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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Web-based self and peer assessment

Gauthier, Geneviève January 2004 (has links)
This study aims at measuring the impact of web-based self and peer assessment activities in a physics university level course. These assessment activities were integrated into a first year experimental physics course. Fifty seven students participated in the asynchronous self and peer assessment activities. Dependent variables included: measures of students' monitoring abilities, the use of peer assessment to reinforce self assessment and the degree to which students endorsed the activities. Due to missing data the repeated measure design had to be replaced by descriptive statistics. Data collected do not confirm a significant decrease in the number of errors made by students but they suggest decrease in specific types of errors. The study suggests that the self and peer assessments, even when they are similar in form, add to each other and provide users with useful information. However, student level of endorsement of the activity is not conclusive and key changes need to be discussed to improve the activity. / Cette étude vise à mesurer l’impact d’une activité d’autoévaluation et d’évaluation entre pairs dans une classe de première année de physique au niveau universitaire. Cette activité d’évaluation formative sur le Web a été intégrée à l’enseignement régulier dans le cadre d’un cours de physique expérimental de première année d’université. Cinquante sept étudiants ont participé aux exercices d’auto évaluation et d’évaluation entre pair de manière asynchrone sur le Web. Les variables dépendantes comprennent diverses mesures dont l’habilité de révision des étudiants, l’utilité et la complémentarité de l’évaluation entre pairs, ainsi que du degré d’appropriation de l’activité par les étudiants. Due au manque de données recueillies, le modèle de mesures répétées a été remplacé par des statistiques descriptives. Les données ne nous permettent pas de confirmer que les activités ont eu un impact significatif sur le nombre d’erreur et la performance des étudiants mais elles indiquent un effet positif sur certains types d’erreur. L’étude suggère aussi une complémentarité de l’autoévaluation avec l’évaluation entre pairs. Cependant l’appropriation de l’activité par les étudiants n’est pas conclusive et certains changements sont à envisager pour améliorer l’activité. fr

Issues and arguments in the measurement of second language pronunciation

Isaacs, Talia January 2011 (has links)
This thesis examines systematic sources of variance in raters' judgments of second (L2) language speech, including rater cognitive and experience variables, rating scale properties, and characteristics of the speech, in order to better understand influences on raters' scoring decisions. The thesis culminates in the development of an empirically-based L2 comprehensibility scale that describes, with greater precision, the quality of speech that is characteristic at different comprehensibility levels. Study 1 examines the effect of individual differences in raters' cognitive abilities on their ratings of L2 speech. Thirty music majors and 30 non-music majors rated 40 L2 speech samples for comprehensibility, accentedness, and fluency and were additionally assessed for musical ability, phonological memory, and attention control. Results showed that music majors assigned significantly lower ratings than non-music majors solely for accentedness, particularly for low ability learners. However, phonological memory and attention control did not influence their ratings.Study 2 examines the effects of two additional sources of variance—rating scale length and rater experience—on raters' judgments of L2 comprehensibility, accentedness, and fluency. Twenty experienced and 20 novice raters judged 38 L2 speech samples using 5-point or 9-point numerical rating scales. In addition, raters' perceptions of the rating process were elicited through verbal protocols and interviews. Results showed that experienced and novice raters achieved high consensus about the highest and lowest scoring L2 speakers but had difficulty differentiating between scale levels in the absence of guidance from the rating instrument. Finally, the goal of Study 3 was to construct an L2 comprehensibility scale rooted in raters' perspectives of influences on their judgments, and characteristics of the L2 speech. To this end, 19 speech measures used to analyze 40 L2 speech samples were examined in relation to 60 raters' mean L2 comprehensibility ratings and three ESL teachers' indications of their most salient scoring criteria. Overall, a wide range of measures contributed to listeners' comprehensibility judgments, with vocabulary and fluency measures distinguishing between low-level learners, grammatical and discourse-level measures distinguishing between high-level learners, and word stress distinguishing between all levels. Taken together, these papers advance our understanding of raters' perspectives in L2 pronunciation assessment. / Cette thèse examine les sources de variation systématique dans le jugement des évaluateurs de la production orale en langue seconde (L2)—incluant les variables cognitives et l'expérience des évaluateurs, les propriétés des échelles de compétences, et les caractéristiques du discours—afin de mieux comprendre les influences sur le jugement des évaluateurs. La thèse se termine par l'élaboration d'une échelle empirique de compréhensibilité en L2 qui décrit, avec plus de précision, la qualité linguistique qui caractérise des niveaux différents de compréhensibilité. La 1ère étude évalue l'impact des différences individuelles dans les capacités cognitives des évaluateurs sur leurs jugements de productions orales en L2. Trente étudiants faisant leur baccalauréat en musique et 30 étudiants inscrits à d'autres facultés ont évalué 40 échantillons d'un discours L2 en fonction de sa compréhensibilité, la perception de son accent, et sa fluidité. De plus, les participants ont été évalués pour leur aptitude musicale, leur mémoire phonologique, et leur contrôle de l'attention. Les résultats démontrent que les étudiants en musique évaluent le volet de la perception de l'accent des échantillons du discours de façon plus sévère, surtout pour les apprenants de L2 de faible niveau. Toutefois, la mémoire phonologique et le contrôle de l'attention n'exercent aucune influence sur l'évaluation des évaluateurs. La 2e étude examine les effets de deux sources de variation additionnelles—la longueur de l'échelle de compétence et l'expérience des évaluateurs—sur l'estimation des évaluateurs de la compréhensibilité, de la perception de l'accent, et de la fluidité du discours L2. Vingt évaluateurs expérimentés et 20 évaluateurs novices ont jugé 38 échantillons d'un discours L2 en utilisant des échelles numériques à 5-points ou à 9-points. De plus, le cheminement cognitif qui à mené les évaluateurs à leur choix de score ont été obtenues par des protocoles verbaux et des entretiens. Les résultats montrent que les évaluateurs expérimentés et novices sont parvenus à un consensus sur les échantillons de discours de plus haut niveau et de plus bas niveau, mais ont éprouvé des difficultés à différencier entre les niveaux de l'échelle en l'absence de directives de l'instrument. Enfin, l'objectif de la 3e étude vise à construire une échelle de compréhensibilité en L2 ancrée dans les commentaires des évaluateurs sur les facteurs qui ont influencés leurs jugements et, en fonction des caractéristiques du discours L2. À ces fins, 40 échantillons du discours L2, analysés au moyen de 19 mesures linguistiques, ont été examinés par rapport aux jugements de compréhensibilité de 60 évaluateurs, et par rapport aux critères d'évaluation de trois enseignants d'anglais langue seconde. Les résultats montrent qu'un grand éventail de mesures contribue aux jugements de compréhensibilité des évaluateurs. Les apprenants de bas niveau se différencient par le biais des mesures de vocabulaire et de fluidité tandis que les apprenants de haut niveau se différencient plutôt par les mesures de grammaire et de discours et enfin, l'accent de mot permet de différencier les apprenants de tous niveaux confondus. L'ensemble de ces résultats avancent notre compréhension des perspectives des évaluateurs dans l'évaluation de la prononciation.

Assessment for learning in a chinese university context: a mixed methods case study on english as a foreign language speaking ability

Song, Yang January 2012 (has links)
This study investigates the effectiveness of Assessment for Learning (AFL) in improving oral English skills and explores students' and teachers' perceptions of AFL. The study took place at a university in China and involved both students and teachers of English at the institution. Chinese university level students were reported to be facing difficulties in their oral skills learning and were not satisfied with the oral English instruction they were receiving because it is related too much to large-scale tests administered in China (He, 1999; Liao & Qin, 2000; Wen, 2001). Classroom-based assessment, known as the alternative assessment approach, has attracted increased interest from researchers since the end of the last century (Genesee & Upshur, 1996; Gipps 1999; Shepard, 2000; Turner, in press). One approach to classroom-based assessment, Assessment for Learning (AFL), has proved a significant influence on language performance by encouraging learners' participation, identifying learners' weaknesses, providing instructors with useful feedback for learners' further development, and turning learners into autonomous learners (Black & Wiliam, 1998ab; Black, Harrison, Lee, Marshall, & Wiliam, 2003; Winne & Butler, 1994; Topping, 2009). In this study, a mixed methods design incorporating both quantitative and qualitative methods (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2009) is used to examine the effectiveness of AFL and to explore teachers' (n = 9) and students' (n = 74) perceptions of AFL. There are three phases in this study: the preparation phase, and Phases One and Two. In the preparation phase, second year students' and their teachers' classroom interactions were observed to aid in the selection of participants for this study. In Phase One, teacher questionnaires, pre- and post-study student questionnaires, and three AFL tasks were employed and data were collected and analyzed quantitatively by using descriptive statistical analysis to determine the effectiveness of AFL. In Phase Two, teachers and students were interviewed to express their opinions about AFL. The interviews were translated from Chinese to English, transcribed and then analyzed using content analysis. The results from the three phases were integrated to interpret the findings of the research. The results indicate that AFL can effectively improve the oral English language learning skills of intermediate and high level students. Additionally, results of the study demonstrate that both teachers and students showed positive attitudes towards AFL. / Cette étude a pour but d'évaluer l'efficacité de "l'évaluation des apprentissages" (AFL) à améliorer les habiletés en anglais oral ainsi que la perception qu'ont les étudiants et les professeurs de l'AFL. Cette étude prend place dans une université de Chine et concerne des étudiants et des professeurs d'anglais dans cet institution. Les étudiants dans les universités chinoises ont été reporté ayant des difficultés dans leur capacités d'apprentissage orale et n'étaient pas satisfaits de l'enseignement qu'ils recevaient puisqu'il était trop orienté vers les tests à grande échelle administrés en Chine (He, 1999; Liao & Qin, 2000; Wen, 2001). Classroom-based assessment, connu comme étant l'approche alternative, a, depuis la fin du siècle dernier, de plus en plus attiré l'intérêt des chercheurs (Genesee & Upshur, 1996; Gipps 1999; Shepard, 2000; Turner, in press). Une approche du classroom-based assessment, l'évaluation des apprentissages (AFL), a été prouvé ayant une influence sur la performance linguistique en augmentant la participation de l'étudiant, en identifiant leurs faiblesses, en fournissant à l'instructeur de l'information utile pour le développement future de l'étudiant et en changeant la perception de l'étudiant pour en faire un étudiant autonome (Black & Wiliam, 1998ab; Black, Harrison, Lee, Marshall, & Wiliam, 2003; Winne & Butler, 1994; Topping, 2009). Dans cet étude, une méthode mixte incorporant des méthodes quantitatives et qualitatives (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2009) est utilisé pour étudier l'efficacité de l'AFL et explorer la perception des enseignants (n=9) et des étudiants (n=74) de l'AFL. Il y a trois phases dans cet étude : la phase de préparation et la phase un et deux. Dans la phase de préparation, les étudiants de deuxième année ainsi que l'interaction des enseignants avec leur classe pour aider à la sélection des participants à l'étude. Dans la phase un, les questionnaires des enseignants, les questionnaires des étudiants ex-ante et ex-post et trois tâches de l'AFL ont été employés et leur données ont été collectés et analysé quantitativement en utilisant une analyse statistique descriptive de façon à déterminer l'efficacité de l'AFL. Dans la phase deux, les enseignants et les étudiants ont été interviewés de façon à collecter leurs opinions sur l'AFL. Les interviews ont été traduits du chinois à l'anglais, ils ont été transcrits et leur contenu à par la suite été analysé. Les résultats des trois phases ont été intégrés de façon à pouvoir interpréter les résultats de l'étude. Les résultats indiquent que l'AFL peut en effet augmenter la capacité d'apprentissage de l'anglais oral des élèves de niveau intermédiaire et élevé. De plus, les résultats montrent que les enseignants et les étudiants réagissent positivement à l'ALF.

The Study of the Impact of Professional Learning Communities and Student Achievement

Phillips, Jori K. 26 July 2014 (has links)
<p> The purpose of this study was to determine if a difference existed between student learning, using the Missouri Assessment Program (MAP), and Professional Learning Community (PLC) implementation within fifth-grade populations in the state of Missouri. The following research questions were utilized to drive the research: What is the difference in MAP communication arts scores for fifth-grade students in Missouri districts that have adopted the Missouri PLC model as compared to those that have not adopted the Missouri PLC model? What is the difference in MAP math scores for fifth-grade students in Missouri districts that have adopted the Missouri PLC model as compared to those that have not adopted the Missouri PLC model? What are the perceptions of administrators of Missouri PLC districts regarding the Missouri PLC program and student achievement? Three years of math and communication arts data were analyzed in this study. Yearly mean scores were compared by applying a <i>t</i>-test to determine if a statistical significance existed between PLC implementation and student learning. Missouri PLC exemplary schools' data were analyzed and compared to data of like-demographic, non-PLC implementing schools. The data revealed, in the area of communication arts, no statistical significant difference in student achievement between PLC exemplary schools and non-PLC schools. These findings led to the decision to not reject the null hypothesis and not support the alternative hypothesis. A statistical significant difference was found in the area of math, and an overall conclusion was drawn that supported the alternate hypothesis and rejected the null hypothesis. In addition, interviews were conducted with Missouri PLC exemplary school administrators to gain perspectives into the daily successful workings and effect of the Missouri PLC model on student achievement. Administrators from the PLC exemplary schools attributed gains in student achievement to PLC implementation.</p>

A survey of selected Indiana teachers regarding utilization of students' test results

Cheesman, Dorothy Anne January 1969 (has links)
There is no abstract available for this dissertation.

Independent school entrance testing as a predictor of student academic success

Papenhausen, Nan V. 23 January 2015 (has links)
<p> Much research has been done on the correlations between SAT and ACT scores and student performance in college. However, research into independent school practices reveals little has been done at this level. The test many independent schools use is the ISEE (Independent School Entrance Exam). To date, no local or national research has been done on the correlation of ISEE scores and student performance. The purpose of this study was to analyze the school's historical entrance test scores and conduct research to determine how well they correlate with students' success at the school, specifically with freshmen end of year weighted GPA. </p><p> Data were gathered for all current, graduated, withdrawn, and expelled students from 2005-2012. For each student, the data included the ISEE scores in verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, reading comprehension, and mathematics achievement. Also gathered was each student's 9<sup>th</sup> grade weighted cumulative GPA. Seven extracts were performed to identify students who were new freshmen to the high school beginning with 2005. </p><p> The study concluded that the test scores are not the best predictor of student success, but they are a factor to be taken into consideration. Regression analysis revealed a weak positive relationship among the four ISEE sub scores and end of year freshman weighted GPA. Combined, the four showed that 30% of the variability of GPA can be attributed to the testing results. </p><p> Not easily measured, admission decisions are a delicate balance of qualitative and quantitative measures. </p><p> The school will use the research as a guideline for admission decisions and use caution in proceeding in the overuse of test scores as a large mitigating factor. It is known that there is a relationship but decision-makers must take a holistic approach.</p>

A study of selected respone aberrance indices as alternatives to the standard error of measurement in interpreting individual text scores: y Judy A. Shishido

Shishido, Judy A January 1991 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1991. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 126-136) / Microfiche. / x, 136 leaves, bound ill. 29 cm

A comparison of methods for estimating internal consistency reliability of tests with dichotomously-scored items

Lupien, Alfred E January 1995 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1995. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 154-160). / Microfiche. / xiv, 160 leaves, bound ill. 29 cm

Assessing and enhancing learning outcomes in an architectural context : meaning equivalence methodology versus traditional formats of testing /

Seeratan, Kavita Latchmi, January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Toronto, 2006. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 67-06, Section: A, page: 2054. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 126-139).

A study of the response to accountability and standardized testing in a state university system predictive models, gatekeeping strategies, and intervention in teacher education /

Barton, Mary Lynn. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ed. D.)--Indiana University of Pennsylvania. / Includes bibliographical references.

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