Spelling suggestions: "subject:"superiores"" "subject:"superior""
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Le faune del Paleolitico medio-superiore in Nord Italia: nuovi dati archeozoologici dal Riparo Mochi e dal Riparo TaglientePerez, Andrea 15 September 2023 (has links)
In the world of archaeological and anthropological research, the transition from the Middle Paleolithic (MP) to the Upper Paleolithic (UP) is widely debated and studied. During this period in Europe, the last Neanderthals were replaced by the first Anatomically Modern Humans (AMH). It is widely debated how and in what time frame this replacement occurred, and if, when, and where the two human species interacted with eachother. In order to understand the differences and similarities between Neanderthals and AMH, many branches of archaeology collaborate to answer these questions. For example, the study of artifacts or genetic investigations can provide a wealth of information on the cognitive-behavioral abilities of the two hominins or
on possible hybridization. In this context, archaeozoology is an extremely interesting branch for reconstructing the interactions between humans and the environment in which they lived and thus defining the economic and behavioral strategies of the two human species. Of particular interest are the sites of RiparoMochi (Ventimiglia) and RiparoTagliente (Verona), which present evidence of occupation by the last Neanderthals and subsequent arrival of AMH. Due to their geographical location, crucial for investigating the arrival of AMH in Europe, the study of faunal remains from these two sites is of fundamental importance. This thesis proposes an archaeozoological study useful for shedding light on the human-environment dynamics that occurred between the end of the MP and the beginning of the UP innorthern Italy, examining two sites belonging to two distinct geographical regions, Liguria and Veneto, characterized (today and in the past) by different climatic and environmental conditions. In addition to the classic archaeozoological study, the methodologies applied here range from analyses of dental microwear to the use of 3D technology for the study of bone artifacts. The archaeozoological analysis of these two contexts is also necessary due to the scarcity of
faunal data for the two sites, which are infact preliminary or incomplete. How did Neanderthal hunting strategies differ between the Tyrrhenian and Adriatic sides of the Apennines? Did the arrival of AMH correspond to a change in hunting behavior or in the way sites were occupied? How have the fauna and surrounding ecosystems of the two sites evolved? Answering these and other questions will help to understand how the rapid climatic and environmental changes that characterized the end of the MP influenced human groups and animal populations in the two regions and how human-environment interactions changed in the transition from the late MP to the beginning of the UP. / Nel mondo della ricerca archeologica e antropologica, la transizione fra il Paleolitico Medio (PM) e il Paleolitico Superiore (PS) è ampiamente dibattuta e studiata. In questo periodo, in Europa, gli ultimi Neandertal vengono sostituiti dai primi Umani Anatomicamente Moderni (UAM). È ampiamente dibattuto come e in quanto tempo sia avvenuta questa sostituzione e se, quando e dove, le due specie umane abbiano interagito fra loro. Al fine di comprendere le differenze e le similitudini fra Neandertal e UAM, molte branche dell’archeologia collaborano per rispondere a queste incognite. Ad esempio, lo studio dei manufatti o le indagini genetiche possono dare molte informazioni sulle capacità cognitivo-comportamentali dei due ominini o su una possibile ibridazione. In questo contesto l’archeozoologia è una branca di estremo interesse per ricostruire le interazioni fra l’uomo e l’ambiente nel quale viveva e definire quindi le strategie economiche e comportamentali delle due specie umane. Di particolare interesse sono i siti di Riparo Mochi (Ventimiglia) e Riparo Tagliente (Verona), i quali presentano testimonianze dell’occupazione da parte degli ultimi Neandertal e la successiva frequentazione di UAM. Per via della loro posizione geografica, nevralgica per indagare sull’arrivo di UAM in Europa, lo studio dei resti faunistici provenienti da questi due siti è di fondamentale importanza. In questa tesi si propone uno studio archeozoologico utile a far luce sulle dinamiche uomo-ambiente intercorse fra la fine del PM e l’inizio del PS in Nord Italia, prendendo in esame due siti facenti parte di due regioni geografiche
distinte, la Liguria e il Veneto, caratterizzate (oggi e in passato) da differenti condizioni climatico-ambientali. Oltre al classico studio archeozoologico, le metodologie qui applicate spaziano dalle analisi della microusura dentale all’utilizzo della tecnologia 3D per lo studio di manufatti in osso. L’analisi archeozoologica di questi due contesti risulta inoltre necessaria a causa della scarsità di dati faunistici per i due siti, questi risultano infatti preliminari o incompleti. Come differivano le strategie di caccia dei Neandertal fra il versante tirrenico e adriatico degli appennini?L’arrivo di UAM ha corrisposto ad un cambiamento del comportamento venatorio o nelle modalità di occupazione dei siti? Come si sono evolute le faune e gli ecosistemi circondanti i due siti? Rispondere a queste ed altre domande permetterà di comprendere come le rapide variazioni climatico-ambientali che caratterizzarono la fine del PM, abbiano influito sui gruppi umani e
sulle popolazioni animali delle due regioni e come le interazioni uomo-ambiente siano mutate nel passaggio dal PM finale e l’inizio del PS.
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Towards reconnecting Computer Science Education with the World out thereAngeli, Lorenzo 10 December 2021 (has links)
Computing is becoming exponentially more pervasive, and so-called process of ``Digital Transformation'' is but starting. As computers become ever more relevant, our societies will need computing professionals that are well-equipped to face the many challenges their own discipline amplified. The education of computer scientists, so far, mostly focused on equipping them with technical skills. Society and academia, however, are increasingly recognising computing as a field where disciplines collide and intersect. An example that we investigate is that of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (I&E), a field that has often be used to equip computer science students with soft skills and non-technical competences. Computer science faces some unique problems, among which a lower student interest for non-technical subjects, and a constant process of epistemic and technological obsolescence. This thesis showcases some experiences that aim to address these challenges, going towards (re)connecting the Humans and Machines participating in computer science education with the needs of the World of today and tomorrow. Our work combines some theoretical reflections with pedagogical experiments, to ensure that our work has at the same time descriptive power and empirical validation. To aid teachers and learners in the change process, these experiments share a pedagogical approach rooted on Active Learning, ranging from Challenge-Based Learning to Peer Education, to custom-tailored teaching methodologies. In designing each experiment, we start by asking ourselves: how is what we want to teach practiced in the real world? Theoretically, this thesis contributes to the state of the art by conducting a horizontal exploration of how computer science education can enter an age ever more dominated by so-called ambiguity.
Methodologically, we propose lightweight techniques for qualitative measurement that are rigorous, but introduce little methodological burden, emphasising our work's reflective and exploratory dimension. Our work aims to show how, using the same broad design process, courses can be flexibly adapted to fit an ever-changing world, including significant disruptions such as the transition to online education.
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Questa tesi riflette l’attuale interesse per il dibattito educativo sul ruolo e sull’uso dell’inglese come lingua veicolare in ambiente accademico.
I programmi che utilizzano l’inglese come Medium of Instruction (EMI) sono al centro dell’attenzione di questo studio, che si compone di una parte quantitativa e una parte qualitativa. Attraverso un’analisi aggiornata dei dati raccolti da Costa e Coleman nel 2012, la prima parte descrive i risultati di un questionario spedito a tutte le università italiane; la parte qualitativa descrive l’utilizzo dei marcatori metadiscorsivi impiegati da quattro docenti dell’Università Cattolica di Milano. A tale scopo, è stata adottata una versione semplificata del modello di Ädel (2003), proposto da Nobles (2010), e applicato in questa sede al discorso accademico orale.
L’aumento del numero di corsi di EMI in Italia registrato da Costa e Coleman nel 2012 è rimasto stabile. Il confronto tra l’uso di marcatori metadiscorsivi personali e impersonali mostra un maggior utilizzo dei primi, in particolare del pronome personale “we”. Infine, lo studio vuole fornire dati e riflessioni a docenti, istituzioni universitarie e legislatori, utili anche alla progettazione di corsi di formazione per insegnanti. / This thesis reflects the shared current interest in the ongoing educational debate on the role and use of English as a medium of instruction in academic settings.
English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) programs are the main focus of this study which includes a quantitative and a qualitative part. Through an up-to-date analysis of the data on EMI courses in Italy collected by Costa and Coleman in 2012, the first part shows the results of a questionnaire that was sent to all Italian universities; the qualitative part describes the use of metadiscourse markers by four Italian lecturers at the Università Cattolica of Milan. The simplified and restricted classification model of metadiscourse markers proposed by Nobles (2010), adapted from Ädel (2003), was here applied to the academic spoken discourse.
The increase in the number of EMI courses in Italy registered by Costa and Coleman in 2012 has remained stable. The comparison of the use of personal and impersonal metadiscourse shows that personal metadiscourse tokens surpass the impersonal counterpart, with the pronoun “we” as the most frequent self-mention marker in the corpus. Finally, the present study can be of great interest both for lecturers and university policymakers or teacher-training designers.
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Transférabilité des savoirs et des compétences dans la formation et la mobilité professionnelle des éducateurs spécialisés dans l’espace européen. Étude comparative entre l’Italie et la France / Transferability of knowledge and skills in the training and professional mobility of educators specializing in the European area. Comparative study between Italy and France / La trasferibilità delle conoscenze et delle competenze nella formazione e la mobilità professionale degli educatori nello spazio europeo. Studio comparativo tra Italia e FranciaRomano, Luciano 27 October 2017 (has links)
Cette recherche s’inscrit dans le cadre plus large d’une cotutelle de thèse en Sciences de l’Éducation entre les Universités de Nice et de Turin. Nous sommes partis du constat que l’organisation de l’éducation spécialisée en Europe est loin d’être homogène. Ainsi, en Italie, contrairement à la France, la formation en travail social est confiée aux universités. Depuis l’inscription de la formation française dans le cadre européen en 1989, la réorganisation des contenus de formation et la mise en conformité avec le reste de l’Europe a provoqué une révision profonde du modèle pédagogique de référence et de la conception même de la profession. À partir de cette étude comparative, notre thèse étudie l’impact de ce nouveau modèle de transmission et de reconnaissance des savoirs sur la professionnalisation des travailleurs sociaux, afin d’envisager comment le cadre européen agit à travers ses deux postulats : la transférabilité des savoirs et des compétences professionnelles. En partant d’un secteur spécifique comme celui de l’éducation spécialisée, notre thèse explore le double aspect de la formation – transférabilité des savoirs- et de la professionnalisation – transférabilité des compétences –afin de vérifier s’il est judicieux de parler d’une véritable "Europe des métiers du social". / This research is incorporated within the wider framework of a thesis in Educational Studies which was co-tutored by the University of Nice in France and the University of Turin in Italy. We started by observing that the organisation of specialised education in Europe is far from being homogeneous. Consequently, Social Work Education in Italy is entrusted to Universities, yet not in France. Since French education was incorporated within the European Framework in 1989, the re-organisation of the educational content and its compliance with the rest of Europe has led to a deep reviewing of both the pedagogical model of reference and the conception of the profession itself. Moving from this comparative study, our thesis analyses the impact of this new model of transmission and recognition of knowledge on the professionalization of social workers in order to understand how the European framework acts through the two following postulates : the transferability of knowledge and the transferability of professional expertises. Starting from the specific field of specialised education, our study explores the double aspect of education – knowledge transferability – and professionalization – expertises transferability – in order to verify whether it is wise to talk about a common “European approach to social work”. / Questa tesi in Scienze dell’Educazione ha visto la luce nell’ambito di una co-tutela tra l'Università di Nizza e l’Università di Torino. La premessa è che la professione dell’educatore in Europa è tutt’altro che omogenea. In Italia, sin dagli anni Novanta, la formazione degli educatori è affidata alle università e conserva una base disciplinare. In Francia, invece, essa é delegata alle scuole regionali ed é declinata in competenze. Inoltre, nel 2010 é stata attuata una profonda revisione del modello pedagogico in nome dell’adesione alle norme che regolano lo Spazio Europeo dell'Istruzione Superiore (SEIS). In questo quadro si colloca il nuovo modello di trasmissione e di riconoscimento dei saperi proposto dall’Europa, basato su due postulati : la trasferibilità delle conoscenze e delle competenze professionali. Partendo da un settore specifico come quello dell’educazione professionale, la ricerca si è proposta di esplorare il doppio aspetto della comparazione dei sistemi di formazione – trasferibilità delle conoscenze – e professionali – trasferibilità delle competenze – al fine di verificare se è possibile parlare di una "Europa dei mestieri del sociale".
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