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Computing component specifications from global system requirements / Beräkning av komponentspecifikationer från globala systemkravBjörkman, Carl January 2017 (has links)
If we have a program with strict control flow security requirements and want to ensure system requirements by verifying properties of said program, but part of the code base is in the form of a plug-in or third party library which we do not have access to at the time of verification, the procedure presented in this thesis can be used to generate the requirements needed for the plug-ins or third party libraries that they would have to fulfil in order for the final product to pass the given system requirements. This thesis builds upon a transformation procedure that turns control flow properties of a behavioural form into a structural form. The control flow properties focus purely on control flow in the sense that they abstract away any kind of program data and target only call and return events. By behavioural properties we refer to properties regarding execution behaviour and by structural properties to properties regarding sequences of instructions in the source code or object code. The result presented in this thesis takes this transformation procedure one step further and assume that some methods (or functions or procedures, depending on the programming language) are given in the form of models called flow graph, while the remaining methods are left unspecified. The output then becomes a set of structural constraints for the unspecified methods, which they must adhere to in order for any completion of the partial flow graph to satisfy the behavioural formula. / Om vi har ett program med strikta kontrollflödeskrav och vill garantera att vissa systemkrav uppfylls genom att verifiera formella egenskaper av detta program, samtidigt som en del av kodbasen är i form av ett plug-in eller tredjeparts-bibliotek som vi inte har tillgång till vid verifieringen, så kan proceduren som presenteras i detta examensarbete användas för att generera de systemkrav som de plug-in eller tredjeparts-bibliotek behöver uppfylla för att slutprodukten ska passera de givna systemkraven. Detta examensarbete bygger på en transformationsprocedur som omvandlar kontrollflödesegenskaper på en beteendemässig form till en strukturell form. Kontrollflödes-egenskaperna fokuserar uteslutande på kontrollflöden i den meningen att de abstraherar bort all form av programdata och berör enbart anrop- och retur-händelser. Med beteendemässiga egenskaper syftar vi på egenskaper som berör exekverings-beteende och med strukturella egenskaper syftar vi på egenskaper som berör ordningen på instruktionerna i källkoden eller objektkoden. Resultatet i detta examensarbete tar denna transformationsprocedur ett steg längre och antar att vissa metoder (eller funktioner eller procedurer beroende på programmeringsspråk) är redan givna i formen av modeller som kallas flödesgrafer, medan resten av metoderna fortfarande är ospecificerade. Utdata blir då en mängd av strukturella restriktioner för de ospecificerade metoderna, som de måste följa för att en fulländning av den partiella flödesgrafen ska satisfiera den beteendemässiga formeln.
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Modal satisifiability in a constraint logic environmentStevenson, Lynette 30 November 2007 (has links)
The modal satisfiability problem has to date been solved using either a specifically
designed algorithm, or by translating the modal logic formula into a different class
of problem, such as a first-order logic, a propositional satisfiability problem or a constraint
satisfaction problem. These approaches and the solvers developed to support
them are surveyed and a synthesis thereof is presented.
The translation of a modal K formula into a constraint satisfaction problem,
as developed by Brand et al. [18], is further enhanced. The modal formula, which
must be in conjunctive normal form, is translated into layered propositional formulae.
Each of these layers is translated into a constraint satisfaction problem and solved
using the constraint solver ECLiPSe. I extend this translation to deal with reflexive
and transitive accessibility relations, thereby providing for the modal logics KT and
S4. Two of the difficulties that arise when these accessibility relations are added
are that the resultant formula increases considerably in complexity, and that it is
no longer in conjunctive normal form (CNF). I eliminate the need for the conversion
of the formula to CNF and deal instead with formulae that are in negation normal
form (NNF). I apply a number of enhancements to the formula at each modal layer
before it is translated into a constraint satisfaction problem. These include extensive
simplification, the assignment of a single value to propositional variables that occur
only positively or only negatively, and caching the status of the formula at each node
of the search tree. All of these significantly prune the search space. The final results
I achieve compare favorably with those obtained by other solvers. / Computing / M.Sc. (Computer Science)
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Modal satisifiability in a constraint logic environmentStevenson, Lynette 30 November 2007 (has links)
The modal satisfiability problem has to date been solved using either a specifically
designed algorithm, or by translating the modal logic formula into a different class
of problem, such as a first-order logic, a propositional satisfiability problem or a constraint
satisfaction problem. These approaches and the solvers developed to support
them are surveyed and a synthesis thereof is presented.
The translation of a modal K formula into a constraint satisfaction problem,
as developed by Brand et al. [18], is further enhanced. The modal formula, which
must be in conjunctive normal form, is translated into layered propositional formulae.
Each of these layers is translated into a constraint satisfaction problem and solved
using the constraint solver ECLiPSe. I extend this translation to deal with reflexive
and transitive accessibility relations, thereby providing for the modal logics KT and
S4. Two of the difficulties that arise when these accessibility relations are added
are that the resultant formula increases considerably in complexity, and that it is
no longer in conjunctive normal form (CNF). I eliminate the need for the conversion
of the formula to CNF and deal instead with formulae that are in negation normal
form (NNF). I apply a number of enhancements to the formula at each modal layer
before it is translated into a constraint satisfaction problem. These include extensive
simplification, the assignment of a single value to propositional variables that occur
only positively or only negatively, and caching the status of the formula at each node
of the search tree. All of these significantly prune the search space. The final results
I achieve compare favorably with those obtained by other solvers. / Computing / M.Sc. (Computer Science)
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