuals and their families not affected by unfavorable social or economic influences as well as their health state and well-being that will not be compounded by diseases and injuries. This fact will substantially affect the strategy of modern social policy.

Postup při provádění komplexních pozemkových úprav / Procedure used with complex land adjustments

PÍSAŘÍKOVÁ, Petra January 2008 (has links)
This thesis describes and analyses the current issue of legal aspects related to complex land adjustments, especially to the procedure used, including all the necessary subsequent legal acts. With regard to the membership of the Czech Republic in the European Union, the way of making land adjustments in neighbouring countries is also mentioned, specifically in Germany and Austria. The thesis is divided in seven chapters. The first chapter offers an outline of the present state of land adjustments in the Czech Republic and of the objectives of such adjustments. The second chapter deals with the procedure used when making land adjustments. First subchapter is devoted to the history of land adjustments, from the Ancient times till the year 1990. The second subchapter describes the procedure of land adjustments and the third subchapter refers to the real estate register. Some characteristic features of the Czech Republic, Southern Bohemia and district of České Budějovice, which are related to land adjustments, are mentioned in the third chapter. There is also an analysis of a specific complex land adjustment carried out in Southern Bohemia. Some facts that might cause troubles when making land adjustments are outlined here as well. The fourth chapter deals with the way other neighbouring member countries of the European Union carry out the land adjustments; specifically Germany and Austria are mentioned above. Last three chapters consist of conclusion, this summary and list of literature used. The thesis is supplemented by appendices that provide virtual representation of some facts described in the text.

Plán na znovuobnovení kritické infrastruktury na místní úrovni / Planning of restoring Critical Infrastructure on local level

LÁCHOVÁ, Veronika January 2008 (has links)
Critical infrastructure (CI) is one of the most important branches in crisis man-agement. In recent years, CI demonstrated its importance on many occasions. My work is focused on the analysis of risks which can be a possible threat to CI. This is because the most important part of securing CI is the prevention of, and prepara-tion for, interruptions or damage. The risks in this part were specified using a FRAP analysis. I also identify the main reciprocal dependencies of all CI sectors to demonstrate which sector is the most important one. Finally, I specify the process of recovering or restoring these CI sectors. A new method was intentionally used for analytical-synthetic models. This method, in conjunction with the use of a FRAP analysis, is new to the branch of crisis management and was used for first time. The main aim of my work is to improve knowledge about CI at a regional level {--} city of České Budějovice. I submit new ways of identifying risks and resolv-ing problems during the recovery phase {--} specialized in CI.

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