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Prioritizing Effort Allocation in a Multiple-Goal EnvironmentByrd, Trevor G. 03 August 2009 (has links)
This study replicated and extended existing research concerning task prioritization in multiple-goal scenarios. The theoretical perspectives on which hypotheses were based was a combination of Bandura's self-efficacy theory (1986) and rational models of control theory (Klein, 1989; Lord & Levy, 1994). Participants were 216 college students who received extra-credit points for their involvement. They performed six repeated trials on a computerized task consisting of two simultaneous sub-tasks. Participants pursued an assigned long-term goal on each task, and goal achievement was rewarded with additional extra-credit points as an incentive. Task prioritization was assessed with four separate measures of effort allocation, including the time spent on each task, the number of computer mouse-clicks made within each task, scores on a self-report assessment of exerted effort, and responses to a self-report task prioritization assessment. Results indicated that participants prioritized tasks on which they were closer to goal attainment, tasks on which they were more efficacious, tasks on which they were experiencing a faster rate of progress, and tasks on which they reported greater goal commitment. Results also indicated that the effect of goal-performance discrepancies (GPDs) on task prioritization was mediated by self-efficacy. Further the amount of time remaining before a deadline moderated the relationship between GPD and task prioritization, although the form of this relationship was not in the proposed direction. Achievement goals were examined as moderators of the relationship between GPDs and task prioritization, but results were non-significant. Overall, these findings provide additional evidence that expectancies are often central to understanding self-regulation in multiple-goal scenarios, as first asserted by Kernan and Lord (1990). The current study also provides additional evidence concerning the importance of temporal factors in determining resource allocation in multiple-goal scenarios. Results from the current study point toward multiple issues for exploration in future research, such as an integrated model focusing in part on the pivotal role of self-efficacy or other expectancy-related constructs. Results also demonstrate implications for applied work, including clear evidence that employees should be expected to allocate their finite resources toward goals on which they believe success is most likely. / Ph. D.
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Модификација покрета робота при двоножном кретању или стајању у присуству ограничења или поремећаја / Modifikacija pokreta robota pri dvonožnom kretanju ili stajanju u prisustvu ograničenja ili poremećaja / Modification of the motion of bipedal robot during walking and standing in the presence of disturbances and constraintsNikolić Milutin 15 May 2015 (has links)
<p>У тези су анализиране карактеристичне компензационе стратегије, за<br />које је уочено да их човек често примењује. На основу анализе су<br />дефинисане предности и мане сваке од стратегија. Након тога је<br />приказан систем за приоритетизацију задатака, ради истраживања<br />могућности симултане реализације више задатака. Да би се омогућило<br />укључивање различитих задатака и ограничења развијен је формални<br />начин њиховог записивања. Посебна пажња је дата ограничењима која<br />настају као последица контакта са околином. Развијена је методологија<br />којом се утврђује да ли неки од постојећих контаката може бити<br />раскинут а да жељени покрет буде изводив, као и да ли је ради<br />реализације намераваног покрета потребно успоставити нови контакт.<br />Укључивањем ограничења у систем за приоритетизацију је добијена<br />методологија за модификацију покрета у присуству ограничења.</p> / <p>U tezi su analizirane karakteristične kompenzacione strategije, za<br />koje je uočeno da ih čovek često primenjuje. Na osnovu analize su<br />definisane prednosti i mane svake od strategija. Nakon toga je<br />prikazan sistem za prioritetizaciju zadataka, radi istraživanja<br />mogućnosti simultane realizacije više zadataka. Da bi se omogućilo<br />uključivanje različitih zadataka i ograničenja razvijen je formalni<br />način njihovog zapisivanja. Posebna pažnja je data ograničenjima koja<br />nastaju kao posledica kontakta sa okolinom. Razvijena je metodologija<br />kojom se utvrđuje da li neki od postojećih kontakata može biti<br />raskinut a da željeni pokret bude izvodiv, kao i da li je radi<br />realizacije nameravanog pokreta potrebno uspostaviti novi kontakt.<br />Uključivanjem ograničenja u sistem za prioritetizaciju je dobijena<br />metodologija za modifikaciju pokreta u prisustvu ograničenja.</p> / <p>The thesis analyzes the characteristic compensation strategies, which are<br />observed to be often applied by men. Based on the analysis benefits and<br />disadvantages each of the strategies are defined. After that, the task<br />prioritization framework is shown, which enables simultaneous realiztation of<br />multiple tasks. In order to include different tasks and constraints in the<br />framework, the formal way of their notation is developed. Special attention is<br />given to the constraints that arise as a consequence of contacts with the<br />environment. Methodology for determining whether some of the existing<br />contacts can be broken, but that the desired movement is feasible, and<br />whether is it necessary to establish a new contact for the realization of the<br />intended movement. By including the constraints in the task prioritization<br />framework, methodology for modification of the movement in the presence of<br />constraints is obtained.</p>
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