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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mikrointervalika a její uchopení v rámci kompozičního myšlení / USAGE OF MICROINTERVALS IN COMPOSITION THINKING

Chudovský, Daniel January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation deals with authorship approaches of composers of the 20th and 21st centuries, who decided to settle their thinking on the organization of tonal material by using microintervals as a functional tonal material. My intention was to look at this topic from a composer's point of view, not from a scientific point of view. I perceived this view is creating a very important dimension for a certain type of composition that allows the composers to use the elements in terms of a structural unit. Consequently, the composition process becomes a very lively unit that the composer grabs. My dissertation thesis describes the exposition of my own insight into the actual reality in correspondence with the historical context.

Křehká tektonika v SV části Českého masívu ve vztahu k recentním pohybům indikovaným GPS měřením / Brittle tectonics in the NE Bohemian Massif as related to recent tectonic movements indicated by GPS measurement

Nováková, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
North-eastern part of the Bohemian Massif is characterised by many NW-SE striking faults. The Sudetic Marginal Fault Zone (SMFZ) and Hronov - Poříčí Fault Zone (HPFZ) represent the major seismoactive dislocations in this area. Field structural investigations, including fault-slip data collection were carried out on a number of natural outcrops and quarries with the aim of establishing a robust and field-constrained model for the local brittle structural evolution of the studied areas. Almost 5000 faults and fractures have been measured and studied in 116 localities. Two principle sets of faults within the SMFZ are oriented in the N-S and W-E directions. The faults are mainly dipping under 80-90ř. The lineations found on the fault planes are mainly trending to the SW and W. The kinematic frequent analysis was performed due to the distribution of the fault types in the orientations. The faults were divided into the different tectonic phases based on their origin or reactivation and their relative age using the calculation of paleostress analysis. The paleostress analysis of the fault-slip data within the SMFZ resulted identification of six tectonic phases from the youngest to the oldest: strike-slip regime with maximum compression σ1 in the NNW-SSE direction, compressional regime with σ1 in the...

Tektonika hudby 20. a 21. století z pohledu komplexní analýzy hudební struktury / TECTONICS OF THE 20th AND 21st CENTURY MUSIC FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF COMPLEX ANALYSIS OF MUSIC STRUCTURE

Krejča, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation tries systematicaly contain rarely reflected phenomenon of tectonics. Its aim is to explore tectonics as a dynamic process of structuring focused on the structures of 20th and 21st century music. This thesis portrays tectonics as a comprehensive tool of articulation of music and sound material in general. It reflects the current state of research on home field and brings partial views of the world, where, however, faces terminological difference and practical absence of tectonics as a term and as a musicological field or discipline. Tectonics conceived as a systematic discipline reflecting the tectonics as a phenomenon is to some extent the Czech (Czechoslovak) specifics. Within its own concept of tectonics of contemporary music the thesis presents general tectonic scheme of the structuring process. In the range of this work is structure defined as a system and some tectonic functions and principles are described too. The dissertation, however is honestly trying, not aspire to be a comprehensive, complete and systematicly perfect concept of tectonics. In terms of variability and evolution of musical language, which is tectonics an organic part of, it is not even possible. Nevertheless, we believe that this thesis will provide useful insight and possible introduction to closer examination of tectonics as a key phenomenon of structuring the musical substance.

Magnetická stavba, tok magmatu a tektonická deformace ve vulkano-plutonických systémech / Magnetic fabric, magma flow and tectonic deformation in volcano-plutonic systems

Tomek, Filip January 2015 (has links)
Magnetic fabric, magma flow and tectonic deformation in volcano-plutonic systems ABSTRACT This Ph.D. thesis aims to investigate dynamics of emplacement and tectonic history of selected volcano-plutonic complexes in a continental magmatic arc and back arc setting. The thesis presents new data sets from five field areas, presented in separate chapters, which could be viewed as representing a vertical sections through upper part of an intermediate to felsic magmatic system. From top to bottom in this ‛imaginary' vertical system, the examined units are: (1) andesitic lava domes and (2) sub-volcanic magma chambers (<3 km deep) of the Miocene Štiavnica volcano- plutonic complex, Western Carpathians (Slovakia), (3) Shellenbarger pluton (<3 km depth) within the mid-Cretaceous Minarets caldera, Sierra Nevada batholith in California (USA), and ~7-10 km deep granitoids of (4) Lower-Cretaceous Wallowa batholith, Blue Mountains province in Oregon (USA) and (5) Late Devonian Staré Sedlo complex, central Bohemian Massif (Czech Republic). The research incorporates extensive field and structural data, supported by analysis of igneous textures and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS). The latter is further accompanied by detailed examination of magnetic mineralogy using thermomagnetic measurements and optical and back...

Geodynamická mapa Moravy a okolí / Geodynamical Map of Moravian and surrounding.

Rajnoha, Milan January 2013 (has links)
Result of this graduation theses is Geodynamic map of Moravia in scale 1:500 000. There were used available data from GPS measurements, seismic, geomorphologic and other data to construct map. Map is worked in GIS software. On the backround of researched data, there are determinated some locations, which are characterized by recent tectonic activity. These are analyzed for more detail.

GPS měření na polygonu Tetčice / GPS measurements at the Tetčice polygon

Darmopilová, Jana January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with periodical measurements at the Tetčice polygon to confirm geological activity caused by geological shift that pass through the center of the village. This work was focused on the third phase of measurement by long static GNSS observation in summer 2013 to monitor horizontal shifts on both edges of Boskovice furrow. Points are stabilized on pillars with forced centring. Part of the thesis is summary of present results, the differences between the various stages and graphical representations of shifts. The theoretical part deals with the geological conditions in the area and description of GNSS technology.

Zarovnané povrchy v Hrubém Jeseníku / Planation surfaces in the Hrubý Jeseník Mts.

Jablonská, Danica January 2013 (has links)
Remnants of planation surfaces in Hrubý Jeseník were noted in many geomorphological studies made in the studied area. However, the levels of planation surfaces were never described. The present study deals with the determination of the levels of planation surfaces (the amount of levels) and its connection to neotectonics. The whole area was divided into three parts (Pradědská, Keprnická and Orlická part). Histograms of elevation frequency, the cumulative graph of the area of planation surfaces and the statistical test show six levels of planation surfaces. Six levels were determined in Pradědská and Orlická part and four levels in Keprnická part. The levels of planation were compared to similar areas in the Sudetes. These intervals have significant representation of the flat surfaces within. Six levels of planation surfaces were determined. The main periods of uplift were presented based on the intervals between the levels of planation surfaces. The minimum uplift in the central, most active part is estimated to be 450 m.

Odezva vybraných řek Českého masivu na litologické a tektonické podmínky / Response of selected rivers of the Bohemian Massif to lithological and structural conditions

Flašar, Jan January 2012 (has links)
Three groups of streams were selected in the area of the Bohemian Massif: the Berounka river with its source streams; the Vltava river with its tributaries the Malše and the Lužnice; the Labe river with its tributaries the Cidlina, the Bystřice and the Javorka. The lithological and tectonical influences to several parameters of the streams were studied. These parameters include: stream gradient, orientation of the stream and sinuosity of the stream. Data were obtained from digital elevation models, aerial photographs, topographical and geological maps. The longitudinal profiles of the streams (in the combination with geological cross-sections), the SL indexes and the gradient/sinuosity graphs were created on the basis of the obtained data. These tools were used for evaluation of the influence of lithology and the tectonics to the streams. The evolution of the streams and the stream-groups was evaluated and compared as well. A strong influence of lithology on the stream gradient was found on most of the analysed streams. The tectonic situation, on the contrary, had strong influence on the orientation of the streams, especially in the resistant rocks. Also, there were selected areas, where was a higher probability of quaternary vertical movements influencing the streams (mountainous areas of the Novohradské...

Morfostrukturní analýza Hřibovské hornatiny / Morphostructural analysis of the Hřibovská hornatina

Stemberk, Jakub January 2011 (has links)
Morphostructural analysis of the Hřibovská hornatina Mts. This work deals with morphostructure analyses of the Hřibovská hornatina Mts., part of the Rychlebské hory Mts. Northeastern border of the studied area is created by the mountain front slope controlled by the Sudetic Marginal fault, which is one of the most conspicuous tectonic structures in central Europe. This is the main reason why works were focused on the analyses of stream network parameters and spatial distribution of those selected landforms which could potentially indicate recent tectonic activity in the studied area. As a result, supposed courses of faults marked in morphology were suggested. Fault activity assessment was considered on changes in erosion intensity indicated in longitudinal and crosswise profiles of stream valleys. Based on the values of Stream-Length index the areas with recent tectonic activity were delimited. The final output of this work is the morphostructure map of the Hřibovská hornatina Mts. and the adjacent area. Key words: Morphostructural analysis, active tectonics, Sudetic Marginal Fault, Hřibovská hornatina Mts.

Stavba-Prostor-Město "Dostavba městského bloku" / Structure-Space-City "Urban block completion"

Czapek, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the creation of a design of a new apartmen building in the city of Brno on the plot expected to be completed by the city block. Typologically it deals with the current design possibilities of gallery apartment buildings / porch houses, implementation of space-demanding grocery stores and commercial areas into urban structures. Architecturally explores the possibilities of designing new constructions with citation of architectural language a tectonics of past styles.

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