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Kontrastivní analýza vyjadřování impersonality v češtině a španělštině / Contrastive Analysis of Expressing Impersonality in Czech and SpanishSMÉKALOVÁ, Jana January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the ways of expressing impersonality in Czech and Spanish language. The main aim of this thesis is to capture and compare the amount and possibilities of expressing the impersonality in both languages. The author also focuses on the description of the deagentive constructions followed by analysis of these constructions in authentic texts. The results of the research were achieved with the help of specialised literature, original Czech and Spanish texts which form the base for the comparative analysis.
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Gramatické systémy aplikované v syntaktické analýze / Grammar Systems Applied to ParsingMartiško, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
This paper deals with different variants of grammar systems. Grammar systems combine the simplicity of Context Free Grammars with the generative power of more complex gammars. There are two main variants of grammar systems described in this paper: PC grammar systems and CD grammar systems. New type of grammar system, which is a modification of the CD grammar systems, is also described in the paper. New method of parsing, based on this new grammar system is proposed in the paper. This new parser consists of several smaller parsers, which work in both top down and bottom up way.
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Interpret jazyka LaTeX založený na kombinaci více metod syntaktické analýzy / A LaTex Interpreter Based on a Combination of Several Parsing MethodsLebeda, Petr January 2008 (has links)
The diploma thesis discusses the potential of interpretation of typographical language LATEX and describes the structure of this language, its functions and their syntax. Also it analyses possibilities of LaTeX interpretation into HTML (HyperText Markup Language), in order to create typographically accurate publications, which could be viewed by common web browser. The solution concept and outlines of possible problems follows.
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Spojování segmentů v českých souvětích / Joining Segments in Czech Complex SentencesČech, Josef January 2014 (has links)
Title: Joining segments in Czech sentences Author: Bc. Josef Čech Department: Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Vladislav Kuboň Ph.D. e-mail: vk@ufal.mff.cuni.cz Abstract: This thesis follows up segmentation of complex sentences to linguistic motivated objects - segments - and their mutual relations. These relations can be used for next work with segments. Main purpose for mapping relations is their joining into next level unit - clause. Theoretically should be possible to analyse each clause of complex sentence separately. Analysis of set of clauses should be quicker than of analysis whole complex sentence. Segments should be found thanks to linguistic separators and rule approach. Rule approach proves in problem relations between neighbouring segments. This thesis should attest that rule approach is best solution for joining segments into clauses. Position tag of segment was part of this thesis. This tag should be used in methods dealing with segments instead of custom segment. Keyword: segment, clause, tag, joining segments, syntactic analysis
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Školní větné rozbory jako možný zdroj závislostních korpusů (?) / A school analysis as a possible source of treebanks (?)Konárová, Marie January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to explore the possibilities of using data from the school sentence analyses for tagging words in the language corpora. For testing of this hypothesis, a set of sentences has been selected from a common czech language textbook. Students of selected primary and secondary schools were asked to perform the syntactical analysis of these sentences. The data collection was carried out using a prototype sentence analysis editor Capek. The editor is still being developed, also based on feedback gained from the students and teachers who used it during the data collecting process. Several transformation rules for converting data from the school sentence analyses into the data structures used within the Prague Dependency corpus were developed. The accuracy of the conversion using the proposed rules was tested together with the accuracy of students' results.
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Robustní parsing zašuměného obsah / Robust Parsing of Noisy ContentDaiber, Joachim January 2013 (has links)
While parsing performance on in-domain text has developed steadily in recent years, out-of-domain text and grammatically noisy text remain an obstacle and often lead to significant decreases in parsing accuracy. In this thesis, we focus on the parsing of noisy content, such as user-generated content in services like Twitter. We investigate the question whether a preprocessing step based on machine translation techniques and unsupervised models for text-normalization can improve parsing performance on noisy data. Existing data sets are evaluated and a new data set for dependency parsing of grammatically noisy Twitter data is introduced. We show that text-normalization together with a combination of domain-specific and generic part-of-speech taggers can lead to a significant improvement in parsing accuracy. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Spojování segmentů v českých souvětích / Joining Segments in Czech Complex SentencesČech, Josef January 2013 (has links)
Title: Joining segments in Czech sentences Author: Bc. Josef Čech Department: Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Vladislav Kuboň Ph.D. e-mail: vk@ufal.mff.cuni.cz Abstract: This thesis follows up segmentation of complex sentences to linguistic motivated objects - segments - and their mutual relations. These relations can be used for next work with segments. Main purpose for mapping relations is their joining into next level unit - clause. Theoretically should be possible to analyze each clause of complex sentence separately. Analysis of set of clauses should be quicker than of analysis whole complex sentence. Segments should be found thanks to linguistic separators and rule approach. Rule approach prove in problem relations between neighbouring segments. This thesis should attest that rule approach is best solution for joining segments into clauses. Position tag of segment was part of this thesis. This tag should be used in metods dealing with segments instead of custom segment. Keyword: segment, clause, tag, joinig segments, syntactic analysis
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Překlad povídky J. D. Salingera Dokonalý den pro banánové rybičky. Lingvostylistická analýza / J. D. Salinger's "A Perfect Day for Bananafish" Translation. Linguo-stylistic AnalysisVálková, Veronika January 2019 (has links)
This thesis aims to analyse several translations of J.D. Salinger's short story A Perfect Day for Bananafish: namely two translations and two edited versions of the latter one. The contrastive view is used to discern the main differences in meaning of the original and the translated texts. There are several points of view adopted to recognise the differences. On the syntactic level, the contrast between the texts was found to be present in the treatment of the author's style, predominantly in the narrative perspective. Not employing nominal structures a great deal, the author's style was not lost in the translation process. Comparing the translated texts, a tendency to adhere to the syntactic surface structure of the original text was found in the less recent versions. Another level of analysis explored the temporal relations of the texts, with the original text relying mostly on structures expressing sequences of events and also simultaneity of events, but not the perfective aspect to a great degree. These time relations are also found to be communicated in the translated texts successfully. It is not only the narrator that is discussed in this thesis, as a great portion of the short story consist of dialogues. The analysis aimed, using certain excerpts of the story, to find to what degree...
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Syntaktický analyzátor zdrojových textů ve formátu ConTeXtHanuš, Adam January 2015 (has links)
The theme of this thesis is syntax analysis of the source texts based on TeX. The work contains the summary of basic terms from the theory of formal languages, there is also explained the function of the translator in all the analytical phases of the translation and finally it contains the introduction of the Lua scripting language and the ConTeXt typesetting system. The aim of the thesis is implementation of the syntax analyser for the source texts in ConTEXt format. The implementation is accompanied by the description of the solution developement of the lexical analysis, syntax analysis, creating syntax diagrams and context-free grammar.
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Syntaktická analýza textů se střídáním kódů / Syntaktická analýza textů se střídáním kódůRavishankar, Vinit January 2018 (has links)
(English) Vinit Ravishankar July 2018 The aim of this thesis is twofold; first, we attempt to dependency parse existing code-switched corpora, solely by training on monolingual dependency treebanks. In an attempt to do so, we design a dependency parser and ex- periment with a variety of methods to improve upon the baseline established by raw training on monolingual treebanks: these methods range from treebank modification to network modification. On this task, we obtain state-of-the- art results for most evaluation criteria on the task for our evaluation language pairs: Hindi/English and Komi/Russian. We beat our own baselines by a sig- nificant margin, whilst simultaneously beating most scores on similar tasks in the literature. The second part of the thesis involves introducing the relatively understudied task of predicting code-switching points in a monolingual utter- ance; we provide several architectures that attempt to do so, and provide one of them as our baseline, in the hopes that it should continue as a state-of-the-art in future tasks. 1
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