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Synaptic fluctuations in cerebellar interneurons connected by a single synaptic contact / Fluctuations synaptiques dans interneurones cérébelleux connectées par un contact synaptique unique.Pulido Puentes, María Camila 11 March 2016 (has links)
L’élément constitutif des synapses centrales est le site synaptique individuel, comprenant une zone active du côté présynaptique et une densité postsynaptique associée. Du fait de limitations techniques nos connaissances sur le mode de fonctionnement d’un site synaptique restent insuffisantes. Pour faire progresser cette question nous projetons d’effectuer des enregistrements en paires entre interneurones de la couche moléculaire du cervelet. Ces neurones forment des synapses qui ont des signaux élémentaires quantiques de grande taille, et les synapses comprennent parfois un seul site synaptique, ce qui fait qu’ils offrent des avantages décisifs pour ce projet. Les réponses postsynaptiques à des trains de potentiels d’action seront étudiées dans différentes conditions expérimentales. Les résultats seront interprétés par un modèle supposant que les vésicules synaptiques doivent se lier à un petit groupe de sites d’arrimage avant l’exocytose. / The unitary element of central synaptic transmission is a single synaptic site, with one active zone as presynaptic component and the postsynaptic density as postsynaptic partner. Due to technical limitations there is much uncertainty on the mode of functioning of a single synaptic site. To address this issue it is planned to perform paired recordings between interneurons of the molecular layers of the cerebellum. These neurons form synapses with a large quantal size, and occasionally displaying a single release site, and are thus favorable for this study. Postsynaptic responses will be studied in response to trains of presynaptic action potentials under various conditions. The results will be compared to a model supposing the obligatory binding of vesicles to a small complement of docking sites prior to exocytosis.
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Rôle du récepteur aux cannabinoïdes CB2 sur la synaptogenèseFleury, Pascal 08 1900 (has links)
Lors de cette étude, nous avons d’abord localisé les récepteurs CB1 et CB2 sur les structures neuronales. Nous avons montré que les récepteurs CB1 et CB2 sont présents sur les dendrites et les axones et les filopodes. Dans le même ordre d’idée, nous avons localisé le récepteur DCC sur les structures neuronales. Celui-ci est aussi présent sur les dendrites, les axones et les filopodes. Ces résultats suggèrent que le récepteur DCC serait impliqué non seulement dans le processus de synaptogenèse médié par le récepteur CB1, comme cela a été montré dans le laboratoire du professeur Bouchard, mais aussi dans celui, éventuellement, médié par le récepteur CB2.
Nous avons ensuite évalué l’effet des ligands du récepteur CB2. Nous n’avons détecté aucun effet clair des agonistes inverses (AM630 et JTE907) et des agonistes (JWH015 et JWH133) quant à la médiation du processus de synaptogenèse en terme de variation de la densité des filopodes et des points de contacts synaptiques. Nous avons obtenu des résultats variables. Ceux-ci furent non reproductibles. Nous avons obtenu des résultats différents des résultats originaux lorsque nous avons requantifié visuellement les mêmes photos à deux reprises
Nous avons développé une méthode informatisée de quantification qui nous a permis d’obtenir des résultats reproductibles. Cependant, nous n’avons toujours pas détecté d’effets sur la synaptogenèse médiés par le récepteur CB2.
Ces résultats préliminaires ne nous permettent ni d’infirmer, ni de confirmer d’éventuels effets sur la synaptogenèse médiés par le récepteur CB2. Une étude exhaustive serait nécessaire pour le déterminer. / During this study we first localised the receptors CB1 and CB2 on neuronal structures. We have shown that those receptors expressed on dendrites and filopodia. Likewise and based on Bouchard’s previous laboratory results showing an implication of the netrin-1 receptor, Deleted in Colorectal Cancer (DCC), on the synaptogenesis process mediated by the receptor CB1 we localized the receptor DCC on neuronal structures. We have shown that the receptor DCC is expressed on dendrites, axons and filopodia. These results suggest an implication of the receptor DDC in a synaptogenesis process that would be mediated by the receptor CB2.
We then evaluated the effects triggered by the receptor CB2’s ligands on the synaptogenesis process. We found no evidences of any effects on synaptogenesis mediated by the receptor CB2 inverse agonists (AM630 and JTE907) and agonists (JWH015 and JWH133) in term of filopodia density and synaptic contacts density variations. We witnessed highly variable results that were irreproducible. Visual quantifications of filopodia and synaptic contacts density were variable as we quantified two times the same set of photos.
We have therefore developed a computer based quantification method by which we were able to obtained reproducible results. Nevertheless we found no evidence of any implication of the receptor CB2 on the synaptogenesis process.
These preliminary results do not allow us neither to rule out nor to confirm eventual CB2 receptor effects on synaptogenesis. An exhaustive study is required to access possible CB2 receptors effect on synaptogenesis.
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Rôle du récepteur aux cannabinoïdes CB2 sur la synaptogenèseFleury, Pascal 08 1900 (has links)
Lors de cette étude, nous avons d’abord localisé les récepteurs CB1 et CB2 sur les structures neuronales. Nous avons montré que les récepteurs CB1 et CB2 sont présents sur les dendrites et les axones et les filopodes. Dans le même ordre d’idée, nous avons localisé le récepteur DCC sur les structures neuronales. Celui-ci est aussi présent sur les dendrites, les axones et les filopodes. Ces résultats suggèrent que le récepteur DCC serait impliqué non seulement dans le processus de synaptogenèse médié par le récepteur CB1, comme cela a été montré dans le laboratoire du professeur Bouchard, mais aussi dans celui, éventuellement, médié par le récepteur CB2.
Nous avons ensuite évalué l’effet des ligands du récepteur CB2. Nous n’avons détecté aucun effet clair des agonistes inverses (AM630 et JTE907) et des agonistes (JWH015 et JWH133) quant à la médiation du processus de synaptogenèse en terme de variation de la densité des filopodes et des points de contacts synaptiques. Nous avons obtenu des résultats variables. Ceux-ci furent non reproductibles. Nous avons obtenu des résultats différents des résultats originaux lorsque nous avons requantifié visuellement les mêmes photos à deux reprises
Nous avons développé une méthode informatisée de quantification qui nous a permis d’obtenir des résultats reproductibles. Cependant, nous n’avons toujours pas détecté d’effets sur la synaptogenèse médiés par le récepteur CB2.
Ces résultats préliminaires ne nous permettent ni d’infirmer, ni de confirmer d’éventuels effets sur la synaptogenèse médiés par le récepteur CB2. Une étude exhaustive serait nécessaire pour le déterminer. / During this study we first localised the receptors CB1 and CB2 on neuronal structures. We have shown that those receptors expressed on dendrites and filopodia. Likewise and based on Bouchard’s previous laboratory results showing an implication of the netrin-1 receptor, Deleted in Colorectal Cancer (DCC), on the synaptogenesis process mediated by the receptor CB1 we localized the receptor DCC on neuronal structures. We have shown that the receptor DCC is expressed on dendrites, axons and filopodia. These results suggest an implication of the receptor DDC in a synaptogenesis process that would be mediated by the receptor CB2.
We then evaluated the effects triggered by the receptor CB2’s ligands on the synaptogenesis process. We found no evidences of any effects on synaptogenesis mediated by the receptor CB2 inverse agonists (AM630 and JTE907) and agonists (JWH015 and JWH133) in term of filopodia density and synaptic contacts density variations. We witnessed highly variable results that were irreproducible. Visual quantifications of filopodia and synaptic contacts density were variable as we quantified two times the same set of photos.
We have therefore developed a computer based quantification method by which we were able to obtained reproducible results. Nevertheless we found no evidence of any implication of the receptor CB2 on the synaptogenesis process.
These preliminary results do not allow us neither to rule out nor to confirm eventual CB2 receptor effects on synaptogenesis. An exhaustive study is required to access possible CB2 receptors effect on synaptogenesis.
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Estudo dos grânulos de lipofucsina e das sinapses do córtex temporal durante o envelhecimento / Study of lipofuscin granules and synapses in the temporal cortex during aging.Merlo, Suélen 14 April 2011 (has links)
Alterações morfológicas e funcionais ocorrem durante o envelhecimento, período da vida com maior incidência de doenças neurodegenerativas. No presente trabalho acompanhou-se a evolução dos grânulos de lipofucsina durante o envelhecimento para investigar alterações sinápticas, assim como proteínas associadas com doenças neurodegenerativas (alfa-sinucleína) e com o sistema ubiquitina-proteossoma em indivíduos de diferentes idades. No córtex temporal humano e de ratos determinou-se, nos diferentes grupos etários, seguindo a área, o número e as características dos grânulos de lipofucsina, o número de sinapses excitatórias, inibitórias e elétricas, os locais de contatos pós-sinápticos, o número de vesículas sinápticas por terminal e a expressão das proteínas alfa-sinucleína e ubiquitina. Amostras de córtex temporal humano de indivíduos com diferentes idades (20 - 28, 37 - 41 e 50 - 55 anos) foram coletadas de pacientes com epilepsia submetidos à lobectomia do lobo temporal. Amostras de ratos de 2, 6, 10 e 12 meses também foram coletadas. Foram utilizadas técnicas de microscopia de luz, eletrônica, confocal e western blots. Os dados obtidos de grânulos de lipofucsina são consistentes com outros estudos que observaram aumento dessa estrutura em mamíferos de maior idade. No entanto, os grânulos parecem crescer em volume, mas não em número, com aumento considerável da fração elétron lúcida (lipídica). Não houve diferença na expressão das proteínas alfa-sinucleína e ubiquitina entre os grupos das idades estudadas. A densidade sináptica foi similar entre os grupos experimentais, assim como o local de contato pós-sináptico. O aumento de vesículas elétron densas em sinapses inibitórias deve estar associado à demanda de neurotransmissores catecolaminérgicos. Estes resultados não expressam totalmente o processo de envelhecimento, pois as faixas etárias de humanos e ratos correspondem a uma idade ainda jovem. A coleta de material humano mais idoso foi impossibilitada pela faixa etária dos doentes submetidos à lobectomia. Os ratos do biotério da FMRP, não sobrevivem mais do que 12 meses em no nosso ambiente, incluindo manutenção dos animais isolados em racks. / Morphological and functional changes occur during the aging, period of life with increased incidence of neurodegenerative diseases. Following the evolution of the lipofuscin granules along three periods of life in humans and rats, the present work investigated synaptic changes, as well as proteins associated with neurodegenerative diseases (alpha-synuclein) and the ubiquitin-proteossoma system in individuals of different ages. The objectives of the study were to analyze the temporal cortex of humans and rats: the number of excitatory, inhibitory, and electric synapses, the site of postsynaptic contacts, the number of synaptic vesicles per terminal, and the expression of the proteins alpha-synuclein and ubiquitin following the size and features of the lipofuscin granules. Samples of temporal cortex of human subjects with different ages (20-28, 37-41 and 50-55 years) were collected from patients with epilepsy who underwent temporal lobectomy. Samples from rats of 2, 6, 10 and 12 months were also collected. Light, confocal, and electron microscopy, and western blots techniques were used as procedures. The data obtained on lipofuscin granules were coincident with other studies that observed a higher area occupied by this structure in older mammals. However, the granules seem to grow in volume, but not in number, with considerable increase of the electron lucid fraction (lipidic). There was no difference in the alpha-synuclein and ubiquitin expressions between the experimental groups. The synaptic densities were similar between the groups, as well as the postsynaptic contacts. Increase of the electron dense vesicles in inhibitory synapses, appeared to be associated with the demand of catecholamines. These results do not express totally the aging process, because the range of age used in humans, and rats belong to a young age. The human samples from older ages was difficult because, in general, of the age of the patients submitted to lobotomy. The rats of the FMRP bioterium do not survived more that 12 months in our environment, even in controlled conditions.
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Estudo dos grânulos de lipofucsina e das sinapses do córtex temporal durante o envelhecimento / Study of lipofuscin granules and synapses in the temporal cortex during aging.Suélen Merlo 14 April 2011 (has links)
Alterações morfológicas e funcionais ocorrem durante o envelhecimento, período da vida com maior incidência de doenças neurodegenerativas. No presente trabalho acompanhou-se a evolução dos grânulos de lipofucsina durante o envelhecimento para investigar alterações sinápticas, assim como proteínas associadas com doenças neurodegenerativas (alfa-sinucleína) e com o sistema ubiquitina-proteossoma em indivíduos de diferentes idades. No córtex temporal humano e de ratos determinou-se, nos diferentes grupos etários, seguindo a área, o número e as características dos grânulos de lipofucsina, o número de sinapses excitatórias, inibitórias e elétricas, os locais de contatos pós-sinápticos, o número de vesículas sinápticas por terminal e a expressão das proteínas alfa-sinucleína e ubiquitina. Amostras de córtex temporal humano de indivíduos com diferentes idades (20 - 28, 37 - 41 e 50 - 55 anos) foram coletadas de pacientes com epilepsia submetidos à lobectomia do lobo temporal. Amostras de ratos de 2, 6, 10 e 12 meses também foram coletadas. Foram utilizadas técnicas de microscopia de luz, eletrônica, confocal e western blots. Os dados obtidos de grânulos de lipofucsina são consistentes com outros estudos que observaram aumento dessa estrutura em mamíferos de maior idade. No entanto, os grânulos parecem crescer em volume, mas não em número, com aumento considerável da fração elétron lúcida (lipídica). Não houve diferença na expressão das proteínas alfa-sinucleína e ubiquitina entre os grupos das idades estudadas. A densidade sináptica foi similar entre os grupos experimentais, assim como o local de contato pós-sináptico. O aumento de vesículas elétron densas em sinapses inibitórias deve estar associado à demanda de neurotransmissores catecolaminérgicos. Estes resultados não expressam totalmente o processo de envelhecimento, pois as faixas etárias de humanos e ratos correspondem a uma idade ainda jovem. A coleta de material humano mais idoso foi impossibilitada pela faixa etária dos doentes submetidos à lobectomia. Os ratos do biotério da FMRP, não sobrevivem mais do que 12 meses em no nosso ambiente, incluindo manutenção dos animais isolados em racks. / Morphological and functional changes occur during the aging, period of life with increased incidence of neurodegenerative diseases. Following the evolution of the lipofuscin granules along three periods of life in humans and rats, the present work investigated synaptic changes, as well as proteins associated with neurodegenerative diseases (alpha-synuclein) and the ubiquitin-proteossoma system in individuals of different ages. The objectives of the study were to analyze the temporal cortex of humans and rats: the number of excitatory, inhibitory, and electric synapses, the site of postsynaptic contacts, the number of synaptic vesicles per terminal, and the expression of the proteins alpha-synuclein and ubiquitin following the size and features of the lipofuscin granules. Samples of temporal cortex of human subjects with different ages (20-28, 37-41 and 50-55 years) were collected from patients with epilepsy who underwent temporal lobectomy. Samples from rats of 2, 6, 10 and 12 months were also collected. Light, confocal, and electron microscopy, and western blots techniques were used as procedures. The data obtained on lipofuscin granules were coincident with other studies that observed a higher area occupied by this structure in older mammals. However, the granules seem to grow in volume, but not in number, with considerable increase of the electron lucid fraction (lipidic). There was no difference in the alpha-synuclein and ubiquitin expressions between the experimental groups. The synaptic densities were similar between the groups, as well as the postsynaptic contacts. Increase of the electron dense vesicles in inhibitory synapses, appeared to be associated with the demand of catecholamines. These results do not express totally the aging process, because the range of age used in humans, and rats belong to a young age. The human samples from older ages was difficult because, in general, of the age of the patients submitted to lobotomy. The rats of the FMRP bioterium do not survived more that 12 months in our environment, even in controlled conditions.
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