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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Models and applications of wireless networks in rural environments

Li, Yang January 2005 (has links)
Magister Scientiae - MSc / With the unprecedented growth of the communication industry that the world is experiencing, the demand from rural inhabitants for high quality communications at an economically affordable cost is growing. However, rural areas are rather restricted from deploying communication services due to the rough natural environment, and the shortage of rudimentary communication facilities and technical personnel. Appropriate models for building rural wireless networks and a concomitant simulation environment are, therefore, expected to enable the construction of technologically-optimal and economically-efficient networks in specified rural areas.The research has set up two independent models, one for the economic need and the other for the technical need of building networks in rural areas. One model was the Impact of Telecommunications Model, which disclosed the importance of building a wireless network in specified rural areas by choosing an economic parameter to forecast the profitability of the network. The other was the Service Model, which collected primitive data from given rural areas and abstracted these data by flowing them through four technical layers to form the predicted technical wireless network. Both of the models had been applied to real-world cases to demonstrate how to use them.A simulation environment was finally designed and implemented to realize the above two models for the sake of instantiation. This environment could simulate the specified rural network by constructing a wireless network on the invented areas and evaluating its quality and economic efficiency. It was written in Scilab simulation language, which was an open source. / South Africa

A common analysis framework for simulated streaming-video networks

Mulumba, Patrick January 2009 (has links)
Distributed media streaming has been driven by the combination of improved media compression techniques and an increase in the availability of bandwidth. This increase has lead to the development of various streaming distribution engines (systems/services), which currently provide the majority of the streaming media available throughout the Internet. This study aimed to analyse a range of existing commercial and open-source streaming media distribution engines, and classify them in such a way as to define a Common Analysis Framework for Simulated Streaming-Video Networks (CAFSS-Net). This common framework was used as the basis for a simulation tool intended to aid in the development and deployment of streaming media networks and predict the performance impacts of both network configuration changes, video features (scene complexity, resolution) and general scaling. CAFSS-Net consists of six components: the server, the client(s), the network simulator, the video publishing tools, the videos and the evaluation tool-set. Test scenarios are presented consisting of different network configurations, scales and external traffic specifications. From these test scenarios, results were obtained to determine interesting observations attained and to provide an overview of the different test specications for this study. From these results, an analysis of the system was performed, yielding relationships between the videos, the different bandwidths, the different measurement tools and the different components of CAFSS-Net. Based on the analysis of the results, the implications for CAFSS-Net highlighted different achievements and proposals for future work for the different components. CAFSS-Net was able to successfully integrate all of its components to evaluate the different streaming scenarios. The streaming server, client and video components accomplished their objectives. It is noted that although the video publishing tool was able to provide the necessary compression/decompression services, proposals for the implementation of alternative compression/decompression schemes could serve as a suitable extension. The network simulator and evaluation tool-set components were also successful, but future tests (particularly in low bandwidth scenarios) are suggested in order to further improve the accuracy of the framework as a whole. CAFSS-Net is especially successful with analysing high bandwidth connections with the results being similar to those of the physical network tests.

Inovação : estudo de caso em uma encarroçadora de ônibus de Caxias do Sul

Rodrigues, Edvania Rocha 30 April 2015 (has links)
Com a crescente globalização de mercados e o aumento gradativo da concorrência, a inovação pode propiciar às organizações resultados positivos tais como rentabilidade e a criação e manutenção de vantagem competitiva sobre os seus concorrentes - elementos indispensáveis à sobrevivência em longo prazo. A prática da inovação contribui para o desenvolvimento econômico por oportunizar a criação de novos mercados e o aperfeiçoamento de mercados existentes, gerando benefícios para produtores e consumidores de produtos novos ou melhorados pela inovação. Desta forma, justifica-se a existência de uma constante busca pela inovação. Seja ela pelo lançamento de um novo produto, melhoria de prestação de serviço, no processo de produção, na entrada de um novo mercado, entre outras formas de inovar. A ocorrência de inovações é a responsável por mudanças na dinâmica do desenvolvimento, sendo a adoção de novas tecnologias a manifestação explícita dessa dinâmica. A partir desta contextualização, esta Dissertação teve como objetivo identificar as inovações tecnológicas em produtos e processos, classificando-as em radicais e incrementais, ocorridas na empresa ALFA. A inovação tecnológica contribui para a teoria de inovação como base para a descrição da importância dos conceitos pertinentes ao processo de mensuração da inovação. O método de pesquisa utilizado possui abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa, com objetivo exploratório e descritivo. O procedimento técnico utilizado foi o estudo de caso único. Na fase quantitativa, foi utilizada uma survey, com um questionário estruturado como instrumento de coleta de dados, que foi aplicado aos funcionários das áreas de qualidade, engenharia e processos de uma empresa do setor metalmecânico, totalizando uma população de 60 entrevistados. A análise dos dados ocorreu em duas etapas, na etapa qualitativa, foi utilizada a análise de conteúdo das entrevistas realizadas com os gestores, coordenadores e supervisores das áreas de qualidade, engenharia e processo, e na etapa quantitativa foi utilizada análise descritiva, através da análise de frequência do Qui-quadrado dos dados obtidos dos questionários aplicados aos colaboradores das áreas de qualidade, engenharia e processo e os questionários aplicados aos coordenadores, gestores e supervisores das áreas de qualidade, engenharia e processo. Os resultados da fase qualitativa identificaram a implantação de inovação em produtos e processos na empresa estudada. Os resultados quantitativos identificaram que a inovação em produtos e processos implantadas na empresa são classificadas como incrementais. Por meio da análise de frequência, foram identificadas diferenças entre as respostas dos gestores e dos colaboradores sobre as denominações de inovação implantada na empresa. / Submitted by Ana Guimarães Pereira (agpereir@ucs.br) on 2015-10-05T12:11:58Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Edvania Rocha Rodrigues.pdf: 2338966 bytes, checksum: 48eeff3805fb7bd1d502e866f1c2c47a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-10-05T12:11:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Edvania Rocha Rodrigues.pdf: 2338966 bytes, checksum: 48eeff3805fb7bd1d502e866f1c2c47a (MD5) / With the increasing globalization of markets and the gradual increase of competition, innovation can provide positive results to organizations such as profitability and competitive advantage of the creation and maintenance over its competitors - essential elements to the long-term survival. The practice of innovation contributes to economic development by giving the opportunity for new markets creation and improvement of existing markets, generating benefits for producers and consumers of new products or improved products by the innovation. In this way, it is justified the existence of a constant search for innovation. Either by the launch of a new product, or improvement in service delivery, improvement in the production process, the entry into a new market, among other ways to innovate. Innovations are responsible for major changes in the dynamics of development and the introduction of new technologies the most explicit manifestation of this dynamic. From this contextualization, this essay aims to identify the technological innovations in products and processes occurred in the company ALFA, classifying them into radical and incremental. Technological innovation contributes to innovation theory as a basis for the description of the importance of relevant concepts to the process of innovation measurement. The research method used has qualitative and quantitative approach with exploratory and descriptive purpose. The technical procedure used was a single case study. In the quantitative phase, a survey was used with a structured questionnaire as data collection instrument, which was applied to the employees of the quality area, engineering and processes of a company in the metal-mechanic industry, with a total of 60 respondents. The analysis of the data occurred in two stages. The analysis from the interviews content conducted with managers, coordinators and supervisors of the quality area, engineering and process was used in the qualitative stage. And, in quantitative stage was used descriptive quantitative analysis by chi-square frequency analysis of the data from questionnaires given to employees of quality area, engineering and process and from questionnaires given to managers, coordinators and supervisors of the same areas. The results of the qualitative phase identified the innovation implementation in products and processes in the studied company. The quantitative results indicate that innovation in products and processes implemented in the company are classified as incremental. Through frequency analysis, differences were identified between the responses of managers and employees on innovation denominations established in the company.

Influência dos sistemas de informação (SI) fornecidos pelo APL de software no sudoeste paranaense sob a perspectiva da inovação organizacional

Ferreira, Rafael Henrique Mainardes 24 February 2015 (has links)
CAPES; CNPq / O presente trabalho tem como principal objetivo a avaliação da influência dos Sistemas de Informação (SI) fornecidos pelo Arranjo Produtivo Local de Software (APL) do Sudoeste do Paraná para a região em questão, orientado pelos preceitos de inovação, especificamente, inovação organizacional. A partir da utilização de questionários semiestruturados, foram realizadas entrevistas com os gestores e usuários de empresas que adquiriram os Softwares das empresas que compõem o APL em questão. Após a busca e seleção das empresas a serem pesquisadas – junto aos dados coletados pelo Núcleo de Tecnologia da Informação (NTI) -, foi possível contatar os entrevistados e ouvir os depoimentos a respeito da inovação de produtos, processos, estruturas organizacionais que permitam conceituar as empresas nos mercados em que atuam, bem como, posteriormente, verificar a aceitação e desenvolvimento do Software adquirido nas empresas, de forma a buscar evidências que corroborem a inovação organizacional. Após o levantamento dos depoimentos, foi possível confrontar alguns dados referentes à visão dos gestores e dos usuários dos sistemas encontrados, verificando a convergência ou divergência de conceitos acerca do assunto, bem como analisar, em conjunto, a aceitação dos usuários para essa nova forma de rotina nos processos. O trabalho proporcionou a análise dos fatores que posicionam o APL de Software do Sudoeste paranaense como um importante desenvolvedor de atividades que não somente buscam a negociação, desenvolvimento, compra e venda de produtos e sistemas, mas também como um importante elo entre a empresa e o cliente, atendo-se às necessidades e dificuldades encontradas após a aplicação de novidade nos processos empresariais. A pesquisa revelou que o APL em questão, portanto, é capaz de atuar como um forte desenvolvedor de práticas sociais, configurando o ambiente externo empresarial e modificando as estruturas internas, de forma a auxiliar os envolvidos na busca do novo, acelerando processos e aproximando os stakeholders. / This study aims to evaluate the influence of the Information Systems (IS) provided by the Software‟s Cluster of Southwest‟s Paraná for the region in question, guided by the precepts of innovation, specifically, organizational innovation. Through semi-structured questionnaires, it was possible to conduct interviews with managers and business users who purchased the Software companies that make up the cluster in question. After the search and selection of companies to be researched - from the data collected by the Information Technology Center (NTI) - it was possible to contact the respondents and hear the testimonials about the product innovation, processes, organizational structures to conceptualize companies in the markets in which they operate, and subsequently verify the acceptance and development of Software acquired in companies in order to seek evidence supporting organizational innovation. After surveying of the statements, it was possible to compare some data on the vision of managers and users of the systems found by checking the convergence or divergence of views on the matter and consider jointly, user acceptance for this new form of routine processes. The work, in addition to the objectives achieved, considering the analysis of factors that place the southwest of the Software APL Paraná as a developer of activities that not only seek the negotiation, development, purchase and sale of products and systems, but also as an important link between the company and the customer, being guided by the needs and difficulties encountered after applying novelty in business processes. The research showed that the APL in question, therefore, is able to act as a strong developer of social practices, setting the business external environment and modifying the internal structures in order to assist those involved in the new search, accelerating processes and approaching the stakeholders.

Social media as a means of communication with external stakeholders

Abrahams, Rifqah January 2011 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Public Relations Management))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2011. / This research focuses on whether social media is an effective means of communication to external stakeholders and investigates communication between Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) to its student-stakeholder group on four levels of interaction; namely institution, faculty, department and subjects. It provides answers to the questions, "How does CPUT communicate to students?" "What is the CPUT student-stakeholder's preferred method of communication?" and "What content does the CPUT student-stakeholder want to hear about?" to answer the bigger question, "Is social media an effective means of communication to CPUT students?" Using a conceptual framework based on Edward Freeman's work on stakeholder communication and Grunig's communication theory, the research considers the role that social media could play in the communication mix; whether CPUT should communicate to students using a medium on which they are already active; as well as what is/are an appropriate method/s of communication to reach student-stakeholders. Findings include the students' perception of social media as well as the state of communication from CPUT to the students and the platform/s the student-stakeholder would prefer. Further research is recommended to consider the use of a mobile platform for communication to students.

The role of business informatics in business transformation : a case of a company in Cape Town

Ngary, Clency January 2015 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Business Information Systems))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2015. / The objective of the thesis is to determine the role Business Informatics plays in transforming an organisation using a selected organisation in Cape Town as a case study. Business informatics is an emerging discipline that combines various aspects of business management, information technology and informatics. Informatics is broadly defined as the science of processing information; thus, increasingly, it involves processing and analysing information digitally with the aid of computers. Therefore the aim of the research was to understand what components of business informatics are being leveraged to transform businesses, and the challenges thereof. This was done using a social theory – duality of technology from Orlikowski adapted from Giddens’ Structuration Theory (ST) as a theoretical framework, particularly, the dimensions of duality of structure. The theory was used as a lens to understand and interpret this social phenomenon - the role business informatics can play in business transformation. It is argued that business informatics concepts are able to assist in business transformation through effective use of information systems and business management concepts. In that regard, ERP system in a Cloud platform was recommended to illustrate these concepts. The concepts helped to device guidelines for determining the challenges of a business to use informatics to transform and become sustainable and competitive. Therefore, the research explained and recommended why business entities have begun to move from an application-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) system to cloud computing-based ERP (cloud-ERP) system. The study used the interpretive approach where qualitative philosophy was applied together with the underpinning theory and literature reviewed to design a semi-structured interview schedule as a data collection instrument. It was a case study of an Organisation where the units of analysis were the IT, Finance, HR and Sales and Marketing departments and object of analysis was 50 employees. The output is a general framework to guide businesses as to how to apply the concepts of business informatics to achieve improved business transformation.

Synthesis of zeolite (ZSM-5 and Faujasite) and geopolymer from South African coal fly ash

Ndlovu, Nkululeko Zenzele Neville January 2016 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Chemical Engineering))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2016. / Population growth in South Africa has led to a direct increase in electricity demand. Due to the abundance of coal in the country, most of the energy requirement is met through coal combustion. Although there is a vast coal resource, the natural high grade coal is mainly exported, while the low grade coal is exploited for electricity generation. The combustion of low grade coal during electricity production results in huge quantities of coal fly ash (CFA) that require careful disposal, due to its toxicity. Poor management of this waste constitutes serious human and environmental problems, such as respiratory diseases, contamination of soil, surface water and groundwater. This is in part due to the fact that only a small percentage of fly ash is utilised efficiently in the construction industry. Several studies have recently been conducted into the use of CFA as a starting material for the synthesis of zeolites and geopolymers, due to its high silicon and aluminium content. However, the synthesis of zeolites from CFA has been subject to criticism, because the synthesis of zeolites from the bulk CFA results in zeolite products that are mixed with non-reacted fly ash and toxic elements. On the other hand, pure phase zeolites can only be synthesised from CFA extracts, which results in a small yield of the zeolite products and a huge amount of solid waste. Therefore, this does not facilitate either the use of fly ash-based zeolites as catalysts in advanced chemical processes or scaling up of the synthesis process. This study seeks to make optimal use of CFA by developing a method for optimal extraction of Si and Al for the synthesis of ZSM-5 and faujasite zeolites, and use the resulting solid waste for the synthesis of geopolymers such that the resultant waste is minimised or completely eliminated. Two distinct processes are employed in this study to synthesise ZSM-5 or faujasite zeolite from CFA extracts, while the solid residue is transformed into a geopolymer. In the first process, an alkaline leaching method is employed for extraction of Si from CFA using 8 M NaOH at 150 0C for 24 h. It was found that the Si extract contained a certain amount of Al, enough for the synthesis of a high silica zeolite such as ZSM-5. However, the Si extract had to be treated with oxalic acid in order to remove the excess Na in the extract, since this could prevent the formation of ZSM-5. The obtained Si extract was then used as a feedstock for the synthesis of Zeolite ZSM-5 with NaOH and tetraethyl ammonium hydroxide (TEAOH) as mineralising and structure directing agents respectively. The obtained gel underwent hydrothermal synthesis at 160 °C for 72 h, while the solid residue obtained after Si extraction was used in the synthesis of geopolymer at 70 °C for 5 days. The obtained ZSM-5 and geopolymer products were characterised using ICP, XRD, SEM, FTIR and NMR techniques.

Estratégias para o poder público municipal promover a inovação tecnológica: um estudo de caso no município de Francisco Beltrão

Carvalho, Andriele de Prá 27 February 2012 (has links)
Um ambiente favorável ao compartilhamento de informações e propício à inovação é capaz de proporcionar o progresso econômico e social. A inovação tecnológica passa, então, a ser assunto relevante, e no ponto de vista regional, o diferencial para a sustentabilidade local. Nesta perpectiva, este estudo objetivou traçar estratégias para o Poder Público Municipal promover a Inovação Tecnológica nas empresas. Os dados foram levantados através de abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa. O estudo caracterizou-se como exploratório, descritivo e de levantamento. A partir de um mapeamento do espectro industrial da cidade de Francisco Beltrão, foram aplicados questionários para identificar os índices de inovação às empresas atuantes em áreas de maior relevância econômica, por serem potencialmente inovadoras. Dentre estas, foram entrevistadas as que apresentaram graus de inovação muito altos ou muito baixos, com base no intervalo definido como padrão por meio da estatística, de modo a analisar o conhecimento dessas empresas frente às leis que incentivam a inovação e ao conhecimento sobre as ações impostas pelos stakeholders e pelo poder público municipal. Foram, também, entrevistados os stakeholders atuantes como parceiros na cidade e representantes do Poder Público Municipal, visando verificar a eficácia das ações disponibilizadas por estes e se tais ações chegam ao conhecimento das empresas. Os principais resultados encontrados indicaram um baixo índice geral de inovação das empresas da cidade de Francisco Beltrão. Outro ponto levantado, é o número baixíssimo de empresas que conheciam as leis e incentivos locais do Poder Público Municipal, bem como, que possuíam conhecimento sobre os stakeholders, que atuam como parceiros para incrementar a inovação. O maior índice de conhecimento dessas leis e ações dos stakeholders foram das empresas participantes do núcleo de tecnologia da informação, único núcleo de empresas da cidade visando a inovação tecnológica. Assim, foram propostas ao Poder Público municipal estratégias para promover a Inovação Tecnológica. Dentre as principais destacam-se: ações no ambiente legal com a criação de linhas de crédito, leis e políticas públicas, criação de redes de inovação, novos núcleos de empresas com participação dos stakeholders, promoção de uma cultura inovadora através de seminários, reuniões, debates, e programas de geração de idéias, bem como, o estímulo do intercâmbio entre as universidades, empresas e governo. / An environment conducive to sharing information and enabling environment for innovation is able to provide the economic and social progress. Techno logical innovation then became relevant subject, and the regional point of view the difference for local sustainability. In this prospect, this study aimed to devise strategies to the municipal government to promote technological innovation in companies. The data were collected through qualitative and quantitative approach. The study was characterized as exploratory, descriptive survey. The mapping from a spectrum of industrial town of Francisco Beltrão, questionnaires were applied to identify the rates of innovation enterprises operating in areas of greatest economic importance, because they are potentially innovative. Among these, those who were interviewed had levels of innovation too high or too low, based on the range set as the default by statistics, in order to analyze the knowledge of these laws against companies that encourage innovation and knowledge about the actions imposed by stakeholders and the municipal government. Were also interviewed stakeholders working as partners in the city and representatives of municipal government in order to verify the effectiveness of the actions provided by these and come to the attention of companies. The main results indicated an overall low rate of innovation by the town of Francisco Beltrão. Another point raised is the very low number of companies that know the laws and local incentives the local government and ignorance of stakeholders to enhance innovation. The highest knowledge of these actions was the companies participating in the core of information technology, unique in the city core. So, were proposed to the municipal government strategies to promote technological innovation. Among the major include: actions to the legal environment with the creation of credit lines, public policies and laws, creation of innovation networks, new core businesses with input from stakeholders, promoting an innovative culture through seminars, meetings, debates and programs to generate ideas, and encourage exchange among universities, businesses and government.

Inovações nos laticínios de pequeno e médio porte na região dos Campos Gerais - PR com vistas à manutenção no mercado

Araújo, Alcione Lino de 14 October 2014 (has links)
Fundação Araucária / Este trabalho versa sobre a inovação nos laticínios de pequeno e médio porte na região dos Campos Gerais – PR. Com esse enfoque o estado do Paraná vem se destacando nos últimos anos no cenário nacional ocupando o terceiro lugar na produção de leite. Segundo dados do IBGE, o Estado produziu 3.930.428 mil litros de leite no ano de 2011, respondendo a 11,7% da produção nacional. É imprescindível que a sustentabilidade ambiental esteja relacionada com a produção de leite, principalmente pelo fato de que o produtor deve estar consciente da importância de efetuar uma atividade que prejudique o mínimo possível o meio ambiente. A dinâmica da economia advém da introdução de inovações pelos empresários, através de novas combinações dos fatores disponíveis, que resultarão em novos produtos ou novos processos, substituindo a estrutura anterior. Inovação é um pilar fundamental de crescimento e competitividade para toda e qualquer empresa no mercado competitivo atual. Essa, é ligada diretamente à produtividade da empresa, melhoria do processo, na solução de problemas, no desenvolvimento de produtos que auxiliarão na capacidade de desenvolver e executar ações com êxito. Assim, esse trabalho tem como objetivo geral, identificar os indicadores das inovações aplicadas aos laticínios de pequeno e médio porte dos Campos Gerais – PR com vistas à manutenção no mercado. A metodologia usada nesse trabalho é aplicada, do ponto de vista de sua natureza; qualitativa, quanto ao problema; exploratória e descritiva, quanto aos objetivos; levantamento, quanto aos procedimentos técnicos. Quanto à população e amostra, foi realizada em seis laticínios que se encontram na última era da qualidade nos meses de agosto e setembro de 2013. Como resultado foi verificado que os laticínios de pequenos e médios portes ainda têm dificuldades em incorporar a inovação e a sustentabilidade em sua cadeia de negócios, ora por causa da imaturidade de seus gestores quanto ao tema, ora pelas condições estruturais e financeiras, ou ainda, as dificuldades de acesso a tecnologias aliadas à falta de conhecimento técnico especializado. / This work deals with the innovation in dairy products from small and medium-sized businesses in the region of Campos Gerais - PR. With this approach the state of Parana is highlighting in recent years on the national scene occupying the third place in the production of milk. According to data from the IBGE, the State produced 3,930,428 thousand liters of milk in 2011, responding to 11.7% of national production. It is imperative that environmental sustainability is related to the production of milk, mainly due to the fact that the producer should be aware of the importance of performing an activity that harms the least possible disturbance to the environment. The dynamics of the economy comes from the introduction of innovations by entrepreneurs, through new combinations of factors available, which will result in new products or new processes, replacing the previous structure. Innovation is a fundamental pillar of growth and competitiveness for any company in the competitive market today. This is directly linked to the productivity of the company, improving the process, the solution of problems, in the development of products that will assist in the ability to develop and execute actions successfully. This work has as its general objective, identify the indicators of innovations applied to dairy products from small and medium-sized businesses of General Fields - PR with views maintenance on the market. The methodology used in this work is applied, from the point of view of its nature; qualitative, as well as the problem; exploratory and descriptive, regarding the goals; survey, regarding the technical procedures. As the population and sample, was performed in six dairy products that are in the last era of quality in the months of August and September 2013. As a result it was found that the dairy products from small and mid-sized still has difficulties in incorporating innovation and sustainability in their business chain, now because of the immaturity of their managers regarding the theme, now in the structural conditions and financial, or even, the difficulties of access to technologies coupled with the lack of technical expertise.

Estratégias para o poder público municipal promover a inovação tecnológica: um estudo de caso no município de Francisco Beltrão

Carvalho, Andriele de Prá 27 February 2012 (has links)
Um ambiente favorável ao compartilhamento de informações e propício à inovação é capaz de proporcionar o progresso econômico e social. A inovação tecnológica passa, então, a ser assunto relevante, e no ponto de vista regional, o diferencial para a sustentabilidade local. Nesta perpectiva, este estudo objetivou traçar estratégias para o Poder Público Municipal promover a Inovação Tecnológica nas empresas. Os dados foram levantados através de abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa. O estudo caracterizou-se como exploratório, descritivo e de levantamento. A partir de um mapeamento do espectro industrial da cidade de Francisco Beltrão, foram aplicados questionários para identificar os índices de inovação às empresas atuantes em áreas de maior relevância econômica, por serem potencialmente inovadoras. Dentre estas, foram entrevistadas as que apresentaram graus de inovação muito altos ou muito baixos, com base no intervalo definido como padrão por meio da estatística, de modo a analisar o conhecimento dessas empresas frente às leis que incentivam a inovação e ao conhecimento sobre as ações impostas pelos stakeholders e pelo poder público municipal. Foram, também, entrevistados os stakeholders atuantes como parceiros na cidade e representantes do Poder Público Municipal, visando verificar a eficácia das ações disponibilizadas por estes e se tais ações chegam ao conhecimento das empresas. Os principais resultados encontrados indicaram um baixo índice geral de inovação das empresas da cidade de Francisco Beltrão. Outro ponto levantado, é o número baixíssimo de empresas que conheciam as leis e incentivos locais do Poder Público Municipal, bem como, que possuíam conhecimento sobre os stakeholders, que atuam como parceiros para incrementar a inovação. O maior índice de conhecimento dessas leis e ações dos stakeholders foram das empresas participantes do núcleo de tecnologia da informação, único núcleo de empresas da cidade visando a inovação tecnológica. Assim, foram propostas ao Poder Público municipal estratégias para promover a Inovação Tecnológica. Dentre as principais destacam-se: ações no ambiente legal com a criação de linhas de crédito, leis e políticas públicas, criação de redes de inovação, novos núcleos de empresas com participação dos stakeholders, promoção de uma cultura inovadora através de seminários, reuniões, debates, e programas de geração de idéias, bem como, o estímulo do intercâmbio entre as universidades, empresas e governo. / An environment conducive to sharing information and enabling environment for innovation is able to provide the economic and social progress. Techno logical innovation then became relevant subject, and the regional point of view the difference for local sustainability. In this prospect, this study aimed to devise strategies to the municipal government to promote technological innovation in companies. The data were collected through qualitative and quantitative approach. The study was characterized as exploratory, descriptive survey. The mapping from a spectrum of industrial town of Francisco Beltrão, questionnaires were applied to identify the rates of innovation enterprises operating in areas of greatest economic importance, because they are potentially innovative. Among these, those who were interviewed had levels of innovation too high or too low, based on the range set as the default by statistics, in order to analyze the knowledge of these laws against companies that encourage innovation and knowledge about the actions imposed by stakeholders and the municipal government. Were also interviewed stakeholders working as partners in the city and representatives of municipal government in order to verify the effectiveness of the actions provided by these and come to the attention of companies. The main results indicated an overall low rate of innovation by the town of Francisco Beltrão. Another point raised is the very low number of companies that know the laws and local incentives the local government and ignorance of stakeholders to enhance innovation. The highest knowledge of these actions was the companies participating in the core of information technology, unique in the city core. So, were proposed to the municipal government strategies to promote technological innovation. Among the major include: actions to the legal environment with the creation of credit lines, public policies and laws, creation of innovation networks, new core businesses with input from stakeholders, promoting an innovative culture through seminars, meetings, debates and programs to generate ideas, and encourage exchange among universities, businesses and government.

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