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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Effects of Suburbanization on Nest Ectoparasites and Nest Defense Behavior in the Wood Thrush

Dalton, Evan N 07 November 2014 (has links)
The Wood Thrush (Hylocichla mustelina) is declining throughout its range, yet is capable of persisting in both contiguous forests and small forest patches surrounded by human suburban development. Thus, it is an ideal species for gaining insight into the effects of suburbanization on migrant songbirds. I investigated two aspects of Wood Thrush nesting ecology: nest ectoparasites and nest defense behavior in order to determine if suburbanization influences either aspect. Nests from suburban forests had fewer haematophagous mites, though the abundance of haematophagous blowfly larvae did not differ between suburban and contiguous forests. There was no relationship between the abundance of mites and nest site characteristics, though blowfly abundance may be related to nesting substrate species. Parasites had little effect on nestling condition. In regard to nest defense, suburban Wood Thrushes had shorter flight initiation distances and mounted more active defenses during initial nest visits than birds nesting in contiguous forests, suggesting a previously-established sensitization response to human disturbances in suburban birds. I found no consistent shifts in aggression over subsequent nest visits in either habitat type, suggesting that throughout the breeding season, Wood Thrushes neither habituate nor sensitize further to repeated human disturbances. My results suggest that Wood Thrushes nesting in suburban forest patches are subject to fewer nest ectoparasites and defend their nests more aggressively than conspecifics nesting in contiguous forests. These results draw attention to the fact that although Wood Thrushes persist in both rural and suburban habitats, their nesting ecology may be different between these habitat types.

Migrace v malé obci (Historie dostředivých a odstředivých sil migrace obyvatel a jejich dopad na vývoj obce v letech 1989-2019: případová studie Jirny) / Migration in a small village (The history of centripedal and centrifugal migration forces and the impact on village in 1989-2019: Case study of Jirny)

Hloušková, Michaela January 2021 (has links)
This paper explores the phenomenon of suburbanization. The paper examines the small village Jirny and the influence of population migration on its evolution. In the theoretical part the paper explains the concept of suburbanization, negative effects of suburbanization and other related concepts. The empirical part describes demographic evolution of the village and specific fields that were or could be effected by the increasing number of new residents. For that purpose the paper chooses case study design and method of framework analysis or triangulation. One of the outcomes is SWOT analysis. Conclusion and recommendation are based on the survey results.

Suburbanizace ve vztahu k regionálnímu rozvoji - s přihlédnutím k teorii udržitelného rozvoje / Suburbanisation and Regional Development according to the Theory of Sustainable Development

Huberová, Jana January 2009 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Suburbanization and Regional Development according to the Theory of Sustainable Development" deals with the processes of suburbanization, with a focus on its negative impacts, e.g. urban sprawl, and the influence of these processes concerning regional development and sustainable development. The problems of suburbanization and the associated public policy are analyzed on two basic levels: 1. Analysis of the policy (especially regional policy, policy of urban planning) on particular levels of governance with analysis of key documents (strategic political documents, both national and supranational); 2. Analysis of the regional development of the Central Bohemia (with cases studies of Vysoký Újezd and Horoměřice) influenced by the suburbanization process in surrounding Prague (analysis of indices of regional development that are closely connected with suburbanization, such as migration, construction, property price development and also other socio-economic indices). The result of the thesis is a model analysis that creates the framework for the evaluation of suburbanization concerning regional development. This is carried out according to the concept of sustainable development and proposes the basic set of indices relevant for measuring the influence of suburbanization on sustainable...


Sagač, Roman January 2010 (has links)
One of the most frequently mentioned negative effects of suburbanisation is the effect on traffic. New suburb residents daily commute to the centre of the urban region to work and to access services. Unlike the original residents, they use cars more extensively as a means of transport. This causes high traffic volume on roads (especially those which are radially oriented), which were not designed for it. As a consequence, traffic congestion during peak hours occurs regularly. This problem can be solved through a variety of measures. This thesis focuses only on one group of measures - tools of spatial planning. In the case of Prague, suburban housing has developed extremely quickly over the last 20 years. As a result, the problem and its solution are even more difficult. Pressure on land use in the city's hinterland is greater than in Western Europe, where the suburbanization process took place gradually. Moreover, spatial planning tools were affected by changes in public administration (formation of regions). The thesis models the impact of residential suburbanization on traffic. It then examines whether spatial planning tools are sufficient to control that impact or if there is a threat that traffic should become a barrier to development. Prague's hinterland has experienced increases in traffic...

Příčiny a důsledky změn územních plánů v suburbánním zázemí Prahy / Causes and Consequences of Alterations of Municipal Plans in Prague Suburb

Ťopková, Lenka January 2010 (has links)
Causes and consequences of alterations of municipal plans in Prague suburb Abstract The diploma thesis is concerned with town and country planning after the "Velvet revolution" in 1989. The surroundings of the capital are places where suburbanization takes place at present. Instruments, which can control the process of suburbanization, are very limited. Moreover there is a problem, that capital and its surroundings lay each in different administrative region. The municipal plan is currently key instrument by which can spatial development be influenced. Municipalities are therefore under pressure of private companies calling for extension of a built-up area. The aim of this thesis is to analyse causes and consequences of alterations of the municipal plans, which were procured in municipalities in the suburban territory of Prague, and to discover who are the main participants of these alterations. Keywords: town and country planning, alterations of municipal plans, suburbanization

Analýza residenční stability a spokojenosti v suburbánním zázemí Prahy případová studie města Říčany / Analysis of residential stability and satisfaction in Prague's suburban zone case study Říčany

Kopečná, Martina January 2010 (has links)
The main aim of this study is the residential stability of the population in Prague suburban locality Říčany. The residential stability was studied in six localities of Říčany which varied according to the type of housing. Description of differences among the selected locations of Říčany can improve the development of similar localities in Prague suburban zone. Residential stability of people depends on factors that can affect it and it is necessary to include all these factors in the analysis. The most significant factor is residential satisfaction with the quality of housing. Qualitative research methods: were used primarily for this analysis: questionnaire survey and interviews with residents of selected localities. The results showed that the city Říčany rather belong to unstable residential communities in Prague suburban zone. Residential instability of the inhabitants is significantly influenced by dissatisfaction with their housing, but very important aspects are also age and life-cycle stages of the respondents. Field survey did not confirm any significant differences between the selected locations, but rather among the types of housing.

Suburbanizace v kontextu sociálního pilíře trvale udržitelného rozvoje / Suburbanization in the context of social dimension of sustainable development

Vinterová, Jana January 2011 (has links)
The main aim of this master thesis is to assess the social environment of Jesenice u Prahy, in the context of social dimension of sustainable development. With the outcomes of the case study, a conclusion will be drawn, whether a suburban municipality model can be sustainable or not (again from the social point of view only). The master thesis also tries to identify areas, which seem to be crucial for the social dimension of sustainable development. Another aim of this thesis is to identify the means by which a suburban municipality can move towards sustainable development. The research is aimed predominantly at the inner factors of municipal development, especially in the form of municipal government or the role of local communities on the way to sustainable development in its social dimension.

Soužití starousedlíků a nově příchozích obyvatel. Případová studie suburbie v příměstské zóně Prahy / Coexistence of old and new coming residents. Case study research of a village in the Prague suburban zone

Bezpalcová, Tereza January 2013 (has links)
The thesis responds to recent changes in the hinterland of our bigger cities arising from the process of residential suburbanization. Townships in the immediate vicinity of Prague, which often suffered from a population decline and overall stagnation under socialism, have seen a rapid increase in the number of people coming from the city. The aim of this case study is to examine the nature of social relationships between old- time residents and newcomers in Nučice, a village in the Prague West district. The study combines a questionnaire survey with semi-structured interviews and on-site observation. I have looked at the socio-demographic differences between the two groups, differences in their social status and integration and community activities based on Chapin's behavioural typology on site. I have found out that on average, new residents are younger, better educated and with a higher income than the original population. At the same time, they bring a different lifestyle to the countryside, with different attitudes and opinions. The differences between the natives and the newly-arrived population make their integration more difficult and their social relationships remain largely undeveloped.

Krajina, místo prostor: případová studie Vraného nad Vltavou / Landscape, Place, Space: a case study of Vraný nad Vltavou

Sequensová, Linda January 2022 (has links)
The topic of this diploma thesis is the suburban landscape, place and space of the Vrané nad Vltavou municipality located in close proximity to the capital city of Prague. The author approaches the suburban landscape as a specific type of landscape, which combines elements of urban and rural character. The author describes the manifestations of this landscape liminality using ethnographic methods and demonstrates the diversity of spatial structures with her own visual documentation, together with a depiction of the specificity of not only the researched landscape, but also the specificity of the suburb itself in the Czech context. Through the concept of the landscape applied in the socio-anthropological discourse, the author connects the material aspects of the natural environment with the social level of ideas, feelings, and experiences that everyone forms in contact with the landscape. In this sense, the landscape is never finished and neutral, but on the contrary, it is constantly negotiated and confirmed in the daily interactions of human and the landscape. The same holds true of the landscape, which is the subject of suburbanization processes changing its character. Therefore, on the one hand, the author depicts the character of the researched suburban landscape, on the other hand, she maps...

Suburbanizace – mezi městem a krajinou (hledání strategie pro udržitelný rozvoj suburbií v zázemí velkého města) / Suburbanization – between a city and landspace (searching for the optimal strategy for sustainable development of suburbs in the background of a big city)

Šerá, Jana January 2012 (has links)
Assignment of the diploma thesis came out as a result of the module specialized studiol called Compact city, dealing with the problematics of the urban sprawl phenomenon in last 20 years in our country. The target of this thesis is to find ways leading to the improvement of life quality within such structures. We are facing the problem of the urban sprawl into the landscape to the detriment of land used for agriculture. We try to move closer to the landscape, which causes our loss of it. We spend long hours by commuting, mostly by car. The time, when the non-renewable sources of energy are getting tinner is on approach and with it the prices of oil are getting higher. Then we will have a choice: commute by car or get to the place of our job by walk. The second option will be highly appreciated. Contemporary czech countryside is loosing its original features in order of becoming residential base for nearby cities. People moving to the countryside are not searching for the job in the agriculture sector. They move there, trying to find a house with a garden in touch of the nearby landscape. Sadly, they do not find what they expect. Their reality is a big house in the middle of a small patch of land, which can not provide them with the intimate sorrounding. Such residential sites are seldom, if ever proposed in relationship towards the landscape as it was common in the case of original countryside. Right-angled properties which are provided with high fences or walls create sharp edges urging towards constructing a new such structure next to it. The thesis is devided into several parts. First part is dealing with changes in the relationship of people towards landscape. Second part is mapping the urban sprawl in sorrounding of Brno. Several parts of Brno and several municipalities, where the phenomenon of the urban sprawl is about to take place or where it took place already were chosen for this purpose. Three chosen localities (Útěchov, Jehnice, Troubsko) undergone detailed analysis and comparison. In the following section of the thesis were defined five areas, which should be monitored during the development of sub-urban localities. The aim of all proposals is to minimize necessary journeys by car. The final part of the thesis is focused on Jehnice town and country plan and spatial regulations zoning is not created. Thesis defines important places, spaces and offers visions on which direction should the development take.

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