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Citotoxidade in vitro e biocompatibilidade in vivo de compósitos a base de hidroxiapatita, colágeno e quitosana / In vitro cytotoxicity and subcutaneous biocompatibility evaluation of hydroxyapatite / collagen / chitosan compositesAmaral, Mauricio Bordini do 19 October 2006 (has links)
Na engenharia de tecidos os biomateriais são usados tanto para induzir a formação óssea no tecido adjacente quanto agir como matriz temporária de células e outros agentes. Compósitos biodegradáveis a base de hidroxiapatita, colágeno e quitosana foram preparados como arcabouços para permitir a regeneração óssea. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a toxicidade celular in vitro de novos compósitos de substituição óssea e o seu comportamento biológico após implantação subcutânea no processo de remodelação e cicatrização tecidual. Foram confeccionadas mantas a base de hidroxiapatita (HA), obtida por desproteinização e calcinação do osso bovino, colágeno (Col), obtido por tratamento alcalino do tendão bovino e quitosana (Qui), extraída do gládio de lula, nas seguintes proporções: B1) HA (mistura de partículas <0,2 mm e entre 0,2 e 1,18 mm, proporção 1:1) + Blenda (Col 1% + Qui 0,5%, proporção 1:1), proporção HA:Blenda 1:5; B2) HA (mistura de partículas <0,2 mm e entre 0,2 e 1,18 mm, na proporção 1:1) + Col 1%, proporção HA:Col 1:5; B3) HA (partículas <0,2 mm) + Col 1%, na proporção 1:5. O teste de citotoxicidade in vitro foi realizado pelo método de difusão de extrato em solução (brometo de tetrazolio - MTT). Os biomateriais descritos acima foram avaliados juntamente com o controle positivo (látex), sendo que todos foram submetidos a procedimentos de extração de acordo as normas da ISO10993-5. O meio de cultura foi utilizado como controle negativo. Foram utilizadas duas linhagens celulares: células tumorais de laringe humana HEp (ATCC-CCL-23) e células normais de rim de macaco verde africano (Cercopithecus aethiops) VERO (n=3). A citotoxicidade foi avaliada em um espectrofotômetro (absorbância de 570nm). No teste de biocompatibilidade as amostras foram implantadas no subcutâneo da região dorsal de 51 ratos Wistar. Histomorfometria de espessura e qualidade da cápsula fibrosa, interface implante-tecido, infiltrado inflamatório e crescimento celular interno foram realizados aos 3, 7 e 28 dias após cirurgia (n=5). Imunohistoquímica foi realizada para caracterizações adicionais do infiltrado de macrófagos. No teste de citotoxicidade as linhagens celulares mostraram resultados semelhantes. Não houve diferença entre os compósitos e o controle negativo. Foi demonstrado que os compósitos avaliados não apresentaram efeitos tóxicos em comparação ao controle positivo. No teste subcutâneo a qualidade e a espessura da cápsula não apresentaram diferenças significantes entre os biomateriais e os períodos de implantação. A resposta celular inflamatória aos 7 dias foi mais intensa no biomaterial B1, seguido pelo biomaterial B2 e B3. Uma baixa reação de corpo estranho foi observada em todos os biomateriais, caracterizada pela presença de poucos macrófagos. Ocorreu um intenso crescimento celular no interior do biomaterial B3 aos 28 dias. A análise histológica sugere que esses biomateriais são bem tolerados com baixa reação tecidual inflamatória. Concluímos que os três biomateriais avaliados não apresentaram evidências de citotoxicidade in vitro e, in vivo, mostraram uma boa biocompatibilidade. Esses materiais mostraram-se bons candidatos a matrizes para engenharia de tecidos e enxertos para regeneração óssea. / The biodegradable hydroxyapatite / chitosan / collagen composites of similar composition of the normal human bone were prepared as a biomimetic scaffold for bone replacement and regeneration. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the in vitro cytotoxicity of three new bone grafts and the influence of these synthetic grafts on the inflammatory response and remodeling of connective tissue during wound-healing process. Three biomaterials were developed: B1 = hydroxyapatite (particles size <0,2 mm + between 0,2 and 1,18 mm) / collagen 1% / chitosan 0.5%; B2 = hydroxyapatite (particles size <0,2 mm + between 0,2 and 1,18 mm) / collagen 1% and B3 = hydroxyapatite (particles size <0,2 mm) / collagen 1%. These biomaterials were investigated using a tetrazolium-based calorimetric assay (MTT assay). Latex was used as positive control and the culture medium as a negative control. Two cell lines were used to evaluate the effect of cell type on the toxicity results: human tumor cells HEp-2 (ATCC-CCL23) and monkey normal cells (VERO). Extracts from the biomaterials were obtained according to ISO 10993-12 standards. The cytotoxicity was assessed in a spectrophotometer (the absorbance was read at 570 nm). There were two independent experiments in triplicates. All values were expressed as mean values \'+ OU -\' standard deviation. In the biocompatibility test the samples were implanted subcutaneously in the dorsal lumbar region of 51 Wistar rats. Histomorphometric evaluation of capsule thickness, capsule quality, implant-tissue interface, infiltrate / inflammation and cellular growth within implant was performed 3, 7 and 28 days post-operatively (n=5). Immunohistochemistry was performed for further characterization of the macrophages infiltrate. In cytotoxicity test the cell lines showed similar results. There is no difference in values between the composites and negative control. The values of composites were significant different than the positive control. It was showed that none of the tested composites presents toxic effects for the cell lines evaluated in comparison with positive control. In the subcutaneous test the capsule thickness and capsule quality didn\'t show significant differences between the biomaterials and time of implantation. The biomaterial B1 showed significant difference in inflammatory cellular response than B2 and B3 at 7 days. A low ongoing foreign body reaction was observed in all biomaterials characterized by infiltration of few macrophages. A significant cellular growth within the B3 was observed at 28 days. Histological analysis suggested that the biomaterials were well tolerated with low inflammatory response. According to this study, the three bone grafts evaluated showed no evidence of cytotoxicity and good biocompatibility which makes them suitable candidates to design of bone replacement graft material.
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Citotoxidade in vitro e biocompatibilidade in vivo de compósitos a base de hidroxiapatita, colágeno e quitosana / In vitro cytotoxicity and subcutaneous biocompatibility evaluation of hydroxyapatite / collagen / chitosan compositesMauricio Bordini do Amaral 19 October 2006 (has links)
Na engenharia de tecidos os biomateriais são usados tanto para induzir a formação óssea no tecido adjacente quanto agir como matriz temporária de células e outros agentes. Compósitos biodegradáveis a base de hidroxiapatita, colágeno e quitosana foram preparados como arcabouços para permitir a regeneração óssea. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a toxicidade celular in vitro de novos compósitos de substituição óssea e o seu comportamento biológico após implantação subcutânea no processo de remodelação e cicatrização tecidual. Foram confeccionadas mantas a base de hidroxiapatita (HA), obtida por desproteinização e calcinação do osso bovino, colágeno (Col), obtido por tratamento alcalino do tendão bovino e quitosana (Qui), extraída do gládio de lula, nas seguintes proporções: B1) HA (mistura de partículas <0,2 mm e entre 0,2 e 1,18 mm, proporção 1:1) + Blenda (Col 1% + Qui 0,5%, proporção 1:1), proporção HA:Blenda 1:5; B2) HA (mistura de partículas <0,2 mm e entre 0,2 e 1,18 mm, na proporção 1:1) + Col 1%, proporção HA:Col 1:5; B3) HA (partículas <0,2 mm) + Col 1%, na proporção 1:5. O teste de citotoxicidade in vitro foi realizado pelo método de difusão de extrato em solução (brometo de tetrazolio - MTT). Os biomateriais descritos acima foram avaliados juntamente com o controle positivo (látex), sendo que todos foram submetidos a procedimentos de extração de acordo as normas da ISO10993-5. O meio de cultura foi utilizado como controle negativo. Foram utilizadas duas linhagens celulares: células tumorais de laringe humana HEp (ATCC-CCL-23) e células normais de rim de macaco verde africano (Cercopithecus aethiops) VERO (n=3). A citotoxicidade foi avaliada em um espectrofotômetro (absorbância de 570nm). No teste de biocompatibilidade as amostras foram implantadas no subcutâneo da região dorsal de 51 ratos Wistar. Histomorfometria de espessura e qualidade da cápsula fibrosa, interface implante-tecido, infiltrado inflamatório e crescimento celular interno foram realizados aos 3, 7 e 28 dias após cirurgia (n=5). Imunohistoquímica foi realizada para caracterizações adicionais do infiltrado de macrófagos. No teste de citotoxicidade as linhagens celulares mostraram resultados semelhantes. Não houve diferença entre os compósitos e o controle negativo. Foi demonstrado que os compósitos avaliados não apresentaram efeitos tóxicos em comparação ao controle positivo. No teste subcutâneo a qualidade e a espessura da cápsula não apresentaram diferenças significantes entre os biomateriais e os períodos de implantação. A resposta celular inflamatória aos 7 dias foi mais intensa no biomaterial B1, seguido pelo biomaterial B2 e B3. Uma baixa reação de corpo estranho foi observada em todos os biomateriais, caracterizada pela presença de poucos macrófagos. Ocorreu um intenso crescimento celular no interior do biomaterial B3 aos 28 dias. A análise histológica sugere que esses biomateriais são bem tolerados com baixa reação tecidual inflamatória. Concluímos que os três biomateriais avaliados não apresentaram evidências de citotoxicidade in vitro e, in vivo, mostraram uma boa biocompatibilidade. Esses materiais mostraram-se bons candidatos a matrizes para engenharia de tecidos e enxertos para regeneração óssea. / The biodegradable hydroxyapatite / chitosan / collagen composites of similar composition of the normal human bone were prepared as a biomimetic scaffold for bone replacement and regeneration. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the in vitro cytotoxicity of three new bone grafts and the influence of these synthetic grafts on the inflammatory response and remodeling of connective tissue during wound-healing process. Three biomaterials were developed: B1 = hydroxyapatite (particles size <0,2 mm + between 0,2 and 1,18 mm) / collagen 1% / chitosan 0.5%; B2 = hydroxyapatite (particles size <0,2 mm + between 0,2 and 1,18 mm) / collagen 1% and B3 = hydroxyapatite (particles size <0,2 mm) / collagen 1%. These biomaterials were investigated using a tetrazolium-based calorimetric assay (MTT assay). Latex was used as positive control and the culture medium as a negative control. Two cell lines were used to evaluate the effect of cell type on the toxicity results: human tumor cells HEp-2 (ATCC-CCL23) and monkey normal cells (VERO). Extracts from the biomaterials were obtained according to ISO 10993-12 standards. The cytotoxicity was assessed in a spectrophotometer (the absorbance was read at 570 nm). There were two independent experiments in triplicates. All values were expressed as mean values \'+ OU -\' standard deviation. In the biocompatibility test the samples were implanted subcutaneously in the dorsal lumbar region of 51 Wistar rats. Histomorphometric evaluation of capsule thickness, capsule quality, implant-tissue interface, infiltrate / inflammation and cellular growth within implant was performed 3, 7 and 28 days post-operatively (n=5). Immunohistochemistry was performed for further characterization of the macrophages infiltrate. In cytotoxicity test the cell lines showed similar results. There is no difference in values between the composites and negative control. The values of composites were significant different than the positive control. It was showed that none of the tested composites presents toxic effects for the cell lines evaluated in comparison with positive control. In the subcutaneous test the capsule thickness and capsule quality didn\'t show significant differences between the biomaterials and time of implantation. The biomaterial B1 showed significant difference in inflammatory cellular response than B2 and B3 at 7 days. A low ongoing foreign body reaction was observed in all biomaterials characterized by infiltration of few macrophages. A significant cellular growth within the B3 was observed at 28 days. Histological analysis suggested that the biomaterials were well tolerated with low inflammatory response. According to this study, the three bone grafts evaluated showed no evidence of cytotoxicity and good biocompatibility which makes them suitable candidates to design of bone replacement graft material.
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Formulation and Fabrication of a Novel Subcutaneous Implant for the Zero-Order Release of Selected Protein and Small Molecule DrugsZhi, Kaining January 2017 (has links)
Diabetes is a leading cause of death and disability in the United States. Diabetes requires a lifetime medical treatment. Some diabetes drugs could be taken orally, while others require daily injection or inhalation to maximize bioavailability and minimize toxicity. Parenteral delivery is a group of delivery routes which bypass human gastrointestinal track. Among all the parenteral methods, we chose subcutaneous implant based on its fast act and high patient compliance. When using subcutaneous implant, drug release needs to be strictly controlled. There are three major groups of controlled release methods. Solvent controlled system is already used as osmotic implant. Matrix controlled system is used in Zoladex® implant to treat cancer. Membrane controlled systems is widely used in coating tablets, but not that popular as an implant. Based on the research reported by previous scientists, we decided to build a hybrid system using both matrix and membrane control to delivery human insulin and other small molecule drugs. Subcutaneous environment is different from human GI track. It has less tolerance for external materials so many polymers cannot be used. From the FDA safe excipient database, we selected albumin as our primary polymer and gelatin as secondary choice. In our preliminary insulin diffusion study, we successfully found that insulin mixed with albumin provided a slower diffusion rate compared with control. In addition, we added zinc chloride, a metal salt that can precipitate albumin. The insulin diffusion rate is further reduced. The preliminary study proved that matrix control using albumin is definitely feasible and we might add zinc chloride as another factor. In order to fabricate an implant with appropriate size, we use lyophilisation technology to produce uniformly mixed matrix. Apart from albumin and human insulin, we added sucrose as protectant and plasticizer. The fine powder after freeze-dry was pressed as a form of tablet. The tablets were sealed in Falcon® cell culture insert. Cell culture insert provide a cylinder shape and 0.3 cm2 surface area for drug release. Insulin release study provided a zero order kinetics from prototypes with zinc chloride or 0.4 micron pore size membrane. Caffeine was used as a model drug to investigate the releasing mechanism. Three pore size membranes (0.4, 3 and 8 micron) were tested with same formulation. While 0.4 micron prototypes provided the slowest release, 3 micron ones surprisingly released caffeine faster than 8 micron implants. We calculated the porosity with pore size and concluded that the percentage of open area on a membrane is the key point to control caffeine release. 0.4 micron membranes were used for future research. We increased the percentage of albumin in our excipient, and achieved a slower caffeine release. However, the zero order release could only last for 3 days. After we replaced sucrose with gelatin, a 5 day zero order release of caffeine was achieved. With all the results, we proposed our “Three Phase” drug release mechanism controlled by both membrane and matrix. Seven other small molecule drugs were tested using our prototype. Cloudy suspension was observed with slightly soluble drugs. We updated our “Three Phase” drug release mechanism with the influence of drug solubility. Data shows that releasing rate with same formulation and membrane follows the solubility in pH 7.4. This result proves that our prototype might be used for different drugs based on their solubility. Finally, with all the information of our prototype, we decided to build a “smart insulin implant” with dose adjustment. We proposed an electrical controlled implant with different porosity membranes. Solenoid was used as the mechanical arm to control membrane porosity. 3-D printing technology was used to produce the first real prototype of our implant. Finally, insulin implant with clinically effective insulin release rate was achieved. / Pharmaceutical Sciences
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A comparative study on the functionality of porcine dura as a tissue-engineered dura mater graft for clinical applicationsSharma, Ashma 13 May 2022 (has links) (PDF)
Damage to dura mater may occur during intracranial or spinal surgeries, which can result in cerebrospinal fluid leakage as well as other potentially fatal physiological changes. As a result, biological scaffolds derived from xenogeneic materials are typically used to repair and regenerate dura mater post intracranial or spinal surgeries. In this study we explore the mechanics, structure, and immunological capacity of xenogeneic dura mater to be considered as a replacement for human dura. A comparative analysis is done between native porcine dura and a commercially available bovine collagen-based dura graft. Native porcine dura mater was decellularized and subjected to mechanical and histological analysis. Our decellularized porcine dura was able to maintain the overall morphological/structural integrity and held an increased extensibility without sacrificing strength, which provides a solid foundation as a functional grafting material. The histological observations showed that the orientation of fibers was maintained after decellularization. We investigated the biocompatibility of native and decellularized porcine dura reseeded with fibroblast cells for in vitro study. Cell proliferation, cell viability, and mechanical properties of dural grafts were evaluated post reseeding on days 3, 7, and 14. Live-dead staining and resazurin salts quantified cell viability and cell proliferation, respectively. This in vitro study showed that the acellular porcine dural graft provided a favorable environment for rat fibroblast cell infiltration. The results of micro indentation testing show that the cell-seeded porcine dural graft provides a favorable environment for rat fibroblast cell infiltration. The mechanics and biocompatibility results provide promising insight for the potential use of porcine dura in future cranial dura mater graft applications. Lastly, a subcutaneous in vivo study of dura graft compared with the market available Lyoplant®. Grafts were evaluated for inflammation by evaluating macrophage and leukocyte invasion on 3, 7, and 14 days post implantation. Histological analysis of both implants revealed macrophage (and leukocyte infiltration, supporting reabsorption, and thus encouraging the regeneration at 14 days. Cell markers also revealed that inflammation and leukocytes decreased as the number of days increased. Future work will involve a long-term subcutaneous implantation up to 30 days and 60 days to determine the long-term immune response.
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