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A Study of Collaborative Forecasting mechanism for Panel Maker In Taiwan TFT-LCD IndustryWu, Chia-lin 26 July 2004 (has links)
Bullwhip effect is the situation that the order information distortion resulted from time delay and expectation of the demand. Through the order information distortion, the inventory of upstream suppliers raised and fluctuated, thus the operation cost of suppliers increased. Although the down stream customer seems to exempts from such disaster, but the cost increase in the upstream supplier will cause the raising of the purchasing cost of those downstream customers. The raising cost and inefficiency will be the burden of whole supply chain and not single party can exempts such result. Supply chain collaboration is aimed to solve such problems.
This study explode the operations of supply chain collaboration from a integration perspective to understand the value of collaborative forecasting for the supply chain operations. Taiwan TFT-LCD industry will be the platform of this study, base on the platform, system dynamics models will be build up and simulated to analyze the effectiveness of collaborative forecasting model under different demand patterns. The result of this study can be the reference when adopting collaboration in Taiwan TFT-LCD industry.
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The research of the strategy goal and the dynamic decision-making mechanism ¡Ð ¢å Electronics Corporation for exampleWu, Lu-hui 04 July 2005 (has links)
Strategy Map shows the cause and effect relationships diagram which is selected the goal projects of four perspectives from Balanced Scorecard (BSC) , it is a more advanced managed tool than BSC. But both have not contained the feedback circulation of the strategies also fail to judge and prove the influence of events¡¦ time delays , they are unable to simulate the complicated environment, to lack the strategy¡¦s simulation, and not to inspect the impact on performance of the strategy further. This research proceeds case study with the method of System Dynamics and uses ¡§the strategy¡¦s goal planning and dynamic decision procedure¡¨, it launches the case¡¦s Strategy Map and Balanced Scorecard then proceeds System Dynamics modeling, simulation , testing and analyzing, and proposes the conclusion of this research.
This research discovers mainly as: 1. The use of Strategy Map and Balanced Scorecard can help system Dynamics to make the system boundary conveniently while the enterprise¡¦s strategy model are developing. 2. Strategy Map and Balanced Scorecard are static, simple, without positive and negative relationships, and one-way causality link from bottom to top. They pay close attention to the short-term goal and neglect the long-term goal, also don¡¦t consider the time delays, but System Dynamics can make up their deficiency. 3. The levels and auxiliaries of System Dynamics Model Structure can assist the measures of Balanced Scorecard to be instituted and be discussed. 4. The system thinking from System Dynamics can prove general objective and intuitional thought, also can get counterintuition. 5. Each KPI of Balanced Scorecard only knows the ¡§up and down¡¨ change in itself, doesn¡¦t understand the dynamic colloction between each other, from System Dynamics simulation can tell the influence of each other KPI.
Finally, propound 5 points of this research: 1. To integrate the theories of strategy management for application. 2. To explain the changeful meaning of the performance indicator and to strengthen the performance management. 3. To assist the examing of the strategies to obtain proper decision. 4. To find the counterintuition which can help enterprises to dig unexpected questions out of the objective intuition. 5. To analyze the revenue of the strategy actions and the cost benefit, also to help the system of the budget and the strategies estimate.
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System Dynamics Modeling of Logistics in Military Engine Maintenance StrategyHsu, Ming-hung 07 February 2006 (has links)
The supply chains of military engines are linked by the repair loop, the foreign military sale loop and the procurement loop. Based on the discipline of the performance based logistics, fleet readiness and the low life cycle cost are the key performance requirement. To response the budget constraint from increasing the investment of defensive weapon systems because of the rising of the uncertain tension situation on the both sides of the Taiwan Strait, it is necessary to have good supply chain management. However most of the managers often ignore the side effects and sequelae caused by their actions to persue the success of their strategy resulting from the complicated dynamic relationship between the strategic actions and inbound logistic process of the engine supply chains. When the managers misinterpret the feedback information with the side effects and sequelae, improper strategy planning will be made and fail to make your goals as expectancy. System dynamics can be used as the solution for unlinear, multi-variables and complicated dynamic problems of engine logistic management because of its systematic, dynamic point of view characteristics.
The research approach adopts the system dynamics and tries to construct a model with the data which carry on the case study. By the expansion of the supply chain management and life cycle cost, the model was carried on the setting-up, simulation, test and analyzing of the system dynamics and will be a mechanism of decision making. Besides, through the interactive simulation of the test between performance index and system variables, the key performance indexes were found out. At the same time some strategy should be revised based on the result of simulation. Because strategy is based on the logic of cause and effect, the correct strategy map can only be built after the test with the system dynamic model.
Study the conclusion: (1) The consequence of the action plan implememtation for engine maintenance management strategy with the system dynamics test can be refered as the reference for policy planning and adjustment of the strategy. (2) Construct the mechanism of spares requirement controling to eliminate the Bullwhip effect. (3) The cost effectiveness of CIP( Component Improvement Program) and RDE( Repair Development Engineering) depends on the timing and cost of implementation. Those can be validated through the interactive simulation of the test.
(4) Built up the strategy map with the extension of balanced scorecard for military engine maintenance management. It is benefitted to utilize the business dynamics and strategy map with key performance index as the outcome for decision making to improve the operating performance of corporation. Lastly, to address the research result that in meaning on of managing, study limitation and the suggestion with follow-on research.
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A Study on Fleet Maintenance Management Strategy and Performance In System DynamicsChen, Shih-hsiung 28 July 2006 (has links)
More and more organizations and enterprises adopt the Strategy Map and Balanced Scorecard(BSC). However, did they really reach their strategy goal or do they have a mature method to assess their performances? When they finish contructing their strategy map and lauching the balanced scorecard, they may face the same problems, such as how to sucessfully implement strategy? How to effectively set up KPI? How to apply the limited resources into the most important strategy? Some researches mention that there is no interactive relationship among BSC, Strategy goal, Performance Indicators, and the actions they took. That is the limit of the current BSC theory. However, it do exists the complicated dynamics relation between the BSC strategy actions and the internal process of organization. Most of the top management only pay attention to the short-term performance and neglect the side effect and unintended consequences caused by the improper actions they took. They even misjudge the feedback information from the wrong messages because of the system delay. Therefore, the whole strategy planning turn out to be imperfect and the effectiveness of promoting strategy goal is not so good as they expected. But if they incorporate the system dynamics method into BSC, then it may resolve the dynamic and complex issue that happen in their system. The purpose of this study is toresearch and find out the interactive mechanism and method between strategy goal and performance measurement for the enterprises. According to the causal relationship found in the process of establishing the strategy map and examining its various measuring items, construct the system dynamics model and analyze the simulation outcomes. And then find out the driving factors to succeed and the Key Indicators for achieving the strategic goal. In this way, two objectives could be accomplished:
(1) Launch and develop the strategy map and Balanced Scorecard, and then utilize the system dynamics to conduct the planning, simulation and test.
(2) Through this interactive simulation and test between performance indicators and strategy goal, look for the best key performance indicators and revise the policy actions and strategy.
System dynamics is the main approach adopted in this study. By following its modeling procedure, I undertook the data collecting and analyzing for the target company as my case study. And then, conducted the construction, simulation, test, and analysis of system dynamic model. According to the results, I made the conclusions of this study as follows:
(1) Within the causal relationship between the strategy goal and performance measurement items of the BSC, there do exists an influence of side effect and unintended consequences. (2) The simulation outcomes of this system dynamics model could be taken as reference for planning and adjusting the strategy goal of BSC, and also could be the basis of finding out the leading index of the system. (3) Conclude and set up the basic system dynamics model for Balanced Scorecard. Trough this study, we hope that enterprises could adopt the system dynamic to help them improve their long- term integral effectiveness. At last, this study brings up the suggestions and proposes some idea for follow-up research.
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Using System Dynamics to Research How Enterprise¡¦s Belief Influence the Process of Organizational Change Case Study Such As General Electric CompanyYang, Min-Huei 21 August 2006 (has links)
As an enterprise start to grow up, it comes along with the bottleneck and limitation of growth. In the meantime, this enterprise will activate a series of activities of organizational development for creating a better performance. In the past studies, researchers focused most of time on the relationship among organizational structures, those activities and organizational performance. They tried to find out how the organizational change created the marvelous performance, but just missed an important factor that made this happen is the believes of the leader.
We believe that leader¡¦s believies will influence the organizational structure and then decide the performance of this organization. Our research focused on how believes affect the organization, and took GE company for example. We tried to explore the changes of organizational structure and organizational performance. Furthermore, to find out the key soft variables that is behind the back of organization¡¦s excellent performance.
Our research adopted System Dynamics as the research method. We collected the information about the GE company, analyzed them and constructed the GE¡¦s system dynamics model. According to this model, we do the sumilation, test and analysis. Finally, we proposed our research conclusion.
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A research on combining the System Dynamics and Balance Scorecard to provide the electronics assemble factory strategy target to establish - The W company assembles factory for exampleLin, I-Chun 02 September 2006 (has links)
With the changeable and complex business models, the enterprise needs high integration, flexibility and diversifies to face to the market changes. It is necessary to have a set of perfect integration management strategy in the globalization market environment.
Strategy Maps provide the enterprise covert strategy a series of performance activities. With Balance Scorecard, the high level manager can realize the enterprise strategy execution result easily. However, Strategy Maps and Balance Scorecard are linear thinking which can¡¦t express what kind of the feedback of the strategy. Meanwhile, it is hard to explain and analysis the problems burst from the events delay. Enterprise management is dynamic not linear thinking mode.
This research is provide the W company assembly planet better method to execute¡Bmanage and analysis with Strategy Maps and Balance Scorecard to solve dynamic problems. We use System Dynamics to solve dynamic complex problems. Also we can use System Dynamics to view the practical example utilizing the Strategy Maps, Balance Scorecard and supply chain management.
In this research, we find the following points. Firstly, the Strategy Maps and Balance Scorecard is linear thinking. Secondly, the System Dynamics is possible the way to find out the key point of the problem. Thirdly, With the KPI variation can supply discover where the enterprise problem is. Fourthly, applying dynamic simulation can supply to solve enterprise management problem. Fifthly, VMI management can solve material reservation question, but it depends on the situation to the most profit. In the end, we have some contributions in this field. Management and strategy tools need integration. Then it is necessary to modify and change the strategies after they put into practice.
Keyword¡GBalance Scorecard¡BStrategy Maps¡BSystem Dynamics¡BDynamic Complexity¡BSuply chain management
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A system dynamics study of flexible manpower allocation in regular and assignment employees in enterprisesHuang, Yi-Hua 19 January 2007 (has links)
The operation in assignment of manpower needs in the country is still in the primary stage. The present implementation of labor ordinance does not have effective regulations and it is not so clear. Therefore it easily creates confusion and attribution of responsibility problems. Aside from these, enterprise does not have a set of effective operation method in allocation between regular employee and assignment of manpower needs. Therefore, the present stage in the allocation of manpower is mostly the line aspect of thinking mode. Due to the lack of whole value concept in system thinking therefore the allocation between regular employee and assignment of manpower needs create unharmonious phenomenon which bring about the enterprise in assignment of manpower needs that the cost of personnel expenses did not decrease but increases. Because the method in allocation of manpower in production line and the variation of customer order that it must be a development variation. Therefore, we must depend in the complete system thinking and setting of strategy in order to let the interaction relationship of both party reaches the optimum.
The aim of this research is to use the strategy map and the method of System Dynamics to proceed in the regulation, simulation and testing in order to analyze in finding the most suitable allocation method between regular employee and assignment of manpower needs. Due to the direct production manpower and the existence of enterprises, the lasting of enterprises are closely related. But in the general enterprises toward the strategy in allocation of direct manpower and implementation still use the direct line of thinking method. Therefore it is very difficult to handle the development variation of environment. It is only adequately let the manpower resources strategy of enterprises to draw a casual loop map then use the related aspect of strategy map. Thru the emphasis of relationship between manpower resource strategy and enterprises strategy then use the System Dynamics to establish model. At the same time, perform the simulation of development and analysis in order to assist the company cases in manpower development allocation strategy more effective.
This research is base on the research aim, confer documents, research of company cases, cost and effect related feedback analysis. System Dynamics establishes the subject pattern, testing, situation and policy simulation, analysis, conferment that sum up and arrange the conclusion of this research.
1. Flexibility of Manpower Resource Strategy: Assignment of personnel will let the company cases in the aspect of using manpower to have flexibility and decrease the cost of personnel expenses. At the same time, the same line of enterprises will have more competition and greater survival space.
2. Drawing of Manpower Resources Strategy Map: strategy map can help enterprises ¡§focusing¡¨ and ¡§connection¡¨ in setting the strategy. It can let all personnel clearly understand the target and direction of the strategy. At the same, in the setting of model, thru the strategy map can set the bounder of the system.
3. Using System Thinking to establish the cost and effect feedback map and System Dynamics Pattern: Thru the system thinking pattern of the System Dynamics draw the cost and effect feedback map. Aside that it can test the general thinking and direct thinking. It also can let the system to have more intersystem relationship.
4. Let the Simulation Result of the System Dynamics Serves as Reference of the Enterprises Manpower Strategy Regulations: using system thinking to establish system pattern, thru the testing of pattern, simulation and analysis, use the result of simulation to provide enterprises as reference in setting the direct manpower resource strategy regulations.
Using the Simulation Testing of the System Dynamics to find for the Most Suitable Solution in the System: Thru the development simulation of the system pattern, we can find out the most suitable solution that belongs to the enterprises.
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Intellectual Capital Indicator Construction and System Dynamics Analysis for High Technology Industry---In the Case of IC Desgin Industry in TaiwanChang, Liang-Cheng 21 June 2007 (has links)
Since the emergence of knowledge economy, items discussed in traditional accounting practices seemed not to represent the real value of an enterprise effectively. Thus, the conception of intellectual capital has been proposed. However, current intellectual capital measurement methods have limitations such as confirming causation difficultly, lacking integration sufficiently. The purpose of this dissertation is to propose an effective method and process to evaluate intellectual capital. We collected data from annual reposts of IC (Integrated Circuits) design houses in Taiwan. In basis of indicators and association analysis, strategy map for IC design house can be built. Then we compared the efficiency of intellectual capital for IC design houses. The results showed small scale companies might be more efficient than large scale companies. We also observed that intellectual capital value might not be reflected only through association and efficiency analysis. Then system dynamics was adopted to analyze one case. The side effect and leverage factor that hidden in uni-direction thinking of balanced scorecard were found out. This theme also found out indicators of intellectual capital and dynamic loops for the case. Finally, we suggest the policy to increase intellectual capital value for the case.
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On the Resource Distribution Policy of Capital expenditure in Wafer Labor Industry¡ÐTSMC as an ExampleChang, Chin-Yen 27 June 2007 (has links)
Semiconductor industry, especially IC manafacture has been one of the most important high-tech industries in Taiwan since 1970¡¦s. The first professional wafer Fab, called ¡§wafer labor¡¨, was build up in Taiwan and has currently gained more than 60% market share in the wafer market of the world. This kind of industry is usually characterized as ¡§capital intensity¡¨, ¡§technology intensity¡¨ and ¡§short productive life cycle¡¨. Along with the innovation of technology and the internationalization of industry, more and more enterprises have been engaged in the fierce and intensive competition in all senses. Consequently, all of them have to possibly renew and modify their products, facilities and technologies with their limited resources so as to find their own way of making profits constantly.
A correct investment decision not only contributes to the constant growth of enterprises, but also helps push up the industrial competitive capacity. Therefore, in the current project, I will try to work out an appropriate method for making investment policy. My concern will basically focuses on the distribution proportion of capital by arguing that the capacity expansion expenditures and research & development expenses are supposed to be included in the capital expenditures of wafer labor industry. However, with regard to the appropriateness of this project, I will also take the so-called ¡§dynamic complexity¡¨ into consideration, which is usually characterized by the phenomena of ¡§Information feedback¡¨, ¡§Time delay¡¨ and ¡§Non-linearity¡¨. If the capital is limited, the relationship between capacity expansion expenditures and research & development expenses are supposed to be definied as a ¡§trade-off¡¨ relationship. The increase of one side will lead to the decrease of the other side and finally leads to in the reduction in profits.
Due to the capacity of System Dynamics for sloving the problem of dynamic complexity (Forrester, 1961), I will adopt System Dynamics as the main research method in the current project and to work out an appropriate method for making wafer labor industrial policy. By taking the capital distribution into consideration, I will try to construct a possibly appropriate investment model and herewith make some remarks or suggestions for the investment policy.
Some research results will be displayed in the current project:
1. In any case, there is a certain distribution proportion which optimizes the entire profits. The task is to simulate an appropriate one respectively for different scenarios.
2. The increase in the proportion of research & development expenses might lead to the reduction of profits.
3. By using this model, the enterprise can find out the most appropriate policy for distributing the capital and achieving their maximal profit.
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The Effects of 3G Mobile Operator Dynamic Decision on Subscribers Diffusion in TaiwanGuei, Yung 13 July 2007 (has links)
The mobile operators face the problem that the users how to transfer from 2G to 3G as well as telecommunication policy has been opened by government¡F mobile number protablility¡Bthe new 3G competitor¡¦s entry as to result in unexpected revenue in Taiwan. However, the new 3G competitor¡As entry with the great impact on TWM, then the actual utility is lower of TWM. The study is exploring for ¡yThe effect on subscribers diffusion 3G mobile optrator dynamic decision effect on¡z, because the property of problem is high order¡Bnonlinear¡Btime delay, the traditional approach lacking of quantifying basis such as Case Study which cannot simulate the consequence of feasible policy. It cannot estimate what becomes of the solution, thus apt to making wrong decision. Others mathematics approachs cannot explain the dynamic essence of the practical problem. All these approaches are linear and static as linear programing¡BQueuing Theory¡B Monte Carlo Simulation that cannot solve the high order¡Bdynamic problem. These approaches are no usefulness in solving practical management problem. However, System Dynamics is able to solve the dynamic complexity problem that trough the steps of problem description¡B boundary definition¡Bsystem model constructing¡B model testing and simulation to understand the structure and behavior of problem, moreover, to do policy design and evaluation.
This study is as system dynamics approach on the foundation of BASS diffusion model and constructing model upon the 3G adoption critical factor in the viewpoint of Theory of Planed Behavior. The objective of study is to construct the diffusion model of TWM subscribers upon system dynamics, then to seek the leading loop and high leverage of behavior through scenario analysis for consultation in policy design.
The conclusion of study as following¡]1¡^if the operators take high allowance of GSM handset bundling contract sales, will trun up¡yThe self-limit to growing¡z. When the price competition between operators in the market, the policy will cause that TWM 3G actual subscribers are lower. The best revenue policy is to shorten GSM contract duration by handset price or ceasing GSM bundling contract sales schedule to be advanced.¡]2¡^If all the operators do not do the competition in price aggressively in oligopoly, the relationship between competitors will result in¡yThe rich more rich and the poor more poor¡z. The best revenue policy for operator is the tariff shall be divided into different stages to co-operate with network load and to acquire high data usage subscribers for the goal. It shall reduce the threshold of customer entry for the sake of increasing subscribers in the middle stage. There is an obvious discrenpancy between the best policy in simulation and operator taking. ¡]3¡^If the operators attempt to shorten the timetable of subscribers from GSM transfer to 3G as to shorten GSM contract duration, the network constructing policy should do dynamic policy co-operation with the leading indicator of subscribers diffusion. The scenario simulation upon system dynamics that the counter-intuitive phenomenon often contrasts to the operator¡¦s preconception, avoiding to the confined thinking in policy design.
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