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Using pre-diagnostic data fom veterinary laboratories to detect disease outbreaks in companion animalsShaffer, Loren E. 17 May 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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A surveillance modeling and ecological analysis of urban residential crimes in Columbus, Ohio, using Bayesian Hierarchical data analysis and new space-time surveillance methodologyKim, Youngho 23 August 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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No description available.
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Temporal Frame Difference Using Averaging Filter for Maritime SurveillanceAlfadda, Abdullah Ibrahim A. 04 September 2015 (has links)
Video surveillance is an active research area in Computer Vision and Machine Learning. It received a lot of attention in the last few decades. Maritime surveillance is the act of effective detection/recognition of all maritime activities that have impact on economy, security or the environment. The maritime environment is a dynamic environment. Factors such as constant moving of waves, sun reflection over the sea surface, rapid change in lightning due to the sun reflection over the water surface, movement of clouds and presence of moving objects such as airplanes or birds, makes the maritime environment very challenging. In this work, we propose a method for detecting a motion generated by a maritime vehicle and then identifying the type of this vehicle using classification methods. A new maritime video database was created and tested. Classifying the type of vehicles have been tested by comparing 13 image features, and two SVM solving algorithms. In motion detection part, multiple smoothing filters were tested in order to minimize the false positive rate generated by the water surface movement, the results have been compared to optical flow, a well known method for motion detection. / Master of Science
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PAIRE STÉRÉO AGILE en vue d'une application à MONNET : étude du ViewportButeau-Vaillancourt, Louis 12 April 2018 (has links)
Le but du projet est de remplacer une caméra d'un nœud du système MONNET (Monitoring of Extended Premises : Tracking Pedestrains Using a Network of Loosely Coupled Caméras) par une paire de caméras stéréo agiles. Cette paire de caméras permettra une détection plus poussée des sujets, en effectuant un suivi 3D de ceux-ci sur une plus longue période et pour en tirer plus d'informations. Il sera aussi possible d'extraire de l'information géométrique sur les sujets détectés.
Notre société (locale et internationale) fait face à des besoins croissants sur le plan de la sécurité. Nous sommes à la recherche de nouvelles approches de surveillance pour augmenter cette sécurité. Une voie de recherche en expansion est la surveillance automatisée par vision artificielle. Les systèmes actuels souffrent de l'incapacité des caméras présentement disponibles d'extraire de l'information géométrique sur les sujets ainsi que de faire un suivi 3D sur un sujet intéressant et nécessitant une plus grande attention / analyse.
Motivation & Approche
Ce travail se greffe au projet MONNET. Le projet a pour objectif la réalisation d'un système de surveillance utilisant un groupe de nœuds faiblement couplés. L'idée principale est de pouvoir placer des nœuds sans se soucier de leur emplacement par rapport au reste du système et sans reposer sur un serveur central. Ce travail explore la possibilité d'ajouter un nœud formé d'une paire de caméras stéréo agiles. Le projet est déjà capable d'extraire de l'information de la scène observée, mais le système reste statique au niveau des capteurs vision. Avec l'ajout d'une paire stéréo, le système de vision sera dynamique et réagira à son environnement. L'approche employée sera de détecter un sujet dans le champ de vue des caméras de la paire stéréo et d'y extraire le maximum d'informations durant son parcours dans le champ de vue commun. Lorsque le sujet quittera le champ de vue commun, le système estimera sa trajectoire à partir de sa position actuelle et antérieure, afin de se rediriger vers le sujet pour le suivre à nouveau. Cela se fera jusqu'à la limite du déplacement des caméras.
L'un des défis majeurs du projet impliquant la paire stéréo agile est la soustraction de Parrière-plan. Comme les caméras vont changer d'orientation tout au long du suivi, le fond de scène va aussi changer (sera statique suivi d'un changement brusque). Différentes techniques devront être utilisées afin de surmonter le problème. Un autre point important qu'il ne faut pas négliger est que lors du déplacement de la caméra, si l'estimation de la position du sujet est erronée et que nous le perdons, l'on doit récupérer rapidement de cette erreur, afin de toujours suivre le sujet.
L'application principale serait dans un système de surveillance qui, lorsqu'un événement douteux se produit, pourrait continuer à suivre plus longtemps et avec plus de précision ou de détails la personne qui a engendré l'événement douteux.
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Supervised dictionary learning for action recognition and localizationKumar, B. G. Vijay January 2012 (has links)
Image sequences with humans and human activities are everywhere. With the amount of produced and distributed data increasing at an unprecedented rate, there has been a lot of interest in building systems that can understand and interpret the visual data, and in particular detect and recognise human actions. Dictionary based approaches learn a dictionary from descriptors extracted from the videos in the first stage and a classifier or a detector in the second stage. The major drawback of such an approach is that the dictionary is learned in an unsupervised manner without considering the task (classification or detection) that follows it. In this work we develop task dependent(supervised) dictionaries for action recognition and localization, i.e., dictionaries that are best suited for the subsequent task. In the first part of the work, we propose a supervised max-margin framework for linear and non-linear Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (NMF). To achieve this, we impose max-margin constraints within the formulation of NMF and simultaneously solve for the classifier and the dictionary. The dictionary (basis matrix) thus obtained maximizes the margin of the classifier in the low dimensional space (in the linear case) or in the high dimensional feature space (in the non-linear case). In the second part the work, we develop methodologies for action localization. We first propose a dictionary weighting approach where we learn local and global weights for the dictionary by considering the localization information of the training sequences. We next extend this approach to learn a task-dependent dictionary for action localization that incorporates the localization information of the training sequences into dictionary learning. The results on publicly available datasets show that the performance of the system is improved by using the supervised information while learning dictionary.
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Développement des réseaux de capteurs sans fil noyés dans le béton pour la surveillance des ouvrages de génie civil / Developments of wireless sensor networks embedded in concrete for monitoring civil engineering structuresAbbadi, Amal 23 September 2015 (has links)
L’objectif de ce mémoire de thèse est de mener des recherches sur l’utilisation des technologies sans contact pour la surveillance de santé structurale. Les recherches comportent des développements scientifiques et technologiques visant à bien comprendre le fonctionnement des réseaux de capteurs sans fils dans un milieu hétérogène. Tout d’abord, nos études se concentrent sur les mesures des coefficients de réflexion et de transmission des ondes électromagnétiques dans le béton. La réalisation d’une communication entre deux antennes patch noyées dans du béton a permis de confirmer l’effet de l’humidité du béton sur l’atténuation des ondes radio dans le béton. Cette analyse a conduit à l'identification des propriétés diélectriques du béton pour la fréquence 860 MHz. Ensuite, nous avons étudié l’influence des configurations des armatures du béton (emplacement des armatures, dimensions des armatures) sur les coefficients de réflexion et de transmission. Nous avons étudié et optimisé une topologie de réseaux de capteurs sans fils adéquate pour être noyée dans le béton armé. L’étude d’optimisation prend en compte les caractéristiques des nœuds de capteurs, le bilan de liaison entre un nœud de capteur communicant et le puits et la durée de vie d’un nœud. Enfin, la conception et la réalisation d’un « totem en béton armé » d’une hauteur de 3 m, a permis de valider les différentes études abordées au cours de ces travaux de thèse. Cet édifice en béton armée est un démonstrateur instrumenté par un réseau de capteurs sans fils permettant de connaitre l’évolution de la température, de l’humidité et le niveau de déformation internes du béton armé à six endroits critiques de la structure. / The objective of this thesis is to conduct research on the use of contactless technologies for structural health monitoring. The research involves scientific and technological developments to understand the functioning of wireless sensor networks in a heterogeneous environment composed of cement, aggregates, water and frames. First, our studies focus on reflection and transmission coefficients measurements of electromagnetic waves in the concrete. The realization of a communication between two Patch antennas embedded in concrete confirmed concrete moisture effect on radio waves attenuation. This analysis led to the identification of the dielectric properties of concrete at 860 MHz frequency. Later we studied the effect of various reinforced bar configurations (rebar placement, rebar radius, rebar period) on reflection and transmission coefficients. Then we studied and optimized a wireless sensor network topology to be embedded in concrete. The optimization takes into account the characteristics of sensor nodes, link budget between the communicating sensor node and the gateway and the lifespan of a node. Finally, the design and realization of a "reinforced concrete structure" of 3 m height enable to validate the different studies discussed during the thesis work. This reinforced concrete structure is an instrumented demonstrator of wireless sensor network enabling the knowledge of internal temperature, humidity and strain evolutions of a reinforced concrete in six critical areas of the structure.
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Place des outils d'analyse des séries temporelles dans la surveillance épidémiologique pour la détection des épidémies et leur analyse : élaboration de nouveaux outils de détection et d'analyse étiologique des épidémies appliqués à la surveillance épidémiologique / Time series analysis in health surveillance for outbreak detection and their etiological analysisBédubourg, Gabriel 17 December 2018 (has links)
La surveillance épidémiologique est le recueil systématique et continu d’informations sur l’état de santé des populations, leur analyse, leur interprétation et leur diffusion à tous les décideurs ayant besoin d’être informés. Un de ses objectifs est la détection des événements inhabituels, i.e. des épidémies, nécessitant la mise en place rapide de contre-mesures. Les objectifs de ce travail de thèse sont : (i) d’évaluer les principales méthodes statistiques de détection publiées et communément employées dans différents systèmes de surveillance épidémiologique, (ii) de proposer une nouvelle approche reposant sur la combinaison optimale de méthodes de détection statistique des épidémies et (iii) de développer une nouvelle méthode statistique d’analyse étiologique d’une épidémie à partir des données de surveillance épidémiologique collectées en routine par le système.Pour atteindre ces objectifs, nous évaluons les principales méthodes statistiques de la littérature, à partir d’un jeu publié de données simulées. Puis nous proposons une approche originale pour la détection des épidémies sur le principe de la combinaison de méthodes sélectionnées lors de l’étape précédente. Les performances de cette approche sont comparées aux précédentes selon la méthodologie utiliséeà la première étape. Enfin, nous proposons une méthode d’analyse étiologique d’une épidémie à partir des données de surveillance en employant des modèles statistiques adaptés aux séries chronologiques. / Public health surveillance is the ongoing, systematic collection, analysis, interpretation, and dissemination of data for use in public health action to reduce morbidity and mortality of health-related events and to improve health. One of its objectives is the detection of unusualevents, i.e. outbreaks, requiring the rapid implementation of countermeasures.The objectives of this work are: (i) to evaluate the main published statistical methods for outbreak detection commonly implemented in different public health surveillance systems, (ii) to propose a new approach based on the optimal combination of statistical methods foroutbreak detection and benchmark it to other methods; and (iii) develop a new statistical method for the etiological analysis of an outbreak from public health surveillance data routinely collected by the system. To achieve these objectives, as a first step, we evaluate the main statistical methods, from a published set of simulated public health surveillance data. Statistical methods have been evaluated for an operational purpose: for all simulated time series, we used the tuning parameters recommended by their authors for each algorithm when available. We propose sensitivity and specificity metrics suitable for these tools. Then we propose an original approach for outbreak detection based on combination of methods selected in the previous step. The performance of this approach is compared to the previous ones according to the methodology implemented in the first step.Finally, we propose a method for the etiological analysis of an outbreak from surveillance data by using statistical models suitable for time series analysis
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Prevalence of palliative patients and their health services utilization in the Regina Qu'Appelle regional health authorityPorter, Julia 27 April 2007
This population-based, retrospective descriptive analysis was conducted to study a cohort of decedents who died between January 2004 and December 2005 who were referred to the Regina QuAppelle Palliative Care Services (RQPCS). Demographics, diagnostic information and palliative service utilization were collected and analyzed. <p>The first step of the analysis included interviewing the program director and clinical consultant of the RQPCS. They provided the program vision and philosophy of the RQPCS as well as a comprehensive description of the program, including descriptions of the services offered and the staff of the palliative care team.<p>The second step of the research described in detail the demographics, palliative care service use and diagnostic background of the patients of the RQPCS. The variables of interest were age, gender, marital status, living arrangements, area of residence and diagnosis. Analysis also included determining which services the decedents accessed and how many of the services were used by each decedent. Timing of referrals and location of death were also analyzed. Frequencies and percentages were used to describe categorical variables. Means, median and range were used for continuous variables. <p>The third step of this thesis tested for associations between patient attributes and palliative care services utilization, timing of referral and location of death using chi-square analyses. <p>This research determined each of the patient characteristics under investigation to be associated with palliative care utilization. Similar findings were also evident in the literature. In particular, age, marital status, living arrangements, area of residence and diagnosis appeared to be significantly associated with accessing palliative care services. <p>When analyzing the associations between patient attributes and timing of referrals for the RQPCS, no significant results were found. Previous research indicated strong associations between marital status and diagnosis on the timing of referrals into hospice and palliative care programs.<p>Finally, there were two significant associations found between location of death and patient characteristics (gender and living arrangements). However, no clear conclusion could be reached on whether age, gender, marital status, living arrangement, area of residence or diagnosis had any effect on place of death in previous literature.
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Prevalence of palliative patients and their health services utilization in the Regina Qu'Appelle regional health authorityPorter, Julia 27 April 2007 (has links)
This population-based, retrospective descriptive analysis was conducted to study a cohort of decedents who died between January 2004 and December 2005 who were referred to the Regina QuAppelle Palliative Care Services (RQPCS). Demographics, diagnostic information and palliative service utilization were collected and analyzed. <p>The first step of the analysis included interviewing the program director and clinical consultant of the RQPCS. They provided the program vision and philosophy of the RQPCS as well as a comprehensive description of the program, including descriptions of the services offered and the staff of the palliative care team.<p>The second step of the research described in detail the demographics, palliative care service use and diagnostic background of the patients of the RQPCS. The variables of interest were age, gender, marital status, living arrangements, area of residence and diagnosis. Analysis also included determining which services the decedents accessed and how many of the services were used by each decedent. Timing of referrals and location of death were also analyzed. Frequencies and percentages were used to describe categorical variables. Means, median and range were used for continuous variables. <p>The third step of this thesis tested for associations between patient attributes and palliative care services utilization, timing of referral and location of death using chi-square analyses. <p>This research determined each of the patient characteristics under investigation to be associated with palliative care utilization. Similar findings were also evident in the literature. In particular, age, marital status, living arrangements, area of residence and diagnosis appeared to be significantly associated with accessing palliative care services. <p>When analyzing the associations between patient attributes and timing of referrals for the RQPCS, no significant results were found. Previous research indicated strong associations between marital status and diagnosis on the timing of referrals into hospice and palliative care programs.<p>Finally, there were two significant associations found between location of death and patient characteristics (gender and living arrangements). However, no clear conclusion could be reached on whether age, gender, marital status, living arrangement, area of residence or diagnosis had any effect on place of death in previous literature.
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