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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hotel / Hotel

Belatka, Martin January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis solves a hotel in Třebíč, street Svabinského. The hotel is designed as four-storey, building with a basement, with warm flat roof over the fourth floor and terrace on the fourth floor. The hotel has 20 rooms with a total capacity of 44 persons. In the hotel is a restaurant for guests hotel. External walls in basement are made of concrete blocks. External walls in above-ground floors are made of brick blocks Heluz with external thermal insulation. Plot is planar. Part of the design is thermal assessment, accustic assessment and fire safery assessment.

Horský hotel / Mountain Hotel

Lukeš, Petr January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to design a mountain hotel in the Malenovice village. The object is placed on a sloping plot located in an attractive area of Moravian-Silesian Beskydy. The mountain hotel has 4 floors and a basement. In the First floor There is a restaurant with a terrace, space for staff and also the accommodation part. In the second and third floor we can find guest rooms and rooms for the hotel staff. In the basement there is wellness, a gym and a conference room. Here se can also find space for staff service. The constructional systém is made of ceramic bricks filled with mineral isolation.

Polyfunkční dům / Multifunctional Building

Teplý, Jan January 2017 (has links)
The dissertation contains the project and working out of the designing documentation for execution of a multifunctional building. The project deals with a new multifunctional building in the marginal part of the Olomouc city. The object is a brick building with no cellar and four above-ground floors. The ground plan of the building is regular and mainly rectangular. There are balconies at the corner and in the middle of the eastern part of building in above-ground floors. The last floor is partially receding and there are two terraces here. There is the flat roof construction. The horizontal and vertical supporting and non-supporting constructions are suggested from the Heluz´s brick system. There are three places of business on the ground floor and ten flats on the above-ground floors. The building site has a plane terrain.

Bytový dům, Boskovice / Apartment house, Boskovice

Veverka, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
The work deals with the design and development of the design documentation of an apartment building situated in the cadastral area of the town of Boskovice. The documentation contains all the requirements according to the valid regulations. The designed four-floor apartment building is situated in gently sloping terrain. There are 13 flats in this apartment building. A balcony or a terrace belong to each of the flats. From the ground floor apartments there is an entrance to the garden. The flats are designed to meet the requirements of the present day. There is a car park in front of the buiding. The vertical loadbearing structures are lined with clay blocks. The building is covered with a one-layer coating flat roof with a load-bearing layer of monolithic reinforced concrete boards. The insulation of the building is provided by a contact thermal insulation system. Fire safety, energy saving and thermal protection is ensured.

Геоморфолошке одлике Доњег Поморавља и Смедеревског Подунавља / Geomorfološke odlike Donjeg Pomoravlja i Smederevskog Podunavlja / Geomorphologic characteristics of Donje Pomoravlje and Smederevo's Podunavlje

Miladinović Slobodan 24 May 2007 (has links)
<p>Дoлина Велике Мораве лежи у средишњем делу Балканског полуострва. Она се<br />простире у граничној зони између Родопско-шумадијске области на западу и<br />Карпатско-балканске области на истоку. На северу је широко отворена према<br />Панонском басену, а на југу се везује за долину Јужне Мораве. Оваквим положајем&nbsp;чини природни мост који повезује средњу Европу са Средоземним басеном на југу.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br />У долини Велике Мораве могу да се издвоје две морфолошке целине: горње и доње&nbsp;поморавље између којих се налази Багрданско сужење.&nbsp;Горњи део чини пространа параћинско-јагодинска котлина. На југу ова котлина,&nbsp;преко Ражањске преседлине, везује се са Алексиначком котлином док је на&nbsp;југозападу&nbsp;долина Западне Мораве спаја са Крушевачком котлином.&nbsp;Горњевеликоморавску долину са запада ограничавају планине Јухор и Црни врх, а са&nbsp;истока Буковик, Самањац Баба и западни обронци Кучајских планина.&nbsp;Багрданска клисура спаја Горњевеликоморавску долину са широком&nbsp;Доњевеликоморавском долином. Багрданско сужење одликује се стрмим странама,&nbsp;високим до 100 м.&nbsp; Најизразитији део клисуре је између села Ланиште и Багрдана.&nbsp;Ширина клисуре у најужем делу је 1,2 км, а идући ка Багрдану се постепено шири да&nbsp;би код Лапова достигла ширину од 4 км.&nbsp;Багрданска клисура је усечена у кристаластим шкрилацима. Западно од клисуре&nbsp;настављају се површи чија се просечна висина креће око 400, 500 и 600 м и чине&nbsp;саставни део крагујевачког Црног врха.&nbsp;На западној страни клисуре изражена је површ од 300 м која се простире до подножја<br />Србијанских Карпата.<br />У својим разматрањима Ј. Цвијић (1909.) означава површи око Багрданске&nbsp; клисуре&nbsp;као облике створене абразијом Панонског мора. Б. Јовановић (1969) сматра да су клисури терасе настале радом различитих сила. Терасе на странама клисуре су ерозивне, усечене у кристаласте шкрињце и терасе на дну клисуре створене су акумулацијом. Доњевеликопоморавље почиње од Багрданског сужења па до ушћа Велике Мораве у Дунав. Источни и западни обод ове простране долине, чини површ, изграђена од терцијалних седимената, чија просечна надморска висина износи око 200 м. По Цвијићу (1909) у доњем Поморављу развијена су два нивоа површи, висине око 300 м надморске висине који одговара Рипањској површи и нижи око 200 м, који би одговарао Пиносавској површи. Објашњавајући генезу ових површи Ј. Цвијић (1909) истиче да су површи абразионог порекла. Значајан допринос морфограском изучавању доњег дела долине Велике Мораве дао је Б.Ж. Милојевић (1951). На основу његових запажања издвојио је шест нивоа тераса: од 72-84; 64-60-56; 40-42-44; 20; 10-12 и 3 м релативне висине. Терасе су по Б.Ж. Милојевићу стваране флувијалном ерозијом. И каснија истраживања Б.П. Јовановића (1969) потврђују да су терасе и падови, како их он назива, створени флувијалном ерозијом, али се разликује у броју тераса и висини.</p><p>По широкој и пространој долини ток Велике Мораве непрекидно меандрира и приближава се левој и десној долинској страни. Алувијална раван богата је мртвајама, стирогама, рукавцима и сл. Ови елементи потврђују да је ушла у завршну фазу свог геоморфолошког развића.</p> / <p>Dolina Velike Morave leži u središnjem delu Balkanskog poluostrva. Ona se<br />prostire u graničnoj zoni između Rodopsko-šumadijske oblasti na zapadu i<br />Karpatsko-balkanske oblasti na istoku. Na severu je široko otvorena prema<br />Panonskom basenu, a na jugu se vezuje za dolinu Južne Morave. Ovakvim položajem&nbsp;čini prirodni most koji povezuje srednju Evropu sa Sredozemnim basenom na jugu.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br />U dolini Velike Morave mogu da se izdvoje dve morfološke celine: gornje i donje&nbsp;pomoravlje između kojih se nalazi Bagrdansko suženje.&nbsp;Gornji deo čini prostrana paraćinsko-jagodinska kotlina. Na jugu ova kotlina,&nbsp;preko Ražanjske presedline, vezuje se sa Aleksinačkom kotlinom dok je na&nbsp;jugozapadu&nbsp;dolina Zapadne Morave spaja sa Kruševačkom kotlinom.&nbsp;Gornjevelikomoravsku dolinu sa zapada ograničavaju planine Juhor i Crni vrh, a sa&nbsp;istoka Bukovik, Samanjac Baba i zapadni obronci Kučajskih planina.&nbsp;Bagrdanska klisura spaja Gornjevelikomoravsku dolinu sa širokom&nbsp;Donjevelikomoravskom dolinom. Bagrdansko suženje odlikuje se strmim stranama,&nbsp;visokim do 100 m.&nbsp; Najizrazitiji deo klisure je između sela Lanište i Bagrdana.&nbsp;Širina klisure u najužem delu je 1,2 km, a idući ka Bagrdanu se postepeno širi da&nbsp;bi kod Lapova dostigla širinu od 4 km.&nbsp;Bagrdanska klisura je usečena u kristalastim škrilacima. Zapadno od klisure&nbsp;nastavljaju se površi čija se prosečna visina kreće oko 400, 500 i 600 m i čine&nbsp;sastavni deo kragujevačkog Crnog vrha.&nbsp;Na zapadnoj strani klisure izražena je površ od 300 m koja se prostire do podnožja<br />Srbijanskih Karpata.<br />U svojim razmatranjima J. Cvijić (1909.) označava površi oko Bagrdanske&nbsp; klisure&nbsp;kao oblike stvorene abrazijom Panonskog mora. B. Jovanović (1969) smatra da su klisuri terase nastale radom različitih sila. Terase na stranama klisure su erozivne, usečene u kristalaste škrinjce i terase na dnu klisure stvorene su akumulacijom. Donjevelikopomoravlje počinje od Bagrdanskog suženja pa do ušća Velike Morave u Dunav. Istočni i zapadni obod ove prostrane doline, čini površ, izgrađena od tercijalnih sedimenata, čija prosečna nadmorska visina iznosi oko 200 m. Po Cvijiću (1909) u donjem Pomoravlju razvijena su dva nivoa površi, visine oko 300 m nadmorske visine koji odgovara Ripanjskoj površi i niži oko 200 m, koji bi odgovarao Pinosavskoj površi. Objašnjavajući genezu ovih površi J. Cvijić (1909) ističe da su površi abrazionog porekla. Značajan doprinos morfograskom izučavanju donjeg dela doline Velike Morave dao je B.Ž. Milojević (1951). Na osnovu njegovih zapažanja izdvojio je šest nivoa terasa: od 72-84; 64-60-56; 40-42-44; 20; 10-12 i 3 m relativne visine. Terase su po B.Ž. Milojeviću stvarane fluvijalnom erozijom. I kasnija istraživanja B.P. Jovanovića (1969) potvrđuju da su terase i padovi, kako ih on naziva, stvoreni fluvijalnom erozijom, ali se razlikuje u broju terasa i visini.</p><p>Po širokoj i prostranoj dolini tok Velike Morave neprekidno meandrira i približava se levoj i desnoj dolinskoj strani. Aluvijalna ravan bogata je mrtvajama, stirogama, rukavcima i sl. Ovi elementi potvrđuju da je ušla u završnu fazu svog geomorfološkog razvića.</p> / <p>The valley of Velika Morava river lies in the central part of the Balkan peninsula. It extends&nbsp;in the border area between the Rodoposko &ndash; Sumadijski region in the west and the Karpatsko&nbsp;&ndash; Balkanski region in the east. It&rsquo;s northern part is wide open toward the Pannonia Basin,&nbsp;and it&rsquo;s southern part connects with the Juzna Morava valley. And because of this position,<br />Velika Morava&rsquo;s valley makes a natural bond between Central Europe and&nbsp; Mediterranean&nbsp;Basin.&nbsp;In the Velika Morava&rsquo;s valley there are two morphological parts: Gornje (Upper) Pomoravlje&nbsp;and Donje (Lower) Pomoravlje, separated by the Bagrdan Narrow.&nbsp;Gornje Pomoravlje is composed by a vast Paracinsko &ndash; Jagodinska depression. In the south&nbsp;of this depression, through the Razanj beneath, it is connected with the depression of&nbsp;Aleksinac, and in the southwest, through the valley of Zapadna Morava, it is connected with&nbsp;the depression of Krusevac.&nbsp;Gornje Pomoravlje&rsquo;s valley is limited by the mountains Juhor and Crni Vrh in the west, and&nbsp;by Bukovnik, Samanjac Baba and the west hillside of the mountain Kucaj in the east.&nbsp;The Bagrdan Narrow connects the Gornje Pomoravlje&rsquo;s valley with the wide Donje&nbsp;Pomoravlje&rsquo;s valley. The major distinction of the Bagrdan Narrow are abrupt sides, up to&nbsp;100m high. The most peculiar part of the narrow passage is between the villages Laniste and&nbsp;Bagrdan. A minimum width of the narrow passage is 1,2 km, and as the narrow passage&nbsp;extends toward the Bagrdan village, it gets more and more wide, and near Lapovo the width<br />of the narrow passage reaches 4 km.&nbsp;The Bagrdan Narrow is cut into the crystal slates. West of the narrow passage there are&nbsp;surfaces, 400, 500 and 600m high, which are the component parts of the mountain Crni Vrh&nbsp;of Kragujevac. The most distinctive part in the west of the narrow passage is a surface of 300m, that extends up to the base of the Srbijanski Karpati mountain.</p><p>In it&rsquo;s consideration, J. Cvijic (1909) envisages that the surfaces around the Bagrdan Narrow are the forms created by the abrasion of the Pannonic Sea. B. Jovanovic (1969) considers terraces of the narrow passage result of the natural forces&rsquo; effect. Terraces on the side of the narrow passage are erosive and cut into crystal slates, and those in the bottom of it are created by the accumulation. Donjevelikopomoravlje extends from the Bagrdan Narrow to the mouth of the Velika Morava river in the Danube. The eastern and the western edge of this large valley is a surface made of tertiary sediments, whose average height above sea level is 200 m. According to Cvijic (1909) in Donje Pomoravlje exist two levels of surfaces, one 300m high, which corresponds to the surface of Ripanj, and the other, which would correspond to the surface of Pinosava. Explaining their genesis, J.Cvijic (1909) emphasizes that these surfaces have the abrasive origin. The important contribution to the morphological research of the lower part of Velika Morava&rsquo;s valley gave B.Z.Milojevic (1951). He marked six levels of terraces :72-84m high, 64-60-56m high, 40-42-44m high, 20m high, 10-12m high and 3m high (relative hight). According to B.Z.Milojevic those terraces are created by fluvial erosion. The later researches of B.P. Jovanovic (1969) conferm that terraces and declines are created by fluvial erosion, but they differ in number of terraces and in hight.</p><p>Throughout the vast valley, the course of Velika Morava meanders incessantly and gets close to both left and right valley side. Alluvium surface is rich in old riverbeds and old meanders. These elements confirm that this is the final phase of its geomorphological development.&nbsp;</p>

Společensko-kulturní centrum s radnicí v Kohoutovicích / Socio-cultural centre with townhall for the district Brno-Kohoutovice

Stiborová, Ivana January 2016 (has links)
Nowadays, we witness a crisis in the suburbs of Czech cities. Block of flats have expanded uncontrollably on the outskirts of cities and greedily bite off pieces of land. Hence this project represents a call for more proficient urban planning, rather than an architectural appeal. My main goal was to build as little as possible on the land in Kohoutovice. I believe that using free area around and above the existing supermarket can provide enough comfortable working space for everyone.

Polyfunkční dům / Mixed-use building

Volková, Markéta Unknown Date (has links)
The subject of this thesis is the development of a project documentation of a mixed-use building situated in Kroměříž. The building has four above-ground floors and a basement. In the basement there are cellars, a workshop, a warehouse, a technical room and an underground garage. On the first floor there are shops, café with the capacity of twenty people and a pharmacy. There are also two handicap accessible apartments. The second to fourth floors are made out of residential units of which there are eight. The roof structure is designed as a warm flat green roof or terrace. The external and internal vertical structures are made out of Heluz ceramic pieces. Horizontal structures are made out of reinforced concrete.

Novostavba bytového domu / Newly built Apartment house

Pícha, Libor January 2018 (has links)
Diploma thesis „ Newly bulit apartment house“ deals with a proposal of block of flats in Veselí nad Lužnicí. The block of flats has got four storeys with no celler, and is in a rectangle shape. It is independently built house on a flat terrain. Bricked construction consists of ceramic constructuion blocks Heluz and reinforced concrete ceilings. The building is based on foundation belts and is roofed by a single-coat flat roof. There are 29 housing units designed in the building.

Polyfunkční dům / Multi-functional Building

Kožina, Jan January 2018 (has links)
The subject of my diploma thesis is the design documentation for polyfunctional building and will be supplemented with a specialty from the air-conditioning branch. The building is situated in the town Velká Bíteš and it's located at 336/1 and 336/8 about the total area of 5110 m2. The building has a L-shaped ground plan consisting. Has got three above-ground floors with partial basement. The building is designed as masonry structure with sharpened clay blocks Porotherm 38 Profi with thickness 380 mm. The ceiling from structure prestressed concrete floor slab Spiroll. The roof of the building is suggested as a single-coated flat roof. The building is covered with a ventilated facade from fiber cement board and thermal insulation is mineral fibreglass insulation Isover Multimax. The building is located on the first floor of the fitness room, on the second floor are offices and on the third floor there are 4 flat.

Polyfunkčný dom so zdravotníckym strediskom / Multifunctional building with health centers

Mecko, Tomáš January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is a design of newly-built multifunctional building with a health centre in a cadaster unit of municipality of Smižany in a nascent development of apartment buildings and detached houses. It is a four-storey building, with partial basement, consisting of the basement and three above-ground storeys. On the first floor there is a small health centre with three ambulances and a pharmacy. The second and the third floor has a character of family living, where six flats are designed, and two of them are wheelchair accessible. In the basement there is localized underground garage for residents, warehouses and technical facilities of the building. Main load-bearing walls are founded by plain concrete foundation strips. Main load-bearing columns in the garage are founded by reinforced concrete foundation pads. The structural system of the basement consists of reinforced concrete load-bearing walls, columns, beams and floor slab. The structural system of the above-ground storeys consists of Porotherm clay blocks and the floor structures are designed by Porotherm ceramic fillers and beams. A roofing of the building is realized by a warm flat roof. Main entrances into the building are oriented to the north, respectively into to the west, the residential part of the building is oriented to the east, west and south.

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