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1001 |
Využití TOC a RPZ při zdokonalování řízení malé společnosti / Utilization of TOC an RPZ for improvement of small business managementHora, Jan January 2009 (has links)
This thesis focuses on creating an testing useful methodology for small business with multiproject environment in practice using principles of theory of constraints and potential for improvement. Small firms have their specific characteristics, therefore aplication of any methodology blindly is not appropriate -- it is necessary to adjust chosen methodology to suit needs of small business. For the small business it is ideal to apply theory of improving performance on the basis of improvement potential, which is based on theory of constraints (TOC) and use theory of constraints (as such) as complement. First of all, it is necessary to analyze chosen firm (for this thesis it will be typical firm) then apply methodology for such firm (on the basis of learning common characteristics, that are common to all small firms of this type) and verify the results afterwards. This thesis describes proper procedure that utilizes both potential for improvement (with emphasis on real potential for improvement) and general. The procedure (or let us say methodology) is verified and its effect on effectiveness of small business management is confirmed in. Thesis also focuses on assigning criteria for evaluation of metodology application succesfulness, and on evaluating results of application of this metodology in typical firm (using above mentioned evaluation kriteria).
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Analýza problémů zemí Jižního křídla EMU a přistoupení ČR do Eurozóny / Analysis of problems of South wing countries of EMU and Ireland from the optimum currency area point of view and application on Czech RepublicMichailidis, Dimitrios January 2010 (has links)
This thesis focuses on analysis of current problems of so called "South wing countries" of EMU and Ireland (countries which are being called "PIIGS") from the theory of optimum currency area point of view. It uses the static and dynamic version of the theory as a framework for analyzing the problems of internal and external imbalance within those countries and mainly the connection between current accounts deficits, high level of private and public debts, loss of competitiveness in international trade and high percent of unemployment. The thesis comes with a conclusion that the main factors behind the crisis were inflation and inflation expectations which then through different inflation differentials created asymmetric shocks in monetary policy. This inflation differential phenomenon is described in Walters critique and with other theories creates the basis of analytical part. In the appendix it assesses the readiness of Czech Republic for accepting the euro, based on the analysis made in this thesis.
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Využití teorie extrémních hodnot při řízení operačních rizik / Extreme Value Theory in Operational Risk ManagementVojtěch, Jan January 2009 (has links)
Currently, financial institutions are supposed to analyze and quantify a new type of banking risk, known as operational risk. Financial institutions are exposed to this risk in their everyday activities. The main objective of this work is to construct an acceptable statistical model of capital requirement computation. Such a model must respect specificity of losses arising from operational risk events. The fundamental task is represented by searching for a suitable distribution, which describes the probabilistic behavior of losses arising from this type of risk. There is a strong utilization of the Pickands-Balkema-de Haan theorem used in extreme value theory. Roughly speaking, distribution of a random variable exceeding a given high threshold, converges in distribution to generalized Pareto distribution. The theorem is subsequently used in estimating the high percentile from a simulated distribution. The simulated distribution is considered to be a compound model for the aggregate loss random variable. It is constructed as a combination of frequency distribution for the number of losses random variable and the so-called severity distribution for individual loss random variable. The proposed model is then used to estimate a fi -nal quantile, which represents a searched amount of capital requirement. This capital requirement is constituted as the amount of funds the bank is supposed to retain, in order to make up for the projected lack of funds. There is a given probability the capital charge will be exceeded, which is commonly quite small. Although a combination of some frequency distribution and some severity distribution is the common way to deal with the described problem, the final application is often considered to be problematic. Generally, there are some combinations for severity distribution of two or three, for instance, lognormal distributions with different location and scale parameters. Models like these usually do not have any theoretical background and in particular, the connecting of distribution functions has not been conducted in the proper way. In this work, we will deal with both problems. In addition, there is a derivation of maximum likelihood estimates of lognormal distribution for which hold F_LN(u) = p, where u and p is given. The results achieved can be used in the everyday practices of financial institutions for operational risks quantification. In addition, they can be used for the analysis of a variety of sample data with so-called heavy tails, where standard distributions do not offer any help. As an integral part of this work, a CD with source code of each function used in the model is included. All of these functions were created in statistical programming language, in S-PLUS software. In the fourth annex, there is the complete description of each function and its purpose and general syntax for a possible usage in solving different kinds of problems.
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Improvement of digital support process using ITIL best practices, Kanban and TOC in multicultural environment / Vylepšení procesu digitální podpory použitím osvědčených postupů přístupem ITIL, Kanban a TOC v multikulturním prostředíKrálik, Miroslav January 2013 (has links)
Many companies today have to deal with business processes optimization, ongoing removal of system obstacles and identifying any bottlenecks laying on the way which are preventing us to reach our goals. I would like to show how we have dealt with similar problems in our case applied in the department of web application maintenance. In the first chapter I will introduce the basic information about the history, environment the company operate in and maintenance activities which are part of the process. Following with description all of the system obstacles and bottlenecks identified in the process and possible solutions or improvements for their elimination. In the last chapter I will present the achieved results after my executing of the proposed improvements and if the expectations have been met or not and what positive or negative influence it has brought.
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Vliv problému pána a správce na vznik finanční krize / The impact of the principal-agent problem on the genesis of the global financial crisisMach, Milan January 2013 (has links)
The core focus of this thesis is the principal-agent problem and its role in the outbreak of the 2007 financial crisis. Analysis of key elements of the problem like moral hazard and adverse selection lays foundations for identifying situations, in which conflict of interests led to negative impacts on the economic performance before and during the financial crisis. This work also studies the influence of factors that are often overlooked by theoretical economists but are still tightly connected to the principal-agent problem, like exogenous incentives based on the mechanism of trust. The author also evaluates mechanisms that have been put into place after the financial crisis and which could help lower agency costs. He also sketches out possible venues of future research in this area.
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Využití matematického modelování v oblasti sociálních sítí / Use of mathematical modeling in social networksKříž, Jan January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this work is to create a functional specification of mobile application newly emerging asocial network for generating meetings with friends. Generating will be divided into two phases. In the first phase, we will use a mathematical model which will generate appointments with those friends that the user meets the least. In the second phase, we will use a mathematical model and multi-criteria decision making process for invitation of maximum number of friends to this meeting. Using graph theory, we will develope an algorithm which will optimize the computing system over all its users. And finally, we will define functionality for meeting friends in partner establishments in the city, which will use the principle of finding the shortest path.
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Socioekonomická analýza správních obvodů hl. m. Prahy / Socio-economic analysis of administrative districts of PragueBudíková, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
Socio-economic analysis of administrative districts of Prague, namely Prague 1-22, is carried out by MasterCard method, an aggregate index, created from defined indicators of social and economic areas. Indicators are given a specific weight. The aim of the analysis and of the whole work is to find out which administrative districts of the capital Prague benefit from the biggest socio-economic development, which is because of availability and comparability of data analyzed for the years 2008 and 2012.
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Překlad německého odborného textu ve vysokoškolské jazykové výuce / Translation of a German Professional Text Used at University Level Foreign Language TeachingMichňová, Iva January 2011 (has links)
Nowadays knowing professional language is an essential part of professional success and career growth for university graduates majoring in non-philological studies. The aim of this dissertation is to contribute to further enhancement and efficiency of foreign language teaching at university level. Based on the theoretical background and confirmation of hypotheses, the paper describes and explains why it is appropriate to include, in addition to training of basic language skills (passive: listening comprehension, reading comprehension, active: speaking and writing) an extra fifth skill: translating into the mother tongue. Undoubtedly, the translating skill helps to improve receptive and productive skills necessary for working with academic text and to facilitate better use of information sources; at the same time, this skill is desirable in corporate practice and in academia. This paper deals with methods of foreign language teaching from both diachronic and synchronous perspectives, with emphasis on the application of translation. It analyses the role of translation in teaching using a specific example; it provides analysis of professional style and some features of professional text; it justifies the importance of translation into the mother tongue; it deals with selected problems of the theory, practice and didactics of translation. The research part is based on quantitative and qualitative analysis of students' translations. It confirms the hypotheses that students have difficulty in translating into the mother tongue and in using various sources of information, and that guidance on how to proceed in translating has a positive influence on them. The research part is followed by some suggestions for specific methodologies and exercises that may be used to integrate translating into professional language teaching at university level, namely for graduates majoring in non-philological studies. The suggestions are based on the author's research results; naturally, they are focused on eliminating possible inaccuracies and mistakes, and also on developing desirable skills.
1009 |
Pravidla hry: kritické hry a teorie na poli mezinárodních vztahů / Rules of the Game: Critical Games and Critical Theories of International RelationsFormánek, Václav January 2010 (has links)
The main goal od critical theories of international relations is to help to achieve more universal freedom and equality in the world. Critical theorists use different kinds of strategies to achieve this goal. Persuasive popularization by critical videogames is one those strategies. Author analyzes different strategies of such persuasion. He also designs own concept of critical game. The goal of this game is to present main ideas of critical theories to the general public in the most precise but still understandable way. Autor wants to show the potential of videogames for popularization of critical theories.
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EU jako mírová mocnost? Mise EUFOR Althea v Bosně a Hercegovině / EU as power for peace? Mission EUFOR Althea in Bosnia and HerzegovinaKrálová, Barbora January 2012 (has links)
This paper presents the role theory and the role conception power for peace which was created for the European Union on the basis of its values, norms and rules. Five criteria that define power for peace were applied to the peace mission EUFOR Althea in Bosnia and Herzegovina. After verification of all criteria it was proved that the EU has acted as power for peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina and it has therefore fulfilled its role conception.
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