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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identificação de genes diferencialmente expressos em feijoeiro envolvidos na resistência ao estresse hídrico / Identification of differentially expressed genes in common bean involved in drought stress resistance

Gustavo Henrique Recchia 03 June 2011 (has links)
O Brasil é o segundo maior produtor de feijão, sendo a espécie mais cultivada o Phaseolus vulgaris L. Entre as três possíveis safras exploradas no Brasil, aquela que gera a maior produção é a da seca. Por outro lado, como a maioria das lavouras emprega pouca tecnologia, um dos problemas desta cultura é o estresse hídrico, que leva a uma redução na produtividade. Dessa forma, a identificação de genes que controlam os mecanismos de defesa e adaptação do feijoeiro à falta de água seria de grande utilidade. Nos últimos anos, muitas informações ômicas do feijoeiro foram geradas, criando uma visão integrada deste organismo e oferecendo uma complexa rede de interações entre genes e seus produtos. Este trabalho teve como objetivo central à identificação de genes diferencialmente expressos no sistema radicular de um genótipo de feijoeiro resistente ao estresse hídrico (BAT 477), quando submetido a uma interrupção de irrigação durante seu desenvolvimento. Foi construída uma biblioteca subtrativa de cDNA (SSH), que representou os genes diferencialmente expressos no genótipo resistente, utilizando-se como driver o genótipo Carioca 80SH (suscetível a seca). Foram obtidos 1572 reads válidos, sendo 931 destes singletons e 189 contigs com uma média de seis reads por cluster. A anotação das sequências foi conduzida via BLASTX, sendo consideradas para anotação somente os melhores resultados dos produtos gênicos similares com E- Value \'<OU=\' 10-5. A classificação funcional foi feita tendo-se como base modelos descritos para plantas (modelo CS e MIPS) e os resultados foram agrupados em seis classes funcionais distintas. As análises de bioinformática ajudaram na identificação de genes descritos como envolvidos na resposta da planta ao estresse hídrico. Entre eles: proteínas do grupo LEA; fatores de transcrição como DREB, NAC e proteínas ricas em leucina; enzimas sintetizadoras de carboidratos incluindo trehalose, sacarose e rhamnose; proteínas ricas em prolina; receptores de hormônios (ABA, etileno); aquaporinas; chaperonas; ubiquitinas; nodulinas; e proteínas associadas à fotossíntese e à respiração. A fim de se obter a validação das ESTs anotadas, foi conduzido um experimento de PCR em tempo real confrontando os padrões de expressão de 15 genes sob quatro tratamentos: ambos os genótipos sob estresse e respectivos controles. Três replicatas biológicas foram adotadas e dois genes de referência (act e skip2) foram escolhidos para normalização interna dos dados. Os padrões de expressão gênica obtidos confirmam a hipótese de que tais genes são mesmo mais expressos no genótipo resistente, embora não sejam exclusivos já que uma quantidade menor de tais transcritos também foi detectada no genótipo suscetível / Brazil is the second biggest producer of common bean, being Phaseolus vulgaris L. the most cultivated species. Among the three possible harvests exploited in Brazil, drought is the one which generates the greatest production. On the other hand, as the majority of the households employees low technology, one of the problems of this culture is drought stress that leads to a reduction in the productivity. So, the identification of gene that controls the mechanisms of defense and adaptation of common bean to the lack of water would be very useful. In the past years, many omics information of common bean have been generated, creating an integrated view of this organism and providing a complex network between genes and its products. The main goal of this work was the identification of differentially expressed genes in a genotype of common bean resistant to drought stress (BAT 477), when submitted to a interruption of irrigation during its development. It was build a cDNA suppression subtractive hybridization library (SSH), which represented the differentially expressed genes, on the resistant genotype, having as driver the genotype Carioca 80SH (susceptible to drought). It was obtained 1572 valid reads, being 931 singletons and 189 contigs, with the average of 6 reads per cluster. The sequences annotation was conducted via BLAST X, considering only the best similarity results with E value \'<OU=\' 10-5. The functional classification was done adopting models described for plants (CS and MIPS) and the results were grouped into six different functional classes. Bioinformatic analyses contribuited to the identification of genes described as involved on plants response to drought stress. Among them: LEA proteins; transcription factors like DREB, NAC and leucine-rich proteins; carbohydrates synthesizers enzymes like the ones for trehalose, sucrose and rhamnose; proline-rich proteins; hormone receptors (ABA and ethylene); aquaporins; chaperones; ubiquitins; nodulins; and proteins associated with photosynthesis and respiration. In order to validate the ESTs annotated, a RT-qPCR experiment was conducted comparing the expression patterns of 15 genes under four treatments: both genotypes under stress and their respective controls. Three technical replicates were used and two reference genes (act and skip2) were chosen for intern data normalization. The gene expression patterns obtained confirm the hypothesis that such genes are more expressed on the resistant genotype although they are not exclusive since a lower levels of these transcripts were also detected in the susceptible genotype

Relation entre la propriété phytoprotectrice de synthèse de 2,4-diacétylphloroglucinol par les Pseudomonas fluorescents dans la rhizosphère, et la résistance des sols à la maladie de la pourriture noire des racines de tabac / Relation between the 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol synthesis ability of fluorescent Pseudomonas in the rhizosphere, and soil suppressiveness to black root rot disease of tobacco

Almario, Juliana 14 December 2012 (has links)
Les bactéries du sol produisant des antifongiques comme le 2,4-diacétylphloroglucinol(DAPG) protègent les racines des plantes vis-à-vis des champignons phytopathogènes. Néanmoins, les conditions de fonctionnement de ces populations bactériennes dans le sol restent très mal connues. Dans certains sols, dits résistants aux maladies, ces bactéries phytoprotectrices sont présentes à des effectifs importants et leur activité est suffisante pour protéger la plante malgré la présence du pathogène. L'objectif de cette thèse a été de comprendre la relation entre la résistance des sols à la maladie de la pourriture noire des racines de tabac, et la fonction de synthèse du DAPG chez les bactéries du genre Pseudomonas. Dans la situation de référence de Morens (Suisse), les sols résistants diffèrent des sols sensibles par la présence de vermiculite, argile capable de relarguer du fer. On sait que la présence de vermiculite améliore la phytoprotection assurée par les Pseudomonas producteurs de DAPG, mais les mécanismes moléculaires sous-jacents restent inconnus. Dans un premier temps, la quantification de ces bactéries par une nouvelle méthode de PCR quantitative développée ici, a confirmé que leurs effectifs sont élevés dans les sols résistants, mais aussi dans les sols sensibles, suggérant que la résistance puise plutôt dépendre d'une plus forte expression de la fonction de synthèse du DAPG. Dans un second temps, l'étude de l'expression des gènes de synthèse du DAPG en système de sol artificiel, à l'aide de la souche rapportrice P. protegens phlA-gfp, a montré que la présence de vermiculite dans le sol se traduit par une plus forte biodisponibilité du fer pour les Pseudomonas, induisant une plus forte expression des gènes de synthèse du DAPG et la protection du tabac. En conclusion, la résistance des sols de Morens à la maladie de la pourriture noire des racines est conditionnée par plusieurs facteurs abiotiques et biotiques, dont la biodisponibilité du fer qui régule l'expression des gènes de synthèse du DAPG chez Pseudomonas / Soil bacteria producing antimicrobial compounds like 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (DAPG) protect plants from soil-borne phytopathogens. Nevertheless, the functioning of these bacterial populations in the soil is largely unknown. In certain soils, termed disease- suppressive soils, these bacteria are present at high numbers and their activity is sufficient to assure effective plant protection in the presence of the pathogen. The aim of this thesis was to understand the relation between soil suppressiveness towards black root rot of tobacco, and the 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol synthesis ability of certain Pseudomonas. In Morens region (Switzerland), suppressive soils differ from conducive soil by the presence of vermiculite, an iron-releasing clay. It is known that DAPG-producing Pseudomonas provide better plant protection in the presence of vermiculite, but the molecular basis of this interaction is still unknown. First, the quantification of these bacteria, through a new real-time PCR method developed here, confirmed that high numbers of DAPG-producing Pseudomonas occur in suppressive soils, as well as in conducive ones, raising the possibility that suppressiveness depends rather on a higher expression of DAPG synthetic genes. Second, expression studies of DAPG synthetic genes using a P. protegens ph/A- gfp reporter strain and artificial soil systems, confirmed that the presence of vermiculite in the soil can translate into higher iron bioavailability for Pseudomonas, triggering higher expression of DAPG synthetic genes and effective plant protection. In conclusion, black root rot suppressiveness of Morens soils is determined by several abiotic and biotic factors, among which iron bioavailability regulating the expression of DAPG synthetic genes in plant-protecting Pseudomonas

Molecular characterization of embryogenesis in Phaseolus

Abid, Ghassen 17 January 2011 (has links)
Chez les végétaux supérieurs, lembryogenèse est une phase clé du développement au cours de laquelle lembryon établit les principales structures de la future plante. La compréhension des processus moléculaires et physiologiques menant à la formation de la graine est donc dun intérêt agronomique majeur. Chez Phaseolus la caractérisation moléculaire de lembryogenèse permet de mieux comprendre les mécanismes du développement embryonnaire et de son dysfonctionnement observé chez les hybrides interspécifiques. Cette thèse sinscrit dans ce cadre et vise à identifier et caractériser des gènes clés impliqués dans le développement de l'embryon chez Phaseolus. Des hybridations interspécifiques ont été réalisées entre lespèce P.vulgaris L. (cultivar NI637) utilisée comme parent mâle et lespèce P. coccineus L. (cultivar NI16) utilisée comme parent femelle. Des analyses ont aussi été effectuées sur un mutant obtenu par mutagenèse chimique à l'EMS (Ethyl Méthyl Sulfonate) de graines de la variété BAT93 de P.vulgaris. Une étude histologique comparative a permis de suivre la dynamique de lembryogenèse du haricot commun à partir dembryons prélevés 3 à 12 jours après la pollinisation et provenant de plantes normales et déficients dans la production de graines. Les embryons de P. vulgaris se développent plus rapidement par rapport à ceux issus du mutant EMS. Ces derniers présentent des anomalies au niveau de lembryon et du suspenseur. La caractérisation fonctionnelle de deux gènes candidats MIPS (myo-inositol phosphate synthase) et Sus (sucrose synthase) a été réalisée par RT-PCR quantitative et hybridation in situ suite à une étude spatio-temporelle dexpression de ces deux gènes candidats au cours de développement embryonnaire chez Phaseolus. Lanalyse du profil dexpression de ces deux gènes montre quils sont exprimés différemment au niveau des tissus de lembryon et du suspenseur. Lanalyse in silico nous a permis de sélectionner 22 gènes candidats dont nous avons vérifié l'expression au cours de développement de la graine chez Phaseolus. Des variations au niveau de la méthylation de lADN ont été déterminées chez les hybrides interspécifiques comparativement à leurs parents. La technique de lHSS a permis disoler des fragments dADNs complémentaires différemment exprimés au cours de développement de la graine chez Phaseolus. Lanalyse des séquences de ces ADNs complémentaires montre quils codent pour plusieurs protéines intervenant dans le développement cellulaire et embryonnaire, en particulier le "storage protein activator" (SPA), le "pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein" (PPR) et lacetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase). La caractérisation de ces différents gènes exprimés au cours du développement de la graine, fournit de nouveaux outils susceptibles de mettre en évidence des mécanismes de dysfonctionnement embryonnaire chez le genre Phaseolus.

Expressão diferencial de genes induzidos por antracnose em feijoeiro em resposta à indução da resistência por silício / Differential expression of genes activated by anthracnose in response to silicon induced resistance

Beraldo, Ana Luiza Ahern 08 August 2012 (has links)
O feijão é importante fonte carboidratos, vitaminas, minerais e fibras. No Brasil, a produtividade desta leguminosa é baixa e um dos fatores é a ocorrência de doenças como a antracnose causada pelo Colletothrichum lindemuthianum, que gera perdas de até 100% da produção. Plantas possuem diversos mecanismos de defesa contra patógenos e relatos apontam que o silício é capaz não só de promover mudanças morfológicas nas folhas, mas também de ativar os genes de resistência. O presente trabalho foi dividido em três estudos que tinham como objetivo: (1) entender a resposta de três cultivares de feijoeiro ao silício disponível na solução nutritiva; (2) identificar a contribuição do Si na expressão de genes relacionados à infecção pelo fungo através da construção de duas bibliotecas subtrativas por supressão (SSH), visando selecionar genes diferencialmente representados durante a infecção da planta com a raça 65 de C. lindemuthianum (a) e durante a infeção da planta na presença de uma maior dose silicato de potássio (75 ppm) no substrato (b); (3) identificar a resposta de dez transcritos selecionados no Estudo 2 para tentar entender a resposta dos mesmos em diferentes períodos (0; 6; 42; 72 h) após a inoculação, com ou sem suplemento de Si. Como resultados, foi observado que para as três cultivares avaliadas o Si começa a ser absorvido 14 dias após o transplante. Também foi identificado por de microscopia de varredura (MEV) que não há diferença significativa entre o número de tricomas e cada cultivar, mas que para o número de estômatos a cultivar IAC-Harmonia destacou-se das demais. Além disso, quando as três cultivares foram suplementadas com Si, houve a formação de uma cera epicuticular descrita como mecanismo de defesa da planta contra fungos; e que através de EDX (Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy) foi possível constatar que plantas tratadas com Si apresentam maior teor deste elemento nas folhas. Através de inoculações com a raça 65 do patógeno verificou-se o efeito do mineral na redução da severidade da doença nas cultivares IAC-Harmonia e Pérola. No segundo estudo, duas bibliotecas de hibridização subtrativa por supressão (SSH), foram construídas visando selecionar os genes diferencialmente expressos entre plantas inoculadas e não-inoculadas (A) e entre plantas inoculadas e tratadas ou não com 75 ppm de Si (B). Foram geradas 991 sequências únicas, anotadas através do GeneOntolgy. Quinze genes de cada biblioteca foram selecionados para os experimentos de validação por RT-qPCR. Para a Biblioteca A, 11/15 genes foram positivamente regulados, e em B, 14/15. No terceiro estudo ficou evidenciado que a inoculação com o patógeno alterou positivamente a expressão de sete genes, enquanto que o tratamento com 75 ppm de Si alterou a expressão de oito genes, em pelo menos um dos tempos avaliados / Beans are an important source of carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fibers. In Brazil, this legume still has low productivity and one of the factors involved is the occurrence of diseases such as anthracnose, caused by the fungus Colletothrichum lindemuthianum, which causes losses in production of up to 100%. Plants present several defense mechanisms against pathogens and the reports indicate that silicon does not only promote morphological changes in leaves, but also activates resistance genes. This work was divided into three studies aiming: (1) to understand the response of three bean cultivars to a silicon source in a nutrient solution, (2) to identify the contribution of Si in the expression of genes related to the infection by the fungus by constructing two subtractive suppression libraries (SSH), to select genes differentially represented during infection of the plant with race 65 of C. lindemuthianum (a) and during infection of the plant in the presence of higher dose of potassium silicate (75 ppm) in the substrate (b), (3) to identify the response of ten selected transcripts in Study 2 in various periods (0, 6, 42, 72 h) after inoculation, with or without supplemental Si. As a result, it was observed that for all three cultivars Si begins to be absorbed 14 days after transplantation. Was also identified by microscopy (SEM) that there is no significant difference between the number of trichomes among cultivars, but that the number of stomata for the IAC-Harmonia stood out from the rest. Moreover, when the three cultivars were supplemented with Si, thus forming an epicuticular wax described as a defense mechanism against plant fungi, and that by EDX (Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy) it was found that plants treated with Si have higher content of this element in leaves. Through inoculations with race 65 of the pathogen it was verified the effect of the mineral in reducing disease severity in IAC-Pérola and IAC - Harmonia. In the second study, two libraries from suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) were constructed in order to select the differentially expressed genes between inoculated and non-inoculated (A) and between plants inoculated and treated or not with 75 ppm of Si (B). In total, 991 unique sequences were generated, those recorded by GeneOntolgy. Fifteen genes from each library were selected for the validation experiments by RT-qPCR. For library A, 11/15 genes were positively regulated, and in B, 14/15. In the third study it is showed that inoculation with the pathogen positively altered expression of seven genes, whereas treatment with 75 ppm of Si changed the expression of eight genes, in at least one of the times analyzed

Etude des interactions hôte/parasite chez l’huître plate Ostrea edulis et son parasite Bonamia ostreae / Study of host/parasite interactions in the flat oyster Ostrea edulis and the parasite Bonamia ostreae

Morga, Benjamin 28 September 2010 (has links)
L’histoire de l’ostréiculture française met en évidence la fragilité de cette production face à la surexploitation des stocks et l’apparition de maladies. En particulier, la production d’huître plate, Ostrea edulis, a fortement diminué suite à l’apparition de deux maladies parasitaires dont la bonamiose. Les moyens de lutte contre la bonamiose sont relativement restreints. Ils sont essentiellement basés sur la surveillance de la santé des huîtres afin de limiter la dissémination et la propagation de la maladie. Cependant l’utilisation de modèles prédictifs de l’évolution de la maladie en zone infectée permettrait d’optimiser la gestion des stocks et minimiser l’impact des agents pathogènes. De plus, le développement d’animaux résistants à l’infection pourrait permettre de relancer cette production. Ces différentes approches nécessitent des outils diagnostiques adaptés, une bonne connaissance du cycle de vie de l’agent pathogène, et, plus particulièrement des interactions du parasite avec son hôte. Dans ce contexte, l’objectif principal du travail de thèse proposé est de comprendre les interactions entre l’huître plate Ostrea edulis et son parasite Bonamia ostreae, et, plus particulièrement les bases moléculaires de la résistance au parasite. Dans un premier temps, la réalisation d’une banque soustractive d’ADNc a permis d’identifier des ESTs différentiellement exprimées chez des hémocytes en réponse au parasite. L’expression de certains gènes dont une galectine a été mesurée en PCR en temps réel dans le contexte d’infections in vitro. En complément, la réponse cellulaire a été étudiée par cytométrie en flux et l’infection contrôlée en microscopie. Ces expériences ont montré une multiplication parasitaire dans les hémocytes au cours du temps associée à une diminution de la production d’EOR et d’estérases. Dans un second temps, il a été entrepris une étude comparative entre une population d’huîtres plates résistantes à la bonamiose et une population naturelle. Les résultats obtenus tendent à montrer qu’une modulation de l’apoptose et une diminution de la phagocytose seraient impliquées dans les mécanismes liés à la résistance à la bonamiose. Ce travail est le premier à étudier la réponse des hémocytes d’huîtres plates à une infection par le parasite Bonamia ostreae au niveau cellulaire et moléculaire. / The history of the French oyster production highlights the fragility of this production against overexploitation and disease outbreaks. In particular, the production of flat oyster, Ostrea edulis, has decreased following the emergence of two parasitic diseases including bonamiosis. The means to fight against bonamiosis are relatively limited. They are mainly based on oyster health surveillance to limit the spread of the disease. However, the use of predictive models of disease progression in infected area would help to improve stock management and minimize the impact pathogens. Moreover the development of resistant animals could help to revive this production. These different approaches require appropriate diagnostic tools, a good knowledge of the life cycle of the pathogen, and the interactions between the parasite and its host. In this context, the main objective of the phD work is to understand the interactions between the flat oyster Ostrea edulis and the parasite Bonamia ostreae, and particularly the molecular basis of the resistance to the parasite. In a first step, a subtractive cDNA bank allowed the identification of ESTs differentially expressed in haemocytes in response to the parasite. Expression of some genes, among which a galectin, was measured by Real Time PCR in the context of in vitro infections. In addition, the cellular response was investigated by flow cytometry and the infection was checked by microscopy. These experiments showed a multiplication of the parasite inside haemocytes associated with a decreased of esterases and of the production of ROS. In a second step, a comparative approach was carried out between a population of oysters resistant to bonamiosis and a natural population. Results suggest that modulation of apopotosis and decrease of phagocytosis could be involved in mechanisms related to resistance to bonamiosis. This work is the first study on the response of haemocytes of flat oysters to an infection with the parasite Bonamia ostreae at the cellular and molecular levels.

Expressão diferencial de genes induzidos por antracnose em feijoeiro em resposta à indução da resistência por silício / Differential expression of genes activated by anthracnose in response to silicon induced resistance

Ana Luiza Ahern Beraldo 08 August 2012 (has links)
O feijão é importante fonte carboidratos, vitaminas, minerais e fibras. No Brasil, a produtividade desta leguminosa é baixa e um dos fatores é a ocorrência de doenças como a antracnose causada pelo Colletothrichum lindemuthianum, que gera perdas de até 100% da produção. Plantas possuem diversos mecanismos de defesa contra patógenos e relatos apontam que o silício é capaz não só de promover mudanças morfológicas nas folhas, mas também de ativar os genes de resistência. O presente trabalho foi dividido em três estudos que tinham como objetivo: (1) entender a resposta de três cultivares de feijoeiro ao silício disponível na solução nutritiva; (2) identificar a contribuição do Si na expressão de genes relacionados à infecção pelo fungo através da construção de duas bibliotecas subtrativas por supressão (SSH), visando selecionar genes diferencialmente representados durante a infecção da planta com a raça 65 de C. lindemuthianum (a) e durante a infeção da planta na presença de uma maior dose silicato de potássio (75 ppm) no substrato (b); (3) identificar a resposta de dez transcritos selecionados no Estudo 2 para tentar entender a resposta dos mesmos em diferentes períodos (0; 6; 42; 72 h) após a inoculação, com ou sem suplemento de Si. Como resultados, foi observado que para as três cultivares avaliadas o Si começa a ser absorvido 14 dias após o transplante. Também foi identificado por de microscopia de varredura (MEV) que não há diferença significativa entre o número de tricomas e cada cultivar, mas que para o número de estômatos a cultivar IAC-Harmonia destacou-se das demais. Além disso, quando as três cultivares foram suplementadas com Si, houve a formação de uma cera epicuticular descrita como mecanismo de defesa da planta contra fungos; e que através de EDX (Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy) foi possível constatar que plantas tratadas com Si apresentam maior teor deste elemento nas folhas. Através de inoculações com a raça 65 do patógeno verificou-se o efeito do mineral na redução da severidade da doença nas cultivares IAC-Harmonia e Pérola. No segundo estudo, duas bibliotecas de hibridização subtrativa por supressão (SSH), foram construídas visando selecionar os genes diferencialmente expressos entre plantas inoculadas e não-inoculadas (A) e entre plantas inoculadas e tratadas ou não com 75 ppm de Si (B). Foram geradas 991 sequências únicas, anotadas através do GeneOntolgy. Quinze genes de cada biblioteca foram selecionados para os experimentos de validação por RT-qPCR. Para a Biblioteca A, 11/15 genes foram positivamente regulados, e em B, 14/15. No terceiro estudo ficou evidenciado que a inoculação com o patógeno alterou positivamente a expressão de sete genes, enquanto que o tratamento com 75 ppm de Si alterou a expressão de oito genes, em pelo menos um dos tempos avaliados / Beans are an important source of carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fibers. In Brazil, this legume still has low productivity and one of the factors involved is the occurrence of diseases such as anthracnose, caused by the fungus Colletothrichum lindemuthianum, which causes losses in production of up to 100%. Plants present several defense mechanisms against pathogens and the reports indicate that silicon does not only promote morphological changes in leaves, but also activates resistance genes. This work was divided into three studies aiming: (1) to understand the response of three bean cultivars to a silicon source in a nutrient solution, (2) to identify the contribution of Si in the expression of genes related to the infection by the fungus by constructing two subtractive suppression libraries (SSH), to select genes differentially represented during infection of the plant with race 65 of C. lindemuthianum (a) and during infection of the plant in the presence of higher dose of potassium silicate (75 ppm) in the substrate (b), (3) to identify the response of ten selected transcripts in Study 2 in various periods (0, 6, 42, 72 h) after inoculation, with or without supplemental Si. As a result, it was observed that for all three cultivars Si begins to be absorbed 14 days after transplantation. Was also identified by microscopy (SEM) that there is no significant difference between the number of trichomes among cultivars, but that the number of stomata for the IAC-Harmonia stood out from the rest. Moreover, when the three cultivars were supplemented with Si, thus forming an epicuticular wax described as a defense mechanism against plant fungi, and that by EDX (Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy) it was found that plants treated with Si have higher content of this element in leaves. Through inoculations with race 65 of the pathogen it was verified the effect of the mineral in reducing disease severity in IAC-Pérola and IAC - Harmonia. In the second study, two libraries from suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) were constructed in order to select the differentially expressed genes between inoculated and non-inoculated (A) and between plants inoculated and treated or not with 75 ppm of Si (B). In total, 991 unique sequences were generated, those recorded by GeneOntolgy. Fifteen genes from each library were selected for the validation experiments by RT-qPCR. For library A, 11/15 genes were positively regulated, and in B, 14/15. In the third study it is showed that inoculation with the pathogen positively altered expression of seven genes, whereas treatment with 75 ppm of Si changed the expression of eight genes, in at least one of the times analyzed

Microbial factors associated with the natural suppression of take-all wheat in New Zealand

Chng, Soon Fang January 2009 (has links)
Take-all, caused by the soilborne fungus, Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici (Ggt), is an important root disease of wheat that can be reduced by take-all decline (TAD) in successive wheat crops, due to general and/or specific suppression. A study of 112 New Zealand wheat soils in 2003 had shown that Ggt DNA concentrations (analysed using real-time PCR) increased with successive years of wheat crops (1-3 y) and generally reflected take-all severity in subsequent crops. However, some wheat soils with high Ggt DNA concentrations had low take-all, suggesting presence of TAD. This study investigated 26 such soils for presence of TAD and possible suppressive mechanisms, and characterised the microorganisms from wheat roots and rhizosphere using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). A preliminary pot trial of 29 soils (including three from ryegrass fields) amended with 12.5% w/w Ggt inoculum, screened their suppressiveness against take-all in a growth chamber. Results indicated that the inoculum level was too high to detect the differences between soils and that the environmental conditions used were unsuitable. Comparison between the Ggt DNA concentrations of the same soils collected in 2003 and in 2004 (collected for the pot trial), showed that most soils cropped with 2, 3 and 4 y of successive wheat had reduced Ggt DNA concentrations (by 195-2911 pg g-1 soil), and their disease incidences revealed 11 of the 29 test soils with potential take-all suppressiveness. Further pot trials improved the protocols, such that they were able to differentiate the magnitudes of suppressiveness among the soils. The first of the subsequent trials, using 4% w/w Ggt inoculum level, controlled conditions at 16°C, 80% RH with alternate 12 h light/dark conditions, and watering the plants twice weekly to field capacity (FC), screened 13 soils for their suppressiveness against take-all. The 13 soils consisted of 11 from the preliminary trial, one wheat soil that had been cropped with 9 y of wheat (considered likely to be suppressive), and a conducive ryegrass soil. The results revealed that 10 of these soils were suppressive to take-all. However, in only four of them were the effects related to high levels of microbial/biological involvement in the suppression, which were assessed in an experiment that first sterilised the soils. In a repeat trial using five of the soils H1, H3, M2, P7 (previously cropped with 3, 3, 4 and 9 y successive wheat, respectively) and H15 (previously cropped with 5 y of ryegrass), three of them (H1, H3 and M2) had reduced Ggt DNA concentrations (>1000 pg g-1 soil reductions), and were confirmed to be suppressive to take-all. A pot trial, in which 1% of each soil was transferred into a γ-irradiated base soil amended with 0.1% Ggt inoculum, indicated that soils H1 and H3 (3 y wheat) were specific in their suppressiveness, and M2 (4 y wheat) was general in its suppressiveness. The microbial communities within the rhizosphere and roots of plants grown in the soils, which demonstrated conduciveness, specific or general suppressiveness to take-all, were characterised using PCR-DGGE, and identities of the distinguishing microorganisms (which differentiated the soils) identified by sequence analysis. Results showed similar clusters of microorganisms associated with conducive and suppressive soils, both for specific and general suppression. Further excision, re-amplification, cloning and sequencing of the distinguishing bands showed that some actinomycetes (Streptomyces bingchengensis, Terrabacter sp. and Nocardioides sp.), ascomycetes (Fusarium lateritium and Microdochium bolleyi) and an unidentified fungus, were associated with the suppressive soils (specific and general). Others, such as the proteobacteria (Pseudomonas putida and P. fluorescens), an actinomycete (Nocardioides oleivorans), ascomycete (Gibberella zeae), and basidiomycete (Penicillium allii), were unique in the specific suppressiveness. This indicated commonality of some microorganisms in the take-all suppressive soils, with a selected distinguishing group responsible for specific suppressiveness. General suppressiveness was considered to be due to no specific microorganisms, as seen in soil M2. An attempt to induce TAD by growing successive wheat crops in pots of Ggt-infested soils was unsuccessful with no TAD effects shown, possibly due to variable Ggt DNA concentrations in the soils and addition of nutrients during the experiment. Increasing numbers of Pseudomonas fluorescens CFU in the rhizosphere of plants, during successive wheat crops was independent of the Ggt DNA concentrations and disease incidence, suggesting that increases in P. fluorescens numbers were associated with wheat monoculture. This study has demonstrated that TAD in New Zealand was due to both specific and general suppressiveness, and has identified the distinguishing microorganisms associated with the suppression. Since most of these distinguishing microorganisms are known to show antagonistic activities against Ggt or other soilborne pathogens, they are likely to act as antagonists of Ggt in the field. Future work should focus on validating their effects either individually, or interactively, on Ggt in plate and pot assays and under field conditions.

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