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Pasientsignalsystemet : Koordinering mellom pleiere før og etter innføring av nytt trådløst system for mottak og håndtering av pasientsignal / The Nurse Call System : Coordination amongst Nurses before and after the introduction of a wireless Nurse Call SystemHøyte, Helene January 2010 (has links)
<p>Det er på St. Olavs hospital og enkelte andre norske sykehus blitt innført trådløst system for mottak av pasientsignal. I tillegg bygger man om hele St. Olavs hospital, og sykehuset holder på å flytte sine avdelinger over i nye korridorer. Dette betyr at det vil foregå forandringer for ansatte som jobber på sykehuset. Sykepleiere og hjelpepleiere er noen av de som vil merke forskjellen, siden disse jobber fast på de avdelingene som skal flyttes. Denne oppgaven tar for seg det gamle og det nye pasientsignalsystemet, og ser på bruken av disse systemene. Den vil også ta for seg om det er mulig å gjøre pasientsignalsystemet enda bedre, og eventuelt hvilke endringer som er nødvendig å få dette til. Jeg har først studert artikler og dokumenter som er relevant for dette studiet. Jeg har så brukt metoder som intervju og observasjon for å kunne gjøre meg opp en mening selv om hvordan pasientsignalsystemet fungerer og burde fungere i praksis. Jeg har til slutt funnet en konklusjon på hvordan systemet kan bli enda bedre.</p>
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Innføring av EUs datalagringsdirektiv : Forslag til teknisk og administrativ løsning for innsamling og bruk av elektroniske kommunikasjonsdata / Inducing EU's Data Retention Directive : Proposal for a technical and administrative solution for collecting and using electronical communications dataHove, Marianne January 2010 (has links)
<p>Europa-parlamentets og Rådet for Den Europeiske Unions direktiv av 15.mars 2006 ("Datalagringsdirektivet"), er utgangspunktet for dette arbeidets forslag til en teknisk og administrativ modell for innsamling og bruk av elektroniske kommunikasjonsdata. Datalagringsdirektivet krever at alle tilbydere av elektronisk kommunikasjon skal lagre trafikkdata som oppstår ved anvendelse av elektroniske kommunikasjonstjenester som fasttelefoni, mobiltelefoni, bredbåndstelefoni, internettaksess og e-post, og som kan identifisere lokasjon, bruker og utstyr som benyttes. Dataene skal lagres fra minst seks måneder og opptil to år. En innføring av direktivet betyr at en ny lagringsløsning, enten lokalt hos hver tilbyder, en sentral fellesløsning eller en mellomløsning må etableres. Dataene som lagres skal lagres separat fra data som brukes til fakturering av brukere av elektronisk kommunikasjon og samtrafikk. Nytteverdien kontra mulige negative effekter på personvernet en innføring av direktivet vil medføre, debatteres mellom politiet, politikere og interesseorganisasjoner. Dette arbeidet beskriver en lagringsløsning som tar utgangspunkt i standarder for håndtering av informasjonssikkerhet og rammeverk for lagring av trafikkdata samt dagens praksis for uthenting og bruk av elektroniske kommunikasjonsdata, og det settes opp en rekke krav og brukerscenarier for løsningen. Kravene er både administrative og tekniske, og brukerscenariene viser hvilke funksjoner den nye lagringsløsningen skal støtte. Det antas at dataene lagres kryptert, og nye mekanismer for søk i, uthenting og bruk av data må opprettes. Flere kryptoalgoritmer som støtter effektive søk i databaser, uten å avsløre søkestrengen eller resultatets innhold i klartekst har blitt vurdert. Dette arbeidets presenterte forslag til en ny lagringsmodell ble basert på Hidden-Vector Encryption (HVE). HVE bruker offentlig nøkkel-kryptografi for aksesskontroll og baserer søk i en kryptert database på predikater. Den skjuler til en hver tid innhold i søkestreng og resultat, som kun kan dekrypteres ved besittelse og bruk av en skjult, privat nøkkel. Sikkerheten og kostnadene for den presenterte modellen har blitt vurdert, og modellen med bruk av HVE ble sammenlignet med en ukryptert databaseløsning. Løsningen ble også evaluert med tanke på misbruk av data gjennom innsideangrep.</p>
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News Distribucation : Channel Dynamics RevisitedHagen, Magnus Hoem January 2006 (has links)
<p>Today, media companies seek to utilize a set of channels. We have taken a systems approach to these companies channelsthat is, the different channels interact dynamically to form a products whole. The report deals with channel systems consisting of print, online and mobile channels. We have identified community services as a major driving force in pushing the print/online channel system towards a steady state. Community services have enabled what we call mature online services. These emergent services are characterized by a differentiation process; they have channel specific facilities, tailored for that particular channels form factors, habit factors, media type support, level of interactivity, etc. Our case studies indicate that as a products properties get more mutually differentiated, it becomes possible to design emergent channel systems based on complementarities. Lesernes storbytips, our first case study, illustrates how such cross-channel designs can be achieved in real products, based on a system consisting of a print and an online channel. Throughout the report, we have argued that complementary thinking in some cases contrasts existing views; most notably, a view characterized by substitution. So far, the introduction of a mobile channel has, at least as far as news organizations are concerned, been characterized by substitution rather than complementation. We want to follow our complementation credo when a mobile channel is present in the system as well. In our report, this is applied in the second case study. Here, we explore a community music service similar to Myspace and NRKs Urørt, only with a different set of channels. The result is a channel system that forms an enclosed circle from the user and back. One might claim that the deployment of the mobile channeland channel systems in generalare coloured by organizational structures. News companies have established subsidiaries to run new media businesses. A separated new media organization has undoubtedly helped in maturing online news sites, and we obviously do not want this process reversed, as differentiated properties are the main foundation for cross-channel complementation designs. Nevertheless, this report is pervaded with the view that a more overall, integrated, process is favourable for channel strategies, especially as new channels are added to the system and they become more complex.</p>
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Adding Security to Web Services : An Automatic, Verifiable, and Centralized Mechanism for Web Services Input ValidationBrekken, Lars Arne, Åsprang, Rune Frøysa January 2006 (has links)
<p>Accepting unvalidated input is considered today's greatest web security threat. This master's thesis addresses that threat by proposing an automatic and centralized mechanism for validating web services input. By building on existing web services standards, the proposed solution intercepts incoming web service requests and validates them against a security policy. A major design goal for this work was to realize web services input validation without modifying existing functionality. That is, the input validation security mechanism should be added out of code. This is achieved by keeping the web services and the validation mechanism separate. Input validation configuration is accomplished by modifying a configuration file. Even when the validation mechanism logic is correct, it may not function as intended. Such anomalies are in most cases caused by human-introduced errors in the configuration file, resulting in the need for a configuration file verification tool. This thesis proposes a verification tool that quantifies the level of security by analyzing the configuration file.</p>
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Permanent Storage Development for the J2EE Public Service at CERNHolmestad, Ola January 2007 (has links)
<p>This Master thesis develops two solutions enabling permanent file storage for the J2EE Public Service at CERN by the use of Slide, a Java implementation of the IETF WebDAV protocol for distributed authoring and versioning. Permanent storage development has been a requested feature for the J2EE Public Service since the startup in 2005, and in this thesis two libraries are investigated concerning how well they suit the J2EE Public Service environment, namely Jakarta Slide and Jakarta VFS. After research and test implementations, it is found that Slide performs well enough to be used in the future development of such a feature, while VFS does not because of adaption problems to the CERN environment. On the basis of the research, two different solutions are implemented. The first solution is a stand-alone class that can be used for simple file/retrieval by providing specific methods for use by web application authors. After evaluation, this library is found to have several problems, especially concerning the missing transparency for the authors and no support for file hierarchy. The final solution is for this reason a re-implementation of the classes in Java that deals with file I/O, which provides a transparent and secure way of doing retrieval and storage from the J2EE Public Service.</p>
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Intelligent layer 2 switching by CE-antsAntolí, Oriol January 2007 (has links)
<p>Living in Information Society, we always want to improve the networks to get more reliability, more bit rate, less ping. CE ant Layer 2 systems appear in order to change the concept of usual centralized networks, where the control is centralized and paths are decided before to start the transmission (with the consequent impossibility of balance the load). Layer 2 networks provide fast forwarding of packets from one link to another, without checking IP direction and avoiding to use some error corrections (like in Layer 3 networks), so they do not spend time in too much things, this is the reason because we use Layer 2 networks. The main aim for this work has been to study CE ant systems in Layer 2 networks and ameliorate the behaviours that can be improved by simulations of previous theoretical study. After 4 proposals studied, two of them have been discarded and other two have been confirmed as improvements. These improvements let us to use two different cost functions (for different environments of the network) in order to decide the optimal path.</p>
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Using GSM SIM Authentication in VPNsBjørnstad, Torstein January 2007 (has links)
<p>With the growth of the Internet a lot of different services has emerged. These services are often accompanied by some kind of security system. Since most of these services are stand-alone systems, a whole range of different authentication systems have been developed. Each using one of several kinds of authentication, with one or more proofs of identity. The SIM card used in mobile phones is an identifying token, containing strong authentication mechanisms. If services could utilize the SIM for authentication it would provide both a more secure solution, in addition to increased simplicity for the user. This master thesis builds on a project that investigated how the security properties of a system can be improved by adding an extra factor to the authentication process - something the user has, or more specifically the GSM SIM card. That project concluded by suggesting an overall design for a VPN Authentication System based on the security mechanisms in GSM. This thesis continues that work by analyzing that design, and describing the implementation of a prototype utilizing the mechanisms available.</p>
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Business Analysis of Communication and IT Service PortfoliosRee, Tormod Ingridsønn January 2007 (has links)
<p>The last decades in the communication and IT industry have been influenced by the introduction of numerous new business actors and technological systems. They have brought with them a wide variety of business actors operating on different levels of the value chain, or together in complex value constellations. Old platform specific standards have started to fade away, and new platforms with more streamlined layers have appeared. These new platforms are part of the Next Generation Network (NGN). Services of this network utilize a number of service enablers. The new service platforms deliver services to the end user as a set of service portfolios. The new NGN communication and IT services are heterogeneous in two ways; technologically and business-wise. Technologically, they consist of pervasive and ubiquitous services, run by heterogeneous and distributed service platforms. Business-wise, multiple business actors with a variety of business models cooperate to produce the services. Valuation of these new heterogeneous NGN communication and IT services has proved to be challenging. Forecasting of demand and acceptance is difficult due to limited historical experience. The interacting business actors and their variety of business actors also bring with them conflicts of interest. In addition to the challenge of getting their technical systems to work together, they have to agree on a revenue share agreement to share the revenue from the co-produced services. The purpose of this thesis has been to perform a business analysis of a communication and IT service portfolio, with an emphasis on business actor positions and incentives. To make well informed investment decision regarding such service portfolios, it is vital to valuate the projects quantitatively. To account for and compare different business situations and market development, scenarios are used. These scenarios need to describe business actor relations and strategies. This thesis proposes a quantitative model framework (CF model) for the analysis of a communication and IT service portfolio. The model is based on the work of Langøygard (2006) and Zoric & Lassen (2005). Relevant technical and economic theory is researched to provide a sound background for the model. Two new aspects are included in the model; bargaining power and revenue share. The model developed evaluates a content provisioning portfolio, where the bargaining power of the content providers is important to the outcome of the project. This bargaining power is important because it decides the price of the service enablers provided by the content providers. The revenue share agreement is important because it decides each business actors share of the revenue from the services sold, and because it affects the incentives of all business actors. A proof-of-concept test is conducted to test the functionality of the model and to investigate the profitability of the service portfolio subject to valuation. The test shows that the model functions as intended, accounting for aspects such as user acceptance, demand, market development, and the relation between business actors. The results from the model suggest that the valuated service portfolio is profitable to all business actors for most of the market developments. The results also show that the content providers are better off when their concentration is low and when they have built up barriers to entry by participating in the service platform cooperation. This is because these factors increase their bargaining power and enables them to charge a higher mark up over marginal cost. This higher mark up more than outweighs the costs of participating in the service platform. The model results also show that a solution acceptable to most business actors can be reached with most of the scenarios. The scenarios include a net present value threshold for some business actors to account for strategic considerations. The new revenue share functionality has to redistribute the revenue in some of the original solutions to reach a feasible solution. Furthermore, the new revenue share functionality is shown to align the incentives of the participating business actors.</p>
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Mobile Supplicant for SIM AuthenticationHolje, Håvard January 2007 (has links)
<p>This Master’s thesis proposes a solution for utilizing the GSM SIM to authenticate users to distributed services accessed through the mobile terminal. By combining the GSM SIM authentication mechanisms with the EAP-SIM framework we achieve mutual authentication between the parties. By combining the fact that the GSM SIM is a tamper resistant Smart Card, and that users have to present a valid PIN to activate the system, we have also achieved strong two-factor authentication that fulfils the highest security level defined by NIST. The proposed system is secure, easy to use and inexpensive, because most of the components needed already exist in the GSM network today. Existing strong user authentication systems for mobile handsets require several devices to be able to offer secure services. The proposed system only requires one device, namely the mobile handset which the user is carrying anyway. The only user interaction required is typing the PIN. The authors’ major contribution to the proposed system is the Supplicant, residing on the mobile handset and communicating with the SIM through the SATSA-APDU interface. By running the Supplicant as a local proxy on the mobile handset, it is able to communicate with all kinds of client applications supporting HTTP, e.g. mobile browsers, J2ME MIDlets and native applications. A prototype implementing several of the components in the proposed system has been developed. Unfortunately, due to several reasons, the prototype cannot be deployed on a real mobile handset today’s date. We are missing the necessarily certificate required to get access to the SIM and neither of today’s mobile handsets support all the functionality needed. However, the prototype has been implemented successfully on a PC running the Wireless Toolkit from Sun, which simulates the SIM environment. Based on results from this thesis, the author has written the paper "A Unified Authentication Solution for Mobile Services". The paper was accepted and published on the ERCIM workshop on eMobility in Coimbra, Portugal, on May 2007.</p>
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Rate Adaptive Video Streaming over Wireless Networks : Explained & ExploredHaukaas, Torgeir January 2007 (has links)
<p>In the search for improved methods of transporting real time video and VoIP over the Internet, new rate control mechanisms need to be developed and standardized. Ongoing research in the field has led to several new protocol suggestions. This thesis covers simulations of rate adaptive video transfers over wireless networks using one of them, TCP-Friendly Rate Control (TFRC). It is known that both TCP and TFRC have performance issues in wireless networks because their rate controllers react to random packet error as if it were congestion. On the other hand, UDP as used today for many real-time services, endanger the health of the network with unfair occupation of network resources. Moreover, the shared medium topology of many wireless networks add significant delay to the data transport. Through the use of ns-2 and Evalvid-RA, several simulation scenarios have been formed to illustrate how these problems affect real-time video as perceived by a wireless end user. The simulations illustrate the missing inter- and intra-flow fairness of UDP, reveal protocol and implementation vulnerabilities of TFRC, and show a remarkable delay caused by the IEEE 802.11b networks. The thesis also includes a study of past and current protocol refinement proposals and suggestions to novel re-design. The study reveals that the variety of proposals form an information stream that is difficult to follow, a scarcity of problem domain overview and decisive variations in the problem definition.</p>
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