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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Trasologie a její využití v kriminalistické praxi / Trasology and its use in Crime Investigation

Ulmann, Ondřej January 2019 (has links)
Trasology and its use in crime investigation Abstract Title of this thesis is Trasology and its use in crime investigation. This thesis focus on trasology which is discipline of forensic science examining foot traces, traces of other body parts and traces of vehicles. The objective of this thesis is to provide its reader basic summary about this discipline of forensic science and methods used in this discipline especialy aplication of biomechanincs in trasology and height estimation from foot prints dimensions. This thesis is divided into eleven chapters. First chapter after introducing chapter is chapter about history of trasology, folowing chapters describe individual groups of trasological traces. Folowing chapters focus on methods of detecting and capturing trasological traces. Chapters number seven and eight are about methods of forensic examination of trasological traces. Main part of this thesis consist of chapter about aplication of biomechanics in trasology and experimental chapter presenting results of comparison of methods of height estimetion from foot prints dimensions. Biomechanics is used in trasology mainly for estimation of height from traces of various body parts. In the experimental chapter you can find comparison of six methods of height estimation from length and breadth of foot traces....

Forenzní analýza biologických stop a její využití ve výuce na SŠ / Forensic Analysis of Biological Traces and its Use in High-school Education

Hrubá, Barbora January 2016 (has links)
This master thesis deals with forensic genetics. Primarily is forensic genetics put into the historical context. Then, there is described a biological material and the possibility of detecting biological traces. Further work is focused on the analysis of DNA, while there are elaborated in detail the techniques used as nucleic acid isolation, quantification of DNA, as well as types of polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Also the thesis deals with methods of obtaining DNA profiles - electrophoresis and sequencing and their variants. Finally, the thesis concern the issues of interpretation of forensic genetic data. Forensic biological exercises for high school students are processed in the didactic part. It has been tested in practice in biological seminars at Jiráskovo gymnázium in Náchod. Key words Forensic genetics, biological traces, didactics of biology

Forenzní analýza biologických stop a její využití ve výuce na SŠ / Forensic Analysis of Biological Traces and its Use in High-school Education

Hrubá, Barbora January 2017 (has links)
This master thesis deals with forensic genetics. Primarily is forensic genetics put into the historical context. Then, there is described a biological material and the possibility of detecting biological traces. Further work is focused on the analysis of DNA, while there are elaborated in detail the techniques used as nucleic acid isolation, quantification of DNA, as well as types of polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Also the thesis deals with methods of obtaining DNA profiles - electrophoresis and sequencing and their variants. Finally, the thesis concern the issues of interpretation of forensic genetic data. Forensic biological exercises for high school students are processed in the didactic part. It has been tested in practice in biological seminars at Jiráskovo gymnázium in Náchod. Key words Forensic genetics, biological traces, didactics of biology

Dokumentace brzdných stop pomocí fotoaparátu / Documentation of Braking Traces Using a Camera

Kopecký, Štěpán January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis describes the measurement and evaluation of braking traces in cars equipped by system ABS. The result of the work should contribute to improving the quality of photodocumentation of braking traces. To creating a procedure to eliminate as much as possible the loss of information during tracking documentation.

Použití inteligentních agentů v bezdrátových senzorových sítích / Usage of Intelligent Agents in Wireless Sensor Networks

Žídek, Petr January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is focused on wireless sensor networks and implementation tools for creation and simulation of applications. It describes WSnageNt project, which is intended to support agents in wireless sensor networks. The main objective of this thesis is to extend the WSageNt project with new features that will allow to create agents with more capabilities. These features will be then used to extend the WSageNt project with network node movement tracking capability.

Metodika vyšetřování specifických případů vražd (se zaměřením na případy, v nichž pachatel předstírá, že jde o sebevraždu oběti) / Methodology of investigating specific homicides (focused on staged suicides)

Záhorová, Štěpánka January 2021 (has links)
Methodology of investigating specific homicides (focused on staged suicides) This diploma thesis deals with the methodology of investigating homicides and suicides, it determines the common and divergent traces left on a victim's body as well as on a crime scene and examines circumstances which motivate a perpetrator to stage a suicide. Last but not least, the thesis describes specific features of individual investigative acts. The aim of the thesis is not to bring a summary of the methodology of homicide investigation but it aims to draw the attention to the procedures typical for the investigation of murders which appear to be suicides and describes the ways how to distinguish staged suicides from the real ones. The thesis consists of six chapters. The first three chapters sum up the definitions of the terms homicide and suicide in criminal law and criminology, examine the circumstances prompting a murder perpetrator to stage a suicide, and describe the typical ways of committing homicides and suicides. The fourth chapter, which examines the important traces left on a victim's body and a crime scene, forms the core of the thesis. It brings the overview of the common and divergent traces in homicide and suicide cases and also the most frequently manipulated and faked traces in staged cases. The...

Metodika ohledání dopravní nehody policií / Methodology for the Inspection of Traffic Accident Sites by the Police

Dvořáček, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
This thesis comprehensively covers the concept of procedure of examination of a traffic accident location by the police and its subsequent documentation in order to maximize the data and materials objectification. The thesis pursue to describe each step taken while investigating a traffic accident, as well as provides an overview of processing the facts collected and the measurements taken at the scene. Furthermore, a summary of each type of clue and damages occurring in the causality with traffic accidents is provided.

Zneužití digitálních stop uživatelů ICT: vzdělávání v knihovnách jako prevence narušení soukromí / Misuse of ICT users digital footprint: library education as a prevention of privacy invasion

Kovářová, Pavla January 2015 (has links)
Title of the dissertation: Misuse of ICT users digital footprint: library education as a prevention of privacy invasion Author: PhDr. Pavla Kovářová Supervisor: Ing. Martin Souček, Ph.D. Digital footprints, within the meaning of digital information informing about a particular person, belongs to the basic of the information society. They can help (e.g. as a proof of professional quality), but also hurt (e.g. documents of inappropriate behaviour, information misused in information attack) a man whom they relate. Managing digital footprints is becoming important for increasing amount of people. Libraries can promote knowledge of procedures for the effective management of digital footprints by information literacy lessons, which is a prerequisite for their application. PhD thesis describes the theoretical, but especially the research level. Activities of Czech libraries in education are mapped for the correct setting of lessons. Questionnaires showed that the topic continues with the current activities and interest in libraries. Knowledge of librarians and library and information studies students about digital footprints was subsequently tested. Knowledge has been proven, however only to a basic, limited level, but they are enough for four lessons designed for children in elementary school in the dissertation....

Minimising Emission Footprints in Circular Economy by Process Integration / Minimising Emission Footprints in Circular Economy by Process Integration

Fan, Yee Van January 2019 (has links)
Tato práce prezentuje metodologii snižování emisních stop v souvislosti s přechodem na obhovou ekonomiku aplikováním integrace procesů při analýze a projektování při zohlednní výzev, které ztěžují praktické aplikace. Udržitelnost životního prostředí se vyznačuje snahou o snižování emisí a zlepšení hospodaření s odpady a hraje rozhodující roli při přechodu na obhovou ekonomiku. Byly navrženy tři metodiky založené na bezztrátovém konceptu a rozšiřujících metodiky Pinch Analysis a P-Grafů. Aplikovatelnost je demonstrována šesti případovými studiemi transportu a nakládání s odpady. Mé příspěvky v této oblasti jsou následující: (i) Nový bezztrátový rozhodovací nástroj paralelní s klasickým fázovým diagramem, který napomáhá rychlému rozhodování o procesech (např. výběr druhu dopravy pro danou vzdálenost a náklad) při nejnižší možné environmentální zátěži. (ii) Systém kvantitativního vyhodnocování emisí, který agreguje a vyhodnocuje celkové environmentální zatížení způsobené sklemíkovými plyny, SOx, PM a NO2. (iii) Rozšířená analýza nakládání s odpady pro regionální plánování s přihlédnutím k zatěžování i odstranní zatěžování emisní stopou, dále rozhodování o způsobu hospodaření s odpady a výběru způsobu zpracování odpadu s cílem nejnižší možné emisní stopy. (iv) Model posuzování pomocí nástroje P-grafu pro identifikaci optimálních integrovaných systémů zpracování odpadu různého složení, který identifikuje a vyhodnocuje stav udržitelnosti procesů před a po zpracování. Navrhované metodiky v grafickém znázornění s podporou sady komplexních základních rovnic transformují problematiku nakládání s odpady a výběru dopravy do snadno srozumitelné formy řešení vyznačujících se nízkými emisními stopami. Jako příklad v jedné z případových studií analýza provedená podle nového přístupu využívajícího E-WAMPA naznačuje, že celkového snížení emisí o 10% (2, 568 kt CO2 ekv.) Lze dosáhnout provedením přechodu odpadu na Maltě (-25.75 kt CO2 ekv.), Řecko (-1,602.71 kt CO2ekv), Kypr (-178.52 kt CO2ekv) a Rumunsko (-761.16 kt CO2ekv). To jsou země, v nichž lze dosáhnout co největšího zlepšení, vzhledem k kombinovanému účinku čistých emisí (zatěžujících i nezatížených stop) stávajícího systému nakládání s odpady, vzniku odpadů a obyvatelstva. Následující studie budou umožňovat komplexní vyhodnocení ekonomické proveditelnosti tak, aby lokální data mohla být použita pro konkrétní případy v již předpřipravených schématech s výstupem kvalifikovaného řešení.

Stopy času (proměny umělých struktur jako inspirace k výtvarné tvorbě) / Traces of time (changes of artifical textures as an inspiration for creative work)

Blahníková, Jana January 2011 (has links)
JANA BLAHNÍKOVÁ Keywords: texture, matter, art informel, existentialism, time, change, traces, beauty, ugliness, imagination Abstract: The Master Thesis concerns itself with changes of artificial textures as an inspiration for creative work. By artificial textures are meant paints and layers on objects, on which time has left its mark. A part of the Thesis deals briefly with the basic categories of aesthetics with special regard to texture change. The Thesis maps out the Czech and the world art scene of the 1950s and 1960s and focuses on the main artists of that period, whose work relates to the subject. The theoretical base is linked with the artists and art schools of thought, which is presented in the didactic section a part of which I used in my practical work and described in the reflection.

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