Spelling suggestions: "subject:"style"" "subject:"stylu""
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Srovnání stylů řízení u zahraničních a u české policieŠlesinger, René January 2007 (has links)
Téma diplomové práce jsem si zvolil ?Srovnání stylů řízení u zahraničních a u české policie?. Při zpracování této práce jsem využil zkušeností z Německa, z různých spolkových zemí, kde policie (ale i jiné instituce státní správy) prošla, zejména v posledních 10 letech, velkými změnami, kdy hlavní příčinou a motorem změn byly napjaté veřejné rozpočty a krácení finančních prostředků pro státní správu. Forma diplomové práce je rešerše knihy ?Modernes Management in der deutschen Polizei ? Erfahrungsberichte aus der Praxis?. V knize jsou popsány zkušenosti se zaváděním reforem (Nových metod řízení) jednak pracovníků policie a jednak vědeckých pracovníků, zejména z vysokých škol. Na závěr práce jsem uvedl snahu o zavedení Nových metod řízení u Policie České republiky, která se soustředila na model EFQM - European Found Quallity Management a pokusil jsem se srovnat modernizační snahy u policie v Německu a v České republice, což bylo současně cílem diplomové práce.
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Posouzení stylu a metod manažerské práce v malých a středních podnicích / The assessment of styles and methods of managerial work in small and medium-sized enterprisesFIALOVÁ, Pavla January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Učební styly v informatických předmětech / Learning styles in informatics subjectsJelínek, Martin January 2017 (has links)
Diploma thesis contains information about learning styles of pupils and identifies effect respecting the learning styles of my lessons. Thesis distinguishes changes in the learning process and their results. Diploma thesis deals with learning styles in context Computer Science Education. The thesis contains theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part focuses on the didactic specifics and formulates the theoretical concept of learning styles in teaching information and communication technologies. The thesis respects preferred learning styles in a particular class and worked on the assumption that respect for learning styles in teaching information and communication technologies can be beneficial for teaching practice. The main objective is to find out change in the quality and results of the educational action. The conclusion summarizes and evaluates the results of research methods and formulates recommendations for teaching practice.
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Koučování jako jeden ze způsobů vedení lidí ve vybrané firměKratochvílová, Vendula January 2015 (has links)
ABSTRACT Kratochvílová, V. Bc. "Coaching as a way of keeping people in a selected company". Diploma thesis. Brno, 2015. The diploma thesis is focused on using coaching as a method of (management style) in the chosen company. The aim is to determine how often and in what form is used coaching as a participatory method of management in selected company. The first part in the form of a literature review deals with the definition of management styles, their characteristics, defining governance levels represented by management and currently represents the main aspects of coaching. It defines basic concepts connected with this issue, defines coaching to other management styles, describes the role of coach or manager in the role of coach, types of coaching and typical situations when it is appropriate to use coaching. The practical part is developed mixed design research, which is focused on the use of management styles by managers and subordinates in the company. Selected methods for data analysis was a questionnaire survey and interviews, whose results are interpreted, discussed and correspond to the selected research questions. Results are summarized in the conclusion. The Keywords: Leadership, management, management styles, coaching, coach, mentoring, mentor.
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Návrhář uživatelských stylů v aplikaci TeXonWebPotáček, Pavel January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with design and implementation of user styles designer in the application TEXonWeb. It contains the analysis of current state of the application and development of its components. It describes possibilities of typesetting in TeX/LaTeX system, mainly in the area of creating user styles. It provides comparison of some similar oriented systems. It also includes the theory of formal languages and compilers. Part of the work is description of the interface design, implementation of styles designer and styles parser. There are mentioned possibilities of next development too.
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Role manažera v rozhodovacích procesech / Manager role in decision-making processesMenoušková, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
The Thesis deals with the importance of decision-making roles in managerial work. The work consists of two main parts - theoretical and practical. The theoretical part is formed by Literature searches and was drawn up after studying literature. The basic concepts were defined such as management, manager, management role or decision-making process and there was also described the issue of decision-making roles. In these diploma thesis are mentioned the fundamentals of management, managerial functions, roles, leadership styles and how to resolve problems. Literary research forms the theoretical basis for developing own parts. The practical part was prepared under the basis of the research, which was conducted in the selected subject. A questionnaire was prepared for the subordinate of a particular manager. The Questions clarified how subordinates perceived supervisors and their role in decision making. It was examined how often and what problems are solved with the boss, whether the manager creates a friendly environment in the workplace, or whether the manager is interested in the views of subordinates. Simultaneously the manager evaluated himself through a managerial GRID. The responses of both forms of research were compared and then used as the basis for preparation of an overall assessment and to create a conclusion. At the same time it was used as the basis for proposing measures to streamline management. The conclusion summarizes the lessons learned from the evaluation questionnaires and managerial GRID.
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Využívání spektra didaktických řídících stylů ve vyučovacích jednotkách tělesné výchovy na základních školách v okrese Příbram.\\ / The use of a spectrum of didactic teaching styles in tuitional units of physical education in primary shools in the district of Příbram.\\STREJC, Josef January 2007 (has links)
At present it is usual that there is an effort in primary schools to shift a part of the responsibilities off the teacher on the students. Didactic styles enable the teachers to put their students into new roles and so the students are forced to solve new situations under different conditions. This is how the teachers can react effectively in educating the students by leading them from passive perception to creativness. The work gives information about using teaching operative styles during teaching physical education in primary schools in Příbram district.
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Aplikace moderních manažerských metod a stylu řízení ve vybraném podniku a jejich hodnocení / Application of the modern managerial methods and managerial style in the chosen company and their classificationŠAFRÁNEK, Ondřej January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Leadership v neziskových sportovních organizacích / Leadership in non-profit sports organisationsŘíhová, Michaela January 2017 (has links)
Title: Leadership in non-profit sports organizations Objectives: The main objective of the thesis is to find out how managementship and leadership in non-profit sport organizations in the territory of the Czech republic. The issue of managementshipu is focused on the specific requirements of employers on workers, their qualifications, knowledge and skills. Then on employee motivation including evaluation and remuneration of workers, non-financial incentives and their opportunities for further personal growth. The issue of leadership is focused on the characteristic features of the manager, his leadership style and role in the organization. Then the situational conditions of success and failure. Methods: Research issues managementshipu is carried out using a questionnaire. Another used method is the interview, which is focused on the issues of leadership. Interviews will be conducted with the managers in the management of non-profit organizations in the sport. Results: On the basis of the results of the questionnaire research, it was found that the essence of managementshipu in non-profit organizations are not fundamentally different from the general principles. Interviews have shown that non-profit organisations in the sport seek out similar types of personalities, prefer the same style of...
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Komparace termínů řízení a vedení / Comparison of the terms of management and leadershipVlková, Jitka January 2012 (has links)
5 TITLE: Comparison of the terms of management and leadership AUTHOR: Jitka Vlková DEPARTMENT: Education Management Center SUPERVISOR: Mgr. Irena Lhotková, Ph.D. ABSTRACT: The final study deals with the issue of management - in terms of managing an organization, and with the issue of leadership - leading people. The theoretical part will clarify both particular terms: management and leadership in the first place. This part is based mainly on literature. This issue follows from a current problem, which is the fact that directors understand the role of leading people less important than the role of managing organization, or they marginalize this role for lack of time and pay more attention to economic and administrative work. Then, there is a problem to lead a nursery school. 6 Work with people is often disregarded and underestimated in schooling; most of schools is managed too much, and, on the other hand, there is a lack of leadership. This thesis follows results of Věra Fantová's research study from 2004. This research study confirmed that manager activities predominate over pedagogical activities. The study proved that directors are often burdened by frequently changed legislation, they have lack of time for pedagogical leading of school, and united school directors worry about leading people. We all know...
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