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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Knowledge, attitude and practices of prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV(PMTCT) among women of child bearing age, in Karu Village, Abuja, Nigeria

Mamudu, Rashidat Amanosi 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: An estimated 34 million people worldwide are infected with HIV with 52% of them being women (UNAIDS, 2011), of this figure, an estimated 3.4 million are said to be children below the age of 15years. Sub Saharan Africa accounts for up to 90% of this burden in children. Nigeria, the most populous nation is Saharan African still contributes up to 30% of the global burden of mother to child transmission of HIV which is a major source of infection in children. According to the Federal ministry of health 2010 ANC survey report, the country has a prevalence of 4.1%. The Federal Capital Territory (FCT) where Karu village is located ranked 5th among the 36 states and Federal capital territory in Nigeria with a prevalence of 8.7%. Urban prevalence is 8.6% while the rural prevalence is 8.2%. An exploratory descriptive study was conducted among women of child bearing age (18 to 49years) living in Karu village, Abuja, FCT, North central Nigeria. A semi structured questionnaire designed to assess the knowledge, attitude and practices of prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV was administered by the researcher on 120 women of child bearing age living in Karu village after obtaining their consent. The study received an ethical review and approval from FCT human research ethics committee at the Health Department of the Federal capital development agency and Stellenbosch University, ethic committee. Findings from the 120 women who gave consent to participate showed that 28.33% had sufficient knowledge of how MTCT can occur with 77% having insufficient knowledge of how MTCT occur, 51.67% of them have sufficient knowledge of how PMTCT can be achieved while 48.33% do not. Of the participant surveyed, 89.17% of them have ever been pregnant while 24.17% were pregnant at the time of the survey, the bulk of the participants were between the ages of 18 to 34 with only 22.5% of them within the age of 35 – 49 years. From this study, women in Karu village were identified to have high level of general knowledge regarding MTCT and PMTCT of HIV but in-depth knowledge of both is still insufficient among a large group of women. Health workers and mass media were identified as key sources of information regarding MTCT and PMTCT of HIV and majority of women have favourable attitude towards PMTCT interventions but practices of these interventions is still relatively low. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ongeveer 34 miljoen mense is wêreldwyd aangetas deur MIV, waarvan 52% vroue is (UNAIDS, 2011). Hiervan is ongeveer 3.4 miljoen na bewering kinders onder die ouderdom van 15 jaar. Tot 90% van hierdie infeksie by kinders kom in sub-Sahara-Afrika voor. Nigerië, die digsbevolkte staat in sub-Sahara-Afrika, dra tot 30% van die globale las van moeder-tot-kind-oordrag van MIV, wat ’n groot bron van infeksie onder kinders is. Volgens die Federale Ministerie van Gesondheid 2010 ANC-opnameverslag het die land ’n voorkomssyfer van 4.1%. Die Federal Capital Territory (FCT), waar die dorp Karu geleë is, is as 5de van die 36 state in Nigerië geklassifiseer met ’n voorkomssyfer van 8.7%. Die stedelike voorkomssyfer is 8.6% teenoor die landelike voorkomssyfer van 8.2%. ’n Ondersoekende, beskrywende studie is uitgevoer onder vroue van vrugbare leeftyd (18 tot 49 jaar) wat in die dorp Karu, Abuja, FCT, Noord-sentrale Nigerië, woon. ’n Halfgestruktureerde vraelys is ontwerp om die kennis, houdings en voorkomingspraktyke van moeder-tot-kind-oordrag (MTCT) van MIV te beoordeel. Dit is deur die navorser toegepas op 120 vroue van vrugbare leeftyd wat in die dorp Karu woon nadat hul toestemming daartoe verkry is. Die studie het ’n etiese oorsig en goedkeuring van die FCT mensenavorsing-etiekkomitee by die Departement van Gesondheid van die federale hoofstad se ontwikkelingsagentskap en die Universiteit Stellenbosch se etiekkomitee ontvang. Bevindings van die 120 vroue wat ingestem het om deel te neem het getoon dat 28.33% toereikende kennis gehad het van hoe MTCT kan voorkom, met 77% wat onvoldoende kennis gehad het van hoe MTCT voorkom. Van hulle het 51.67% genoegsame kennis gehad van hoe PMTCT verkry kan word, terwyl 48.33% nie oor hierdie kennis beskik het nie. Van die deelnemers wat waargeneem is, was 89.17% al swanger, terwyl 24.17% tydens die opname swanger was. Die meerderheid van die deelnemers was tussen 18 en 34 jaar oud, met slegs 22.5% wat in die ouderdomsgroep 35 – 49 jaar geval het. Uit hierdie studie het geblyk dat vroue van die dorp Karu geïdentifiseer is as mense wat ’n hoë vlak van algemene kennis omtrent MTCT en PMTCT van MIV gehad het, maar dieptekennis van albei sake is steeds ontoereikend by ’n groot groep vroue. Gesondheidswerkers en die massamedia is geïdentifiseer as sleutelbronne van kennis oor MTCT en PMTCT van MIV en die meeste vroue het ’n gunstige houding teenoor PMTCT-intervensies, maar die toepassing van hierdie intervensies is nog betreklik laag.

The perceptions of students about risky behaviour that could make them vulnerable to HIV infection

Nghaamwa, Twahafifwa Ndahekelekwa Tupavali 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The existing studies have shown that HIV is highly prevalent among the students at the institutions of higher learning. However, none of the studies has established the perceptions of risky behaviour that could lead to HIV infections among students. The chief aim of this study was is to establish the perceptions of the students at the Polytechnic of Namibia towards the risky behaviour which could make them vulnerable to HIV and ADIS in order to improve the life skill programmes and HIV and AIDS awareness programme. The objectives of the study were to establish the knowledge of the students about HIV infection, to evaluate what the students perceive as risky behaviour and identify risks that expose students to contracting HIV, to determine the perceptions of the students about risky behaviour that makes them vulnerable to HIV and AIDS, to identify the students’ attitudes towards a person living with HIV and AIDS, and to suggest strategies that can be implemented to improve HIV and AIDS awareness among the students and enhance life skills programme, and HIV and AIDS education. The objectives were met through a quantitative approach conducted to gather data from 500 full time students at PoN, the second largest institution of higher learning in Windhoek, the capital city of Namibia, in July 2013. The data was collected by using a self-administered questionnaire which exclusively consisted of close-ended questions. Ethical approval was obtained from the Ethics Committee of Stellenbosch University. The permission to conduct the study was requested and given from the registrar at the PoN. The participants were given a consent form to sign as an indication that they consent to take part in the study. Data collected was analysed using Epi-Info software and presented by means of pie charts, frequency tables, and bar graphs. It was found the students have efficient general knowledge on HIV and AIDS. The perceptions of risky behaviour were generally acceptable, however some students lack information on the epidemic. It was recommended that HIV and AIDS education and awareness programmes be expanded. Elimination of perceptions, and negative beliefs and reduction of alcohol and drug abuse among students are further recommended.

Knowledge and acceptance of male circumcision as an HIV prevention procedure among plantation workers at Border Limited, Zimbabwe

Mhangara, Taremeredzwa 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Industrial Psychology. Africa Centre for HIV/AIDS Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study sought to establish the level of knowledge of people on the medical benefits of male circumcision, especially the protective effect against HIV, with the aim of gathering baseline information on the subject for future health promotion programmes. A cross-section survey was conducted at Border Timbers Limited forest management units with 220 respondents that were conveniently selected into the study, and of these 49% were males and the reminder females. The data were collected using two questionnaires; one for females and the other for males. The data was analyzed using an Epi Info programme. The findings showed that, there was little knowledge on the benefits of male circumcision as they scored an average score of three out of eight, and 66% scored less than 50%. Striking was that that females were more knowledgeable than their male counterparts. Less than 20% knew of the protective effect of male circumcision against HIV. Fifty eight percent of the respondents had negative perceptions of the procedure, and 55% of the respondents were of the opinion that, male circumcision should be stopped with as little as twenty percent of the uncircumcised men willing to be circumcised. Under a third of the total respondents (26.7%) expressed their willingness to circumcise their male children. Medically conducted circumcision was preferred by 95% of the respondents over traditionally conducted circumcision. Based on the above; the study concluded that, raising people's knowledge on benefits of male circumcision would help in changing people's perceptions and increase the acceptability of the procedure. It is recommended that the government together with the private sector urgently need to carry awareness campaigns to raise workplace on how male circumcision can reduce chances of getting HIV. Furthermore, traditional circumcision practice should be encouraged and the practitioners trained to carry the procedure in a safe way. Further studies are recommended to assess the impact of stigma on the already circumcised in order to effectively plan and overcome societal barriers for the recommended strategies to make an impact. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie poog om die vlak van kennis van mense rakende die mediese voordele van manlike besnyding te vestig, veral die voorkomende effek teen MIV met die doel om basislyn inligting oor die onderwerp van toekomstige gesondheidsbevoordelings programme te bevorder. 'n Proefopname is uitgevoer by die Border Timbers Beperk bosbestuur eenhede met 220 respondente wat gerieflik gekies is, waarvan 49% mans en die res vroue is. Data is ingesamel met behulp van twee vraelyste vir vrouens en mans onderskeidelik. Die data was ontleed deur gebruik te maak van die Epi Info program. Die bevindinge het getoon dat daar min kennis oor die voordele van manlike besnyding is, aangesien 'n gemiddelde telling van drie uit agt behaal is en 66% respondente het minder as 50% behaal. Wat opvallend was, is dat vroue meer kennis as hul manlike eweknieë oor die onderwerp gehad het. Minder as 20% het geweet van die beskermende effek van manlike besnyding teen MIV. Agt en vyftig persent van die respondente het negatiewe persepsies oor die proses en 55% van die respondente was van mening dat manlike besnyding gestop moet word en so min as twintig persent van die onbesnyde mans is bereid om besny te word. Minder as 'n derde van die totale respondente (26,7%) was bereid om hul manlike kinders te besny. Medies uitgevoerde besnyding was verkies deur 95% van die respondente teenoor tradisionele besnyding. Gegrond op bogenoemde, het hierdie studie bevind dat die verhoging van mense se kennis oor die voordele van manlike besnyding sal help om mense se persepsies asook die verhoging van aanvaarbaarheid van die proses te verander. Daar word aanbeveel dat die regering, tesame met die privaatsektor dringend bewusmakingsveldtogte moet uitvoer om die werksplek op te voed oor hoe manlike besnyding die kanse om MIV te verminder. Verder moet tradisionele besnydingspraktyke aangemoedig word en praktisyne moet opgelei word om die prosedure op „n veilige manier uit te voer. Verdere studies word aanbeveel om die impak van stigma op die reeds besnydes te assesseer om doeltreffend te beplan en om maatskaplike hindernisse te oorkom vir die aanbevole strategieë om 'n impak te maak.

The sense of coherence and resilience of HIV-positive students in the support group of a university in the Eastern Cape

Hoho, Veliswa Nomfundu 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Most research in South Africa with regard to HIV/AIDS focuses on the HIV counseling and testing of university students while little attention has been paid to how HIV-positive students cope in the support groups within the institutions of higher learning. The study aimed at determining and describing the sense of coherence and the resilience of HIVpositive students in a university in the Eastern Cape Province and exploring the differences between the demographics, using the subscale of the sense of coherence (SOC-29) and the resilience assessment questionnaire (RAQ). The students who were registered with the university were chosen as participants by means of non-probability purposive sampling technique. The sample consisted of 40 students (Males = 10; Females = 30). A t-test analysis revealed statistically significant differences between demographics (language) and comprehensibility subscale of the sense of coherence (SOC). Furthermore, statistically significant differences between languages, interaction and problem-solving scales of RAQ were noted. The Cronbach‟s Alpha for SOC and RAQ yielded 0.74 and 0.94 respectively in this study. The results show that the participants were coping fairly well with a chronic disease like HIV/AIDS and that their resilience was also average. The main recommendation is that the university should increase HIV/AIDS coping be done on a larger scale in an institution that has different race groups. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die meeste navorsing oor MIV/Vigs in Suid-Afrika fokus op MIV-voorligting en toetsing. Baie min aandag word egter gegee aan die mate waartoe MIV-positiewe student waarde vind binne die ondersteuningsgroepe wat binne Suid-Afrikaaanse Universiteite bestaan. Hierdie navorsingsprojek poog om 'n beskrywing te gee van twee konstrukte naamlik “sense of coherence” en “resilience” en te beskryf hoe dit manifesteer binne 'n groep MIVpositiewe studente aan 'n Universiteit in die Oos-Kaap. 'n Steekproef van 40 student ( 20 manlik en 20 vroulik) is vir die studie gebruik en die SOC-29 en Rao vraelyste is by hulle geadministreer ten einde onderskeidelik “sense of coherence” en “resilience” te meet. Die t-toets is in die analise van data gebruik . Resultate toon aan dat deelnemers oor die algemeen goed vaar in hulle die hantering van kroniese siektes soos MIV/Vigs en dat hulle vermoë om hulle lewe te normaliseer ( resilience) redelik goed is. Die aanbeveling wat uit die studie gemaak word is dat universiteite MIV/Vigs hanteringsprogramme moet verbeter en dat daar gepoog moet word on beter ondersteuningsmeganismes vir studente met MIV/Vigs daar te stel.

An exploration of the barriers (socio-cultural) to successful implementation of PMTCT in Eastern Cape

Marutle, Lillian Dipuo 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research provides some insight into some of the socio-cultural barriers hindering the implementation of MTCT programmes in Eastern Cape. In most parts of the world today, HIV infection is increasing faster among women more than men. The resulting infection of women is that many babies born to HIV mother become automatically infected. Mother-to-Child transmission (MTCT) of HIV is most significant source of HIV infection in children. Of the estimated 36 million people living with HIV/AIDS, 1.4 million are children (UNAIDS, 2002). The devastating effect of MTCT, prompted the South African government to initiate an urgent programme. In 2000, the SA government set up 18 pilot sites, including 2 sites in Eastern-Cape; the East London Complex, to curb children HIV infection. However, four years after the inception of the programme its success still depends largely on many factors, one of which is the socio-cultural barrier. This research therefore set out to explore some aspect of these socio-cultural barriers that is hindering the PMTCT programme in Eastern Cape. The research report consists of five chapters. Chapter 1. Deals with the introduction into the topic. Chapter 2. Summarises the literature on PMTCT associated with the research, as well as risk factors associated with PMTCT and possible interventions that were identified in various literature that attempts to reduce MTCT. Chapter 3. Focus on the research methodology. It explains the study design, the research aim and objectives, the study population and data analysis resulting from the research. Chapter 4. The results of the research findings is discussed in-dept in this chapter. An overarching theme of high level of societal stigma emerged as the key socio-cultural barrier. Chapter 5. This chapter discusses the identified socio-cultural barrier as well as possible recommendations as to how to address some of these barriers and also suggestion for further research. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie navorsing bied ‘n mate van insig tot sommige van die sosiokulturele beperkinge wat die implementering van sogenaamde MTCT-programme in die Ooskaap kortwiek. In die meeste wêrelddele styg die voorkoms van die HIV-virus onder vroue tans vinniger as onder mans. Die resultaat daarvan is dat die babas van geïnfekteerde vroue outomaties ook geïnfekteer word. Moeder-tot-kind-oordrag MTKO (Mother-to-child transmission –MTCT) van MIV is die hoofsaaklike bron van infeksie in kinders. Van die geskatte 36 miljoen mense wat tans met MIV/VIGS lewe, is 1, 4 miljoen kinders (UNAIDS, 2002). Die vernietigende effek van MTKO het die Suidafrikaanse regering daartoe genoop om ‘n dringende program van stapel te stuur. Gedurende die jaar 2000, het die SA regering beslag gegee aan 18 loodsterreine, waarvan 2 in die Ooskaap-Oos-Londen-kompleks, om MIV-infeksies onder kinders te begin beperk. Vier jaar na die aanvang van die program, egter, is die sukses daarvan steeds afhanklik van ‘n veeltal faktore, een waarvan die sosio-kulturele grens is. Om hierdie rede was hierdie navorsing daarop ingestel om sommige aspekte van hierdie sosio-kulturele grense wat die VMTKO-programme (Voorkomig van MTKO) in die Ooskaap bemoeilik, van nader te ondersoek. Die navorsingsverslag bestaan uit vyf hoofstukke. Hoofstuk 1. Handel oor die inleiding tot die onderwerp. Hoofstuk 2. Som die bestaande literatuur oor VMTKO op sover dit op die navorsing van toepassing is; insluitende risikofaktore wat met VMTKO geassosieer word asook moontlike intervensies met die oog op pogings om MTKO te verlaag, soos geïdentifiseer in verskeie bronne in die literatuur. Hoofstuk 3. Fokus op die navorsings metodologie. Dit verduidelik die ontwerpbeginsels van die studie, die navorsingsdoelstellings en oogmerke, die teikengroep van die studie en die data-analise voortspruitend uit die navorsing. Hoofstuk 4. Die navorsingsresultate word hierin in diepte bespreek. ‘n Oorheersende tema van stigma binne gemeenskapsverband tree as sentrale sosiokulturele grens na vore. Hoofstuk 5. Die geïdentifiseerde sosiokulturele grense word bespreek en moontlike aanbevelings gemaak ten opsigte van hoe sulke grense aangespreek kan word, asook voorstelle vir verdere navorsing.

The experienced reality of married Shona women : the impact of their husband's sexual practices on them and the relationship

Chimbandi, Prisca Ruvimbo 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhill)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Given the impact that culture has on individuals‟ behaviour and the relation that behaviour especially sexual behaviour has with the spread of HIV/AIDS, the research took a look at the Shona culture and the impact that the married Shona men and their sexual practices had on their wives and the overall relationship/marriage. Interviews were conducted with married Shona women with the aim of getting recent information on the Shona culture and the practices of married Shona men so as to establish the levels of risk and the uncover vulnerabilities that are current. Information obtained from these interviews showed that although the Shona culture promotes certain behaviours amongst married people, some of these practices are being done away with but unfortunately not at a fast enough pace and because of this there is still a lot of work that needs to be done to ensure that risk of infection amongst married Shona couples is reduced and levels of vulnerability are tackled as well. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie navorsingsprojek ondersoek die invloed van kultuur op die gedrag van „n individu en meer spesifiek, die invloed van individuele gedrag op die verspreiding van MIV/Vigs. Die studie ondersoek die Shona kultuur en die invloed wat die getroude Shona man het op die seksuele praktyke in die huwelik. Onderhoude is met getroude Shona vroue gevoer ten einde eerstehandse inligting te verky oor die invoed wat Shona kultuur op die Shona huwelik het en om verder te bepaal in watter mate die getroude Shona vrou onnodig aan die risiko van MIV blootgestel word. Inligting wat in hierdie ondersoek versamel is dui daarop dat die Shona kultuur nog steeds seker praktyke tussen getroude persone aanmoeding en dat dit nog steeds die risiko van MIV-oordraging verhoog. Daar is weliswaar met sekere van hierdie praktyke weggedoen, maar daar is nog steeds verskeie praktyke wat voortbestaan en wat MIV-oordraging verhoog. Die pas waarteen kultuur aanpas by die verhoogde waarskynlikheid van MIV-oordraging tussen getroude Shona mans en vrouens is nog steeds te stadig. Sekere voorstelle word in die studie gemaak ten einde te probeer om hierdie kultureel-gedrewe risiko vir MIV/Vigs-oordraging te beperk.

The impact of stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV and AIDS: An investigation into why family members attrbute death to other diseases

Mathavha, Thomas 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research paper is based on the perception of people over the death by HIV and Aids. It looks at the impact of culture and beliefs on the management of HIV and Aids in the community and also in the country as whole. This research aims to establish the root course of covering death of by HIV and Aids, often due to fear of discrimination and isolation. Communities need to be educated on discrimination and stigma that comes about with people living with HIV and Aids. This study was conducted at Mvelaphanda Primary School children, in Tembisa, Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality in Gauteng, South Africa. The main focus was on the death of parents of the learners at the school and ultimately learners themselves, who some of them where born with HIV epidemic. Some of the children became orphans of the disease. The collection of data was in three fold: questionnaire, interview and observation and discussions. The information gathered was manipulated to bring about the expected results. Analysis of the data indicated that where there is no behavioral and attitude change, there would be more death by the pandemic than ever before. It is the responsibility of everyone, be it heads of families, religious leaders, politicians, business people and teachers to fight against the spread of HIV and Aids pandemic. This study has also discovered that medical report on the cause of death is concealed in order for policies to payout. This distortion of information does not help in the fight against the spread of HIV and Aids All stakeholders should work together in the support of those will disclose their status without fear of rejection, isolation and discriminated against. Schools, churches and community gatherings should be better used as a plat-form for that. If such conditions are created the spread of the HIV will be reduced and the prevention strategy will succeed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die navorsing handel oor die persepsie van mense teenoor dood as gevolg van MIV/Vigs. Dit ondersoek die impak van kultuur en geloof op die bestuur van MIV/Vigs binne 'n gemeenskap in die besonder en binne die land in die algemeen. Die doel van die navorsing was om die grondoorsaak waarom daar dikwels gediskrimeer word teenoor persone wat sterf weens MIV te identifiseer en om te bepaal waarom mense wat met MIV leef dikwels “uitgewerp” word uit die gemeenskap. Die studie is gedoen by die Mvelaphanda Primêre Skool in Tembisa, in die Ekuhuleni Metropool van die Gauteng provinsie van Suid-Afrika. Die primêre fokus van die studie was op die invloed wat die dood as gevolg van Vigs op die kinders in die skool gehad het. Data is ingesamel deur middel van vraelyste en onderhoude asook deur waarneming en besprekings. Ontleding van die data het aangetoon dat indien daar nie positiewe gedragverandering plaasvind nie, daar meer sterftes as gevolg van Vigs verwag kan word. Daar word aanbevelings gemaak oor hoe belangroepe kan meehelp om stigma en diskriminasie te verminder en sodoende kan meehelp om die verdere verspreiding van die pandemie te beperk.

The relationship between knowledge of HIV/AIDS and sexual behaviour among care workers (HCWs) in General Hospital Ogoja

Onyedinachi, Okezie Enyinnaya 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Nigeria has the second highest disease burden of HIV/AIDS in sub Saharan Africa after South Africa with adult HIV prevalence of 4.1%, with an estimated 3,130 million people living with HIV (Male-1,320,000: Female-1,820,000-2010) (FMOH, 2010). The HIV epidemic in Cross River state is 7.1% in 2010; and ranks as the 9th highest in the country. General Hospital Ogoja is one of the secondary level hospitals in Cross River State of Nigeria that offers Comprehensive HIV/AIDS services. Although the prevalence of HIV is very high in Cross River state (7%) that of General Hospital is not readily known. The uptake of HIV Counseling and Testing (HCT) among health care workers is relatively low, despite the fact that the awareness of HIV and AIDS in Nigeria by adult population is said to be generally very high (93.8%).The use of condom in the last sex act was low (16%) despite the fact that sexual transmission is the predominant mode of HIV spread in Nigeria (NARHS 2007) To determine whether the knowledge health care workers in GH Ogoja have about HIV/AIDS affect their sexual behaviour; a quantitative approach of research design was used through a questionnaire A total of one hundred and thirty questionnaires were distributed and all were returned. There were few abstentions on some of the questions possibly due to its private nature but generally the overall responses were devoid of inconsistencies and the response rate was well over 98%. The findings from the study showed that greater that 90% of the respondents are quite knowledgeable with the cause of HIV, modes of transmission and prevention of HIV. While the respondents exhibit a high knowledge with respect to modes of transmission through sexual intercourse(96.8%); their knowledge with respect to safer sex practices with use of condom in penetrative sex calls for further review. It would be expected that 100% of all respondent will be fully abreast with information on the modes of transmission of HIV and its prevention. Condom use in stable relationship connotes different meanings to the respondents. While 109(85.2%) of the 128 respondents agreed to the use of condom among couples when the status of one of their partner is unknown. The response to the question on whether the use of condom affects sexual relationship portrays an interesting finding. 71(55.4%) of the total respondents disagreed with the fact that condom use affect sexual relationship while 42(32.8%) respondents agreed. It may not be out of place to assume that a lot of HCWs may not be condomizing effectively based on the impression that condom use during sex affect sexual relationship. Health care workers live and interact freely with other members of the society and are potential bridging group for disseminating HIV into the larger population. The finding from GH Ogoja portrays the fact that though the knowledge of HIV among them is very high their full application of the knowledge with respect to sexual behavioural change is still doubtful. A more qualitative study like focus group discussion will assist in unraveling this observation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Nigerië het die tweede grootste voorkoms van MIV in Afrika suid van die Sahara. ‘n Beraamde 3,130 miljoen mense leef na beraming met MIV en die voorkoms in die Cross River Staat van die land was 7.1% in 2010; die negende grootste voorkoms in die land. Die doel van die studie was die bepalin van die kennisvlakke van werkers in die Algemene Hospitaal van Ogoda en ‘n kwantitatiewe benadering en navorsingsontwerp is vir die studie gebruik. ‘n Totaal van 130 vraelyste is geadministreer en ongeveer 90% s terug ontvang. Bevindings van die studie het aangetoon dat meer as 90% van die respondente ‘n bevredigende kennis van MIV het en dat hulle ook goed ingelig is oor die wyses waarop die epidemie versprei word en die metodes waarvolgens verspreiding van die epidemie beperk kan word. Die data van die studie word verder ontleed en meer spesifiekebevindings word gerapporteer. Aabeveling vir die beter opleiding van werkers by die Ogoda Hospitaal word gemaak en voorstelle vir verdere studies word ook gemaak.

Factors that make women vulnerable to HIV/AIDS

Mokwena, Malebo Sophie 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background: Globally the percentage of women living with HIV is high. They constitute 48% of people living with HIV. The purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of specific factors known to make women vulnerable to HIV/AIDS infection. Objective: The specific factors investigated were cultural beliefs, economic dependence and sexual abuse and their affect (if any) on women in Bela-Bela (Warmbaths) in the Limpopo province of South Africa. The population of 30 women who attend HIV/AIDS support groups in the area was targeted. Twenty respondents were asked to complete questionnaires. A convenience sampling method was used. Research Design: A descriptive research design was used, with data collected through questionnaires. The questionnaire was structured in English and for those who did not understand the language; the questions were explained in their own language. Data was collected on six occasions. The number of participants interviewed per session varied as it depended on the availability of participants on those days. Results: Though the sample used was small which makes it is difficult to draw definite conclusions, the results revealed that women in the area are vulnerable to HIV because of factors such as cultural beliefs (in particular the value of marriage and children), economic dependence and sexual abuse. Conclusion and Recommendation: Findings in this study indicate that unemployment may put women in unfavourable economic position and force them into vulnerable behaviour such as having unsafe sex and sex for money. Findings further revealed that the value of children is put in high regard by the respondents. Having children is seen as a way of proving to the community that they are fertile. This may put women at risk of HIV as they are engaging in unprotected sex. The results show that many women are still exposed to forced sex. There is a need for further research in this regard. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agtergrond: Die aantal vroue wat wêreldwyd MIV onderlede het, beloop’n geskatte 48% van alle mense wat met die siekte saamleef. Hierdie studie ondersoek spesifieke faktore wat bekend daarvoor is om vroue kwesbaar te maak vir die virus. Doelstelling: Die spesifieke faktore wat ondersoek word is kulturele oortuigings, ekonomiese afhanklikheid en seksuele misbruik en die invloed daarvan (indien enigsins) onder vroue van Bela Bela in die Limpopo Provinsie van Suid Afrika. ‘n Groep van 30 vroue wat MIV/Vigs onderlede het en aan ondersteuningsgroepe in die area behoort, is geteiken vir die studie. Twintig respondente het vraelyste ingevul. Navorsingsontwerp: ‘n Beskrywende navorsingontwerp is gebruik, met data wat versamel is deur middel van vraelyste. Die vraelyste was in Engels en vir diegene wat nie die taal verstaan het nie, is dit in hul eie taal verduidelik. Data is op ses geleenthede bymekaar gemaak. Die getal deelnemers wat deelgeneem het per sessie het afgehang van die beskikbaarheid van deelnemers op die verskillende dae. Uitslae: Alhoewel die steekproef klein was wat dit bemoeilik het om defnitiewe afleidings te maak, het die uitslae gewys dat vroue in die area kwesbaar is vir MIV as gevolg van die spesifieke faktore wat ondersoek is, veral kulturele oortuigings (spesifiek oor die huwelik en geboorte). Gevolgtrekkings en Aanbevelings: Resultate in die studie het gewys dat onstabiele ekonomiese omstandighede soos werkloosheid vroue in ‘n ongunstige posisie plaas en hulle moontlik dwing om onbeskermde seks of seks vir geld te hê. Die bevindinge het ook onthul dat om kinders te hê hooggeag word deur die deelnemers in die studie aangesien dit gesien word as ‘n simbool van vrugbaarheid. Dit beteken dus hulle het onbeskermde seks en moontlike blootstelling aan MIV. Die uitslae wys verder dat baie vroue nog blootgestel word aan seks wat op hul afgedwing word. Daar is ‘n behoefte vir verdere navorsing in hierdie verband.

Gender related factors that lead to depression after diagnosis with HIV/AIDS

Mufukari, Fungai 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: People diagnosed as being HIV positive or having AIDS develop depression as they attempt to cope with their daily lives. Some studies have indicated the prevalence of depression and anxiety in people living with HIV/AIDS is higher than in the general population. An evaluation of gender related factors that lead to depression after a diagnosis with HIV/AIDS will highlight the incidences and frequency of what individuals experience in their daily lives. The research is a descriptive study in which the factors that cause depression after HIV/AIDS diagnosis were identified and related to gender. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used to analyse the responses elicited from the participants in the sample. Twenty five PLHAs who had been diagnosed with depression were selected from patients attending both Nthabiseng and Luthando Clinics at Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital in Soweto, Johannesburg. A questionnaire was designed to gather demographic as well as information regarding family, social and economic history. A short interview was also conducted with selected patients to determine in their own words what causes their depression. The selected patient hospital charts were analysed to gain additional information to complete the equation. A semi structured interview was conducted with 13 selected health care professionals to gather information on how they see depression in the presence of HIV and whether they are adequately equipped to detect and manage this condition. The findings from this study supported the view depression is present or develops after a positive HIV diagnosis and a difference was detected in the causes of depression in women and that of men. Common causes of depression after HIV diagnosis were denial, fear of death and social insecurity. Women were more likely to attribute their depression to denial and worry about work and family responsibility. Men attributed their depression to failure to provide for their family and loss of social status. Recognising the causes of and gender differences in the causes of HIV-related depression may help in designing more effective counselling strategies and improve management and care of PLHAs. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar is 'n aantal mense wat nie aan depressie ly voordat hulle met HIV gediagnoseer word nie. Meeste studies dui aan dat die voorkoms van depressie en angstigheid by mense wat lewe met MIV en VIGS heelwat hoër is as die algemene MIV populasie. Baie mense, insluitende gesondheidsorgwerkers, neem aan dat depressie 'n onontsnapbare newe-effek is van MIV/VIGS diagnose. Dus mag dit gebeur dat depressie ongesiens verby gaan, onbehandeld, met die gevolg van oneffektiewe behandeling, riskante optrede, swak bestuur van MIV/VIGS en 'n lae lewenskwaliteit vir hierdie pasiënte. Hierdie navorsingsartikel kyk na die geslags-verwante faktore wat lei tot depressie na die diagnosering van MIV/VIGS. Die navorsing is 'n beskrywende studie waarin faktore wat depressie in MIV/VIGS gediagnoseerde pasiënte veroorsaak identifiseer en gedifferensieer word afhangende van geslag. Kwantitatiewe asook kwalitatiewe metodes is gebruik. Dertig PLHAs wat met depressie gediagnoseer is, word behandel in Nthabiseng asook Luthando Kliniek by die Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospitaal in Soweto, Johannesburg. Nthabiseng is die MIV Kliniek en Luthando is die psigiatriese kliniek vir MIV/VIGS pasiënte. 'n Vraelys is saamgestel om demografiese asook familie, sosiologiese en ekonomiese inligting te verkry. 'n Kort onderhoud is ook met sommige pasiënte gehou om in hul eie woorde te hoor wat hul glo hul depressie veroorsaak. Die geselekteerde pasiënte se hospitaal kaarte is geanaliseer, met die doel om die dokter se insette of redes te kry oor die pasiënte se depressie. 'n Semi-gestruktureerde onderhoud was gedoen met gesondheidsorgwerkers in Luthando- en Nthabiseng klinieke om inligting te verkry oor hoe hierdie professionele gesondheidsorgwerkers depressie sien by MIV/VIGS pasiënte en of hul bevoegd is om dit te identifiseer en te behandel. Die studie het bevind dat daar 'n verskil is by oorsake van depressie by vroue en oorsake van depressie by mans. Mees algemene oorsake van depressie by MIV/VIGS pasiënte is ontkenning, vrees van dood en sosiale onstabiliteit. By die vroue het ontkenning en bekommernis oor werk- en familie verantwoordelikhede meestal bygedra tot hierdie depressie, en by die mans was dit meer asof daar 'n algemene terleurstelling geheers het in hul gemoed. 'n Terleurstelling deurdat hul nie vir hul families sal kan sorg nie asook die vernedering in die sosiale netwerk. Om die verskille in MIV-geassosieerde depressie gebasseer op geslag te kan herken mag bydra tot die ontwerp van meer effektiewe beradingstrategië.

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