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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vztah SNP v genu pro leptin a parametrů vnitřního prostředí býků Českého strakatého skotu

Lysáková, Eva January 2019 (has links)
There is a lot of factors which has impact on quality of bovine meat. The aim of this thesis was to examine correlations between chosen SNPs in leptin gene and specific hormones and metabolites, which have influence on the meat quality and also complete health condition of beef. There were 99 bulls of Czech Fleckvieh cattle used for this study. The examined parameters were insulin, glucose, cholesterol, triacylglycerol, non-esterified fatty acids and betahydroxybutiric acid. There was shown no statistically signifiant correlation between leptin gene polymorfisms and observed parameters. Only proved correlation was between leptin and cholesterol and glucose. There is lot of other factors involved in changes of amount of these substances though.

Vliv změny kondice dojnic českého strakatého plemene skotu na jejich mléčnou užitkovost

Maňoušková, Iveta January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis was made to evaluate the influence of body condition change in Czech Fleckvieh cattle to their milk production in one-year monitoring of 214 dairy cows. Their body condition was individually valued with 5-point system named Body Condition Scoring (BCS) with accuracy to 0,5 point. Body condition of these dairy cows was written down between 1 up to 2 months before calving and then between 40 up to 70 days after calving. The change in body condition between these two terms was subsequently evaluated to milk yield and the composition of milk. There was also evaluated the influence of body condition change to phase of lactation, parity and somatic cell count. Relationship between body condition change and milk yield was highly positive. Relationship between body condition change and the amount of milk fat, milk protein, fat to protein ratio, phase of lactation and somatic cell count was not proved.

Vliv tělesného rámce dojnic na porodní hmotnost telat českého strakatého skotu

Halvová, Lucie January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this work was to analyze the influence of the body frame of dairy Czech fleckvieh cattle on the birth weight of calves. It contains breeding of dairy cattle in the world, production and consumption of milk in the world and in the European Union, description of the breed Czech fleckvieh, linear description and reproduction of cattle. For this purpose were measured and weighted 123 dairy cows and 139 calves. The measurement took place during one calendar year from December 2017 to November 2018 (12 months). These parameters were measured in dairy cows: by using a measuring stick was measured hight at cross (in cm), hip widht (in cm), rump lenght (in cm), body depth (in cm); by using an animeter (tape measure for watching the weight increase in cattle) was measured the body circumference (in cm). In calves were recorded birth weight (in kg), hight at cross (in cm), oblique lenght of the body (in cm), the sex and type of the cattle births (1, 2, 3). It can be stated that a very prominent effect of the body frame of dairy cows on the birth weight of calves was found (p < 0,01). The results show that calves from dairy cows with the largest body frame (146 ≤ cm), respectively with the smallest body frame (≤ 135 cm) had the greatest average birth weight (42.6 kg, respectively 42.8 kg,) and the greatest height in the cross (79.2 cm, respectively 80.6 cm). The significant effect on the birth weight of calves had body weight of dairy cows (p < 0,05). The results show that calves from dairy cows with a weight ≤ 649 kg, respectively with a weight of 951 ≤ kg had an greatest average birth weight (43.8 kg, respectively 43.1 kg). Also there was a significant effect of multiple births on the birth weight of calves, where twin calves had an average birth weight 33.1 kg, while calves from single births had an average birth weight 42.4 kg. The influence of the sex of calves and the influence of the order of lactation on the birth weight of calves were statistically inconclusive.

Vliv kvality siláže na množství a složení mléka dojnic českého strakatého plemene skotu

Úradníčková, Hana January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on analysing the impact of the quality of silage on the production and quality of milk of the Czech fleckvieh cattle. For this purpose, a herd of Czech fleckvieh cattle was observed in monthly intervals for the whole year 2016. I focused mainly on assessing the impact of the quality of silage and total mixed ration (TMR) on the components of milk and the milk production. At each observation, was carried out an assessment of the individual TMR fractions using a separator. The detection of cow comfort index (CCI) was followed by monitoring movements of chewing, chewing times and evaluation of condition of selected cows at the first lactation. The structure of the TMR during the year varied widely. The fraction of TMR on the first separator sieve ranged from 4.1% of TMR for cows at the peak of the lactation up to 91.41% of TMR for cows standing dry. The structure of the TMR for cows at the peak of lactation during the year was nearly optimal, since on the bottom of the separator there was only a minimal amount of TMR. The majority of the TMR remained in the second and third sieves. On the first sieve, there was found more than 10% TMR (except month of January - 4.55%), which corresponds to the general requirements of the structural fibre. According to the laboratory analyses the quality of the corn silage had not significantly changed. The dry matter was in the range from 31.78 to 37.91%, crude protein was from 8.3 to 11.04%, starch was from 28.78 to 41.55%, fibre was from 14 to 19.95%, pH from 3.70 to 3 81, NEL 6.60 to 6.81 MJ/kg and acidity of water extract from 1916 to 2211 mg KOH/100 g. CCI during the year ranged from 79.25 to 91.49%. Regarding chewing movements, the cow performed an average of 58 chewing movements in an average time of 58 seconds. Also, an evaluation was carried out of the body condition score of cows at their first lactation. The average value was 3.21 points, which is reported below the minimum threshold which a cow should achieve in this period (3.25 points). Due to the optimized feed rations, whose nutritional content was approaching the optimal values, the impact of variation of these values did not show up either on quantity or quality of milk, or dairy cow welfare parameters.

Vybrané vlivy na mléčnou užitkovost dojnic u českého strakatého skotu

POKORNÁ, Lucie January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Selected factors on milk utility of Czech Fleckvieh dairy cows" deals with certains effects on selected cattle herd, which are detected from milk utility control. The author compares dairy cows within first and third lactations in all cases. Overview of used literature is selected into specific chapters, in first part the Czech Fleckvieh is defined with its history, characteristics, related breeds and breed utility. Another comprehensive chapter is devoted to milk utility, lactation and selected factors on animal utility. Last part of literature overview is devoted to reproduction and reproductive indicators. Second main part, which is called material and methodology, author deals with cattle herd in Jasanka s.r.o. company, judging and assessing selected factors with help of milk utility control results. Collective results are assessed through statistics.

Vliv vybraných faktorů na užitkovost a dlouhověkost dojnic u stáda českého strakatého skotu

KŮSOVÁ, Hedvika January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this study was to evaluate of selected factors on milking yeild and longevity of Czech Fleckvieh cattle. There were monitored the indicators of the amount of milk for the first lactation in kg, the lifetime performance in kg, the age at the first calving, the functional longevity in days, the lenght of the service period, the lenght of the meantime days, the live weight in kg, the elimination of the causes from the breed. 273 culled cows were included. The relationship between some of the observed factors were signifiant such as the amount of milk yeild on the first lactation and the lifetime performance. In the opposite, there was no signifiant relationship between the age at the first calving and the functional longevity. The milk performance at first calving has been increasing with the age.

Vliv úrovně odchovu a věku při prvním otelení na výkonnost a dlouhověkost dojnic českého strakatého skotu

VAFEK, Jan January 2016 (has links)
The set includes 1782 heads of culling Czech fleckvieh cattle eliminated from 1 January 2012 to 1 September 2015. Influences on the first calving age, calving interval and lifetime milk yield were detected for data in the set. The following items were integrated among selected lifetime milk yield influences : genotype, herd, first calving age and first calving month. It was also tested whether the age of the first calving of milking cows is influenced by genotype and a herd. The last tested hypothesis was related to the influence of genotype and a herd on the length of the carving interval. The influence of genotype, lactation and the age of first calving cows on the way of elimination was investigated in the set as well. Multi-factor analysis of variance were used for the calculation of differences among the individual tested groups . With respect to statistical significance there was a statistically significant effect (p <0.05)of the herd and genotype on the age of the first calving cows found out. From the set it is evident that cows calved earlier reached better lifetime milk yield than cows calved at the older age (p <0.05). Another statistically significant difference (p <0.05) was found out within the first month of calving. Milking cows calved during colder periods of the year reached the higher lifetime milk yield. The influence of genotype on milk yield was not proved in this set. This also holds to reproductive parametres, there was no influence of genotype and the age of first calving on calving interval. When observing the outcome in terms of how we can positively evaluate the elimination of voluntarily culled milking cows, which is 34% .This situation is significantly lower than it is stated in literature and shows a good zootechnical care of the herds. In terms of elimination method there were the most dairy cows culled because of fertility - 31%. This fact shows that fertility is one of the main factors influencing the managament and profitability of dairy herds of cattle.

Ekonomická analýza produkce mléka u dvou užitkových typů skotu

DAŇHELOVÁ, Lenka January 2016 (has links)
The aim of thesis was to conduct evaluation of milk yield and fertility indicators of Czech Flecvieh cattle and Holstein cattle breed which were kept in chosen agriculture company and to determinate a possible difference of milk production costs between individual productive types of the cattle. Data used to create this thesis was from agriculture company STAGRA, spol. s r.o. which breeds dairy cattle. According to specified thesis goals dairy performance indicators (kilograms of milk, % and kg of fat, % and kg of proteins) and fertility indicators (first calving age, calving interval duration) were assessed separately in Heřmaneč cowshed (H2 Holstein cows, 210 pcs.) and Skrýchov cowshed (H1 Holstein cows, 24 pcs. And C1 Czech Fleckvieh cows, 59 pcs.). Milk performance and fertility indicators were evaluated for control year 2014/2015. Cost items of dairy cattle breeding were obtained from accouting of the calendar year 2014. Due to operational reasons only two cowsheds were observed Heřmaneč with Holstein breed (H2) husbandry and Skrýchov were Czech Fleckvieh cows (C1) were dominant. Data files were processed by relevant statistical methods. It was found that H2 group dairy cows reached the highest milk yield (10 395.17 kg) with average calving interval of 369 days. On the other hand Czech Fleckvieh cows reached the highest protein (3.64 %) and fat (4.16 %) content in milk. H1 group dairy cows reached lowest calving age (25 month and 18 days). The milk production cost comparison within observed productive types showed that costs per 1 l of milk were higher in the Skrýchov cowshed, on the contrary feeding day costs were higher in Heřmaneč cowshed.

Vliv genotypů pro gen leptin na vybrané kvalitní ukazatele hovězího masa

BENEŠ, Karel January 2017 (has links)
The dissertation "The Influence of Genotype of Leptin Gene on Qualitative Characteristics of Beef" describes the effect of polymorphisms of gene of leptin on selected qualitative, morphometric and weight indicators of beef and carcass. The analysis was carried out on 333 bulls of Czech Fleckvieh, which were genotyped (by PCR/RFLP method) of chosen locus. This locus is associated with qualitative changes in beef according to previous foreign studies. The weight of carcass, fore and hind quarter of the right half of the carcass, the weight of the individual tissues (meat, bone, and fat) and the weight of main meaty parts from the right half of carcass were measured. Before the dissection chosen morphometric indicators were measured. After the dissection, a sample of the musculus longissimus lumborum et thoracis was taken and then analysed in the laboratory. Basic chemical composition (dry matter, fat content, protein, and ash), muscle fibers diameter and fatty acid profile was determined. In addition, pH, added water holding capacity, colour (CIE Lab colour coordinates) were analysed both for one-day post-mortem and after 14 days of ageing. The shear force (using the Warner-Bratzler probe) was evaluated at the same time intervals as for both raw and heat-treated samples by grilling. The studied LEP polymorphism had a statistically significant effect on the weight of the hot carcass, the weight of right half of carcass and fore and hind quarter. LEP polymorphism significantly affected the proportion of meat on the right half of carcass, the weight of the bones and total weight of the I. class meat, and the weight of the I. class meat in the fore quarter. Further, the effect of LEP polymorphism on the weight of boneless round, boneless chuck, plate, flank, rib, hind shank, and meat trimmings of fore quarter was found. In a group of morphometric indicators, the effect was significant on lengths of round, fullness of round and round circumference. In the case of chemical composition, the effect of LEP polymorphism on the intramuscular fat content was significant. From the qualitative indicators, the effect was significant on the pH value and added water holding capacity, both one-day post-mortem and after 14 days of ageing. In the case of tenderness, the effect on shear force of heat treated, non-aged meat was significant. From the indicators describing colour, a statistically significant effect on the indicator of lightness was found in the case of unconditioned meat and after 14 days of ageing the effect was significant on the indicator characterising yellow colour and the colour saturation. Determination of fatty acid profile was carried out by gas chromatography. The effects of studied polymorphism and differences between LEP genotypes were found in myristic, palmitic, palmitoleic, linoleic, -linolenic, -linolenic, conjugated linoleic, eisocapentaenoic, docosatetraenoic, docosapentaenoic both n-6 and n-3 and docosahexaenoic acids. From aggregated indicators, the statistical significant effect of LEP polymorphims on PUFA content, omega-3 fatty acids content, and omega-6/omega-3 fatty acids ratio was found. In connection with other candidate gene loci influencing the quality of beef, the results of dissertation can be used in the preparation of breeding schemes aimed at the production of quality breeding animals, highlighting the higher quality standards of the produced meat.

Užitkovost a plodnost stáda dojeného skotu / Utility and fertility of herd of milked cattle

NEJDLOVÁ, Emilie January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to analyze milk yield and fertility in dairy cattle herds ? combined (Czech Pied cattle) and dojného utility type (Holstein cattle ) in the same breeding system. Further culling was evaluated, the cost of feeding a day and milk production. Observations were carried out in the company Podhoran Černíkov, as in the time sequence of zootechnical 2 years (1st 10th 2009 - 30 9th 2011). By tracking a total of 310 cows of which 47 cows of Czech Pied cattle C1 (C 100 %), breeding hybrids participation of Czech Fleckvieh with Holstein and Red Holstein breed C2 (C 75 ? 88 %) 53 pieces and C3 (C 50 to 74 %) 38 pieces, the cows of Holstein breed H1 (H 100 % ) 158 pieces, the unit crosses with Czech Holstein cattle piebald H3 (H 75 ? 87 %) 10 pieces, and H4 (H 60 ? 74 %) 4 pcs. Furthermore, the basic data set is divided according to genotype into two groups: 138 pieces of Czech Fleckvieh cows and 172 cows of Holstein breed pc. When evaluating the performance files were still divided into two in order of lactation on the first, second and more. Viewed indicators for evaluation of milk production were: number of lactation, lactation length (days), the amount of milk (kg), fat content (%), production of milk fat (kg), protein content in milk (%), production of proteins in milk (kg), lactose content in milk (%). The fertility parameters were observed: genotype, age at first calving (days), insemination interval (days), service period (days) and interval (days). Further culling was still considered, the cost of feed per day (CZK) and the cost of 1 liter of milk (CZK). When combined, mixed breed (Czech Pied cattle) and utility type (Holstein cattle) is necessary for herd management to allow for different feed consumption. Commercial breeding of different types in a joint breeding achieve different levels of performance for the benefit performance of Holstein cattle. Higher productivity of breeding Holstein cattle fertility and deteriorating indicators since these must be spend more time in searching for the rut to ensure reproduction of the desired level. A lower yield reaching Czech Fleckvieh breeding in specific terms the average results. Due to the achieved performance for both types of utility can say good job in management.

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