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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Záchrana osob a techniky složkami IZS na vodní nádrži Lipno / "Rescue work by Integrated Rescue System Bodies on Lipno Water Reservoir"

LABAJ, Antonín January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis ?Life and property rescue by IRS bodies on Lipno water reservoir? is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. The former describes the separate bodies of the IRS (Integrated Rescue System) designed for operations on the reservoir, their roles and equipment, and also gives a list of their protective and rescue devices along with examples of their use. This part of the thesis also explores drowning, rescue techniques for drowning people, and the physiological changes in their bodies caused by the effects of cold water. It also deals with the formation of ice and its properties, with the recovery of sunken vehicles, as well as with accidents threatening rescuers working in and under water. The practical part presents the process of preparation and implementation of a tactical rescue exercise of IRS bodies aimed at the recovery of a passenger car trapped under broken ice on Lipno reservoir in the municipality of Frymburk. The principal outcomes of the research are given in the conclusion of the thesis.

Taktické postupy překonávání lživé výpovědi / Tactics to avoid false testimony

Kopeček, Karel January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is devoted to interrogation, detection of lies and tactics of overcoming them. Large part of this work is devoted to ordination of findings of criminology and forensic psychology on this issue. These findings are complemented by practical examples. Important part of this thesis consists of an analysis of real interrogation with a demonstration of possible practical applications of the lie detection techniques and the tactics of overcoming false testimony. The introductory chapter of the thesis is focused on general theoretical analysis of interrogation, with an emphasis on the legal side of things. Very important part of the process of overcoming false testimony is the lie itself, to which the second chapter is devoted. The impact of usage of interrogation tactics on the interrogated in order to overcome the alleged false statements is related to the issue of false confessions and self-incrimination, because interrogator's real task is not to obtain the testimony he wants to hear, but to obtain a just and truthful testimony. Improper interrogation procedure may leads to false confessions and may result in miscarriages of justice. The third chapter is devoted to tactics of overcoming a false testimony. The following chapter is devoted to possible interrogation mistakes that have a...

Taktické postupy překonávání lživé výpovědi / The tactical methods of overcoming the false testimony

Večeřová, Michaela January 2020 (has links)
The tactical methods of overcoming the false testimony Abstract The objective of this thesis is to describe and analyse the false testimony at interrogation, its recognition and follow-up overcoming by means of tactical interrogation methods and other techniques. In the introductory part of the thesis, the elemental concepts such as the phenomenon of lie, interrogation and testimony are defined in order to gain some insight, without which it would not be well possible to dedicate to the research of detection of lie and its overcoming. The following part deals with the lie detection in crime investigation in particular, it highlights the importance of correct identification of false testimony and it pursues the lie from perspective of the recipient of lie, whose interest is to reveal the lie. The particularities in this area regarding children are outlined as well. The subsequent part is focused on the false testimony and its detection based on the verbal, nonverbal and paraverbal tokens in conduct of concerned person. I have attempted to capture the differences between intentional communicating of untruthful information, thus lying, and unintentional communicationg of untruthful information caused by natural process of forgetting. In the following part, the overview of tactical interrogation methods applied...

Činnost složek integrovaného záchranného systému na místech silničních dopravních nehod se zaměřením na úlohu a úkoly Policie České republiky. / Integrated rescue system activities on traffic accident sites with the intention of Czech Police department tasks and objectives.

BLÁHOVEC, Václav January 2012 (has links)
Quick and professional action by the units of the Integrated Rescue System at the scenes of road traffic accidents is essential primarily for saving people´s lives and health, of secondary importance is the protection of property and the environment. If there is a road traffic accident which by its scope and nature requires units of the Integrated Rescue System to be called out, the individual intervening entities do what they can to reduce or eliminate the consequences of these exceptional events not only for the individuals concerned but also for the wider vicinity. The goal of this thesis is to analyse the tasks of the units of the Integrated Rescue System, and the Police Force of the Czech Republic within their framework, at the scenes of road traffic accidents and to summarise theoretical approaches to this question with references to valid legal standards. The theoretical part addresses acccident rate trends in the Czech Republic, it defines the term traffic accident and the term Integrated Rescue System. It maps the activities of the units of the Integrated Rescue System at the scenes of road traffic accidents and specifies procedures of the individual units at the scene of intervention with emphasis on the role and tasks of the Police Force of the Czech Republic. It provides a complex overview of the issue with an account of the related legal standards and documents. The empirical section contains an analysis and comparison of the call outs of the units of the Integrated Rescue System, using as its base theoretical approaches, joint tactical exercises and the interventions themselves at the scenes of accidents. The results and the conclusion provide information about the importance and essential nature of coordinated cooperation between the individual units of the Integrated Rescue System, they evalute the current level of interaction and the need for joint exercises in order constantly to perfect interventions, in the interest of the goal of saving the lives and health of people and protecting property and the environment.

Analýza účinnosti postavení podávajících a přijímajících hráčů v tenisové čtyřhře / Analysis of serving and reciveng formations in tennis doubles

Čábela, Matěj January 2019 (has links)
Analýza účinnosti postavení podávajících a přijímajících hráčů v tenisové čtyřhře Cílem práce je zjistit četnost a účinnost užívaných formacích při čtyřhře jmenovitě: "I" formace, "australská formace" a "základní postavení" při podání dvojice. A při příjmu mezi "základním postavením" a "postavením u základní čáry". Metodami v této práci jsou nepřímé pozorování a notační analýza. Sledovali jsme soubor hráčů čtyřher v jednotlivých utkáních pomocí videozáznamů. V těchto utkání notační analýzou zaznamenávali četnost a účinnost jednotlivých taktických variant. Účinnost "I" formace pří prvním podání činí 80,92%, u druhého podání 56,25% a jeho celková četnost v rozehrách je 43,65%. Při formaci v základním postavení u sítě při prvním podání je účinnost 79,9%, při druhém podání 57% a četnost činí 56,35% všech rozeher. příjmu prvního podání v postavení byla účinnost 28%, u druhého 50,35% a četnost formace je 64,35%. Poslední měřenou formací je postavení u základní čáry při riternu a ta při příjmu prvního podání měla účinnost 31,28%, při druhém podání 45,16% a její celková četnost Klíčová slova: strategie, taktické varianty, "I" formace, notační analýza, dospělí

Trénink technicko taktické stránky hráčů volejbalu v kategoriích mládeže / Training technical - tactical site of volleyball players in youth categories

Hamouzová, Kristina January 2011 (has links)
Title: Training technical - tactical site of volleyball players in youth categories Aims: The aim of my dissertation is to to create a battery of drills and exercises technical and tactical game activities of the individual sites and compare results before and after the three-month specialized training. The task is to collect knowledge about technical skills and tactic in volleyball and their development by young players by studying appropriate literature. The next task is to accumulate a resource of preparatory and game exercise as well as preparatory games, which contribute to the development of technical skills and tactic and the coach this exercise involved in training at least once a week for three months. And comparing the results of input and output measurements, which will assess the individual player skills in the technical and tactical skills and combinations. Methods: 1. analysis of literary sources 2. description of collected knowledge 3. interpretation of literary knowledge into praktice 4. watching the players and the comparative method to evaluate the development of performance players (cadet) in the technical - tactical tests Outcome: Knowledge about the characteristics of technical skills and tactic and their development in practice and training of young volleyball players. To...

Řešení hromadného neštěstí na dálnici D3 / Managing Multiple Car Accidents at D3 Motorway

SEDLÁČEK, Marek January 2010 (has links)
The current development of transport involves lots of pros, but also lots of cons includ-ing real risks. On one hand, there is a need to transport many people at reduced time and costs and on the other hand there is a risk of incidents. New and modern motorways and I. class roads plus using most updated means of transportation allow us transport more people more quickly, in even more convenient and safe way. Car accidents interventions are considered as routine procedures of the integrated rescue system in domestically as well as worldwide and their coordination is not a big deal for emergency teams. However, complications may occur when performing the intervention on the road with more lanes and with a center dividing strip as well as when there is a higher number of injured or a greater area of intervention, such as in the case of a chain accident. Sections of the integrated rescue systems are trained to handle such extraordinary events and follow new methodology, which is step by step put into practice. Within the process of its application, a major role plays the synergy trainings of the integrated rescue sys-tem, which require the approach to the actual conditions simulation. This thesis was produced to serve the needs of the intervention commander and pro-vides a comprehensive view on the issue of managing interventions where a higher number of casualties and injured occurs and related rescue systems on motorways and I. class roads. The thesis also brings information on new trends in training rescue teams for this type of events. It focuses on South Bohemia, D3 motorway is under construc-tion and on its first part Mezno {--} Tabor, which was opened in December 2007.

Podnikový informační systém / Company information system

Boháček, Petr January 2008 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with the analysis of the requirements placed on the technical support information system which should be used in the software developing company, lying emphasis on the improvement of the processes inside an organization. The basic functions of this system are the collecting of information about all kinds of work which the company employees concentrate on and the possibility of statistics generating. Moreover, it is also possible to implement further extensions to the system which will not only enable other functions that are not related to the primary goal of the system to be integrated; but also to define new user roles for which various limited parts of the system will be accessible.

Přestavba letounu L-410 pro potřeby hašení požárů / Rebuilding of Aircraft L-410 for Fire-fighting

Hlavačka, Miroslav January 2010 (has links)
The thesis deals with the reconstruction of L410UVP-E20 for firefighting needs. There is also an activity of aerial fire fighting services in the Czech Republic. The thesis also addresses the use of modifications for patrol work and for transporting the wounded.

Činnost speciální záchranné skupiny Delta tým / Special operations of rescue group Delta team

HOMOLKA, Jiří January 2018 (has links)
The safety of nuclear power plants is still an important topic. Protection of nuclear power plants in Czech Republic is on top level, but there is still place for improving. After the Fukushima disaster Czech Republic responded among other things with creating of new security groups on its own nuclear power plants Temelín and Dukovany. It is rescue group Delta team, specialized in heights security of buildings and Search and Rescue in case of some emergency events. Objective of this Master thesis was preparation and evaluation of practice, where specialized activities of Delta team can be tested. In this case it was ability to give first aid and safe transport of a person from height to the ground using climbing techniques. Communication was added to these tested activities because it is important in every event. The practice was planned and after obtaining of needed permission it was realized on April 1st, 2018 on the nuclear power plant Temelín. The practice was evaluated afterwards, what made objective of this Master theses complete. There is research question in this work and it is if rescue group Delta team is prepared for emergency events related to rescue works in heights. It can be answered positively. Especially the part of practice with climbing operations was precise only with little complaints. This Master thesis serves as familiarization material with the rescue group Delta team, which operates on Czech nuclear power plants. It can give basic information for example for job applicants or for persons interested in nuclear power plant security. Prepared practice can be used repeatedly with other participants or for practice of Delta team on nuclear power plant Dukovany.

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